Home Mushrooms April 1st in the Olympic breakthrough. Breakthrough extreme sports festival

April 1st in the Olympic breakthrough. Breakthrough extreme sports festival

On April 1, the 10th Anniversary Extreme Sports Festival BREAKTHROUGH 2017 will again bring together the most titled athletes of the World! This year, viewers will see the dizzying stunts of the best international riders performing in such disciplines as: FMX freestyle, freestyle snowmobile, DRIFT, Baggy Race, mountain bike, BMX, extreme roller sports, aggressive scooter, ENDURO-X (Endurocross) and much more.

For 10 years, "Breakthrough" has remained the main Russian event in the world of extreme sports and, in terms of the level of participants and the complexity of the program, is on a par with the best foreign shows. On the occasion of the anniversary of the festival, guests will have an unforgettable show with the participation of the best athletes of the planet who will demonstrate their skills in freestyle, mountainboarding, drifting, workout, parkour, roller sports, cycling trials, freestyle snowmobiling and other disciplines. Spectators will witness dizzying flights, virtuoso jumps and deadly stunts.

British stunt performer and Guinness World Record holder Terry Grant, who pivots in Mission Impossible and Agents A.N.C.L., will showcase his Land Rover prowess on the most challenging track on two wheels. Colton Satterfield, multiple X-Games winner, will represent the world's strongest American Big Air school.

British stuntman and Guinness World Record holder Terry Grant

Japanese rider Taka Higashino will show a rich technical freestyle program, and extreme sports legend Hit Frisbee will perform grandiose jumps on a buggy. Russian drifters Maxim Tvardovsky and Arkady Tsaregradtsev from the Fail Crew team will bring two cars assembled specifically for the new season to the Olympic Stadium and demonstrate their skills on them.

Japanese rider Taka Higashino

Members of the Legend Stunt Team - Marat Kankadze, Yuri Verkhovnikov, and Grigory Taldykin - will show tricks involving motorcycles and ATVs. And this is not the entire list of participants, the full program of the festival will be announced in March.

Festival of extreme sports "Breakthrough" will bring together the best athletes from Russia, Sweden, Italy, Spain and other countries who will take part in motor freestyle, mountainboarding, jumping, cycling trials, freestyle ATVs, parkour and other extreme sports. World stars will come to the capital to demonstrate incredible stunts. The Breakthrough Festival has been held since 2007, and each time it becomes a bright show, which presents the most spectacular disciplines in modern extreme sports.

Especially for festival of extreme sports "Breakthrough" a unique track will be created, including obstacles and jumps, which will become a serious test for the competitors. The dynamic track, combined with video broadcasts, special effects and light shows, will create a unique performance that will be appreciated by thousands of spectators who have gathered in the stands of the largest indoor venue in Russia.

Tickets for the breakthrough extreme sports festival will allow you to see the performance of three times

Russian Trial Cycling Champion Mikhail Sukhanov, freestyle motocross masters Alexei Kolesnikov and Massimo Biancocini, the famous British parkour team “Storm Freerun” and many other outstanding athletes. The most exciting moments of the festival will be acrobatic snowmobiling, jumping over an abyss on bicycles, a unique break dance battle and exciting cross country on roller skates. Jumping competitions should be noted separately - a new sport that is actively developing all over the world. With the help of spring mechanisms, athletes perform high jumps and real acrobatic stunts.

Tickets for the Festival of extreme sports "Breakthrough" will become a pass to a bright show that will once again bring together world stars of extreme sports in the capital of Russia. To order tickets, just call the indicated numbers or leave an order directly on the website. The next day, tickets will be delivered to the address you indicated.

On April 1, 2017, the "Breakthrough" show will be held at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex. The 10th anniversary festival is the main extreme sports event in Russia. In terms of the complexity of the program, the event competes with the best foreign shows.

An exciting festival that attracts the attention of a wide variety of audiences, and leaves no one indifferent: dizzying stunts will take place right in front of your eyes!

A great opportunity to relax with your friends or family. Children from 9 years old can be present in the stands!

For true connoisseurs of extreme

On the territory of the sports complex there is a track, the relief of which does not repeat. Everything is complemented by special effects, light illumination, video projection and a huge number of obstacles. The springboard that will be used during the event is 120 meters long and 17 meters high! Every trick is breathtaking!

Every year the program of the show changes: for 10 years "Breakthrough" has been charging with insane drive and giving a lot of pleasure to those who like to watch dizzying performances on a special track. The most spectacular performances of all time were Buggy race, Show FMX, Snowmobile, Drift Show, Enduro-X.

Extreme stars will gather in one place to present tricks in the following disciplines this time:

Freestyle snowmobiling



Bike trial



Hurry up!

The largest number of riders in the history of the show, a specially invited guest Timati, a dangerous track and unique tricks: the elite of world sports will show the best numbers and prove that every time tricks can become more dangerous and exciting! To see all this with your own eyes, buy tickets now to take the best seats!

From Izmailovo hotels (Gamma, Delta) to the sports complex can be reached in about 20 minutes by metro.

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