Home Mushrooms What is ankle orthosis for? Ankle support - types and applications. Correct way to install

What is ankle orthosis for? Ankle support - types and applications. Correct way to install

The ankle is an important element of the musculoskeletal system, which takes on all the load when walking. It is he who is responsible for the correct redistribution of weight when rolling the foot to the toe and back. It is not surprising that a person often encounters problems in the ankle joint. This can be due to the receipt of various injuries (dislocations, sprains, fractures), as well as a consequence of leading an improper lifestyle. Inactivity or, conversely, too active sports, overweight, scoliosis and other diseases of the spine lead to destabilization of the ankle muscles and, as a result, limited mobility and increased risk of joint damage.

You will learn

general characteristics

To minimize the possibility of injuries in the ankle area, as well as to recover faster from injuries already suffered, it is recommended to use special orthoses. This orthopedic device is a structure that fixes the joint in an anatomically correct and fixed position. Thanks to this, the load on the sore spot is significantly reduced, and the healing process is much faster.

In appearance, the orthosis can look like a boot, golf or sock. A variety of fasteners, belts, Velcro, lacing are used as locks. The materials of manufacture are elastic synthetic fabrics, natural cotton, as well as various hard parts: metal and plastic inserts, screws, onlays, etc. Orthoses are a modern alternative to braces and plaster casts, which are practically not used nowadays. According to their purpose, ankle braces differ in:

  • Preventive... The main task is to prevent damage to the joints. Usually used in professional sports circles and among fitness enthusiasts.
  • Treatment and rehabilitation... They work to restore motor functions after operations and during the period of exacerbation of inflammatory processes (arthritis, arthrosis).
  • Functional... They have a purposeful task of maintaining the condition of the joints during their irreversible changes.

Indications for use

Ankle brace wearing is indicated for the following problems:

  • inflammatory processes in the joints (arthrosis, arthritis, etc.);
  • damage to ligaments and tendons of varying severity (sprains, partial and serious ruptures);
  • fracture of the ankle, foot, lower leg;
  • paralysis of the feet;
  • , subluxations, severe bruises;
  • instability of the ankle joint due to trauma, as well as various pathologies: transverse and longitudinal flat feet of the last stages, hallux valgus, excess weight, etc.;
  • rehabilitation postoperative period;
  • congenital anomalies of the lower leg bones;
  • rickets (in children);
  • prevention of injuries and injuries of the ankle in people engaged in hard physical labor, as well as professional athletes in the field of athletics.

Positive effect

Unlike plaster casts, the ankle brace promotes faster recovery of damaged ligaments and tendons. Due to the precise fixation of the joint in the anatomically correct position, the healing process takes on average only 5-7 weeks, and the patient, even with a diagnosis of a fracture, may not use crutches, moving on his legs. Due to the use of the retainer, the following positive results are achieved:

  • pain syndrome is removed (in whole or in part);
  • puffiness passes, bruises and hematomas disappear;
  • the motor capabilities of the ankle expand;
  • regeneration of bone and muscle tissue is accelerated.
  • When putting on the orthosis, the toes remain open, which promotes good air exchange and simplifies hygienic care of injured limbs. If necessary, the fixing elements can be easily unfastened and open access to the injured area for examination and medical procedures.

    Types of orthoses

    Depending on the degree of fixation, ankle orthoses are divided into two groups:

    • Semi-rigid... Visually, the design resembles a boot, consisting of a plastic heel and elastic bandages that tightly wrap the leg and hold the joint in the desired position. The model can be equipped with various additional elements. For example, adjustable lacing, metal inserts to make the brace more rigid, silicone / gel pads to soften the foot, as well as pneumatic chambers to adjust the fit of the product to the leg.
    • Hard... Supplied inside with plates, sleeves, hinges and other components made of metal and plastic. Not only the foot and the joint are immobilized as much as possible, but also the rest of the adjacent parts of the lower leg. They are prescribed to restore the working functions of the ankle after severe injuries and deformities.


    There are exceptions to all rules. Therefore, the use of an ankle brace also has a number of contraindications. In particular:

    • it is forbidden to apply a retainer for open fractures and the presence of bleeding wounds;
    • closed fractures must first be fixed with a plaster cast and only after the bones have healed, an orthosis must be applied;
    • allergy to the materials from which the fixative is made;
    • the presence of inflammation on the skin: cuts, abrasions, eczema, ulcers, dermatitis, etc.

    Classification by type of manufacture

    There are three main groups of orthoses:

    • Serial... They are sold ready-made and do not require additional assembly. It is best to purchase from specialized orthopedic stores or pharmacy departments.
    • Prefabricated modular... The kit includes several components, which, due to the complexity of the overall design, are assembled directly on a person's leg.
    • Individual... Manufactured according to a personal order for a specific patient, taking into account his problem. For their manufacture, a plaster cast of the feet and lower leg is preliminarily made. In children's models, the moment of bone growth is taken into account during treatment with special expanders.

    The video below shows how custom orthoses are made.

    What to look for when buying?

    The choice of ankle brace is determined by the goals and objectives of its subsequent use (recovery after injury, prevention of arthritis and arthrosis, safety when playing sports, etc.), as well as a number of individual characteristics of the patient - weight, age, the presence of certain concomitant chronic diseases, general history of the patient.

    • Foot length. Measured while standing on a level surface.
    • Ankle girth. Measurement is done with a regular sewing centimeter.
    • Calf circumference at its widest point.
    • Ankle girth (the area between the foot and the ankle bone).

    Important: if the individual measurements obtained do not fit "one to one" under the established world standards (S, M, L, S), then you need to buy an orthosis of a smaller size than the "calculated" one. This is due to the fact that the larger model will be impossible to firmly fix on the leg and achieve complete immobilization of the ankle.

    How to put on and wear a brace

    In the first days of using the orthosis, a person experiences natural discomfort and, if not properly fixed, may even rub his leg.

    • The orthosis is fixed on the ankle in a sitting position, but not on the bare leg, but on a seamless cotton toe.
    • For the duration of the treatment, it is advisable to purchase a pair (or several) of sneakers, sneakers, moccasins or any other soft flat-soled shoes with the expectation of 1-2 sizes larger than usual. This is necessary so that when walking, a person feels comfortable and does not squeeze his leg.
    • It is better to start walking with a brace from 15-30 minutes a day, gradually increasing the load up to the limit prescribed by the doctor. Ideally, the patient gets used to the orthosis in 2-5 weeks, as well as wean from it after the end of therapy.
    • After removing the device, always examine the leg for any unusual external manifestations: redness, dark spots, bruises, etc. If suspicious skin deformities are found, you should immediately consult your doctor for advice.

    Where to buy?

    You need to buy ankle braces, as well as other orthopedic products, only in specialized stores, or order them in similar online markets. Upon request, the seller is obliged to provide quality certificates for the proposed range of goods, inform about the warranty period, and also give professional advice in relation to a particular product. The prices for orthoses depend on the manufacturer, the complexity of the design, and the materials of manufacture. Retainers of the following brands enjoy the greatest reputation:

    • ORTO... Russian manufacturer of orthopedic products with more than 20 years of experience in the specialized field. In addition to finished products, it sells components for all models of the current product line. The cost range is average. Price for ankle brace from 1500 rubles.
    • Push... Dutch brand, actively introducing new developments in the field of orthopedics. It is engaged in the production of bandages, corsets and orthoses for the spine, joints, neck, upper and lower extremities. The pricing policy is focused on the European level. Start from 4000 rub.
    • Orlett... The world-famous German company is one of the leaders in the market of orthopedic products. All products are certified, have a guarantee and meet modern quality standards. The whole range of ankle braces is on sale, depending on the degree of rigidity, materials used, design features, additional accessories and other parameters.

    It is important to understand that the earlier the problem is diagnosed and the appropriate therapy is selected, the faster and better the treatment will be. The main thing is to adhere to all medical prescriptions and develop the correct psychological attitude.

    The modern orthopedic market offers many different models of ankle braces. This type of medical product is subdivided into the following types:

    1. Treatment and rehabilitation. This type of product is used in the treatment of bone fractures, as well as during rehabilitation to reduce the risk of complications;
    2. Preventive. These products are designed to minimize the risk of traumatic injury to the ankle area;
    3. Functional. These fixators are used to hold joints while maintaining their motor activity and preventing irreversible changes in them.

    In addition, ankle braces have varying degrees of rigidity. Following this classification, the following types of products can be distinguished:

    1. Soft. These products have a fabric structure and are realized in the form of a removable device;
    2. Medium hardness. Such products are equipped with straps and lacing, allowing them to function as an elastic bandage. In addition, these products may contain plastic and metal elements;
    3. Rigid clamps. These products are equipped with elastic tires and plastic plates. The special choice of the location of the mentioned parts guarantees the necessary fixation of the ankle joint area, as well as the areas located near it.

    As a rule, a soft retainer is made of breathable fabrics that create a moderate compression effect on the area of ​​the damaged joint. In addition, these products have a massage effect, thereby improving blood circulation in the injured limb. In addition, the semi-rigid ankle orthosis looks like a boot of medium length. The orthosis is attached to the leg using special straps.

    Moreover, depending on the model, the clamps may include the following elements:

    • Lacing;
    • Gel or silicone pads;
    • Plastic or metal inserts;
    • Pneumatic chambers that provide joint fixation due to air injection.

    If we talk about choosing the necessary fixator, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of injury received, as well as the goal pursued by the attending physician and the patient. Soft fixation is recommended to prevent sprains and fractures of the ankle area. Braces of medium rigidity and a rigid orthosis are used to correct traumatic injuries of the ankle.

    In addition, it is customary to distinguish a dynamic type of orthoses, which is designed to stabilize the muscular apparatus of the ankle joint. This type of orthoses is prescribed in such cases:

    • In the case of tendinopathy and degenerative diseases of the ligamentous apparatus;
    • During the rehabilitation period after surgery on the ankle joint.

    Ankle brace semi-rigid and other types are classified according to the type of manufacture. It is customary to distinguish the following types:

    • Prefabricated modular;
    • Serial;
    • Individual.

    Serial production of products is carried out according to previously created blanks. Prefabricated-modular products have a more complex design, so their production is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular patient. The production of individual fixators is carried out by prior order. Prices for these products remain quite high.

    Indications for use

    The priority task in the treatment of traumatic injuries of the ankle joint area is to reduce the load on this area. It is recommended to wear an orthopedic ankle brace in such cases:

    • Rehabilitation period after subluxation, dislocation and fracture;
    • In case of damage to the area of ​​the Achilles joint;
    • In case of trauma to the ligamentous apparatus;
    • With inflammation and degenerative-dystrophic processes;
    • With secondary instability of the ankle joint due to intra-articular pathology. Flat feet, obesity, as well as hallux valgus can act as a pathology;
    • With paresis and paralysis, obtained as a result of previously transferred restorative and reconstructive surgical interventions;
    • With pathologies in childhood. These pathologies include ankle dysplasia and rickets.

    Wearing this product contributes to:

    • Reducing the load;
    • Joint stabilization;
    • An increase in the range of motion in the damaged joint;
    • Strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus;
    • Reducing swelling and soreness.

    This device has a number of undeniable advantages over standard bandage and plaster. Compared to these products, the plastic orthosis provides a secure fit for the joint. As the disadvantages of wearing an orthosis, one can single out the impossibility of using it in the presence of bleeding wounds, as well as in open fractures of the ankle region. This fixator does not contribute to muscle tissue atrophy. On the contrary, these products have a strengthening effect on muscle tissue.

    Terms of use

    The duration of wearing the ankle brace is determined individually, depending on the degree of joint damage. The variability of this period can start from 7 days to 2 months. To correct minor joint injuries, a soft orthosis is used, and a semi-rigid medium fixation, which does not limit mobility.

    The basic rules for wearing a retainer include:

    • It is necessary to put on the device on a sock made of natural fabric (cotton), in a sitting position;
    • Every day, the duration of the stay of the retainer on the leg should be increased (start with 30 minutes);
    • In addition to the duration of wearing, the load on the damaged joint should increase;
    • The duration of getting used to wearing this product is up to 6 weeks. The withdrawal period lasts the same length.

    The elastic look of the retainer can be easily hidden under clothing. In addition, it does not cause discomfort or discomfort. For more serious damage to this area, it is recommended to use a semi-rigid or rigid type of orthosis with silicone inserts or metal plates. This type of product requires compliance with a certain regimen, which provides for rest, wearing orthopedic shoes, or bed rest.

    Device selection rules

    It is impossible to precisely indicate which type of orthosis is necessary for a particular person. The use of this product is recommended only after prior consultation with a medical professional. When choosing an orthosis for a child, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical features of the growing skeleton. That is why it is advisable to use a preordered orthosis.

    The fixing product is selected taking into account the severity and neglect of the pathological process. In order to correct minor injuries of the ankle, it is recommended to use soft clamps. For more serious injuries, medium-hard and hard clips are used. When going to buy a product, it is important to take into account the following points:

    • Ankle size in girth;
    • Ankle girth;
    • Calf circumference in the widest area;
    • Foot size.

    If the obtained parameters are between two sizes, it is recommended to give preference to the smaller model, since the large size will not be able to provide reliable fixation of the joint. If you plan to wear a light or strong orthosis for a long time, then it is not recommended to save on it.

    Where to buy and cost

    Fortunately, today's industry has ample resources to expand the range of ankle braces. These products can be purchased at pharmacies, online stores and eBay. In addition, it is possible to purchase products that have previously arrived in use. Such products are easy to buy on the Avito website.

    The undoubted advantage of official points of sale is the ability to provide quality certificates and obtain a warranty for the product. The price of such devices depends on the manufacturer and the type of product required. The main manufacturers and approximate prices will be listed below:

    • Ladomed. This company specializes in the production and sale of orthopedic products. The average price of an orthosis is 1900-3500 rubles;
    • Orlett Lab. The price of products varies from 4000 to 7500 rubles;
    • Turbocast. This company is an official dealer of T-TYPE products. The price of ankle braces in this company ranges from 3000 to 10000 rubles.


    general characteristics

    To minimize the possibility of injuries in the ankle area, as well as to recover faster from injuries already suffered, it is recommended to use special orthoses. This orthopedic device is a structure that fixes the joint in an anatomically correct and fixed position. Thanks to this, the load on the sore spot is significantly reduced, and the healing process is much faster.

    In appearance, the orthosis can look like a boot, golf or sock. A variety of fasteners, belts, Velcro, lacing are used as locks. The materials of manufacture are elastic synthetic fabrics, natural cotton, as well as various hard parts: metal and plastic inserts, screws, onlays, etc. Orthoses are a modern alternative to braces and plaster casts, which are practically not used nowadays. According to their purpose, ankle braces differ in:

    • Preventive... The main task is to prevent damage to the joints. Usually used in professional sports circles and among fitness enthusiasts.
    • Treatment and rehabilitation... They work to restore motor functions after operations and during the period of exacerbation of inflammatory processes (arthritis, arthrosis).
    • Functional... They have a purposeful task of maintaining the condition of the joints during their irreversible changes.

    Indications for use

    Ankle brace wearing is indicated for the following problems:

    • inflammatory processes in the joints (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, etc.);
    • damage to ligaments and tendons of varying severity (sprains, partial and serious ruptures);
    • fracture of the ankle, foot, lower leg;
    • paralysis of the feet;
    • dislocations, subluxations, severe bruises;
    • instability of the ankle joint due to trauma, as well as various pathologies: transverse and longitudinal flat feet of the last stages, hallux valgus, excess weight, etc.;
    • rehabilitation postoperative period;
    • congenital anomalies of the lower leg bones;
    • rickets (in children);
    • prevention of injuries and injuries of the ankle in people engaged in hard physical labor, as well as professional athletes in the field of athletics.

    Positive effect

    Unlike plaster casts, the ankle brace promotes faster recovery of damaged ligaments and tendons. Due to the precise fixation of the joint in the anatomically correct position, the healing process takes on average only 5-7 weeks, and the patient, even with a diagnosis of a fracture, may not use crutches, moving on his legs. Due to the use of the retainer, the following positive results are achieved:

  • pain syndrome is removed (in whole or in part);
  • puffiness passes, bruises and hematomas disappear;
  • the motor capabilities of the ankle expand;
  • regeneration of bone and muscle tissue is accelerated.
  • When putting on the orthosis, the toes remain open, which promotes good air exchange and simplifies hygienic care of injured limbs. If necessary, the fixing elements can be easily unfastened and open access to the injured area for examination and medical procedures.

    Depending on the degree of fixation, ankle orthoses are divided into two groups:

    • Semi-rigid... Visually, the design resembles a boot, consisting of a plastic heel and elastic bandages that tightly wrap the leg and hold the joint in the desired position. The model can be equipped with various additional elements. For example, adjustable lacing, metal inserts to make the brace more rigid, silicone / gel pads to soften the foot, as well as pneumatic chambers to adjust the fit of the product to the leg.
    • Hard... Supplied inside with plates, sleeves, hinges and other components made of metal and plastic. Not only the foot and the joint are immobilized as much as possible, but also the rest of the adjacent parts of the lower leg. They are prescribed to restore the working functions of the ankle after severe injuries and deformities.


    There are exceptions to all rules. Therefore, the use of an ankle brace also has a number of contraindications. In particular:

    • it is forbidden to apply a retainer for open fractures and the presence of bleeding wounds;
    • closed fractures must first be fixed with a plaster cast and only after the bones have healed, an orthosis must be applied;
    • allergy to the materials from which the fixative is made;
    • the presence of inflammation on the skin: cuts, abrasions, eczema, ulcers, dermatitis, etc.

    Classification by type of manufacture

    There are three main groups of orthoses:

    • Serial... They are sold ready-made and do not require additional assembly. It is best to purchase from specialized orthopedic stores or pharmacy departments.
    • Prefabricated modular... The kit includes several components, which, due to the complexity of the overall design, are assembled directly on a person's leg.
    • Individual... Manufactured according to a personal order for a specific patient, taking into account his problem. For their manufacture, a plaster cast of the feet and lower leg is preliminarily made. In children's models, the moment of bone growth is taken into account during treatment with special expanders.

    The video below shows how custom orthoses are made.

    What to look for when buying

    The choice of ankle brace is determined by the goals and objectives of its subsequent use (recovery after injury, prevention of arthritis and arthrosis, safety when playing sports, etc.), as well as a number of individual characteristics of the patient - weight, age, the presence of certain concomitant chronic diseases, general history of the patient.

    • Foot length. Measured while standing on a level surface.
    • Ankle girth. Measurement is done with a regular sewing centimeter.
    • Calf circumference at its widest point.
    • Ankle girth (the area between the foot and the ankle bone).

    Important: if the individual measurements obtained do not fit "one to one" under the established world standards (S, M, L, S), then you need to buy an orthosis of a smaller size than the "calculated" one. This is due to the fact that the larger model will be impossible to firmly fix on the leg and achieve complete immobilization of the ankle.

    How to put on and wear a brace

    In the first days of using the orthosis, a person experiences natural discomfort and, if not properly fixed, may even rub his leg.

    • The orthosis is fixed on the ankle in a sitting position, but not on the bare leg, but on a seamless cotton toe.
    • For the duration of the treatment, it is advisable to purchase a pair (or several) of sneakers, sneakers, moccasins or any other soft flat-soled shoes with the expectation of 1-2 sizes larger than usual. This is necessary so that when walking, a person feels comfortable and does not squeeze his leg.
    • It is better to start walking with a brace from 15-30 minutes a day, gradually increasing the load up to the limit prescribed by the doctor. Ideally, the patient gets used to the orthosis in 2-5 weeks, as well as wean from it after the end of therapy.
    • After removing the device, always examine the leg for any unusual external manifestations: redness, dark spots, bruises, etc. If suspicious skin deformities are found, you should immediately consult your doctor for advice.

    Where to buy

    You need to buy ankle braces, as well as other orthopedic products, only in specialized stores, or order them in similar online markets. Upon request, the seller is obliged to provide quality certificates for the proposed range of goods, inform about the warranty period, and also give professional advice in relation to a particular product. The prices for orthoses depend on the manufacturer, the complexity of the design, and the materials of manufacture. Retainers of the following brands enjoy the greatest reputation:

    • ORTO... Russian manufacturer of orthopedic products with more than 20 years of experience in the specialized field. In addition to finished products, it sells components for all models of the current product line. The cost range is average. Price for ankle brace from 1500 rubles.
    • Push... Dutch brand, actively introducing new developments in the field of orthopedics. It is engaged in the production of bandages, corsets and orthoses for the spine, joints, neck, upper and lower extremities. The pricing policy is focused on the European level. Start from 4000 rub.
    • Orlett... The world-famous German company is one of the leaders in the market of orthopedic products. All products are certified, have a guarantee and meet modern quality standards. The whole range of ankle braces is on sale, depending on the degree of rigidity, materials used, design features, additional accessories and other parameters.

    It is important to understand that the earlier the problem is diagnosed and the appropriate therapy is selected, the faster and better the treatment will be. The main thing is to adhere to all medical prescriptions and develop the correct psychological attitude.


    general information

    In the production of orthoses, as a rule, reliable bases are involved, which include carbon fiber, polymer materials, metal, fabrics that do not cause allergies. Many people take part in the creation of orthoses, because this product must be thought out to the smallest detail from an anatomical, physiological and engineering point of view.

    Ankle brace is a kind of boots made of a special medical material with fastening represented by laces or special ribbons. This device is put on the leg and holds it securely, without depriving the person of the opportunity to move. The use of an ankle orthosis eliminates edema, minimizes painful sensations, and promotes blood circulation in the lower extremities.

    Ankle orthosis is used to:

    • prevent possible injuries - preventive products;
    • to restore damaged joints - rehabilitation orthoses for the ankle;
    • to make life easier for people with chronic joint diseases - functional adaptations.

    Clamp classification

    The medical industry market is filled with a wide variety of ankle orthoses. Their functions are similar in many ways, but there are also differences. Ankle braces differ from each other in many ways, including size, purpose, structure, rigidity. Depending on the type of rigidity of the material from which the product is made, there are soft, semi-rigid and rigid devices (sometimes intermediate models are also found).

    Soft orthosis

    Outwardly, it resembles a banal fabric bandage in the form of a tight sock or a boot with wide clamps. However, such products have their own dimensions and differ depending on the possibilities of fixation. The task of such orthoses is to easily fix the joint.

    A soft ankle brace is used to prevent injury during physical exertion. This is done through compression, which prevents injury and overloading the ligaments and tendons. It is not recommended to purchase such products on your own, they are prescribed by a doctor.

    Features of soft ankle braces:

    • easy to clean - just wash them in soapy water and dry on a horizontal surface;
    • do not create inconvenience during operation;
    • have no contraindications;
    • donning them is easy without assistance, and they fit normal everyday shoes.

    The soft ankle brace covers the entire area of ​​the ankle joint and part of the foot. Often, special inserts, fasteners, lacing are included with ankle braces. Most often, soft products are of medium fixation.

    Semi-rigid retainer

    A semi-rigid orthosis is a device with additional elements, such as: lacing, special sealing inserts, fixation straps, plastic backing. A semi-rigid ankle joint restrains movement more than a soft one, but thanks to it, recovery processes are faster. In addition, they are more effective in relieving stress on the damaged joint. They are used mainly in the rehabilitation period after various injuries. Often they are used to correct the changed areas.


    • semi-rigid orthoses are removed during sleep, they can be worn with some types of shoes;
    • strength and durability are an important advantage;
    • at first, patients complain of discomfort from the use of semi-rigid fixators, but after a while the person gets used to it and ceases to notice this device.

    Sometimes the semi-rigid ankle orthosis successfully replaces the plaster bandage applied to the leg, the name of which is the langette. It perfectly follows the structure of the lower limb and does not damage the skin.

    Rigid orthosis

    This ankle brace consists of a rigid base and a fabric lining, so that the joint is provided with absolute immobility, that is, this type of product has a strong degree of fixation. The task of a rigid orthosis is to help restore the damaged joint in the postoperative period or during therapeutic treatment when physical activity is prohibited. This also includes a reinforced brace, used in cases of heel bone fracture.

    It will not be possible to choose a rigid orthosis on your own, without special knowledge, this should be done exclusively by a doctor. He will prescribe a device with the required dimensions, attachments, reasonable distribution of the load, which will contribute to the speedy restoration of the joint's performance.


    Separately, a retainer can be distinguished for the category of patients whose organisms are still growing, that is, a children's orthosis. Children's ankle brace is used to correct congenital pathologies of the lower extremities, the consequences of rickets. Babies are usually shown soft models equipped with silicone inserts. In severe cases, a rigid ankle brace is indicated.

    The retaining bandage is created using special technologies, taking into account not only the individual characteristics of a small patient, but also taking into account the growth of the child's skeletal system. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase orthoses for children exclusively from serious and reliable manufacturers. In this case, the purchase of the device must be preceded by a fitting.

    Details on choosing an orthosis

    Recall that it is not recommended to choose an ankle device on your own. Only a doctor is able to take into account the peculiarities of the patient's condition and prescribe a suitable fixator for the ankle joint. Typically minor injuries and problems involve wearing soft clips. In more serious cases, rigid and semi-rigid attachments are indicated.

    Only after consulting an orthopedist and receiving detailed recommendations on the purchase of a certain type of orthosis, you can go shopping.

    To choose the right model, you need to perform a number of measurements:

    Once you find out that your measurements do not match any of the sizes (in the middle), it is better to choose a smaller ankle brace. A large orthosis will not do any good at all.

    It is better to buy in specialized stores, where experienced sellers will tell you some points in choosing a product. You also need to make sure of the quality of the products, so it will not be superfluous to ask for the display of certificates indicating the originality of the product and its quality. Checking the product for the integrity and functioning of the fixing fasteners is another important point when purchasing a brace.

    The cost of the cuts depends on the availability of additional devices that contribute to the comfortable wearing of the products.


    Video - Ankle support

    We wear the orthosis correctly

    To avoid problems when using an ankle brace, it is important to know how to wear the product correctly.

    • The leg under the retainer (especially hard) should be in a sock, preferably cotton and without seams.
    • It is better to put on the product in a sitting position.
    • The daily operating time is prescribed by the doctor: usually it is a smooth, unhurried addiction to the product.
    • You should not rush and wear the orthosis around the apartment or house on the very first day. It is enough to try on the device, sit in it, move a limb, feel the joint.
    • Soft and some models of rigid and semi-rigid products suggest the possibility of wearing shoes. But most likely it will be shoes one or two sizes larger.
    • To stop using the orthosis, as well as to start, you need to gradually, you can not abruptly abandon it.

    Ankle braces take time to adapt, the average habituation is from a week to a month and a half. Stopping the use of the product lasts about the same.

    Sometimes, after removing the orthosis, the patient complains of painful sensations, and red spots are visible on his leg. This situation is considered normal if, within a quarter of an hour, the redness disappears and the pain stops. Otherwise, you need to stop further use of the ankle brace and inform the orthopedist about the problems that have arisen.

    So, a well-chosen orthosis is a guarantee of the maximum effect from the use of the structure. But only strict adherence to the recommendations of the orthopedist will allow you to enjoy the result.


    Why is an ankle brace needed?

    The modern period has an impact on a person in the sense that today, for many, the problem of excess weight is acute, which is largely facilitated by low physical activity. Therefore, it is they who are primarily at risk of facing chronic diseases and joint damage. The risk of injury to the ankle arises from careless movement of the foot, which is wearing high-heeled shoes, or when walking on ice. Very often, it is in this part of the human body that chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system occur - arthrosis, arthritis, which is not surprising, given the regular and high load on this joint.

    To date, ankle orthoses have proven themselves well, helping in solving the following tasks:

    • In order to prevent injuries associated not only with everyday activities, but also with sports;
    • To accelerate the recovery of the body during the rehabilitation period after operations and injuries;
    • During periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    In any of the above situations, it is useful to use an orthosis to fix the joint, which will help to avoid sprains or fractures, relieve pain or speed up the healing process.

    Usually, a brace helps to repair a stretched ligament in about 3 weeks, and when applying a bandage - in 6 weeks... Among other advantages of this device, it should be noted that when using a rigid orthosis, even after a recent fracture, you can immediately start walking without crutches.

    It is no coincidence that ankle orthoses are presented in a wide variety, because each of them is designed to solve specific problems, depending on its parameters.

    Material and degree of fixation

    Ankle braces are made from elastic fabric or plastic. Fabric models limit the mobility of the joint, help eliminate pain and swelling.

    Plastic products help to completely immobilize the affected area, thereby creating conditions to accelerate regeneration muscle and bone tissue. Most often, doctors recommend them after complex operations and serious injuries.

    Depending on the strength of fixation, soft and hard orthoses are distinguished. The former have an average level of fixation, while the latter have a strong one. In addition, intermediate models are distinguished. A striking example is the semi-rigid ankle orthosis with a strong degree of fixation, which in its design resembles an elastic boot embedded in a plastic heel counter. To fix this device on the leg, it has comfortable adjusting straps.

    Depending on the model, each orthopedic ankle brace may consist of various additional elements:

    • Pneumatic chambers. They help to choose the optimal force of impact on the problem area.
    • Gel pads and silicone inserts. With their help, you can increase the level of comfort when wearing the product.
    • Metal plates. Used in products to provide increased rigidity;
    • Lacing and straps. They help to fit the device to the leg as tightly as possible.

    A special group of products is represented by detachable models of children's ankle orthoses, in the design of which hinges are provided, allowing you to increase the size of the product as the child grows up.

    Drop foot support

    It is also impossible not to mention the models intended for wearing with flaccid paralysis and sagging foot syndrome. In the design of such models, there are two parts that are completely independent, but at the same time a special elastic cord of flexible length is used here to fasten them to each other. With the help of such a bandage, you can raise the foot from the surface of the ground and create conditions for flexion of the ankle.

    To maintain the normal condition of the ankle joint with signs of a sagging foot and chronic joint instability, as well as in the presence of damage to the ligaments of the lateral ankle, a dynamic fixator is provided here. It is made in the form of a rigid base, passing behind the leg, equipped with a set of straps that are fixed around the ankle and foot. Using such a bandage on the foot, it is possible to restore the work of the musculoskeletal system.

    Specialists highlight many situations, in which the use of an orthopedic ankle orthosis is indicated. The most common ones are the following:

    The use of an ankle brace is contraindicated in the same situations as always: the presence of open wounds at the point of contact of the product, including inflammatory skin diseases, individual intolerance to the materials from which the fixative is made.

    Before using an orthosis, you should ask your healthcare professional who is knowledgeable about your medical history about the contraindications.

    How to choose the right ankle brace?

    In order for the immobilizing ankle brace to only benefit you, you must choose it taking into account the recommendations of specialists, which means that it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the patient's condition: age, weight, degree of damage and stage of chronic disease. If the patient presents with a minor problem, then usually a soft ankle orthosis on the joint is sufficient. If the damage was severe, then use a rigid orthosis.

    After the patient learns about the most important parameters that a suitable ankle joint brace should have, he can go to the orthopedic salon to purchase it.

    When choosing a suitable size, the following parameters must be determined in advance:

    • shoe size;
    • ankle girth;
    • shin volume;
    • ankle volume.

    Sometimes it happens that after calculations, a size is obtained that is in the middle of the dimensional grid shown on the package. In this case, it is preferable to purchase an ankle orthosis for the joint with a smaller size. It is pointless to use an orthosis that is large. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to fix it correctly, which means that he will not be able to help the problem area.

    Experts recommend buying an ankle orthosis for a joint in specialized orthopedic salons. They will be able to offer a wide selection of different models, as well as allow you to try them on in order to understand how comfortable you feel in them. Be sure to ask for a certificate for the purchased ankle orthosis for the joint, and also carefully study the orthosis itself - it must have a structure without damage, all fasteners and fasteners must be in working order.

    Naturally, many people often pay attention to the cost of an ankle orthosis on the joint, however this is not the case when you need to save... Moreover, if you are going to wear the retainer for a long time. Keep in mind that when choosing a fixture with additional features, it will usually be more expensive than standard models. However, by overpaying, you get the opportunity to feel more comfortable.

    So that when wearing an ankle brace, you felt less inconvenience, the following tips will help you:

    It usually takes a different amount of time for the leg to get used to the brace - from 1 to 6 weeks... The same time is needed in order to wean oneself from this product.

    Keep in mind that after removing the retainer, you may find redness on your leg, as well as discomfort in the form of pain. But most often after 15-25 minutes they pass. If symptoms persist and the pain gets worse, then you should temporarily stop using the orthosis and immediately consult a podiatrist to find out the cause of your condition.


    In the life of every person, injuries sometimes occur, but the most unpleasant when they are associated with the ankle joint. It may seriously complicate movement... In such cases, a remedy is required that will help to reduce the load and alleviate pain discomfort during treatment. Such a task is within the power of an ankle orthosis, which perfectly fixes it and thereby reduces the manifestation of pain.

    Given the importance of this device, it is necessary to choose it only on the recommendation of a specialist. Therefore, you should not immediately go to the orthopedic salon and look for a suitable model... First, you will need to undergo the necessary examination so that the specialist has the most complete picture of the condition of your ankle and, based on the available data, gives you recommendations on choosing an orthopedic product.


    general information

    Ankle brace is an external orthopedic device for restoring the functions of the skeletal and neuromuscular systems of the leg. It helps to unload, fix the ankle and correct the functions of the damaged part of the leg.

    For the manufacture, durable substrates are used, containing carbon fiber, thermoplastic, metal, elastic non-allergenic fabrics. The design and manufacture of an orthosis requires knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics, engineering skills, and an understanding of physiology.

    A special boot made of durable medical material, with fastenings in the form of elastic bands or laces, is put on the ankle and securely fixes the leg. At the same time, it allows you to actively move. When using it, puffiness is removed, pain syndrome decreases, blood supply to the damaged area improves.

    The ankle brace is an effective tool for reducing injury and treating the ankle. In medicine, it is actively used to recover from various injuries and diseases of the soft and bone tissues of the joint. It is popular among athletes to prevent injury under heavy loads during intense training.

    Sometimes specialists have to create individual models, thanks to which patients regain freedom of movement.


    Manufacturers produce many models of orthopedic retainers that are designed to meet various needs. In addition to size, color and shape, they differ in purpose, design and rigidity.

    According to the method of appointment, orthoses for the ankle perform unloading, corrective, regulating, fixing functions. This is reflected in reducing the load on the ankle area, eliminating foot deformities, immobilizing the inflamed joint, and ensuring leg mobility.

    Depending on the design, ankle braces are available with or without hinges. The hinges give mobility, and the non-hinged version smoothly corrects the deformity of the foot.

    According to the type of rigidity, they are divided into soft, semi-rigid and rigid models. We will consider them in more detail.

    The soft-retained models include orthoses similar to fabric braces to protect the musculoskeletal system. Their function is to easily fix the joint.

    Ankle soft orthosis is used for prophylaxis during physical exertion. Support and compression prevent microtrauma and overload of tendons and ligaments. They are prescribed by the orthopedic surgeon based on the size and fit.

    1. The products are easy to use and do not require any special maintenance.
    2. Easy to wash in soapy water and dry flat at room temperature.
    3. There are no contraindications.
    4. Such models are put on independently and can be combined with everyday shoes.

    Feels like the ankle orthosis is soft, and outwardly looks like a tight sock or boot with wide fixing bands. It covers the entire ankle and half of the foot. Some models have silicone inserts, laces or Velcro.

    The choice of the model depends on the tasks set by the doctor.

    Rigid fixation provides complete limitation of joint mobility. Such an orthosis has a rigid base and is equipped with a fabric lining. It is intended for the restoration of a joint after surgery or treatment in which motor function is excluded.

    The complex design includes:

    • Plates made of metal or durable plastic.
    • Stiffening rib.
    • Adjustable hinges.
    • Elastic splints or other strong fixings.

    Despite the complexity and rigidity of the structure, the orthosis is quite comfortable. In its manufacture, modern durable plastic is used. Such a device allows you to use a regular pair of shoes.

    In case of complete dislocation of the ankle or fracture, a derotation or plastic boot is also recommended. This is a type of rigid ankle orthosis that completely excludes the mobility of the affected joint.


    Semi-rigid or medium fixation includes products that have additional parts. These can be fixing straps, inserts for sealing, lacing. Such clamps partially restrict movement, accelerate recovery processes and relieve stress from the injured joint. They are recommended to be worn during the entire recovery period. Also, corrective orthoses are prescribed to correct deformed areas.

    1. You can take off at night, wash your feet, put on with shoes.
    2. Such a product is durable and will last a long time.
    3. At first, the patient pays attention to the retainer, but over time this discomfort disappears.

    The semi-rigid ankle brace can replace a plaster cast. It repeats the anatomical structure of the leg and does not injure the skin.


    For a long recovery period, orthoses with adjustable fixation are considered more comfortable. Adjustable hinges keep the bones of the joint in position. The angle and range of mobility is gradually changing. The removable mount allows you to simulate the position of the leg during the entire rehabilitation period.

    An adjustable apparatus is designed for various purposes. It performs:

    • Preventive.
    • Rehabilitation.
    • Functional task.

    Preventive models work to prevent damage. Rehabilitation types are worn to recover from injuries and illnesses. Functional orthoses are recommended in difficult cases where permanent fixation needs to be adjusted.

    Children's models are intended for the treatment of congenital deformities of the lower extremities, rickets. Babies are assigned soft orthoses with silicone parts. Difficult cases require a rigid bandage.

    The fixing band is designed in a special way. In addition to the individual characteristics of the child, he takes into account the gradual growth of bones and the development of ligaments. It is better to make such ankle orthoses to order or purchase from serious manufacturers.

    When buying a product, be sure to try it on in order to appreciate the comfort. It is also necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. The device itself must be new, fully equipped with fasteners and fasteners.

    For orthopedic products, certificates and instructions are required in the language of the country in which they are sold.

    The ankle is a complex block-shaped articulation. His work involves the talus, tibia and fibula. In addition to the motor load, the mass of the whole body presses on the joint. Therefore, the main problems that the orthosis solves:

    • Inflammation with degeneration of soft tissues.
    • Arthritis, arthrosis.
    • Ankle fracture.
    • Diseases of the tibia.
    • Dislocation or sprain.
    • Bruise, fracture.
    • Rupture or wear of tendons or ligaments.
    • Ankle disorder in a child.
    • Postoperative period.
    • Prevention of injuries.
    • Load on the ankle due to flat feet, overweight.

    Ankle braces actively contribute to the rehabilitation of such diseases. They allow you to reduce the load on the joint, fix the leg, redistribute pressure and restore motor activity. Ankle devices are selected by an orthopedist or traumatologist.

    How to choose?

    Having appeared recently, orthoses very quickly proved their necessity and advantage over bandaging and plaster. In addition to stabilizing the joint, limiting stress and protecting against fatigue, they help to strengthen the ligaments and eliminate pain.

    For a bone or a damaged tendon to heal without consequences, it is necessary to create certain conditions for recovery. One of these conditions is the stabilization of the damaged organ.

    An ankle brace can sometimes even be an alternative to surgery.

    The best recommendation for choosing a model can only be given by a doctor. The main parameters taken into account when prescribing are age, weight, stage of the disease or the degree of injury. For small problems, soft options are usually used. For serious cases, rigid structures are provided.

    To select a model, in addition to shoe size, other data will be required. The girths should be measured:

    The obtained data should be correlated with the size range on the product packaging. If the parameters are between two sizes, it is better to choose the smaller one. The larger model will not be able to firmly fix the leg and will not help in any way.

    How to wear?

    To understand how to wear an ankle brace, you need to see an orthopedic surgeon. He will explain the principle of action and adjust the duration of use.

    Some features of getting used to the fixative should be taken into account:

    • The orthosis is put on a seamless cotton sock.
    • The wearing time starts with short periods of getting used to, and gradually increases.
    • On the first day, trying on and a short stay in the orthosis is recommended so that the ankle adapts to the new sensations.
    • Starting from the second day, you need to increase the wearing time and load.
    • You need to choose shoes. Fits with sticky tapes or lacing.
    • The wearing of the orthosis should be completed gradually.

    The habituation period is different for everyone, and can vary from one week to two months. The withdrawal may take the same amount of time.

    After wearing the orthosis, the leg may develop redness or mild pain. It goes away within half an hour. If not, then it is better to put the product aside and consult a doctor again.

    Can I do it myself?

    DIY is not recommended. Only a qualified specialist who knows the anatomy of the structure of the human body, who understands the interconnection of joints, ligaments and muscles, can make an effective fixator. Certain sizes, proportions, materials and equipment should facilitate recovery and not prolong the rehabilitation process.

    Orthopedic products are made to order in orthopedic workshops or sold in specialized salons.

    The correct choice of orthosis will help restore health and achieve maximum effect in the shortest possible time. By listening to the recommendations of doctors and observing all the prescriptions, you can fully return to physical activity and easily enter the previous rhythm of life.

    The ankle joint plays the role of a movable joint, provides movement, and contributes to the distribution of body weight from the heel to the toes of the foot. Due to the increased stress, the ankle joints are susceptible to various kinds of damage. One effective product will help both in the prevention of injuries and their treatment - a cut for the ankle joint.

    The main functions of the ankle cut include: fixing the joint, minimizing the load, ensuring rest. In addition, the retainer helps to eliminate pain in the damaged area, as well as warming it. The ankle cut can be used as a primary treatment for fractures and other injuries of the ankle, and as a preventive measure against injuries during sports activities.

    Ankle brace: classification, varieties

    There are a significant number of different orthopedic orthoses that are used to treat and prevent all kinds of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. There are orthoses for the spinal column, upper and lower extremities.

    Ankle braces are:

    • preventive - prevent injuries to the ankle;
    • treatment and rehabilitation - are prescribed for the treatment of fractures and various diseases, as well as to minimize complications;
    • functional - they are used constantly and contribute to the maximum provision of movement in case of irreversible changes in the joints.

    The ankle brace can have different degrees of rigidity and be:

    • soft - removable cloth device;
    • medium hardness - equipped with lacing and straps that act as an elastic bandage. In addition, this orthosis has inserts made of metal, plastic and plates;
    • rigid - equipped with plastic inserts and elastic tires. The special arrangement and arrangement of parts ensures sufficient fixation of the ankle joint, foot and near the located areas of the ankle.

    As for the preference of the device, then everything will depend on the nature of the injury. For example, a soft retainer is used to prevent fractures and sprains of the ankle, semi-rigid and hard - to treat various ailments of the ankle.

    In addition, there is also a dynamic orthosis designed for muscular stabilization of the ankle. Wearing a dynamic retainer is assigned:

    1. After ankle surgery.
    2. With tendomyopathy and degenerative lesions of the ligaments.

    Ankle orthoses are also classified according to the type of manufacture. They may be:

    Serial are already finished products. They are usually sold in specialized stores.

    As for prefabricated modular, such fixation devices have a complex design and are assembled directly on the patient's limb. An individual orthosis is made to order. The prices for such fixation products are very high. But there is a guarantee of a more reliable fixation of the joint.

    Indications for the use of an orthopedic fixation

    One of the most important areas of therapy for pathologies, injuries and fractures of the ankle is the maximum limitation of the load and rest of the affected joint. Ankle brace is prescribed for the following pathologies:

    • with damage to the Achilles tendon;
    • in the recovery period after a fracture, dislocation or subluxation;
    • with damage to the ligamentous apparatus;
    • secondary instability of the ankle joint due to extra-articular ailment: the presence of obesity, flat feet, Halus-Valgus;
    • with degenerative, dystrophic processes and inflammation;
    • for childhood pathologies: rickets and some congenital anomalies, for example, ankle dysplasia;
    • with paralysis and cuts after various reconstructive and restorative surgical interventions;

    Wearing an ankle brace helps:

    1. Ankle stabilization.
    2. Reducing the load.
    3. Strengthening the tendons, muscles, ligaments.
    4. Minimization and complete elimination of puffiness and soreness.
    5. An increase in the range of motion in the ankle joint.

    Such products were invented and put into practice relatively recently. Previously, joints were immobilized with bandages using regular or elastic bandages, or plaster.

    Such a device, undoubtedly, has advantages over the use of plaster and bandage. Compared to plastering, the device creates a more reliable fixation. In addition, when wearing an orthosis, the ankle area does not completely close, which makes it possible to carry out therapeutic measures.

    As for the shortcomings, although they are insignificant, they are still there. The brace should not be worn for open ankle fractures or bleeding wounds. Yes, and a fresh closed fracture is first best immobilized with a plaster cast, and the orthosis is already used for bone fusion.

    Some people believe that an ankle brace causes muscle wasting. Such statements are unfounded, because wearing a brace, on the contrary, helps to strengthen the muscles. The main thing is to choose it correctly.

    How long should the retainer be used?

    The duration of wearing the bandage is selected purely individually and depends on the degree of injury or fracture of the ankle. It can be a week or a month or two. For the treatment of minor injuries or prevention, devices are used that do not limit the mobility of the joint and make it possible to live a normal life. The elastic clip can be easily hidden under clothing. In addition, it does not cause discomfort.

    For more severe injuries, the use of a semi-rigid or rigid ankle orthosis is prescribed. Such devices require: adherence to bed rest, maximum rest, wearing comfortable shoes that do not squeeze the feet and do not restrict movement.

    Which device should you choose?

    It is impossible to say exactly which of the fixing devices is better. It is recommended to use an ankle orthosis only after prior consultation and the appointment of a specialist. In any case, everything will depend on the quality of the product, the presence or absence of additional elements on it: lacing, straps. So, for example, when choosing a children's device, the characteristics of the growing feet and bones should be taken into account. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase a children's orthosis to order, and after a doctor's appointment.

    Although Orlett children's products are in no way inferior to individual ones. Such devices are made of high quality materials, equipped with stiffening ribs and lacing, and contribute to reliable fixation of the joint.

    Psychologists say that wearing such products contributes not only to the improvement of the physical, but also the mental state after an injury. In addition, the use of a retainer equipped with all sorts of additional elements, for example, lacing and stiffening ribs, makes it possible to independently adjust the fixation and helps to reduce pain and swelling in the ankle.

    However, choosing a device on your own or wearing it for more than the prescribed period is not recommended, since this can slow down the recovery process, or, even worse, aggravate the pathology. That is why it is necessary to purchase an orthosis after consulting a doctor. Only a doctor can choose the right product.

    Do you want to receive the same treatment, ask us how?

    The ankle joint is one of the most vulnerable parts of our body. In order to damage it, it is not necessary to engage in heavy traumatic sports. The joint is subjected to heavy stress on a daily basis and can be damaged as a result of injury, inadequate stress distribution or other diseases.

    Orthoses are used to treat and prevent various injuries of the ankle joint.

    What are ankle braces?

    An orthosis is a fixation device that follows the contours of the ankle joint, with the help of which it is possible to fix the position of the joint and foot. It looks like a sock or a boot, the toes are usually open. The orthosis is made of synthetic or cotton elastic fabrics, plastic, metal and is fixed with fasteners, Velcro or lacing.

    Depending on the purpose, ankle orthoses are divided into preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation and functional (used for irreversible changes in the joint all the time). In addition, orthoses have different degrees of fixation: soft, semi-rigid and rigid.

    • inflammation in the ankle region: arthritis and arthrosis;
    • damage to ligaments and tendons;
    • recovery after dislocations, fractures and operations;
    • secondary instability of the ankle;
    • congenital anomalies;
    • leg paralysis;
    • prevention of ankle injuries in athletes.
    • joint stabilization;
    • reducing the load on the ankle joint;
    • strengthening muscles, ligaments and tendons;
    • decrease in pain;
    • reduction of edema.

    Ankle orthoses allow to shorten the rehabilitation period and contribute to the rapid recovery of the damaged area. Their use should be prescribed by an orthopedic doctor.

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    The ankle joint is actively involved in many human movements. Therefore, his injuries and damage to the ligaments in this area are very common. Even walking can be traumatized, not to mention more vigorous movements. The problem becomes especially urgent for athletes, whose joints bear a much greater load than the joints of ordinary people. It is worth noting that approximately one in five sports injuries are associated with an ankle injury.

    A special ankle orthosis helps to cope with the consequences of such injuries, to help with rehabilitation, prevention and treatment. An ankle brace may be required in the following cases:

    1. During recovery from surgery;
    2. With ankle injuries that appeared after removing the cast;
    3. With arthritis / arthrosis of the joints;
    4. When the ligaments are stretched;
    5. With high loads on the joints (This often happens in athletes and people engaged in physical labor);
    6. With congenital diseases of the ankle;
    7. With a sagging foot
    8. With an ankle fracture;

    Ankle braces differ in fixation rigidity, materials used and design features. According to the degree of rigidity, the following models are distinguished:

    Light fixation ankle brace

    Bandages of light fixation help with minor injuries to the ligaments of the joint and the joint capsule. They help to evenly distribute the load, have a massage effect, partially fix the foot, ankle and the Achilles tendon. If you order special heating materials, the ankle brace can additionally warm up the ligaments and joints, thereby speeding up the recovery process. For protection from external factors, a number of models are equipped with silicone protectors. Athletes often use lightweight braces to prevent injury and relapse.

    Medium fixation ankle brace

    Products of this type have special stiffening ribs, which provide the required level of fixation. Such models are suitable for recovery after wearing immobilizing dressings, injuries, operations, for diseases of arthrosis, arthritis, etc.

    Strong ankle brace

    A strong fixation orthosis is suitable for those who suffer from pathological instability of the ankle joint. Clamps with an adjustable hinge are able to accurately set the amplitude of flexion and extension, protecting the leg from injury.

    A soft ankle orthosis is more focused on warming up the ligaments, activating the desired muscles. Stiffer foot orthoses are suitable for repeated injuries. They create a frame that reliably fixes the foot and prevents it from getting damaged again. Sometimes soft and hard anchors are combined for more efficient and faster recovery.

    Depending on the stiffness, the orthosis can perform different functions:

    • A protective ankle joint is used for open fractures, has a bactericidal effect, does not allow contamination of skin lesions.
    • A medicated orthosis helps wounds heal faster.
    • The pressure retainer helps to stop the bleeding of small vessels.
    • The immobilizing bandage is used for dislocations, bruises and sprains. Very common among athletes.
    • Corrective bandage protects the foot in case of congenital abnormalities.

    The most complete answers to questions on the topic: "how to wear ankle orthosis correctly".

    Ankle brace is a special fixation device that is used to help restore the functions of the organs of the musculoskeletal system that have been lost for any reason.

    Its main purpose is to minimize joint pain. caused by arthritis, arthrosis of the ankle joint or various injuries and pathologies.

    This device is a kind of limitation of the injured limb, therefore its task # 8212; reduction of the load exerted on the joint. In addition, he warns against unwanted stretching and deformation of the ligaments. Currently, this fixative is intended to improve the course of the disease, as well as significantly accelerate the recovery time.

    Why is it needed

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    What is the ankle joint? This is the joint that connects the lower leg and foot together. It performs the main function when walking, that is, it contributes to the redistribution of weight and carries out a roll from the heel to the forefoot. As a result, this joint takes the weight of the entire human body. Therefore, the greater the mass, the greater the load.

    Although the ankle is a reliable and sturdy system, it is today that it is most at risk. This is primarily due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of sufficient physical activity on certain muscle groups and overweight.

    Nowadays, any little thing can cause damage to the ankle: wearing high heels, awkwardness, ice, rain and other conditions.

    Consequences of ankle injury

    Ankle injuries are a serious problem and require conservative and surgical treatment.

    Such injuries can often lead to disability. Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to consult a surgeon in a timely manner.

    To speed up the healing process, the joint is fixed with an orthosis. Today they are gaining more and more popularity, since they are better than other means capable of fixing a limb in the correct position.

    In addition, it is often used for routine prevention of injuries at work, sports or at home.

    Features of this device

    ankle and foot orthosis Orlett

    Today it is impossible to imagine the treatment of injured musculoskeletal system injuries without the use of an ankle orthosis.

    Its advantages include the rapid healing of torn ligaments, in comparison with a conventional bandage.

    So, for example, ankle treatment takes place within three weeks. When using a bandage, the healing process can take up to six weeks.

    In addition, another clear advantage is that, thanks to this fixation device, you can start walking almost immediately after the fracture, without using crutches.


    The orthosis is manufactured using the most modern technologies. For production, only durable and elastic materials are used. In its shape, the product resembles a sock.

    rigid orthosis (corset) for the ankle joint

    Ankle orthoses are divided into two types:

    By design, they are distinguished:

    • orthoses reinforced with metal splints or plastic inserts;
    • belt orthoses;
    • cord orthoses.

    The device is designed in such a way that under no circumstances is it capable of causing an allergic reaction in a patient. In addition, it completely repeats the shape of a human leg, which makes the fixation as comfortable as possible in this situation.

    In orthoses, a warming effect is used to speed up the process of ligament repair.


    Ankle fixation agents are used in case of instability of limb ligaments, as well as for prevention of sprains and edema. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a semi-rigid structure. The hard version should be used only with flaccid or partial paralysis, as well as after a fracture or rupture of ligaments.

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    The main load falls on the ankle, because it has to withstand the weight of the whole body and perform the main function while walking - to redistribute the weight and roll the foot from heel to toe. Therefore, it is with this joint that problems often arise, many of which can be solved with the help of an ankle orthosis. What functionality does its specific types have? How to choose and wear such a product correctly? And are there any contraindications that will not allow you to use the accessory?

    Why you need an ankle brace

    Many modern people are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle. They are primarily at risk, increasing the chance of developing chronic diseases or joint injuries. In addition, the ankle can be easily damaged by tucking a high heel or slipping during icy conditions. And also he is more prone to chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system than other joints: arthrosis, arthritis, etc.

    Ankle braces are used:

    • to prevent injuries, including during sports;
    • at the stage of rehabilitation after operations and injuries;
    • at moments of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    In all these cases, the orthosis helps to fix the joint with the necessary strength, thereby preventing sprains or fractures, reducing pain or speeding up the healing process.

    When using an orthosis, the restoration of stretched ligaments occurs in 3 weeks, when applying a bandage - in 6 weeks. Another "plus": after a fracture in a rigid orthosis, you can walk almost immediately without using crutches.

    Types of ankle orthoses

    To achieve the desired effect, doctors use various models that can be classified according to various parameters.

    Material and degree of fixation

    Ankle brace is made of elastic fabric or plastic. In the first case, it limits the mobility of the joint, relieves pain and eliminates swelling.

    The plastic ankle retainer completely immobilizes the problem area, contributing to the early recovery of muscle and bone tissue. He is appointed after complex operations and serious injuries.

    Soft orthoses have a medium degree of fixation, rigid ones - strong.

    There are also intermediate models. For example, a semi-rigid ankle orthosis with a strong degree of fixation is an elastic “boot” built into a plastic heel counter. This accessory is attached to the leg with the help of adjusting straps.

    The design of an orthopedic ankle brace can include various additional elements:

    • pneumatic chambers to adjust the force of impact on the problem area;
    • helium pad and silicone inserts to increase the comfort of the product;
    • metal plates to make the model more rigid;
    • lacing and straps for optimal fit of the retainer to the leg.

    Detachable models of children's ankle orthoses have hinges that help to increase the size of the product as the child grows.

    Separately, it should be said about the adaptations that are prescribed for flaccid paralysis and sagging foot syndrome. The foot support consists of two parts, which are independent of each other, but connected with a special elastic cord of adjustable length. This brace lifts the foot off the ground and flexes the ankle.

    For sagging feet and chronic instability of the ankle joint, as well as for lateral ankle ligament ruptures, a dynamic fixator is used. It consists of a rigid base that runs from the back of the leg (from the lower leg to the midfoot) and a set of straps that attach around the ankle and foot. Such a bandage on the foot allows you to restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

    Indications and contraindications for use

    There are a lot of cases when an orthopedic ankle brace is prescribed. We list only the most common situations:

    • injury to muscles and ligaments (sprains), orthosis for ankle fractures;
    • chronic diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, including those accompanied by edema;
    • ankle instability (moderate chronic or after injuries: subluxation, dislocation, etc.);
    • paralysis of the foot, including infantile cerebral palsy;
    • rehabilitation after surgery;
    • inflammation of the tendons;
    • prevention during sports training or during active physical work.

    Contraindications to wearing an ankle brace sound traditional: open wounds in the area where the product fits, including inflammatory skin diseases, as well as allergies to the materials from which the fixator is made.

    How to choose the right orthosis

    The immobilizing ankle brace should only be selected by a physician taking into account the characteristics of the patient's condition: age, weight, degree of injury or stage of chronic disease. For minor problems, orthopedists usually suggest using a soft ankle orthosis, in serious cases - a hard one.

    For the correct selection of the size, the following parameters should be measured:

    • shoe size;
    • ankle girth (narrowest part);
    • shin volume (midpoint between knee and ankle);
    • the volume of the ankle (under the bones).

    If the received dimensions are in the middle of the dimensional grid that you see on the package, it is better to buy the smaller one. An orthosis that is large will be of no use. It cannot be fixed correctly, so it will not help the problem area.

    It is better to purchase products in specialized orthopedic salons. There you can try on suitable models and evaluate their comfort. Do not forget to check the product certificates and carefully examine the orthosis for the integrity of the structure and the serviceability of all fasteners and fasteners.

    Of course, the price of an orthosis plays a huge role, but you shouldn't skimp on the purchase, especially if you have to use the brace for a long time. Usually, the cost increases with additional functions that will ease the condition and make life a little more comfortable.

    How to wear a brace

    There are some simple tips to help you use your brace more effectively for ankle problems:

    • put on the retainer while sitting on your leg in a cotton sock without seams;
    • the wearing time is determined by the attending physician: it is usually recommended to gradually get used to the orthotic, putting it on for an hour and a half to relieve the ankle;
    • you should not walk in an orthosis on the very first day: just try it on, sit, move your leg to feel how the joint behaves;
    • on the following days, increase both the time of wearing the orthosis and the load on the leg;
    • if you are allowed to wear a bandage in shoes, you will most likely have to purchase a new pair one and a half sizes larger, with Velcro or high lacing;
    • it is necessary to gradually abandon the orthosis, if such is the requirement of the doctor.

    The time it takes to get used to the orthotic for ankle problems can last from 1 to 6 weeks. The same amount will have to be weaned.

    Please note that reddish spots and minor pain may remain on your leg after you remove the retainer. They should go away in 15-25 minutes. If the spots do not go away, and the pain is too bothersome, do not use the orthosis anymore, but seek a second consultation with an orthopedist.

    The right ankle brace can solve many problems. But only following the doctor's recommendations will allow you to achieve the maximum effect and save you from complications and new health problems.


    A person moves a lot during his life, and it often happens that he injures his limbs. Bruises, dislocations, fractures - all these are injuries leading to temporary disability. The main thing in such a situation is to consult a doctor on time and take urgent measures. Very often there are household or sports injuries of the ankle joint - the movable part between the foot and lower leg.

    The ankle is the place on our feet that involves the connection of many small bones, so it is more traumatic. Thanks to the ankle joint, the weight is evenly distributed from foot to foot when walking, creating conditions for us to walk easily, and it also helps us maintain balance and stability in body position. Nowadays, there is an excellent way to secure this place as much as possible, both for prevention and in case of injuries - this is an ankle orthosis. How does he work? Let's figure it out.

    What is an ankle orthosis for?

    In case of injury or heavy load on the ankle joint, it is required to fix it in the correct position in order to restore the normal functioning of the joint, eliminate its further deformation and rupture of the ligaments. For this, there is an orthopedic ankle orthosis. This remedy is widely used in medicine because it is effective, helps to restrict movement or completely immobilize the injured joint and, fix the joint and, in turn, speed up recovery.

    Types of ankle orthoses

    There are many types of ankle braces. The doctor will tell you which one to apply during the examination, depending on the severity of your injury. Orthoses differ:

    • by material of manufacture;
    • by the degree of fixation;
    • by structure.

    There are two main types of material from which the orthosis can be made. It is a medical elastic and plastic. Elastic cuts are used to restrict the movement of the ankle, for medium fixation, to relieve pain and swelling. Plastic orthoses are used for more severe injuries, for complete immobilization of the joint and for proper fusion of bones or ligaments.

    Also, the structure of the orthosis can be equipped with gel pads, silicone or metal inserts, lacing, straps. This is done to make it easier to wear and contributes to a tighter fit of the injured area, creates a thermal therapeutic effect. The shape of the orthosis resembles a sock, golf or boots. This design is well ventilated and does not cause allergies. Some models of children's orthoses can grow with the child's leg and come with a special brace.

    Indications for the use of ankle cut

    • Stretching of muscles and ligaments of varying severity
    • Ankle injury.
    • Arthritis and arthrosis, bursitis, including edema caused by these diseases.
    • Unstable position of the ankle joint after previous injuries: dislocations, subluxations, as well as moderate chronic instability of the joint.
    • Paralysis of the foot of various etiologies, including infantile cerebral palsy.
    • Rehabilitation after joint surgery and removal of a cast or splint.
    • Inflammation of the tendons around the joint.
    • Prevention of injuries during sports or increased stress on the ankle.

    How to choose an ankle brace

    When choosing an ankle brace, you need to take into account some parameters that will ensure a comfortable fit and a quick recovery.

    1. Shoe size. This is the main parameter that is taken into account when choosing an orthosis.
    2. The circumference of the ankle is the narrowest part of the leg.
    3. Calf circumference. Measured midway between the ankle and knee.
    4. Ankle circumference. Measured below the bone.

    A size chart is included in the instructions for use of the ankle brace. If your data is on the border of two sizes, you should give preference to the smaller side, otherwise there is a high probability of a loose fit, and, as a result, improper fixation and fusion of ligaments or joint bones.

    Naturally, the severity of the injury should be taken into account when choosing an ankle orthosis. For mild joint damage or for the prevention of injuries, soft elastic orthoses are suitable, which contribute to medium fixation and support of the ankle and an even distribution of the load. In more severe cases, it is necessary to use plastic orthoses with straps or tight lacing. This is done in cases where it is impossible to transfer weight to the affected leg when walking, when strong fixation of the joint is required, ensuring its complete immobilization.

    Rules for using the ankle brace

    • It is recommended to put on the ankle while sitting, after putting on a smooth sock on the leg. After you make sure that the heel is in its rightful place, you should firmly fix it around the leg: pull, lace up, tighten with straps, if any. Shoes should be worn when using an elastic brace, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. It is necessary to buy shoes with fitting, so that there is no feeling of constriction and discomfort. It must have a closed toe and heel, a heel no higher than 1.5 centimeters and a removable insole. It is better to choose shoes with Velcro or lacing under the ankle. The higher the lacing, the better.
    • Ankle brace should be worn strictly on the recommendation of a doctor, and start gradually. The first days - the days of getting used to it - are especially important. First put on the orthosis for 1 hour, reduce activity, feel your leg in this device. On the second day, increase your ankle length and walk around. On the third day, also increasing the time, increase the load. The habit usually lasts 1 to 6 weeks, but this depends on the severity of the injury and whether the ankle is hard or soft.
    • Pain when wearing an ankle brace. If you feel any discomfort when using the brace, you need to remove it and examine the leg. Reddish spots in the ankle area are considered normal, which should go away in 20 minutes. Also, minor pain should not cause you concern. This is a sign of addiction. But if the spots and pain do not go away after 20 minutes, then you should consult an orthopedist, perhaps the ankle brace is chosen incorrectly or requires adjustment.
    • Take care of your skin when wearing an ankle brace. It should be checked regularly for irritation, unhealthy redness and breakouts. This may indicate allergic reactions, poor hygiene, or other troubles. The foot must be washed daily, under the ankle, put on cotton socks, with an elastic band 5 centimeters above the edge of the orthosis to avoid chafing. Patients with diabetes mellitus hygiene of a sore leg is necessary first of all, you should also rub your leg before putting on the ankle with special creams.
    • The orthosis should be washed in warm water and soap once a week. For people with heavy sweating - 2-3 times a week. You need to dry it at room temperature, in no case with a hairdryer.

    It must be remembered that all stages of treatment of a particular disease must be taken seriously, followed by the doctor's recommendations and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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