Home Grape Possible factors involved in the formation of the body's biofield. Human energy field. Gaining Energy in the Priest Pose

Possible factors involved in the formation of the body's biofield. Human energy field. Gaining Energy in the Priest Pose

In Eastern religions, the aura is considered a manifestation of the human soul. Its study has a long history; ancient sources describe the biofield as a bright glow that surrounds a person. People with developed extrasensory abilities see an oval cocoon, in painting they are depicted in the form of a halo or halo.

Not everyone knows what a person's aura is, how to see and clear it yourself. This is an energy shell that surrounds a person from the outside. Violation of the shape, loss of the integrity of individual membranes are fraught with health problems. In hopeless people, it fades, it can completely disappear during life. Sometimes they even correct the situation on their own, without leaving home.

The aura does not have an unambiguous definition, and many sources interpret it differently. It is often called biofield or energy field. They are united only in that it is the outer shell of the body.

The human biofield is a part of cosmic energy. It becomes stronger when in contact with other energy carriers:

  • positively charged places (temple, church);
  • Sun;
  • water;
  • trees.

After visiting the church, going into nature, many experience peace of mind and a state of peace. The reason is that the aura was charged from the general energy of the cosmos. Animals and plants also have an energy shell, so communicating with pets and caring for flowers improves your mood.

There are people with whom it is unpleasant to communicate, to be around. They cause a feeling of discomfort, deterioration of health. These are energy vampires living off someone else's aura. Their strength depends on many factors, including age. Old people are charged with the energy of young people, children share it with their parents.

The size of the aura directly depends on the energy potential of a person. A large shell indicates leadership, strong will. A small aura occurs in vulnerable, sensitive people with weakened energy.

Biofield structure

The aura consists of several layers associated with the chakras, which are responsible for individual functions. Even shells are in constant motion, odd shells are stable. Intertwined with each other, being at the same spatial level. The ability to see them depends on the abilities and skills of the person. The biofield consists of 7 elements:

  1. Physical body. It exists in three-dimensional space, biochemical processes and mechanical actions take place in it.
  2. The etheric body shows the physical condition, the vitality of a person. It follows the contours of the body, only slightly going beyond its limits (10–12 cm).
  3. The astral layer is associated with the emotional sphere. At this level, desires and feelings are manifested.
  4. The mental shell governs thinking. Responsible for intelligence, thinking ability.
  5. The causal body refers to the current incarnation. It contains a life scenario, the reasons for actions and their consequences. It is sometimes called karmic.
  6. The Buddhist (intuitive) body is responsible for moral guidelines, wisdom.
  7. The atmic layer is the higher body. Located at a distance of up to one meter from a person. Provides protection from outside influences, connects with the Higher Mind.

What do the colors of the aura mean?

The aura, as if in a mirror, reflects the soul, thoughts, emotions of a person. A person is diagnosed by the predominant color. Shades change, but there is a main color that is constant throughout life. Meaning of colors:

  • Red is the color of the leaders. They prefer to make decisions for themselves and be responsible for them. Material well-being is important for them. Energetic and bold, realists. Temperament - choleric.
  • Orange is a strong personality with a positive attitude. Self-confidence, creativity. Temperament - a combination of a choleric person with a sanguine person.
  • Yellow is creativity. A person is smart, strives for self-expression. Sensitive, willing to enjoy life and be liked by others. Developed intuition, the ability to concentrate on achieving a set goal. Sanguine.
  • Green is the color of bankers. These are respectable people striving for material security and stability. Smart, strong-willed, good organizers, equally demanding of themselves and those around them. Stubborn and secretive, suppress others, it is difficult for them to find a suitable partner. Reliable, there is the gift of a healer. Phlegmatic.
  • Blue is a sign of intuition. These people do not like to sit in one place for a long time. They are drawn to travel, to change their social circle. They do not grow old in soul, sincere, it is difficult to hide feelings, they often say what they think. They try not to inconvenience others. It is easier for them to work alone than in a team. Melancholic.
  • Blue is spirituality. They are caring people, devoted to the family. Smart, responsive and kind. Hanged emotionality, mood is unstable.
  • Purple is wisdom. They love to study, to learn something new. For them, independence and freedom are important. Leadership ability, life is stormy. Failures, dangers will not stop them, will not become discouraged, but will continue to achieve what they want. Craving for intellectual, spiritual communication. They are interested in mysterious, unsolved phenomena. Intellectual, but physically weak.
  • Silver - nobility, creativity. They make grandiose plans, they love to dream. There is intuition and a rich imagination. They will never be deceived, they are gullible, they try to see only good qualities in people.
  • Pink - dedication, stability. They plan their lives, strive for financial success. It is difficult to convince them, they always defend their views.
  • White - wisdom and mercy, enlightenment. They are modest and caring, do not like conflicts. Money is not the main thing in life.

How can you see the aura

Anyone can learn to see the biofield. You don't need to have a unique gift for this. There is a modern way to develop this ability through specific exercises. Rarely does anyone succeed the first time; persistent studies are necessary.

To begin with, they train on their hands:

  1. Dim the lights to keep the room dim. Get into a comfortable position. There should be a white surface in front (wall, large sheet of paper).
  2. Stretch your arms forward so that your palm is facing you.
  3. Focus on the space near your fingers. This will be difficult, but the success of the lesson depends on it.
  4. If done correctly, you will see a faint glow emanating from your fingers.
  5. Try to change the position of your hand, move it a little. The translucent cloud will follow with her.

This is the first step towards the development of abilities. After regular exercise, you will see a colored biofield. To go to the next level, you need a mirror. Concentrate your gaze on the head and shoulders of your reflection. Try to see the aura around them. At first, it looks like a translucent haze.

Practice on plants, animals. Sitting in the park, relaxing on the beach, try people-watching. This will allow you to improve your skills faster.

Bruce's way

The method of Robert Bruce will help develop psychic abilities. He developed a simple way to work with the human energy field. This is a step-by-step process available to anyone, regardless of age, health, experience of spiritual practices. Stages:

  1. Sit down so that no light falls forever, the lighting is diffused and dim. Relax, close your eyes.
    Extend your hand with fingers apart and rotate the hand. Squeeze and unclench it several times.
  2. Concentrate on where the hand feels like. A movement will appear in the mind's eye. This exercise is easier to do if you look straight ahead. Then the shadows from the movement of the hand will not fall on the eyelids.
  3. Turn your head so that even with open eyes it is impossible to follow what the hand is doing. Repeat the exercise. With your inner vision, you will see everything that happens. At first it seems like a flickering of a fuzzy shadow.
  4. Continue moving your hand while observing the images that appear.
  5. Repeat the exercise with the other hand, then with two at the same time. Look straight ahead, eyes closed.
  6. Do the same with one leg, moving the foot, then with the other.
  7. Repeat the movement with the arms and legs involved. Move them to different positions, rotate them in all directions, remembering to closely watch what is happening.
  8. Switch your attention to your torso and head. The body consciousness continues to scan everything that happens.

With each new repetition, the picture observed by the inner eye becomes more detailed, the image is clearer. Regular exercises will allow you to see your own body in such detail, as if your eyes were open. The ability to observe the biofield requires some effort, which will be rewarded by the development of psychic abilities.

How to restore the aura

In healthy people, the biofield palette is radiant, there are no extraneous inclusions, gaps. Indicates physical, spiritual and mental well-being. The invisible shell protects a person, but sometimes it has to be cleaned, restored. Start by analyzing your life to understand the root cause of the problem.

Why does the biofield collapse?

Psychics believe that people most often spoil their own aura for themselves. The most common reasons are:

  • bad thoughts;
  • sinful deeds;
  • wrong feelings, desires.

In order not to harm yourself, try not to be angry, not to envy anyone and not to wish evil. Treason, betrayal will also return to you like a boomerang. People themselves provoke many diseases by their unworthy behavior.

Cleaning the aura

There are several ways to restore the biofield on your own. The most effective and efficient:

  1. With water. Take a cold shower. During the procedure, try to clearly imagine how the negative energy is washed off, goes far along with the trickles of water. Finally, pour the holy water of the church on top. Take a warm, healing bath with citrus aromatic oil or juniper. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes.
  2. By the power of imagination. Make a ring from your index finger and thumb. Imagine a flood of white light around you that protects you. Another option is to mentally create a transparent dome around you, through which nothing gets inside. This is done several times a day.
  3. Church. Reading a prayer, communion, confession will restore the energy balance. Buy a candle, light it and run it around your body. Crackling and soot means a violation of the biofield. During the ritual, imagine that all the troubles in the form of a black clot burn up in a flame.
  4. Meditation. Several sessions, especially with an aromatic lamp, will restore the aura.
  5. Nature. In the courtyard, in the park, go to the tree that you liked the most, press your back to it. Wait a few minutes. Recreation in nature is an excellent way to restore strength and energy. The earth has the ability to cleanse from negativity. Useful procedures - mud wraps, burying in the sand, or just lying on fresh grass. The fiery element destroys the negative. Many unconsciously feel how pleasant it is to look at the flame of a fire, forgetting about all the troubles.
  6. Smoke. This method has been known for a long time. A few twigs of juniper, wormwood, sage or St. John's wort set fire to and fumigate your home.
  7. Recording of church bells, sounds of Tibetan bowls.

Save biofield

People who use foul language, painfully perceive even minor troubles, do not play sports, experience stress, have little chance of preserving their energy shell. Protect it with a positive attitude. Do not be angry with people, take it for granted that ideal does not exist. Do not envy others' successes, do not judge others. Don't hang out with people who are willing to spend hours complaining about their problems.

Life is easier for those who do good deeds, the universe will not let them be offended. Strengthening the energy potential will help: giving up bad habits and auto-training - speaking out loud positive moods that incline to positive.

The human aura is unstable. Changes throughout life, responding to changes in mood, well-being, outside influence. Usually people are interested in how to care for it and restore the biofield only after serious problems. To get rid of them forever, it is not enough just to eliminate the negative consequences. We'll have to look for their source, which is most often hidden in the person himself. Do not waste energy on resentment and clarification of relationships with others, it is better to direct them to love for family and loved ones. And then everything will work out.

As esotericism teaches, the aura is the primary plane as a subtle energy, and the physical shell is the secondary, although both are closely related.

Thoughts are energy frequencies, and emotions are also wave vibrations, so that the general flow of energy increases, reality is transformed, and the reason for this is the human biofield. Any processes of the subtle world are displayed in reality, because the Universe is a network of energy fields emanating from the Creator.

Aura: definition and similarity to biofield

The term “human bioenergetic system” itself is increasingly used today in the fields of extrasensory perception and alternative types of medicine. A synonym for this concept is vitality. In fact, we are talking about special subtle fields that surround a person, which allow him to exist in harmony with the body and mind.

From a scientific point of view, a biofield is often equated with electromagnetic radiation, wave, quantum and even torsion fields.

Most of the experts in this matter equate the bioenergy field with the storehouse of human consciousness, which controls many vital processes for matter. In esotericism, this term is used more in the occult sense, not considering bioenergy as a material object. In this case, the person is already faced with an aura.

Aura is a multidimensional concept, initially referring only to the manifestation of the human soul. Eastern practitioners in some cases consider the aura as a physical substance, resembling a cloud around a person. This haze is sometimes also called emanation. From the point of view of some religions and esoteric theories, the aura, like a radiance around the body, denotes the presence of a special power of the mystical kind. It is possible to consider this additional oval appearance only with supersensible perception, clairvoyance. According to various parapsychologists, the aura consists of a number of interconnected layers, differing in color and structure.

Today it can be argued that bioenergy of the body is a special science that studies the processes of energy exchange in human cells and tissues. In a discipline that is not tied to individual individuals, the changes in energy under the action of the entire biosphere are also studied. Esotericists define this cognitive branch as a collection of data about the integral information field of the planet and its connection with various objects.

Biofield from the point of view of the aura: the history of the study

The first mentions of the circulation of human energy around the body and inside it are found among Indian and Chinese healers. In the first case, the term "Prana" has been used in Ayurveda since ancient times. In India, it is believed that the biofield acts only in healthy individuals, and it looks like an oval uniform cocoon along the contour of the body. An absolutely physically developed person has a length of an energy trail in the range of 40-60 cm, but if a serious illness approaches, the aura narrows and becomes only 30-15 cm.

There are also cases when the biofield spreads over 2-3 meters, which speaks of the unique healing abilities of a person and his high level of spiritual development.

Chinese thinkers saw energy as a flow of Qi that affects well-being. This biofield is based on three types of energy: the ancestral (chromosomal) energy is called Ki and is transmitted from generation to generation; protective or wei helps to develop immunity; Rong energy is generated by physical processes such as breathing and digestion.

By the 17th century, a number of physiologists and doctors had a theory about the presence in living and inanimate objects of a special type of energy that ensures interaction at a distance. Despite such an important discovery, the question of what the human biofield means began to be carefully studied only in the 20th century. Thus, the Belarusian doctor and specialist in the fields of magnetism and electrography, Narkevich-Iodko, managed to create a fixer for the glow from objects and creatures on a photographic plate. In parallel with this, in England, the naturalist Kilner found out that every person has an individual aura, and it just represents a biofield.

In Austria, at about the same time, the scientist Weiss recorded the existence of a certain field of a morphogenetic type that allows the cell to form an integral organism. In 1923, Gurvich officially called this glow a biofield, but failed to explain its essence. At the beginning of the XX century. the statement about the ability of living objects to change their own radiation was also encountered in the works of the famous academician Vernadsky.

In 1944, the engineer Grishchenko put forward a theory about the existence of the so-called bioplasma. This is the fourth state of matter, inherent only in living matter, which includes molecules with atoms. This topic was studied in detail by Professor Ilyushin in Kazakhstan, and he came to the conclusion that the energy field, like a bioplasma, is the very aura. It is closely represented by a collection of protons, ions and free electrons.

The Kirlian spouses, Soviet researchers of the 50s, had a huge influence on the concept of bioenergy. It was their hands that owned the first apparatus for photographing the aura. In fact, this method allows you to track the glow of objects in a field with high frequencies. The method for such diagnostics of the biofield is called the "Kirlian effect". Later, the technique was improved by the German doctor Mandel, and now it is used to research bioenergy in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

In 1959, Dr. Ravitz managed to find out that the human energy system changes in accordance with psychological and mental processes. In the 70s. scientific work on the study of the Kirlian effect continued. In particular, physicist Adamenko concluded that photographs of the aura in this technique are an electronic image under atmospheric pressure. He also suggested that information about human physiology and psyche is stored in free electrons.

Thus, the middle of the XX century. and the beginning of its second half turned out to be very rich in research in the field of bioenergy. In 1978, a large aura diagnostic program was launched in the USSR. It was possible to prove the dependence of the radiation strength on the electrical conductivity of a living object, which is determined precisely by its psycho-emotional state. But due to numerous problems, this large-scale work in our country was completely curtailed.

In 1979, Dr. Becker also studied bioenergy. What it is, how it works, why is it necessary - all these questions were put at the forefront. Based on the results of the study, the scientist managed to draw up a comprehensive map of the human electric field. It turned out that the aura exactly repeats the outlines of the body and the central nervous system. In addition, the size and density of the biofield changed with changes in the individual's body. Electrons moved freely through the energy field.

Thus, centuries-old studies of scientists from different industries have repeatedly proved: a person is surrounded by an energy field. A serious potential of biocurrents is stored in each individual, and it constantly passes into the environment.

Human biofield: aura and its layers

According to most of the works of the scientific community and modern esotericists, we can talk about the bioenergetic halo of the personality as a set of physical and subtle shells. First, there are those fields that are diagnosed by the equipment, and can be changed to improve a person's well-being.

There are seven such physical levels:

  • Electric field appears due to the electrical activity of the heart muscle, the presence of different-frequency waves in the brain (alpha, beta, gamma, the work of the eyeball, etc. This shell is activated in many medical studies, for example, in the process of electrocardiography.
  • A magnetic field formed by the flow of blood through the vessels, the activity of cell membranes and nerve impulses. Such a shell is closely connected with the magnetic waves of the entire planet, therefore, many people feel weakened health during the period of magnetic storms. For medicinal purposes, this field can be operated by means of special magnets in the form of bracelets or clips, selected through diagnostics with a dowsing frame.
  • Ultra high frequency cladding associated with radiation from internal organs. The depth of this field is 10-15 cm, and each organ has separate indicators. Sometimes the so-called microwave therapy is used to work with these frequencies.
  • Chemiluminescent field appears in individual reactions of a chemical type. Radiation occurs from a depth of 1-1.5 cm in the form of light quanta. They are studying this shell for the treatment of various skin ailments.
  • Acoustic energy a person, his biofield in the context of sounds. We are talking about a resonant shell around each organ that appears during its functioning. Such a layer is examined using the techniques of auscultation, percussion, etc.
  • Infrared cladding or the thermal field also appears due to the work of organ systems. Each part of the human body has a specific temperature, and this can be examined with a special technique.
  • Chemical field or territory of smells... Here the smell of the human body in good physical shape and shades of aromas for various ailments play a role.

As for the subtle shells or bodies, each personality also has seven of them.

  • Physical body, i.e. gross type matter. An individual's body lives from the moment the embryo develops until immediate death. The physical shell is automatically saturated when food is consumed.
  • Etheric shell protrudes 5-8 cm from the body and rises above the crown within 15-20 cm. Sometimes it extends 40 cm from a person. Subtle matter is already observed here, which is activated by a special non-contact massage. The subject's etheric counterpart is believed to survive for 9 days after the death of the physical shell. You can saturate the etheric shell by thoroughly chewing food.
  • Astral body surrounds the torso at the distance of an outstretched palm. The human aura in this layer is better expressed in talented individuals. This shell is responsible for emotions, it can be disconnected from physical matter during dreams, trance, deep meditation. This is the gross energy of the personality, and it lives on after the death of the body for another 40 days. While eating, one should concentrate on the taste of the food in order to activate such a shell.
  • Mental subtle energy determined by the intelligence of the individual and her cognitive abilities. The spread of this field is great - from 5 to 10 km and further. This body is responsible for willpower and leadership qualities. When the physical part dies, the mental vibrations persist for up to 1 year in space. This shell is enhanced by focusing on the health benefits of food.
  • Causal or informational shell has a connection with the common field of the planet and stores data about many generations. This type of gross information cannot die, but a person is able to comprehend all the secrets of the Earth with its help. Such a body is saturated through the mention of deceased loved ones during the meal.
  • Intuitive body is responsible for life support and is most active in childhood. The growth of this shell is possible only through competent education without unnecessary frameworks and rules of subordination. Such subtle information is also immortal.
  • Higher field or Divine Spirit provides direct contact with the Creator or the Higher Mind. This is a very deep layer of the aura; it is practically not explored.

The biofield around a person was studied in its own way in ancient Eastern philosophy, where three main shells were distinguished among the subtle bodies: etheric, astral, mental. The first retains the shape of the physical contour of a person and has one energy field with an ordinary body. The ethereal energy is illuminated by a gray-lilac or gray-blue light. The astral shell is less stable because such a light aura is colored in accordance with the thoughts of the individual. The darker the experience, the darker the energy, and vice versa.

The scientific community believes that the biofield can be divided into two halves according to the level of the navel in the human body. Both parts are constantly rotating, periodically changing directions. If the rotation is clockwise, then the field is positively charged. Accordingly, reverse rotations indicate a negative charge. The rotation of the halves of the biofield in different directions shows the neutrality of the energy.

The direction of bioenergetic flows is determined with the help of a dowsing frame, which takes over rotation when it is to the side of a person.

To measure the size of the human biofield, you can also resort to the services of a frame or a pendulum. The hand with the device must be gradually removed from the body, and where the pendulum does not swing and the frame ceases to be parallel to the body, the boundaries of the individual's energy are located. Some are even able to measure biofields with their hands, diagnosing energy as vibration, slight tingling sensations in the skin, heat wave, etc.

The energy biofield of a person, ideally, should be dense and large, because this limits the body from diseases and external negativity, both physical and magical. But the size of the surrounding shell is not constant, because it is affected by the state of health, stress, mood, general potential.

Food also plays a special role, because many spices and drinks reduce the density and size of energy. In general, the size of the field in a non-sick and not old person is 1-1.5 m.And if an individual suffers, for example, from alcohol dependence, the energy sharply narrows to 40 cm.

Bioenergy principles

The entire space is permeated with energy flows. Every cell of the human body also contains a huge energy potential. The ability of our energy to circulate freely throughout the body guarantees the physical and mental health of the entire society. But where does the person manage to draw energy reserves from?

It is customary to call 3 energy sources:

  • Genetic material. Energy can literally be inherited, and on this basis one can receive potential energy.
  • Oxygen combustion, i.e. breathing process.
  • Food processing, i.e. digestion process.

Bioenergy fundamentals say that the last two ways help us get functional energy. This is the basic minimum that is necessary for the full functioning of the body. But the potential energy, made from inherited material, is a holistic life experience of a person, which is formed from external stimuli.

The surrounding impulses for its creation can be: the basics of family education, an environmentally friendly environment, social contacts, emotional characteristics, a way of life. As the organism develops, potential energy is also connected to the sources of functional energy, because through it there is a psychological improvement of the personality, an increase in its quality of life.

So, all objects in the world have energy. Physical reality is surrounded by the energy of low vibrations. Every body and object has such fields. But there are also high vibrations - subtle energies passing through streams of a lower order and enriching them with information, light rays. In a literal sense, subtle matters spiritualize our reality.

Biofield color

Human bioenergy in each type of field is distinguished by a specific vibration frequency, i.e. wavelength. Also, any layer is endowed with a specific color: black, brown, blue, purple, white-gold, silver, red and blue.

The biofield can manifest itself in the form of a luminous cocoon around the body, and in such cases one can speak of an aura.

Under the influence of the way of thinking, the aura is painted in different colors, by which one can draw a conclusion about the human psyche, his health.

The finer the energy and the higher the vibration in the fields around the body of an individual, the more evenly it surrounds the body, forming equal spheres of a concentric type.

It is believed that in a physically developed personality, energy is poured into space through the crown. It rises up from all sides, descends and collects in the groin area to start up again along the body.

Part of the energy, as described earlier, is information. In the course of an individual's life, all data from the biography of the individual are saved in the general field, including not only his thoughts, but also the main milestones in life, the time of death. The informational vibration of the planet in this way creates a literal copy of the subject. Therefore, human bioenergetics and the impact on it require careful attention not only from esotericists, but also scientists from different fields.

It is worth noting that the human biofield tends to pass to inanimate objects, if they were created by someone's hands. The bioenergetics of the subject is directed, it is connected with the thoughts and wishes of its author. The energy of the material itself also plays a role. Of course, there are no things with a destructive potential, but there are items sold or donated with a negative emotional charge.

Human biofield energy: distribution

So, bioenergy asserts that certain streams are not only outside, but also inside each individual. It is they that allow us to be in good shape and control the processes of metabolism and the general development of the body. Above, we have already described external stimuli that contribute to the production of energy in the body. However, a certain part of the flows is formed during the activity of the so-called energy systems.

There are 8 of them in the body:

  1. Immunity or defense system;
  2. Central nervous system;
  3. The cardiovascular system;
  4. Respiratory system;
  5. Digestive system;
  6. Endocrine system;
  7. Excretory system;
  8. The reproductive system.

There is an opinion that the energy flows formed in the body are distributed due to a special transport system. It's called a network. energy meridians. It is a rather strong structure of fine fibers resembling channels with a diameter of 0.5-1.5 microns.

In an effort to learn everything about the human biofield, scientists injected radioactive isotopes into energy points and tried to photograph the meridians in infrared light. It turned out that even in ancient times, Chinese medicine accurately described the exact location of the nodal contacts of the transport and energy network.

The perception of the energy signal within this system is facilitated by additional amplifiers. Ultimately, the energy goes to the desired organ or body part. These meridians can carry currents in the same way that blood moves in arteries.

It should be noted that in some situations, this power network may work with errors. This happens in cases where any area is blocked, and the flow of biological energy moves unevenly. The origins of such problems lie in the psychological characteristics of a person, and as a result, damage is done to the entire psychophysical system.

The Institute in Big Shura conducted several studies of the bioenergetic type and found out that stagnant clots of energy are most often manifested in the following areas:

  • forehead and eyes;
  • mouth, jaw, chin, throat;
  • rib cage;
  • diaphragm;
  • stomach;
  • pelvic area;
  • lower limbs.

A person's bioenergetic field is rarely blocked at the same time in several places, but the limitation of energy dynamics is individual for each person, since it corresponds to his lifestyle and temperament.


Interestingly, in Eastern traditions, the main energy nodes and potential blockage points are chakras. It is believed that there are seven such centers in a person, each of which activates a specific part of the total biofield. In fact, a chakra is a plexus of energy channels in the area of ​​the subtle body.

  • Muladhara, or the first chakra, coordinates the work of the physical shell. The presence of healthy energy in it provides developed instincts for survival and struggle.
  • Svadhisthana, or the second chakra, is associated with the etheric shell. Streams in this area help self-realization and accumulate creative energy.
  • Manipura, or the third chakra, governs astral matter. Its functioning helps a person to cope with concentration of attention and emotions.
  • Anahata, or the fourth chakra, works with mental energy. Its activity guarantees a person's sensuality and empathy in relation to the surrounding world.
  • Vishuddha, or the fifth chakra, is responsible for the casual body. Here, not only energy, but also psychic power is stored, due to which the individual builds his own reality and controls his space.
  • Ajna, or the sixth chakra, fills the buddhic body. A special kind of energy accumulates here, which allows reading information from the general biofield of the planet. This center improves the perception of reality and unites the will, mind and thinking of a person.
  • Sahasrara, or the seventh chakra, acts as the control center of the atmic body. Here divine energy or the energy of unconditional love accumulates. The well-being of such a chakra guarantees the realization of oneself in one's life mission with higher goals.

The human biofield is a dual structure considered in different ways in the scientific and esoteric world. For most clairvoyants and psychics, bioenergy is exuded by the individual into the environment and is conditioned by his emotional or psychological characteristics.

At the same time, the energy that accumulates in the person himself and makes up his life potential is also important. Bioenergy, as a separate branch of scientific knowledge, considers, basically, the internal reserves of the personality, obtained in the framework of physiological processes. However, it makes sense to consider the biofield as a holistic term and in this regard, harmoniously develop both the external aura and internal energy centers.

Many people who are fond of mysticism and esotericism firmly believe that human energy fields are not fiction, but reality. They argue that the so-called aura does exist. Well, everyone has a right to an opinion, and a given point of view has a right to be. Who knows, maybe we all really have our own "biofield". However, to talk about this, you need to delve into the topic. And since it is vital for some, and contradictory for others, there is a lot of information.


So, human energy fields are primarily a pseudoscientific concept. That is, the totality of beliefs presented by their supporters as scientific. However, in fact they are not.

They say that the aura (as it is also called) is a special "subtle" fields generated by people and other living organisms. Often, various parapsychological phenomena and their occurrence are explained by the influence of biofields. However, everything is relative here too. After all, parapsychology is a complex of pseudoscientific disciplines that are aimed at discovering something supernatural. Usually the psychic abilities of people. For example, telepathy or some phenomena of life after death. The most interesting thing is that scientific methodology is used during the presentation of all these concepts, opinions and "evidence".

Part of Space

Esotericists assure that human energy fields are not an isolated phenomenon that is inherent only in humans. It's more than that. Namely, the connection with the Cosmos. Maybe even part of the energy field of our planet, Earth. Esotericists enthusiastically explain: we are not born at a certain point. Each of us is born in the Cosmos, which is filled with fields that are still unexplored. And if so, then all people have the gift of managing them.

This also includes one entertaining performance from yoga - a well-known spiritual practice. Its supporters claim that each person consists of several bodies. And they are all enclosed in each other. The "base" is our physical body, as well as the etheric, astral and mental. And each has an energy field that occupies the space of the body and is expressed in the form of radiations and lines of force. But part of it goes beyond our boundaries. This can supposedly be seen, and this is called an aura.

With its help, a person can influence various objects, be it an animate being or a simple stone. This process is called extrasensory perception. In its course, the transfer of energy is carried out, as well as the reading of information. If you believe the esotericists, then psychics are able to distinguish the aura of the objects and people around them. And high-level sensitives are capable of more! They are capable of distinguishing all the auras of each of the human bodies at once. Rumor has it that we, ordinary people, can consider them. But only with the help of the so-called EBL photo, the highlight of which is the electrobioluminescent glow.

Shades and colors

Now you can tell in more detail directly about the human energy fields.

So, the physical body is felt by the senses. This is logical. is its similarity, more subtle, but retaining its shape. Together with the physical, it has a common energy field. Psychics claim that its color resembles a mixture of gray and purple.

The next body is astral. It is even thinner than ethereal. And glows blue-gray. Yogis assure that the astral body is a "mirror of emotions". And he is subject to the change of his radiation. True, this kind of "change" depends on what experiences a person experiences at one time or another. Some personalities can completely separate their own from the physical, and it quietly travels through time and space.

The last body - the mental - is the most subtle. It is said to study the aura of light tones. But it changes shades depending on the emotional state of a person and on what thoughts he is thinking now. And here everything is simple - good good ideas "shine" brightly and lightly. The bad and the harmful are characterized by dark tones.

According to esotericists, the energy field goes beyond 80-100 centimeters. But this is the case with ordinary people. Psychics have a range of tens of meters for their aura.

How do you recognize power?

Above, general ideas about the topic were told. They help to understand its specifics. But many people are most interested in knowing how to recognize a person's strong energy field. Well, there are several signs. Seven to be precise. And a person has a strong biofield, if he corresponds to all of them, without exception. Here are the signs that are meant:

  • The person is not sick. If he had a meager aura, he would be very and often overworked, suffered headaches, suffered from chronic diseases and easily caught a cold.
  • He's lucky. The powerful biofield provides fortune. People with a strong aura make great strides without much effort.
  • These people are optimistic. They seem to be small "suns" on this Earth - they radiate boundless positive. Even the darkest person next to such a person will feel better.
  • The owner of a powerful biofield easily copes with problems that he, as a rule, practically does not have.
  • A person with a strong aura is a leader. Moreover, he does not gain this status for himself. The society itself chooses him as a leader. He is remarkably good at leading people.
  • No matter how hackneyed it may sound, there is a healthy mind in a healthy body. Physical strength and endurance characterizes a person with a powerful aura.
  • The last sign is in an open mind. A person with a strong biofield is not afraid to destroy stereotypes, break frames, look into the future and experiment. He is not afraid of change. It seems that he is always ready for anything.

Knowing these signs, you can completely stop being interested in the question of how to see the human energy field. Because there is no need for this - if a person corresponds to all of the above, then he has a really strong aura.

About weakness

Above, it was told about what characteristics a personality with a strong aura corresponds to. It would seem that a weak energy field of a person should "endow" its owner with opposite characteristics. This is true, but still nothing happens without preconditions.

Usually, anticipation of an important event greatly weakens the aura. Which "pulls" energy from a person. Especially if this event does not happen exactly, but maybe. Then resources are spent on experiences in the spirit of "Will it happen?" Thoughts are concentrated only on them. And nothing good comes of it.

And there are also those that surround us everywhere. They can be colleagues, relatives, acquaintances. They "suck" energy from a person. How? Very simple. They create a conflict situation, provoke an argument or quarrel. They need a “victim” response. Their indignation, resentment, anger, attempts to justify themselves, tears, hysteria. After that, they feel good and comfortable. But the “victim” feels as if all the juices have been sucked out of her.

There are also energy sticks. These are the kind of people who, even to an unfamiliar person, can lay out all the negativity that has accumulated in them as a spirit. However, this is not enough for them. They make attempts to penetrate the life of their potential "source of replenishment" - they start looking for contacts and meetings, persecute, ask for advice and conversations, take offense in case of refusal, impose by all means. They do not provoke conflicts - they get theirs in the form of sympathy, moral support and help. And if the presence of "vampires" or "leeches" in your life is clearly noticeable, then you urgently need to be puzzled by the question of how to strengthen the energy field. A person should be worried about this, otherwise it will not be possible to get rid of chronic "weakness".

Work on yourself

Each of us risks damaging the aura every day. And here are the signs that indicate that its energy biofield already needs to be restored:

  • Chronic fatigue that does not go away. Even waking up, a person feels tired.
  • There is nothing that can inspire actions. And even ideas are missing.
  • But lethargy has become a constant companion in life. As well as malaise.
  • A bad mood can overtake a person suddenly.
  • An outbreak of anger and aggression is provoked by some insignificant little things.
  • A person does not feel joy - only inner emptiness, longing and depression.
  • But the pain in the back and neck accompanies him constantly.

All of the above are similar to symptoms of depression. In any case, the restoration of the energy field is necessary. It is difficult to force a person to start this on his own. After all, as mentioned above, it is accompanied by lethargy, apathy, lack of desire to do anything. But you need to start recovery.

The first step is to understand: it is very important to merge with this world and accept the rules that operate in it. And remember about the laws of the universe. It is necessary to begin to more often imagine the end result of any action - so the chances of achieving it increase significantly. Thinking about the good is also necessary. Keeping a healthy lifestyle also helps. In any case, alcohol, lack of sleep, occasional fast food snacks and smoking are not good enough. All this only destroys human consciousness.

But above all are affirmations. And this point should be noted with special attention.


So, everyone who is interested in the question of how to restore a person's energy field on their own needs to know about affirmations. Moreover, it is also an effective method to strengthen your life as a whole. Because the concept of affirmations is associated with psychology, which is a science that studies the psyche, its development and functioning as a whole.

How to restore the human energy field on your own? It is necessary to fix in his mind such an attitude or image that would improve his psycho-emotional background and contribute to positive changes.

But first, an affirmation (many still equate it with motivation) must be drawn up. There are special rules and principles here. And here are the basics:

  • It is important to formulate the attitude in the present tense. If a person wants to become stronger in spirit, then he must say so. No future tense. “I am a person of strong spirit” - this is how it will sound.
  • Only positive words should be used. After all, the purpose of affirmation is to radiate joy, inspiration, strength to act.
  • It is important to make the installation as short as possible, but figurative and vivid.
  • The phrase should be as specific as possible.
  • You cannot doubt and think bad. You need to sincerely believe in your installation and in the fact that it works.

You can write the finished installation on a piece of paper and carry it with you. It does not hurt to repeat it regularly to yourself or read it out loud. You can even set it as your browser home page. An effective method, by the way.

How to protect yourself?

Well, how to strengthen your aura is clear. Now a few words should be said about how the protection of the human energy field is carried out. To secure your aura, it is enough to know about some effective methods and follow them.

The most common is called the "Magic Mirror". If a person, while communicating with an opponent, feels a negative impact emanating from him, you need to reflect it. It is said that visualizing a magic mirror helps. It will reflect all the negative energy of the opponent. You just need to relax, smile internally, wish the interlocutor happiness, take a deep breath, hold your breath and imagine that there is a huge mirror between you, and then exhale. It is generally accepted that this simple procedure must be repeated three times. And imperceptibly - otherwise the interlocutor may get angry. By the way, the human energy field will not suffer any harm from this method.

How to protect yourself more? There is a second way. The Energy Capsule is called. And this method is not one-time, as is the case with the previous one. It reliably protects the human biofield, and that, in turn, only strengthens the action, daily performing a certain ritual.

For its implementation, you need to retire in a room, sit comfortably, regulate your breathing, close your eyes and concentrate on the chest area. A person needs to breathe deeply and slowly, imagining how the warm energy of a pleasant green color seems to come out of the heart and envelop it entirely. This "meditation" should continue for as long as you want. This usually takes 10-15 minutes. At the time of the ritual, a person feels calm, serenity and security. And at the end of the ritual, he needs to say an affirmation: “May my magic capsule protect and protect me. My cocoon is impenetrable - this is my will. "

Calculation by date of birth

Above, a lot of interesting and unusual things were told about the aura and what concerns it. But it is also worth noting with attention how the human energy field is calculated by the date of birth.

The definition of the aura will make it clear how great is the potential of the personality given to her from birth. And how the person's energy field is determined by the date of birth and what dependence is traced in this aspect is explained by a special teaching known as bioenergetics. And of course, you can't do without numerology.

For example, a person was born on November 10, 1992. First of all, the year is multiplied by the month and date. It looks like this: 1011 x 1992 = 2,013,912. After that, you need to calculate the sum of the numbers obtained: 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 2 = 18. This result is considered not the best. If you believe the esotericists, then a person born on this day has a weak biofield. Since the average level starts from 21. But! This means that with the energy of the 18th level, a person was just born. However, after all, nothing prevents him from continuing to develop it and strengthen it in the process of life.

Aura healing

Much has been said about how to restore the human energy field. And one more method can be noted with attention at last. This is the treatment of biofields with aura. Or, as it is also called, non-contact massage.

The aura is known to give off heat. People with a high level (over 30) have so much of it that they can share it. And some do so, becoming true masters of this specific area of ​​healing. Many people say that restoring a person's energy field with a different aura works wonders. With the help of a non-contact massage, the healer acts on the thin shell of his patient and "cleans" it. As a result of the procedure, you can feel relief from fatigue, improved well-being, calmness. Some sessions were relieved of chronic diseases, others were rejuvenated. Is it a placebo or an effective method - here everyone will find a suitable answer for themselves.

Well, the topic of biofields is really interesting. It is useful to find out what other people think about this, what theories exist. One thing can be said with certainty - energy in the traditional sense definitely exists. Maybe not the way the esotericists see it. But it is, and every person with feelings knows this.

Each individual acts as the embodiment of the Universe, and therefore, as a storehouse of energy, which he learns to generate and spend throughout his life.

A healthy physical shell and spiritual strength form a strong biofield in a person, the signs of which are reflected in positive thoughts or actions. A powerful aura allows you to be an emotionally stable and charismatic person, protected from any negative influences and striving for happiness.

Differences in the lifestyle of the owner of a strong biofield

Strong energy influences personal accentuations and behavioral strategies of a person. Such individuals are always confident in themselves and their strengths, they are purposeful and have the makings of a leader, do not worry about the outside opinion of the crowd. They are also always ready to share new ideas, do not hesitate to express feelings, sometimes even resemble children.

The owner of a strong biofield is always an interesting interlocutor who is remembered for his creative originality. He is charming and polite.

Next to such a person you always feel an influx of strength, flourish, improve your mood. A powerful biofield acts as a battery for the environment, if, of course, it has a positive charge. In this case, the owner of a strong aura is comfortable, he is harmonious within himself and has the necessary balance with the outside world.

This person sincerely does good deeds, he is not in tune with negativity, because he knows how important his energy is for himself. Great energy potential teaches a person to competently assimilate the reserves of vitality and rationally realize it. And, as you know, a doubled charge of energy can be obtained only with good thoughts and actions.

A positive person with a powerful biofield is not capable of deception or betrayal, he can be trusted. He is open to communication and inspires trust. This personality is sincere and pure, its inner core determines almost all life and does not allow you to turn off the right path. Thanks to inner virtues, the owners of positive energy achieve good health and stable success in life.

In addition, they are capable of bringing victory to anyone around them. Strong energy acts as an excellent shield against external influences. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to damage, a love spell, an evil eye on the bearer of such protection. Even harsh words from the lips of very rare ill-wishers fly past this person.

A powerful aura is the key to a successful career, a strong family, and financial stability.

But a lot here depends on the ability to invest your energy and increase it. As a rule, the carrier of this biofield is responsible, is not afraid of the rules and brings everything to the end, which is the secret of success.

But it also happens that strong energy accumulates in a bad person. In this case, the individual is capable of causing real harm to other people. These subjects are very envious, fake, aggressive. It is not very pleasant to communicate with them, because they literally attract failures and cannot be in harmony with the world. People near the bearer of a negative strong aura feel physical ailment, weakness, anxiety, and oppression.

Regardless of the positive or negative direction of energy, a powerful biofield even affects the appearance of an individual.

As a rule, a strong aura is characteristic of individuals with a massive chin, thick eyebrows, and wide jaws. At the same time, the lips are thin, and the eyes have a dark shade, like the hair. It is even believed that the darker the look, the stronger the energy. Such people do not have very long legs, but they move beautifully, even dance.

How a strong human biofield manifests itself

  1. A clean and strong aura ensures that the immune system works perfectly. Therefore, a person is not susceptible to colds, headaches, and overwork. He also has no risk of chronic ailments or serious viral infections.
  2. Powerful energy attracts good luck in any business. Therefore, the bearer of this aura has more chances of achieving his own goal, even if he does not make unnecessary efforts.
  3. The owner of the enhanced biofield is attractive to the opposite sex. He is a frequent object of love, because he radiates warmth and kindness, next to him you want to conquer the world.
  4. A strong aura does not allow problems to spoil life. A person with such a biofield looks at any difficulty in a philosophical way, so that obstacles do not give them discomfort. It does not happen for them that failure changed their fate or significantly worsened the state of affairs.
  5. A high level of energy allows you to lead other people whose aura is weaker. Therefore, the carriers of this biofield make excellent leaders.
  6. A strong biofield can also be distinguished by a person's physical activity. Such a personality is remembered by a beautiful body, because a powerful aura provides endurance and does not allow you to get tired quickly.
  7. An active aura constantly stimulates a person to develop, so he will have an open mind. Carriers of strong energy are not afraid of experiments, they like to expand the framework of the familiar and break stereotypes. Life for such individuals is a dynamic, which means constant changes.
  8. The carrier of a powerful biofield, as a rule, is a person with experience, therefore, inner wisdom is inherent in him. They turn to him for advice, share problems with him, they are not afraid to open their souls to him.

A strong and healthy biofield cannot endow a person with only one or two of the above symptoms. They always develop in a holistic manner, albeit at different rates.

Sometimes in the aura of such a person you can find small anomalies or deviations from the norm, but they quickly disappear with proper work on yourself and your worldview.

Magical features are a sign of a strong biofield

It is known that the owners of a strong aura more often than others become mediums, sorcerers and witches. Extrasensory abilities in such people are developed almost from birth, and the accumulated energy allows them to be activated.

With such a potential, each person has the right to decide for himself whether he wants to use forces for good or whether he will serve the dark forces.

In any case, the carriers of a powerful biofield are distinguished by the following features:

  • Connection with the elements. Human energy in its scale can be compared with natural forces. Therefore, a strong aura, on the one hand, can depend on the seasons and cataclysms, and on the other hand, it can itself cause changes in the weather and use the power of the elements to its advantage. Storms and storms do not frighten such individuals, because they correspond to their scope of power.
  • Ability to communicate with nature... The outside world is highly susceptible to strong flows of energy. Flowers always come to life and birds sing around the owner of a positive powerful aura. But carriers of negativity, as a rule, suppress the energy of the living.
    In any case, such people manage to gain additional strength and even read some information from trees, grasses, stones, water bodies, and the ground. And the animal world always gives signs to these personalities, and it doesn't matter if they are pets or wild animals.
  • Healing... What is a person with a strong biofield capable of? Since our thin shell is inextricably linked with the physical, the owner of a powerful aura can restore good health to himself.
    With the right skill, these people also learn to help their surroundings by giving others beneficial potions or healing massage. Among the carriers of a strong biofield, there are many who are able to simply speak a sick part of the body, or can hypnotize a person, suggesting to him that he is recovering.
  • Feeling the influence of the moon. Night is the time when you can increase your energy. Magicians who have a strong aura try to control their activity in accordance with the lunar phases. The full moon period is considered the most witchcraft time, but on other days these people listen to the lunar calendar.
  • Fulfillment of desires... Strong energy is a sign of success, so the bearer of such a biofield is not afraid to dream. His dreams almost immediately become reality, thoughts materialize, so negative wishes should be avoided even at a time of overflowing with feelings and a flurry of emotions, if your goal is to bring goodness into the world.
  • Memory of past lives... Sometimes the magical abilities of people with incredibly strong energy allow them to return to the details of their past earthly reincarnations. Also associated with this feature is the frequent feeling of déjà vu among the bearers of a powerful aura.
  • Developed intuition... A strong inner voice helps to strengthen the biofield and tells you how to avoid mistakes in life. The bearer of strong energy can predict the future, he has prophetic dreams, which, as a rule, are bright and colorful, joyful and positive. Such a person is also able to identify and visually sense the aura of other subjects. There may also be a tendency to fortune-telling.
  • Love for amulets... Stones and crystals perfectly store energy, they help to strengthen both positive and negative aura. Therefore, the owner of a powerful biofield may well be a successful owner of a magic talisman. Quartz is considered especially useful in the field of energy protection and preservation of vitality.
  • Impact on someone else's energy... A person with a powerful aura can completely destroy a weak biofield or cause breakdowns in the energy of another individual. Evil eyes and slander, for example, are precisely the influence of carriers of strong energy.
  • Self-destructive tendency... In conditions of active magical abilities, as well as in the inability to control this flow of energy, a person can begin to alienate himself from society and withdraw into himself. In this regard, sometimes there is a feeling of loss in reality and the desire to leave for another world.
  • Influence on electromechanisms. A strong biofield inevitably affects the electromagnetic vibrations around. Because of this, the bearers of a powerful aura constantly lose their watches, as well as deteriorate electrical appliances.

Types of strong biofield by energy potential

The carriers of a strong biofield use their abilities to accumulate and distribute energy in different ways, so they can be classified according to the strategy for the realization of life force:

Energy mirror

A person who always reflects the energy directed in his direction. A strong biofield allows such a person to easily cope with purposeful or accidental negativity, because it returns to the addressee.

Such a subject has a well-developed empathy, he is sensitive in communication and immediately understands the intentions of any interlocutor. The carriers of negative energy are in no hurry to contact this individual, because their message comes to them again in the form of general malaise or even serious illnesses.

The person-mirror is very much liked by the owners of a positive biofield, because they fill themselves in the process of communication with only good emotions.

Energy wall

A person whose strong energy works as an invisible defense against any troubles. This person is impenetrable, because negative messages do not reach him, they bounce off.

There is a significant disadvantage in this feature: the negative flow of energy does not always return to the addressees, as is the case with the person-mirror. Sometimes all the negativity can simply fall into the environment of the owner of a powerful aura and cause damage to him.

Energy absorber

It is both a donor and an acceptor at the same time. A strong biofield in this case leads to a rapid exchange of energy or information. The bearer of such an aura is very sensitive, he fiercely seeks to help, but sometimes he gets into other people's problems without asking and begins to influence the energy of the environment.

People in this category are divided into two types. The first is distinguished by the absorption of energy of any type and increased sensitivity. The second type accepts negative currents, and gives only positive vibrations, which can gradually weaken the biofield.

Energetic samoyed

Carrier of strong negative energy that does not find a way out.

People with this trait have a problem with the useful redistribution of vitality. They lock on to their own experiences and move away from communication with the environment, thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to receive positive flows for the biofield.

Energy plant

This is a donor person who can calmly share his energy, because he has a strong biofield. Such a person is extremely curious, she wants to be aware of everything.

Due to excessive persistence and frequent tactlessness, people of this type cause anger and discontent among the environment, and they themselves get into trouble.

Energy filter

Owner of one of the most powerful energy drinks. His biofield is able to pass large volumes of negative or positive, to process the information received and give it to the original addressee in a modified form.

Thus, these people can turn negative flows into positive ones, being peacemakers, psychologists, diplomats in life.

Energy intermediary

The most active participant in any energy exchange. This individual perfectly accepts the flows of positive or negative, but they cannot resist and start on. Such a person spreads negative energy not at all from evil, he simply is not able to cope with it.

Different types of bioenergy affect the information field of the Earth and the fate of each person individually. A healthy body and strong morale almost always indicate a strong biofield in a person. Signs of this can be seen in the diagnosis of the aura: powerful energy is like a uniform cocoon repeating the silhouette.

The influence of the biofield should extend at least 40-60 cm, and if there are paranormal abilities - 1-3 meters. If you feel the need to further strengthen your aura, try to live according to the laws of the Universe, do not get involved with bad habits and listen to signs from above.

Currently, there is an active debate about whether the aura, also known as the human biofield, really exists, or is it just an invention of charlatans and medical practitioners of alternative medicine. Of course, the existence of a certain shell, invisible to the eye, around the body, it is difficult for rational thinking to imagine, but nevertheless, a person and his consciousness itself are such complex phenomena that it is also not easy to explain this complexity by the theory of evolution.

Improbability Theory: Biofield

Aura concept

Among those who recognize the existence of the aura, there is no unambiguous definition of this concept. Usually, the aura is understood as the field surrounding a person, be it energetic or some other. This is a kind of outer shell of the body. Often, the aura is also interpreted as emanating from a person. We will understand by the aura a transparent shell surrounding the body, a kind of energy field.

The human biofield is an integral part of the energy of the cosmos, therefore the aura can be fed from various carriers of energy: positively charged places (churches, temples), water, trees, the sun. Many people have noticed that in temples and churches they feel much better, feel peace of mind and peace. The same happens when one is united with nature. The reason for these seemingly unusual phenomena is that the aura receives its nourishment from the general cosmic energy.

The body and the surrounding aura are indivisible and can only exist together. According to some approaches, the aura has a certain color and shade, which carries a significant information load. Mediums and psychics are able to determine by the aura whether a person is healthy, what is his state of mind. Sometimes the aura can also show up in photographs. The presence of an aura helps to explain such phenomena as a halo over the head of saints, clear associations of a particular person with any color.

It is believed that not only humans, but also animals and even plants have their own energy shell. These shells interact with each other. For example, after petting a cat, a person gets pleasure because he is positively influenced by the aura of the cat's body. The animal also experiences joy, the auras thus interact, enriching and nourishing each other. On the contrary, there are people with whom you feel discomfort, and after prolonged communication - even a deterioration in well-being.

These are the so-called energy vampires, absorbers of someone else's aura, communication with them is dangerous to health and psyche. The strength of the aura depends on the person's age: old people often involuntarily absorb the energy shell of younger people, and small children, on the contrary, disinterestedly give their aura to their parents. The biofield of a dying person is very weak and gradually fades away.

The size of the aura is also not the same: people can differ in their energy, which just depends on the size of the aura. A large aura indicates the presence of a powerful energy field around a person. As a rule, these are strong-willed people, leaders by nature. On the contrary, a small aura indicates weak vital energy, vulnerability, sensitivity.

Biofield through the eyes of a physicist

Aura composition

The composition of the aura, according to the estimates of most researchers, is quite complex. It includes the magnetic field of the human body: according to the approach of the American professor Burr, all animate beings, including humans, possess magnetic fields. The next components of the aura are the gravitational field. Also, a hypothetical torsion field, that is, the space torsion field, is often considered as an element of the human energy shell. However, its existence has not been proven by modern science and is considered at the level of a hypothesis.

Biofield. Invisible power

Human aura layers

In the structure of the aura, special energy layers are distinguished, each of which performs specific functions and has its own color. Traditionally, seven layers of the aura are distinguished, and this understanding comes from ancient times: even in Ancient Egypt, the sarcophagi of priests and pharaohs were made in the amount of seven, one was placed in the other, like a nesting doll.

The layers of the aura are divided into even and odd, and the odd layers have a stable structure, and the even ones are amorphous, are in constant motion, consist of ectoplasm and resemble a liquid. The layers are closely intertwined, while they are all at the same level in space, and each subsequent layer can be perceived during the development of consciousness.

  1. The first layer of the aura, the etheric body, can be seen even with the naked eye: if you look at a person in the dark with just the corners of your eyes. This shell is a copy of the physical body, but somewhat larger in size. The first layer of the aura of a healthy person is about 10 cm, while in a sick or unbalanced person it can be depleted or polluted. The color of the etheric body depends on the personality of a person: a pale blue color indicates a delicate and vulnerable soul, and gray indicates a sufficient rigidity and firmness of character.
  2. The second layer of the aura, the vital body, is a complex of specific energies called prana. These energies are responsible for digestion, circulatory system, breathing, and the emotional sphere of a person.
  3. The third layer, also called the lower mental body, governs physical needs and urges: lust, fear, hunger, laziness. This layer is responsible for the satisfaction of individual and selfish needs.
  4. The fourth layer of the aura is responsible for love and affection, sympathy and friendship. A highly developed astral body is characteristic of altruists, selfless benefactors and patrons of the arts.
  5. The fifth layer, the body of the higher astral, governs the willpower of a person. A highly developed fifth layer indicates an incredible talent of a person, his willpower, responsibility and resilience.
  6. The sixth layer, the mental body, is responsible for the development of telepathic abilities and clairvoyance; it is not for nothing that the expression "sixth sense" is very popular. The development of this layer leads to the appearance of intuition in a person, and strong development leads to the appearance of the gift of foresight.
  7. The seventh layer, the most subtle, is known as the karmic body. It is at the level of this layer that interaction with the spiritual energy and mind of the Cosmos takes place.

All seven layers of the aura very rarely interact at the same time; most people have two or three layers active.

Mikhail Velichko. Body, Material Biofield (Aura) and Soul

Aura color

The color of a person's aura can change depending on his emotional state, and each emotion has its own color. Hatred, anger, thirst for revenge leave black spots on the aura, anger has red tints; the biofield of the egoist is gray, the jealous is gray-green. Brown has the aura of a stupid or greedy person. Positive emotions also affect the color of the shell: politeness is bright green, love gives the aura a crimson hue. Blue color speaks of high spirituality, contemplation. The color of the aura can depend on the person's temperament, his psychological makeup and state of health. However, not everyone can see the color of the aura.

The famous clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, by the color of the aura, very subtly determined the mental and physical state of a person. Thus, the lead-gray color of the aura, in his opinion, signals not only poor health, but also self-doubt. The purple aura testifies to the spiritual quest of a person, and the presence of golden and silver radiance in the aura speaks of the unselfishness of the owner, his estate to help others.

Attention should be paid not only to the color, but also to the purity and saturation of the aura. The appearance of black spots on the biofield, the extinction or turbidity of the shell indicates painful phenomena in the body or psyche. Barbara Martin, aura researcher and teacher, claims that in the aura of a healthy person, you can see silver rays emanating from the body in straight lines. If the rays drooped, then this indicates illness or fatigue.

Scientific research of the aura. Kirlian effect

Domestic researcher Semyon Davidovich Kirlian conducted a serious study of the biofield: using the device he created, he photographed various living things in the presence of high-frequency electric fields. Thanks to the developed technology, Kirlian was able to transfer these fields to paper. This proved that all living beings have energy fields of various colors.

Kirlian also managed to find out that the electromagnetic field changes its color depending on the physical and emotional state. These studies were of practical importance, since they helped to identify the onset of the disease at the earliest stage. In the future, the development of Kirlian was continued.

Kirlian's research helped to scientifically prove the existence of a certain shell with an energetic charge, which in yoga and esotericism is called the aura.

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