Home Grape Youtube player playlist with open list. Promotion and promotion on YouTube through playlists. Configuring Channel Display for Users

Youtube player playlist with open list. Promotion and promotion on YouTube through playlists. Configuring Channel Display for Users

Almost every YouTube channel cannot do without playlists created on it. But not everyone knows why they are needed at all and how to create them. And only a few can guess how to make the very structure of the entire channel using these very playlists.

As mentioned above, no self-respecting YouTube channel can do without playlists. This tool is necessary for the normal structuring of all content on it.

In this case, they can be compared with the genres of motion pictures. For example, on movie sites, in order to find some kind of comedy, you will immediately select the category of the same name, and you will not be looking for a suitable film among the whole variety of films added for all the time, where action films, melodramas, and everything else are mixed. It’s illogical.

On YouTube, playlists help you divide all videos by topic so that the viewer can quickly find the material that interests him. This makes it possible not only to simplify the life of users who have come to watch videos on the channel, but also to attract these users thereby.

Also, one cannot ignore the fact that with their help you can design the main page of the channel well. Which will attract even more attention of potential subscribers to it.

Structuring your channel with playlists

If your channel is structured, then it will be able to attract and retain more users, everything is clear with this. The structure is given by the very playlists that each user can create.

But playlists are one thing and you can't get by with them. In any case, you will need to upload your videos to them, and the more, the better. Well, so that the work you have done does not lie around, so to speak, in a common heap, you need to select categories for them in advance.

In fact, everything is simple here. You have three variables - channel, playlists, and videos. The channel can be thought of as the "D" drive on the computer. Playlists are folders that are located on this drive, and videos are files that are in those folders. Here is a complete structure for you.

Just before you start recording a video, it is better to first come up with the directions in which you will move. In other words, the topics on which you will shoot videos. Of course, there can be several of them, and the more, the better.

It is recommended to draw up visual structures and plans for future work. You can do it the old fashioned way, using a sheet of paper and a pencil with a grater, or you can use modern technology, so to speak, such as service.

On this site, it is possible, using the tools provided, to draw up a plan and structure for future work in a few minutes. Highlight priority areas, as well as make preparations for the future. Although, at first glance, it may seem that all this can be done without visualization - just in the head, but still there is a sense of all this.

Create a playlist on YouTube

Well, after you have decided with what name you will add them to your channel, you can proceed directly to their creation.

First of all, you will need to enter the section itself "Playlists" on your account. By the way, there are several ways to do this, but it is worth focusing on only one - through a creative studio. This is because the rest may differ for different users, and there is simply no point in giving detailed instructions for each.

That's all. After completing all the points of the above instructions, you will create your new playlist on the channel. However, if you create it for open access in order to attract new subscribers, then this is far from all the manipulations that need to be done with it.

At a minimum, add a description in which you should state the whole point: what topic it has, what exactly will be added, indicate the genre and all other features. Ideally, the text should be about 1000 characters long. But the more the better. Be generous with inserting keywords into your description so that users are more likely to find it when they search.

Parameters section

So, if you want to promote your channel, then creating playlists should be taken seriously. The description is just a small part of the work that needs to be done. Setting up the created sheet is much more important. By the way, you can open these settings by pressing the button of the same name. Fortunately, there are not very many of them - only three. But it is worth going over all of them separately, so that everyone understands which element is responsible for what.

basic settings

The first tab, in the window that appears after clicking the button "Setting up a playlist", - this is "Basic"... Based on the name, you can already understand that in it you can configure the fundamental parameters. From the names of the different settings areas, we can take away that we will change the degree of confidentiality, the sorting method, and also set additional parameters of the created sheet.

  1. Open access- by selecting this item, the videos that will be added to this playlist can be viewed by absolutely all YouTube users, both registered and not.
  2. Access by link- this choice will not give anyone the right to view the records. They can be accessed only by the link that you will provide, so to speak, to a select few.
  3. Limited access- by choosing this option, videos can be viewed only from your account, everyone else will not have access to them.

Confidentiality is clear. If you want to promote your channel by gaining views and subscribers, then choose "Open access", if you want to show your friends, then choose "Access by link" and provide them with the video link. And if you do not want to show the records to anyone, then choose "Limited access"... But as for sorting, then everything is more complicated. You are presented with five options to choose from:

  • Manually;
  • Most Popular;
  • By date added (new ones first);
  • By date added (old ones first);
  • By publication date (newest first);
  • By publication date (oldest first).

You can also check the box "Add new videos to the beginning of the playlist".

There can be no exact instructions here, and only you make the decision on the choice of the parameter. However, if you pay attention to how successful YouTube-figures do, then it is better to tick that very box and not fool yourself.

Well, with the category "Additionally" everything is simple, there is only one parameter in it - "Allow embedding"... Who does not know, the embedding parameter is responsible for ensuring that when a video is published, for example, on VKontakte, the user can or, conversely, cannot view the video. If embedding is allowed, then the VK user will be able to watch your video, if it is prohibited, then he will have to go to YouTube to watch.

In general, you now know the essence of this parameter, so it's up to you whether to check the box or not.

After you have specified all the necessary parameters, do not forget to save them by clicking the button of the same name.

Auto-add settings

Tab "Auto-add" in the settings contains not so many parameters, but it is able to significantly simplify the user's life. But after going to it, do not forget to press the button Add Rule otherwise you cannot do anything.

After clicking the button, a field for entering the rule will appear. But what does this mean? It's simple, here you can specify which words found in the title, description or tag of the added video will automatically add it to this playlist. For greater clarity, an example can be given.

Let's say you want to add videos from the DIY category to your playlist. Then it will be logical to select "Tag" from the drop-down list and enter these very words - "do it yourself".

You can also choose from the list "Description contains" and enter "how to do it" in the field. In this case, videos uploaded to the channel, the description of which will contain these words, will automatically be entered into your playlist.

Also note that you can add multiple rules. When finished, do not forget to save all changes by pressing the button. "Save".


Tab "Coauthors" rarely comes in handy for someone, but it carries quite useful functions in itself. On this tab, you can add users who will be entitled to upload their videos to this section. This option is useful when your channel is merged with another, or you are pairing your channel with another person.

In order to grant rights to your co-author, you need:

As always, don't forget to press the button. "Save" for all changes to take effect.

So all the settings are over. Now you have set all the desired parameters of the playlist and you can safely start adding new videos. You can also create others by specifying different parameters for them, thereby creating a structure for your entire channel.


Talking about how to create a playlist on YouTube, you cannot ignore the topic of how to delete it from there. And to do this is very simple, you just need to press the desired button, but to make it easier for you to find it, now detailed instructions will be provided, albeit rather short.

After that, you will be asked if you really want to perform this action, and if so, then feel free to press the button "Delete"... After a short-term processing, the previously created playlist will be deleted.


In conclusion, I would like to say that you cannot do without playlists on the channel you are doing. They allow you to give structure to all the content that will be placed on it. With the help of a competent approach to structuring itself, each YouTube figure will be able to attract the attention of a huge number of potential subscribers. And periodically supplementing the channel with new ideas, headings and categories, that is, creating new playlists, the channel will develop and only get better.

Sections are needed to structure content. If you create them, it will be easier for viewers to navigate your videos and choose what they want to watch. Up to 10 chapters can be created on one channel.

Partition management

How to create a section

First of all you will need to customize the channel view

  1. Click on Customize channel view.
  2. Click on Add section.
  3. From the Content drop-down menu, select the type of content you want to put in the section.
    • Video: you can create a section with, for example, popular videos, recently uploaded videos, or content you like.
    • Playlists: you can create a section with one or more playlists.
  4. From the Layout drop-down menu, choose how you want to arrange the video in the section — horizontally in a row or in a vertical list.
  5. Click the button Ready.

How to change a section

How to change the order of sections

  1. Open the main page of the channel.
  2. Click on Customize channel view.
  3. Move the pointer over the section you want.
  4. Press the up arrow or down arrow button.

Section types

The section can contain videos on one topic, playlists, including other people's, and even channels or their groups.

Sections with video
  • Popular Videos
  • last added
  • Liked videos

If you have enabled live streaming on your channel, you can create a section for current, upcoming and ended broadcasts.

Sections with playlists
  • All playlists created on the channel
  • One playlist
  • Multiple playlists
  • Liked playlists

You can add playlists to the section not only from yours, but also from other channels. To do this, enter the playlist URL by copying it from the browser address bar on the playlist page or on the browsing page.

Sections created from a single playlist display a Play All button. By clicking it, viewers will be able to watch the entire video at once.

In such sections, visitors will also see the title and description of the playlist.

Hello, friends! How to create playlists on YouTube is an important question not only for beginner youtubers, bloggers, information businessmen, but also for people with experience. It's no secret that many people run their YouTube channels, but they don't create playlists, which is a big mistake. In this article, we will look at what a YouTube playlist is, why you need it, and look at how to create and delete them.

I hope most of the readers of my blog know what a YouTube playlist is. However, there are quite a few people who do not know this. They run their own channels, they already have dozens of videos uploaded, but they are in no hurry to create their playlists on YouTube. This is a big mistake, and we will find out why?

Before studying the question of how to create playlists on YouTube, I will try to say a few words about what a playlist on YouTube is and why you need it. In fact, a playlist is needed to organize the videos that are on the YouTube channel. For example, I have a video on the topic of how to create a website, there is a video on the topic of Infobusiness, and there is a video about my travels. If you do not make playlists, then the entire video will be mixed on the channel.

Such video placement will be extremely inconvenient for users. For example, a person follows a link to a video on creating a website, he wants to watch something else on this topic, and he will be offered a video on the topic of travel. Not very good, agree! The person will leave your channel and will no longer want to return to it. That is, playlists are a list of videos on the same topic. If your YouTube channel has 10 topics, then there should be at least 10 playlists.

Oddly enough, playlists increase views on YouTube channels, help promote your channel. How to promote a YouTube channel from scratch for free using playlists will be briefly shown in the next section of the article.

It would seem, how the playlist can influence the promotion of the channel? It turns out that it can be very effective. First, let's remember how you are promoting an individual video on YouTube. After uploading a video, you create a description for it, let's call it an SEO description. Next, you select keywords and phrases by analogy with optimizing blog articles.

For these SEO queries, Google starts offering your video for viewing. If you optimize the description correctly, choose the right keywords, then your video will have good views. But the user will not go anywhere further than watching one video, YouTube will not offer him similar videos from your channel, because you do not have playlists yet. As a result, the viewer will switch to another video from another channel. You will lose this user.

Another thing is if you have a playlist with similar videos, then the user will be offered your other similar videos. And another important detail. It should be remembered that the playlist itself is optimized in the same way as an individual video. A description is prepared for it separately, keywords and phrases are selected separately for it. The playlist will be separately promoted and will bring additional traffic, will provide additional views.

Here is the answer to the question of how to promote a channel on YouTube from scratch for free. After all, you don't need money to create a playlist, and the time required is minimal. Of course, this is not the only free promotion method, but one of the most important. By the way, in a recent article, Fr.

It is important to choose the right keywords. In addition, in articles on the blog, in social networks, on news portals, you can provide a link to the playlist. The number of views of your videos will grow exponentially. This means that earnings through the Internet will also grow because viewers will watch other similar videos.

Now let's get down to practical work and learn how to create YouTube playlists. For this, I recorded a video where everything is shown in detail. If you wish, you can go to watching the video right away, or you can read this article first.

So, first you need to go to the "Creative Studio" by clicking on the avatar of your channel. Next, on the left side of the control panel, select "Video Manager" and "Playlists".

A new window opens, it will be empty, you have not yet created a single playlist. We need to click the "New Playlist" button.

You can also visit the playlists page from the home page of your channel, but I do not recommend doing this. The fact is that with this method of entry, not all videos can be shown there. If your main page will not show individual pages - "Videos", "Playlists", "Discussions", "Channels", then you will need to customize the appearance of the "Overview" page. How this is done is shown in the video below.

So, after clicking the "New playlist" button, you need to come up with a name for the new playlist, you need to select access. If you want to offer a video for viewing to everyone, then select "Open Access" and click the "Create" button. That's it, the playlist has been created and now it remains to make its settings and start adding videos to it. By the way, the created playlist with video can be shared separately on social networks via buttons.

The settings are quite simple and can be done in a couple of minutes. For this reason, I will not describe this operation in the text, you can see all the details in the video below.

The only thing I want to pay special attention to is SEO optimization of the playlist. You need to first carefully select keywords, separately compose a description with the participation of keywords. Next, click the "Add Description" button and insert the prepared SEO text and keywords into the field that opens. The text needs to be made in three, four sentences, and the number of keys can be 5-8, maybe a little more.

For each playlist, HTML code is generated separately, which you can copy and paste into an article on the blog. Video views will skyrocket as people will want to watch multiple videos. The blog will also benefit from this, video views from the blog, improve behavioral factors.

Adding videos to playlists is straightforward. If you are uploading a new video, then just select the desired playlist and put a tick in it. If you want to add a video from the previously uploaded to the channel, you need to click the "Add video" button, in a new window select "Your videos on YouTube", select the desired video and add. You can also add any other people's video and find it through the "Search", and you can also add a video through the URL.

Inside each playlist, you can customize the placement of the video through the "More" button. You can move the video to the very bottom or to the very top, you can make any video the icon of this playlist.

Placing videos in a specific sequence is very convenient when placing video lessons, the lessons will be placed in a strictly defined sequence. Or when presenting sequential reports, such as travel. Here you can also delete any video by clicking on the cross (watch the video). So, we learned how to create playlists on YouTube, how to make its settings, now we will analyze the question of how to delete a playlist on YouTube.

There are situations when you need to delete a created playlist, the reasons can be very different. This operation is simple and will take less than a minute to complete. But you need to show how to delete a playlist on YouTube. First you need to go to the playlist page, then on the right, click on the three vertical dots. A menu pops up where you need to select "Delete playlist". Next, we confirm our action through the "Delete" button.

When you delete a playlist, the videos do not disappear anywhere, they will simply remain on your channel, but will not be systematized. For this reason, you will need to create a new playlist. As you can see, everything is easy and simple.


So, in this article we looked at what a playlist is, made sure that this is an important event. We were convinced that playlists help promote channels, increase the number of views, and therefore increase your earnings through the Internet. From the article, you learned how to create playlists on YouTube, how to delete them.

If you are a beginner and are just starting your own YouTube channel, then I advise you to immediately create playlists and insert the desired video into them. If you have a video on the YouTube channel, then create playlists and distribute the video to them. You will be surprised, but you will get good results and ask yourself a question - why I didn’t do it before. I wish you good luck and great views on the YouTube channel!

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan.

Announcement: Friends, annotations will stop working on YouTube as of May 2, 2017. Old annotations will remain and will continue to work, new ones will no longer be placed. Instead, ““ will work.

Do you think that you have studied YouTube thoroughly and you have nothing to learn to develop your project?

Don't jump to conclusions, but better - check out our new guide to playlists !

How to easily expand your audience, increase channel efficiency and increase your income level - all this is possible with

In this article, we will talk in detail- about playlists on YouTube, we will learn how to configure them, as well as useful tips. ⇓⇓⇓

What do you need to know about them?

If your project is developing rapidly, and the number of videos has already exceeded 20, then playlists are vital to you. These are collections that combine videos that are common in content, allowing you to group content on a channel.

For example, if you are engaged in several topics at once (game reviews, humor, etc.) or conduct video tutorials, then you can create a thematic playlist where you will add similar videos. This will greatly facilitate the search for information on your project, increase the efficiency of the project, as well as a number of other perks that you never even imagined.

Example playlists

→ So, according to large studies, the creation of optimized playlists on the channel allows you to significantly increase the level of sales for commercial projects and not only.

Separately, I would like to note Benefits playlists specifically for your channel: ↓↓↓

  • Structure- allow you to group information into logical blocks (for example, reviews, products, etc.);
  • Attraction of subscribers- playlists look different in search, so they often attract new viewers;
  • Convenience- viewers and subscribers find the content they need much easier;
  • Promotion- now you can promote entire collections of videos to the top.

In addition, after creating playlists - audience activity, time and number of views increases significantly.

All about adding and configuring

If you want your channel to work even more efficiently, then it's time to think about creating playlists on YouTube. You can create an almost unlimited number of collections for different content.

Instructions on how to make playlists on YouTube: ↓↓↓

The playlist has been created, but it still needs to be filled with video, as well as configured, and this will require the following steps: ↓↓↓


→ Now let's move on to the most important points: title and description !!!

They can be taken from the Key Collector program when creating playlists or on Wordstats Yandex. It is advisable to choose non-competitive mid-frequency queries.

The names should be meaningful and informative, by the way, similar requirements are put forward for the description.


After adding the videos will be in a certain sequence. If necessary, you can swap the positions of the videos in the playlist. Move the mouse cursor over the desired video and click on the "More" tab, after which you can select "Move up" or "Move down".

Special attention should be paid to the playlist settings: ↓↓↓

  • Confidentiality... You can choose the availability of videos (open, by link and general).
  • Sorting. The nature of the location of the videos (by date, popularity, etc.).
  • Activate the checkbox"Add new videos up" to make videos appear at the top of the list.
  • Autocomplete your playlist... You can create a rule for videos with a specific title or tag to be added to this playlist.

We have figured out the basic settings and now you can go to the "Playlists" tab, where you can adjust their location and more. In particular, to link to a playlist, you can simply copy the URL of the list and paste it where you want.

If necessary, you can always rearrange, add or delete individual videos: ↓↓↓

  • Go to the main page in the "Playlists" tab;
  • Open the required list;
  • There is a "Delete" tab at the top;
  • Below there is a button for uploading a video to a playlist;
  • When you hover over a video, you can also delete it.

In this article, we covered the main points of how to enable a playlist and increase the number of YouTube subscriptions at times.

Good day to all, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today our topic will be very short and simple, but nevertheless many people are very interested in it. Today we will talk about what a playlist is on YouTube, why they are generally needed and how to create them. So sit back and let's go!

Of course, everyone always and everywhere wants some kind of order. It doesn't matter what it is: home, refrigerator, tools, website, etc. For example, when you run your website or blog, it makes sense to write articles under a specific heading or category. For example, I put all the lessons that I have related to Photoshop in the appropriate heading. Thus, you can always click cleanly on this heading and see articles only in Photoshop. Convenient, isn't it?

So in youtube, playlists are responsible for the function of headings. You just pack your videos into different categories for your convenience. For example, on my video I also upload videos to separate playlists, for example, the same tutorials in Photoshop and social networks. As a result, a person can select the desired playlist and watch all videos exclusively from it.

How to make a playlist on YouTube?

In order to make a new playlist, you need to click on "My Channel" and then click on the "Playlists" tab. All your playlists will be displayed there, and at the same time one will already be created from the videos you like. If you want to create a new playlist, then you will need to click on the appropriate button and select with what access it will be.

  • Open access - the clip will be available to absolutely anyone, will be displayed in the search, etc.
  • Limited access - you choose the people who will have access to your video.
  • Access by link - the video will not be publicly available, but anyone who follows the link to it can watch it. This way you can send such links to your friends.

How to add a video to a playlist

To add a new video to the playlist, you will need to set the appropriate item when uploading. And again you will have a choice, add the video to the existing playlist, or create a new one. In addition, you can add one video to multiple sheets.

And if suddenly you want to move the video to another list, or just add it, then there will be nothing complicated either. Just launch it, and right below it, click on the "Add +" button. You will get the same window as in the previous example, i.e. you will need to choose where to define this vidos. I have a video about how to remove an unnecessary object in Photoshop, recorded a long time ago, but has not yet been determined, so I am sending it to other videos in Photoshop.

Now everything is perfectly structured and in place.

Automatically add new videos to the playlist

The most famous video hosting in the world has an amazing feature so you don't have to distribute anything. The videos themselves will be entered into the categories you have created. The function is responsible for this. "Auto-add".

In order to do this trick, you will need to go back to "My Channel" - "Playlists". After that, select any playlist that you want to set up to auto-add. Made? Fine!

Now select the item "Playlist settings", then in the window that opens, select the tab "Auto-add"... And of course, we click on the only available button Add Rule.

Now choose what this rule will pay attention to. For example, I set the parameter "Title" and write the word "photoshop". Now every new video, the title of which will contain this word, will be included in the playlist I need, that is, in the Photoshop tutorials. Great, huh?

Well, if you suddenly change your mind and want to delete the playlist, then no one will bother you in this. It's very easy to do, but the feature is a bit hidden. You again need to go to "My Channel" - "Playlists", and then click on the three dots that are on the right side. Well, there already select the appropriate item "Delete playlist".

Well, now you know what a YouTube playlist is and how to work with them in general. Therefore, when you are (if you do not have one), do not forget to immediately take care of the headings that you will fill with new interesting videos. So if you didn't know something, I hope I helped you figure it out.

And if suddenly you want to try yourself in a new interesting profession - youtube manager, I recommend that you visit free online marathon for remote professions. They will tell you everything in detail and show you!

Well, this is where I end my article. I hope you enjoyed it and will not forget to come back to my blog. And so that you can always read something new, I will try to write for you even more often. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

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