Home Grape Sleeveless summer blouse pattern. Modeling lesson: Blouse patterns for different body types. Pattern of a blouse with a yoke

Sleeveless summer blouse pattern. Modeling lesson: Blouse patterns for different body types. Pattern of a blouse with a yoke

The secret to the success of a hand-sewn blouse lies in the precise choice of fabric and style and the creation of an individual pattern that takes into account all the features of the figure. The latter is especially important if the woman’s proportions are far from standard. Simply adding centimeters in problem areas will clearly not be enough, since completeness is an individual concept. Some people boast luxurious breasts, others have lush buttocks and thighs.
In any case, the finished patterns must be adjusted in strict accordance with your measurements. It is most convenient to remove them with outside help, monitoring the position of the abdomen and posture, remaining in a free, taut position. In addition to standard measurements, you need to pay attention to the height and width of the chest and the length of the front. If your arms are full, not only the length of the sleeve is measured, but also the volume of the upper arm and hand.

The most common problem is a sculpted belly.

Sewn according to a standard pattern on obese women they seem too tight, the front looks shorter than the back.

This problem is solved by smoothly expanding the side borders of the shelves along the waistline and increasing the length of the front depending on the volume of the abdomen from its most prominent point to the bottom of the product.

It is relatively easy to create a blouse pattern for overweight women with broad shoulders and developed breasts. It is enough for them to proportionally increase the size of the pattern above the waist and smoothly narrow the side lines of the back and shelves from the waist to the hips.

It is more difficult to modify the drawings of blouse details for those with large breasts and narrow, feminine shoulders.

Most likely, they will need additional darts from the shoulder line. A swing drapery, which draws attention to the chest without visually increasing its size, will also help solve the problem.

To do this, the front is cut out with a supply of fabric in the neck area in the shape of an arc facing the top.

Those with full arms should pay attention not only to the recalculation of the sleeve width, but also to the corresponding increase in the depth of the front and back armholes.

The blouse pattern for plus size women is constructed with comfortable raglan sleeves, a front slit and has a flowy cut. This loose and comfortable summer style looks great with trousers and skirts.

Blouse pattern for obese women

The blouse pattern is suitable not only for overweight women, but also for women with a modest clothing size of 48-50. It is best to sew from various types of chiffons, viscose or thin knitwear.

The front section of this pattern is supposed to be fastened with a loop and button or hook. The neckline is edged with binding; to sew it on we will try a new processing method. Short raglan sleeves consist of two parts, which guarantees a more precise shoulder line and fit of the blouse for plus size women.

Seam allowances and cutting blouse details for obese women

The blouse pattern for plus size people is made without seam allowances; we will add them ourselves. To sew on a regular sewing machine, add 1 cm to all cuts except the neckline, the bottom of the sleeves and the blouse. We do not make allowances for the neckline, add 2 cm to the bottoms. But! When cutting from very thin fabrics, it is better to make hem allowances of 3-3.5 cm. If you bought translucent chiffon for this pattern, then add 3.5 cm.

You can buy ready-made trim for edging, which will make it easier to process the neckline of a blouse, but today we will practice making the edging ourselves. It is recommended to cut out the part for the trim after processing the blouse, and last but not least, because for the edging we need to measure the length of the neckline cut. Instead of using a pattern, use the finished blouse to measure.

Before edging the neckline of a blouse for overweight women, be sure to practice doing this operation on unnecessary pieces of fabric.

This edging method is only suitable for very thin fabrics.

The trim for the edging is cut with a length equal to the neck of the blouse plus 8 cm, a width equal to the width of the foot of your sewing machine multiplied by 6 plus 0.2-0.3 cm. Moreover, you will have to determine the width yourself experimentally, because the increase should be made taking into account the thickness of the fabric, and no one sees it except you. But usually this 0.2-0.3 cm is enough for summer fabrics.

The edging is cut on the bias.

Instructions for sewing a blouse for obese women

We sew and iron the facing of the front cut. We place the facing on the front side of the shelf and make a double stitch for a cut 0.4-0.5 cm wide to the notch that was transferred from the pattern.

We iron it, make a cut between the lines, notching at the bottom to the corners of the line. We adjust the allowances to the edge on the shelf. We turn the facing over to the wrong side of the blouse and iron the cut.

We transfer from the blouse pattern to the front of the blouse for full lines of folds, lay them so that they look towards the side seams and secure with an auxiliary machine stitch 0.2-0.3 cm from the neckline cut.

We fold the sleeve parts right sides together and sew down the shoulder seams, aligning the pattern reference marks. We sew the seam and iron it back.

We sew the sleeves with the right sides to the front and back of the blouse, we sew the seams and iron them onto the sleeves.

Iron the bottom of the sleeves and blouse on the wrong side by 1 cm, then again by 1 cm and adjust the allowance for the sleeves and blouse. If you added 3.5 cm to the hem, then iron it a second time by 2.5 cm, baste the hem onto the details of the blouse for plus-size people and adjust it.

For the loop, you can use an elastic cord or other decorative cord purchased at the store. We sew the loop to the neck of a blouse for overweight women before or after edging. Hook or button - after.

We take the binding for the edging and fold it along the entire length, inside out, aligning the cuts, and ironing. We baste the binding to the neckline from the inside of the blouse, tucking the end 1 cm at one side of the front slit so that after stitching and edging it ends up inside the edging.

We sew the binding, remove all temporary hand stitches, and iron the neckline. We take the thinnest hand needle, thread it into a thin, preferably silk, thread and begin basting the binding. To do this, we turn the ironed edge of the binding to the front side, bending it around the stitching seam, from the face we control the width of the visible part of the binding and its overlap with the stitching line. Ideally, the binding should overlap the stitching by 0.1-0.2 cm, but a little more is quite acceptable. We lay a hand stitch not reaching the future finishing stitch of the edging 0.1-0.2 cm from the side of the neck. At the end, we cut off the excess from the binding and fold the remaining allowance into the edging. We lay a finishing stitch along the edging.

It is almost impossible to imagine a modern representative of the fair sex who does not have blouses in her wardrobe. For plus-size ladies, such clothing is the most relevant, as it allows you to make the silhouette softer and helps to place the necessary accents as correctly as possible.

Which models of blouses for plus size people to choose, of course, is entirely up to you. We’ll talk about the most suitable options that can highlight the advantages of a woman’s figure and hide her shortcomings.

Fitted models

This cut is considered a classic. These blouses have short or long sleeves. If you need clothes for the office, then we recommend choosing a model in a plain, discreet tone.

The original version with a bright floral print is suitable for everyday use.

Free tailoring

Loose-fitting blouses have gained immense popularity; as a rule, they are similar to men's shirts.

To prevent clothes from resembling something from your boyfriend's wardrobe, choose a fabric color that a man would never choose.

Short sleeve

This clothing will highlight the attractiveness of your hands and add romance and grace to the overall look.

If your arms are a little plump, then it is better to opt for sleeves up to the elbow with a loose fit, this way you can hide such a flaw.


The trend is a sophisticated cut, ideal for festive events.

In an asymmetrical blouse you will stand out perfectly, and a tasteful cut will allow you to hide the flaws of your figure. To make sure of this, look at the photo of a blouse for plus-size women below.


A beautiful collar and neckline of a blouse will be an excellent choice for romantic girls.

A luxurious bow in the form of a tie will allow you to focus maximum attention of others on the attractiveness of your neck, drawing attention away from the rounded hips.

The ruffled model is elegant and versatile, as it is suitable for festive events and everyday wear to work.

Fashion models


This type of blouse is quite common among women with luxurious shapes, as it allows you to hide figure defects.

If you have stomach problems, it is good to buy a tunic that has a fairly revealing neckline and a high waist. For ladies who have a thin waist, fitted models are suitable.

Open shoulders

Such women's blouses are the trend of the current season, because they look not only attractive, but also quite erotic, and are perfect for plus-size ladies, as they hide the unwanted, revealing the shoulders.


Ladies with luxurious hips need to be careful when choosing such a cut, as certain models visually make the hips wider. Opt for the option where the frill is slightly above the wide points of the hips.

For those with a triangle-type figure, it is better to pay attention to a loose cut of clothing with a frill located along the hip line, which will visually balance the shape.


Chiffon. Mostly made from similar fabrics, blouses for plus size people are always relevant for the summer, due to their lightness. It is preferable to purchase loose-fitting models that do not restrict freedom of movement. As for the sleeve, it can be short or long.

Silk. A great option for holiday blouses. Thanks to the variety of styles and colors, any lady will choose the most suitable blouse. However, do not forget that iridescent material emphasizes fullness.

Knitwear. A great everyday choice. Choose a simple cut and simple decoration. Knitted products are better suited for spring or autumn, but for the hot season it is preferable to choose a lighter material.

Linen. Linen clothing will give its owner maximum comfort in the heat. Choose classic tailoring that is always on trend.

Crepe de Chine. This material is quite dense and suitable for creating items for holidays and everyday wear. During the hot season, it is hot in a crepe de Chine blouse, but comfortable in spring and autumn.

Batiste. An indispensable choice for hot weather, since clothes made from this fabric are perfectly breathable, which means they allow the skin to breathe. Due to the variety of shades and styles, you can choose a model for relaxation and office.

Photos of blouses for plus size people

Today it is difficult to imagine a fashionable image of a modern woman without a blouse, because it is blouses that hold the palm in almost every wardrobe. Blouses are classic, business, romantic, made of silk, chiffon, the finest cambric... Using the blouse patterns presented in this section, you can sew any blouse you want yourself!

Another undeniable advantage of blouses is that with each of them you can create completely different clothing ensembles for every occasion. Business style for the office, dinner with friends, walks around the city or a romantic date - combine your favorite blouses with skirts, trousers or shorts and you will always feel confident and comfortable.

A blouse (from the French "blouson" - jacket) is a women's outerwear made of thin fabric in the form of a short fitted shirt, a light jacket. Traditional blouses have sleeves, a collar and cuffs. Often fastened with buttons, but there are models in the form of tunics.

Even if you have little experience in sewing, sewing a blouse yourself will be easy for you and you can be sure that you can cope with such a job, and the result will please you! Detailed patterns and master classes presented in this section will help you go the whole way - from creating a pattern to sewing the finished product. We accompanied each stage with a detailed description and instructions, and you can be sure that if you encounter any difficulties, we will definitely help you - both with advice and consultation.

Sew beautiful blouses, be inspired by creative ideas, come up with your own models, and let inspiration become your faithful companion along this path!

This knitted suit can not only be sewn from ready-made material, but also knitted. It consists of a jumper and a skirt - a voluminous top and a tight-fitting bottom - a wonderful collaboration of two completely independent things. Together they create a complete ensemble, however, each of them can act separately, as a combi-partner with other items in your wardrobe. For example, such a knitted skirt can be perfectly combined with a loose blouse, and a jumper with denim trousers.

Blouses with drapery look very unusual and impressive. Graceful soft shimmer of fabric, asymmetrical cut and one of the most fashionable colors of the coming season - these are the main components of the success of this feminine blouse. And if you add a long train falling in soft folds to the drapery, you will get a real masterpiece worthy of your wardrobe! Pattern of a blouse with drapery - in our next lesson.

Almost every craftswoman has a forgotten piece of fabric that was purchased spontaneously and then put aside in search of a suitable idea. We invite you to audit your supplies, find “that” material and sew our spectacular blouse-top from it. The secret of this model lies in the perfectly emphasized waistline and luxurious asymmetrical peplum, which always sounds on-trend. The pattern is simple, so even craftswomen with little experience can model and sew such a product.

Pure white color always gives products incredible attractiveness and grace, and if you add delicate embroidery to this, you can get a blouse that you simply can’t take your eyes off! The eye-catching fabric does not require a complex cut, so the presented model is very simply cut: straight cut, long straight sleeves and a classic shirt collar on the stand. The drawstring allows you to perfectly highlight the waist with ties at the side seams. The wide shaped cuffs, both straps and the collar are made of the finest cambric, and it is this combination of textures that adds stylish chic to the model. In this lesson we suggest modeling a pattern for a blouse with long sleeves.

Even if you live under severe time pressure, this is not a reason to refuse a new trendy asymmetrical jumper, because you can sew it in just an hour! At the same time, this model looks so luxurious that at first glance it is difficult to guess how it is cut. The idea is simple and bright, like all ingenious things. In this lesson we will tell you in detail how to create a pattern for an asymmetrical jumper and show you how to sew it.

The modern definition of the concept of “blouse” is quite broad, from basic business models to the most sophisticated romantic styles. However, there are very original blouses, which include models with an open back, with a peplum, with a wrap... But the blouse that we will model in this lesson is truly unique and combines all of the above designs. Such a “collaboration” is quite capable of becoming a powerful tool for creating an absolutely individual, non-standard and striking model.

Many women and girls prefer elegant fitted blouses, and such models rightfully occupy one of the leading places in many women's wardrobes. Such models are especially relevant for those women whose activities are associated with a certain dress code. However, despite the simple style and minimum seams, a classic fitted blouse made from brightly colored fabric can easily become the soloist of a youth look with denim trousers. Or, made in a soft pastel color, it will sound more elegant. We invite you to sew both these blouses using our pattern.

Products made from knitted fabrics are the easiest and fastest way to start sewing yourself. And there are a lot of arguments in favor of using knitted materials for beginning craftswomen, for example, such materials forgive almost all sewing flaws, patterns for knitted products can be created in literally 15 minutes, and the finished items fit just perfectly! There are also no problems with sewing in sleeves, since the manageable knitwear is very easy to fit. In this tutorial we will show how easy it is to model a raglan sleeve without a top seam for a knitted sweatshirt.

Despite the fact that this blouse with a bow at the neck can be called a champion in elegance, nevertheless, this model is very versatile and looks quite organic not only in sets with feminine skirts, but also with quite brutal jeans, and even with leather ones. trousers. What is the secret of a blouse with a bow collar? The whole mysticism lies in the fact that she knows how to transform her image depending on the color and texture of the fabric from which she is sewn. This unique property allows this model to remain as relevant and popular among fashionistas for many decades. In our next lesson, we offer you three simple patterns for a blouse with a bow collar - a classic blouse, a blouse with a yoke and a chiffon model with raglan sleeves.

The motto of this incredibly feminine blouse with puff sleeves and a yoke is more volume! And indeed, despite the seemingly rather large-scale assembly, the model looks very light and feminine, and the endless number of tails created by the soft drapery of the fabric create a delicate airy image. It is best to combine a blouse with a strict, tight-fitting hem, and a pencil skirt, just below the knee length, is an ideal combi partner. However, this style can be successfully combined with cropped skinny jeans, but the waistline of the trousers should not be too low. The pattern of a blouse with sleeves is very simple to model!

Winter is full of holidays, unexpected events and some free time. The time we use to repair, sew, knit or remake something. And now is the time to start sewing clothes for the spring-summer season. In order to please yourself with a new beautiful thing, you don’t have to be a professional seamstress. You just need to choose the model you like and a beautiful fabric. Today we are sharing with you a selection of simple blouse and t-shirt patterns that even a beginner can handle. And in just one evening, a stylish and fashionable new thing will be ready! Look and choose!

Simple blouse patterns for beginners

Below is a pattern - not a model, a drawing that needs to be transferred to paper. Here for size 40.

Below in the photo is a drawing diagram for knitwear. You can sew a new blouse from two old T-shirts or from leftover fabric. Another plus: the neckline can be made the way you like. For a T-shirt, a one-piece sleeve will look much better than a set-in sleeve because it “fits” better and does not widen the shoulders.

A comfortable T-shirt with full sleeves that many women like. The choice of fabric can result in both an elegant and casual option.

Interesting blouse in peasant style. For a full figure, you need to make it a short version, to the bone on the hip, for example. Well, pair it with trousers or a pencil skirt.

Oversized T-shirt with full sleeves: stylish and simple! The main features of the outfit are the boat neckline and the length.

T-shirt. If you think about it, it will suit everyone: because it can hide flaws and highlight the advantages of a figure. Sewn from knitwear.

Interesting blouse pattern. Sewn from one piece of fabric. This version of the blouse will be at the peak of popularity for a long time. You can find out in more detail how to sew such a blouse.

Fashionable oversized blouse model

Blouse made of light fabric

These blouse designs are perfect for a full figure. Original loose cut and nothing superfluous!

Simple blouse patterns for beginners

Voluminous sleeves with ruffles are still in fashion

A T-shirt with pleats will hide your protruding tummy.

A few more simple blouse patterns with interesting cuts for beginners

And finally, we present to you a pattern of a chic blouse that will look perfect on any figure.

As you can see, you can see less and less tight blouses and T-shirts on fashionistas. Currently, Oversize rules the roost - larger size models or loose-fitting clothes, which is very pleasing! After all, such models provide comfort and freedom of movement, and perfectly hide figure flaws.

The easiest way is to build a pattern according to the diagram, since you can take a rectangle of the required length and width as a basis. When modeling a pattern, to make your task easier, you can use your own T-shirt or jacket that fits. Go for it and you will succeed! We hope these easy blouse patterns for beginners have inspired your creativity!

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