Home Mushrooms Why using a massage chair is good for your health. Massage chair. A quick buyer's guide. How to properly use a massage chair at home

Why using a massage chair is good for your health. Massage chair. A quick buyer's guide. How to properly use a massage chair at home

You might think that a massage chair is the best way out of a situation when there is simply not enough time to visit a massage therapist. But is there a real reason to call such a home appliance useful, safe and convenient?

In case of diseases of the spine, the chair cannot be recommended: the individual characteristics of the organism require an attentive and careful approach. But in the absence of serious pathologies, it will become an excellent assistant with muscle clamping and circulatory problems.

The doctors' comments are positive, although doctors remind that there are contraindications for hardware massage. Do not forget about the price of the chair: such an acquisition is a serious blow to the wallet, therefore, the choice of a massage device must be approached with special care.


This interesting chair is not much different from the usual one. The secret lies in its internal structure. In addition to the soft inner filler, it has a massage mechanism that varies from model to model. To assess the significance of this setting, let's try to understand the principles of its operation.

Installations equipped with massage rollers are considered simple. Often, the roller and vibration modes are combined, which allows you to achieve the greatest relaxation during the massage. More sophisticated models include vacuum and airflow mechanisms, which provide a better and more complete massage.

The chair can have the following functions:

  • acupuncture massage,
  • massage of muscle mass,
  • preventive and restorative massage,
  • relaxing massage,
  • anti-cellulite massage.

Massage systems have a beneficial effect on the spine, improve blood circulation, and provide complete relaxation of the back and calf muscles. The functioning is determined by the program, which provides for several modes of operation. The main task of the installation is to relieve a person of any kind of stress, including nervous. Indications for its use include:

  • little physical activity,
  • stress,
  • circulatory problems
  • sports loads,
  • swelling.

It is worth getting a chair for home massage for those who have problems with excess weight. Regular massage will improve metabolism and lead to faster breakdown of fats. In addition, installations of this kind allow you to improve blood circulation and get rid of cellulite.

The high popularity of armchairs is explained by the fact that the number of professions associated with mental work and excluding physical activity is growing every day. Stimulation of different zones avoids their atrophy. Massage systems improve brain activity by increasing blood flow.


There are few contraindications. Among them:

  • oncological diseases,
  • serious gynecological problems in women,
  • pregnancy,
  • circulatory disorders,
  • infectious diseases,
  • childhood,
  • chronic ulcer.

It should be remembered that the time of one session should not exceed 30 minutes. Otherwise, headaches, muscle fatigue, and circulatory problems may occur.

The hectic life of a metropolis often does not allow you to carve out enough time to take care of yourself. It is difficult to find a truly good massage therapist, to combine the time he can give you with your busy schedule. will give you all the advantages of a regular massage and at the same time relieve you of many inconveniences associated with visiting a massage parlor.

Such a "massage room at home" will allow you to:

  • choose the appropriate mode and type of massage;
  • choose a convenient time for massage and independently regulate the duration of the procedure;
  • regularly monitor your health: "advanced" models of massage chairs, before starting a massage, determine the height, weight, problem areas, pressure, pulse of the patient;
  • and, finally, perhaps the most pleasant thing: a minute after the end of the relaxing procedure, get into bed and fall asleep soundly.

What ailments will a massage chair help?

First of all, the purchase of a massage chair can be recommended to those who are worried musculoskeletal system... Regular massage eliminates back pain, lower back pain, intercostal neuralgia, pain in the joints of the arms and legs.

Massage has a beneficial effect on central nervous system, helps to relax, calm down, calmly fall asleep. It also relieves headaches caused by vascular spasms.

Massage is good vascular pathology of the extremities, it eliminates cramps in the calf muscles - they often torment even men, let alone women who spend their business day in high-heeled shoes ...

By purchasing a massage chair, you will help your digestive system: the activity of the gastrointestinal tract will improve, appetite will appear.

Specialist comment:

“Today, everyone can complete massage courses, and within a fairly short time frame. Meanwhile, in order to correctly select a massage for a patient, it is necessary to know traumatology, neurology and a number of other important areas of medicine. An experienced specialist will always begin by clarifying the characteristics of the body, assessing the condition of the muscular frame, problem areas.

From this point of view, the use of a massage chair is preferable to referring to a dropout massage therapist.
Modern models of such chairs begin the procedure with a scan of the whole body, and then, using special programs, they select the optimal option for influencing the patient: which zones, in what way and with what intensity to massage. "

Contraindications and restrictions

Like any effective treatment, massage is a double-edged weapon.
In what cases it is worth refusing to use a massage chair:

  • cardiovascular diseases: especially arterial hypertension, aneurysms, as well as heart rhythm disorders, which are treated with the use of an electronic heart pacemaker;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • allergic and dermatological diseases in the acute stage;
  • postoperative period;
  • recent injury: muscle or ligament sprains, fractures, dislocations, etc.;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • osteoporosis.

Since the advent of massage chairs, people are constantly arguing about their benefits. There are more positive reviews from specialists and ordinary users about the effectiveness of these devices, however, there are questions that do not have clear answers.

The massage chair is considered by many to be a human assistant; it protects and supports the spine. That is why doctors advise many people daily massage sessions, capable of returning to a person what takes up his time, namely health.

The positive side of this device lies in the fact that such a device automatically scans the individual contours of the spine, after which the roller mechanism carefully "ironed out" the vertebrae. At the same time, the points located near the ridge are massaged. All this allows you to improve and correct the support post of a person, positively affecting overall well-being.

Doctors' opinions on child seats

Before purchasing massage chairs for yourself or your child, you need consultation with a specialist... The opinions of doctors regarding the use of such a device for adolescents vary. Some argue that in no case should you put a fragile spine in a chair that does not have a special, children's program of influence. Others see nothing wrong with using a massage chair for children.

Today, various modifications of such products are produced, so it is difficult for a consumer to figure out what is best to use for an adult, and which chairs to buy for a child, if necessary. According to experts, b The condition and age of the child is of great importance if he needs to use a massage device.

If we are talking about severe cerebral palsy, then it is better to use a massage table. However, when the attending physician advises any massage chair, you still need to purchase an "expensive" model that could:

  • produce scan function body;
  • perform multistage intensity adjustment;
  • complex massage not only individual areas, but the whole body.
Manufacturers of products usually consult with orthopedists, specialists in manual therapy, therefore, develop recommendations related to the length of massage programs that are optimal for a particular session. And the timing of such programs should be determined by a specialist, since everything depends directly on the area of ​​influence, as well as the intensity of the massage.

Always use principles of manual massage- the session begins with light movements (a kind of warm-up), gradually increasing the strength and depth of kneading. The finishing chords of the massage, when the muscles are fully warmed up, is a local effect on certain points. To do this, you need to manually select the appropriate area of ​​the child's body.

Choosing a massage chair

Massaging after work using any chair will help relieve muscle tension and sleep better. But with spinal hernias, it is better to consult a chiropractor. Regarding massage chairs, they, according to doctors, perform a comprehensive body massage, massaging shoulders and neck with the back.

Experts usually recommend purchasing products that meet the user's needs. Comfortable horizontal chairs, allowing you to take the correct position according to the anatomy of the skeleton. Shoulder massage in such structures is performed:

  • special press massager;
  • massage rollers.

The doctors' only wish is that procedures started at a minimum level of strength and intensity. This is a must for any massage chair.

Contraindications for use

Basically, doctors do not express any objection to the use of massage chairs. The main requirement is selection of the required program and massage mode... Only in situations where massage is generally contraindicated for a person, doctors prohibit the use of such a device. These categories of patients include those suffering:

  • dermatitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • aneurysm;
  • thrombosis.

Also doctors speak negatively about the use of a massage chair persons who have problems such as:

  • muscle sprains;
  • loss of sensitivity due to diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • weakness, chills, high fever;
  • wounds at the sites of massage;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • osteoporosis;
  • the presence of an electronic pacemaker;
  • heart diseases;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • malignant tumors.

How to perform massage correctly

Manual therapy professionals note that patients who use chair massage prior to a doctor's treatment are much better prepared to accept it. Such people quickly relieve natural stress, they easily calm down. The mechanical effect during treatment does not cause stress on the heart, it is even pleasant. There is practically no increase in blood pressure.

However, after visiting a chiropractor, sit down you shouldn't go straight to the massage chair because it can cause complications. Doctors are sure that the use of massage chairs should be limited to the home environment, since there you can quickly recover yourself in the evening, after sleep, before exercising. Also, the massage chair is recommended to be used to warm up the body before physical exercises on the simulators.

Undoubtedly, only it is not always possible to visit the massage parlor. Can a massage chair replace a massage therapist?

As soon as you say the magic word "massage", pleasant pictures appear right before your eyes: a cozy room, light aromas of massage oils soar in the air, soothing music sounds, you lay down on a comfortable couch, and the hands of an experienced masseur begin to conjure over your tired muscles.

Great, isn't it? But how often do you have to take massage sessions? The usual lack of time, many chores and worries, including household chores, deprive us of the regular opportunity to relax and restore muscle tone.

How the massage chair works

The Japanese, innovators in the field of high technology, created the first massage chair back in the 60s of the last century. Of course, it was cumbersome, little functional and inconvenient, but even then, when developing it, Japanese engineers were based on the unique manual technique of shiatsu - the effect on specific biologically active points of the body.

Modern massagers are capable of not only replacing, but also surpassing a qualified massage therapist. An experienced specialist will always begin by clarifying the characteristics of our body, assessing muscle tone, finding problem areas, and only after that will begin a massage session.

Surprisingly, the modern massage chair works the same way. The procedure begins with a scan of the whole body, a specially developed program will not only determine the patient's complexion, but also identify problem areas, determine the optimal massage mode, whether it be roller, air-compression, or another.

The following types of massage are used in modern massage chairs:

  • Shiatsu
  • Vibrating
  • Stretching
  • Slapping and tapping
  • Kneading

You can independently choose the volume of the procedure and massage any part of the body, starting from the tips of the fingers, hands to the shoulder joints, and continuing further - the shoulder girdle, back, buttocks, thighs, legs and feet. In addition, modern massage chairs have the function of heating the waist and feet area.

The benefits of a massage chair

Let's try to understand in detail all the advantages and possible disadvantages of hardware massage, as otherwise they call massage on a special chair. Among the positive aspects:

Is the massage chair good or bad?

  • The ability to carry out several types of massage at once;
  • Relaxation of muscles, improvement of blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues;
  • Activation of vital processes in the muscles;
  • Restoring physical, psychological and emotional comfort;
  • Regulation of the activity of the endocrine glands,
  • Decrease in muscle and nervous tension, development of endurance;
  • When using vibration massage, not only muscles are activated, but also the pelvic organs;
  • An increase in the outflow of venous blood, elimination of toxins, elimination of edema, reduction of cellulite due to the activation of lymph circulation.

The negative impact of hardware massage

Of course, a massage chair, like any physiotherapy instrument, has its limitations for use. Only non-observance of the operating rules can cause harm. First of all, the following rules should be observed.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!


The doctors' comments on the massage chair used at home are positive, while experts note the high benefits of such an effect on the body. Professional massage can improve blood circulation, tone and strengthen muscles, but if you do not have the opportunity to regularly visit a massage therapist, then you just need to purchase massage equipment. Find out what such devices are, how they work, for whom they are useful and for whom they are contraindicated.

What is a massage chair

A massage chair looks like an ordinary one, but in addition to the upholstery, inner filler and frame, such a product also has a microprocessor and special rollers or air cushions. Complex mechanisms are controlled by a remote control. This high-tech device is capable of performing several massage techniques at once:

  • exotic technique of shiatsu;
  • vibration;
  • Swedish massage;
  • roller impact.


Most products are made up of three main components:

  1. The motor is one of the important elements that, in accordance with the program settings, drives the massage heads and rollers. In many devices, the movement speed is adjusted using the control panel.
  2. Rollers and massage heads are parts that affect the areas to be massaged. The rollers and heads differing in size and shape imitate the hands of the master: small ones contribute to detailed pinpoint elaboration, large ones - to the general effect. The user himself can determine which area will be subjected to massage action, for example, first it can be the upper back, then the lumbar region. Kneading is replaced by tapping movements, after which the rollers begin to work.
  3. The computer is the most important component. Due to the built-in computer, the device can automatically adjust to the user's height, volume and weight, for example, the length of the protrusion of the rollers and heads is adjusted depending on the weight of the person. The computer can make other necessary adjustments by calculating the anatomical features of the structure of the new user's back.

the effect

With a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, atrophy of the spinal muscles occurs, intervertebral hernias appear, characterized by pain in the lumbar region. Not only sports activities, but also high-quality massage made with a special device called a massage chair will help prevent the development of such diseases. Using this kind of technique has a positive effect on the whole body:

  • the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • the lack of physical activity is compensated;
  • muscle tissue is toned;
  • the quality of sleep improves;
  • improves skin elasticity;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • the mental state is restored;
  • blood pressure returns to normal.

Contraindications and restrictions

Carrying out massage sessions on an armchair is contraindicated for people suffering from thrombosis, acute varicose veins, as well as those who have severe aneurysm or suffer from dermatitis. In addition, it is not recommended to sit in a chair with a massage for those who have:

  • cardiac diseases (or in the presence of a pacemaker);
  • malignant diseases;
  • scoliosis, osteoporosis;
  • anemia;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • sprain of ligaments, muscles;
  • postpartum period, pregnancy;
  • general malaise, chills, hyperthermia;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • menstruation.

Buy massage chair

The cost of a massage chair is influenced by its technical characteristics and variety of functions. The device can be intended for home use or it can be installed in the office, however, before buying such equipment in an online store, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rating of the most popular models, find out their characteristics, evaluate all the pros and cons.


Products from the German brand Casada combine functionality, reliability and convenience. Each piece is a well-designed design with adjustable tilt angle and built-in deep muscle massage, which allows a person to relax and relieve stress. The manufacturer cares about the user's comfort, therefore, the technology also provides a built-in MP3 player, and the control is carried out using a remote control. A well-proven model is, for example, this:

  • Model Name: Hilton 2.
  • Price: 199,000 -209,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: maximum load 120 kg, shoulder width up to 95 cm, user height up to 195 cm, sheathing material SolidTex (cotton-based).
  • Pros: three-dimensional scanning of the body, there are different types of massage: shiatsu, roller, compression, kneading, beating, 3d massage and zero-gravity function are provided.
  • Cons: there are contraindications - you need to consult a doctor before using.

Choosing among modern models equipped with unique functions, it is worth highlighting another product from the German manufacturer Casada:

  • Model name: SkyLiner A300.
  • Price: 269,000-299,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: maximum weight 120 kg, power 240 watts, dimensions without packaging 142x86x123 cm, speakers, ionization, 8 automatic types of massage, the number of air cushions 74 pieces, a remote control with an LCD display.
  • Pros: the product has a distinctive feature - the function of three-dimensional scanning of the body - due to which it can be adjusted individually for each person, thanks to swing technology, tension in the lumbar region is perfectly relieved, pleasant sensations will increase if you turn on the zero-gravity function.
  • Cons: expensive.


Thanks to the engineers of the Japanese company Inada Family, the best inventions and developments in the field of the production of massage chairs have appeared. Particularly noteworthy is the DreamWave model, created for the prevention of spinal diseases and the implementation of complex body massage for people who do not like physical activity or lead a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Model name: DreamWave.
  • Price: 470,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: maximum load 120 kg, chair weight 115 kg, unfolded dimensions 97x210x76 cm, power 165 W, massage types: vibration, heating, air-compression, acupuncture, number of rollers 4 pieces, air cushions 76 pieces, operating time from 8 up to 30 minutes (may differ for automatic programs), control using the remote control.
  • Pros: adjustment of the position of the footrest, backrest tilt, infrared heating of the seat and backrest, shiatsu points are automatically determined, there is a 3D body scan function.
  • Cons: high price, you need to consult a doctor before using.

If you want the technology to have many additional options, it had such a function as zero gravity, then pay attention to this product from a Japanese company:

  • Model name: Yumerobo.
  • Price: 175,000-300,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: weight 80 kg, unfolded dimensions 74х121х109 cm, power 140 W, adjustable distance between rollers, colors: light, dark, there is a growth scanning function.
  • Pros: the massage mechanism imitates the rotation of the specialist's hands, carrying out translational and rotational movements, there is zero gravity, biologically active points of shiatsu are automatically calculated. Thanks to the rotary mechanism, kneading of the gastrocnemius muscle is carried out simultaneously with air compression massage. The model was created for home use, it is easy to use - after unpacking it you just need to connect it to the mains.
  • Cons: Cannot be placed close to the wall.


Yamaguchi products are designed for both home and office use. The company's products have gained particular popularity due to their set of functions: all models have 6 automatic programs and more than 500 options that can be configured using a remote control with an LED display. Even inexpensive products have built-in headphones and music. The best example of an office massage technique is this invention:

  • Model Name: Prestige.
  • Price: 45,000-50,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: user weight 130 kg, seat height adjustment (40-51 cm), seat depth 47 cm, minimum distance between rollers 7 cm, maximum 23 cm, voltage 220-240 V, power 30 W, product weight 21.8 kg , upholstery material eco-leather.
  • Pros: the office chair easily turns into a massage chair, there are two massage techniques - shiatsu and vibration, infrared heating of the lumbar zone is provided. You can choose the appropriate mode using the remote control (Russified), the base and handles are made of chrome-plated metal.
  • Cons: there is no foot massage.

If you do not need to constantly be in a sitting position, and you just want to relax after a hard day, then it is better to buy such a unit:

  • Model name: Axiom YA-6000.
  • Price: 396,000 - 440,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: weight 142.5 kg, maximum load 120 kg, unfolded dimensions 200x85x99 cm, voltage 220-240 V, power 260 W.
  • Pros: it is controlled remotely from a tablet or mobile phone on Android OS, 6 exposure programs, more than 500 different combinations and techniques, control is carried out on a color LCD display, infrared heating of the back, built-in speakers, 38 airbags, all parts of the body are exposed to massage - from head to toes.
  • Cons: expensive.

Us medica

The American company Us Medica is a leader in the production of specialized medical equipment, so even the massage equipment of this brand is aimed primarily at improving the body. When choosing a chair, make sure it has a heart rate monitoring system (HRI) and a zero gravity function. For example, these modes and many others include the Us Medica cardio health complex:

  • Model name: Cardio.
  • Price: 200,000-250,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: there is a synchronization of massage with music, a control panel with an LCD display, heartbeat control, 5 automatic programs, the ability to memorize the parameters of one user, infrared heating of the lower back, 29 airbags, unfolded dimensions 202x85x89 cm, weight 100 kg, power 220 Tue
  • Pros: in automatic mode, the position of the body is selected - the zero-g system tilts the entire structure, evenly distributing the user's weight. The microcomputer remembers different massage modes and their combinations, set by the user. The technique can do stress relieving, relaxing, invigorating, revitalizing, air cushion massage.
  • Cons: no 3D scanning, no smartphone control.

Those who are looking for only exclusive products on sale should pay attention to Us Medica infinity:

  • Model name: Infinity 3D Touch.
  • Price: 272,000-340000 rubles.
  • Features: maximum load 120 kg, 6 automatic modes, 39 air bags, automatic control.
  • Pros: it is possible to memorize individual programs, the function of 3D scanning, zero gravity, individual areas of the body can be massaged: from the back of the head to the feet. The device recognizes the body contours and height of an individual user, scans the change in heart rate, the duration of the session can be set independently by setting the time on the timer.
  • Cons: high price.


The Italian company Anatomico offers budgetary, but high-quality massage equipment that not only stretches the muscles and helps to reduce spasms in them, but also strengthens the spine and improves blood circulation in the tissues. If you want to completely relax, replenish the supply of vitality, consider, for example, this model:

  • Model name: Marco.
  • Price: 12,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: dimensions 136x70x115 cm, 4 types of automatic massaging, maximum load 120 kg, voltage 220-240 V, power 250 W, automatic and semi-automatic control.
  • Pros: there are air cushions in the seat and leg part, which provide more effective relaxation for the user, regular use of the technique helps to get rid of toxins and fight cellulite. For lovers of intensive massage, a special mode is provided - manual.
  • Cons: no 3D scanning, no back heating.

Those who are interested in a more functional economy class technique should pay attention to the model with nine types of massage and a zero gravity function:

  • Model name: Perfetto.
  • Price: 250,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: dimensions without packaging 96x62x37 cm, maximum load 120 kg, voltage 220-240 V, adjustment for height in automatic mode, power 220 W.
  • Pros: air cushions have a massage effect on the back, arms, hips, calves, feet, automatic and semi-automatic control is provided, there is a zero gravity function.
  • Cons: No body scan.


The German company Beurer produces inexpensive massage equipment of unsurpassed quality. Due to its functionality and durability, the equipment from this manufacturer has become one of the most popular not only in Europe, but also in Russia. Many positive customer reviews have an inexpensive compact product suitable for office or home use:

  • Model name: MC 3000 Home.
  • Price: 26000-28600 rubles.
  • Characteristics: dimensions in the unfolded state 83x76x112.5 cm, weight 30 kg, upholstery material artificial leather, there is a deep 3D massage, 2-year warranty, the control panel is built into the armrest.
  • Pros: deep back massage in three dimensions, you can adjust the intensity of vibration, there is a choice of speed level, folding design.
  • Cons: The backrest and footrest are manually adjustable.

If you don't have free space in your apartment where you could put a large unit, but you really want to feel the effect of hardware massage on yourself, buy a massage cape:

  • Model name: MG254.
  • Price: 10,900 rubles.
  • Characteristics: surface material neoprene and "breathable" mesh fabric, diffused infrared light (300 W), 220 V power supply, backrest dimensions 82x43 cm, seats 38x39 cm, cape weight 5.5 kg.
  • Pros: a relaxing back massage is done using 4 special heads, you can independently select an area for massage, an individual adjustment of the intensity of exposure is provided, there is a function of backlighting, heating, 2 rotating massage fingers make shiatsu massage of different intensities. Includes 4 self-adhesive electrodes.
  • Cons: not found.


The products of the German company Gess are becoming more and more popular. The brand produces premium quality chairs and inexpensive office and vending models. A distinctive feature of Gess products is the exclusive design of each product, combined with the latest massage technology. Those who prefer to pay for quality rather than a well-known “name” should pay attention to the following model:

  • Model name: Symphonie.
  • Price: 190,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: dimensions without packaging 140x82x135 cm, power 200 W, MP3 player, headphones, 3D scanning, vibration massage, heating of the lower back, back, automatic adjustment for height.
  • Pros: with the help of air cushions, hands, back, thighs, calf muscles, and feet are massaged. The option of memorizing the program set by the user is provided, the zero-gravity function provides complete relaxation, the height of the rollers is adjustable, control is carried out using a special remote control.
  • Cons: Takes up a lot of space.

Those who are considering inexpensive, comfortable office products should pay special attention to such a product from a German brand:

  • Model name: König.
  • Price: 25,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: seat width 48 cm, seat height from the floor 45-55 cm, backrest dimensions 58x66 cm, product height including headrest 103 cm.
  • Pros: air compression has an effect on the body, and not a roller mechanism, the armrests are adjustable, so the product is suitable for a user of any height.
  • Cons: no 3D and vibration massage functions, no warm-up.


Those who are going to buy an iRest massager chair should take into account that products of this brand are produced mainly for vending. The advantages of massage equipment are modern design, high quality materials, reinforced construction, a wide range of programs, ease of use and low cost. In addition, iRest equipment is distinguished by a long service life. Choosing an option for the office, it is worth highlighting the following product:

  • Model Name: Power Chair GJ-B2B-1.
  • Price: 25,000-30,900 rubles.
  • Characteristics: artificial leather material, weight 24 kg, dimensions in working order (LxWxH) 155x55x45-54.5 cm, seat adjustment 45-54.5 cm, engine power 20 W, power supply 100-240 V.
  • Pros: due to the unique design, the equipment performs several types of massage: neck, shoulder girdle, buttocks. With prolonged use, air cushions break up the salt deposits that have formed between the vertebral discs.
  • Cons: No foot massage.

For those looking for a massage chair that can massage even hands and feet, this product is suitable:

  • Model name: SL-A 92 Classic Exclusive Plus.
  • Price: 149,000 rubles.
  • Features: maximum user weight 120 kg, voltage 220 V, 2-year warranty, automatic height adjustment function.
  • Pros: a distinctive feature is hand massage in an upright position, there is a function of individual scanning, infrared heating of the back, zero space, zero-g and memory functions are provided (remembers the data of three users).
  • Cons: no 3D and vibration massage functions, no warm-up, MP3 player.

How to choose a massage chair

Only at first glance, massage chairs are simple. In fact, they differ from each other in almost all respects, so before buying such expensive equipment, you need to decide exactly what characteristics are your priority. The following tips will help to make the choice as simple as possible:

  1. Decide what you need the product for: for installation at home or in a break room in an office. After that, evaluate the dimensions of the selected equipment - it should not be squeezed into a narrow space, especially if there are still moving elements.
  2. Find out how many motors the model is equipped with - the intensity of its impact and durability depend on it.
  3. Pay attention to whether a massaging speed controller is provided. It is good if the equipment provides for a multifunctional massage function, for example, vibration massage with a roller.
  4. Consider equipment equipped with detectors - they will scan your parameters in a few minutes and develop an individual program.
  5. Find out if the acoustic equipment is built into the chair - it doubles the healing effect of the massage.
  6. Remember that when buying even an inexpensive model, you must be provided with a guarantee and service for the product (for 3-5 years).

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