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Dictation in Russian introductory words. Appeal. Punctuation marks when addressing. Dictation with grammar assignment

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"Dictation with grammar assignment on the topic" Introductory words and sentences "for grade 8"

Dictation with grammar assignment

on the topic "Introductory words and sentences"

Dictation with grammatical assignments in grade 8 on the topic "Introductory words and sentences" contributes to testing knowledge, skills and practical skills of correct spelling and punctuation of the test work in the Russian language. The text of the dictation is based on the story of K. Paustovsky "A Rook in a Trolleybus", which contributes to the moral education of middle-level schoolchildren.

8th grade

Rook in a trolleybus

It was still that early spring when one could guess about the approaching heat only by barely noticeable signs - by the fog on Moscow streets, by the drops of this fog flowing from the black branches of recently planted lindens, and by the loose wind. From it the snow settles and becomes spongy. But this last sign, perhaps, does not apply to Moscow. Snow in Moscow by the end of March remains only in some courtyards, and on the warm asphalt it has long been gone. Winter in Moscow is collected by conveyor machines on dump trucks and taken out without a trace outside the city.

The incident that I want to tell you about happened in trolleybus number five.

Muscovites, as you know, talk a little on trolleybuses and buses, but read more. And in that trolleybus number five, which departed from the stop at Teatralny Proyezd, there was also a normal mood. But suddenly the conductor shouted:

Wait! What is it?

This is a rook, - said a girl of about eight frightened.

The rook was sitting, sunken, under the coat on the girl’s chest, and only for a moment stuck his nose out from under the coat. But this was enough for the vigilant conductor to notice a bird that was forbidden to be transported on the trolleybus.

If he can't be taken, then I'll get off, - said the girl and blushed.

What are you, daughter! - exclaimed the conductor, stopped giving tickets and squeezed over to the girl. - Sit down, don't worry. Oh, what a good bird! What is it? Is it really a rook?

The rook grew bolder and looked out. The conductor gently stroked his chiseled head with her finger and laughed.

Do not be afraid, he does not bite, ”the girl said, and everything shone. - He is very serious, but kind. (According to M. Prishvin)

Grammar assignment

    Find a one-part sentence, indicate its type.

    In the text of the dictation, find a sentence with an introductory word, indicate its category.

    Write out a sentence with a stand-alone definition and a sentence with a stand-alone circumstance

    Specify the way of forming the word "acne"

    Find the grammatical basis for the sentence "He is very serious, but kind."

Indication... Underline the opening words.

1. Spring is unquestionably the best time of the year. Southern spring comes gradually, in the north it, on the contrary, makes a rapid revolution in the life of nature. (S.-M.) 2. Do you know, for example, what a pleasure it is to leave in the spring before dawn? (T.) 3. Steam was rising from the river, which means that the temperature here was higher than the air temperature. (Ars.) 4. The sun has already risen high. It was probably about ten o'clock. (S. Shurtakov) 5. The forest is very large, and, undoubtedly, there are places in it that no man has ever walked on. (Prishv.) 6. It turns out that the smoke from forest fires dramatically reduces sunlight. (Paust.) 7. Try to get up early in the summer. Firstly, you will be enveloped in a light morning fog, and secondly, you will see the sunrise and, finally, you will understand how beautiful the world around us is. (100 words)

Indication... Indicate (in brackets) what meaning is given by the introductory words.

1. The Caucasus is undoubtedly one of the most picturesque places. 2. We seem to be lost. 3. Fortunately, the weather was perfect. 4. We probably won't be able to meet today. Motet beat, will you come to me tomorrow? 5. My congratulations, unfortunately, will be late. 6. The house was very quiet. Apparently everyone was already asleep. 7. You must have forgotten our agreement. 8. I will certainly keep my promise. 9. I will probably come home late today. Firstly, there will be rehearsals after lessons, and secondly, I will go to visit a sick friend and, finally, at six o'clock there will be a concert at school. (83 words)

1. Since there is dew on the leaves and on the grass, it means that tomorrow must be a good day. (Yu. Dmitriev.) 2. And trees are happy. The happiest, probably, are those on which the birds build their nests. 3. And this is ginseng or, in our opinion, in Russian, the root of life. (S. Shurtakov.) 4. The most beautiful plant in Anyui's house was undoubtedly the Amur grape. (Ars.) 5. Our dilapidated little boat bent down, scooped up and sank, fortunately, not in a deep place. (T.) 6. Pzhik was still very small and therefore quickly got used to it, did not shy away, but, on the contrary, loved to be among people. (S. Shurtakov.) 7. It seems that there is an ancient belief in Siberia: whoever sees a white squirrel will find his happiness (92 words)

Creative dictation

Indication... Insert relevant introductory words into sentences; place punctuation marks.

Make a guess.

1. Early frosts are expected in September. 2. Due to heavy rain, the walk will have to be postponed. 3. At six o'clock I will be already at home.

Express joy or regret.

1. The fire was noticed on time. 2. I didn’t have time to say goodbye to my friend. 3. My father had spare parts and I was able to fix the camera.

Express confidence or uncertainty.

1. We have a difficult job ahead of us. 2. Can you help me? 3. We will intensively prepare for the competition.

Pass the sequence.

It is necessary to consume vitamins. They improve health, increase the body's resistance to disease and improve performance.

Indication... Underline the opening words.

1. Quiet. The sea seems to me an endless mirror-like surface. 2. The sea seems to have fallen asleep in a sound sleep 3. We, apparently, will have to spend the night in the forest. 4. Through the pine trees you can see the sea and the sail in the distance. 5. According to the scientist, birds love to move against the wind. 6. According to the brother, it was impossible to guess his mood. 7. The application must be submitted tomorrow. 8. You must have forgotten our agreement. 9. Write an essay according to my plan. 10. In my opinion, you described our trip too dry. 11. The friend did not get angry at my remark, but, on the contrary, laughed. 12. The mother persuades her son to obey, but he does everything the other way around. 13. Fortunately, the rain has stopped. 14. The train rushed me to happiness. (93 words)

Control dictation

1. The birds, apparently, were freezing in the snow and therefore huddled together. (Ars.) 2. So, the month of April has not yet arrived, and the snowdrops have already blossomed. (March.) 3. A foot quietly steps, and it seems to the traveler that a fairy kingdom is about to open before him. (S.-M.) 4. This place seemed to him the best expression of Russian nature. (Paust.) 5. Birds flew up to the thickets of grasses all the time. This means that they have already hatched chicks. (T.) 6. Unfortunately, frequent and heavy rains interfered with the successful course of the trip. (Przh.) 7. It seems that Xenin was the first in Russian literature to write about animals with such sincere love. 8. In my opinion, even earlier Chekhov understood animals surprisingly well and wrote about them. 9. Sports activities are very beneficial. Firstly, they strengthen health, secondly, they increase efficiency and, finally, develop willpower. (110 words)

It happened in Holland in 1734. One day the children were playing on the seashore. Almost at the water's edge, they saw a beautiful flower. They looked at him. First, the stem was planted with red flowers, and secondly, the leaves were like a tulip. Each of the flowers seemed to resemble a small lily. The flowers smelled wonderful.

On the shore, the children found several bulbs of this plant.

Residents remembered that it seems that a Genoese ship was killed in a storm a month ago. Its fragments were found on the shore. Probably the boxes with the bulbs of an unfamiliar plant were smashed against the rocks. The bulbs appear to have taken root and the plant has bloomed.

Residents collected the onions and began to plant these flowers in their gardens.

You undoubtedly know these plants. These are hyacinths. (According to N. Verzilin.) (111 words)

(introductory and plug-in constructions)

Child of the jungle.

(1) On the seventeenth of January one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four, a message circulated around the world, surprising everyone. (2) At the train station of one of the small Indian cities, a human being was found, most likely raised among wild animals.
(3) The boy Ramu (so they decided to call this half-man) moved on all fours, as a result of which thick, as if hardened layers of skin formed on his feet and palms. (4) The hands, which looked more like animal paws, had long nails bent downward. (5) With their help, he could dig the earth, tear apart things that fell to him.
(6) Ate Ramu, as it turned out soon, only raw meat, pieces of which he swallowed, almost without chewing. (7) Possessing a highly developed sense of smell, he smelled food at a great distance.
(8) If anyone tried to approach Ram, he made angry guttural sounds, similar to the growl of a predator. (9) When one of the people tried to touch him, the boy tried to bite the hand outstretched to him, behaved very aggressively.
(10) The doctors of the hospital (the boy was immediately admitted to one of the largest medical institutions in India) and specialists who arrived from all over the country eventually came to a general conclusion. (11) In their opinion, Ramu in infancy ended up in the jungle for some unknown reason and during all the years of his short life was among the wolves. (12) Obviously, the wolf pack that adopted the boy not only fed the human cub, but also raised him according to its own laws.
(13) All attempts by doctors to teach Rama basic human skills, unfortunately, did not lead to anything, and after a few months the child died. (14) Scientists believe that the reason for this is an abrupt change in habitat. (15) "Child of the Jungle" was never able to adapt to the unnatural human conditions of life for him.


Option I
1) From sentence 4, write out the passive participle.
2) From sentence 12, write out the possessive pronoun.
3) From Proposition 3, write out a derived preposition.
4) Replace the subordinate phrase with the linkage control LAYERS SKIN from sentence 3 with the synonymous phrase with the linkage matching. Write down the resulting phrase.
5) What is the type of subordinate connection of words in the phrase POSSESSION
Smell in sentence 7.
6) Write out the grammatical basis from sentence 2.
7) Among sentences 6-10, find one that contains a separate common definition. Write the number of this sentence.
8) Among sentences 1-7, find a sentence complicated by a plug-in design. Write the number of this sentence.







I I option
1) From sentence 10, write out the passive participle.
2) From sentence 3, write out the possessive pronoun.
3) From Proposition 11, write out a derivative preposition.
4) Replace the subordinate phrase with the coordination link ANIMAL PAWS from sentence 4 with the synonymous phrase with the link control. Write down the resulting phrase.
5) Name the type of subordinate connection of words in the phrase STRONGLY DEVELOPED in sentence 7.
6) Write out the grammatical basis from sentence 5.
7) Among sentences 3-7, find those in which there are separate circumstances. Write the numbers of these sentences.
8) Among sentences 8-15, find a sentence complicated by a plug-in design. Write the number of this sentence.







Warning, explanatory dictations

I. 1) Unfortunately, soon clouds covered the whole sky. 2) As if on purpose, a gusty wind blew out in the evening. 3) Swimming became monotonous and, I confess, boring. 4) But, to my surprise and delight, there was only one decanter on the long table. 5) There was no communication with the shore, and we stood, I remember, for three days in sad inactivity. 6) Our life, I repeat, again flowed in the same way. 7) He, you see, needed to put in order the collection of collected plants. 8) His friend, which is important, wrote down everything he saw and heard. 9) The garden, as usual, was filled with fruit trees and flower bushes. 10) He didn't seem to interfere with anything. 11) They worked, of course, from sunrise to sunset. 12) They met us, indeed, as old friends. Send, of course, inquiries, rumors, news from both sides. 13) Obviously, the hosts went out to bother about dinner. 14) This river seems to be quite deep. 15) So, we have weighed anchor. 16) However, the captain in vain cherished time. 17) However, we also had entertainment. 18) Some are bored to sit at home, while others, on the contrary, love it. 19) By the way, he gave our doctor a special kind of aloe root that grows without any soil. 20) And he, they say, has a wonderful home. 21) On this mountain, they say, there are many snakes (that's why it is called the Snake Hill).

(By I. Goncharov)

II. No one knew the ford, so the riders' legs went into the water up to their knees. They did not foresee this circumstance, otherwise, perhaps, they would not have gone on horseback. One of them seemed to want to get rid of this inconvenience by picking up his legs, but ended up by falling into the water, much to our amusement.

(By I. Goncharov)

III. 1) He really suffered at that moment. (L. Tolstoy) 2) And the whistled song, and the gait, and the gesture of twisting the mustache - everything now seemed offensive to Pierre. (L. Tolstoy) 3) The clock showed eleven, but it seemed especially cloudy outside. (L. Tolstoy) 4) Footsteps in the bushes rustled, but not closer, but, on the contrary, farther and more muffled. (B. Akunin) 5) The speaker's voice changed imperceptibly, slowly gaining elasticity, strength and, perhaps, a hidden threat. (B. Akunin) 6) The sky is silent - and this makes it even more terrible - blazed with a blindingly bright lightning. (B. Akunin) 7) The telegram lay on the bedside table in the hallway, which meant it was intended for me. (E. Yakovleva) 8) I noticed a large bearskin (however, I'm not completely sure that it is really bearish), thrown in front of the fireplace. (E. Yakovleva) 9) Musical memory is perhaps one of the most common types of pronounced good memory. 10) Then I got up and, leaving the house, went along the alley, along which - I had no doubt about it - she also went. (I. Turgenev) 11) But, as it turned out, there were still some formalities. In the city of Krayukhin, they urgently summoned to the radio station, and, returning from there, he dryly (at least it seemed to Bykov) said that the start was postponed until the morning of the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow the commission would arrive. (Strugatsky) 12) A small exhibition - perhaps no more than three dozen works - was arranged simply but skillfully. The slightly quivering light from the gas burners did not spoil the image with glare, but, on the contrary, gave the black-and-white paintings the look of a truly living reality. (B. Akunin)

IV. 1) However, this spring everything went somehow wrong. 2) The forest thinned out, but the rain, like a sin, intensified. 3) Soon, however, the forest in front thinned out, a free distance peeped through. (G. Fedoseev) 4) The trouble, however, is that hunting with a hound for foxes is not always successful: it happens that the fox scurries, then it happens that it takes the dogs so far away that you cannot keep up until evening. (M. Prishvin) 5) How, however, long ago we parted. (I. Goncharov) 6) However, I still hope to arrive at Spasskoye by the end of next week. (I. Turgenev) 7) It got, however, hot. (I. Goncharov) 8) Heat and fatigue took their toll, and I fell asleep in a dead sleep. (I. Turgenev) 9) The weather was windy; however, the wind was not quite fair. (I. Goncharov) 10) Gave three balls annually and finally squandered. (A. Pushkin) 11) Finally, an urgent need to resolve this issue, otherwise time will be lost. 12) People have invented many means of transcending space: a car, an airplane, a radio, television and, finally, a spaceship. 13) He was even glad to have the opportunity to finally be alone. (L. Kozhevnikov) 14) When the phone finally died down, she managed to calm down and collect her thoughts. 15) Finally, the stars in the east began to fade and disappear. 16) Finally, the ship abandons the battle, goes to the bottom. (I. Goncharov) 17) For a long time it tumbled [the boat] in the waves and finally landed on the side. (I. Goncharov) 18) We climbed the mountains for a long time. It was getting noticeably fresher. Finally we stopped at one site. (I. Goncharov)

V. Deserted. A horse walks in the distance. Is this how Bezhin Meadow looked a hundred years ago or not? Perhaps the same. The hills could not change, bushes and willows grow, probably in old places, and the river, of course, flows in the same channel. Over there, from the other bank, Turgenev saw a night fire, and the children were sitting somewhere here, behind the bushes. We walk along the grass to the screams of the lapwing ... Black circle from the fire. Some of the newcomers, just like us, apparently remembering Turgenev, identified the place where a fire had once burned, and also lit a light.

(By V. Peskov)

Vi. The book is a great miracle. First, it contains the entire immense spiritual world of mankind. Secondly, it concentrates and spreads all experience, all knowledge, all the minds of peoples. Finally, a book is a powerful and universal means of communication between people, nations, and generations.

(By E. Liechtenstein)

Vii. After air and bread, a book is the most essential thing in life for a person. Firstly, a book is a discovery of the world, secondly, it is an interlocutor, thirdly, a mentor, and, finally, a book is a rest.

(By L. Oshanin)

Grade 8 Control dictation No. 5 on the topic "Address and introductory constructions."

Frightened by two bad, in his opinion, omens, our guide refused to go further. We tried to persuade him. This, in all likelihood, we would have succeeded, but one of the travelers decided to play a trick on him. The guide got angry, turned around and quickly walked back down the path. It was, of course, useless to detain him now. A few minutes later he disappeared into the thicket of the forest. After discussing the situation, we decided to continue our journey without a guide, but, to our great annoyance, we completely lost the path and could not find it. We headed towards the sound of the surf. But our adventures were not over. We found ourselves in very deep ravines with steep slopes. Once our comrade-in-arms nearly broke. Fortunately, he grabbed the roots of the old spruce in time. This means that it is necessary to keep a short distance from the shore, to hear and see the sea surface. Unfortunately, we are still caught in a windbreak. Having made a significant detour back, we got out of it safely. After consulting, we decided to go straight to the sea and continue our journey. (150 words)

(According to V. Arseniev)

Grammar tasks.

1. Graphically highlight the introductory constructions in the text of the dictation.

2. Parse the sentences.

Option 1: Frightened by two bad, in his opinion, omens, our guide refused to go further.

Option 2: Having discussed the situation, we decided to continue our journey without a guide, but, to our greatest annoyance, we completely lost the path and could not find it.

3. Make a morphological analysis of the word:

Option 1: bad.

Option 2: the greatest.

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