Home Grape Butterfly tattoo sketches colored. Butterfly tattoo - what does it mean? The meaning of a butterfly tattoo on a woman's body. Butterfly tattoo on woman's shoulder blade

Butterfly tattoo sketches colored. Butterfly tattoo - what does it mean? The meaning of a butterfly tattoo on a woman's body. Butterfly tattoo on woman's shoulder blade

Bright, free, beautiful - what else can you say when you see a beauty - a butterfly in the summer sky. And even though she hatched from an egg, was a disgusting caterpillar, she still became what she was supposed to be. Now her task is to collect nectar and flutter, and we will look at her and rejoice that there are such beautiful creatures in the world as butterflies.

Butterfly tattoo on the wrist in black and white

Butterfly as a symbol

Almost at all times and among all peoples, the butterfly was associated with something beautiful and pleasant. For example, in Christianity, a butterfly was often depicted sitting on the hand of Christ. Considering that the image of Christ is invariably associated with rebirth among people, most likely the butterfly is a symbol of this phenomenon. By the way, in many countries the butterfly is associated with rebirth, this is most likely due to its developmental features.

The transformation of a butterfly from a caterpillar gives people hope for reincarnation, which means that it allows the development of personality outside of earthly life. In Japan, the image of a butterfly was strongly associated with the feminine principle, however, the white butterfly was more likely to be attributed to a messenger from the other world.

Butterfly in geometric style

Early meaning of a butterfly tattoo

In a social environment, it often happens that a symbol is suddenly at the height of fashion. And since everything in our world is cyclical and lends itself to the law of a sinusoid, it is logical to assume that things that many people like at one moment, no one likes the next.

That is why, at some point, the butterfly turned from a symbol of femininity and rebirth, beauty and even magic into a symbol of sexual promiscuity and unacceptable behavior in many moral aspects. This was especially true for female representatives and was often associated not only with the butterfly, but also with the place of localization of this tattoo, as well as the style in which the tattoo was performed.

Butterfly on the wrist in 3D

The meaning of a butterfly tattoo now

Currently, the butterfly tattoo, the meaning of which excites the hearts of many people who want to put the image of this beautiful insect on their bodies, is one of the most common tattoos in the world.

What you add to the meaning of such a tattoo depends only on you. The technique of the image execution, the quality of execution, the style, and the level of the tattoo artist's skill are of much greater importance. The butterfly can be made in the style of realism, even 3d realism, and in old school, new school, watercolors. The image can be abstract, it can be as a separate element on your skin, or it can be woven into any composition. It is better to worry in advance about choosing a sketch for your tattoo, because choosing a sketch is one of the main and important points on the way to your perfect tattoo.

A painting in which a butterfly sits on white flowers

Sketch selection

Having figured out the question of what a butterfly tattoo means, the sketch remained one of the important unresolved issues. Where can I find a sketch? What is better, take a ready-made sketch from the Internet or a magazine, or try to draw it yourself? Or maybe it is better to entrust the creation of the sketch to a professional?

There is only one answer - it all depends on you. If it is completely unprincipled for you whether this tattoo will only be for you or for several thousand more people, then it is quite possible to choose a suitable sketch on the Internet. On the World Wide Web, you can find a sketch for any tattoo, and a butterfly tattoo is no exception. Photo of butterflies, drawings, stylizations and abstractions - whatever you like will do. Do not forget that if a sketch found on the Internet was photographed on a person (this can be evidenced by a part of the body of this person in the frame), then the fact that you will have a tattoo of this citizen can greatly upset him. In the event that he finds out, of course.

Because so many people care that their tattoo is, if not the only one of its kind, then certainly the least widespread. Often, sketches of tattoos are drawn by artists or tattooists specifically for their clients, based on the characteristics and preferences of each person. Therefore, in order not to spoil your karma, and, possibly, health, it is better to take care that the sketch was created just for you.

If you are planning a tattoo in the style of realism, the sketch can be a photo of the butterfly that you like.

Important! If your idea has not taken on clear forms, you can always consult with your master about the sketch.

Butterflies and lilacs

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

It is known that the anthropologist Lars Krutak, who studies the meaning of the tattoo of the Indenesian tribes, found that each sign depicted on the body means something deeply symbolic for a given people. For example, a symbol that means a butterfly says that you can be swift, bright and light, like a butterfly fluttering in the jungle, but at a certain moment you need to be able to merge with the environment, “sit on the bottom”, fulfill your destiny, like a butterfly , folded wings, merged with foliage. Like a butterfly, ready to lay its eggs and continue to its tribe.

3D image of a butterfly on a shoulder blade

Despite the fact that often the spirit of romance whispers to us that the Indonesian aborigines make magic tattoos that fulfill wishes, that the neighbor Vasily will fill a tattoo for beautiful eyes or a bottle of vodka, which in fact can be done by yourself, only a tattoo machine needs to be collected, but this is not difficult, it is better to discard such thoughts immediately and forever. Because any business must be trusted by professionals. So:

  • Firstly, a tattoo is undoubtedly best done in a tattoo parlor. Because this is a guarantee that the work will be done in compliance with all the rules of sanitation, the materials will be of high quality, the craftsmen are experienced. A guarantee that your butterfly tattoo will not bring you unnecessary trouble due to the violation of the technique of applying and caring for the tattoo. This rule, of course, does not always work. Pay attention to the recommendations and reviews of people about this salon.
  • Secondly, it is better to choose the tattoo parlor where the artist specializes in tattoos of the style in which you want to see your tattoo.

Another version of the butterfly in 3D

When I was just about to get a tattoo, many dissuaded me. They said that in old age it would look bad, that later it would get bored and I would regret it. But in old age, in any case, I will not be very good, so I decided to take a chance. I stopped at the image of a butterfly, at first I wanted one, on the forearm, but there was an action in the tattoo parlor and the master offered me a whole sleeve of butterflies in the 3d style. I agreed. Now a whole bunch of butterflies is sitting on my hand :))

Diana, Yekaterinburg

I'm a businessman. Once my friends and I had an argument that the loser had to fill himself with a tattoo of some particular theme. A cat there or a butterfly on the buttock. I bet a bet, my friends took pity on me and allowed me not to touch my buttocks. I stuffed myself with a butterfly on my shoulder blade. The tattoo artist was such a tough guy, walked into my situation, made a butterfly in the style of blackwork tattoo. I liked it so much that now I am even ready to stuff a cat on the lower back in this style.

Evgeniy, St. Petersburg

Video: butterfly tattoos on girls

Sketches of butterfly tattoos

A butterfly tattoo is predominantly female; men rarely choose this pattern. However, in the portfolio of eminent tattoo artists there are “male” sketches of butterflies - they are “woven” into Celtic patterns, for example, the second option: a Celtic pattern decorates the wings of a butterfly tattoo. Another brutal variation: steampunk butterfly tattoos.

As surprising as it sounds, a tattoo depicting this light-winged creature was a symbol of militancy in Mexico. The Maya had a belief: the souls of warriors who died on the battlefield turn into butterflies and then flutter over the battlefields.

The meaning of a butterfly tattoo in European culture is a symbol of the soul, rebirth, new life. This semantic load is inextricably linked with real butterflies. An unsightly caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly, surprising the world with its reincarnation. Likewise, sketches of tattoos depicting a butterfly are a symbol of rebirth, the beginning of a new life. This is probably why butterfly tattoos are applied at critical moments in life, on the eve of decisive events.

Another generally accepted meaning of a butterfly tattoo is freedom, free spirit. In nature, butterflies flutter easily and freely, their image, applied to the body, gives the owner a particle of freedom and lightness.

What matters is how the butterfly is depicted. Spread wings are a symbol of openness to the world. A fluttering butterfly is freedom. Symmetrically located butterfly wings - harmony.

The Christian subtext of the butterfly tattoo is interpreted as a symbol of the resurrection and immortality of the human soul. In some medieval engravings, Jesus Christ is depicted with butterflies in his hands (hence the association with resurrection).

A butterfly tattoo in the East symbolizes femininity, joy, grace, and several fluttering butterflies are a symbol of family happiness. A butterfly tattoo together with a plum blossom - such a tattoo is read in the meaning of "longevity and beauty"; the butterfly, together with the chrysanthemum, personifies "beauty in old age." It is noteworthy that in Japan a butterfly that has flown into a house is considered a harbinger of death, therefore butterfly tattoos in the Land of the Rising Sun have the meaning of mysticism.

The style of execution does not affect the meaning of a butterfly tattoo: a large image or a small, life-size butterfly; monochrome tattoo or color; stylized drawing or repeating natural ornament on the wings of a butterfly.

Butterfly tattoo videos

And below are photos of butterfly tattoos from different masters.

The meaning of a butterfly in traditional culture is soul, fragility and fleetingness at the same time. It was under these parameters that this insect entered the mythological traditions of all peoples. Also, about what a sketch of a butterfly tattoo means, we can say the following:

  • it is rather a feminine version of leather decoration;
  • he embodies beauty, grace, airiness;
  • the butterfly attracts the eye, pleases and brings rather positive emotions;
  • in the hands of a skilled tattoo artist, any flap of a wing becomes beautiful and dynamic, embodying the main idea of ​​the image;
  • there is inevitably a sense of fragility and indisputable grace in it.

Briefly about a person

For both guys and girls, a butterfly tattoo can be affixed:

  • on foot;
  • on the back;
  • on the lower back;
  • on the neck;
  • on the shoulder;
  • on the stomach.

As for the color, it can be almost anything. For men, it is more likely blue and dark blue, even black shades, and for women - pink and blue (although this is not at all necessary, everyone chooses exactly what he / she likes most).

Almost every experienced tattoo artist has in the catalog photos with pictures of butterflies on female and male skin. Simply because this insect is more popular than many other plots. There is even a special male version, when it is, as it were, introduced into the composition of the Celtic pattern or depicted in an emphasized brutal style.

And more about culture

Tattoos with light-winged flyers were widely used in the culture of the Indians of Mexico, moreover, there they were worn by the most ferocious and ruthless warriors. The Maya believed that the souls of fighters who fell from the hands of the enemy in battle just turn into them, then rush over the places of fights.

Europeans made butterflies a symbol of rebirth and finding a new life for a reason: who does not know about the transformation of an ordinary-looking, sometimes frankly disgusting caterpillar into a charming creation of nature, into an amazing masterpiece of natural aesthetics. Many subconsciously follow this reputation of an insect and beat him at the moments when life takes a sharp turn.

If the wings are spread to the side, this means that the person is open and benevolent, if the insect flutters, then it thereby personifies freedom. And if the wings are placed as symmetrically as possible, then this is how harmony is embodied. It is interesting that this is one of the most liberal images: anyone can beat it anywhere, and even the color and size does not really matter.

The famous host is Jessica Alba.

Butterflies are beautiful creatures whose life is so short. However, the symbol of fragility and tenderness can be perpetuated on the skin. A butterfly tattoo has multifaceted meanings, since different peoples of the world interpret the ancient drawing in different ways.

Undoubtedly, a tattoo adorns the body. However, each drawing has both a clear and a hidden meaning that can affect the fate of a person. Therefore, the choice of a tattoo, first of all, should be based on the symbol that the drawing carries. The butterfly tattoo is one of the most ancient drawings, the meaning of which has multifaceted interpretations.

The meaning of a butterfly tattoo among ancient peoples:

  • Mayan tribes - associated the drawing of a butterfly with the souls of the dead who returned to the human world;
  • the tribes of Mexico are a symbol of prosperity and good luck. The tribes adorned themselves with insect drawings in order to invoke the grace of the gods and receive a bountiful harvest;
  • the middle ages is a sign of a witch or sorceress. The drawing on the woman's body indicated her supernatural powers;
  • Greeks - considered the butterfly as a symbol of male and female grace and sophistication. Such a drawing spoke of the sensuality of its owner;
  • the Art Nouveau period - the association of a butterfly with a person's desire to sink into the bosom of nature;
  • the Chinese are of the opinion that soldiers who died in battle become butterflies, finding peace and harmony. To attract the attention of the deceased loved ones, the Chinese depicted their symbol on themselves;
  • Egyptians - personified an insect with a family. The butterfly was considered a symbol of family well-being and fidelity;
  • the Japanese associate a butterfly tattoo with feminine grace and femininity. A butterfly drawing often adorned the bodies of geisha.

Each nation sees something of its own in a butterfly tattoo, so today it is difficult to say which of the proposed interpretations has the most realistic meaning. Often times, people tend to lean towards the meaning that reflects their thoughts and worldview.

Fundamental symbolism

Despite the different opinions of the peoples of the world about the meaning of a tattoo, it is safe to say that a common symbolism exists. The butterfly does not belong to a specific culture, which is why a tattoo with an elegant pattern has international significance.

Firstly, a tattoo can serve as a reminder that life is too short and you need to spend it very rationally. Suffice it to recall the transience of a butterfly's life.

This interpretation has a deep philosophical meaning and encourages you to enjoy every moment of the elusive life. The owners of such a tattoo defy time, showing the intention to carry out their plans, despite the limited time frame.

The second and most famous meaning of this tattoo is the rebirth of the soul. The butterfly owes this interpretation to the Christian trend. It is worth remembering the life cycle of a butterfly, when an insect transforms from a voracious caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, symbolizing the immortality of the soul and its desire for improvement.

The butterfly is associated with eternity, and we understand that the current life is only a plot in fate, and not the end point.

Modern interpretations:

  • rebirth is a symbol of striving for a new life, not burdened with old worries and problems. In this context, the butterfly also means the strength of the spirit of a person who coped with difficult times, leaving them behind;
  • fragility of life - an elegant and such a fragile butterfly symbolizes a subtle attitude towards life, reminds that any living creature requires a gentle and accurate touch;
  • freedom - the butterfly is often associated with freedom. A magnificent insect can cross any boundaries, which causes in a person the desire to move on and achieve independence;
  • love - a butterfly is associated with everything the most tender and beautiful, therefore this insect is a symbol of purity and sincerity in a relationship;
  • happiness - a graceful insect is often personified with a magnet of happiness and good luck;
  • coquetry - today the butterfly tattoo is one of the most popular designs for body decoration. As a rule, she is chosen by the fair sex. Therefore, today the butterfly is usually associated with frivolity, coquetry and femininity at the same time.

The meaning of the tattoo, depending on the additional elements

Butterfly tattoos, where the insect is the main elements of the picture, are not many. As a rule, a fragile insect is depicted in the company of other elements. It is customary to surround a butterfly tattoo with flowers.

If a butterfly is depicted with a chrysanthemum, then such a tattoo speaks of the eternal beauty of its owner. An insect with a water lily indicates the purity and loyalty of the girl. A butterfly sitting on a lily symbolizes pure thoughts and creative thinking.

If the butterfly is depicted not as a solo drawing, but as an additional element of another composition, then in this case the butterfly can enhance the meaning of the overall tattoo.

Depending on the style of the pattern, the butterfly symbol can have different meanings. The Celtic style of tattooing with clear patterns speaks of a person's desire to dramatically change the course of life. The tribal style indicates the desire for spiritual development and the pursuit of enlightenment.

The relationship between the place of the tattoo and the meaning of the picture

The location of the tattoo also has a direct impact on the meaning of the butterfly pattern. Despite the fact that the butterfly has a very miniature size and its silhouette can adorn any part of the body, the tattoo is most often stuffed on the neck and back.

Such a place speaks of a person's desire to show their dominance. A person with a butterfly tattoo on his neck non-verbally indicates to others his superiority. In this context, an insect is interpreted as the desire to be better than others and to improve one's life.

The tattoo on the arm symbolizes the desire of a person to become the master of his life and decide his own destiny. The drawing that adorns the leg suggests that the tattoo bearer has not yet decided on his place in life and is just beginning to draw the line of fate.

A butterfly tattoo on the tailbone or buttocks indicates low self-esteem that a person wants to raise with the help of a drawing.

Nowadays, tattooing is a very stylish way to decorate the human body. But for most people, not only the aesthetic side is important, but also the meaning that is embedded in the pattern. Many try to express their “I” in this way. Butterfly tattoo is very popular among the fair sex. What does this skin image mean? On what parts of the body will such a pattern be most successful? Let's talk about this.

Butterfly tattoo - what does it mean?

The art of tattooing is improving every day more and more, and the masters are already able to satisfy any wishes of a person who decides to put some kind of decoration on his body.

Butterfly tattoo - what does it mean? This insect is not only a beautiful image, but also carries a certain meaning. For many people, a butterfly that flutters in the air and pleases the eye with various bright colors is a sign of positive changes or spiritual growth.

There are many types and designations of butterfly tattoos. She can symbolize freedom, life in all its manifestations and, of course, a great and bright feeling - love.

Beautiful, bright, mysterious butterfly tattoo. What does this body image mean? There are several basic decryptions of the butterfly pattern.

  1. In Germany, it means the birth of a new life.
  2. Some tribes describe this insect as the spirit of a deceased person who returned to earth.
  3. The butterfly is considered a symbol of abundance.
  4. Previously, the bodies of witches and sorcerers were marked with butterflies, which indicated their magical abilities.
  5. Modern tattoo artists regard the winged insect as a symbol of sensuality, beauty, grace and femininity.
  6. It is the butterfly that denotes unlimited freedom, but at the same time - impermanence and fluctuations.
  7. In the culture of some countries, this winged insect embodies grace. Very often, a butterfly can be stuffed in the form of a silhouette of a female body. Many ladies choose such a tattoo, wishing to indicate that they have freedom of choice and many possibilities.

What does a butterfly tattoo symbolize for a girl?

What does a girl's butterfly tattoo mean? Based on the fact that this drawing means a lot of different things, it is recommended to pay attention to the elements that are next to the insect. Quite often, you can find that a woman puts whole pictures on her body, where a butterfly is surrounded by flowers. The insect on the chrysanthemum speaks of never-leaving beauty. The lily symbolizes the girl's innocence, and the water lily symbolizes the purity of her thoughts.

Butterfly tattoos, decorated in the Celtic style and having various weaves of patterns and borders, are common. Here we are talking about changes in the life of the owner of the pattern on the body.

In addition, the butterfly represents the process of rebirth. After all, the phenomenon when ugly caterpillars become delightful flying creatures can be safely called unique and even magical. So a butterfly tattoo symbolizes various transformations in a person's life.

In many cultures of the world, the winged insect shows the human soul. It is believed that it transfers the soul of the dead or dead people back to earth and protects from spirits. The Chinese believe that the butterfly brings harmony to the family.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a flying creature is often associated with a fairy - a mystical character with a very small size and extraordinary magical abilities. All fairies are friendly, harmless and gladly fulfill the wishes of people, bring good luck.

Butterfly tattoo on the leg

What does a butterfly tattoo on the leg mean? Girls very often get this tattoo on the raises of the feet. Here you can see a butterfly in the form of a bracelet, a separate element, sitting on a flower or enclosed in a heart.

Many ladies consider the drawing on the body as an additional touch to their image. It can be a spicy accessory that is slightly visible under a short skirt, or a neat floral element placed on the ankle. Such patterns look very impressive on girls who prefer to wear stilettos. After all, almost every woman strives to be refined, independent and gentle.

What does the butterfly on the lower back symbolize?

It's no secret that the most popular place for such a tattoo is the lower back. What does a butterfly tattoo on the lower back mean? This drawing is considered a symbol of a girl of easy virtue. Why this happens is unknown, but it is so.

According to another interpretation, the butterfly on the lower back expresses a desire to stand out from the crowd and achieve something in life. That is why a girl who decided to get such a tattoo on her lower back must take into account all the facts and be ready for any turn of events.

If you agree to ignore all prejudices, then you can feel free to do what you like. But don't forget that the butterfly looks perfect on any part of the body.

Butterfly on the neck: what does it mean?

What does a butterfly tattoo on the neck mean? The image on the sides of the neck perfectly matches the independence and risk-taking in character. Such patterns must be applied symmetrically.

Girls who are ready to get such a tattoo have courage and willpower. Drawings on the neck are suitable for musicians and artists - creative people.

What is the definition of a butterfly tattoo on the arm?

What does a butterfly tattoo on the arm mean? If a person makes a tattoo in this particular place, then he can determine its interpretation on his own. The drawing acquires some special meaning only when it symbolizes something definite. For example, a tattoo from a prison. In all other cases, the tattoo serves only as a decoration on the body.

On the right hand for right-handers and on the left hand for left-handers, the image suggests that a person really wants to control his own destiny, to be more collected and attentive.

Butterfly tattoo on woman's shoulder blade

It is the scapula that can be called the most suitable place for the location of the picture. There is a fairly large area and there are no irregularities on the surface, which makes it possible to draw on the body almost anything you want.

In addition, the tattoo in this place is painless, because the skin there is dense and thick. The female shoulder blade decorated with patterns gives its owner a special charm and femininity.

Remember: no matter where you fill the image of a butterfly, it will always emphasize elegance, fortitude, independence and lightness.

Can a butterfly tattoo be withdrawn?

What does a butterfly tattoo mean, we already know. But what if you didn't like the tattoo? Is it possible to get rid of the pattern on the body? Today, there are two ways to get an image: using a laser and a home method.

The laser is the most convenient option, because it acts only on the area of ​​the skin on which the drawing is located. After the procedure is carried out, particles of paint may remain on the skin, but they also gradually come out of it, evaporating.

The tattoo removal process is never done in one go and can take months. At first, the pattern becomes not so bright, and then it gradually fades.

At home, the tattoo is removed as follows.

  1. On the problem area, the skin is thoroughly washed and all hairs are carefully shaved off.
  2. Take 50 grams of sea or table salt and fill it with water until it is completely dissolved. It is recommended to stir the mixture thoroughly so that the salt does not settle to the bottom.
  3. A kitchen sponge is dipped into the prepared solution and they begin to rub the skin with it. You need to perform such actions for at least half an hour.
  4. After that, the skin is thoroughly wiped and bandaged with a bandage to avoid any infection.

You need to repeat the procedure every three days for two months.

But remember! Such a procedure can have dire consequences! Do not engage in amateur activities. Better to see a specialist!

In addition, modern medicine provides mechanical and surgical methods for tattoo removal. You can use this offer in almost any clinic. But first, you should definitely consult with several specialists.

Based on all that is written above, before deciding on a tattoo, think several times and weigh the pros and cons.

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