Home Mushrooms Read the mysterious power of the word love formula. Read online "The Mysterious Power of the Word." Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov The mysterious power of the word. Love Formula. How words affect our lives

Read the mysterious power of the word love formula. Read online "The Mysterious Power of the Word." Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov The mysterious power of the word. Love Formula. How words affect our lives

What a person says always matters. The word carries information, an energetic message, it can bring joy or pain, inspire or grieve. No wonder they say that you need to follow what you say, because it also affects what happens to you. In this book, Valery Sinelnikov once again reminds readers of this and explains why he considers it important.

The book tells about the magical effect of words, how words affect our lives. The author uses images that are easily drawn in the mind, through them it is easier to comprehend what he wants to convey. Readers will learn what gives their words power and what that power can be. There are interesting experiments that you can conduct yourself, as well as exercises. Information about the transformation of thoughts will be no less useful.

The book talks about feelings and how they arise. Negative emotions that strongly affect a person's life are considered. Then the author writes about the Formula of Love. It is not only about romantic love, but also about love for oneself, for children, loved ones and others. What is important is what Valery Sinelnikov says about love for the Motherland, Nature and the Universe. This book makes you think about what you say, what meaning you put into your words, whether you want what you are talking about really exist. It encourages to monitor the purity of language and thoughts, which means that the purity of their actions and life in general.

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I dedicate this book to my beloved daughter Ladushka.


First of all, I would like to thank all my readers for their kind thoughts and for waiting to see this book.

And of course, my loved ones for their love and support.

As well as the entire team of the School of Health and Joy. Together we will do more.

A special word of gratitude to the Teacher of the National School Sukhorukov Nikolai Kondratyevich for his bright thoughts.


Whatever we do, whatever we do, we inevitably use language. We use it to communicate, to express our feelings and more.

Language and word penetrate all aspects of human existence.

Sometimes a single word can destroy a family, deprive life of all meaning, kill the last hope of healing.

Sometimes a word can truly work miracles. It can heal a hopelessly sick person, give life a new meaning.

I go up somehow in the elevator to the 6th floor of the polyclinic to my office.

A guy and a girl in white coats come in, apparently - medical students in practice. And now the girl, excitedly and with irritation, says to her companion something like the following:

- Just count, I have to hand over her detention. She finally lifted me up. And, listen, one more joke, - she jumped to another topic. - Yesterday the girls celebrated Oksanka's birthday, so Verka got so drunk that on the way back to the hostel she pestered all the men.

This girl said just a few words, and the impression not only about what was said, but also about herself was terrible.

They pulled her up, put her on a stake, threw her, and her friend got drunk on some nasty thing and then had sexual intercourse with all the male commoners.

Dear reader, poor and distorted language limits our lives and ruins our chances of happiness and success.

After reading this book, you will be able to better understand how the process of communication and thinking is built. How people live and how they create their own reality and influence the reality of other people. I want to challenge your mind. Awaken your curiosity as you read. Create inspiration for change.

This book is about how to use our speech effectively. Together we will master the basics of the science of imagery, which was perfectly mastered by the priests, the Magi.

Of course, this will help you personally change your life. And not only ... The fact is that, having comprehended the magic of the language in full, you will actively influence the world of other people. In addition to profound changes in your personal life, you will also be able to better help other people in solving their problems and you will be able to become a brilliant conversationalist, speaker.

I invite you, dear reader, to another fascinating journey through the endless expanses of the human psyche. In this book, I will talk about those aspects of it that I only touched on in the previous books. This book is about the miracles that our language creates. And of course, it was not written to become a textbook on linguistics. And I do not pretend to be a linguist.

The purpose of this book is different. If those who read it begin to listen to their speech and to the speech of the people around them, to look more attentively at the lines of books and newspapers, if they begin not only to think in words, but also to think about words, then I have completed my task.

I want us to open another mysterious door together, behind which the word is filled with a very deep meaning, acquires tremendous and charming power.

Each of us has everything we need to live a full and happy life. You may not even know what treasures you have. And I believe that the magic of my word and the magic of my word are generally capable of revealing your true nature.

Awareness and mastery of the magical capabilities of the language will make you, dear reader, invulnerable and strong and will help turn your life into endless joy.

All you need to do is test the secrets revealed here in practice.


In the book, some words are written according to the old spelling rules, as it was before the reform of the Russian language in 1917 (for example, instead of the prefix “without-”, the prefix “without-” is used).

Light and shadow

Cryptic text

Oleg Svetloyarov was sitting in the reception of the dean of the Faculty of Philology and was waiting for an audience. He pinned great hopes on meeting with Professor Suvorov, as the professor was known as an expert in languages.

Oleg himself did not know the professor, because he studied at another faculty - history.

Seven years have passed since Oleg Svetloyarov graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of the University. Since then, he has never been to his "native land". Even in his hometown, he rarely appeared - once or twice a year. Immediately after graduation, he was invited to a research expedition to the Yenisei. Six months later, he already worked as part of an archaeological group in Omsk. Then there were excavations in Arkaim, Crimea, the Caucasus. And a week ago, Oleg returned from Greece. For almost two years he stayed on one of the islands of Hellas, where excavations of an ancient settlement were carried out. What was discovered there struck the imagination of not only Oleg, but also the Greeks themselves.

And it was like this. One of the Greek millionaires bought himself a large plot of land on the island and decided to build a villa. But when the builders began to dig a foundation pit, they found a fragment of an ancient column in the excavator's bucket. All work was immediately stopped. Leading archaeologists were summoned from Athens. And a month later, grandiose excavations began on the island. Archaeologists from all over the world gathered, and Oleg Svetloyarov was among them.

At first, all the Greek newspapers and television channels fanned the excitement around the site. Bold assumptions have been made that this is one of the palaces of the legendary Greek king Minos or Radamanthus. A world sensation was preparing. The Greeks themselves had high hopes for the results of the research. And the palace was indeed found. And not only a palace, but also a whole ancient settlement that occupied almost the entire island. But as the excavation drew to a close, the ardor of the media weakened, and a year after the beginning of the excavation it was no longer possible to find a single article about them. And not because there was nothing to write about or talk about. Rather, the opposite is true. What was hidden underground and was found several thousand years later, could become a starting point in the history of not only Greece itself, but the whole of Europe. And the island itself could become a world-famous open-air museum and bring a considerable income from tourism to the state treasury. But for some reason, passions about the historical find in a strange way subsided as quickly as they flared up. And few knew about the true reason for what was happening. But Oleg knew these reasons.

Already with the beginning of the excavations of the main palace complex, changes in the mood of not only Greek archaeologists, but also specialists from other countries, became noticeable. And only the Russian group worked with the same and even greater enthusiasm. And this was due to the fact that a Proto-Slavic civilization was found on the Greek island, from which the entire culture of Ancient Greece, Rome and Europe originated. And none of the scientists could refute this, since thousands of objects found and carefully cleaned from centuries-old dust were literally saturated with the Russian spirit. Oleg could spend hours admiring the figurines of cows and bulls, decorated with solstice swastikas, eight-pointed crosses. The duck-and-brother-shaped buckets seemed to have been brought here from the Armory. And on almost every item the magical Russian symbol of fertility was sealed: a rhombus with an inner crosshair and four dots in it - a sown field.

Many archaeologists joked that, they say, now the museums of Greece can be safely named "Russian Ethnographic Museum".

But perhaps the most interesting and mysterious of all that was found were clay tablets with unusual letters, identical to the inscriptions on the famous Phaistos disc, which scientists have been trying unsuccessfully to decipher for 90 years.

And then, for the first time, Oleg had a seditious thought: “What if these letters were made on clay in the Proto-Slavonic language ?! Why were hundreds of scientists unable to solve the Phaistos disc? Yes, because they rely on the Romance and Germanic languages, which in the third millennium BC did not exist at all, since there were not yet any Germans, or Romans, or even "ancient Greeks." After all, if the culture on the Greek island is clearly Russian, then the language in which the records were made is also the language of our ancestors.

If I can prove this, - Oleg continued to argue, - and decipher the inscriptions on the tablets and the Phaistos disc, then the world will be a sensation, and me - the Nobel Prize. "

As soon as Oleg Svetloyarov crossed the threshold of his native university, a wave of bright feelings and memories swept over him. He literally plunged back into the student environment in which he spent five, probably the happiest years of his life.

“Yes,” thought Oleg, looking out the window, “the university has changed a lot. Over there, the park was surrounded by a brick fence, renovated. But it costs a lot of money. Get rich. Of course, because education is now paid.

In general, I and my generation were lucky, - Oleg continued to reflect. - I studied under the Soviet regime, free of charge, but I work under market relations. Eh! It was a golden time! "

- Young man! - the secretary interrupted his memories. - You can go. Alexander Vasilyevich is free and is waiting for you.

Professor of philology Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov had nothing to do with the great Russian commander, except for his last name, first name and patronymic. He was tall and physically well built. Cute. Young, despite high scientific titles. He had a great love for the Russian language and a high working capacity. He never allowed himself to raise his voice at a student, as he was firmly convinced that only weak people shout.

At the university, the department of languages ​​was located in the farthest corner of the park, in an old dilapidated building. Before Professor Suvorov became the dean of the Faculty of Philology, the university leadership always considered languages ​​a secondary subject. Any information, money and gossip reached the department last. But with the "coming to power" of Suvorov, the situation changed dramatically. The professor was able to convince the rector that it is language that is the basis not only of all sciences, but also of life in general. And it should be noted that he possessed the gift of persuasion, since a week later they began to repair the building, and a month later they began to restore the old park.

“Look at me,” Suvorov liked to say to his students. Why do you think I look so good? Yes, because I am anxious about words and carefully follow what I say and how. It is necessary to very strictly monitor your thoughts and speeches. And in any case, do not allow irresponsible and immoral words. Moreover, this applies to the Russian language. Remember, he continued, language is the basis of life. If you love the language, then your life will be wonderful.

And the students believed him. His lectures were always full of people. Even students from other faculties came.

- Hello, Alexander Vasilievich! - Svetloyarov greeted when he entered the professor's office.

- Hello! - Suvorov got up from the chair and held out his hand for a handshake. - Please, sit down, here's a chair.

Oleg thanked the professor and sat down on a chair.

- Who are you and what brings you to me? Suvorov asked.

- My name is Oleg Svetloyarov. Seven years ago I graduated from the history department of our university. All this time he worked as an archaeologist in different places. Traveled almost the entire former Soviet Union. A week ago I returned from Greece from excavations. And your former classmate Viktor Ilyich Korzhakov advised me to contact you. By the way, a huge hello to you from him.

- Thanks! - The professor was clearly pleased with this news. - Fifteen years have not seen each other. How is he doing there?

- He's doing well, - answered Oleg. - Viktor Ilyich is in charge of our group of archaeologists. He stayed in Greece, but I returned home. Can I get right down to business? - Oleg asked, taking a package out of his bag.

- Of course! - answered the professor. - Show what you have there.

Oleg carefully unfolded a rag and carefully laid a clay tablet with strange writing, similar to runes, in front of Suvorov.

- Here is a copy, - Oleg began his story, - which I found during excavations in Greece on one of the islands. There were hundreds of other tablets and thousands of objects with Slavic symbols. But I managed to take out only one. And here is a copy of the famous Phaistos disc. - With these words, Oleg pulled out a sheet of paper with a double-sided disc image from the folder and put it on the table.

Suvorov silently looked at the piece of paper for a while, then held a clay tablet in his hands, rubbed it with his finger, as if checking its authenticity, and finally said:

- You know, Oleg, to my shame I have to admit that I have never seen such a written language. You say that scientists have been fighting over the decryption of the Phaistos disc for many years, but it somehow passed me by. Probably because I am a philologist, not an archaeologist, and I have studied another facet of the language. But I have every reason to agree with your conclusions. Indeed, back in the 19th century, the Polish scientist Thaddeus Wolansky first expressed the idea that the so-called Etruscan texts, considered until recently one of the most ancient, are read in Slavic, for which he was sentenced to be burned at the stake. Be sure to read his works. By the way, it was he who discovered not far from Rome the grave of the legendary Trojan king Aeneas, who, after the fall of Troy with the remnants of his army, settled in Italy. Volansky deciphered the inscription on the tombstone. I do not remember the whole text, but I remembered the last words: "... do not forget your chronicles, for then a good path ends."

- But then almost the entire history of the Slavs and the theory of the origin of the Russian language scatters to smithereens.

- Do we know our history? Suvorov seemed to ask himself. - I mean a true story, not one invented by three Germans during the time of Peter I and which is still being studied in schools and universities.

- What story are you talking about? - Oleg asked.

- Don't you know? In the 18th century, three German academicians Miller, Schlözer and Bayer invented Russian history. It is interesting to note that Schlözer and Bayer did not know Russian at all. At a meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Miller read out his own version of Russian history. Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov could not stand it and beat Miller right in the conference room, for which he was sentenced to death by hanging, but served one year in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

- Interesting! - Oleg was surprised. - We were not told about this case at the faculty.

- So I say, - the professor continued to think aloud, - what kind of history we are studying. How many times has it been rewritten to please the ruling regime. All ancient history was invented in the Middle Ages. It is a fact. Starting from the baptism of Rus by Prince Vladimir, living witnesses and material carriers of historical memory were destroyed: all rebellious people, ancient manuscripts, haratyas and entire libraries were burned alive. And this was repeated more than once in Holy Russia. Take, for example, the loss of the invaluable library of Ivan the Terrible. And in what position are other libraries and museums now ?! This is how we were gradually turned into Ivanov rootless and Demyanov not remembering. Just think, Oleg, - the professor got up from his chair and went to the window, - this is ridiculous! Our ancestors ran in skins through the forest for mammoths.

- But this picture is in the history textbooks.

- Turn on your logic and reason ... This so-called official scientific theory does not stand up to criticism. And in general, who said that history should be studied by dates! After all, the meaning of history is not the fact itself, but the connection of causes and effects. And were our ancestors as wild as history describes. Yes, they were primitive! But primitive does not mean primitive.

- Now I understand, - said Oleg, - why some historical facts do not agree. The fact is that during excavations in Siberia, our group discovered objects, in many respects similar to those that I excavated in Greece. And if the age of the Greek finds is three thousand years, then the Siberian ones are ten times older. From these data, you can very accurately trace the path of our ancestors.

- Yes, - said the professor drawn out, looking out the window, - for tens of thousands of years our ancestors have wandered around the world a lot. Do you think where the saying came from: "In the distant kingdom, in the thirty-tenth state ..." How many kingdoms our ancestors had - now no one will say. According to many scientists, the Slavs were the progenitors of the peoples of Europe and partly Asia. And in India, the Vedic culture is still preserved. It was Russian mythology that became the basis for the mythology of all peoples who emerged from the Russian ethno-tree.

- But I am especially interested in the history of the language, - interrupted the professor's reflections Oleg. - It seems to me that it is through language that one can deeply immerse oneself in history.

- You are absolutely right. - The professor began to pace around the office. He spoke calmly, but Oleg felt his every word. - Language is a treasury of wisdom, a means of storing and transmitting the life experience of our ancestors for thousands of years. The Russian letter carries a lot of historical information. This is the primary element, the carrier of ancient, very ancient Vedic knowledge. These are unusual symbols through which divine light is materialized. The Russian language, its phonetics and imagery, has a deeply spiritual basis. The main European languages, descended from the Etruscan language, which, in turn, was one of the branches of the Proto-Slavic language, lost their imagery, became phonetically coarse and became more material.

There is such a thing as Russian space, Russian space. And this is not just the land on which the Russian people live. This is the sky and the stars that shine over this earth. These are the subtle worlds of our ancestors - gods, which are not visible to the naked eye, with whom the connection is not lost, even if we turn our backs on them and begin to worship alien gods. Now everyone should realize their responsibility for the preservation, restoration and strengthening of the Slavic universe, space. Renovation will not help here. And you need to start with the language. After all, the total vocabulary of the Russian language is about 5,000,000 words. It is the richest and most ancient language on earth. And it has a sacred meaning. And with the loss of words, we lose images and memory, and hence our kind.

- Alexander Vasilievich, it turns out that before Cyril and Methodius, Russia had its own written language!

“This is an indisputable fact,” Suvorov agreed. - At one time, Catherine II said: "The Slavs had a letter long before the birth of Christ."

- But then what is the role of these two monks in the history of our language?

- While in Korsun (Kherson) Konstantin the Philosopher (aka Cyril) studied the Russian language and compared it with other languages, in particular Greek. Why did he do it? Yes, in order to write Christian books in Russian for the active spread of Christianity throughout the territory of Russia. The fact is that in those days these books could only be written in the so-called sacred languages: Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin. After Constantine the Philosopher changed the Russian alphabet, discarding five letters from it and replacing four more with Greek, it became possible to use the Russian language to translate the Gospel and the Psalter. It turns out that they changed what existed many thousands of years before them. Moreover, there were several types of writing in Russia. And what has survived to this day? And in general, - continued Professor Suvorov, - we, the Slavs, need to abandon the old far-fetched myths for a long time, to restore the heritage of our ancestors. It is necessary to become the masters of your own destiny, rallying your ranks. To rebuild the national Russian state, to revive the forgotten culture. And perhaps it is you, Oleg, who will put the missing bricks into our Slavic universe. Well, now it's time for us to say goodbye, - said the professor, going up to Oleg. - In ten minutes I have a lecture.

“Thank you, Alexander Vasilyevich,” Oleg thanked the professor, firmly shaking his hand. - You have clarified many points in history for me, although I am a historian myself.

“And I'm grateful to you,” Suvorov said with a smile. - You, a historian, have opened for me, a philologist, another facet of the Russian language.

They both laughed.

- I will definitely tell my students about this. I was very pleased to communicate with you. I am waiting for you to my place again already with a solution to the text.

- Of course, professor. I think you will be one of the first to know about this.

Oleg went to the exit.

- Yes, here's another thing, - Suvorov stopped him already near the door. - I have an old acquaintance. We have been friends with her since school. Also a very enthusiastic person. By the way, she is your colleague. She supervised excavations of Trypillian culture on the territory of Ukraine. And now he travels with exhibitions all over the world. And she invited me, but there was no time. I think it will be interesting for you to talk to her.

- Where does she live? - Oleg asked, clearly interested in this information.

- She lives in Kiev. Now I will rewrite her phone number for you.

Professor Suvorov returned to the table, opened his notebook and wrote down the last name, first name and telephone number of his friend on a piece of paper.

- Here, take it, - he handed Oleg a piece of paper. - Her name is Lyudmila Smolyakova. She is a very nice person. Sculptor. Master in ceramics. She has beautiful clay works.

- Alexander Vasilievich! Thank you so much for everything and see you soon.

- All the best, Oleg! - said the professor at parting.

Suvorov and Svetloyarov once again shook hands.

Valery V. Sinelnikov

The mysterious power of the word. Love Formula. How words affect our lives


I dedicate this book to my beloved daughter Ladushka.


First of all, I would like to thank all my readers for their kind thoughts and for waiting to see this book.

And of course, my loved ones for their love and support.

As well as the entire team of the School of Health and Joy. Together we will do more.

A special word of gratitude to the Teacher of the National School Sukhorukov Nikolai Kondratyevich for his bright thoughts.


Whatever we do, whatever we do, we inevitably use language. We use it to communicate, to express our feelings and more.

Language and word penetrate all aspects of human existence.

Sometimes a single word can destroy a family, deprive life of all meaning, kill the last hope of healing.

Sometimes a word can truly work miracles. It can heal a hopelessly sick person, give life a new meaning.

I go up somehow in the elevator to the 6th floor of the polyclinic to my office.

A guy and a girl in white coats come in, apparently - medical students in practice. And now the girl, excitedly and with irritation, says to her companion something like the following:

- Just count, I have to hand over her detention. She finally lifted me up. And, listen, one more joke, - she jumped to another topic. - Yesterday the girls celebrated Oksanka's birthday, so Verka got so drunk that on the way back to the hostel she pestered all the men.

This girl said just a few words, and the impression not only about what was said, but also about herself was terrible.

They pulled her up, put her on a stake, threw her, and her friend got drunk on some nasty thing and then had sexual intercourse with all the male commoners.

Dear reader, poor and distorted language limits our lives and ruins our chances of happiness and success.

After reading this book, you will be able to better understand how the process of communication and thinking is built. How people live and how they create their own reality and influence the reality of other people. I want to challenge your mind. Awaken your curiosity as you read. Create inspiration for change.

This book is about how to use our speech effectively. Together we will master the basics of the science of imagery, which was perfectly mastered by the priests, the Magi.

Of course, this will help you personally change your life. And not only ... The fact is that, having comprehended the magic of the language in full, you will actively influence the world of other people. In addition to profound changes in your personal life, you will also be able to better help other people in solving their problems and you will be able to become a brilliant conversationalist, speaker.

I invite you, dear reader, to another fascinating journey through the endless expanses of the human psyche. In this book, I will talk about those aspects of it that I only touched on in the previous books. This book is about the miracles that our language creates. And of course, it was not written to become a textbook on linguistics. And I do not pretend to be a linguist.

The purpose of this book is different. If those who read it begin to listen to their speech and to the speech of the people around them, to look more attentively at the lines of books and newspapers, if they begin not only to think in words, but also to think about words, then I have completed my task.

I want us to open another mysterious door together, behind which the word is filled with a very deep meaning, acquires tremendous and charming power.

Each of us has everything we need to live a full and happy life. You may not even know what treasures you have. And I believe that the magic of my word and the magic of my word are generally capable of revealing your true nature.

Awareness and mastery of the magical capabilities of the language will make you, dear reader, invulnerable and strong and will help turn your life into endless joy.


In the book, some words are written according to the old spelling rules, as it was before the reform of the Russian language in 1917 (for example, instead of the prefix “without-”, the prefix “without-” is used).

Light and shadow

Cryptic text

Oleg Svetloyarov was sitting in the reception of the dean of the Faculty of Philology and was waiting for an audience. He pinned great hopes on meeting with Professor Suvorov, as the professor was known as an expert in languages.

Oleg himself did not know the professor, because he studied at another faculty - history.

Seven years have passed since Oleg Svetloyarov graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of the University. Since then, he has never been to his "native land". Even in his hometown, he rarely appeared - once or twice a year. Immediately after graduation, he was invited to a research expedition to the Yenisei. Six months later, he already worked as part of an archaeological group in Omsk. Then there were excavations in Arkaim, Crimea, the Caucasus. And a week ago, Oleg returned from Greece. For almost two years he stayed on one of the islands of Hellas, where excavations of an ancient settlement were carried out. What was discovered there struck the imagination of not only Oleg, but also the Greeks themselves.

And it was like this. One of the Greek millionaires bought himself a large plot of land on the island and decided to build a villa. But when the builders began to dig a foundation pit, they found a fragment of an ancient column in the excavator's bucket. All work was immediately stopped. Leading archaeologists were summoned from Athens. And a month later, grandiose excavations began on the island. Archaeologists from all over the world gathered, and Oleg Svetloyarov was among them.

At first, all the Greek newspapers and television channels fanned the excitement around the site. Bold assumptions have been made that this is one of the palaces of the legendary Greek king Minos or Radamanthus. A world sensation was preparing. The Greeks themselves had high hopes for the results of the research. And the palace was indeed found. And not only a palace, but also a whole ancient settlement that occupied almost the entire island. But as the excavation drew to a close, the ardor of the media weakened, and a year after the beginning of the excavation it was no longer possible to find a single article about them. And not because there was nothing to write about or talk about. Rather, the opposite is true. What was hidden underground and was found several thousand years later, could become a starting point in the history of not only Greece itself, but the whole of Europe. And the island itself could become a world-famous open-air museum and bring a considerable income from tourism to the state treasury. But for some reason, passions about the historical find in a strange way subsided as quickly as they flared up. And few knew about the true reason for what was happening. But Oleg knew these reasons.

Already with the beginning of the excavations of the main palace complex, changes in the mood of not only Greek archaeologists, but also specialists from other countries, became noticeable. And only the Russian group worked with the same and even greater enthusiasm. And this was due to the fact that a Proto-Slavic civilization was found on the Greek island, from which the entire culture of Ancient Greece, Rome and Europe originated. And none of the scientists could refute this, since thousands of objects found and carefully cleaned from centuries-old dust were literally saturated with the Russian spirit. Oleg could spend hours admiring the figurines of cows and bulls, decorated with solstice swastikas, eight-pointed crosses. The duck-and-brother-shaped buckets seemed to have been brought here from the Armory. And on almost every item the magical Russian symbol of fertility was sealed: a rhombus with an inner crosshair and four dots in it - a sown field.

Many archaeologists joked that, they say, now the museums of Greece can be safely named "Russian Ethnographic Museum".

But perhaps the most interesting and mysterious of all that was found were clay tablets with unusual letters, identical to the inscriptions on the famous Phaistos disc, which scientists have been trying unsuccessfully to decipher for 90 years.

And then, for the first time, Oleg had a seditious thought: “What if these letters were made on clay in the Proto-Slavonic language ?! Why were hundreds of scientists unable to solve the Phaistos disc? Yes, because they rely on the Romance and Germanic languages, which in the third millennium BC did not exist at all, since there were not yet any Germans, or Romans, or even "ancient Greeks." After all, if the culture on the Greek island is clearly Russian, then the language in which the records were made is also the language of our ancestors.

If I can prove this, - Oleg continued to argue, - and decipher the inscriptions on the tablets and the Phaistos disc, then the world will be a sensation, and me - the Nobel Prize. "

As soon as Oleg Svetloyarov crossed the threshold of his native university, a wave of bright feelings and memories swept over him. He literally plunged back into the student environment in which he spent five, probably the happiest years of his life.

“Yes,” thought Oleg, looking out the window, “the university has changed a lot. Over there, the park was surrounded by a brick fence, renovated. But it costs a lot of money. Get rich. Of course, because education is now paid.

In general, I and my generation were lucky, - Oleg continued to reflect. - I studied under the Soviet regime, free of charge, but I work under market relations. Eh! It was a golden time! "

- Young man! - the secretary interrupted his memories. - You can go. Alexander Vasilyevich is free and is waiting for you.

Professor of philology Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov had nothing to do with the great Russian commander, except for his last name, first name and patronymic. He was tall and physically well built. Cute. Young, despite high scientific titles. He had a great love for the Russian language and a high working capacity. He never allowed himself to raise his voice at a student, as he was firmly convinced that only weak people shout.

At the university, the department of languages ​​was located in the farthest corner of the park, in an old dilapidated building. Before Professor Suvorov became the dean of the Faculty of Philology, the university leadership always considered languages ​​a secondary subject. Any information, money and gossip reached the department last. But with the "coming to power" of Suvorov, the situation changed dramatically. The professor was able to convince the rector that it is language that is the basis not only of all sciences, but also of life in general. And it should be noted that he possessed the gift of persuasion, since a week later they began to repair the building, and a month later they began to restore the old park.

“Look at me,” Suvorov liked to say to his students. Why do you think I look so good? Yes, because I am anxious about words and carefully follow what I say and how. It is necessary to very strictly monitor your thoughts and speeches. And in any case, do not allow irresponsible and immoral words. Moreover, this applies to the Russian language. Remember, he continued, language is the basis of life. If you love the language, then your life will be wonderful.

And the students believed him. His lectures were always full of people. Even students from other faculties came.

- Hello, Alexander Vasilievich! - Svetloyarov greeted when he entered the professor's office.

- Hello! - Suvorov got up from the chair and held out his hand for a handshake. - Please, sit down, here's a chair.

Oleg thanked the professor and sat down on a chair.

- Who are you and what brings you to me? Suvorov asked.

- My name is Oleg Svetloyarov. Seven years ago I graduated from the history department of our university. All this time he worked as an archaeologist in different places. Traveled almost the entire former Soviet Union. A week ago I returned from Greece from excavations. And your former classmate Viktor Ilyich Korzhakov advised me to contact you. By the way, a huge hello to you from him.

- Thanks! - The professor was clearly pleased with this news. - Fifteen years have not seen each other. How is he doing there?

- He's doing well, - answered Oleg. - Viktor Ilyich is in charge of our group of archaeologists. He stayed in Greece, but I returned home. Can I get right down to business? - Oleg asked, taking a package out of his bag.

- Of course! - answered the professor. - Show what you have there.

Oleg carefully unfolded a rag and carefully laid a clay tablet with strange writing, similar to runes, in front of Suvorov.

- Here is a copy, - Oleg began his story, - which I found during excavations in Greece on one of the islands. There were hundreds of other tablets and thousands of objects with Slavic symbols. But I managed to take out only one. And here is a copy of the famous Phaistos disc. - With these words, Oleg pulled out a sheet of paper with a double-sided disc image from the folder and put it on the table.

Suvorov silently looked at the piece of paper for a while, then held a clay tablet in his hands, rubbed it with his finger, as if checking its authenticity, and finally said:

- You know, Oleg, to my shame I have to admit that I have never seen such a written language. You say that scientists have been fighting over the decryption of the Phaistos disc for many years, but it somehow passed me by. Probably because I am a philologist, not an archaeologist, and I have studied another facet of the language. But I have every reason to agree with your conclusions. Indeed, back in the 19th century, the Polish scientist Thaddeus Wolansky first expressed the idea that the so-called Etruscan texts, considered until recently one of the most ancient, are read in Slavic, for which he was sentenced to be burned at the stake. Be sure to read his works. By the way, it was he who discovered not far from Rome the grave of the legendary Trojan king Aeneas, who, after the fall of Troy with the remnants of his army, settled in Italy. Volansky deciphered the inscription on the tombstone. I do not remember the whole text, but I remembered the last words: "... do not forget your chronicles, for then a good path ends."

- But then almost the entire history of the Slavs and the theory of the origin of the Russian language scatters to smithereens.

- Do we know our history? Suvorov seemed to ask himself. - I mean a true story, not one invented by three Germans during the time of Peter I and which is still being studied in schools and universities.

- What story are you talking about? - Oleg asked.

- Don't you know? In the 18th century, three German academicians Miller, Schlözer and Bayer invented Russian history. It is interesting to note that Schlözer and Bayer did not know Russian at all. At a meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Miller read out his own version of Russian history. Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov could not stand it and beat Miller right in the conference room, for which he was sentenced to death by hanging, but served one year in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

- Interesting! - Oleg was surprised. - We were not told about this case at the faculty.

- So I say, - the professor continued to think aloud, - what kind of history we are studying. How many times has it been rewritten to please the ruling regime. All ancient history was invented in the Middle Ages. It is a fact. Starting from the baptism of Rus by Prince Vladimir, living witnesses and material carriers of historical memory were destroyed: all rebellious people, ancient manuscripts, haratyas and entire libraries were burned alive. And this was repeated more than once in Holy Russia. Take, for example, the loss of the invaluable library of Ivan the Terrible. And in what position are other libraries and museums now ?! This is how we were gradually turned into Ivanov rootless and Demyanov not remembering. Just think, Oleg, - the professor got up from his chair and went to the window, - this is ridiculous! Our ancestors ran in skins through the forest for mammoths.

- But this picture is in the history textbooks.

- Turn on your logic and reason ... This so-called official scientific theory does not stand up to criticism. And in general, who said that history should be studied by dates! After all, the meaning of history is not the fact itself, but the connection of causes and effects. And were our ancestors as wild as history describes. Yes, they were primitive! But primitive does not mean primitive.

- Now I understand, - said Oleg, - why some historical facts do not agree. The fact is that during excavations in Siberia, our group discovered objects, in many respects similar to those that I excavated in Greece. And if the age of the Greek finds is three thousand years, then the Siberian ones are ten times older. From these data, you can very accurately trace the path of our ancestors.

- Yes, - said the professor drawn out, looking out the window, - for tens of thousands of years our ancestors have wandered around the world a lot. Do you think where the saying came from: "In the distant kingdom, in the thirty-tenth state ..." How many kingdoms our ancestors had - now no one will say. According to many scientists, the Slavs were the progenitors of the peoples of Europe and partly Asia. And in India, the Vedic culture is still preserved. It was Russian mythology that became the basis for the mythology of all peoples who emerged from the Russian ethno-tree.

- But I am especially interested in the history of the language, - interrupted the professor's reflections Oleg. - It seems to me that it is through language that one can deeply immerse oneself in history.

- You are absolutely right. - The professor began to pace around the office. He spoke calmly, but Oleg felt his every word. - Language is a treasury of wisdom, a means of storing and transmitting the life experience of our ancestors for thousands of years. The Russian letter carries a lot of historical information. This is the primary element, the carrier of ancient, very ancient Vedic knowledge. These are unusual symbols through which divine light is materialized. The Russian language, its phonetics and imagery, has a deeply spiritual basis. The main European languages, descended from the Etruscan language, which, in turn, was one of the branches of the Proto-Slavic language, lost their imagery, became phonetically coarse and became more material.

There is such a thing as Russian space, Russian space. And this is not just the land on which the Russian people live. This is the sky and the stars that shine over this earth. These are the subtle worlds of our ancestors - gods, which are not visible to the naked eye, with whom the connection is not lost, even if we turn our backs on them and begin to worship alien gods. Now everyone should realize their responsibility for the preservation, restoration and strengthening of the Slavic universe, space. Renovation will not help here. And you need to start with the language. After all, the total vocabulary of the Russian language is about 5,000,000 words. It is the richest and most ancient language on earth. And it has a sacred meaning. And with the loss of words, we lose images and memory, and hence our kind.

- Alexander Vasilievich, it turns out that before Cyril and Methodius, Russia had its own written language!

“This is an indisputable fact,” Suvorov agreed. - At one time, Catherine II said: "The Slavs had a letter long before the birth of Christ."

- But then what is the role of these two monks in the history of our language?

- While in Korsun (Kherson) Konstantin the Philosopher (aka Cyril) studied the Russian language and compared it with other languages, in particular Greek. Why did he do it? Yes, in order to write Christian books in Russian for the active spread of Christianity throughout the territory of Russia. The fact is that in those days these books could only be written in the so-called sacred languages: Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin. After Constantine the Philosopher changed the Russian alphabet, discarding five letters from it and replacing four more with Greek, it became possible to use the Russian language to translate the Gospel and the Psalter. It turns out that they changed what existed many thousands of years before them. Moreover, there were several types of writing in Russia. And what has survived to this day? And in general, - continued Professor Suvorov, - we, the Slavs, need to abandon the old far-fetched myths for a long time, to restore the heritage of our ancestors. It is necessary to become the masters of your own destiny, rallying your ranks. To rebuild the national Russian state, to revive the forgotten culture. And perhaps it is you, Oleg, who will put the missing bricks into our Slavic universe. Well, now it's time for us to say goodbye, - said the professor, going up to Oleg. - In ten minutes I have a lecture.

“Thank you, Alexander Vasilyevich,” Oleg thanked the professor, firmly shaking his hand. - You have clarified many points in history for me, although I am a historian myself.

“And I'm grateful to you,” Suvorov said with a smile. - You, a historian, have opened for me, a philologist, another facet of the Russian language.

They both laughed.

- I will definitely tell my students about this. I was very pleased to communicate with you. I am waiting for you to my place again already with a solution to the text.

- Of course, professor. I think you will be one of the first to know about this.

Oleg went to the exit.

- Yes, here's another thing, - Suvorov stopped him already near the door. - I have an old acquaintance. We have been friends with her since school. Also a very enthusiastic person. By the way, she is your colleague. She supervised excavations of Trypillian culture on the territory of Ukraine. And now he travels with exhibitions all over the world. And she invited me, but there was no time. I think it will be interesting for you to talk to her.

- Where does she live? - Oleg asked, clearly interested in this information.

- She lives in Kiev. Now I will rewrite her phone number for you.

Professor Suvorov returned to the table, opened his notebook and wrote down the last name, first name and telephone number of his friend on a piece of paper.

- Here, take it, - he handed Oleg a piece of paper. - Her name is Lyudmila Smolyakova. She is a very nice person. Sculptor. Master in ceramics. She has beautiful clay works.

- Alexander Vasilievich! Thank you so much for everything and see you soon.

- All the best, Oleg! - said the professor at parting.

Suvorov and Svetloyarov once again shook hands.

In the beginning was the Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. Everything through Him began to be, and without Him nothing began to be that began to be. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of Men.

Gospel of John 1: 1-4

In my previous books "Love Your Disease" and "The Power of Intention" I described in detail the mechanism by which a person creates his world. And as you know, our thoughts are the main tool in creating and transforming the world around us. Moreover, positive, constructive thoughts create favorable situations in our life, and negative, destructive ones - disease and suffering.

For a long time, I have studied human behavior and researched how our thoughts and words affect what happens to us. I really understood the ancient truth: "In the beginning was the Word."

The dependence turned out to be the most direct. It turns out that what is happening to us fully corresponds to what thoughts and images we have and with what words we express them.

Our language defines our reality, structures it and only then describes it. Describes what was created by us a moment before.

And our words not only describe the world around us, but above all write it. In other words, with the help of language we create the reality in which we live.

The principle of linguistic relativity of Sapir - Whorf speaks about the same. Its meaning is that it is not reality that determines our language, but, on the contrary, that language determines reality. It all depends on what model of consciousness we are in: victim or master.

That is, matter was once given to us by the Almighty in sensations, but it is actively recreated by us. From the unimaginable and mysterious chaos of the Universe, we, with the help of such an instrument as the Word, single out and structure our reality. One author said about this very poetically: “On the canvas of life, we paint the world with the help of a word-brush and emotions-paints”. And as you may have guessed, each has its own picture. Not good or bad, but just your own.

This is our world with you, my dear readers. And it's time to take responsibility. For your thoughts and for your words. For my faith. If you don't, others will do it for you. Only then do not be offended if something does not turn out the way you wanted. After all, other people may simply not know what you wanted.

All of the above is fully consistent with the new model of human consciousness and the law of reflection.

A simple conclusion follows from this: "If what happens to me in life is fully consistent with what I think and how I say, then with a change in my thoughts and my speech, my life and the world around me will also change."

When she finished speaking, I pointed out this fact to her.

- Doctor, - she was surprised, - I did not pay attention to it. The fact is that I very often pronounce this phrase, but I never thought about its meaning.

Now, I think you understand how important it is to learn how to use words and thoughts. But how do you fully master this instrument? How to make sure that not thoughts and emotions control us, but we own them? And they used it with all their might to transform their world.

For thousands of years, they have been trying to instill in us the idea that we are servants of God, that everything in our life depends on higher powers. And therefore, we can hardly change anything in it. The only thing that is required of us is to be a humble sheep and wait for the Day of Judgment.

But, my dear reader, I think you will agree that Man is a thinking creature and is unique in nature. And he was born by the Creator in his own image and likeness. Man by nature is a Creator, Creator, God. This means that there are no forces in the Universe higher and stronger than Man. Because all the energies of the Universe are hidden in the Man himself. He controls everything, including his own destiny. Governs through thought, feelings, actions. Moreover, all people use this from time immemorial, but not everyone knows about it.

Valery V. Sinelnikov

The mysterious power of the word. Love Formula. How words affect our lives


I dedicate this book to my beloved daughter Ladushka.


First of all, I would like to thank all my readers for their kind thoughts and for waiting to see this book.

And of course, my loved ones for their love and support.

As well as the entire team of the School of Health and Joy. Together we will do more.

A special word of gratitude to the Teacher of the National School Sukhorukov Nikolai Kondratyevich for his bright thoughts.


Whatever we do, whatever we do, we inevitably use language. We use it to communicate, to express our feelings and more.

Language and word penetrate all aspects of human existence.

Sometimes a single word can destroy a family, deprive life of all meaning, kill the last hope of healing.

Sometimes a word can truly work miracles. It can heal a hopelessly sick person, give life a new meaning.

I go up somehow in the elevator to the 6th floor of the polyclinic to my office.

A guy and a girl in white coats come in, apparently - medical students in practice. And now the girl, excitedly and with irritation, says to her companion something like the following:

- Just count, I have to hand over her detention. She finally lifted me up. And, listen, one more joke, - she jumped to another topic. - Yesterday the girls celebrated Oksanka's birthday, so Verka got so drunk that on the way back to the hostel she pestered all the men.

This girl said just a few words, and the impression not only about what was said, but also about herself was terrible.

They pulled her up, put her on a stake, threw her, and her friend got drunk on some nasty thing and then had sexual intercourse with all the male commoners.

Dear reader, poor and distorted language limits our lives and ruins our chances of happiness and success.

After reading this book, you will be able to better understand how the process of communication and thinking is built. How people live and how they create their own reality and influence the reality of other people. I want to challenge your mind. Awaken your curiosity as you read. Create inspiration for change.

This book is about how to use our speech effectively. Together we will master the basics of the science of imagery, which was perfectly mastered by the priests, the Magi.

Of course, this will help you personally change your life. And not only ... The fact is that, having comprehended the magic of the language in full, you will actively influence the world of other people. In addition to profound changes in your personal life, you will also be able to better help other people in solving their problems and you will be able to become a brilliant conversationalist, speaker.

I invite you, dear reader, to another fascinating journey through the endless expanses of the human psyche. In this book, I will talk about those aspects of it that I only touched on in the previous books. This book is about the miracles that our language creates. And of course, it was not written to become a textbook on linguistics. And I do not pretend to be a linguist.

The purpose of this book is different. If those who read it begin to listen to their speech and to the speech of the people around them, to look more attentively at the lines of books and newspapers, if they begin not only to think in words, but also to think about words, then I have completed my task.

I want us to open another mysterious door together, behind which the word is filled with a very deep meaning, acquires tremendous and charming power.

Each of us has everything we need to live a full and happy life. You may not even know what treasures you have. And I believe that the magic of my word and the magic of my word are generally capable of revealing your true nature.

Awareness and mastery of the magical capabilities of the language will make you, dear reader, invulnerable and strong and will help turn your life into endless joy.

All you need to do is test the secrets revealed here in practice.


In the book, some words are written according to the old spelling rules, as it was before the reform of the Russian language in 1917 (for example, instead of the prefix “without-”, the prefix “without-” is used).

Light and shadow

Cryptic text

Oleg Svetloyarov was sitting in the reception of the dean of the Faculty of Philology and was waiting for an audience. He pinned great hopes on meeting with Professor Suvorov, as the professor was known as an expert in languages.

Oleg himself did not know the professor, because he studied at another faculty - history.

Seven years have passed since Oleg Svetloyarov graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of the University. Since then, he has never been to his "native land". Even in his hometown, he rarely appeared - once or twice a year. Immediately after graduation, he was invited to a research expedition to the Yenisei. Six months later, he already worked as part of an archaeological group in Omsk. Then there were excavations in Arkaim, Crimea, the Caucasus. And a week ago, Oleg returned from Greece. For almost two years he stayed on one of the islands of Hellas, where excavations of an ancient settlement were carried out. What was discovered there struck the imagination of not only Oleg, but also the Greeks themselves.

And it was like this. One of the Greek millionaires bought himself a large plot of land on the island and decided to build a villa. But when the builders began to dig a foundation pit, they found a fragment of an ancient column in the excavator's bucket. All work was immediately stopped. Leading archaeologists were summoned from Athens. And a month later, grandiose excavations began on the island. Archaeologists from all over the world gathered, and Oleg Svetloyarov was among them.

At first, all the Greek newspapers and television channels fanned the excitement around the site. Bold assumptions have been made that this is one of the palaces of the legendary Greek king Minos or Radamanthus. A world sensation was preparing. The Greeks themselves had high hopes for the results of the research. And the palace was indeed found. And not only a palace, but also a whole ancient settlement that occupied almost the entire island. But as the excavation drew to a close, the ardor of the media weakened, and a year after the beginning of the excavation it was no longer possible to find a single article about them. And not because there was nothing to write about or talk about. Rather, the opposite is true. What was hidden underground and was found several thousand years later, could become a starting point in the history of not only Greece itself, but the whole of Europe. And the island itself could become a world-famous open-air museum and bring a considerable income from tourism to the state treasury. But for some reason, passions about the historical find in a strange way subsided as quickly as they flared up. And few knew about the true reason for what was happening. But Oleg knew these reasons.

Already with the beginning of the excavations of the main palace complex, changes in the mood of not only Greek archaeologists, but also specialists from other countries, became noticeable. And only the Russian group worked with the same and even greater enthusiasm. And this was due to the fact that a Proto-Slavic civilization was found on the Greek island, from which the entire culture of Ancient Greece, Rome and Europe originated. And none of the scientists could refute this, since thousands of objects found and carefully cleaned from centuries-old dust were literally saturated with the Russian spirit. Oleg could spend hours admiring the figurines of cows and bulls, decorated with solstice swastikas, eight-pointed crosses. The duck-and-brother-shaped buckets seemed to have been brought here from the Armory. And on almost every item the magical Russian symbol of fertility was sealed: a rhombus with an inner crosshair and four dots in it - a sown field.

Sinelnikov Valery Vladimirovich - The mysterious power of the word. Thomas of love

In his new book, Valery Sinelnikov will introduce you to an effective strategy of verbal coding for success, health and well-being, which will easily, quickly and efficiently bring real results, and also reveal the essence of the mysterious formula of love.
The author has supplemented this edition with new practical exercises.
The words you used to use every day program your life. By using the "right" words, you can change the course of events in your destiny and, by guiding them, model a successful future.
An effective word-coding strategy for success, health and well-being will bring real results easily, quickly and efficiently.
The book will reveal for you the mysterious formula of love. If your love is not mutual, is it love?
Dr. Sinelnikov offers a system of spiritual exercises that will give you the knowledge of how to relate to your loved one, so that he responds to your feeling.

Light and shadow
Cryptic text
In the beginning was the Word ...
Magic of the Word
What is language
System of magical knowledge
What is a language for?
To say something is to do it
How words affect our lives
A fight with a shadow
The culture of our ancestors
The power of a word
What gives power to words?
Learning to speak correctly
Parts of speech
Science of imagery
Clearing the word
What is a letter?
Conversion of thoughts
Rite of liberation-cleansing
Rite of passage
Re-inventory of thoughts in the sub-consciousness warehouse
Releasing Thought
Old men say
The nature of emotions
The origin of emotions
Feelings of pity
Feelings of irritation, anger, and anger
Feelings of envy
Feeling jealous
Love Formula
Love graph
Power of love
Images of Love
Self love
Love for parents
Love for wife / husband
Love for children
Love for relatives
Love for the people
Love for the Motherland, the state
Love for the Earth, Nature.
Love for the universe

I dedicate this book to my beloved daughter Ladushka.

First of all, I would like to thank all my readers for their kind thoughts and for waiting to see this book.
And of course, my loved ones for their love and support.
As well as the entire team of the School of Health and Joy. Together we will do more.
A special word of gratitude to the Teacher of the National School Sukhorukov Nikolai Kondratyevich for his bright thoughts.

In the book, some words are written according to the old spelling rules, as it was before the re-form of the Russian language in 1917 (for example, instead of the prefix "without-", the prefix "without-" is used.


Whatever we do, whatever we do, we inevitably use language. We use it to communicate, to express our feelings and more.
Language and word penetrate all aspects of human existence.
Sometimes a single word can destroy a family, take away all meaning of life, kill the last hope of healing.
Sometimes a word can truly work miracles. It can heal a hopelessly sick person, give life a new meaning.
My words are not unfounded. I know from my practice what a significant role language plays in our life. Our health, happiness, peace of mind depend on how we speak and what we think.

I go up somehow in the elevator to the 6th floor of the polyclinic to my office.
A guy and a girl in white coats come in, apparently - medical students in practice. And now the girl, excitedly and with irritation, says to her companion something like the following:
- Just count, I have to hand over her detention. She finally lifted me up.
- And, listen, one more joke, - she jumped to another topic, - Yesterday we celebrated Oksanka’s birthday with the girls, so Verka got so drunk that on the way back to the hostel she pestered all the men.

This girl said just a few words, and the impression not only about what was said, but also about herself was terrible.
They pulled her up, put her on a stake, threw her, and her friend got drunk on some nasty thing and then had sexual intercourse with all the male commoners.
Dear reader, poor and distorted language limits our lives and ruins our chances of happiness and success.
After reading this book, you will be able to better understand how the process of communication and thinking is built. How people live and how they create their own reality and influence the reality of other people. I want to challenge your mind. Awaken your curiosity as you read. Create inspiration for change.
This book is about how to use our speech effectively. Together we will master the basics of the science of imagery, which was perfectly mastered by the priests, the Magi.
Of course, this will help you personally change your life. And not only ... The fact is that, having comprehended the magic of the language in full, you will actively influence the world of other people. In addition to profound changes in your personal life, you will also be able to better help other people in solving their problems and you will be able to become a brilliant conversationalist, speaker.
I invite you, dear reader, to another fascinating journey through the endless expanses of the human psyche. In this book, I will talk about those aspects of it that I only touched on in the previous books. This book is about the miracles that our language creates. And of course it was not written to become a textbook of linguistics. And I do not pretend to be a linguist.
The purpose of this book is different. If those who read it begin to listen to their speech and to the speech of the people around them, to look more attentively at the lines of books and newspapers, if they begin not only to think in words, but also to think about words, then I have completed my task.
I want us to open another mysterious door together, behind which the word is filled with a very deep meaning, acquires tremendous and charming power.
Each of us has everything we need to live a full and happy life. You may not even know what treasures you have. And I believe that the magic of my word and the magic of my word are generally capable of revealing your true nature.
Awareness and mastery of the magical capabilities of the language will make you, dear reader, invulnerable and strong and will help turn your life into endless joy.
All you need is to test the secrets revealed here in practice.

Light and shadow

Once upon a time, in the bottomless depth of Eternity and Infinity-Infinity of the Cosmos, pure Thought Illuminated with the Light of Love and dropped the Word. And the Word became God. And the Word began to create Life, and Life spread the Light of Men and broke the Darkness. Light spilled out everywhere and swallowed up emptiness. And Everything began to emit Light, different in strength and brightness. Since then, Darkness has not existed in nature. Only fragments from the Darkness have survived, in the form of a Shadow. But a shadow without Light cannot and cannot exist without a body that casts it, and cannot tear itself away from this body. That is why the Shadow is forced to fight for its freedom and independence. She once declared a brutal war on the Word.
And what does the foolish one hope for?
From the Light of Thought, emitted by living organisms in the Universe, the crown of the Prophetic Forest is woven, the Pure Field is sown, the Unread Book is written, the spaces of Wise Thoughts are populated, the JOINT NEWS is formed. Any event in Space and on Earth, any Thought or Deed is forever recorded on the endless Pure Fields of Man, Kin, People, Earth, Sun, Stars, Galaxies, All-Lena, embedded in each other like nesting dolls.
It was here that the villainess Shadow found herself a loophole.

Verbs of Russian Sages *

This text should be made in Old Slavonic type for an ancient manuscript on parchment.

* - Publishing house OkoLitsa. Chelyabinsk, 1999

Cryptic text

As soon as Oleg Svetloyarov crossed the threshold of his native university, a wave of bright feelings and memories swept over him. He literally plunged back into the student environment in which he spent five, probably the happiest years of his life.
- Yes, - thought Oleg, looking out the window, - the university has changed a lot. Over there, the park was surrounded by a brick fence, renovated. But it costs a lot of money. Get rich. Of course, because the training is now paid.
“In general, I and my generation were lucky,” Oleg continued to reflect. - I studied under the Soviet regime, free of charge, but I work under market relations. Eh! It was a golden time!
- Young man! - the secretary interrupted his memories. - You can go. Alek-sandr Vasilyevich is free and is waiting for you.
Professor of philology Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov had nothing in common with the great Russian commander, except for his surname, first name and patronymic. He was tall and physically well built. Cute. Young, despite high scientific titles. He had a great love for the Russian language and a high working capacity. He never allowed himself to raise his voice at a student, as he was firmly convinced that only weak people shout.
At the university, the department of languages ​​was located in the farthest corner of the park, in an old dilapidated building. Before Professor Suvorov became the dean of the Faculty of Philology, the university leadership always considered languages ​​a secondary subject. Any information, money and gossip reached the department last. But with the "coming to power" of Suvorov, the situation changed dramatically. The professor was able to convince the rector that it is language that is the basis not only of all sciences, but also of life in general. And it should be noted that he possessed the gift of persuasion, since a week later they began to repair the building, and a month later they began to restore the old park.
“Look at me,” Suvorov liked to say to his students. Why do you think I look so good? Yes, because I am anxious about words and carefully follow what I say and how. It is necessary to very strictly monitor your thoughts and speeches. And in any case, do not allow irresponsible and immoral words. Moreover, this applies to the Russian language.
“Remember,” he continued, “language is the basis of life. If you love the language, then your life will be wonderful.
And the students believed him. His lectures were always full of people. Even students from other faculties came.

Hello, Alexander Vasilievich! - Svetloyarov greeted when he entered the professor's office.
- Hello! - Suvorov got up from the chair and held out his hand for a handshake. - Come on, sit down, here's a chair.
Oleg thanked the professor and sat down on a chair.
- Who are you and what brings you to me? Suvorov asked.
- My name is Oleg Svetloyarov. Seven years ago I graduated from the history department of our university. All this time he worked as an archaeologist in different places. Traveled almost the entire former union. A week ago I returned from Greece from excavations. And your former classmate Viktor Ilyich Korzhakov advised me to contact you. By the way, a huge hello to you from him.
- Thanks! - the professor was clearly pleased with this news. - Fifteen years have not seen each other. How is he doing there?
- He's doing well, - answered Oleg. - Viktor Ilyich leads our group of archaeologists. He stayed in Greece, but I returned home.
- Can I get down to business right away? - Oleg asked, taking a package out of his bag.
- Of course! - answered the professor. - Show what you have there.
Oleg carefully unfolded a rag and carefully laid a clay tablet with strange writing, similar to runes, in front of Suvorov.
- Here is a copy, - Oleg began his story, - which I found during excavations in Greece on one of the islands. There were hundreds of other tablets and thousands of objects with Slavic symbols. But I managed to take out only one.
- And here is a copy of the famous Phaistos disc, - with these words Oleg pulled out a sheet with a double-sided disc image from the folder and put it on the table.
Further, Oleg Svetloyarov presented to the professor his idea, according to which both the inscription on the disk and the inscription on the plate are made in the Proto-Slavonic language.
Suvorov silently looked at the piece of paper for a while, then held a clay tablet in his hands, rubbed it with his finger, as if checking its authenticity, and finally said:
- You know, Oleg, to my shame I have to admit that I have never seen such a written language. You say that scientists have been fighting over the decryption of the Phaistos disc for many years, but it somehow passed me by. Probably because I am a philologist, not an archaeologist, and have studied another facet of the language. But I have every reason to agree with your conclusions. Indeed, back in the 19th century, the Polish scientist Thaddeus Wolansky first expressed the idea that the so-called Etruscan texts, considered until recently one of the most ancient, are read in Slavic, for which he was sentenced to be burned at the stake. Be sure to read his works. By the way, it was he who discovered not far from Rome the grave of the legendary Trojan king Aeneas, who, after the fall of Troy with the remnants of his army, settled in Italy. Volansky deciphered the inscription on the tombstone. I do not remember the whole text, but I remembered the last words: "... Do not forget your chronicles, for then a good path ends."
- But then almost the entire history of the Slavs and the theory of the origin of the Russian language is scattered to smithereens.
- Do we know our history? Suvorov seemed to ask himself. - I mean a true story, not one invented by three Germans during the time of Peter I and which is still being studied in schools and universities.
- What story are you talking about? - Oleg asked.
- Don't you know? In the XVIII century. three German academicians Miller, Schlözer and Bayer invented Russian history. It is interesting to note that Schlözer and Bayer did not know Russian at all. At a meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Miller read out his own version of Russian history. Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov could not stand it and beat Miller right in the assembly hall, for which he was sentenced to death by hanging, but served one year in the Peter-Paul Fortress.
- Interesting! - Oleg was surprised. - We were not told about this case at the faculty.
- So I say, - the professor continued to think aloud, - what kind of history we are studying. How many times has it been rewritten to please the ruling regime. All ancient history was invented in the Middle Ages. It is a fact. Starting from the baptism of Rus by Prince Vladimir, living witnesses and material carriers of historical memory were destroyed: all rebellious people, ancient manuscripts, haratyas and entire libraries were burned alive. And this was repeated more than once in Holy Russia. Take, for example, the loss of the invaluable library of Ivan the Terrible. And in what position are other libraries and museums now ?! This is how we were gradually turned into Ivanov-rootless and Demyanov-non-remembering.
- Think about it, Oleg, - the professor got up from his chair and went to the window, - this is ridiculous! Our ancestors ran in skins through the forest for mammoths.
- But this picture is in the history textbooks.
- Turn on your logic and reason ... This so-called official scientific theory does not stand up to criticism. And in general, who said that history should be studied by dates! After all, the meaning of history is not the fact itself, but the connection of causes and effects. And were our ancestors as wild as history describes. Yes, they were primitive! But primitive does not mean primitive.
- Now I understand, - said Oleg, - why some historical facts do not agree. The fact is that during excavations in Siberia, our group discovered objects, in many respects similar to those that I excavated in Greece. And if the age of the Greek finds is three thousand years, then the Siberian ones are ten times older. From these data, you can very accurately trace the path of our ancestors.
- Yes, - said the professor drawn out, looking out the window, - for tens of thousands of years our ancestors have wandered around the world. Do you think where the saying came from: "In the distant kingdom, in the thirty-tenth state ..." How many kingdoms our ancestors had — now no one will say. According to many scientists, the Slavs were the progenitors of the peoples of Europe and partly Asia. And in India, the Vedic culture is still preserved. It was Russian mythology that became the basis for the mythology of all peoples who emerged from the Russian ethno-tree.
- But I am especially interested in the history of the language, - interrupted the professor's reflections Oleg. - It seems to me that it is through language that one can deeply immerse oneself in history.
- You are absolutely right, - the professor began to pace around the office. He spoke calmly, but Oleg felt his every word. - Language is a treasury of wisdom, a means of storing and transmitting the life experience of our ancestors for thousands of years. The Russian letter carries a lot of historical information. This is the primary element, the carrier of ancient, very ancient Vedic knowledge. These are unusual symbols through which divine light is materialized. The Russian language, its phonetics and imagery, has a deeply spiritual basis. The main European languages, descended from the Etruscan language, which in turn was one of the branches of the Proto-Slavonic language, lost their imagery, became phonetically coarse and became more material.
There is such a thing as Russian space, Russian space. And this is not just the land on which the Russian people live. This is the sky and the stars that shine over this earth. These are the subtle worlds of our ancestors of the gods, invisible to the naked eye, with whom we do not lose contact, even if we turn our backs on them and begin to worship alien gods. Now everyone should realize their responsibility for the preservation, restoration and strengthening of the Slavic universe, space. Renovation will not help here. And you need to start with the language. After all, the total vocabulary of the Russian language is about 5,000,000 words. It is the richest and most ancient language on Earth. And it has a sacred meaning. And with the loss of words, we lose images and memory, and hence our kind.
- Alexander Vasilievich, it turns out that before Cyril and Methodius, Russia had its own written language!
“This is an indisputable fact,” Suvorov agreed. - At one time, Catherine II said: "The Slavs had a letter long before the birth of Christ."
- But then what is the role of these two monks in the history of our language?
- While in Korsun (Kherson), Constantine the Philosopher (aka Cyril) studied the Russian language and compared it with other languages, in particular Greek. Why did he do it? Yes, in order to write Christian books in Russian for the active spread of Christianity throughout the territory of Russia. The fact is that in those days these books could only be written in the so-called sacred languages: Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin. After Constantine the philosopher changed the Russian alphabet, discarding 5 letters from it and replacing 4 more with Greek, it became possible to use the Russian language to translate the Gospel and the Psalter. It turns out that they changed what existed many thousands of years before them. Moreover, there were several types of writing in Russia. And what has survived to this day?
“And in general,” continued Professor Suvorov, “We, the Slavs, need long ago to abandon the old far-fetched myths, to restore the heritage of our ancestors. It is necessary to become the masters of your own destiny, rallying your ranks. To rebuild the national Russian state, to revive a forgotten culture. And perhaps it is you, Oleg, who will put the missing bricks into our Slavic universe.
- Well, now it's time for us to say goodbye, - said the professor, going up to Oleg. - In ten minutes I have a lecture.
“Thank you, Alexander Vasilyevich,” Oleg thanked the professor, firmly shaking his hand. - You have clarified many points in history for me, although I am a historian myself.
“And I'm grateful to you,” Suvorov said with a smile. - You, a historian, have opened for me, a philologist, another facet of the Russian language.
They both laughed.
- I will definitely tell my students about this. I was very pleased to communicate with you. I am waiting for you to my place again already with a solution to the text.
- Of course, professor. I think you will be one of the first to know about this.
Oleg went to the exit.
- Yes, here's another thing, - Suvorov stopped him already near the door. - I have an old acquaintance. We have been friends with her since school. Also a very enthusiastic person. By the way, she is your colleague. She supervised excavations of Trypillian Culture on the territory of Ukraine. And now he travels with exhibitions all over the world. And she invited me, but there was no time. I think it will be interesting for you to talk to her.
- Where does she live? - Oleg asked, clearly interested in this information.
- She lives in Kiev. Now I will rewrite her phone number for you.
Professor Suvorov returned to the table, opened his notebook and wrote down the last name, first name and telephone number of his friend on a piece of paper.
- Here, take it, - he handed Oleg a piece of paper. - Her name is Lyudmila Smolyakova. She is a very nice person. Sculptor. Master in ceramics. She has beautiful clay works.
- Alexander Vasilievich! Thank you so much for everything and see you soon.
- All the best, Oleg! - said the professor at parting.
Suvorov and Svetloyarov once again shook hands.

In the beginning was the Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. Everything through Him began to be, and without Him nothing began to be that began to be. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of Men.
(Gospel of John 1.1-4)

In my previous books Love Your Disease and The Power of Intention, I described in detail the mechanism by which a person creates his world. And, as you know, our thoughts are the main tool in creating and transforming the world around us. Moreover, positive, constructive thoughts create favorable situations in our life, and negative, destructive ones - illness and suffering.
For a long time, I have studied human behavior and researched how our thoughts and words affect what happens to us. I really understood the ancient truth: "In the beginning was the Word."
The dependence turned out to be the most direct. It turns out that what is happening to us fully corresponds to what thoughts and images we have and with what words we express them.
Our language defines our reality, structures it, and only then describes it. Describes what was created by us a moment before.
And our words not only describe the world around us, but, above all, they write it. In other words, with the help of language, we create the reality in which we live.
The principle of linguistic relativity of Sapir-Whorf speaks about the same. Its meaning is that it is not reality that determines our language, but, on the contrary, that language determines reality. It all depends on what model of consciousness we are in: victim or master.
That is, matter was once given to us by the Almighty in sensations, but it is actively recreated by us. From the unimaginable and mysterious chaos of the Universe, we, with the help of such an instrument as the Word, single out and structure our reality. One author said about this very poetically: “On the canvas of life, with the help of the word-brush and emotions-paints, we write the world”. And, as you may have guessed, each has its own picture. Neither good nor bad, but just our own.
This is our world with you, my dear readers. And it's time to take responsibility. For your thoughts and for your words. For my faith. If you don't, others will do it for you. Only then do not be offended if something does not turn out the way you wanted. After all, other people may simply not know what you wanted.
All of the above is fully consistent with the new model of human consciousness and the law of reflection.
A simple conclusion follows from this: "If what happens to me in life is fully consistent with what I think and how I say, then with a change in my thoughts and my speech, my life and the world around me will also change."
Here are some examples.

Not so long ago, in the London Underground, signs on the doors with the inscription "No Exit" were replaced by the signs "Exit is near" on the recommendation of sociologists. The number of suicides in London has decreased.
And in the Moscow metro, at each station there is a large poster on which a beautiful girl in uniform points to the exit, and the inscription “There is a way out” shines below.

And here is one case from my practice.
- Valery Vladimirovich, - a young woman addresses me, - help me to solve my selfish problems.
- And what kind of selfish problems do you have? I ask.
“I have several,” she replies. - My first selfish problem is a multitude of moles, small warts and papillomas on the skin. I don’t want to be like a frog in my old age.
- The second selfish problem ...
Then the woman describes her other problems, and I listen to her carefully. In a short time, she recited "Selfish problem" and "Selfish interest" more than ten times.
When she finished speaking, I pointed out this fact to her.
- Doctor, - she was surprised, - I did not pay attention to it. The fact is that I very often pronounce this phrase, but I never thought about its meaning.

Now, I think you understand how important it is to learn how to use words and thoughts. But how do you fully master this instrument? How to make sure that not thoughts and emotions control us, but we own them? And they used it with all their might to transform their world.
For thousands of years, they have been trying to instill in us the idea that we are God's servants, that everything in our life depends on higher powers. And, therefore, we can hardly change anything in it. The only thing that is required of us is to be a humble sheep and wait for the day of judgment.
But, my dear reader, I think you will agree that Man is a thinking creature and is unique in nature. And he was born by the Creator in his own image and likeness. Man by nature is a Creator, Creator, God. This means that there are no forces in the Universe higher and stronger than Man. Because all the energies of the Universe are hidden in the Man himself. He controls everything, including his own destiny. Governs through thought, feelings, actions. Moreover, all people use this from time immemorial, but not everyone knows about it.
We do not passively perceive, but actively create. Each person is a creator from birth and remains so until the end of his days. Moreover, regardless of whether he knows about it or not.
And our task with you is to reveal this amazing and divine mechanism. Mechanism of the creation of the World. And learn how to manage it.
And for this it is necessary to plunge into the deep, subconscious structures of the language and change the old programs that create illness and suffering. This can be done using the method of immersion and subconscious programming, which is described in my first book "Love Your Disease". In the same book, I want to give a few more opportunities to work on my thoughts.
I deeply believe that it is possible to change the fate of a person if and only if the person himself becomes the master of his own fate. And for this, he must first of all take responsibility for his thoughts.
Thought is an amazing and unusual energy of the Universe, generated by Man. One of the original forms of Light, invisible to the ordinary eye. For her, there are no such concepts as speed and distance. She is all-pervading, all-embracing and omnipotent. A word is a spoken thought. A deed is a materialized thought.
All life on Earth can feel, radiate its own Light. But only man has the gift of a meaningful word on Earth.
Any thought, word and deed are recorded in the Eternal Book of Life on the immense space of Conscience.
You will be able to identify negative programs in your subconscious, discover certain patterns and create new programs that will help you find your True Path.
The advantages of this method are undeniable. You do not withdraw from the world around you, but actively participate in the life process, developing your attentiveness and sensitivity.

Magic of the Word

Only you, poet, winged words sound
Grabs on the fly and suddenly fixes
And the dark delirium of the soul and herbs, a vague smell ...
Afanasy Fet

So, each person lives in his own world and creates his own unique world.
Let's remember how this happens.
Our subconscious mind passes information through a kind of filter programs: neuro-physiological, social and personal. Some part of the flow is omitted, something is distorted, and some information is generalized. Our consciousness gets only a small trickle from the general stream. As a result, there is a big difference between what is actually happening in the World and what our experience of this World (i.e. our world) is.
With the help of words, images, sensations, sounds, smells and tastes, we build our model of reality. If we change some element in this model, then we already feel in a different way, we look, the whole world is changing too. Any state of a person is a consequence of his model of the world.



But the reverse process is also true. Based on our model of the World, we create a common, collective Reality. Each of us and society as a whole affect the Universe.


1 filter: neuro-physiological apparatus
(organs of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste)

2 filter: social prescriptions
(family, nationality, faith, traditions, language)

3 filter: individual prescriptions
(thoughts, images, feelings, emotions)


But then look what happens. Based on this, such concepts as family, nation, faith are filled with a completely different meaning. They stop being abstract. This is what builds our life in a certain way. And the so-called organs of perception: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin become instruments of creation of the surrounding world.
But then you need to treat language, words in a completely different way.
With the help of language and language structures, we create our own world. Each person has a magic wand called "Word". And all people use it. Some with its help transform their lives, help others. Others - create illnesses for themselves and others, induce the evil eye and damage.
The right word must be pronounced at the right time and in the right place and in a certain sequence.
But this is just not so simple. And not always a person can do it. Purity of thoughts and openness of feelings are needed here. What is important is what lies behind our every word. Images and feelings are important.
Each person contains all the energies of the Universe. There are Creative powers, Destructive and Balancing powers in it. The same forces are in Nature. The man called the destructive forces the dark side. And the creative ones are light. Balancing forces - Harmony, Ladom. All these energies are needed for life. Each is important in its own way. There are no good or bad energies. But man controls from birth all the forces of the Universe. After all, he was born of God and is his image and likeness.
Therefore, it is important, when we communicate with a Man, to turn to his Light and Harmonious side of "I". The dark one can simply be ignored. Then the destructive forces will "work" only for harmony and creation.
But we can do this only if we ourselves are harmonious people, and our thoughts are bright.
The main thing is not to lie. You need to be honest, and above all, with yourself. Take responsibility for every word you say.
Every person is a magician. Whether he is good or evil depends on the purity of his thoughts. Brings happiness or sorrow. In both cases, the mechanism is the same.
You and I will learn to use this magic wand, we will master the magic of the language. And the essence of magic lies in the ability to speak and think, create symbols and images and control them.
I assure you that from now on you will begin to listen to your speech and to the speech of other people. And you will begin to understand how you created problems for yourself and others. Gradually, you will become the master of your Word, and of life in general.
Let's start with the basics.

What is language?

Oh, the Russian Word, Holy!
For Better Future Times
The verb You, Life and Enlightenment.
F. I. Tyutchev

Most people do not think about what language is, where it comes from, what is its function. For me personally, this is still the greatest mystery. And you and I have to guess it.
Let's start with the scientific definition of this phenomenon.

Language is a system, a set of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means, which is an instrument of communication, exchange of thoughts and mutual understanding of people in society.

In this case, language is considered only as a means of communication. But you and I already know that language is also a tool for creating the world around us.
And when we talk about language, we are sure to talk about words and letters, as the constituents of any human language. And in order for our speech to be connected and have some meaning, then it must be built according to certain rules.
So, the Word is the basic unit of language and has several meanings.
The first is sound. It manifests itself due to the presence of a special speech apparatus in a person. We are capable of making certain sounds of varying heights and strengths. And at the same time - to give these sounds a certain meaning. And we react to these sounds in some way. For us, this is the most common action. But, at the same time, it is also the most amazing phenomenon. There is a special magic of sound, word. There is eternity in sound.
The second is graphical. It is a written language. And it begins, first of all, with the alphabet.
You are now reading what I wrote. I expressed my thoughts on paper using words, connecting the letters of the alphabet in a special way. Perhaps you have never seen me, and I have never seen you. And it is likely that you and I are at a great distance from each other. But the most amazing thing is that we communicate. And you have already formed my image. Especially if you've read my previous books.
The third meaning is semantic. It is associated with inner speech. With the help of thought-words, a person gives names to objects and their properties, phenomena. Establishes a relationship between them. And this is connected with the thinking of a person, with his psyche. It is psychic energy that endows the word with a certain power. But more on that later.
In this book we will look at all three meanings of the Word.

System of magical knowledge
It is the language that shapes the consciousness and thinking of a person. Indeed, from early childhood to ripe old age, human life is inextricably linked with language.
The child has not yet learned to speak, and his hearing already catches the sounds of his native speech, the mother's lullaby. And gradually, through words and with the help of words, the child creates his own special world. The words reflect the endless and diverse Universe. But he has not yet seen much in this world and is unlikely to ever see (for example, penguins among the ice of Antarctica).
Through words, a person can touch the ancient thoughts of our ancestors, gain their experience and strength. And send a message to your great-grandchildren in the future. And all this thanks to the language.
I am now writing a book that you, dear reader, are holding in your hands. And I use words again. I combine them in a certain way into sentences. At the same time, I carefully think over every word. But why am I doing this? In order for you to understand and be interested in the images that I put into my book. So that these images make you think about yourself and your life. You will begin to reflect, create new thoughts for yourself, draw your own images, and this, in turn, will lead to the transformation of some part or all of your life.
Each language reflects a certain way of organizing and perceiving the surrounding world. And the Russian language is a system of systems, a model of models. This is the science of word and sentence. What people express with the help of words, with the help of language, develops, like a mosaic, into a certain picture of the world. Moreover, people actively create their world with thought images and words.
Each of us simultaneously enjoys all the benefits of a particular language and the entire linguistic tradition to which he belongs from birth. And at the same time he is experiencing its limitations.
What are these benefits? First of all, the language gives access to the accumulated experience of ancestors, the cultural heritage of its people and the entire human civilization as a whole.
What are the limitations? In the fact that a person, using language, begins to take the words with which he describes reality - for Reality itself. Below we will explain how this happens.
An ordinary native speaker does not realize that his language is not only in order to express his thoughts, but also a certain system of knowledge. System! Magical knowledge! Think about it.
It turns out that each person is essentially a magician and a wizard, only does not know about it. We create with you, create reality. But which one? And if something does not suit us in this reality, then this can be changed by taking responsibility for our world, for our words and thoughts. If you do not like where you are being taken, then drive yourself. In general, take control of your life yourself.

What is a language for?
Now we need to figure out what we are doing in real life with the help of language?
First, we communicate with other people, establish contacts, break relations;
secondly, we express our feelings and emotions;
third, we evoke feelings and reactions in other people. In other words, we influence people.
Fourthly, language is a system of magical knowledge and actions in the surrounding world.
Language is an amazing tool through which people communicate with each other. It is the language that stores all human knowledge from ancient times to the present day. It is language that makes possible the very existence and development of human culture.
In communication between two people, there are two positions: speaker and perceiver. The speaker's words explicitly and implicitly affect the perceiver. What is clear in this?
We know that a person's voice, certain vibrations from his words, affect the perceiving auditory analyzer. But what happens next in the human brain, in his consciousness? .. Here science can only guess.
I influence through my thought the world around me, people. But people also have an impact on me, on my life.
We often hear from people: "This man tried to control me, manipulate" or "He does not allow me to live normally."
We all influence each other. It is impossible to live without this. Even if you go to the forest, to the mountains, you will still feel the influence. In the end, civilization will get to you, as it once got to the Indians of America and Australia.
Obviously, words somehow affect a person. But how?
The answer is hidden in the question itself.
It is the image that is the key to the solution.
We hear the word "Dog". What's going on with us? The image of a dog arises in the mind. Moreover, each has his own.
Here is another word - "Home".
And again the image-picture. For one person, this is an image of a high-rise building and an apartment in it. For another, it is the image of the house of grandparents, with a Russian stove. Now he already smells the smell of freshly baked bread and the taste of fresh milk, hears the mooing of a cow and the barking of a dog.
And now let's combine these images with a certain action: "The dog runs to the house." The picture came to life. And the verb "runs" revived her. The preposition "to" directed the action. It's simple.
The speaker's words brought to life images in the listener's mind. But, what is especially important, they made a certain effect in him. This action is very subtle, not yet visible. But it happened. Combinations of letters and words can evoke different feelings in a person. Some of them can destroy, others will be beneficial and healing. It is sounds, words, including printed ones, that cause an unusual movement of feelings in a person's soul.
And if you endow the words with a certain meaning, evoke the movement of feelings in the listener? Then we can say that the communication took place, and people understood each other.
But here's what's interesting. There is no information transfer during communication.
- How so?! - the reader will be surprised, - after all, there is even an expression "transmission of information".
And why do you need to communicate?
We already know that in the subconscious of a person there is all the information that is available in the Universe. And since there is ALL information, what can be transmitted during communication?
What then happens when people interact?
I have already written in my previous books that communication with a person is always contact with another world. We influence each other on a very deep subconscious level and help each other to engage feelings and images. There is an interaction of two Worlds, Universes. But what is the purpose of this interaction?
It turns out that the only purpose of communication is co-creation, creation. When communicating, thoughts-images are united, and therefore, the energies of people, their efforts. A collective thought is being formed, which has incredible power. And under the influence of many collective thoughts, a common reality is formed.
One person has no consciousness. There is only knowledge. Co-knowledge (joint knowledge) is at least two or more people. Therefore, when a person talks about consciousness, he implies a connection with many intelligences.
Language is a tool. This is a system of symbols and signs, this is an implicit philosophical system. Confucius once said: "Signs and symbols rule the world." But did someone create them? Therefore, it should be clarified: the person who creates signs and symbols controls the world.
Communication encourages joint action. This action can be constructive or destructive. There is a connection of the energies of people (if communication has taken place). People start to produce the same thoughts, or very similar ones. Thoughts, images and feelings - become common. Then they turn into action. This is the process of creation.
But what will we direct this process to?
After all, you can think about the end of the world and imagine terrible pictures. Or you can dream together about a wonderful future and bring it closer with your actions.
A woman comes up to you on the street with some books in her hands and begins to scare you with the apocalypse. And then he offers to be saved with her.
Know this person does not want to live in this world. But this is his choice. In his thoughts, he has already destroyed this world. But his thought alone is not enough, and therefore he wants to attract you and more people so that the collective thought becomes stronger and embodied in real events. It is these thoughts that contribute to various disasters and natural disasters.
If you want to live, then you will not follow these people.
Conclusion: words and communication are needed to create together. In order to turn on the collective intelligence, which means to make the thought a hundred times, a million times stronger.
Therefore, a person cannot live without communication. He needs it like air, water or food. It is through communication that a person acquires wholeness, integrity. Communication is life.

To say something is to do it
We use both oral and written speech. We can use it mediocre, but we can understand the full depth of the phenomena occurring, generated by our speech and thoughts.
A significant part of the forms of speech we use actively influence the world around us. In other words, when we say something, we are already doing what we are talking about.
This is very important to understand!
To say something means to do it already. Remember the saying: “The word is not a sparrow. If it flies out, you won't catch it. "
There is an image behind any word. Any word has its own function.
There are two kinds of language.
1. Sensual language. Describes specific objects and phenomena. This is something that can be filmed.

"The table is on the floor"
"The sea is rustling"

2. Evaluative language. These are concepts, abstractions, processes.

"I feel happy."
"You look tired."

The magic of language lies in its structure.
Let's take a look at the dictionary.
Each word has its own meaning. But these meanings are, in fact, abstract.
Experiencing subjective experience, a person calls objects and phenomena by their proper names and assigns one or another meaning to them. But meaning is an illusion. It is not present in the object itself. It is we, people, who endow objects with meanings. We create images.

For example:
- Sour lemon
- Sky is blue
- Glass glass.

In the first case, we associated an object (lemon) with a certain quality (sour) determined by our senses.
Then we associate one object or quality with another, creating associations.

For example: White and sweet
Yellow and sour

First, we call an object or phenomenon, i.e. we give it a name. Then we define its function, i.e. we associate with other objects and use to obtain something. We again imagine what we saw, heard and felt. Words allow us to describe our images, feelings.
On the other hand, the word is the key to the images and feelings stored in the subconscious.
But with lemon everything seems to be clear. This is an item and we can test its quality by experience.
What does the word "Woe" mean? How does the dictionary interpret it for us?

Grief is sorrow, deep sorrow.

Nothing specific. Then maybe the word "Sadness" will clarify something?

Sadness is a feeling of sadness and grief, a state of spiritual bitterness.

Nothing better. Let's see the word "Sorrow" again.

Sorrow is extreme sorrow, grief, suffering.

Again, some abstractions. We walk around the bush.
But while we were looking in the dictionary for the meaning of all these words, you probably already had a memory in which these feelings manifested themselves. The meaning of this feeling for you depends on the specific images, sounds, sensations that appear in your response to this word.
Let's take another word - "Joy"?

Joy is a feeling of great spiritual satisfaction, a cheerful feeling.

And here we get a description of the sensations. We associate this word with those feelings that we experience within ourselves. But what feelings we experience depends only on us. Since the same situation can cause grief in the first person, and joy in the second. Even for one person, within a short time, feelings can change dramatically if the attitude towards the situation changes.
As you already understood from the above, no meaning or meaning in reality exists separately from a person, since a person gives meaning to an object. It exists only in the functioning of its nervous system. It exists only thanks to Man.
From here follows an ingenious conclusion! The so-called objective reality is the average, cumulative, averaged characteristic of the subjective realities of all people. It turns out that Reality is a kind of tacit agreement of people. Why unspoken? Because it acts at the subconscious level.
Of course, I do not deny its objectivity, but it is objective and exists independently of us only as long as we agree with it. As soon as we take responsibility for our reality, we begin to manage it.
Hence follows the second ingenious conclusion: we can change objective reality only if we change our subjective reality.
I'm not tired of my scientific calculations yet? If not, let's move on.
In general, this is the case. The Creator created our beautiful world, Nature and Man, as the crown of his creation in his own image and likeness. The Creator gave everything that he had to Man, including free will. Further, a Man, possessing the freedom of choice, can improve the world created by the Father, creating his own unique one, or destroy what he has already been given. It is not hard to guess which way humanity has gone!
If we can understand at a deep subconscious level that we ourselves construct reality with the help of words and meanings, then we will become masters of the language, and not only its consumers, users. We can work miracles with words. We can magically use our language, changing ourselves and helping others to change.
It surprises me that most people simply do not realize their unique magical capabilities. They continue to live completely meaninglessly, not understanding the essence of the phenomena occurring.
Language does not simply describe the relationship between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. He creates and structures this world.

Now let's do a little exercise.
Read the phrase "Do I love?"
What image and what sensations did you get? What do you see, hear, feel? Are these events from the past or the future? Where are you and is there someone near you?
What happened? Have you got an experience, an image? If so, then you succumbed to the magical effect of words. You went within yourself and gave these words your meaning and meaning. Moreover, pay attention, each person has his own image. This is a very important point in realizing this process! YOUR IMAGE!
It is we who create the impact on ourselves, giving it some meaning. And at the same time, we influence the world around us, as we generate images and feelings of other people with words.
Now let's reveal the magical mechanisms of language influence.

How words affect our lives

You can kill with a word
You can save with a word
In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you.

When I say “Word,” I mean not so much what is said aloud, but what a person thinks about, says within himself. What he believes in.
We often meet in life people who say one thing, but do and, accordingly, have something else.
It is not what the person says that matters. You can say whatever you want. What matters is what he believes in. What thought-images reign in his soul, in his subconscious mind.
Each of us has tremendous power. And this power is realized through our thoughts in which we believe. Remember? - "According to your faith, let it be for you!"
Some patients ask me:
- Doctor, I repeat new thoughts several times a day. Why aren't there any changes?
Because it is not enough just to pronounce words and sentences. A parrot, for example, can also repeat words, but this will never make him a man. In fact, the whole question is, do you believe in what you are talking about?

Recently, a woman called me on the phone.
“Doctor,” she says irritably, “I recently read your book. You write that if you change your thoughts, your life will change. So I want my son to drink. I repeat this a hundred times a day. Besides, I have read many other books. I repeat positive affirmations every day. But he drank as he drank. Continues to insult me. His drinking buddies constantly get him drunk.

The whole trouble with such people is that they simply memorize new phrases, albeit positive and good ones, by heart. They cram them, repeat them for hours. But they don't do the most important thing. They do not change the model of their consciousness, their worldview. In other words, they remain in the old victim positions.
Words, phrases, sentences are a kind of password, a key to the picture of our world. Words encode reality. "First there was the word." This is the solution to the mystery.
Our speech is capable of generating profound changes in the surrounding reality. And this is a scientific fact.

Russian scientists under the guidance of a senior researcher at the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pyotr Gariaev performed an interesting experiment. With the help of a special device that enhances the effect of words, the seeds of the arabidopsis plant were “processed”. The words of the curse were spoken on the seeds. This effect was similar to irradiation of 40 thousand roentgens. From such a shock dose, DNA chains and chromosomes were torn, genes disintegrated and messed up. Most of the seeds died, and the survivors gave birth to offspring with mutations. Moreover, regardless of whether the researchers shouted or whispered the word of curse, the destructive effect was the same. It turns out that it was not the power of sound, but the meaning of what was said that influenced the plant.
After the curses, the scientists decided to test the power of the blessing. The result was amazing. Wheat grains, which received a dose of 10 thousand roentgens, in which DNA, chromosomes and genes were torn and messed up ... after the words of the blessing, they ascended and began to develop normally.
But the genetic apparatus of all living things from plants to humans work according to universal laws.
Studies have shown that words greatly change the structure of water, and our bodies are 70-80% of it. Under the influence of speech, water molecules are structured in a special way, forming complex ensembles.
This is how the structure of water looks when words of gratitude are exposed to it:

Photo of water (thanks)

And here is the structure of water after reading the prayer of blessing:

Photo of water (blessing)

This is what the structure of water looks like when playing Mozart's fortieth symphony:

Photo of water (40th symphony by Mozart)

And this is how the structure of water changed when exposed to such a direction of music as heavy metal:

Photo of water (heavy metal)

The photograph shows that the correctly formed hexagonal structure is completely destroyed to pieces.
But the state of water during a quarrel, where extremely negative emotions are involved:

Photo of water (quarrel)

The shape of the water crystal has become ugly. The crystal was distorted, shattered and scattered.

But you and I, dear reader, live among words. And personally, I am not indifferent to what words I express myself, and with what words others "process" me. It is not for nothing that they say: "With whom you will lead, from that you will gain" - disease or health. And you yourself will be healthy only to the extent that creative or destructive thoughts prevail in you. And now, I think, you understand how important it is to speak beautifully and correctly.
If you enter a room where people smoke, then, willingly or unwillingly, you are exposed to poisonous cigarette smoke. Aggressive words and thoughts of people also affect us. Getting into their destructive field, we put our soul and body in danger.

Valery Vladimirovich! - asks one participant of the seminar. - And what about the heat-rut and mats? What is the right way to react when you hear harsh words?
- If a person has aggression in his soul and does not have enough words to express it, then he begins to swear. With the help of these standard words, he spills out his negative feelings, sprays aggression into the world around him. The intensity of passions subsides, the tension decreases. But at the same time, such a person destroys himself and those around him. The smoker does the same. He not only kills himself, but also poison those who are nearby.
In other words, there are feelings, but there are not enough images and words to express them. That is why it is important to correctly understand the words, their meaning, to have a wealth of vocabulary. This makes a person's life more interesting and joyful. This puts his life in order. Improves communication.
And if you hear swear words around you, then use the same law of reflection. This means that you have some kind of aggression in your soul that is looking for a way out. You scold someone, quarrel with someone. Think about it.

By the way, about the evil eye and damage.
Have you ever wondered how these problems are created and who creates them?
For some readers, the imagination draws an evil woman who whispers a whisper, or a person with an unkind look. But if we think in this way, we will again take the position of the victim.
In this situation, as in any other, it is necessary to take responsibility. It turns out that people create evil eye and damage themselves, both to themselves and to those around them.

Here's an example.
At the next seminar, we learn to manage our emotions, transform negative feelings into positive ones. We analyze the topic of fears.
- Which of those present in the hall has fears? - I appeal to the audience.
“I have,” the woman in the center of the hall raises her hand.
- I have, - responds the participant of the seminar from the first row.
- Yes, all people have fears! - shouts a woman from the last row. Several people nodded their heads in agreement.
- Who said "All people have fears?" I asked. - Stand up please.
The woman rose from her chair.
- What is your name? - I appeal to her.
- Margarita, - she answers.
- Margarita, do you understand what you have done now? - I ask her.
- What did I do? She asked in surprise.
- A minute ago, you wreaked havoc on all people on Earth. And this is neither more nor less - 6 billion.
Animation began in the hall.
- And how did I do it? She asked incredulously.
- It's very simple. You wished all people to live in fear.
“I didn’t want them to,” the woman began to make excuses.
“But you said," All people have fears. " And you already know that any thought is a wish.
- What to do now? She asked.
- Since you yourself are the author of the damage, you can remove it this very minute. But first, answer me this question: how many people do you really know with fears?
- Even together with me not so much turns out, - Margarita answers.
- So what right do you have to be responsible for all people?
- None! Only for myself.
- And if so, then wish right now, sincerely, with feeling, yourself and all people on Earth to live without fears. Calm and confident. And by this kind action you neutralize the old negative program.

Now check yourself, dear reader, for damage and evil eye. Have you never said such phrases:

Yes, all men / women are like that ...
- People have no money ...
- There are only thieves in the government ...
- Etc.

But such phrases are programs of action that spoil our and other people's lives.
Be alert to generalizations like these. If, nevertheless, there were such - change your thoughts immediately. Cleanse your thoughts - and you won't need to go to grandmothers.

How does our speech and thoughts affect ourselves and the world around us? The word brings an image to life. The image, in turn, is associated with the feelings and emotions of a person. And feelings and emotions give rise to actions that manifest themselves in life.
It turns out the following chain:

Word  image  feelings, emotions  actions  life

A person is guided not by the word itself, but by what stands behind it. That is, the image. Inner vision, hearing, feeling.
Let's do a little experiment.
You will now read three short texts. And try to determine how they differ from each other, what feelings and images does each of them evoke?

“And now they have gone ... and it’s not for nothing that they say ... and my brother didn’t tell me in vain not to do this, but I didn’t listen to him ... you shouldn’t use these medicines ... it’s from the devil ... darkness is coming demons are coming ... this man came to me tonight ... he called himself the messiah ... I have to give birth to him ... I have a special mission in this world ... you don't need to hurt me ... let go me ... I didn't do anything wrong ... I'm a good girl ... I'll still be useful to you ... worms live inside me ... I know this ... I can feel it ... I can't eat much .. . they eat all the food. "
(Delirium like "verbal okroshka" of a patient with schizophrenia)

“Transformational grammar is an explicit model of the process of representing and communicating to others this representation of the world. The mechanisms described in transformational grammar are universal for all human beings and for the way we represent our experience. The semantic meaning represented by processes is an existential, infinitely rich and varied meaning. The way in which these existential meanings are re-presented and communicated is subject to rules. Transformational grammar models not this existential meaning itself, but the way by which an infinite set of existential meanings is formed, that is, the rules for the formation of representations. "
(R. Bandler, D. Grinder "The Structure of Magic", White Rabbit, St. Petersburg, 1996)

“Imagine, Vladimir, he and she will begin in love to carry out the project that we are drawing. Planting generic trees, herbs, garden. And rejoice as their creation bloom in the spring. Love will live forever between them, in their hearts, around. And everyone will represent each other in a spring flower, remembering how together a tree that has blossomed and planted. And the taste of raspberries will remind you of the taste of love. He and she, in love for each other, touched raspberry branches in the fall.
Beautiful fruits ripen in the shady garden. And he and she planted the garden together. We planted a garden of love.
She laughed loudly when he was sweating, digging a hole, and she took off the drops from his forehead with her hand and kissed his hot lips ... "
(V. Megre "Creation", Dilya, Moscow - St. Petersburg, 2005)

Note! All three passages are written with the same letters. But they are perceived differently. Why? Because these letters stand in different combinations and create different words. And words, arranged in a special order, give rise to certain images and feelings in our minds.
The first text is the delirium of a schizophrenic patient. It uses familiar words, but there is no connection between them. When reading it, there is no sense of integrity, thoughts jump from one image to another. If you try to read such a text for a long time, you will soon find that you yourself lose the perception of the whole picture of the world. Maybe that's why psychiatrists remind their patients over time.
The second text is taken from a very interesting book, but it is written in an unusual language. Scientific. Sometimes it seems to me that scientists specially invented a special language so that no one would understand them. Or maybe in order to confuse people, to take them away from

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