Home Grape Zar zor rule examples and exceptions. Ips spelling commenting of the Russian dictionary. Complex work with text

Zar zor rule examples and exceptions. Ips spelling commenting of the Russian dictionary. Complex work with text

At the tanned chef Proshka

The potatoes are burnt today

Because fumes oozed from the stove

And they removed the carbon deposits from the candle at the wrong time.

This seemingly stupid poem has a hidden meaning that has to do with the spelling of vowels in alternating roots. The poem contains words with the root-mountains- and -gar-. What is the rule for writing this root?

Root - mountains - / - gar-. Spelling rule

If you take words with this root from a comic rhyme, you can divide them into two groups:

  • with the letter "o": tanned, burnt;
  • with the letter "a": waste, carbon.
  • Now it remains to compare words from the two groups, when comparing, the following pattern can be identified: "o" is in the unstressed position, the letter "a" is under stress. Hence the rule is formulated:

  • Vowels at the root with alternating –gar - / –hor- depend on stress: stressed vowel is the letter "a", unstressed is the letter "o".
  • Words with the root - gor - / - gar-. Examples illustrating the rule

    Based on the rule formulated in the previous chapter, you can create a table and fill it with examples.

    In an unstressed position: -mountain-

    Under stress - gar-

    • get tanned;
    • get crazy;
    • burn out;
    • flammability;
    • combustible;
    • burn out;
    • sunburnt;
    • burn up;
    • burn out;
    • burn;
    • burnt.
    • Tan;
    • carbon monoxide;
    • burning;
    • the height;
    • waste;
    • stub.
    • Not so simple

      It would seem that everything is very simple, but it is not. Words with the root - mountain - can be difficult. This is what the tale of the two brothers says.

      Two twin brothers lived in the country of Linguinia. In everything they were the same: both in meaning and in pronunciation. Their names were distinguished only by one letter: one brother was called Horus, and the name of the other was Gar.

      The brothers were very friendly with each other. We never quarreled and did our hard work honestly. And they served as roots in words. The brothers divided their responsibilities among themselves fairly. Horus became an unstressed root in words, his service was not so difficult, but there was a lot to do. Gar went to work under stress. It was a difficult task, but it was not so often required to go to work. Each of the brothers was satisfied with their work, and they lived well, amicably.

      But then one day Horus came across another root, very similar to himself. It was an amazing resemblance. And soon the two Mountains were inseparable. They could be found in sentences in which there are words with the root -hor-:

      The house burned down - the family is grieving.

      The pancakes are burnt - that's the grief for my wife.

      Bitter for Yegorka - the props burned out.

      Only from this proximity of the two Mountains relations between the brothers began to deteriorate. A friend kept whispering in Horus's ear: “Your brother is a bum. We work with you in the sweat of our brow, and he comes running from time to time. Just think, under stress, but it's not so difficult, I'm the only one who can handle it. Let us drive him out and be brothers. "

      Horus was completely exhausted from such speeches: he also liked his new friend, because he is so similar to himself, you cannot tell directly, and he did not want to get rid of his brother. How can poor Horus figure it out?

      Let us hurry to the aid of the Mountain and help him understand: can the root - mountain - in the words "grieve", "grief", "bitter" replace his brother.

      Can the words "grief" and "burn" be relatives?

      What is the root of the word "grief", for example? Let's turn to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary.

      And we learn that the words “misfortune”, “misfortune”, “melancholy”, “sorrow”, “sorrow” will be synonyms for the word “grief”. That is, the meaning of this word has to do with a person's inner experience of negative emotions. The same meaning is in the words "grieve" and "bitter".

      To grieve is to suffer, to experience sorrow, sorrow.

      Bitter - unpleasant, sad, painful.

      Words with the root -gor - / - gar- have a completely different lexical meaning, examples of which are: "burned out", "burned out". In Dahl's dictionary, they are interpreted as follows:

      Burn - to be engulfed in fire, exposed to flame or high temperature.

      There are also figurative meanings:

    • shine (snowflakes burn in the sun);
    • desire strongly (burned with a thirst for change);
    • work quickly, quickly (everything burns in his hands).
    • So, it turns out that such strikingly similar roots - mountain - (grief) and - mountain - (to burn) actually have nothing in common in the most important thing - in their lexical meaning. This means that they cannot be related in any way.

      But the root -gar- will always be an integral part of the root -hor-, since it also means “to be exposed to high temperatures”:

    • sunburn - dark skin color from prolonged exposure to sunlight;
    • carbon deposits - build-up from combustion;
    • waste - gas remaining after combustion;
    • burn - a place where something burned.
    • Words with the root-mountain-, examples of which were the objects of research, can serve as an illustration of a linguistic phenomenon - homonymy, which is characterized by the fact that identically expressed units of the language differ in their semantics. In addition to the morpheme -gor-, we can give an example of the root -cos-, its homonym is the root with alternating -cas - / - braid: mow - touch.

      Spelling of the roots - mountains - and - mountains - / - gar-

      As homonyms, the roots –hor –– and –– ––– / –– gar- obey different spelling rules. If the spelling of the root -gar - / - hor- depends on the stress, then at the root is the orthogram "Unstressed verifiable vowel at the root of the word." The rule for this spelling is formulated as follows. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing an unstressed vowel, it is necessary to choose a test word in which this vowel in the same morpheme would become a stressed one.

      In accordance with this rule, the words with the root - gor-: "g ... roar", "g ... remyka", prig ... runeted "we check with the words" grief "," woe "," bitter ".

      In addition to the root with the meaning of "sadness", "misfortune", there is another homonym - mountains -, it means "sublime area". For example, in the words “mountain”, “mountainous”, “mountain”, “highlander”, “upland”, “hill”, “hill” just such semantics.

      These words with the root -hor- are also checked by stress. This means that "mountain", "mountainous" should be checked with the words "mountains", "mountain".

      Alternating root -zor- / zar-

      There is another alternating root in Russian, the spelling of which depends on the stress. This is the root -zor - / - zar-. It has the lexical meaning of "lighting the horizon in scarlet when the sun rises or sets."

      In it, in contrast to the root -gor- / gar-, the letter “o” should be written under the stress, and “a” without the stress. We use the table to illustrate this rule.


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      Russian language - spelling:


      Roots alternating o - a

      Roots with unverifiable vowels

      The spelling of vowels in many words cannot be checked by stress: with O tank, in O ldyr, in a trush and etc.; such words should be consulted in the dictionary and their spelling should be memorized.

      kos - kas, lod - lag

      In the roots cos- - cas-, lod- - lag- a letter is written a if the root is followed by the suffix -a-, for example: To a s-a'-tsya (but to O s-nut), to a s-а́-tel (but prick O s-novelty); out a g-á-th (but izl O f-it), sl a g-á-t (but sl O live).

      clone - clan, creator - creature, gor - gar

      In the roots clone- - clan-, creator- - creature-, gor- - gar- without stress a letter is written O, for example: on cl O n yat, with cl O n ene, by cl O n to be; tv O R ez, tv O R ene, co tv O R it; per G O R eaty, for G O R aat, G O R eat, G O R e′niye.

      Fundamentally zar- - zor- (s a R I am - s O R and - s O R bka) without stress written a, for example: s a R I am, s a R nice, s a R hey, oh s a R yat, oh s a R e′niye.

      float - pilaf

      Root float - - pilaf - spelled with a letter O only in a nutshell: pl O v ets, pl O v sneeze, in other cases written a: with pl a v lyat, pl a v nickname, by pl a v OK, pl a v uncle(bug) , pl a v uchy.(Memorize the word pl NS woon- subsoil layers saturated with water.)

      Fundamentally rast- - dew- (R a st and - R O with lo) without stress front st and SCH written a (you R a st it, vod R a st, on R a st anie, adult a schenny, wed a anger);
      front with without subsequent T written O (you R O with, you R O with shy, water R O with eh, nédo R O with eh).

      equal - equal

      Root equal predominantly written in words that are related in meaning to " equal th» ( "same" ): R a ext dismal, R a ext signified, with R a ext it, everything R a ext O and also in words: R a intrusion, p a heed, r a pondering, so far a heeded, p a grape;
      root equal predominantly written in words related by meaning to " equal th» (« smooth», « straight "), for example: R O ext yat(tracks), under R O ext yat(flower beds), etc., ur O ven, p O vnya.

      poppy - mock - urine

      Root poppy- written in words with the meaning "to dip or dip something into a liquid in order to nourish with this liquid ": m a To at(bread into milk), about m a To whip(pen in an inkwell);
      root mok- is written in words with the meaning "to let the liquid pass, to get wet": boots about m O To ayut, you m O To whip(in the rain), paper about m O To aet, about m O To natal paper, about m O To Ashka.

      Front h (urine) - a letter is always written O, for example: m O h it, on m O h and about m O h u, you m O h enlightened(compare under stress: m O h it, with m O h enlightened; about verbs in -ivat type with m a h you m a h live see Roots with checked vowels).

      skok - skoch

      Fundamentally skok- - skoch- without stress front h usually spelled O, front To- letter a, for example: v sc O h it (but sc a To at), on sc O h it (but on sc a Toу́), for sc O h it, you sc O h ka.


      Zar zor gar gor rules

      § 35. There are roots in which the spelling of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but obeys tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.

      1. Roots with the letters a and o.

      gar - mountains. In place of an unstressed vowel, the letter o is written, although under the stress - a, for example: bitterness, burn out, burn out, burn out, sunburned, burned out, combustible; but: cinders, cinders, cinders, cinders. Exceptions (unstressed gar): cinder, cinder, cinder, cinder (along with the cinder option).

      zar - zor. In place of an unstressed vowel, it is written a: dawn, lightning, glow, illuminate, illuminate, illumination, zaryanka (bird), zaryanitsa; under stress - a and o, cf .: glow, radiant, radiant and dawn (plural of the words dawn), dawn, zorenka, zoryushka, dawn (a military signal, usually in the expression to beat or play dawn).

      kas - braid. In this root, a is written if the root is followed by a; in other cases it is written about: cf. touch, touch, touch, touch, tangent, but touch, touch, touch, inviolable (no root vowel under stress occurs).

      clan - clone. In the place of an unstressed vowel, it is written about, for example: bow, bend, bow, bow, deviate, bow, bow, bend; under stress - o and a: cf. bow, lean, lean, bow, unbending and bow, bow, bow.

      krap - krop. The letter o is written without stress in words with the meaning 'to cover with drops, spray': sprinkle, sprinkle (from sprinkle), sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle; letter a - in words with the meaning ‘to cover with small specks, dots’: speckled, speckled (from speck in the meaning ‘to cover with specks, to apply specks’), dissemination. Under stress - only a: speck, speck, speck, interspersed, interspersed, speck.

      lag - log - lod. In the place of an unstressed vowel, before g, a is written, before g - o, for example: to expound, tax, assume, apply, decompose, urgent, postponement, moisture, addendum, addend, verse, but: lay, lay down, lay down, lay down , attach, statement, position, sentence, versification, overlaid, deferred. The emphasis is always on: tax, collateral, forgery, deceitful, position, position. In the word plo, where the root -log- in modern language no longer stands out, without stress in front of r it is written about.

      poppy - mock - urine. In place of an unstressed vowel, the letter a is written in front of k in words with the meaning 'to dip, immerse in liquid': to dip, dip, dip; the letter o - in words meaning 'become wet': get wet, soak, soak, get wet (in the rain), in words derived from wet (e.g., wet, phlegm, phlegm, wood lice) (under stress - in words wet, get wet, get wet, get wet, etc.), and in words meaning 'dry with something. Moisture wicking ': blot, blot, blotter, blotter. Before h - always the letter o, for example: wet, wet, wet, soaked (compare under stress: wet, soaked; for verbs in -ivat like wet, soak see § 34, note 2).

      pay - sing (in the verb to solder and in single-root words). Without stress, it is written a: to solder, solder, unsolder, soldering iron, etc. Under stress - a and o: cf. sealed, solder, solder, solder and solder, drink.

      float - pilaf. Without stress, it is written a: floating, fin, float, float (grass; beetle; water possum), floater (beetle), float (bird), rafting, floatable, afloat, float; but: a fishmonger and a fishmonger with the letter o. Under stress - only a: swim, rafting.

      Note. In the word quicksand (ground), the letter y is written, as in other words derived from the verb swim - swim: swim, swim, blur, etc.

      equal - equal The letter a is written in words related by meaning to the adjective equal 'equal', for example: equal (someone-something-n. With someone-something-n.), Equal (something-n. Or with someone-n. ), equalize, equalize, compare (s), comparison, equalize (in what-n.), equalize (account), equalize, equalize (for example, the lines - 'make equal in length'), equalize, equalization, equalization, equal, equal, equal, equilibrium, equinox, equal, equal.

      The letter o is written in words related by meaning to the adjective smooth ‘smooth, straight, without irregularities’, for example: level (garden bed, road surface), level, level, level, level (make even, smooth, straight).

      However, in words equal to, peer, related in meaning to equal, the letter o is written; in the word plain, associated by meaning with equal, - the letter a. In words with an unclear correlation, the following are written: the letter a - in the verb equal (in a line, during construction) and words derived from it equalization, equalize, align (in a line); letter o - in combination, the hour is not even, in the word level.

      different - different In numerous compound words with the first part, the letter a is written without stress (different, different, different, etc.) without stress, the letter a is written, in the word apart - the letter o Under stress - a (different, different, different) and o (different, different , scattered).

      grow (t) - races (t) - grow. In place of an unstressed vowel, it is written: a) before c (without a subsequent t) - the letter o: grew, grew, grew, grown, overgrown, grown, alga, undergrowth; an exception is the industry and its derivatives (industry, interindustry, diversified); b) before st - the letter a, for example: grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, germinate, grow, grow, grow, grow, age, plant, vegetation, wild; exceptions: sprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, germination, adolescent (along with the adolescent option); c) before u always a, for example: growing, growing, grown, growing, growing, growing.

      Under the stress before with (followed by t and without it) - only o, for example: growth, growth, offshoot, adolescence, overgrowth; ros, zaros, grown up, tall, wild plants.

      jump - jump - jump - jump If the root ends in k, then the letter a is written in the place of an unstressed vowel, for example: to jump, gallop, gallop, gallop, jump rope, horse, gallop, gallop, although under stress - o, for example: jump, jump, jump, nosk, noskok (for verbs ending in -it such as leap, see § 34, note 2).

      If the root ends in h, then the following are written: the letter a in the forms of the verb to jump and verbs derived from it (for example: I jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump), as well as jump in the elephant (the forms of the same verbs are checked - e.g. jumps, jump, and jump derivatives, jump); the letter o - in prefixed verbs on-jump (for example: jump up, jump up, jump up, jump out, jump out, jump out, jump off, jump up) and in the word upstart (check - by the forms of the same verbs, except to jump out: NS.).

      Wed: skip (one hundred versts), skip (forms of the verb skip, skip) and skip, skip (forms of the verb skip, skip); jump, jump (the verb forms jump, jump to approach jump) and jump, jump (the verb forms jump, jump ‘with a quick movement to approach someone or rise sharply’).

      creator - creature. In the words create, creation, creator, created, get up, etc., the letter o is written without stress; under stress - not only about (creative, creative), but also a (creature, creature). In the word útvar, where the root -tvar- in the modern language no longer stands out, a is written without stress.

      2. Roots with letters and and e.

      bles (k, t) - shine - shine. In the place of an unstressed vowel, letters and and e are written: and - before the st with the next stressed a, for example: to shine, shine, shine, shine, brilliant, shine; f - in other cases, for example: shine, shine, shine, shine, shine, shine, sparkle, spinner, glitter, sparkle, shine, sparkle, shine. Under the stress - e and e: shine, shine, shine; glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter.

      vis - weight. In place of an unstressed vowel, a letter is written and in the verb to hang (hang, hang) and derivatives from it (hang, hang, etc.), as well as in prefixed verbs with a common part - hang: hang, hang, hang, etc. . (compare under stress: hang, hang, hang); the letter e - in the words hang out, signboard, suspended, hinged, suspended (cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang).

      linden - stucco. In the words stick, stick, etc. in an unstressed position, the letter and is written (compare under the stress: sticky, stick), and in the words sculpt, stick, stick, etc. - the letter e (compare under the stress: lepit , sticks, lepka).

      sid - se (d). In place of an unstressed vowel, the following are written: the letter and - before the soft consonant d - in the verb sit (sitting, sit) and derivatives from it (sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, etc.); letter e - before the hard d: saddle, saddle (in the latter in the plural forms - e: saddle), saddle, saddle, saddle, sit, sit, press, squat, assessor, chairman, and also - before soft d - in derivatives from the word saddle (saddle, saddle, saddle, saddle). Under the stress - and and e, for example: sitting, resigning, assiduous; sit, sit, sit, stay at home, fidget, brood, sit; in the forms of the verb sest and prefixes - also a (in the letter I): sit, sit, sit.

      Note 1. For the spelling of the vowels and and e in verbal roots with a fluent vowel, see § 36.

      Note 2. In verbs with a common part -nim (for example, occupy, pester, hug, take away, lift, remove, understand, calm), which correspond to the perfect verbs in -nat (take, accept, raise, understand, calm and etc.), written after n in the place of an unstressed vowel letter and; the same in the verb take out (cf. Sov. take out the form). In some verbs of this group, the unstressed vowel of the root can be checked with a stressed one and in forms such as take away, pick up, take away (these are the forms of verbs to take off), rarely - in derived words: snapshot, in an embrace.

      Note 3. The letter and in the place of an unstressed vowel is also written in the root of the verbs conjure and curse. In the corresponding perfective verbs and other words of the same root, the letter l is written (both in an unstressed position and under stress): curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, etc.

      What examples of words with the root KAS - KOS can be given; ZAR - ZOR?

      Examples of words with the root kas - kos?

      Examples of words with the root zar - zor?

      Words with alternating vowels at the root cas- / cos-:

      touch, tangent (line), touch, touch, touch, touch, rigorously, touch, touch, untouchable.

      Words with alternating vowels at the root zar- / zor-:

      dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, glow, lightning, lightning, lightning, illuminated, illumination, illuminating, illuminating, illuminate, illuminate, illuminate.

      I like to answer questions about the Russian language, rules, examples.

      So, let's make words with the roots -kos- and -kas-: braid, skew, knocked down, mows, touch, touch, touch, mow

      Words with roots -see- and -zar-: lightning, spy, watch, glow, lit up

      Examples of words with alternating vowels at the root of the braid // kas:

    • touch,
    • touch,
    • tangent,
    • touch,
    • touch,
    • touch,
    • inviolable.
    • Examples of words with the spelling "Alternating vowels in the roots zar // zor".

    A differentiated approach is a form of manifestation of student-centered learning. Its essence lies in the recognition of the originality and uniqueness of each student. Differentiated teaching allows you to meet the educational needs of students.

    When teaching, one should remember about the communicative orientation of the native language course, strive to use such forms of classes that ensure the active participation of the student in the lesson, increase the student's individual responsibility for the learning outcomes, contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, the development of not only self-control and self-esteem, but also mutual control and mutual evaluation. ...

    In the learning process, depending on the content of the educational material and the methods of studying it, the individual psychological characteristics of schoolchildren (attention, memory, temperament, and others) should be taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the student's level of knowledge, mentality, knowledge gaps, individual mistakes.

    Thus, it is possible to develop the personality as a whole, to work on the development of thinking, memory, speech, independence, and listening skills when implementing a personality-oriented approach to learning. Only taking into account the real capabilities of all students, it is possible to organize the productive activities of the whole class, to carry out differentiated teaching in the classroom.

    Differentiated learning can be viewed as a starting model in the organization of elective courses in high school for the transition to specialized training.

    Theme: Spelling roots gor-gar .

    Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material in grade 5.


    • get to know the lexical meaning of the roots gor-gar ;
    • get familiar with the spelling rule for vowels oh-a in these roots;
    • to form, on the basis of the rule, the ability to correctly write words with the studied spelling;
    • foster a love for the Russian language, interest in learning;
    • use a differentiated approach to teaching.

    Equipment: Explanatory dictionary, a table of alternation of roots, cards with an individual task, cards for independent work.


    I. Organizational moment

    II. Frontal poll

    - What did we learn in the previous lessons?
    - What alternating roots do you already know?
    - What determines the spelling of the vowel in these roots?
    - Refer to the table on the board (3 column closed)

    III. Practical task for the development of logical thinking

    1) Words with a missing vowel are written on the board in advance.

    To grow ... to grow, ad ... addable, to ... sleep, grow ... stanie, position ... position, to ... wiggle, vyt ... slit.

    Exercise: orally indicate the signs on the basis of which these words can be divided into groups. (By parts of speech: nouns and verbs; by morphemic composition: with and without prefixes; by the type of spelling: by the studied roots with alternation; by missing vowel oh-a in the roots).

    Write down the rows in groups based on the first 3 signs:

    • 3 row (weak learners) - by parts of speech
    • 2 row (middle students) - by morphemic composition
    • 1 row (strong learners) - by type of spelling.

    Verbal check, row by row (quickly name only words).
    At this time, one of the respondents already 1-2 times orally, on the board inserts the missing letters and marks the spelling.
    The class checks, asks questions about the spelling of the learned roots.
    Three people all this time work in the field using ration cards.

    Card 1.

    Insert Missing Letters, Select Spelling.

    R ... stov, z ... rnitsa, expiration ... zhenie, grown ... schenny, to ... poke, emanate ... gat, vyr ... s, touch ... sleep, r ... stochek.

    IV. New material

    1) Guys, we repeated the rules for writing vowels in alternating roots and the fact that the spelling of vowels can depend:

    a) from the presence of the suffix A after the root;
    b) from the final consonant of the root.

    - Today we will get acquainted with other roots in which vowel alternation is also observed a-o .
    Our goal:

    a) establish what determines the spelling of the vowel in the root gor-gar ;
    b) formulate a rule;
    c) learn to recognize this spelling and spell the words correctly.

    2) So, let's turn to the roots gor-gar .

    - Before you on the board words mountain, burn, mountainous, tan, carbon monoxide, mountain.
    - Select the root. Are these words one root? (No)
    - Why? (They have different lexical meanings, although their roots sound and spell the same)
    - Separate these words according to their ancestral nests (independently in a notebook).

    Mountain, mountainous, mountainous- the meaning "to rise".
    Burn, tan, carbon monoxide- meaning "to blaze".

    - Today we will work with words, the root of which means "to blaze."
    - Look carefully at the words written in two columns on the chalkboard.
    - Let's write in a notebook:

    burn frenzy
    burnt stub
    sunbathe tan

    - Read the words in the first column. What is the root vowel?
    - In what position, shock or unstressed, is it?
    - Read the words in the second column. What is the root vowel?
    - In what position is she?
    - Let's conclude: what does the spelling depend on a-o fundamentally gor-gar ? (From stress).
    - Formulate a rule.
    - Note! In these roots, the spelling depends on the stress, but is not tested by it!

    The teacher opens 3 columns of the table.

    - How to highlight the spelling correctly? (The teacher is on the blackboard, the children are in the notebook: burn - waste.)

    - In order to better remember the rule, let's draw up an algorithm. (The teacher is on the blackboard, the children are in the notebooks.)

    You can imagine this rule in the form of the following figure (it will be easier for someone to remember this way).

    The result of this stage: the spelling is only an unstressed vowel.

    We write under stress
    No doubt what we hear.
    If the sound is unstressed,
    It raises doubts.

    V. Anchoring

    1) Guys, now you will independently do the following task (each has a text on the desk).
    Here are a number of suggestions. You read them carefully, expressively and prove that this is a text. Title. (One student answers).

    (At) a huge height ... those covered with a pink light one ... one region ... h (?) Co. Zah ... dying from ... nce dog ... raced (in) the west. (In) the air st ... yal zap ... x g ... ri and dry guards ... zdiki. Day ug ... sal.

    - Quite right, K. Paustovsky. We know this writer well from his literature lessons.

    3) What is the main theme of his works?

    - Yes, he is, indeed, a singer of Russian nature.

    • First row: insert missing letters and words that match the meaning, with roots mountains - gar .

    (At) a huge height ... those pink light one ... one region ... h (?) To. Zah ... dying from ... nce (in) the west. (In) the air st ... yal zap ... x and dry guards ... zdiki. Day ug ... sal.

    • Second row: insert missing letters.
    • Third row: find words for the spelling learned today and highlight it graphically.

    5) Then one student explains all the spelling, and the students of the 3rd row check each other.
    After the explanation, the class asks a question to the answering student on the topic "Vowel alternation in the root."

    6) While the class is working in notebooks, the student at the blackboard writes out a sentence with homogeneous members from this text, parses it, draws a diagram, makes a morphological analysis of the word, finds a word in which the number of sounds and letters does not match.

    7) Working with the text of exercise 504 (teaching materials edited by V.V. Babaitseva. Russian language. Practice. Grade 5.)

    - Read the text expressively. Indicate by what means the sentences in the text are connected. Complete the tasks from the exercise.
    In a notebook, write down words in 2 columns:

    alternating vowels unstressed vowels

    hot big (more)
    lit assistant (help)
    lit up a strip (stripes, stripes)
    iron (word.word)
    incandescent (glow)

    - Checking from the spot, selecting test words.
    - How do we check unstressed (non-alternating) vowels?
    - Is it possible to check the stress of an unstressed alternating vowel?
    - How is their writing regulated?
    - Quite right, only by the rule.

    8) The game "The third extra".

    Write down words in a line, find and underline the "extra" word.

    • Garage, tanned, frenzy.
    • Burns, mountain, burns.
    • Grown up, the plant is flaring up.
    • Touch, touch, burnt out.

    Examination: when reading, name the vowel at the root, explain and indicate the "extra" word.

    Vi. Lesson summary

    1). What is the topic of today's lesson?
    2). What spelling depends on oh-a in the roots gor-gar ? Tell the rule.
    3). Can an alternating vowel be checked for stress?

    Vii. Homework

    1) 1st row: prepare a story about what you learned in the lesson today, and give your examples.
    2nd row: compose questions for paragraph number 51 to test the rule.
    Row 3: Learn Paragraph 51.

    2) Come up with 4 - 5 sentences on the topic "Summer dreams" using words for the learned spelling.

    3) Repeat paragraph number 27 (punctuation marks in direct speech).

    Rule I. Roots with alternating I // E

    If there is a suffix behind the root A, then we write the letter at the root AND but if the suffix is A E.

    • -beer-a // -ber- (co bir at - for ber eat)
    • -pir-a // -per- (for feast aet - under feather et)
    • -dir-a // - der- (with dir at - der yeah)
    • -tyr-a // -ter- (with shooting range at - you ter et)
    • - firing // - firing - (with gig at - with gH b)
    • -blist-a // -shine- (blist at - blEST et)
    • -style // -stel- (reSTYLE at - for STEL eat)
    • -cheat-a // - honest- (by READ at - by hEs ty)
    • -world // - mer- (for peace al - for mER et)

    Regulation II. Roots alternating A // O

    If there is a suffix behind the root a, then we write the letter at the root A but if the suffix is a no, then the letter is written in the root O.

    • -cas-a // - cos- (kAc go - coss whine)
    • -lag-a // -lag- (by lag at - by false it)

    Regulation III. Roots alternating A // O

    If there are letters at the root T or SCH, then we write the letter A, but if these letters are absent, then the letter is written at the root O.

    • -rAst - // - rash- // -roc- (yourast and you grow ny - you pOs whether).

    Exceptions: height ok, from races eh, Height islav , height sheepherder, Height ov.

    Regulation IV. Roots alternating A // O

    If the root ends in TO, then we write the letter A but if the root ends in H, then the letter is written at the root O.

    • -skip // -skoch- (sk Akat - sun Cleanse ).

    Stress-dependent alternation

    Rule V. Roots with alternating A // O

    If at the roots - gAR - and - clan - the stress falls, then we write the letter in them A, but if these roots are unstressed, then we write in them O.

    • -gAr - // - gor- (for gAR - per mountains th)
    • -clan - // - clone- ( clan scare - by clone go)

    Regulation VI. Roots alternating A // O

    If at the root - zar - the stress does NOT fall, then we write a letter in it A, but if this root is percussion, then we write in it O.

    Exceptions: dawn yanka, dawn eat.

    • -zOr - // - zar- ( charge I am - dawn ka)

    Alternation, depending on the meaning (meaning) of the word

    Regulation VII. Roots alternating A // O

    If the meaning of the word "Immerse in liquid" then we write A but if the word means "Skip liquid" then we write O.

    • -mak - // - mok- ( m ak put bread in honeyabout mook whipping in the rain)

    Regulation VIII. Roots alternating A // O

    If the meaning of the word "The same, similar", then we write A but if the word means "Even, smooth, straight", then we write O.

    • - equal - // - equal - ( with equal itcharactersunder equal clean the garden).

    12. Roots with verifiable vowels... In order not to make a mistake in the spelling of an unstressed vowel, the word must be changed so that this vowel is stressed: povr e diet — vr éД, lecturer a vat — lecturer áT, inflow I am well — inflow I am You.

    Note. There are a few things to keep in mind when applying this rule:

    a) Vowels after sibilants and c are written on the basis of special rules (see clauses 9, 10, 11).

    b) The spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked using imperfective verbs on to live , to live , in which under stress instead of root O often happens a : tue O puff — tue a poke, n O sit — n a to sew, etc.

    13. Roots with unverifiable vowels. The spelling of vowels in many words cannot be checked by stress: with O tank, v O lair, v a trush and etc.; such words should be consulted in the dictionary and their spelling should be memorized.

    14. Roots alternating O — a. For spelling some interleaved roots a — O the following rules should be noted:

    a) At the root braid — cas (braid whine — cas go) is written a -a- : cas-a-tsya, cas-a-tel, at- cas-a-tsya, but: at- braid-well, at- braid-n-ovation.

    b) At the root lodges — lag (before lodges go — before lag at) is written a if the root is followed by the suffix -a- : from- lag-a-th, WHO- lag-a-th, at- lag-a-tel, but: from- lodges-enie, WHO- lodges-it, at- lodges-enie.

    c) At the root clone — clan (on clone — clan scare) under stress can be O , and a O : on clone yat, on clone to be, with clone ene, on clone ene.

    d) At the root creature — creature (creature honor — creature b) under stress can be O , and a , but without stress, only O : creature ez, with creature it, creature ene.

    e) At the root mountains — gar (mountains eat — per gar , on gar ) letter a is under stress; without stress is written O : mountains ene, per mountains at, per mountains eat, per mountains spicy.

    f) Root float — pilaf spelled with a letter O only in two cases: pilaf ets, pilaf sneeze, in other cases it is written a : with float eat, float Nick, on float OK, float uncle (bug), float uchiy(Memorize the word pl NS wuns- subsoil layers saturated with water).

    g) At the root charge dawn (dawndawnsdawn) without emphasis is written only a: s a rya, z a rnitsa, s a roar, oz a ryat, oz a rhenia.

    h) At the root rast height (grow - grew) without stress in front of st and SCH written a (exp a stee, age a st, nar a stanie, adult a schenny, wed a schenia); front with without subsequent T written O (exp O s, vyr O sshiy, vodor O sl, nedor O sl).

    Exceptions: p O runoff, p O stockist, P O stov, R O stislav; neg a sl, neg a left.

    i) Root equal predominantly written in words that are associated by meaning with "equal" ("same"): R a uniform, R a unambiguous, Wed a embed, all R a out and also in words: R a intrusion, R a heed, R a perceiving, since a heeded, R a vnina; root equal mostly written in words related by meaning to "smooth" ("smooth", "straight"), for example: R O heed(tracks), podr O heed(flower beds), etc., ur O vein, R O vnya.

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