Home Grape Theory of the task 13 Russian exam. Algorithm for the task. Spelling of different parts of speech

Theory of the task 13 Russian exam. Algorithm for the task. Spelling of different parts of speech

Unified State Exam. Russian language.

Task 13. How easy it is to complete?

Task number 13- one of the most difficult. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to know a lot of the rules of merged, separate, hyphenated spelling of words. In addition, there are many words that you just need to remember. So there are difficulties.

I suggest the easiest way to accomplish this task.

Algorithm for the task number 13

Merged, separate, hyphenated spelling of words

    Read the assignment carefully. It is necessary to find a sentence of five proposed, in which the selected words are written together or apart... Even if the books you study mostly suggest finding solid spelling words, an exam is an exam, you need to be prepared for anything. So it is with a careful reading of the assignment that its implementation begins.

    In each sentence, exclude words that are spelled with hyphen... Most often these are:

    Words with suffixes EITHER, ANYTHING and the prefix CFU

    The words all the same, exactly the same.

    Prefixed adverbs ON and suffixes OMU, HIM, SKI, LI:

in our opinion, foxes.

    Adjectives for shades of colors, taste(bright red, sweet and sour)

    Cardinal points: southwest.

    Rooted words floor: start with L(half a lemon), with a vowel(half an apple), with a capital letter(half of Europe).

    Adjectives formed from homogeneous members, you can put a union between them AND(magazine and newspaper - that is, magazine and newspaper)

    The first step has been taken. It is imperative that some sentence contains a word that is spelled with a hyphen. Therefore, the number of offers is decreasing.

As if

In view of

Keep in mind



As a consequence




That is


In spite of

Regardless of

At once

As if

    The third step is the most important. You need to clearly distinguish between words spelled together or apart.

To- what would

Same - same

Also - the same

But - for that

Why - from what

Because - from that

Because - because

And - what does it have to do with it?

About (= o) - to the account (in the bank)

Remember: if a logical stress falls on a word, you highlight it with intonation, it is pronounced firmly, with a slight slowdown in intonation, and most importantly, you can concretely imagine something for yourself, then this word is written APART.

If none of the above is present, then this is a normal union, it is written LITTLE.


WHAT WOULD should I give you for your birthday? (The emphasis falls on the word, we represent the gift that we want to buy).

We met, TO discuss current affairs. (The word is pronounced quickly, as if in passing, we can not imagine anything, saying the word FOR, we can not)

FOR THAT I received the task five.

He prepared for a long time, BUT passed the exam well.

Remember: if after SO SAME there is AS AND, then it is always written separately. (The work was done as well as always.)

Word SO is written together, if this is an ordinary introductory word, something is summed up. ( SO, the work was completed before the vacation)

If, however, we have an adverb and a union, then it is written separately, you can ask a question as?(So he spent all his free time (HOW did he spend? - SO).

Remember that negative adverbs are always written together: nowhere, in any way, not at all, nowhere, nowhere etc.

These are the main cases to remember first.

All the rules are on this site. Pay special attention to the tables with the spelling of adverbs, memorize the words.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

Everything was (ON) STILL, (THAT) IS absolutely not changed.

(WHAT) WOULD arrive on time (AT) MEETING, we left early in the morning.

(SOME) WHERE (IN) DALI could see the lights of the huts.

He disappeared (AS) suddenly as he appeared.

(AND) SO let's start with the fact that I (AT) THE END met with you.


    We find sentences in which words are written with a hyphen. This is the first and third - CFM-WHERE, STILL... We exclude them. There are 3 offers left.

    We find such words that you have no doubts about the separate spelling. it THAT IS(the first sentence, however, has already been deleted)

    There are 3 sentences left in which words can be written correctly, pondering their meaning.

2nd sentence: where did we go? - TO THE MEETING(for example, for a long-awaited meeting). That is, we clearly imagine the meeting to which our heroes are going. We write apart. Word TO here it is written together, since the lexical meaning in the word "what" No).

4 sentence - easy, it contains AS WELL AS, so I write the word separately.

Remains number 5 - this is the correct answer: SO- introductory word, FINALLY- adverb, when?

Complete more tasks, and you will definitely succeed

Good luck!

Prepared by: Vera Melnikova

For this task, you can get 1 point on the exam in 2019

Task 13 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language serves to check the spelling of some words together, separately or with a hyphen. In addition, this exam card is to teach to distinguish between homonyms - words that sound and spelled the same, but have completely different meanings.

To successfully complete assignment number 13 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, you will have to distinguish between the spelling of conjunctions and pronouns with prepositions or particles ("I got sick, so I won't come" - "I'll call this phone number", "It's cold today, but sunny" - "I I am grateful to you for helping me "). Particular difficulties for students are caused by a couple of words “also - the same”. The rule here is simple - if the word “also” can be replaced with the synonym “too”, it is written in one piece: “We will also go, we will also go”, and if there is a comparison in the sentence, it must be written separately: “Today is as cold as yesterday". There is one more complex similar pair of words in exam tickets - “to / what”. Does the phrase express purpose? The word can be replaced with a synonym "to" or a more detailed "in order to"? In this case, it must be written together: "so as not to get sick, so as not to get sick, in order not to get sick." The particle "would" can be removed, and the sentence will not lose its meaning? In this case, the writing is separate: "I am thinking about what to do, I am thinking about what to do."

Someone in the task number 13 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language will encounter a couple of words "with what / with". The word is written together if it can be replaced by a synonym "moreover", in other cases the spelling is separate. The same applies to similar words "besides / besides".

Assignment 13 Unified State Exam in Russian

Merged, hyphenated, separate spelling of words

Continuous spelling:

    Compound words with a connecting vowel O or E

    Words without a connecting vowel, the first part of which is presented in the initial form (time-based)

    Words containing avia-, agro-, aluminum-, asbo-, astro-, audio-, aero-, bar-, benzo-, biblio-, bio-, velo-, vibro-, saw-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, homo-, graph-, deca-, dendro-, zoo-, iso-, quasi-, cinema-, cosmo-, false-, litho-, macro-, mega-, met-, meteo-, micro- , mono-, moto-, multi-, neuro-, neuro-, geo-, onco-, ortho-, pan-, paleo-, para-, pneumo-, poly-, pseudo-, psycho-, radio-, seismic -, socio-, spectro-, stereo-, tele-, thermo-, turbo-, tetra-, phyto-, photo-, phono-, evaco-, exo-, eco-, electro-, endo-, entero-, ethno

    Composite words and abbreviations

    Compound words, the first part of which is a verb stem and ends in AND

    Words formed from hyphenated place names

    Words with the first part onboard, words with the second part - meter, - count

    One of the parts is not used on its own

    If it is impossible to insert AND or HO between two adjectives

    Formed from the base of an adverb in O or E and an adjective or participle and used as terms

    Words without a connecting vowel, the first part of which is a cardinal number

    Included in compound words ninety, one hundred, quarter, used in the form of the nominative case

    Derivative words from the word forty have a connecting vowel A (but: fortyOnogo, fortyOput, fortyOust)

    Words two, three in the composition of compound words have the forms of two-, three-, two-, three-, tre-

    half- (half-), if the word does not start with a vowel, with the letter L or with an uppercase letter

3) Look up adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions in dictionaries and remember

Hyphenated spelling:
1) Adjectives and nouns:

    Geographical or administrative names and starting with: north-, south-, south-, east-, west-, north-, east-, south-, west-

    Complex terms that call devices, mechanisms, devices, professional concepts, with roots block-, vacuum-, diesel-, dynamo-, cameras-, press-, stop-

    Dishes and plants


    Name of social and political associations

    Denominations in which the first word is a general name, the second is more specific

    Plant names containing a verb or union

    Formed from the stems of adjectives, between which you can insert conjunctions AND, BUT

    Indicating shades of colors

    Formed from a combination of first name and patronymic, first and last name or two surnames, etc.

2) Numbers and words containing numbers:
FLOOR - (half), if the word begins with a vowel, letter L or with an uppercase letter.

3) Adverbs:

    With the prefix some

    With suffixes -this, -this, -this

    With the prefix po and the suffixes -th (-th), -and

    With the prefix в- (в-) and the suffix -s (-s)

    With the same roots

4) Pronouns:

    With the prefix some

    With suffixes -this, -something

5) Particles:
-Something -something -something -something -something -so

Separate spelling:
1) Nouns:
If the words are Mini, Maxi comes in second

2) Adjectives:
If the adverb is quickly used in its direct meaning
The word forever is always spelled separately (except for the word evergreen)

3) Numbers and words containing numbers:
SEX - (half), if there is an adjective or pronoun between it and the word.
Quantitative combinations including the word half

4) Adverbs, prepositions and particles are worth looking at in dictionaries and remembering

Test options for task 13 from Ege in Russian:

Try to solve them yourself and compare with the answers at the end of the page.

Example 1:

(AT) AT THE BEGINNING, it seemed that Cyril's words at the meeting did not make any impression, but (IN) SOON it was discovered that the entire department was discussing his speech.
(AT) THE BEGINNING of the novel of the young writer it was difficult to judge the talent of the author, however (IN) THE CONSEQUENCES readers appreciated his work.
Pavel Petrovich (NOT) ONCE helped his brother when he was tormented, inventing HOW (WOULD) to dodge and find the missing amount.
The thought of (BEYOND) the BORDER, the need to buy suitcases, tickets, choose a route leads Oblomov, (B) DIFFERENCE from his friend Andrei Stolz, to a state close to panic.
We (ON) moved forward a LITTLE and LIKE (SAME), as before, did not get tired of being surprised by the beauty of nature.

Example 2:

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

Oh, WHAT (WOULD) I just did not give in return for those minutes of happiness! (FOR) WHAT did I leave my homeland for?
Orchid seeds, (B) DIFFERENT from ficus seeds, (AT) SO small they look like dust.
We went down to the valley and, (AS) ONLY found water, THAT (HOUR) stopped.
Be as polite in words as in your actions, say SO what you think.
At this moment, the sparrows TO (SAME) noticed the danger and rushed (IN) IN SPREAD.

Example 3:

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(FROM) A lot depends on how this meeting goes, (FOR) THIS I am so worried.
On a sunny day, aspen trees gathered at the edge of the forest, AS (BUT) it became cold for them and they went out to warm up, as in villages people leave the house and (IN) PLACE sit on the heaps.
(FROM) WHAT DO people not fly and (BY) WHAT DO they not have wings?
Ivan Petrovich stood with his eyes closed, LIKE (WOULD) collecting thoughts, WHAT (WOULD) pronounce the final word.
Misha silently watched the arguing brothers, Vasily LIKE (SAME) (C) DURING the whole discussion did not utter a word.

Example 4:

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(C) VISU of the refractoriness and high chemical resistance of platinum, laboratory glassware is made from it, and SO (SAME) corrosion-resistant parts of the apparatus.
The poem "Mountain Road" is perceived in a completely (OTHERWISE) DIFFERENT, (OWNED) THAT the feelings of anxiety, sadness, sadness come to the fore in it.
(B) DURING his life, Richter toured a lot in different countries of the world, (WHEN) WHAT he considered the most interesting of his tour was a concert trip across Russia.
(IN) TIME A.S. Pushkin, the ballerina A.I. Istomina. She shines SO (SAME) and in "Eugene Onegin".
(C) FOR THE WHOLE MORNING Cyril did not leave the feeling, AS (WILL) the air was washed with spring water.

Example 5:

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(NOT) LOOKING at the ambiguity of interpretation of certain provisions, the general theory of relativity is widely recognized (IZ) for its fundamental simplicity.
Salts, (HA) EXAMPLE, can be represented (B) by the results of the interaction of acidic and basic oxides.
(C) CONCLUSION it should be said that both Pushkin and Griboyedov managed to psychologically correctly portray the noble society of their time, (C) IN PARTICULAR the Moscow nobility.
(BY) AS SOON AS an artist freely chooses techniques and plans, then he (WITHOUT) Doubt is free to be independent in his work.
(ON) LIKELY will the decisions made by (S) HOT.

Example 6:

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

Whatever the guest said, Katerina watched the SAME sternly, as before.
Only with the confession of Ilya Ilyich to Olga (AT) IN THE BEGINNING of the second part of "Oblomov" there is a plot, and (FOR) THAT and the action of the novel, which was absent in the first chapters.
(C) BEGINNING Marina was insecure in the village and even, seeing Lena in the distance, went into the tall thick rye overgrown with cornflowers, WHAT (WOULD) not catch the eye of her neighbor.
Oblomov draws to Stolz his ideal of family life with reference to spiritual requests unknown to his ancestors, but (B) IN GENERAL maintaining the patriarchal-idyllic spirit: walking (IN) TWO after a hearty breakfast, leisurely conversations with friends.
WHERE (THAT) a prolonged howl was heard in the forest, however, (NONE) of the hunters did not even flinch.

Example 7:

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(C) IN THE BEGINNING of August, the heat is unbearable - even the most decisive person is not able to hunt, the most devoted dog, exaggeratedly sticking out its tongue, humbly wags its tail, but (C) DOESN'T GO FORWARD.
IF (WOULD) nature could feel gratitude to man (FOR) THAT he penetrated her life, exalted and glorified her, this gratitude would fall to Prishvin's lot.
The sun quietly set behind the mountains, threw (TO) UPPER a farewell green ray, and Baikal (THAT) HOUR reflected in itself the tender greenery.
Andrei Rublev was (ON) TRUE an outstanding master of Old Russian painting, but little is known about him: (FROM) THAT distant time, only a miniature has survived, on which the artist is imprinted.
NO (FOR) WHAT in the world did Marusya agree to part (WITH) ME.


    at first, soon

    too, scattered

    why why

    in view of also

    in the heat of the moment, hardly

    first to

    Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

    Chopin IMMEDIATELY (SAME) conquered the Parisian salons with his original and unusual performance, and ALSO (SAME) with his brilliant humor and ingenious improvisations.

    WHAT (WOULD) feel the flow of life more fully, in the fall of 1877 Tchaikovsky leaves (FOR) THE BORDER: he lives for a long time in Italy, Switzerland, and France.

    In "Self-portrait of an artist with a palette" and "Maidens of Avignon" by Picasso, there is much in common: the same (SAME) the very expression of faces, the same eyes, the same color tones.

    (AND) SO, speech etiquette is a universal phenomenon, but at the SAME (SAME) time, each nation has developed its own specific system of rules for speech behavior.

    The gift was prepared (B) SECRET from others, (B) A SHOT talking in the evenings.

    Explanation (see also Rule below).

    Here is the correct spelling.

    Chopin IMMEDIATELY conquered the Parisian salons with his original and unusual performance, and ALSO with his brilliant humor and ingenious improvisations.

    In order to fully experience the flow of life, in the fall of 1877, Tchaikovsky leaves the BORDER: he lives for a long time in Italy, Switzerland, and France.

    In "Self-portrait of an artist with a palette" and "The Maidens of Avignon" by Picasso, there is much in common: the same facial expressions, the same eyes, the same color tones.

    SO, speech etiquette is a universal phenomenon, but at the same time, each nation has developed its own specific system of rules for speech behavior.

    The gift was prepared SECRETLY from others, talking in a low VOICE in the evenings.

    Abroad- a noun means: foreign countries, for example: to trade with abroad, love abroad, live abroad; abroad will help us.

    Abroad, Abroad- a combination of a preposition with a noun, means: in foreign countries, in foreign countries; outside, outside the homeland, for example: live abroad, travel abroad.


    Live abroad and live abroad

    Rule: Concatenated, separate and hyphenated spelling of words. Task 14.

    Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of various parts of speech.

    According to the "Specification" in this task, knowledge of the most voluminous, most diverse and therefore the most complex material is tested. In this section, "References", the rules of school textbooks will be systematized, as well as supplemented with the information that is necessary for the successful completion of the USE assignment and mastering practical literacy. The set of rules that will be analyzed is not random: the creation of the list was preceded by work on the study of assignments of past years, the FIPI bank, as well as printed publications authored by the creators of KIMs (Tsybulko I.P., Egoraeva, Vasiliev I.P. and others ).

    Table 1 contains words, a distinctive feature of many is the presence of homonyms, that is, words that sound the same, but have a different spelling. To indicate parts of speech and explanations abbreviations used:

    noun - noun

    num. - numeral

    bunk bed - adverb

    places. - pronoun

    dep. - verbal participle

    p / p - derivative preposition

    n / a - non-derivative preposition

    i / s - introductory word

    fe - phraseological unit

    Bwould, bmerged only in union so that... I went to bed earlier to don't miss the train. ( union, = in order to would cannot be moved or removed) To not to be left without a certificate, you will have to study how the particle "would" is spelled. So that do not forget, I will write it down in the diary.
    separately in all other cases: What would should I read? ( places + frequent, would can be moved or removed.) Said would earlier; how would do not be late; what would did I do without you? I'll be back that would never happened.
    Vall the sameaccording to the rule of writing a particle - so. Always hyphenated.
    at the end

    unlike (difference)

    in the dark


    in general (not in general)


    all the time

    does not matter

    no matter what

    always separate

    at the bottom

    twice (three times ...)

    go home

    in pursuit

    always together

    in view ofmissed in view of illness (n / n, = because of)

    have in mind (FE)

    decoration as butterflies

    up, uplook (where? bunk.) up; located ( where? adverb) up

    aim (what?) to the top(what?) tree, target ( )

    deep intogo away deep into (where? bunk.)

    go away deep into (what?) forests ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    In the endexhaustion In the end (as? nar., = finally)

    rearrange the phrase In the end (what?) suggestions ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    instead, together

    to a place, to a place

    spoke instead of me ( p / p, = for), together(adverb) with me. You can't: instead of me

    get ( what?) instead of fall, found ( where?) at the location ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    into the distance, in the distance

    into the distance, into the distance

    watch ( where ?, adverb) into the distance; seen in the distance (where? adverb.)

    into the distance ( what?, n / a + n. to Rod. case) seas; seen in the distance (what?) seas ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    initiallyhard initially(when? bunk bed)

    initially ( what?) books ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word

    in timedo in time (when? bunk.)

    hurts during (what?) sleep ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    down, downfell ( where? bunk.)way down; located ( where? adverb)at the bottom

    aim ( what?) way down (what?) tree, target ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word), at the (very) bottom of the mountain

    down tolearn up to in the morning ( p / p, = up to)

    clothe ( what?) into the flesh and blood ( n. + n / a)


    in full

    come up close (as? Nar., = very close)

    wrap up into tight paper ( which one? app + n / a)

    to the rightturn to the right(where, adverb)

    what? to the right inheritance ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    is entitled tois entitled to to know ( k / s, = has the right)

    share v(in what?) right apartment ownership ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word), in criminal ( what?) right

    in continuation

    in continuation, in continuation

    a preposition that defines a length of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (it looks like "during")

    Noun continuation in different cases with the preposition в: in continuation ( what?) of the novel, new characters will be introduced. In the continuation of the novel ( in what?) we learn about their fates.

    firstsee first (when? bunk.)

    miss first days ( which? num. + n / a)

    due to

    in investigation, in investigation

    flight delayed due to (p / p, = because of) bad weather

    Noun consequence in different cases: intervene ( what?) in consequence(n. + n / a); errors in (provisional) consequence(n. + n / a)

    afterwatch ( where, what?) after(people) for the departing train to go after him, after a friend ( p / p, = for)

    follow the trail ( n. + n / a)


    in the course, in the course

    a preposition that defines a length of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc .: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (it looks like "throughout")

    Noun flow in the accusative or in the prepositional case with the preposition в: during ( what?) rivers; ( about what) about the course of the river.


    always the same

    FSameAlways separated by the particle rule. The particle introduces an amplifying meaning.

    Necessary the same, tell the same, how the same it is possible as the same, this is the same not true, one and the other the same, then the same most, then the same time, exactly like that the same.

    Not to be confused with unions ALSO and ALSO (see table)

    Zwork and live abroad

    for lack of time or money

    at the expense (treat at the expense of the institution)

    always the same

    before dark

    always the same

    thenAdverbs and conjunctions:

    then (when? Nar., = then) we will leave;

    Why asked? ( Nar., = for what purpose?);

    small, but (union, = but) smart.

    Pronouns with prepositions:

    I came for themes (what exactly?) a kitten that I liked; I took the line for themes (what exactly?) by the person who went to the window.

    Similarly: For how(exactly) queue? ( places. + n / a, = what product?) What (exactly) did you come back for? For the keys.

    Likewise: I thank you for then(for what exactly?) that you helped me; I'm not offended for then (for what exactly?), that you didn’t come, but for that ( for what exactly?) that deceived me.



    often no result ( Nar., = often) for the frequent mood swings ( for what? app + n / a)
    ANDfrom afaralways together
    soso, let's start the lesson! ( introductory word)

    twisted so and so ( as? nar. + union); so (how so?) many times, so all the time

    TO-KAAlways hyphenated by particle rule.

    Bring -ka, tell -ka, look -ka

    TOin a rowRepeatedly in a row (like, adverb = in a row) sneezed

    To a number(why, name noun + n \ n.) numbers, to a row acquaintances

    as if



    always the same

    LLee (particle)

    Always the same and separate.




    not far away

    Always the same


    always the same


    to a meeting

    go towards(where? bunk.); go towards(to whom?) to a friend (p / p)

    go on(long awaited) meeting with a friend ( n. + n / a)

    finallyfinally he fell asleep ( Nar., = after all)

    postpone finally months ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)


    on before (rarely!)

    I know everything ahead(as? nar., = in advance)

    fell on the front cars ( )



    figure like ball ( p / p, = like)

    task ( for what?) like triangles ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    for example

    for example

    Was, for example, (introductory word) such a case.

    note on(this) example (n. + n / a)


    by half

    destroyed half (Nar., = partially)

    claim ( for what?) by half at home ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    aboutto know about (p / p, = o) tickets

    put money on(bank) check(n. + n / a), don't take it personally (FE)


    back (rarely!)

    turn around back (where? bunk.)

    look on(broken) backside car ( n. + n / a)

    up, up

    on top, on top *

    climb up up(where? bunk.), at the top (where? bunk.) it was cold

    climb up to the top (what?) the mountains ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word), on ( how?) at the top of the building, at the top of bliss (figurative)

    by forceby force withheld (how? Nar., = with great difficulty)

    hope on(my) force (for what? n. + n / a)

    how much

    how much

    How much It's right? ( Nar., = to what extent?)

    How much will raise the pension? (local + n / a)


    so much

    so tired that I fell asleep ( to what extent? bunk.)

    What number so much less? ( = for the same number, places. + n / a)



    Probably, it will be raining. ( introductory word = likely)

    Probably we go! ( adj. + n / a, what business? true)


    to death

    to beat to death(as? nar., = to death)

    They were sent on(true) death.(n + n / a)

    on the head

    on the head

    enemies are defeated utterly (as? nar., = finally)

    bandage on the head (for what? n. + n / a)


    for interruptions

    spoke vying (as? Nar., = interrupting each other)

    to complain on (permanent) interruptions water supply ( for what? n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)


    to be honest

    to talk honestly (as? Nar., = frankly)

    note to be honest in room ( for what? n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    on the facefacts on the face (nar., = available)

    apply cream on(his) face (for what? n. + n / a)

    for a long timeto leave for a long time(Nar., for how long?)

    watch for a long time dancing girl ( dancing how? long, nar. + n / a)

    forever and ever

    forever and ever

    go away forever and ever(Nar., for how long?)

    watch on always neat girl ( neat when? always, nar. + n / a)

    in spite of

    not looking

    ran, in spite of fatigue ( p / p, = contrary to)

    ran, not looking under your feet ( dep., = without looking)

    regardless of

    in spite of

    Regardless of tiredness, we went to inspect the city ( p / p, = contrary to)

    I tried to sit regardless of surrounding and hiding eyes ( dep., = without looking)

    Ofrom there

    always the same

    from this

    separate always

    that's whyI have not received the summons, that's why and did not appear. ( Nar., = for this reason)

    From that, who is not nice, and the gift is hateful. ( from whom? places. + n / a, = from person)

    Pushed off from that coast ( from what? places. + n / a, = from adj..)

    from whatFrom what You did not sleep? ( Nar., = for what reason?) Because it worked.

    From what did you refuse ( seats + n / a) From work, from the task.

    partlyPartly you are right. ( how much? Nar., = partially)

    He refused from(larger) parts income. ( from what? n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)



    insofar as

    little by little


    always together


    compared with)

    with the flow

    always separate

    moreoverThe thing is beautiful moreover inexpensive. ( union, = in addition, in addition)

    What does it have to do with it will you stay ( places. + n / a, = with what?) What does ( seats + n / a) are the parents here, if it is your own fault?

    moreoverThe thing is beautiful moreover inexpensive. ( union, = in addition, in addition)

    At volume manuals have an attachment. ( at what? seats + n / a, = adj.)

    becauseHe stayed because, that he wants to know the truth. ( why? Nar., = for that reason)

    go because shore ( on what? seats + n / a, = adj.) guessed because what I saw ( places. + n / a, = according to what he saw)

    whyWhy are you silent ( Nar., = for what reason?) Because I don't want to talk.

    Why are you doing ( places. + n / a, = for what benefit?) According to Rosenthal's textbook. Why do you miss the most? By the summer, by the sun.

    thereforeworked a lot, therefore tired ( Nar. why? for what reason?)

    study therefore textbook ( places + n / a, for what? = adj.)



    it truly rare thing. ( nar., = actually)

    People get bored on(real) the truth. (n. + n / a)

    at first

    at the beginning

    miss at first (Nar., = first time)

    guess on(most) the beginning novel ( n. + n / a, there is a clarified word)

    WITHwith time

    separate always

    right away, right away

    always the same

    at firstat first think ( when? bunk.)

    Shouldn't I start a fairy tale with(himself) start? (why? n. + n / a)

    at allat all not enough sleep ( as? nar., = completely)

    left at all property ( with which? seats + n / a)

    shoulderswung shoulder(as? Nar., = immediately)

    take off with(his) shoulder parrot ( why? n. + n / a)

    TTakiIt can be written either with a hyphen or separately.

    Broke -so, again -so, directly -so after verbs, adverbs, particles with a hyphen

    Me still hired, I still late - in all other cases separately

    right nowappeared immediately (as? nar., = immediately)

    has arrived that hour (places + noun, what time is it? that) when I saw you again

    Homonyms: there are unions too, also

    I AM too like you, I study foreign languages. ( union, = and, SAME cannot be omitted).

    I have a cat and you too..

    I am fond of music, and also I really like to read. ( union, = and, SAME cannot be omitted).

    The cat loves to sleep, and also hide in new packages.

    Homonyms: pronoun with particle the same... It enhances the meaning, see SAME

    Meet in also time. ( places. + frequent., what time exactly?) - at that; the same

    Brother advised also that you are. ( places + frequent, advised what exactly?) - then; the same you can omit it, replace it with a union and you cannot!

    You same way as young as ten years ago. (Nar., young how?) - so; the same you can omit, replace with a union and cannot).

    right here

    separate always

    NSat least, at least b

    separate always

    Table 1 is based on the materials of the teacher of the Russian language Kryukova M.A. (site "Head over heels in the OGE and USE!")

    Adverbs formed with a hyphen are written:

    1) from full adjectives or pronouns with a prefix on- and ending in -mu, -mu, -tski, -ski, -yi

    to act in a friendly way sing in Kazakh live in a new way do it in your own way like a hare cowardly

    2) from ordinal numbers to -th, -th using the prefix in- (in-)

    secondly thirdly fifth

    3) by repeating the same word or root, complicated by prefixes, suffixes

    barely, just like a day-day more or less willy-nilly

    4) by connecting synonyms

    unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I will pick you up at

    5) using a prefix something and suffixes -something -something

    somewhere, sometime, somewhere, somewhere

    Semi- is always written together: crescent, semester.

    In the 13th task of the profile level of the USE in mathematics, it is necessary to solve the equation, but already of an increased level of complexity, since the tasks of the former level C begin from the 13th task, and this task can be called C1. Let's move on to examining examples of typical tasks.

    Analysis of typical options for tasks No. 13 of the USE in mathematics of the profile level

    The first variant of the task (demo version 2018)

    a) Solve the equation cos2x = 1-cos (n / 2-x)

    b) Find all the roots of this equation belonging to the interval [-5n / 2; -n].

    Solution algorithm:
    1. t
    2. We do the reverse change and solve the simplest trigonometric equations.
    1. We build a number axis.
    2. We put roots on it.
    3. We mark the ends of the segment.
    4. We select those values ​​that lie within the interval.
    5. We write down the answer.

    1. We transform the right-hand side of the equality using the reduction formula cos ( π/ 2−x) = sin x... We have:

    cos2x = 1 - sin x.

    Transform the left side of the equation using the double argument cosine formula using sine:

    cos (2x) = 1−2sin 2x

    We get the following equation: 1 − sin 2 x= 1− sin x

    Now the equation contains only one trigonometric function sin x.

    2. We introduce a replacement: t= sin x... We solve the resulting quadratic equation:

    1−2t 2 =1−t,

    −2t 2 +t=0,


    t = 0 or -2t + 1 = 0,

    t 1 = 0 t 2 = 1/2.

    3. We do the reverse replacement:

    sin x= 0 or sin x = ½

    We solve these equations:

    sin x =0↔x=πn, nЄZ

    sin ( x)=1/2↔x= (-1) n ∙ ( π / 6)+πn, nЄZ.

    Therefore, we obtain two families of solutions.

    1. In the previous section, two families were obtained, each of which contains infinitely many solutions. It is necessary to find out which of them are in the given interval. To do this, we build a number line.

    2. We put on it the roots of both families, marking them with green (first) and blue (second).

    3. Mark the ends of the gap in red.

    4. In the indicated interval there are three roots that are three roots: −2 π ;−11π/ 6 and −7 π/ 6.

    a) πn, nЄZ;(-1) n ∙ ( π / 6)+πn, nЄZ

    b) −2 π ;−11π 6;−7π 6

    The second variant of the task (from Yashchenko, no. 1)

    a) Solve the equation.

    Solution algorithm:
    1. Replace this function with a variable t and solve the resulting quadratic equation.
    2. We make the reverse substitution and solve the simplest exponential, then trigonometric equations.
    1. We build a coordinate plane and a circle of unit radius on it.
    2. Mark the points that are the ends of the segment.
    3. We select those values ​​that lie inside the segment.
    4. We write down the answer.

    1. Introduce the replacement t = 4 cos x. then the equation will take the form:

    We solve the quadratic equation using the discriminant and root formulas:

    D = b 2 - c = 81 - 4 ∙ 4 ∙ 2 = 49,

    t 1 = (9 - 7) / 8 = ¼, t 2 = (9 + 7) / 8 = 2.

    1. Build a coordinate plane and a circle of unit radius on it.

    2. Mark the points that are the ends of the segment.

    3. Select the values ​​that lie inside the segment.

    These are the roots. There are two of them.


    The third variant of the task (from Yashchenko, no. 6)

    a) Solve the equation .

    b) Find all the roots of this equation that belong to the segment.

    Solution algorithm:
    1. Using trigonometric formulas, we bring the equation to a form containing only one trigonometric function.
    2. Replace this function with a variable t and solve the resulting quadratic equation.
    3. We make the reverse substitution and solve the simplest exponential, and then trigonometric equations.
    1. We solve inequalities for each case.
    2. We write down the answer.

    1. According to the reduction formulas .

    2. Then this equation will take the form:

    3. Introducing a replacement ... We get:

    We solve the usual quadratic equation using the discriminant and root formulas:

    Both roots are positive.

    3. Back to the variable x:

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