Home Mushrooms Akathist of the Most Holy Theotokos deliverance from the troubles of the suffering. Prayer of the mother of God deliverance from the troubles of the suffering. Orthodox icons and prayers

Akathist of the Most Holy Theotokos deliverance from the troubles of the suffering. Prayer of the mother of God deliverance from the troubles of the suffering. Orthodox icons and prayers


Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer from the troubles of the suffering." XVI century (?) (Cathedral of the Epiphany in Yelokhovo, Moscow) ("Deliverance from troubles", "From the troubles of the suffering", "Vow of the suffering"), the image of the Mother of God, in the present. time known in Russia in revered lists: from the Nikolsky side-altar of the Epiphany cathedral in Yelokhovo in Moscow, the Kazan cathedral in Lyudinovo (Kaluga region), from the Arzamas cathedral in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of the nunnery.

On the icon, the Mother of God is depicted straightforwardly, seated, in royal attire: in a crown, an open himation with a cuff (or without it) and in a dress with a belt (rarely without a belt), on the head of the headboards. The Divine Infant sits on the left hand of the Mother (type "Hodegetria"), Who holds His legs with the right hand. Differences in the versions of the 3 revered icons relate to the pose of the Child and the gesture of the right hand of the Mother of God.

On the miraculous icon of the 16th century. (?) from the Nikolsky side-altar of the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo (feb. 5 Holidays) The baby is depicted with a head bowed to the Mother's side, blessing with two fingers; in his left hand, lying on his knee, is a rolled-up scroll; The Mother of God (depicted to the waist) supports the left leg of the Son, His right, bent leg is not visible.

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer from the troubles of the suffering." 30s - 50s XVIII century (Kazan Cathedral in Lyudinovo, Kaluga region.)

In pre-revolutionary and modern. In reference publications, the celebration of the icon falls on All Saints' Week. Every week, an akathist is read in front of it, compiled and published in Arzamas (2002). In the "Legend of the earthly life of the Most Holy. The Mother of God with an exposition of prophecies and transformations relating to her "(M., 1904, p. 290), the image was mistakenly correlated with the icon" Seeking the Perished "(" Borskaya ", from the village of Bor, Tarusa u. Kaluga province), which has other iconography; on this basis, the day of the celebration of the image was approved.

Dating back to the 30-50s. XVIII century a locally venerated miraculous image from the Kazan Cathedral in Lyudinovo (feb. 9 feb.) The Infant with the elbow of his right hand rests on the shoulder of the Mother of God, Who supports His feet, there is no scroll in his left hand. There is a star on the mother's board covering Her right shoulder.

Presumably, the image was written by order of the breeder N.N.Demidov or members of his family for the temple under construction at the Lyudinovo plant in the name of the prophets Elijah and Elisha (consecrated in 1750). At first, the icon was in a wooden church, later - in the stone Kazan Cathedral, built nearby in 1802-1820. The image remained in it until 1930. 14 Feb. the temple was closed, valuable church utensils were confiscated and, according to the inventory, transferred to the State Bank, some of the icons were destroyed, the unique crystal iconostasis was destroyed. Among the icons, which the believers managed to save, was the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering": P. S. Finaeva hid it in the attic of her house (Pervomayskaya St., 30); in 1987 the house passed into the possession of OV Chernousov's relatives. The latter was given the icon, after the death of Chernousov in 1993, his mother donated the icon to the Sergius Church in Lyudinovo. 9 Feb In 2000, the icon with the procession was returned to the Kazan temple that had opened in Lyudinovo, where priest was appointed rector. Alexy Zhiganov, who knew about the desire of his friend (Chernousov) to transfer the icon to this church when the services were resumed there. Since 2000, a chronicle of miraculous events and healings associated with this image has been kept in the Kazan Church. A special akathist is read in front of the icon, based on the Arzamas language - the first letters of his kontakion and ikos make up an acrostic with the name of the icon. E. G. Donskoy, who performed the restoration of the icon in 2008, attributes its execution to one of the royal icon painters, who were evicted in great numbers during the empire. Peter I from Moscow "as unnecessary" and settled on the lands, later attributed to the Kaluga province.

On the image of the beginning. XIX century. from the Epiphany Cathedral of Arzamas in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker wives. mon-rya the Infant touches the Mother's cheek with the head, and with the right hand of Her neck, resting with an elbow on the shoulder of the Mother of God, covering His feet. Gimatius of the Mother of God without a clasp, on the right shoulder - a star.

The image was donated to the monastery in 1994. Since that time, the icon has been renewed. K ser. In the summer of 2000, the faces of the Savior and the Mother of God were purified, the crown on the head of the Queen of Heaven became visible, the right hand of the Infant and His legs, resting on the right hand of the Mother of God, revealed the colors of the clothes. In the summer of 2001, it became possible to identify the iconography of the image. The sisters of the monastery compiled an akathist for this icon based on the akathist to the Mother of God the Redeemer.

Other icons “I. from b. with."

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer from the troubles of the suffering." Beginning XIX century. (Cathedral of the Epiphany Mon-rya in the name of St. Nicholas, Arzamas) The waist-length image of the Mother of God in the crown, in the open maforia, with the Child on his left hand, with the caption: "From the troubles of the suffering" is given in the book: Images of the Mother of God / Publ .: S T. Bolshakov; ed .: A. I. Uspensky. M., 1992. S. 8. On it, the Mother of God is presented with her right hand raised to her chest, the Divine Infant touches with her right hand not the Mother's neck, but slightly below, His head is turned towards those who are to come. The iconic image of the "Vow of the Suffering" from the collection of GD Filimonov (in the beginning of the XX century was kept in the OLDP: Kondakov 1999, p. 78, Fig. 67) is known from the drawing: Her shoulder, forehead touching her cheeks; His left hand is brought up to the collar of the Mother's dress, his right hand squeezes a scroll (type "Tenderness"), which brings this image closer to the version of "Our Lady of Pochaev". NP Kondakov correlated a similar version of the images of the Mother of God and the Child with Italian works. masters of the XIV century. (Umbrian and Sienese schools) and icons of the Italo-Cretan school of the XIV-XV centuries, to-rye in the XV century. became known in Russia and served as the basis for the emergence of plagues of many. miraculous icons of the Mother of God, including “I. from b. with." and the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. (Ibid. Pp. 75-79, 201-202).

Icon "I. from b. with.". sometimes he meets with images of saints in the fields, being, probably, a personal prayer image (an icon of the Nevyansk school, XIX century, Regional Museum of Local Lore, Yekaterinburg). Most often, the edition is included in the composition of the widespread 4-part icons with images of the Mother of God, with the Crucifixion in the crosshairs (icon of the late 19th century, collection of A.A. Kirikov, Moscow) or without the Crucifixion (icon of the 19th century, TsMiAR). On the icons “I. from b. with.". usually there is an image of the Most Holy. Theotokos "Softening Evil Hearts" (with the signature "Softening Evil Hearts" or "Seven-shot"), iconographically ascending to the engraving "The Mother of God of Czestochowa" 1711 by G. P. Techegorsky, "Quench My Sorrows" ("Quench the Sorrows of the Most Holy Theotokos" or "Quench the disease"), "The recovery of the dead." Such a selection may indirectly indicate a Western Rus. or Polish. the origin of the icon-protograph and to be associated with the order of alternation of editions on the icon “The Crucifixion and the Passion of the Lord, with 142 miraculous images of the Most Holy. Theotokos "from the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo, late. XVIII - early. XIX century. (a hypothesis about the origin of images similar to the latter, from an engraving in the art .: Kochetkov I.A. 420). On the “four-part” and multi-piece icons of the Theotokos with the version “I. from b. with." in addition to the above, images of the Mother of God Yuzhskaya, Three-handed, Akhtyrskaya (the icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God and the miraculous icons of the Mother of God", 1825, State Russian Museum), as well as "Unexpected Joy" can be presented.

Lit .: Bulgakov S. V. Handbook for a clergyman. M., 1993r. Part 2.S. 1573; "We worship your most pure image ...": The image of the Mother of God in the production. from the collection Timing M., 1995. Cat. 148; Sidorenko G. V. "The Savior's Heel": On the Iconographic Features of Certain Miracle-Working Icons // The Miracle-Working Icon in Byzantium and others. Rus / Ed.-comp .: A. M. Lidov. M., 1996.S. 321-335; Kondakov. Iconography of the Mother of God. 1999 r. T. 3; Rus. miraculous icon: "In Thee rejoices ...": Icons of the Mother of God of the XVI-XIX centuries. M., 2000.S. 314-317; Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering" / Nicholas Arzamas wives. mon-r. [Arzamas], 2005. S. 3; Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering" Yelokhovskaya // Epiphany Cathedral: Travel. M., 2005.S. 15, 22; Handbook of a clergyman: In 8 volumes. Pochaev, 2006. T. 3. P. 5; Syzran icon: Cat. vyst. Samara, 2007.S. 109.

Prot. Alexy Zhiganov, D. A. Afanasiev

Orthodox encyclopedia. - M .: Church Scientific Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia". 2014 .

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Icon of the Mother of God "Redeemer from troubles".

Description of the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer from troubles".

On the icon, the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted holding on her right hand the Divine Infant, who blesses with her right hand.

The glorification of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Redeemer" began in 1841, when, through prayers in front of her, one of the Greek provinces got rid of the locust invasion. The miracles emanating from the icon of the Mother of God attracted many pilgrims to it, which burdened the keeper of the shrine - the elder Martinian, a former inhabitant of one of the Athos monasteries. Tired of human attention, the elder, together with the icon of the Mother of God, returned to Athos and settled in the monastery of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. In 1889, the abbot of the monastery donated the miraculous icon of the Mother of God to Russia for the New Athos Monastery of Simono-Kananitsky opened in the Caucasus.

Emperor Alexander III carried the icon of the Mother of God “The Deliverer” on a train, returning to the capital with his family after a vacation in the south. As you know, the royal train got into a disaster, but the emperor himself and his household miraculously remained alive and well. The members of the royal family associated their miraculous salvation with the patronage and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. In memory of the miraculous salvation of the Russian emperor and his family, the celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Redeemer" was established on 17 October.

Some of the old images on the maforia of the Mother of God depict five-pointed stars - pentagrams. Since ancient times, the pentagram means "Election, Duty, Loyalty". Unfortunately, starting in the 16th century, Masonic organizations, and later communist ones, began to use the pentagram, which led to the emergence of an ambiguous attitude towards this ancient pious symbol.

There is another version of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Redeemer", which depicts the holy Apostle Simon the Canaanite and the healer Panteleimon holding the icon of the Mother of God against the background of the New Athos Simon-Cananite Monastery.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Deliverer" they pray for the healing of those suffering from demonic possession, from the invasion of locusts, for the healing of mental and physical infirmities, during a disaster, for the sending down of grace-filled power when difficult circumstances are resolved.

Prayer to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Deliverer from troubles".

O Mother of God, our help and protection, always wake us a deliverer, we hope for You and always invoke You everywhere, have mercy and help, have mercy and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as if you want to calm down and please us who love Thy beloved Son, to Him be glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Like a bright star, beaming with divine miracles Thy holy image, the Redeemer, illuminating with the rays of Thy grace and mercy in the night of the sorrows of those who exist. Give us, all-good Virgin, deliverance from troubles, healing of mental and physical ailments, salvation and great mercy.

To Thy icon, Most Holy Lady, who lived in poverty with faith, he was delivered from the wicked by Thy intercession, but, like Mother of Christ God, and we are free from cruel circumstances, temporary and eternal, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Our Redeemer from all troubles.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon "Deliverer from troubles"

Other icons:

Icon of Saint Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Icon of the Monk Anatoly Optinsky

Icon to the Monk Maron, the Syrian hermit

Icon of the Mother of God of Kozelshchanskaya

Icon to Hermogen, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Icon to the Monk Agapit of the Caves, the unrequited physician

Icon of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, in Holy Baptism Vasily

Icon of the Holy Reverend Blessed Princess Anna Kashinskaya

Icon of the Holy Venerable Mary of Egypt

Icon to the Monk Nil of Sorsk

Icon to the Monk Gregory the icon painter of Pechora

Icon of the holy martyr Diomedes

Icon of Saint Galaktion, Vologda wonderworker

Icon to the Monk Sergius, the wonderworker of Radonezh

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Akathist of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering"

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A wonderful chant in which everyone who suffers can ask for help and be sure that it will be provided is the akathist of the Mother of God “Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering”. His strength is great and unshakable, because there are many who ask, which means that grace is truly all-embracing.

Akathist "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering"

The history of this prayer is simple enough, but its power knows no bounds. The icon of the Blessed One with the same name was bought in an antique shop by a deeply religious woman and donated to the church in Askania-Nova. In 2014, the abbot took her to the Church of the Mother of God, where parishioners greeted her with love and deep respect.

The most varied cases occurred with the lists of the icon, but they were united by one thing - the unshakable prayer of the suffering in the name of eternal salvation and faith in a better, bright and beautiful future.

The Akathist of this shrine is rather short (about 15 minutes), but those who have ever read it claim that its power is as great as the human mind can imagine.

  • The intercessor saves one from troubles and suffering, keeps faith in the heart and an unquenchable fire in the soul. She loves the people who come to her, as they are, and accepts them.
  • They pray to the Virgin Mary for a blessing for a happy marriage.
  • She helps mothers who ask for healing and spiritual inspiration for their children.
  • It relieves from various vices and removes sinful thoughts.
  • Treats drunkenness, fever, eye diseases.
  • We enlighten the lost, instructing them on the true path. Bestows health and well-being.

In chanting, people also appeal to help them live righteously in order to deserve eternal life and God's grace.

The Akathist to the icon “Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering” is a beautiful and miraculous church work, which has tremendous power, which is based on a person's faith in the Lord and his deeds both in heaven and on earth.

And here is the text itself:

The most chosen of all generations of the Most Pure Virgin Theotokos, who shows us grace-filled help, we bring grateful singing. But you, as the one that has an invincible power, are free from all troubles and sorrows, singing to You tenderly:

The Archangel and the Angel are many to You, the most honest Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, celestial voices incessantly glorify. But we, touched by Your good deeds, who were upon us, dare to call You:

Rejoice, Chosen One of the Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, Trinity Council of the Mystery.

Rejoice, illuminated by the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, giving birth to the Savior of the world.

Rejoice, exceeding angelic powers.

Rejoice, Blessed One in wives.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Seeing Thee, God's Chosen Young Woman, all the Heavenly Powers at the Throne of Thy Son and our God praying for us, glorify Thy majesty and mercy. We, sinners, on earth, earnestly call upon Thee to help you, constantly chanting to God: Alleluia.

Reason from God from above to enlightenment, looking at Your miraculous face, Heaven and earth to the Queen, we understand, as the gift of Thy Son to all those who suffer for deliverance from troubles. Accept, O All-Merciful, the singing of the titmouse from us:

Rejoice, poor mothers.

Rejoice, consolation for those who are suffering.

Rejoice, hopeless hope.

Rejoice, fallen uprising.

Rejoice, Sinner's Assistant.

Rejoice, punishment for those who perished.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

The power of the Most High is bestowed upon Thee, our Intercessor and Intercessor, to help and save the world, perishing in sin; but we, through Thy deliverance from all misfortune and misfortune, gratefully sing to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, Abiding in the Mistress, you did not reject a single tear, but you earnestly pray to You and cry:

Rejoice, quick hearing of those in need.

Rejoice, captive freedom.

Rejoice, wonderful salvation for those who perish.

Rejoice, consolation of the sad and sorrowful.

Rejoice, falling reinforcements.

Rejoice, admonition of the negligent.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

There is a storm of many troubles and misfortunes, the same we pray to Thee, peace to the Intercessor: save us, who are exhausted, Thou art our deliverance; For this reason, we sing a song to God about You: Alleluia.

Hearing give birth to humanity, Thy great love for Christians and Thy all-powerful intercession from all those who are fierce against us, having learned to petition Thee:

Rejoice, deliverance from the troubles of the human race.

Rejoice, taming the storms of life.

Rejoice, crying ambulance Comforter.

Rejoice, spiritual giver of joy.

Rejoice, reliable visit to the sick.

Rejoice, correction of the wrong.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Thy holy icon is like a divine star, the Mother of God, dispelling the darkness of passions in sin-loving hearts, but in the light of Thy love, all the birth of Christianity will see the Lord who saves all and cry out a song of thanks to Him: Alleluia.

Seeing Christomenity, people by Thy give them a sudden deliverance from various troubles, You are like a Good and Gracious kind of Christian Intercessor to the greatness. For this reason, we diligently pray to Thee: intercede, cover and protect us from the troubles and attacks of the enemy, so we joyfully sing to Ty:

Rejoice, health of the soulful and bodily Giver.

Rejoice, Guardian of chastity.

Rejoice, driving away our sorrows.

Rejoice, our consolation in sorrow.

Rejoice, extending a helping hand to the tempted.

Rejoice, supplying everything necessary for piety.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

They preach Thy help and love, Mother of God, all the healing, consolation and salvation by Thy from troubles and misfortunes, thanks to Thee for all the good deeds that are poured out on us, crying about Thy Son and God: Alleluia.

Shine forth to us the light of salvation - Thy wondrous icon, Bogomati, she also exudes miracles and healings to all with faith in front of her who are praying. We, rejoicing at such an industry about us, sweetly sing to Ti:

Rejoice, as you dispel the darkness of sinfulness.

Rejoice, for you destroy negligence about salvation.

Rejoice, enlightening souls with the light of the knowledge of God.

Rejoice, instructing you on the saving path.

Rejoice, firm affirmation of faith.

Rejoice, intercession at the Last Judgment.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Those who want to show everyone Your great love for the Christian race, the Most Holy Theotokos, have the good pleasure to reveal the wonderful icon "Redeemer from the suffering of the suffering" called, so that all, exhausted in sickness and sorrow, have Thee Help and Dull, crying for Thee to Christ God: Alleluia.

You have shown us a new and unexpected mercy, Queen of Heaven, when, under your sovereign hand, you, unworthy, having received, miraculously spread your cover over the entire Christian world. For this, for the sake of crying to Ti:

Rejoice, chamber of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Sovereign Queen.

Rejoice, Lady of Heaven.

Rejoice, having received us under Your all-powerful cover.

Rejoice, showing us Your protection.

Rejoice, reflecting the attacks of the enemy.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

We see a strange miracle about You, the Theotokos, but your holy icons are healed by a kiss, and our affections of our hearts are fulfilled, crying to God: Alleluia.

All beings in the gloom of sorrows and overwhelmed by the mist of passions, resort to a good refuge and help - the veil of the Most Holy Virgin, delivering the suffering from troubles, crying to Her:

Rejoice, delivering us from gladness.

Rejoice, for nourishing us with the bread of heaven.

Rejoice, spiritual thirst for satisfaction.

Rejoice, blessing of the farmers.

Rejoice, pouring out sources of eternal life to us.

Rejoice, giving us spiritual sweetness to drink.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

All of the angelic praiseworthy singing brings to You, the Mother of God and the Queen, while people on earth thankful sing to Ty, the Most Holy Theotokos, who reveals deliverance and gives joy in sorrow, calling to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Vitya the many-blessed ones will not be able to glorify Thy inheritance, O All-merciful Mother, quick and wonderful deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer. We, by Your blessing, dare to say this:

Rejoice, for Your miracles strengthens faith in us.

Rejoice, you will soon destroy our troubles and misfortunes.

Rejoice, for admonishing us with Your banners.

Rejoice, you who rejoice us with Your icons.

Rejoice, bringing down God's blessing to us.

Rejoice, our cleansing and sanctifying hearts.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

To save every Christian soul, Bogomati, with inexpressible love cries about it, be kind and nourish, edify and admonish, let Thy Son cry: Alleluia.

The wall is indestructible to all the faithful, Most Holy Virgin Mary: in Thy wondrous image, "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering" called, the Christian world illuminate and protect from enemies visible and invisible. We, flowing to Your intercession, bow to it and kiss it with love, chanting Ti:

Rejoice, an ambulance to us from troubles Redeemer.

Rejoice, wise Mentor in bewilderment.

Rejoice, in the hour of sorrow of our souls that comfort.

Rejoice, vouching eternal joy in heaven to us.

Rejoice, man is our intercession from the slander of evil spirits.

Rejoice, guardian of the chaste and pious life.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Singing ceaselessly is brought to Ty, the Queen of Heaven, by Thy deliverance from troubles and misfortunes, and, by Thy packs gaining joy, Thy Divine Son is gratefully chanted: Alleluia.

Thy image appears to us as a radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, Lady, the same we, sinners, rejoice, property is such a wonderful Thy icon, as a pledge of Thy grace to us, and hoping for Thy mothers of prayer and their quick hearing, with a touching verb:

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of joys.

Rejoice, speedy expelling of sorrows.

Rejoice, all-powerful Protector from troubles.

Rejoice, good Giver of peace.

Rejoice, satisfaction of our tears and sorrows.

Rejoice, propitiation of our Lord's sins.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

The grace emanating from your icon "Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer", the All-Merciful Virgin, abundantly gives streams of healings to all those who flow to her with faith and love, ascetic to all affectionately petting about You to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Singing Thy icons, a wondrous appearance and Thy charity, merciful to us sinners, we praise Thy love and mercy, Most Pure, to the human race, and with tenderness bowing to You in an honorable Thy icon, we believe and hope, as if ask Thy Son and our God all good in this life and in the future, to those crying to you this:

Rejoice, taking away from death and eternal fire.

Rejoice, resurrecting the dead with your soul.

Rejoice, our dying hope.

Rejoice, after death is our rest.

Rejoice, at the Terrible Judgment of Christ, our Assistant.

Rejoice, O blessed inhabitants of heaven, our Intercessor.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

O All-chanting Mother, Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the cruel and grave troubles of those, and teach us to heartily chant to God who saves us by Thee: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1.

Prayer to the Icon of the Mother of God Deliverance from the Troubles of the Sufferers

Holy Mother of God, save us!

Mother of God, help and protection! Whenever we cry out, wake us for deliverance, who are suffering and perishing from cruel troubles, we trust in You and always with all our hearts we urge you: have mercy and help, have pity and deliver us from the troubles of those who are suffering and perishing; Accept tearful, sorrowful prayers and, as if you want, rest and rejoice us. Teach obedience to the Lord God to bring, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your nature, to love your Son, bring the fruits of your labors worthy of Him. Calm our hearts, so that in one Spirit and with all our deeds let us glorify the Originless Father with His Only Begotten Son and with His Most Holy Good and Life-giving Spirit, and Your merciful Mother intercession is now and ever and ever. Amen.

Like a bright star of beaming with Divine miracles, Your holy image, illuminating Your holy image with rays of Your grace and mercy in the night of sorrow. Grant to us, all-good Virgin, deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer, healing of mental and physical ailments, salvation and great mercy.

To Thy icon, Most Holy Lady, the needy flow with faith, with your intercession they are delivered from the wicked, but as Mother Christ God and us freedom from cruel circumstances, temporary and eternal, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Deliverance of the suffering from all troubles.

Trips to Diveevo

You will visit and see unique places of its kind.

The image of the Mother of God, called " Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering”Became famous far beyond the borders of Arzamas. It all began when, in 1997, two residents of Arzamas brought an icon to the St. Nicholas Convent, or rather, a dark board, which one of them found in her barn. Then it was difficult to say whether it was an icon at all, since it was not possible to understand what was depicted on it. Obviously, therefore, the sisters of the monastery took it to the storehouse, where the icons unsuitable for the temple were kept.

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering"

Once the abbess of the monastery, Abbess Georgy (Fedotova), sorting out the storeroom, ordered this icon to be placed in a frame, hung in the church and prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her. And the nuns of the monastery began to turn to the Queen of Heaven in front of this image, asking for help in their various needs.

Soon a light speck appeared on the completely blackened board, as if it had illuminated a small oval part of the icon with a sunbeam - the neck of the Mother of God and the arm of the Divine Infant.

In the middle of summer 2000, the icon began to intensively renew itself, as if someone invisible in thin layers removed the blackness: the faces of the Mother of God and the Savior appeared. But the name of the icon could not be disassembled.

Once a nun from Riga came to the Nikolsky Monastery. Seeing the icon, she happily said that angels were cleaning it, and suggested that it was an image of the Mother of God, called “ Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering". Then none of the sisters betrayed this meaning and they remembered these words only in the summer of 2001, when the inscription was cleared.

After the number of pilgrims coming to this icon began to increase, the monastery decided to move it to a more accessible place. The sisters who were carrying the icon noticed that the paint layer of the icon was practically crumbling away - the image of the Most Holy Theotokos exudes the tree itself.

Every week, except for Great Lent, an akathist is read in the monastery before the icon of the Mother of God, muted "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering". Many miracles were recorded through prayers in front of the icon of the Mother of God, called "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering." There is a notebook in the monastery where parishioners write down their stories of miraculous deliverance from ailments and troubles. In addition, about 3000 letters come to the monastery every year with requests to pray in front of this icon.

The icon of the Mother of God, called "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering" is kept in St. Nicholas Convent the city of Arzamas.

Stories of pilgrims and nuns of St. Nicholas Convent

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering"

If the nuns of the monastery are asked by pilgrims what icon to pray in case of family troubles, illness, housing problems, pre-trial matters, they have one answer - in front of this image of the Mother of God. And no one leaves the icon inconsolable, unhappy, unheard. Only those requests that harm the salvation of our soul are not fulfilled. And the cases of miracles described in the book with the akathist are amazing.

According to the recollections of the nun Nadezhda, who bore obedience to the miraculous icon in the early years, then a notebook with records of miracles was not yet kept. And she remembered an incident that happened to a war veteran who had a bullet in his lungs. The words of his relatives are quoted that the former front-line soldier “read the akathist every day (not for the sake of healing, but out of love for the Mother of God). Two months later, the bullet came out through the resulting abscess. He took it out with his own hands. " It also speaks of the miracle of the resurrection of the dead, who was hopelessly ill with cancer - the unbaptized, who died and was resurrected in a hospital in the city of Moscow. Being an atheist, he rejected the request of the believing son to accept the Sacrament of Baptism.

He began to read this akathist two or three times a day. The father dies in the hospital (as the doctors testified) and - lo and behold! - comes to life again and asks, upon his son's arrival, to call a priest to perform the Sacraments of Baptism and Unction on him. Later, in his revelation, pointing to the image of the Mother of God on the cover of the akathist “Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering”, which the son held in his hands, he explained: “This is how the Mother of God came to me and said:“ Your son is crying tearfully for your soul , We bring you back to earth. When the son invites the priest and he performs all the Sacraments, we will take you. " It goes on to say: “I didn't say another word. He lived in the hospital for exactly 12 hours and peacefully departed for eternity to the Lord. "

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering"

Today the icon "Deliverance from the suffering of suffering" is a large shrine, to which thousands of pilgrims come annually, and not only from Russia, there were pilgrims from France, Norway and other countries. People come here from all over the world, specially stop at Cathedral Square to enter and bow to the icon, anoint themselves with oil from its lamp, light candles and read an akathist to ask the Mother of God for deliverance from troubles and sufferings, pray for the health of their children, about deliverance from various diseases, drunkenness, and the disciplining of those who have departed from the Orthodox faith. Here you can hear numerous stories about miraculous healings, about Divine help.

The akathist is very short, it takes about 15 minutes to read, but for those who have read the akathist at least once, it has great power. After all, how much hope is given by the words of the Mother of God: "Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, destruction and troubles of those who suffer us!"

The appearance in the city of Arzamas of the icon " Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering"Like a real holy miracle. All this was told by me from the words of 2 wonderful women, nuns Nadezhda and Valentina, who have been meeting pilgrims in their monastery for many years. We have been coming to the wonderful Diveyevo for many years, we definitely visit this monastery, and with our own eyes we see how this wonderful icon is self-renewing from year to year. We had different groups - from 7 to 40 people, and people are different, and church-going, and new-beginners, and who have not yet come to God, and who perceive everything with doubt and sarcasm. But we will definitely sing Akathist at this icon, it really takes 15 minutes, and Grace at this time comes from the icon SUCH that even the most severe skeptics kneel down.

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering"

3 years ago we arrived as a motley group, there were guys and girls from the office, giggling and grinning, there were church-going pilgrims, there were colleagues showing neutrality or simply interested, there were 2 Protestants and, by the will and help of God, 2 directors of the church choir. We listened to nun Valentina, lit candles to the icons, handed notes, and then stood at the Akathist. The nun was the first to sing, then our choir directors joined in, and then the whole group began to sing.

3 years have passed, but I cannot forget the feelings that gripped me, and, according to the recollections, of all those around me. Girls, guys and everyone who was there at that time knelt down and sang Akathist as if we were rehearsing him every day. We simply did not notice the time. Many had tears in their eyes. Grace was in the air almost palpably. My heart fluttered and was filled with extraordinary joy.

When then, after 20 minutes, we got on the bus, everyone was silent for another hour and a half. Nobody wanted to talk. It was clear that everyone sat and experienced the sensations that we received from this miraculous image. Several girls and a guy (previously non-believers) said that it seemed to them that the Mother of God smiled at them from the icon.

The carved icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - "Nikola of Mozhaisky", one of the most ancient and revered shrines of Arzamas

But I want to say that besides this Wonderful Icon, this temple also has wonderful shrines. This is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God with pennies, and the Icon-"martyr" with the image of the Mother of God, chopped by some hater right on the legs of the baby Christ and in the eyes of the Mother of God. A miracle happened, and the eyes of the Mother of God appeared above the chopped wound. All this can be seen there with your own eyes.

And, finally, there is an icon of the Heavenly patron saint of this monastery - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint of Myra. A wonderful story is connected with this image.

This icon was presented to the monastery as an icon of St. Dmitry the Prelate of Rostov, it was so dark, and those who donated decided by the clothes that it was St. Demetrius. This large icon was hung in the church. And after some time, the icon began to cleanse itself, and, in the end, the nuns of the monastery eventually discerned who is actually depicted on the icon. The nuns were overjoyed.

As they themselves said, they realized that Father Nicholas the Wonderworker took them under his guardianship. Well, we, who come to this monastery, come to visit St. Nicholas.

Be sure to visit this monastery, breathe a stream of Grace into your heart, and you will definitely want to come back here again.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering"

Picked up and make us embittered by our enemy, and excommunicate us from our Lord, but vouch for us with joy:

Many angels, according to you at Our mothers, by command, are up in arms for our deliverance menacingly, but accept this prayer of ours:

Rejoice, sending angels for our salvation.

Rejoice, Queen of the highest ranks, who gives us their heavenly help.

Rejoice, guardian angels and you are the one who commands us.

Rejoice, striking our enemies with the Host of the Angelic.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Seeing the needy and such help from Your heart to those who call You, they instruct Your Son incessantly: Alleluia.

They understand that Thy Son is a gift, Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer, calling on Thy sitsy:

Rejoice, poor mothers. Rejoice, consolation for those who are suffering. Rejoice, hopeless hopes. Rejoice, help the helpless. Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

The power of the Most High is the gift of Thee for the help and salvation of the world, I perish in troubles, and whoever was delivered by Thee sings to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, you did not reject cue tears, and you did not compel them to call on Thee, cryingly:

Rejoice, quick hearing of those in need. Rejoice, captive freedom.

Rejoice, quick salvation for those who perish. Rejoice, consolation of the sad and sorrowful.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

A storm of misfortune comes over us. Save us, who are perishing, save us, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering, a pernicious storm on earth that tames and accepts our song: Alleluia.

Hearing humanity, give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance from all those who were fierce on them, learning to petition You:

Rejoice, deliverance from the troubles of the human race. Rejoice, exorcist of despondency. Rejoice, cessation of the storms of life. Rejoice, giver of joy in sorrow. Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Goddess star under O beating, dispelling darkness and darkness in sin-loving hearts, so in the light of Your love they will see the Lord and cry to Him: Alleluia.

Seeing the people of Russia, Your unintentional deliverance from various troubles, they joyfully sing to the sice:

Rejoice, in our troubles the Oranther. Rejoice, driving away our sorrows.

Rejoice, our consolation in sorrow. Rejoice, our abstinence is in joy.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

All who are healed, comforted, justified and saved by Thy from troubles preach Thy help and Thy love, Mother, and sing to Thy High-Power Son: Alleluia.

Shine forth to us the light of salvation in the darkness of destruction that has surrounded us, and instructed us to eat with you:

Rejoice, driving away the darkness of sin. Rejoice, destroying sinful darkness.

Rejoice, illumining darkness of my soul. Rejoice, you cheer my soul with the light of joy.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

For those who want us to ultimate despair, surrender from everywhere to the troubles that are present, thinking about You, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering, and encouragement and homsya, and ut e weaving, singing to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Thou art a new and unexpected show of Thy mercy to us, under Thy sovereign hand, taking us, and hence the cry of Ty:

Rejoice, Sovereign Queen. Rejoice, having taken us under Your Power.

Rejoice, who gave us Thy protection. Rejoice, defeat of our enemies.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

A strange miracle - doomed to destruction, in needs a x languishing, countless foreign a ny salvation and deliverance are received from You, the All-loving Mother, singing to God: Alleluia.

All beings in the gloom of sorrows, all overwhelmed by a storm of misfortunes, come to a good haven and our help - the Virgin's protection, Deliverance from the troubles of those in need, crying to Her: Rejoice, Delivering us from gladness. Rejoice, driving away harmful nature from the plant world. Rejoice, crops, and forests, and saving everything that grows from destruction.

Rejoice, blessed consolation and blessed joy of the grieving farmers.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

The whole human being praises Thee, everyone praises Thee, the many different deliverance that brings him and instead of sorrow gives joy to those who sing: Alleluia.

Vitia and the many-mindedness of the madman, seeing Your quick, wonderful deliverance from the troubles of the suffering, and silenced us, singing Ti:

Rejoice, for strengthening us with miracles. Rejoice, you destroyed troubles with miracles.

Rejoice, for you have enlightened us with miracles. Rejoice, for you have rejoiced us with your icon.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

To save every human soul with love you care for it, don’t even teach it to Thy Son: Alleluia.

With a wall, keep the Christian world and protect every soul from enemies by protecting yourself and manifesting Your wondrous image, "Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer," let us glorify it, worship and flow into Your intercession, Mother of God, singing:

Rejoice, our Redeemer. Rejoice, our mentor. Rejoice, our joy.

Rejoice, our eternal joy. Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Unceasing chanting brings Thy deliverance and Thy packs the joy of finding, Thy Divine Son they sing joyfully: Alleluia.

As a radiant luminary radiant in the darkness of sin, appear to us Your icon, "Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer", the same we rejoice, sinners, such a wonderful icon of Yours in our temple, as Your pledge to us and to the Abode of our benevolence, and hoping for Your mother's prayer and their quick hearing, touchingly with the verb:

Rejoice, source of joy. Rejoice, drive out of sorrows.

Rejoice, diminution of troubles. Rejoice, giver of all peace.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Grace from Thy icon, "Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer," flowing, flowing abundantly of healings and reviving hearts with joy, prompts everyone with a free will to petition for You, Mother, Thy Son and God: Alleluia.

We sing of Thy icons of wondrous renewal, we sing of Thy mercy on us, sinners, charity and, gloriously, we sing:

Rejoice, taking away from death and eternal fire. Rejoice, raising the dead.

Rejoice, our dying hope and protection. Rejoice, after death is our rest.

Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Oh, all-chanting, our all-beloved Mother, have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the fierce and hopeless troubles of existence, to the One Being that delivers us, and teach us to heartily chant to God who saves us: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

This kontakion is verbed three times, and paki Ikos 1, Kondak 1.

Oh, Mother of God, our help and intercession! Whenever we cry out, wake us for deliverance, who are suffering and perishing from cruel troubles, we hope in You and always with all our hearts we urge you to have mercy and help, have mercy and save us from the troubles of those who are suffering and perishing; Accept the prayers, and, as you like, rest and make us happy. Teach obedience to the Lord God to bring, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your nature, to love your Son, the fruits of your labors are worthy to bear. Calm our hearts, so that in one Spirit and with all our deeds let us glorify the Beginning Father with His Only Begotten Son and with His Most Holy Good and Life-giving Spirit, and Your merciful Mother intercession, now and forever and ever and ever. Amen

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on All Saints' Week

Troparion, voice 4

Like a bright star, beaming with Divine miracles Thy holy image - the Deliverer from the troubles of the suffering, with the rays of Thy grace and mercy shining in the night of the sorrows of those. Grant to us, O All-Merciful Virgin, deliverance from troubles, healing of mental and physical ailments, salvation and great mercy.

Kontakion, voice 8

To Thy icon, Most Holy Lady, who is in distress with faith, I have delivered from the wicked by Thy intercession; but, like the Mother of Christ God, and free us from the cruel circumstances, temporary and eternal, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Deliverer from all the troubles of those who suffer.

Kontakion 1

The most chosen of all generations of the Most Pure Virgin Theotokos, who shows us grace-filled help, we bring grateful singing. But you, as the one that has an invincible power, are free from all troubles and sorrows, singing to You tenderly:

Ikos 1

The Archangel and the Angel are many to You, the most honest Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, celestial voices incessantly glorify. But we, touched by Your good deeds, who were upon us, dare to call You:

Rejoice, Chosen One of the Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, Trinity Council of the Mystery.

Rejoice, illuminated by the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, giving birth to the Savior of the world.

Rejoice, exceeding angelic powers.

Rejoice, Blessed One in wives.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Thee, God's Chosen Young Woman, all the Heavenly Powers at the Throne of Thy Son and our God praying for us, glorify Thy majesty and mercy. We, sinners, on earth, earnestly call upon Thee to help you, constantly chanting to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Reason from God from above to enlightenment, looking at Your miraculous face, Heaven and earth to the Queen, we understand, as the gift of Thy Son to all those who suffer for deliverance from troubles. Accept, O All-Merciful, the singing of the titmouse from us:

Rejoice, poor mothers.

Rejoice, consolation for those who are suffering.

Rejoice, hopeless hope.

Rejoice, fallen uprising.

Rejoice, Sinner's Assistant.

Rejoice, punishment for those who perished.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High is bestowed upon Thee, our Intercessor and Intercessor, to help and save the world, perishing in sin; but we, through Thy deliverance from all misfortune and misfortune, gratefully sing to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, Abiding in the Mistress, you did not reject a single tear, but you earnestly pray to You and cry:

Rejoice, quick hearing of those in need.

Rejoice, captive freedom.

Rejoice, wonderful salvation for those who perish.

Rejoice, consolation of the sad and sorrowful.

Rejoice, falling reinforcements.

Rejoice, admonition of the negligent.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 4

There is a storm of many troubles and misfortunes, the same we pray to Thee, peace to the Intercessor: save us, who are exhausted, Thou art our deliverance; For this reason, we sing a song to God about You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing give birth to humanity, Thy great love for Christians and Thy all-powerful intercession from all those who are fierce against us, having learned to petition Thee:

Rejoice, deliverance from the troubles of the human race.

Rejoice, taming the storms of life.

Rejoice, crying ambulance Comforter.

Rejoice, spiritual giver of joy.

Rejoice, reliable visit to the sick.

Rejoice, correction of the wrong.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 5

Thy holy icon is like a divine star, the Mother of God, dispelling the darkness of passions in sin-loving hearts, but in the light of Thy love, all the birth of Christianity will see the Lord who saves all and cry out a song of thanks to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing Christomenity, people by Thy give them a sudden deliverance from various troubles, You are like a Good and Gracious kind of Christian Intercessor to the greatness. For this reason, we diligently pray to Thee: intercede, cover and protect us from the troubles and attacks of the enemy, so we joyfully sing to Ty:

Rejoice, health of the soulful and bodily Giver.

Rejoice, Guardian of chastity.

Rejoice, driving away our sorrows.

Rejoice, our consolation in sorrow.

Rejoice, extending a helping hand to the tempted.

Rejoice, supplying everything necessary for piety.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 6

They preach Thy help and love, Mother of God, all the healing, consolation and salvation by Thy from troubles and misfortunes, thanks to Thee for all the good deeds that are poured out on us, crying about Thy Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Shine forth to us the light of salvation - Thy wondrous icon, Bogomati, she also exudes miracles and healings to all with faith in front of her who are praying. We, rejoicing at such an industry about us, sweetly sing to Ti:

Rejoice, as you dispel the darkness of sinfulness.

Rejoice, for you destroy negligence about salvation.

Rejoice, enlightening souls with the light of the knowledge of God.

Rejoice, instructing you on the saving path.

Rejoice, firm affirmation of faith.

Rejoice, intercession at the Last Judgment.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 7

Those who want to show everyone Your great love for the Christian race, the Most Holy Theotokos, have the good pleasure to reveal the wonderful icon "Redeemer from the suffering of the suffering" called, so that all, exhausted in sickness and sorrow, have Thee Help and Dull, crying for Thee to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You have shown us a new and unexpected mercy, Queen of Heaven, when, under your sovereign hand, you, unworthy, having received, miraculously spread your cover over the entire Christian world. For this, for the sake of crying to Ti:

Rejoice, chamber of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Sovereign Queen.

Rejoice, Lady of Heaven.

Rejoice, having received us under Your all-powerful cover.

Rejoice, showing us Your protection.

Rejoice, reflecting the attacks of the enemy.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 8

We see a strange miracle about You, the Theotokos, but your holy icons are healed by a kiss, and our affections of our hearts are fulfilled, crying to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All beings in the gloom of sorrows and overwhelmed by the mist of passions, resort to a good refuge and help - the veil of the Most Holy Virgin, delivering the suffering from troubles, crying to Her:

Rejoice, delivering us from gladness.

Rejoice, for nourishing us with the bread of heaven.

Rejoice, spiritual thirst for satisfaction.

Rejoice, blessing of the farmers.

Rejoice, pouring out sources of eternal life to us.

Rejoice, giving us spiritual sweetness to drink.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 9

All of the angelic praiseworthy singing brings to You, the Mother of God and the Queen, while people on earth thankful sing to Ty, the Most Holy Theotokos, who reveals deliverance and gives joy in sorrow, calling to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vitya the many-blessed ones will not be able to glorify Thy inheritance, O All-merciful Mother, quick and wonderful deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer. We, by Your blessing, dare to say this:

Rejoice, for Your miracles strengthens faith in us.

Rejoice, you will soon destroy our troubles and misfortunes.

Rejoice, for admonishing us with Your banners.

Rejoice, you who rejoice us with Your icons.

Rejoice, bringing down God's blessing to us.

Rejoice, our cleansing and sanctifying hearts.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 10

To save every Christian soul, Bogomati, with inexpressible love cries about it, be kind and nourish, edify and admonish, let Thy Son cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is indestructible to all the faithful, Most Holy Virgin Mary: in Thy wondrous image, "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering" called, the Christian world illuminate and protect from enemies visible and invisible. We, flowing to Your intercession, bow to it and kiss it with love, chanting Ti:

Rejoice, an ambulance to us from troubles Redeemer.

Rejoice, wise Mentor in bewilderment.

Rejoice, in the hour of sorrow of our souls that comfort.

Rejoice, vouching eternal joy in heaven to us.

Rejoice, man is our intercession from the slander of evil spirits.

Rejoice, guardian of the chaste and pious life.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 11

Singing ceaselessly is brought to Ty, the Queen of Heaven, by Thy deliverance from troubles and misfortunes, and, by Thy packs gaining joy, Thy Divine Son is gratefully chanted: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Thy image appears to us as a radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, Lady, the same we, sinners, rejoice, property is such a wonderful Thy icon, as a pledge of Thy grace to us, and hoping for Thy mothers of prayer and their quick hearing, with a touching verb:

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of joys.

Rejoice, speedy expelling of sorrows.

Rejoice, all-powerful Protector from troubles.

Rejoice, good Giver of peace.

Rejoice, satisfaction of our tears and sorrows.

Rejoice, propitiation of our Lord's sins.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 12

The grace emanating from your icon "Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer", the All-Merciful Virgin, abundantly gives streams of healings to all those who flow to her with faith and love, ascetic to all affectionately petting about You to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy icons, a wondrous appearance and Thy charity, merciful to us sinners, we praise Thy love and mercy, Most Pure, to the human race, and with tenderness bowing to You in an honorable Thy icon, we believe and hope, as if ask Thy Son and our God all good in this life and in the future, to those crying to you this:

Rejoice, taking away from death and eternal fire.

Rejoice, resurrecting the dead with your soul.

Rejoice, our dying hope.

Rejoice, after death is our rest.

Rejoice, at the Terrible Judgment of Christ, our Assistant.

Rejoice, O blessed inhabitants of heaven, our Intercessor.

Rejoice, O All-Merciful Lady, who relieves the suffering of the suffering.

Kontakion 13

O All-chanting Mother, Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the cruel and grave troubles of those, and teach us to heartily chant to God who saves us by Thee: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).


Diligent Intercessor, Blessed Mother of the Lord, I come running to You, a cursed and most sinful man: listen to the voice of my prayer and hear my cry and cry, as my iniquity has surpassed my head, and I, like a ship in the abyss, sink into the sea of ​​my sins ... But Thou, O All-Merciful and Merciful Lady, do not despise me, who is desperate and perishing in sin; have mercy on me who repent in my evil deeds, and turn my deluded, accursed soul to the right path. On You, my Lady Theotokos, I lay all my hope. You, Mother of God, preserve and keep me under Thy roof, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering"

The name of the icon is based on the belief of Christians that the Mother of God helps to get rid of troubles and misfortunes to all who prayerfully turn to Her for help. So, in the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos there are the words: "Theotokos, Lady, before us and save us from troubles."

One of the many places in our land, marked by God, is the small village of Tashla, in the Stavropol district of the Samara region. Here in October 1917, before the terrible trials, the Most Holy Theotokos revealed Her icon "Deliverer from troubles", reminded of Herself, of Her mercy to the Russian land. In addition, she left us forever a miraculous source, on which the account of amazing healings has long been lost.

A native of the village of Tashla, Yekaterina, who temporarily lives in neighboring Garbage, on October 8, 1917, the Queen of Heaven appeared in a dream and indicated the place where you need to go and dig Her miraculous image from the ground. The girl told her friends Fena Atyasheva and Pasha Gavrilenkova about the vision. The three of them went to the Tashlin ravines.

On the way, Catherine again had a vision: in front of them, the Angels in white robes carried the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Soon she showed her friends the place that the Abiding One herself had pointed out to her in a dream. When they started digging the ground, a crowd gathered. Many looked incredulously at their "venture", even laughed, however, the holy icon, indeed, was found in the very place that the Most Holy Theotokos pointed out to Catherine.

The priest of the church in the village of Mussorki, Father Vasily Krylov, took the icon to the Tashlin Trinity Church. And on the way, the first healing happened: Anna Torlova, who had been ill for thirty-two years, kissed the icon and suddenly felt a surge of strength. Great joy gripped people! The icon was placed on a lectern in the middle of the temple for worship.

Soon the priest from Tashlin, Father Dimitri Mitekin, arrived. But the icon miraculously “left” the church. The church watchman of the Trinity Church, Efim Kulikov, at night saw, as it were, a flash of lightning flashing from the temple towards the Tashlin ravine, where the icon was revealed. In the morning, the icons were no longer found in the church.

The second appearance of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Deliverer from Troubles" was in December 1917. This time, too, the face of the Mother of God appeared in the spring that made its way at the site of the first miraculous appearance of the icon. The believers gathered at the spring. But the icon miraculously did not fall into the hands of Father Dimitri Mitekin. Then the priest fell to his knees and began to repent of sins with tears, prayed to the Mother of God and the parishioners for forgiveness. Then the icon surfaced again and the same Pasha Gavrilenkova took it. Since then, the holy image has never left the village.

Until 1925, religious processions were held with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. The news of what happened in Tashle spread throughout the Volga region. People walked and walked to the icon and to the source. This place has become one of the most revered in the Volga region. That is why the new authorities, who declared war on Orthodoxy, put so much effort into destroying the very memory of the miracle. The church was closed, and the believers saved the icon from desecration - they passed it secretly from the hut to the hut. Then the atheists decided to do away with the spring. They set up a stockyard near it, and the holy place was soon heaped up with manure. But the spring survived, only made its way in one more place, a few steps from the former - the Mother of God.

During the war, the Trinity Church was reopened, and the miraculous icon returned to it, which is still in it. A copy of this icon is kept in the Samara Intercession Cathedral. In the bathhouse, made at the site of the icon's appearance, many healings from various ailments still occur.

One of the most revered icons "From the troubles of the suffering" is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the city of Arzamas, in the St. Nicholas convent, located near Diveyevo. In 1997, a miracle began to take place in this monastery: a light speck appeared on the completely blackened icon, like a ray of sunlight, illuminating a small oval part of the icon measuring 10-15 cm.It was imprinted on the neck of the Mother of God and the hand of the Infant Savior touching her. In the middle of the summer of 2000, this "solar flare" began to increase rapidly: as if someone, invisibly, in thin layers, like scales, was removing all this blackness. Gradually, the face of the Savior, the face of the Mother of God was purified. The royal crown on the head of the Heavenly Queen is already visible, blessing the Savior's hand, His legs resting on the right hand of His Mother, the colors of the clothes have been determined. Moreover, everything manifested itself not evenly and smoothly, as a human hand would have done, but precisely in such a way that this miracle of God was both obvious and joyful and comforting. At first, the name of the icon was illegible, and only in the summer of 2001 the inhabitants of the monastery were able to reliably determine the name of the image by its already significantly purified details.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering" they pray for the blessing of marriage; people come to her with a prayer for liberation from vices, mothers come with a petition for dying children, for the health and well-being of children, for the healing of eye diseases and blindness, for toothache, for fever, Orthodox faith and the return of the lost to the Church.

By the blessing

Climbed the Victorious Voevodo, rescuing us from all troubles and pretending sorrow for joy, as if we will get rid of the wicked, we gratefully write Your Tirabi, the Mother of God. , yes we call Ti:

The Creator of angels and people, the Creator, seeing your good heart, the will and compassion for the troubles of the burdened human race, choosing as if Merciful for all sinners to God and the Good Redeemer from the troubles of those who suffer, and those who have been freed from troubles by You call Ty this:

Rejoice, Deliverance of the Suffering!

Rejoice, reconciliation with God who repent!

Rejoice, salvation of the most sacrificing!

Rejoice, desperate immutable Hope!

Rejoice, quick and merciful resolution of insoluble circumstances!

Rejoice, Unexpected Joy of all the blessings of fulfillment!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Seeing all those who are in distress, Thy many offenses and the merciful deliverance of all from the troubles of those who suffer, are fulfilled with joy, ceaselessly singing to Thy Son:


Misunderstood reason, and those who seek everyone in sorrows and evil conditions, who are abiding, understanding Thee as the All-Merciful Intercessor and Deliverer from the troubles of those who suffer, they resort to Thy omnipotent intercession, and quick deliverance from all troubles and sorrow for the joy of prepositioning in Thee

Rejoice, Redeemer, saving you from grief, troubles and destruction!

Rejoice, comforting us with your undoubted hope for God's help!

Rejoice, who admonishes and guides to salvation!

Rejoice, transforming sorrow into joy to those who grieve!

Rejoice, bringing prayers to all in sorrow crying to Thy Son!

Rejoice, turning all troubles, sorrows and sorrows to the glory of God!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

By the power of the Most High, grace has been given to you to deliver the suffering from troubles, Mother Devo, but all salvation and the deliverance you have perfected from troubles always sing to this:


Possessing truly an invincible power and unspeakable mercy, I have received the grace to deliver everyone from the troubles of those who suffer and cry to You in sorrow, O All-Merciful Our Lady, may all salvation and deliverance from their sorrows be fulfilled with joy and cry to the Mother of God:

Rejoice, eternal death Deliverance!

Rejoice, life is our reconciliation!

Rejoice, saving you from perilous passions!

Rejoice, bringing peace to our souls!

Rejoice, strengthening hope in the mercy of God!

Rejoice, confirming all the faithful in God!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

With the storm of troubles that are on us in the much-sorrowful voyage of this life, we are truly possessed of the Ark of salvation and the complete deliverance from troubles in You, O Mistress, but crying to God for You:


Hearing all human generations Thy wondrous love for Christians, as if delivering them always from those who are fierce on them, according to Thy verb they truly bless Thee, Bogomati, learn to love Thee:

Rejoice, deliverance from all sorrow!

Rejoice, fulfillment of God's mercy!

Rejoice, outpouring of grace on us sinners!

Rejoice, perfect knowledge of the will of God!

Rejoice, strengthening on the path of Christ!

Rejoice, destruction of eternal sorrow!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Like a God-given star, Thy icon appears, to the Lady, verily to all was Deliverance from troubles to those who suffer, and in joy to God crying:


Seeing the people of the Russian land and all in evil circumstances come running to You, O Lady, Your unintentional Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer, they joyfully sing to You:

Rejoice, deliverance of all sorrows!

Rejoice, fulfillment of our good desires!

Rejoice, bringing joy and consolation!

Rejoice, giving hope to the most desperate!

Rejoice, captive Liberators!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

They preach Thy help and love, Mother, in consolation, healing and Thy deliverance from troubles, for this, for Thy Son's sake, they sing:


Raise to us your many-luminous icon, Bogomati, as the bright enlightenment of Truth, who is our Lord Jesus Christ, who is also Your image.

Rejoice, saving you from the darkness of destruction!

Rejoice, enlightening darkness of our souls!

Rejoice, consuming the craftiness of this vain century!

Rejoice, leading to the Light of Truth!

Rejoice, encouraging all those who suffer in this sinful world with the hope of eternal blessings!

Rejoice, by the will of God to live in this wicked age, you zealously instruct us!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Although deliverance from troubles to those who are suffering is bestowed by Christ our True God in Thy virgin womb, the Wonderful Redeemer is given to us by Thee. Taking advantage of His ineffable wisdom, we call:


New to us Tyadarov's Savior and Deliverer from the troubles of the suffering Thy Son, seeing Thy all-merciful intercession and all in sorrow crying out to you from troubles, salvation, sorrows and sorrows, deliverance, and to the joy of their quick and merciful transformation, we sing to Thee, cryingly:

Rejoice, salvation from the most terrible troubles!

Rejoice, resolution of all sorrowful circumstances!

Rejoice, prayers of all crying to God in sorrow!

Rejoice, for all the sorrows of Christ for the sake of those who have endured troubles for the joy of transformation!

Rejoice, all-merciful fulfillment of God's mercy!

Rejoice, all are worthy of Christ for the sake of those who have endured merciful reward!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

It is strange for the unbelieving sons of this vain and deceitful age to see how all faithfulness is, resorting to the intercession of the All-Merciful Lady of the Mother of Mercy, salvation perfect from troubles, deliverance from all sorrow and unexpected joy, crying to Her Son:


All-existing in the gloom of the sorrows of this vain and many-rebellious age, all the storms of misfortune, we will come to a good haven and a reliable cover of the Virgin Redeemer, and deliverance from all troubles and sorrows for joy is soon transformed better, from all souls crying to Her:

Rejoice, Deliverer of all sorrow!

Rejoice, Savior from eternal destruction!

Rejoice, Compassionate One in sorrow!

Rejoice, Giver who has lost all blessings!

Rejoice, never shaming the hopes of those who trust in You!

Rejoice, unashamed end of life for all who hope for the Granting One!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Every Christian soul knows Thee as a good Deliverer from the troubles of those who suffer, and placing firm trust in Thy intercession, sings to Thy Son and God:


All the faithful, in the evil circumstances of their life, resorting to You, in sorrow, consolation, in sickness, healing, in troubles, deliverance and sorrow for joy, transposition by intercession to You, they truly receive, crying out to You:

Rejoice, for shaming the vain wisdom of this age!

Rejoice, in God confirms reason!

Rejoice, destroying evil undertakings!

Rejoice, turning to God with sorrows!

Rejoice, Good Worker who cares about the welfare of your neighbors!

Rejoice, O earnest Help to all in trouble!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

To save the world and every suffering soul, I will humanize all the Savior to us His Mother as a good Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer a gift, for this sake, as if God hears from us:


Thou art a wall to all, the Mother of God, Thy holy icons appear among them, and this image of Thy is among them.Removing from the troubles of the suffering shines brightly, bringing the joy of salvation to everyone, and to them, from all evil, deliverance and sorrows for joy are transformed by intercession to You, gaining from the soul Tee:

Rejoice, desperate salvation!

Rejoice, satisfaction of sorrows!

Rejoice, consolation of the mourning!

Rejoice, conversion from sorrow to joy!

Rejoice, Joy, who gave birth to Joy to the whole world!

Rejoice, Sweetness, who amused the whole world with Your Christmas!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

We bring unceasing singing to Ty, the Lady, by Thee we gain deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, and for the joy of their transposition, for the sake of Thy Son we cry:


Light-receiving Light, in the darkness of troubles to those who suffer, Thy icon appears, MatiDevo, all from the troubles of the afflicted and before her praying for Thy help they come running, their sorrows and sorrows before You, pouring out the Comforter of the afflicted, deliverance from troubles, sorrows satisfying, in sorrow finding consolation and unexpected joy sing Ti, revered as the name of these:

Rejoice, saving you from despair!

Rejoice, all who are discouraged by the hope of God's mercy!

Rejoice, turning sorrow to joy to all who are deprived of joy!

Rejoice, giving hope to all the desperate!

Rejoice, discipline for lost souls!

Rejoice, justification of repentant sinners before God!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Grace Source Inexhaustible date of the rapture of grace The Giver of Thee to us, His Mother of the gift, but the icons of those who knew the source of That grace, encourages everyone to petit:


Singing Thy Christmas and from Him the deliverance from troubles to those who suffer, we praise Tyavsi, like an animated temple, the Mother of God, we also honor Thy icons, like the source of That grace, dwelling in Thy womb, hold the Lord with all the hand, sanctify, glorify and teach everyone to cry out to Thee. :

Rejoice, salvation from eternal destruction!

Rejoice, and resurrection of the dead!

Rejoice, quickening your heart with the dew of grace!

Rejoice, resurrecting from troubles to despair those who have come to a new life!

Rejoice, in the darkness of despair of those who fell from the pernicious filth to the Abominator!

Rejoice, for the sake of the suffering Giver of the new meaning of living Christ for all!

Rejoice, Merciful Lady, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering!

Oh, all-chanting and all-beloved ourMati, deliverance from the troubles of the suffering! Have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the fierce sorrows of this life of those who exist, and from all troubles and sorrows, deliver all who cry to the Deliverer who suffer for You:


This kontakion verbs three times, for this 1st ikos Angels Creator and 1st kontakion Climbed Voevodo Winning ...

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering."

Oh, our All-Merciful Lady, who gave birth to the Creator and Savior of all, Our All-Powerful Patroness and Deliverer from the troubles of those who suffer! Our present prayer, brought to You in grief, graciously accept and bring to the Throne of Your Son Christ our God. Deliver us from all misfortune and sorrow and grant her conversion to the joy, may we glorify Thy Son and God and Thy All-merciful intercession for us sinners forever and ever. Amen.

The compiler of this text Igor Khramov (Teselkin), like everything, is burdened with numerous sorrows, including from people who suppress the truth with untruth, and asks for prayers for himself and his loved ones:

About health R. B.

Valentines (w)

and all who are good

and praying for us

About the repose



Save you Lord!

The compiler of this text is in dire need of prayer help in his work for the good of the Church and Russia and in protection from people who actively hinder this activity.

King David's Prayer for Petitions

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fulfill my requests in good!

Prayer for those who worship prayer

Igor Khramov Teselkin

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, remember all, with Your fear and good disposition, those who honor these prayers (compiled texts) and fulfill their requests (desires and aspirations) in good, and with their prayers have mercy and save us sinners. Amen!

I ask for prayers to the brethren, workers and parishioners of the St. Nicholas Monastery and other servants of God, who constantly inspire me to new creativity:

Prayers for all petition

I ask for prayers for the understanding of R. B Igor and Valentina (w)

I need your prayer help!

My activity on the internet is limited! My links are being blocked! My accounts and publications are being deleted! I, the compiler of the texts of akathists to the icons of the Mother of God "Igorevskaya", "The Word was flesh", Kosma Saratovsky and many other prayer texts, for my literary activity are humiliated in every possible way, persecuted, threatened, according to the priests, "to imprison under a blue article - here you are. martyrdom. " I have been deprived of all means of subsistence. Follow the links, take a look and draw conclusions yourself. A request to all those who are not indifferent: if you liked the publication - make a link, please!

My ill-wishers are spreading slanderous fabrications: allegedly my work is "condemned by the Orthodox Church." This is a vile lie: type in the search engine the name of the Akathists to the Icon of the Mother of God Igorevskaya, to Kosma of Saratov - they, like many others, were located or were until recently - after these publications - on the official websites of the Russian Orthodox Church - while the author is forced to live in poverty. Moreover, he is attacked for his work. See for yourself:

Apocalypse online deleted Or the end of the world live

The image of the Mother of God, called "", became famous far beyond the borders of Arzamas. It all began when, in 1997, two residents of Arzamas brought an icon to the St. Nicholas Convent, or rather, a dark board, which one of them found in her barn. Then it was difficult to say whether it was an icon at all, since it was not possible to understand what was depicted on it. Obviously, therefore, the sisters of the monastery took it to the storehouse, where the icons unsuitable for the temple were kept.

Once the abbess of the monastery, Abbess Georgy (Fedotova), sorting out the storeroom, ordered this icon to be placed in a frame, hung in the church and prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her. And the nuns of the monastery began to turn to the Queen of Heaven in front of this image, asking for help in their various needs.

Soon a light speck appeared on the completely blackened board, as if it had illuminated a small oval part of the icon with a sunbeam - the neck of the Mother of God and the arm of the Divine Infant.

In the middle of summer 2000, the icon began to intensively renew itself, as if someone invisible in thin layers removed the blackness: the faces of the Mother of God and the Savior appeared. But the name of the icon could not be disassembled.

Once a nun from Riga came to the Nikolsky Monastery. Seeing the icon, she happily said that the angels were cleaning it, and suggested that it was the image of the Mother of God, called "". Then none of the sisters betrayed this meaning and they remembered these words only in the summer of 2001, when the inscription was cleared.

After the number of pilgrims coming to this icon began to increase, the monastery decided to move it to a more accessible place. The sisters who were carrying the icon noticed that the paint layer of the icon was practically crumbling away - the image of the Most Holy Theotokos exudes the tree itself.

Every week, except for Great Lent, an akathist is read in the monastery before the icon of the Mother of God, muted "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering". Many miracles were recorded through prayers in front of the icon of the Mother of God, called "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering." There is a notebook in the monastery where parishioners write down their stories of miraculous deliverance from ailments and troubles. In addition, about 3000 letters come to the monastery every year with requests to pray in front of this icon.

The icon of the Mother of God, called "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering" is kept in St. Nicholas Convent the city of Arzamas.

Stories of pilgrims and nuns of St. Nicholas Convent

If the nuns of the monastery are asked by pilgrims what icon to pray in case of family troubles, illness, housing problems, pre-trial matters, they have one answer - in front of this image of the Mother of God. And no one leaves the icon inconsolable, unhappy, unheard. Only those requests that harm the salvation of our soul are not fulfilled. And the cases of miracles described in the book with the akathist are amazing.

According to the recollections of the nun Nadezhda, who bore obedience to the miraculous icon in the early years, then a notebook with records of miracles was not yet kept. And she remembered an incident that happened to a war veteran who had a bullet in his lungs. The words of his relatives are quoted that the former front-line soldier “read the akathist every day (not for the sake of healing, but out of love for the Mother of God). Two months later, the bullet came out through the resulting abscess. He took it out with his own hands. " It also speaks of the miracle of the resurrection of the dead, who was hopelessly ill with cancer - the unbaptized, who died and was resurrected in a hospital in the city of Moscow. Being an atheist, he rejected the request of the believing son to accept the Sacrament of Baptism.

He began to read this akathist two or three times a day. The father dies in the hospital (as the doctors testified) and - lo and behold! - comes to life again and asks, upon his son's arrival, to call a priest to perform the Sacraments of Baptism and Unction on him. Later, in his revelation, pointing to the image of the Mother of God on the cover of the akathist “Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering”, which the son held in his hands, he explained: “This is how the Mother of God came to me and said:“ Your son is crying tearfully for your soul , We bring you back to earth. When the son invites the priest and he performs all the Sacraments, we will take you. " It goes on to say: “I didn't say another word. He lived in the hospital for exactly 12 hours and peacefully departed for eternity to the Lord. "

Today the icon "Deliverance from the suffering of suffering" is a large shrine, to which thousands of pilgrims come annually, and not only from Russia, there were pilgrims from France, Norway and other countries. People come here from all over the world, specially stop at Cathedral Square to enter and bow to the icon, anoint themselves with oil from its lamp, light candles and read an akathist to ask the Mother of God for deliverance from troubles and sufferings, pray for the health of their children, about deliverance from various diseases, drunkenness, and the disciplining of those who have departed from the Orthodox faith. Here you can hear numerous stories about miraculous healings, about Divine help.

The akathist is very short, it takes about 15 minutes to read, but for those who have read the akathist at least once, it has great power. After all, how much hope is given by the words of the Mother of God: "Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, destruction and troubles of those who suffer us!"

The appearance in the city of Arzamas of the icon "" is like a real holy miracle. All this was told by me from the words of 2 wonderful women, nuns Nadezhda and Valentina, who have been meeting pilgrims in their monastery for many years. We have been coming to the wonderful Diveyevo for many years, we definitely visit this monastery, and with our own eyes we see how this wonderful icon is self-renewing from year to year. We had different groups - from 7 to 40 people, and people are different, and church-going, and new-beginners, and who have not yet come to God, and who perceive everything with doubt and sarcasm. But we will definitely sing Akathist at this icon, it really takes 15 minutes, and Grace at this time comes from the icon SUCH that even the most severe skeptics kneel down.

3 years ago we arrived as a motley group, there were guys and girls from the office, giggling and grinning, there were church-going pilgrims, there were colleagues showing neutrality or simply interested, there were 2 Protestants and, by the will and help of God, 2 directors of the church choir. We listened to nun Valentina, lit candles to the icons, handed notes, and then stood at the Akathist. The nun was the first to sing, then our choir directors joined in, and then the whole group began to sing.

3 years have passed, but I cannot forget the feelings that gripped me, and, according to the recollections, of all those around me. Girls, guys and everyone who was there at that time knelt down and sang Akathist as if we were rehearsing him every day. We simply did not notice the time. Many had tears in their eyes. Grace was in the air almost palpably. My heart fluttered and was filled with extraordinary joy.

When then, after 20 minutes, we got on the bus, everyone was silent for another hour and a half. Nobody wanted to talk. It was clear that everyone sat and experienced the sensations that we received from this miraculous image. Several girls and a guy (previously non-believers) said that it seemed to them that the Mother of God smiled at them from the icon.

But I want to say that besides this Wonderful Icon, this temple also has wonderful shrines. This is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God with pennies, and the Icon-"martyr" with the image of the Mother of God, chopped by some hater right on the legs of the baby Christ and in the eyes of the Mother of God. A miracle happened, and the eyes of the Mother of God appeared above the chopped wound. All this can be seen there with your own eyes.

And, finally, there is an icon of the Heavenly patron saint of this monastery - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint of Myra. A wonderful story is connected with this image.

This icon was presented to the monastery as an icon of St. Dmitry the Prelate of Rostov, it was so dark, and those who donated decided by the clothes that it was St. Demetrius. This large icon was hung in the church. And after some time, the icon began to cleanse itself, and, in the end, the nuns of the monastery eventually discerned who is actually depicted on the icon. The nuns were overjoyed.

As they themselves said, they realized that Father Nicholas the Wonderworker took them under his guardianship. Well, we, who come to this monastery, come to visit St. Nicholas.

Be sure to visit this monastery, breathe a stream of Grace into your heart, and you will definitely want to come back here again.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering"

Kontakion 1

Picked up and to embitter us with our enemy and excommunicate us from our Lord, but grant us to you with joy: Rejoice, Deliverance from grief, destruction and troubles of those who suffer us.

Ikos 1

Many angels, according to you at Our mothers, by command, are up in arms for our deliverance menacingly, but accept this prayer of ours:

Rejoice, sending angels for our salvation.
Rejoice, Queen of the highest ranks, who gives us their heavenly help.
Rejoice, guardian angels and you are the one who commands us.
Rejoice, striking our enemies with the Host of the Angelic.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the needy and such help from Your heart to those who call You, they instruct Your Son incessantly: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

They understand that Thy Son is a gift, Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer, calling on Thy sitsy:

Rejoice, poor mothers. Rejoice, consolation for those who are suffering. Rejoice, hopeless hopes. Rejoice, help the helpless. Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High is the gift of Thee for the help and salvation of the world, I perish in troubles, and whoever was delivered by Thee sings to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, you did not reject cue tears, and you did not compel them to call on Thee, cryingly:

Rejoice, quick hearing of those in need. Rejoice, captive freedom.
Rejoice, quick salvation for those who perish. Rejoice, consolation of the sad and sorrowful.
Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 4

A storm of misfortune comes over us. Save us, who are perishing, save us, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering, a pernicious storm on earth that tames and accepts our song: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing humanity, give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance from all those who were fierce on them, learning to petition You:

Rejoice, deliverance from the troubles of the human race. Rejoice, exorcist of despondency. Rejoice, cessation of the storms of life. Rejoice, giver of joy in sorrow. Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 5

Goddess star under O beating, dispelling darkness and darkness in sin-loving hearts, so in the light of Your love they will see the Lord and cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the people of Russia, Your unintentional deliverance from various troubles, they joyfully sing to the sice:
Rejoice, in our troubles the Oranther. Rejoice, driving away our sorrows.
Rejoice, our consolation in sorrow. Rejoice, our abstinence is in joy.
Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 6

All who are healed, comforted, justified and saved by Thy from troubles preach Thy help and Thy love, Mother, and sing to Thy High-Power Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Shine forth to us the light of salvation in the darkness of destruction that has surrounded us, and instructed us to eat with you:
Rejoice, driving away the darkness of sin. Rejoice, destroying sinful darkness.
Rejoice, illumining darkness of my soul. Rejoice, you cheer my soul with the light of joy.
Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 7

For those who want us to ultimate despair, surrender from everywhere to the troubles that are present, thinking about You, Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering, and encouragement and homsya, and ut e weaving, singing to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Thou art a new and unexpected show of Thy mercy to us, under Thy sovereign hand, taking us, and hence the cry of Ty:

Rejoice, Sovereign Queen. Rejoice, having taken us under Your Power.
Rejoice, who gave us Thy protection. Rejoice, defeat of our enemies.
Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 8

A strange miracle - doomed to destruction, in needs a x languishing, countless foreign a ny salvation and deliverance are received from You, the All-loving Mother, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All beings in the gloom of sorrows, all overwhelmed by a storm of misfortunes, come to a good haven and our help - the Virgin's protection, Deliverance from the troubles of those in need, crying to Her: Rejoice, Delivering us from gladness. Rejoice, driving away harmful nature from the plant world. Rejoice, crops, and forests, and saving everything that grows from destruction.
Rejoice, blessed consolation and blessed joy of the grieving farmers.
Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 9

The whole human being praises Thee, everyone praises Thee, the many different deliverance that brings him and instead of sorrow gives joy to those who sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vitia and the many-mindedness of the madman, seeing Your quick, wonderful deliverance from the troubles of the suffering, and silenced us, singing Ti:
Rejoice, for strengthening us with miracles. Rejoice, you destroyed troubles with miracles.
Rejoice, for you have enlightened us with miracles. Rejoice, for you have rejoiced us with your icon.
Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 10

To save every human soul with love you care for it, don’t even teach it to Thy Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

With a wall, keep the Christian world and protect every soul from enemies by protecting yourself and manifesting Your wondrous image, "Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer," let us glorify it, worship and flow into Your intercession, Mother of God, singing:
Rejoice, our Redeemer. Rejoice, our mentor. Rejoice, our joy.
Rejoice, our eternal joy. Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 11

Unceasing chanting brings Thy deliverance and Thy packs the joy of finding, Thy Divine Son they sing joyfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

As a radiant luminary radiant in the darkness of sin, appear to us Your icon, "Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer", the same we rejoice, sinners, such a wonderful icon of Yours in our temple, as Your pledge to us and to the Abode of our benevolence, and hoping for Your mother's prayer and their quick hearing, touchingly with the verb:

Rejoice, source of joy. Rejoice, drive out of sorrows.
Rejoice, diminution of troubles. Rejoice, giver of all peace.
Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 12

Grace from Thy icon, "Deliverance from the troubles of those who suffer," flowing, flowing abundantly of healings and reviving hearts with joy, prompts everyone with a free will to petition for You, Mother, Thy Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing of Thy icons of wondrous renewal, we sing of Thy mercy on us, sinners, charity and, gloriously, we sing:
Rejoice, taking away from death and eternal fire. Rejoice, raising the dead.
Rejoice, our dying hope and protection. Rejoice, after death is our rest.
Rejoice, Deliverance from sorrow, destruction and misfortunes of those suffering us.

Kontakion 13

Oh, all-chanting, our all-beloved Mother, have mercy now and have mercy on us, in the fierce and hopeless troubles of existence, to the One Being that delivers us, and teach us to heartily chant to God who saves us: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
This kontakion is verbed three times, and paki Ikos 1, Kondak 1.


Oh, Mother of God, our help and intercession! Whenever we cry out, wake us for deliverance, who are suffering and perishing from cruel troubles, we hope in You and always with all our hearts we urge you to have mercy and help, have mercy and save us from the troubles of those who are suffering and perishing; Accept the prayers, and, as you like, rest and make us happy. Teach obedience to the Lord God to bring, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your nature, to love your Son, the fruits of your labors are worthy to bear. Calm our hearts, so that in one Spirit and with all our deeds let us glorify the Beginning Father with His Only Begotten Son and with His Most Holy Good and Life-giving Spirit, and Your merciful Mother intercession, now and forever and ever and ever. Amen

Troparion, voice 4

Like a bright star of beaming with Divine miracles, Your holy image, illuminating Your holy image with rays of Your grace and mercy in the night of sorrow. Give it to us, O All-Merciful Virgin, deliverance from the troubles of the suffering, healing of mental and physical ailments, salvation and great mercy.

Kontakion, voice 8

To Thy icon, Most Holy Lady, the needy come with faith, by Thy intercession they are delivered from the wicked, but as Mother of Christ God and us free from cruel circumstances, temporary and eternal, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Deliverance of the suffering from all troubles.


We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, God's Chosen Young Woman, and we honor Your Holy Image, and sharpen healing for all who flow with faith.

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