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Sura soothing to the soul. Reading the Quran to calm the soul and heart. Strong prayer to calm down and not get nervous

Islam is one of the most beautiful world religions, which teaches its followers moral and spiritual culture, as well as social relationships. Islam preaches a system of values ​​in which all Muslims (and not only) feel socially protected, because the basis of this system is a highly moral developed personality. And constant self-improvement and moral development are considered the duty of every Muslim.

Islam, as one of the largest world religions, contains a high moral ideal... The Muslim religion calls for the formation of a lifestyle in which everyone will feel comfortable and protected, following clearly defined moral norms that control human life from birth to death. Among these norms, the formation of a highly moral human character is of great importance.

The duty of every believer is moral self-improvement. According to the Holy Quran, Allah is merciful and merciful, and he demands the same from all Muslims, who must show fortitude and a positive attitude towards life.

But in modern conditions of technocracy, it is sometimes difficult to constantly maintain a cheerful mood. An impersonal and indifferent society and difficult living conditions often cause a person to become discouraged and indifferent.

There come moments when, for no apparent reason, the soul begins to suffer and seeks reassurance, nothing brings joy, but in the heart heavy load lies the stone of longing. Despair and depression are cornered. These symptoms indicate that there is no balance in the soul. In this case, only religion, sincere faith and prayer will help any person to restore mental calmness. To calm down and not get nervous, you need a mental attitude and hope for the mercy of the Almighty.

Each soul strives for peace of mind, but each tries to find peace in different ways and makes this path independently. Someone believes that only work and a high income can bring happiness and stability, and they go headlong into everyday problems, trying to increase their wealth. In fact, such a person only drives himself harder into the dead end of a hopeless situation. Because peace is a state of inner peace, a certain state of mind, because someone is calm, content with little.

A Muslim can find real, deep and sincere peace of mind only by turning to Allah, fully relying on Him, hoping for His unlimited mercy. Following the pillars of Islam, fulfilling the obligatory, avoiding the sinful, hoping for the mercy of the Almighty, a person can find true spiritual happiness.

Only Allah Almighty knows what is going on in the shower each person and only he can truly heal her. In the Holy Quran, Allah tells us: "Is it not the remembrance of Allah that the hearts (souls) rest?" (Surah Ar-Ra'ad, ayat 28). And this is the true salvation of any soul lost in the alleys of despondency and melancholic moods. Remembering Allah and reading the Quran is what will heal from any mental wounds and give peace of mind to a tormented soul. Reading the Quran to calm the soul, remembering Allah, understanding that He is omnipresent and knows all the hidden secrets of your soul, makes a person happy in both worlds.

Serenity of the soul is a state of inner serenity, and, first of all, if the peace of mind is disturbed, reading the Quran and certain suras will help. After all, the Koran is the most powerful medicine for a wounded, bleeding soul. Through the reading of the Quran, a person finds peace and tranquility, after which all sorrows, worries and anxieties pass. A person gains confidence and his heart is filled with faith and love for the Almighty.

It can also be useful to listen to beautiful, soothing suras and verses from the Koran. Listening to the Quranic texts, the soul is also filled with calmness and serenity. Especially during periods of severe nervous anxiety and anxiety, it is useful to listen to the verses before bedtime, in a positive mood. You can also listen to dua and prayers for peace of mind.

Listening to the verses is very healthy because:

  • Listening to the Quran has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. The pulse decreases, the pressure stabilizes, the heart calms down.
  • Listening to the Quranic texts has a healing property and helps to fight ailments in patients, with stress, heart and other diseases.
  • Even listening to the Qur'anic text contains tremendous mercy from the Almighty, and this is equated with worship even if you do not understand the meaning of the spoken words.
  • There is tremendous benefit in listening to the Quran, because even this action is promised a reward. Prophet Muhammad noted that only for listening to one verse of the sacred text, a good deed will be recorded for a person.

Healing by the Holy Quran can be divided into two types:

  1. Spiritual. Studies by many scientists show that listening to the holy verses helped sick people get rid of stress even in those cases when the subjects did not understand a single word in Arabic.
  2. Physical. Do not forget that the texts of the Holy Quran call people to physical health. To do this, a person needs to use the honey, milk, meat, fruits mentioned in the holy book - everything that is at his disposal.

Healing duas

The texts of the Holy Quran are healing and capable heal from many diseases, both spiritual and physical, reading the verses helps with mental and heart ailments. The Prophet Muhammad urged to turn to Allah with the help of dua prayers. Prayer is a powerful weapon that can help from many of the troubles that have already happened to a person, and ward off those misfortunes that may happen to him in the future.

Here is a powerful prayer for peace of mind, which will help calm down and not get nervous during periods of severe nervous stress, as well as calm your heart and soul:

Allahumma rahmatakya artu fala takilni ila nafai tarfata ainin. Vaaslikhi shani kullahu la ilaha illa anta.

His translation sounds like this:

O Allah, I wish Your mercy, do not leave me trusting in myself for a moment of an eye, and improve all my affairs. There is no other Lord but You.

This dua will help find peace and tranquility for a tired and wounded soul. But while reading these words, it is important to remember that any healing, even spiritual, comes only from Allah, therefore, during any prayer, you should only turn to Him with all your heart.

This soothing prayer helps in those cases when a person is in constant anxiety, if his nerves are constantly tense, if due to phobias or diseases he is in constant fear. Also, this prayer helps in times of despair, when it seems that hands are about to drop, and there is no hope for a bright future.

It is important to remember that Islam calls for spiritual calmness, pacification, confidence in the future, does not allow mental anxiety and torment. And for this, a person is always helped by reading the Koran and dua prayers.

Attention, only TODAY!

Everyone can be discouraged. After all, there are days when everything falls out of hand - there are no apparent reasons for concern, but still nothing succeeds. This happens when there is no peace in the soul. Shaitans and jinn (demons, evil spirits) inhabit our world invisibly, whether we believe in it or not, want it, or would prefer to live without them.

They have an influence on a person - and this influence is not good or useful. Every opportunity is used by the forces of evil in order to lead a person astray, turn him away from Allah and commit all kinds of evil.

The first stage, the so-called preparation for a thorough shaking of the soul, is precisely the loosening of the nerves - a person for no apparent reason begins to fail, gets nervous and makes mistakes even more. In such a state, a person can even blaspheme the name of Allah - so terrible and insidious are the violent spirits.

It is important (more important than anything else) to regain peace of mind and balance.

This is necessary both for the nervous system of a person and for his soul - one cannot grieve Almighty Allah, who desires the conversion of every person, and for this reason, for instruction and enlightenment, allows genies into a person's life.

In order to calm down and not waste more nerves, succumbing to the provocations of demons, you can read or listen to a prayer to calm you down. What is the best thing to help a devout Muslim in his hardships and troubles? Of course, reading the Holy Quran.

The Muslim prayer for peace of mind is a powerful tool to bring balance and harmony back into your life. Always pray fervently and Allah will save you from despondency and black longing, eating away at the soul from the inside.

Prayer to Alah

"Say (oh Muhammad):" Verily, my prayer, my worship [Allah], my life and death are in the power of Allah, the Lord [of the inhabitants of] the worlds ... "

Prayer for balance

Prayer for the tranquility of the soul is a direct appeal to the Almighty. Whoever read the 4 verses of the Surah "You are on the Straight Path" a hundred times after prayer in the morning will be called the beloved servant of Allah in this world and in the life to come.

For salvation from a dangerous enemy (both visible and disembodied), it is useful to read the verse, which is translated into Russian roughly as “Beware of people whose fathers no one saved, and they were careless ignorant”. Anyone who is afraid to be left alone, let him read a hundred times a different ayah, which means "The majority knew the Word fulfilled on themselves, but did not believe."

If you need the help of those in power, but they oppress you - write a Muslim verse from the Koran with saffron, wash it off with water, and drink it while continuing to read this verse. This will give you peace of mind and self-confidence. This verse is translated as “Verily, We revive the dead and write down what they have done and what they left behind. We have counted every thing in a clear original. "

If demons tempt you with thoughts of your uselessness, write on paper the sacred verse, which means “As a parable, bring them the inhabitants of the village to whom the messengers have come,” wash off the verse with water and drink it.

This will help to get rid of nervous tension, to realize that you are a worthy creation of God, and you cannot but find a couple in the world created by Him.

If, using your inner discord, they are trying to drag you into enmity and quarrel, read and carry with you in handwritten or printed form the ayah “Va ma alaina illal-balagul-mubin”. This means "We are entrusted with only a clear transmission of revelation", the verse helps to return a clear vision of reality and end strife using the arguments of reason.

How to pray correctly?

Before praying, you need to cleanse your soul and body, strive with all your thoughts to Almighty Allah. Before a ritual prayer, especially one in which peace of mind is requested, you must dress in accordance with all the traditions of Islam (if, of course, you are a devout Muslim), cover those parts of the body that are supposed to be closed according to the Koran, before saying , read or even listen to a prayer.

It is useful to listen to Muslim prayers in Arabic, even if you do not fully understand the meaning of all the words. You cannot categorically defile yourself before prayer, interact with various impurities, be dressed in clothes stained with the wool of an "unclean" animal. Those who are defiled by natural ways must wash and cleanse themselves before reading, saying or listening to prayers.

Allah will always support the one who reads or listens to the prayer addressed to him with sincerity.

The Muslim prayer for peace of mind is a reliable means, turning to which every true believer can restore peace to his soul. And among the Orthodox, the prayer of the Optina elders is popular.

Video: Prayer for Calming the Soul

As you know, the Holy Quran has the power to have a beneficial effect on all areas of our life. Often, suras and individual verses of the Book are read as a supplication (dua) to strengthen faith, save the soul and get rid of diseases.

Let us note right away - a person knows little about all the depth, wisdom and possibilities of Divine Revelation. But it is definitely known that the more the servant of Allah reads the Qur'an, the more barakat he will be awarded. This also applies to the material side of the issue, and the improvement of moral well-being.

Surahs for strengthening iman

The Koran begins with the verses known to all Muslims "Al-Fatiha" (or "Opening the Koran" sura). The translation of the name of this Quranic verse not only means that the Book of the Most High begins or opens with it, but also implies that it opens the believer's heart to Allah, strengthening it. After all, it is not for nothing that it says that the Almighty would instruct us, Muslims, on the true Path and alienate the sinful, which inevitably leads to unbelief and delusions.

The importance of this surah and its significance is also confirmed by the fact that it is recited in every rak'ah during prayer. Thus, when a person feels that his faith is weakening, it is first of all desirable for him to start reading the Fatiha verses.

When the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) was asked which surah was the best, he explained that it was "Al-Bakara" ("Cow"), and about the best verse, the Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.) explained - this is Ayatel-Kursi. The significance of the 255th verse lies in the glorification of the strength and power of the Creator. Also, this verse protects against the instigations of the Shaitan. It is especially useful to read Ayatel-Kursi in the morning and at night.

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءتْكُم مَّوْعِظَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَشِفَاء لِّمَا فِي الصُّدُورِ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ

“O people! An admonition, healing for what is in the chest, faithful guidance and mercy for believers came to you from your Lord. "

In surah, the Almighty speaks of the prophets (peace be upon them) and reminds of what the Lord gives to His slaves (verses 78-87). Among the benefits listed is the healing of a Muslim when he falls ill (ayah 80).

Healing can be not only physical but also spiritual. Therefore, these fragments from the Divine Book are useful to read to all those who feel that their faith is weakening, that they are moving away from religion, or worldly concerns do not allow them to develop spiritually.

Question: Assalamu alaykum, dear imam! I would like to know what to do in my situation. I have chronic pulmonary tuberculosis. Every day, in the morning and in the evening, and sometimes to a greater extent, I read it out loud more often, because when I read it out loud, I physically feel very good, as if a second wind is opening. When it’s sad or heavy in my soul, reading the holy book, these states pass and a feeling of happiness comes, although I don’t understand the text, but apparently my soul and heart understand ... And I perceive the sacred words of the Almighty as a medicine for my soul and body!
I adhere to Imam al-Shafi'i. During my period (they go on my debt for 7-12 days) it is very difficult for me without the Koran. I miss him and notice that during this period, when I am not reading, I become weak, although I try to listen to him. But I always want to read it out loud, as I get very great pleasure and recharge. I was told that you cannot read it in such a state. Although my heart does not fully accept this, since this is the best medicine for me in my condition, I want to hear Alim's answer in order to remove doubts and make the right decision. What should I do, what should I do in my situation, is it possible for the patient to read the Koran, despite the fact that I have menstruation, and how to do it correctly, is it possible to read it aloud and with gloves, please give an exact answer, I really need ... And may Allah reward you with good for your labors and forgive you for omissions, may He grant you happiness in both worlds, amin. (Saratov, Russia)


In the name of the Gracious and Merciful Allah!
Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatukh!

Masha-Allah! It is good to know that in reading the Quran you find peace and tranquility. This is one of the great benefits of the Qur'an. After all, these are the words of Allah Himself, and a person can gain the closest connection with Him through the utterance of His words.

The fact that the Quran removes all worries and sorrows is indicated by the prayer that the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) appointed to read out of sadness. His next statement is narrated by Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him):

When sadness overcomes, say the following prayer - and Allah will remove your sadness:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي عَبْدُكَ ابْنُ عَبْدِكَ ابْنُ أَمَتِكَ، نَاصِيَتِي بِيَدِكَ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ، أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ، سَمَّيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ، أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أَحَدًا مِنْ خَلْقِكَ، أَوِ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الْغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ، أَنْ تَجْعَلَ الْقُرْآنَ رَبِيعَ قَلْبِي، وَنُورَ بَصَرِي، وَجِلَاءَ حُزْنِي، وَذَهَابَ هَمِّي

Approximate transliteration: Allahumma inni abduk, ibnu abdiq, ibnu amatik, nasyati biyadik, madyn fiyya hukmuk, adlyun fiyya kadouk, as-aluqya bikullismin khuva lak, fakhaykhaykhaykhaytah bikhiqi bihi fi ilmil-goibi indak, an taj-alal-kur-ana rabi-a kolbi, wa nura basori, wa jilya-a huzni, wa zahaba hammi.

Translation: Oh Allah! I am your slave, the son of your slave, the son of your slave. My forelock is in Your hand, Your command reigns over me, Your judgment of me is just. With each of Your names, which You called yourself, sent down in Your Book, taught someone from Your creations, or chose to leave with You as a guarded secret, I ask You to make the Koran in the spring of my heart, the light of my eyes, the healing of my sorrow and a remedy for my alarms! (Ibn Hibban. Sahih. - No. 972, authentic hadith)

Note: Women reading this plea should be replaced with the word (اللهم إني عبدك ابن عبدك ابن أمتك Allahumma Inni abduk, ibnu abdik) the following: (اللهم إني أمتك بنت عبدك بنت أمتك Allahumma Inni amatuk, abdik bandage, bandage amatik).

If we talk about reading the Quran during menstruation, then this is prohibited. (Al-Bahr-Ur-Raik. - Volume 1, p. 209)

قوله: وقراءة القرآن أي يمنع الحيض قراءة القرآن وكذا الجنابة

This rule is based on a hadith in which the following words of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are narrated:

لا تقرأ الحائض، ولا الجنب شيئا من القرآن
Women during menstruation and those who are in an unclean state, let nothing from the Koran read. (Tirmidhi. - No. 131, narrated by Ibn Umar)

Many hadith scholars, including the imams Munziri and Nawawi (Allah's mercy on them), classified this message as "hasan", that is, considered it valid and acceptable, since other narratives supported its content.

During your period, you cannot recite anything from the Koran, except for those suras and verses that have the meaning of prayers or are prescribed as prayers. This includes, for example, the last three surahs of the Quran, ayat-ul-kursi, the first surah of the Quran, etc., provided that when pronouncing them, you do it as a prayer. (Hashiyat-ut-Tahavi. - pp. 141-142)

ويحرم بالحيض والنفاس ثمانية أشياء قراءة آية من القرآن إلا بقصد الذكر إذا اشتملت عليه لا على حكم أو خبر اهـ وفي حاشية الطحطاوي : قوله : “إلا بقصد الذكر” إي : أو الثناء أو الدعاء إن اشتملت عليه فلا بأس به في أصح الروايات قال فى العيون : ولو أنه قرأ الفاتحة على سبيل الدعاء أو شيئا من الآيات التي فيها معنى الدعاء ولم يرد به القرآن فلا بأس به اهـ واختاره الحلواني وذكر في غاية البيان أنه المختار كما فى البحر والنهر

Otherwise, reciting the text of the Quran as tilavat (reciting the text of the Quran as such) during menstruation is not allowed. Despite your feelings, you must obey the law of Allah. The spirit of faith is that we fully submit to the decrees of Allah. Even our senses, no matter how good they are, must obey the dictates of the Creator.

For a better understanding, imagine a person who wants to perform namaz during prohibited periods of time (sunrise, noon, sunset). No matter how pure his feelings, no matter how sincere his intentions, no matter how faithfully he prayed, such a prayer will lead him to sin, since at this time the prayer cannot be performed. Likewise, menstruation is the time when the reading of the Qur'an is prohibited. And refusal to obey the given command is a sin.

During your period, remember that Allah is rewarding you for your intentions and patience, and recite the above prayer prescribed in the hadith to relieve sorrow.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Suhail Tarmahomed
Fatwa Center (Seattle, USA)
Fatwa Division of the Council of Ulama (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

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