Home Mushrooms Do Irina Nelson have children? Biography and personal life of Irina Nelson. The beginning of a musical career

Do Irina Nelson have children? Biography and personal life of Irina Nelson. The beginning of a musical career

Externally, she successfully graduated from a music school in her hometown. Immediately after graduating from school at the age of seventeen, against the will of her parents, she ran away from home to unfamiliar and alien Novosibirsk in order to realize her dream - to continue studying music.

While studying at the Novosibirsk School of Music, she became seriously interested in jazz. As a session vocalist of the Electroversion group she recorded the album Evening with Diana. Irina chooses the pseudonym "Diana" as a tribute to the singer Diana Ross, who fell in love with Nelson with the charm of her recognizable and flexible voice. In 1992 she began performing under the pseudonym "Diana" already as a solo performer. In 1999, Irina left the stage and left Russia. In 2000, she created the Reflex dance group, which quickly became one of the most sought-after and titled pop formations on the Russian stage and won 17 national awards.

In 2007, Irina Nelson left the group and again left the stage. In 2009, she released her first English-language single, "Sunrise", which was an international success and reached number 35 on the Billboard Hot Dance / Club Songs chart. On February 1, 2012, Irina Nelson decides to combine her solo career with participation in the Reflex group as the main vocalist. Thus, the legendary duo Reflex reunited again, and Irina Nelson again becomes its leader. In parallel, the singer is preparing for the world premiere of her solo album "Sun generation", which will take place in March 2012 in the USA.

Irina Nelson was involved in the world of beauty from early childhood. Her first musical impressions are associated with her grandmother who often sang Ukrainian songs and her mother, who had a beautiful timbre of voice, who loved to sing romances and ethnic melodies during the frequent visits of guests. From the teacher of the music school where Irina studied, she inherited a love for Scandinavian motives and classical music. Ira quickly won her first popularity among friends and school acquaintances, performing at home and in a school ensemble popular Western hits, among which her favorites were songs of the ABBA group.

After the 10th grade, Nelson entered the Novosibirsk Music School, where he continued his studies as a piano teacher. The compulsory program included visits to concerts of academic music and opera houses, thanks to which Irina, from an early age, was well versed in polyphony, complex sizes, harmonies and structural forms, managing, despite the geographical distance from the capital, to keep abreast of fashionable musical trends. Irina's voice and artistry impressed the head of the jazz orchestra, who immediately invited her to become a soloist. Over time, the popularity of the big band gradually goes beyond the walls of the school

During this period, Irina listens to a lot of opera music performed by her favorite singers Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland, later she became interested in rock and art-rock - such groups as King Crimson, Yes, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and many others appear in her library. Inspired by rock classics, Irina assembles an ensemble, where she performs songs of her own composition. At the same time she wrote the compositions "The Winner" and "When Apples Fall to the Sky", to which she will return later, while working on her soft-rock material.

Diana Project

While still studying at a music school and touring with her jazz band across the expanses of the Soviet Union, Irina Nelson receives an offer for cooperation from the musician and composer Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Tyurin, with whom she begins to work on the creation of the Diana project. Irina chooses a pseudonym in tribute to the singer Diana Ross, who fell in love with Nelson with the charm of her recognizable and flexible voice. The pop project Diana was a great success, thanks to the memorable timbre of the voice, the theme of the songs, understandable to the people, and the bright, shocking image of the soloist. Having released in 1993-1997 6 successful records sold in millions of copies, an album of remixes, a collection of "The Best of Diana", and having carried out a tour, Irina stopped solo performances and left with Vyacheslav for Germany.


The idea of ​​a new project Reflex was born in Germany. In 2000, Reflex's first single "Far Light" topped the EuroHit Top-40 of the Europe + radio. In 2000, the group won the first Music Catwalk award for Most Fashionable Achievement in Music.

During Irina's work in the team, he received such honorary awards as the national award "Ovation" (song "Go crazy", 2001), two radio awards "Stopudovy Hit" (for the songs "Stars fell"), two titles "Bomb of the Year" as the most popular group among young people, three national awards "Golden Gramophone" (for the song "Go crazy"), "The Popov Award in the field of radio broadcasting" as the most frequently rotated group on radio stations in Russia, two awards from the largest circulation newspaper in Russia "MK" - "ZD Awards" in the category "Best Dance Project" and many others.


In early 2007, Irina Nelson entered the top 100 most beautiful women in the Universe according to FHM magazine. While working in the Reflex group, Irina and Vyacheslav recorded the hit "Go crazy", which lasted for several months in the top charts. In 2002, the creative duo formed the record company REFLEXMUSIC, where two years later Paul van Dyk released the Russian release of his album “Reflection”. In early 2007, according to the results of a survey conducted by the weekly "7 days" and Gallop Media, Reflex was recognized as the most coveted group among more than 20 million Russians, took third place in the rating of 50 Russian groups and tenth among the presented artists of the country (100 personalities ). During the presentation of the third Golden Gramophone to the Reflex group, Irina, right on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, on the air of Channel One, announces her departure from the group, explaining her decision by the fact that she felt cramped as part of the role of the leader of the pop group.

On February 1, 2012, Irina Nelson decides to combine her solo career with participation in the Reflex group as the main vocalist. Thus, the legendary duo Reflex reunited again, and Irina Nelson again becomes its leader.

In 2007 Irina Nelson took a time out and went to work for an international recording studio in Dubai, which was headed by musician and composer Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Tyurin. In the same year, according to the results of a survey conducted by the weekly "7 days" and Gallop Media, the group "Reflex" was recognized as the most coveted group among more than 20 million Russians, took third place in the rating of 50 Russian groups and tenth among the presented artists of the country (100 personalities).

Leaving the Reflex group for Irina was a planned and conscious decision, as she felt a great

In 2007 Irina Nelson took a time-out and went to work for an international recording studio in Dubai, which was headed by musician and composer Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Tyurin. In the same year, according to the results of a poll conducted by the weekly 7 Days and Gallop Media, the Reflex group was recognized as the most coveted group among more than 20 million Russians.

In 2007 Irina Nelson took a time out and went to work for an international recording studio in Dubai, which was headed by musician and composer Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Tyurin. In the same year, according to the results of a survey conducted by the weekly "7 days" and Gallop Media, the group "Reflex" was recognized as the most coveted group among more than 20 million Russians, took third place in the rating of 50 Russian groups and tenth among the presented artists of the country (100 personalities).

Leaving the Reflex group for Irina was a planned and conscious decision, as she felt a great

Yoga in life

Irina Nelson

Irina Nelson is a professional Kundalini Yoga teacher. She has an international diploma, which she received after completing special training at the Kundalini Research Institute in Los Angeles. Has been practicing yoga for over ten years. Irina is a supporter of veganism, the most consistent form of vegetarianism. She only eats fruits, vegetables, legumes and milk, and plans to open her own yoga studio in the future.


2001 - Meet a new day

2001 - Go crazy

2002 - I will always wait for you

2002 - This is love

2005 - Lyrics "I Love"

2005 - Pulse

2006 - Harem (Lounge & Chillout)

2011 - Sun Generation

2014 - Memories of the future

2014 - I pray for you (feat Denis Klyaver)

2015 - Adult girls

What does a stellar biography conceal? Irina Nelson (Tereshina) was born in the city of Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region. According to some sources, her date of birth is April 19, 1972, while other sources say that it was 1962. By the way, the year of birth is not the only controversial moment in the history of the singer's life.

Biography. Irina Nelson in youth

The future singer always knew that she wanted to connect her life with music. In her hometown, she graduated from a music school as an external student and ran away from home at the age of 17. Brave and desperate Irina decided that her life would be more successful and better in Novosibirsk. In an unfamiliar city, she entered a music school and began an independent life. In her youth, the singer was fond of jazz, after the Yalta-91 competition, Vyacheslav Tyurin invited her to the Electroversion group. Together they recorded the album "Evening with Diana". In the 90s she began her solo career under the pseudonym "Diana". The girl managed to go abroad and work there. In 2000, Irina Nelson returned to Russia and, together with Tyurin, founded the Reflex group.

Biography. Irina Nelson and "Reflex"

The idea of ​​creating a group came to Irina in Germany. So, already in 2000, their first track "Far Light" was recorded, which became successful on many radio stations. In a matter of months, the group reaches the top of the best in the country, collects the awards "Ovation", "Stopudovy Hit", "Muz-TV Prize" and so on. In 2003, the team achieved international fame. The girls represented Russia at the Pop Komm festival in Cologne. Dance music conquered Paul Van Dyck himself. At home, "Reflex" was insanely popular among young people. The group's compositions sounded on radio and television, the songs were known by heart. Young girls tried to parody the aggressive sexuality of pretty blondes, and men - soloists.

Biography. Irina Nelson. Return to solo career

In 2007, on stage during the presentation of the Golden Gramophone award, Irina announces to the public about her decision to leave the group. The girl wished to return to her solo works, and was convinced that "Reflex" no longer allowed her to be creatively realized.

For a while, Irina flies from the country to Dubai, where she begins her solo career. As the singer herself says about the time spent abroad, it was a time-out, drawing inspiration. She listened to different music and immersed herself in creativity. The singer studied vocals with international professionals and recorded songs. Irina Nelson, whose biography has always had many dark spots, is silent and hides a lot from fans. Nevertheless, we see the fruits of her creativity and we know that the girl continues her singing activity.

Irina Nelson. Biography. Children

Little is known about the girl's personal life. Nevertheless, we know that Irina is happily married to her producer Alexander Tyurin. The singer has an adult son from her first marriage. In her free time from work, the girl does yoga and writes poetry. It is also interesting that for a long time the singer gave up meat and now consumes exclusively vegetarian food.

41 is not an age for a modern woman! And yet, not everyone can boast of such an excellent physical form as the soloist of the group "Reflex" Irina Nelson.

- Irina, now your weight with a height of 165 centimeters is 50 kilograms. You are probably lucky with genes?

This is not so - my mother is quite plump. The way I look is the result of my long and constant work, and not at all a gift from nature ... At 16 I was an ugly duckling - a stooped teenager.

Photo: Mikhail Klyuev

She weighed 58 kilograms, did not enjoy success with the boys, which is why she suffered a lot. But what is the reason, I did not understand. And then one day my beloved teacher from a music school and I walked the streets of our hometown of Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region. We pass the store, and there are huge glass windows, and suddenly my companion looked at our reflection and sighed: “Baby, how awful you are walking ...” And suddenly my eyes opened: I saw that I was slouching, waving my arms wide. It was a shock! Since then, I have been monitoring my posture and gait. It seems to be a trifle - the chin is higher, the shoulders are raised, and this immediately changes the attitude. So the secretary from "Office Romance" is right, that for a woman the main thing is "the plastic of a panther before the jump." And then my profession, the scene influenced my appearance.

Photo: Photo from the personal archive of Irina Nelson

And also yoga.

- How long have you been doing yoga?

Almost since then, as Slava and I (husband and producer Vyacheslav Tyurin. - Ed.) Arrived in Moscow. We had three hundred dollars for two, of which one hundred immediately went to pay for a rented apartment. Nobody was waiting for us here, no one supported us. And we still had to help our parents, my sister - she is an invalid ... It was very difficult to withstand. But I found a way to temper my character - I discovered Eastern philosophy, which taught me to live in harmony with myself and with people. And then I logically came to yoga. Ten years ago there were no good teachers in Russia, it was difficult to get literature, but I gradually, bit by bit, mastered one type of yoga after another.

And in the end, she independently went through the entire eight-step system, which both Sting and Madonna are engaged in. Now I myself teach yoga, I am the president of a whole network of yoga schools in Russia.

- Yoga suggests vegetarianism, doesn't it?

Yes, I gave up meat 14 years ago. After all, on stage I not only sing, but also move a lot. With a weight of 58 kilograms, I felt a little shortness of breath, but I did not understand how to deal with it. Previously, before the concert, I always ate tightly: salad, soup, and second. And somehow I forgot to have lunch before the performance and was surprised to feel that it is easy to work on an empty stomach! I didn’t eat meat the next day and every other day. And I made sure that my body became flexible and light. And then I read a phrase that figuratively expressed my feelings: "A person whose stomach is full of meat will never be visited by a divine spirit."

Biography of Irina Nelson

The real surname of Irina Yelson is Tereshina. Irina was born in the city of Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region. Ira began her work at the age of three, sitting on her grandmother's lap.

“I was such a stooped, unattractive girl,” Irina recalls herself as a child. “The teacher told me all the time:“ Look how you walk! ” I was waving my arms, I didn’t know how to dress at all ”.

After school, Irina left Barabinsk and entered the Novosibirsk School of Music, graduated with a diploma in piano, worked as an accompanist and teacher at a music school. Then she sang in a jazz big band, toured a lot.

Have Irina Nelson during the period when she performed as Diana, seven albums were released: "I want to love" (1993), "I'll be back" (1994), "Don't say" (1996), after which Diana became famous, "Burn, burn clearly ”(1997),“ Good luck ”(1998), The Best (1998) and“ Don't Kiss Her ”(Dance Remix) (1999).

In 1993, Diana (Irina Nelson) took part in the Cannes festival, in the away Song of the Year in America, in 1996 she received the Golden Disc from the Soyuz studio.

In 1997, Diana suddenly quit singing and left for Germany, where she met the creator of the famous duo Modern Talking Dieter Bohlen and popular at that time in Russia Dj bobo... In the same place, the girl married a young man Andreas Nelson, a citizen of Sweden, traveler, musician, Buddhist and fan of oriental culture.It was Andreas who introduced Irina to oriental practices, yoga, meditation and travel to Nepal.

Irina's sonorous surname Nelson remained from a short-term marriage with Andreas Nelson.

After parting with the Swedes inclined to romantic adventures, Irina returned to Moscow, where the composer and producer were already waiting for her. Vyacheslav Tyurin to begin our joint rise to glory. The singer told him about her idea to create a progressive project focused on dancefloors and listeners with an open mind. Group REFLEX appeared in 1999.

“The name Reflex was born from our close friend, stylist Alisher,” recalls Irina Nelson. - As soon as it was decided to come up with a name for the group, we began to read all the inscriptions around, and once we saw this word. Reflection translated from Latin means "reflection", and it seemed to us that Reflex is exactly the word that accurately reflects our inner world. "

The group's first hit, Far Light, took the top of the Europa Plus radio charts. But another song became the real bomb - this is "Go crazy!" Released in 2001, it rose to the 1st place in the Russian Radio hit parade almost in a week.

In 2003 the band entered the international stage. In August, Reflex together with Tatu represented Russia at the Pop Сomm international music festival in the German town of Cologne.

In December 2005 the group Reflex became one of the five most beloved pop groups by Russians according to the results of a study conducted by ROMIR Monitoring at the request of the International Talent Agency.

Reflex's hot hit "Dances" entered the three most popular songs of 2005 in Russia, taking third place in the final release of the "Golden Gramophone" program on Channel One. In 2006, Vyacheslav Tyurin and Irina Nelson receive state awards, and the Reflex group, as a result of the readers' vote, is recognized as the best dance project of the year according to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

In January 2007 Irina Nelson left the Reflex group, leaving with Vyacheslav Tyurin in Dubai, where he headed a state-of-the-art multidisciplinary music studio focused on recording Middle Eastern and European rock and pop music, as well as creating soundtracks for cinema around the world.

In September 2008, Irina Nelson officially announced her return to the stage after a two-year timeout. The break in work was associated with the preparation of material for the singer's solo career.

The first two singles for the performer's solo disc, which had been in the works for a year and a half, were recorded at London's Air Studio, owned by the group's producer Beatles to George Martin... New songs by Mrs. Nelson were produced by musician and composer Vyacheslav Tyurin together with the producer Steve Orchard who worked with Paul McCartney, Peter Gabriel, Stingom, Daido, U2, Coldplay and etc.

Personal life of Irina Nelson

In free time Irina Nelson, according to her, she loves to sleep, write poetry alone, and among her good qualities she considers that she eats little and earns a lot. Speaking of food: Irina Nelson is a vegetarian.

“It is believed that a person whose stomach is full of meat will never be visited by a divine spirit. I have not eaten meat for several years, ”says Irina Nelson.

In life Irina Nelson tries to be inconspicuous, does not like to specifically attract someone's attention. In ordinary life, she loves to be serious, does not wear mini-skirts and is generally much more modest, fully realizing on stage the desire to dress brightly and femininely. It is difficult to talk about Irina's shortcomings.

Discography of Irina Nelson

Diana-I want to love 1993
Diana-I'll be back 1994
Diana-Don't Say 1996
Diana-Don't Tell. Single 1996
Diana-Burn, burn clearly! 1997
Diana-Tablecloth Road 1998
Diana-Don't Kiss Her 1998
Diana-The Best 1998
Diana-Take a Step 1999

Reflex-Meet a new day 2000
Reflex-Go Crazy 2001
Reflex-I will always wait for you 2002
Reflex-This is Love 2003
Reflex-Non-Stop 2004
Reflex-Love 2006
Reflex-Pulse 2006
Reflex-Harem 2007
Reflex-I cant live (Germany)
Reflex-I lose my mind (France)
Reflex-18 (Germany)
Reflex-Go crazy. Vinyl (Russia).

Irina Nelson(real name - Irina Anatolyevna Tyurina) (born April 19, 1972, Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region) - Russian singer, songwriter and producer. In 1992 she began performing under the pseudonym "Diana", but before that she was a vocalist in the group "Electroversion". In 1999 Irina left the stage and left Russia. In 2000 she created the dance group "Reflex", which quickly became successful. In 2007 Irina Nelson left the group and left the stage again. In 2009, she released her first English-language single, "Sunrise", which was an international success and reached number 35 on the Billboard Hot Dance / Club Songs chart on February 1, 2012. Irina Nelson Irina Nelson again becomes its leader. In parallel, the singer is preparing for the world premiere of her solo album "Sun generation", which will take place in March 2012.

Tereshina Irina Anatolyevna was born on April 19, 1972 in the small town of Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region, future singer Irina Nelson became involved in the world of beauty from early childhood. Her first musical impressions are associated with her grandmother, who often sang Ukrainian songs, and her mother, who had a beautiful timbre of voice, who loved to sing romances and ethnic melodies during the frequent visits of guests. From the teacher of the music school where she studied Irina, she inherited a love for Scandinavian motives and classical music. Ira quickly won her first popularity among friends and school acquaintances, performing at home and in a school ensemble popular Western hits, among which her favorites were songs of the ABBA group.

After 10th grade Nelson enters the music school in Novosibirsk, where he continues to study as a piano teacher. The compulsory program included visits to concerts of academic music and opera houses, thanks to which Irina from an early age she was well versed in polyphony, complex scales, harmonies and structural forms, managing, despite the geographical distance from the capital, to keep abreast of fashionable musical trends. Irina's voice and artistry impressed the head of the jazz orchestra, who immediately invited her to become a soloist. Over time, the popularity of the big band gradually goes beyond the walls of the school, the orchestra participates a lot and wins many awards at all-Union festivals. Irina in turn, she gained a lot of experience performing famous jazz compositions by Gershwin, Armstrong, songs from the repertoire of Ella Fitzgerald, as well as famous blues and Negro spirituals.

In this period Irina She listens to a lot of opera music performed by her favorite singers Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland, later she became interested in rock and art rock - such groups as King Crimson, Yes, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and many others appear in her music library.

Inspired by rock classics Irina collects an ensemble, where he performs songs of his own composition. At the same time she writes the compositions "The Winner" and "When Apples Fall to the Sky", to which she will return later, while working on her soft-rock material.

Soon Irina Nelson receives an offer for cooperation from the musician and composer Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Tyurin, with whom he starts working on the creation of the Diana project. Alias Irina chooses in tribute to the singer Diana Ross, who fell in love with Nelson the charm of her recognizable and flexible voice. The pop project Diana was a great success, thanks to the memorable timbre of the voice, the theme of the songs, understandable to the people, and the bright, shocking image of the soloist. Releasing in 1993-1997 6 successful records sold in millions of copies, an album of remixes, the collection "The Best of Diana", and having carried out a tour, Irina stopped solo performances and left with Vyacheslav to Germany.

The idea of ​​a new project Reflex was born in Germany. In 2000, Reflex's first single "High Beam" topped the EuroHit Top 40 of the Europe + radio. In 2000, the group won the first Music Catwalk award for Most Fashionable Music Achievement.

During Irina's work in the team, he received such honorary awards as the national award "Ovation" (song "Go crazy", 2001), two radio awards "Stopudovy Hit" (for the songs "Stars were falling"), two titles "Bomb of the Year" as the most popular group among young people, three national awards "Golden Gramophone" (for the song "Go Crazy"), "Popov Award in the field of radio broadcasting" as the most frequently rotated group on Russian radio stations, two awards from the largest circulation newspaper in Russia "MK" - "ZD Awards" in the nomination "Best Dance Project" and many others.

In 2002 Irina Nelson and Vyacheslav Tyurin form their own record company Reflexmusic.

Early 2007 Irina Nelson entered the top 100 most beautiful women in the Universe according to FHM magazine. During the period of work in the Reflex group Irina and Vyacheslav record the hit "Go crazy", which lasted several months in the top charts. In 2002 the creative duo formed the record company REFLEXMUSIC, on which Paul van Dyk released the Russian release of his album "Reflection" two years later. At the beginning of 2007, according to the results of a survey conducted by the weekly "7 days" and Gallop Media, Reflex was recognized as the most coveted group among more than 20 million Russians, took third place in the rating of 50 Russian groups and tenth among the presented artists of the country (100 personalities ). During the presentation of the third Golden Gramophone to the Reflex group Irina, right on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, on the air of Channel One, announces her departure from the group, explaining her decision by the fact that she felt cramped as part of the role of the leader of the pop group.

February 1, 2012 Irina Nelson decides to combine a solo career with participation in the Reflex group as the main vocalist. Thus, the legendary duo Reflex reunited again, and Irina Nelson again becomes its leader.

Irina filled the information gaps by listening to contemporary English and American music - Coldplay, Alanis Morissette, Ian Brown, Chris Cornell, James Blunt, Jim Morrison, etc. To record new material, a creative duet Nelson- Tyurin chose the legendary Air studio in London, owned by The Beatles producer George Martin. London and the studio staff was another positive and inspiring shock.

“In this studio, we found the atmosphere and conditions for unlimited creativity,” says composer Vyacheslav Tyurin, “but no technique can replace a person. People working for Air are real masters of their craft.”

The team of professionals who worked on the recording of songs with Vyacheslav was led by Steve Orchard, who collaborated with U2, Paul McCartney, Sting, George Michael, Coldplay, Peter Gabriel, Dido and other artists. Steve is also the sound producer of Sting's song for the Oscar and Golden Globe nominated film Sabrina, and the Grammy winner for Bella Flex's album "Perpetual Motion" Musician and composer Vyacheslav Tyurin had a chance to work with a unique technique: world, custom-made for George Martin. And the song "Escape" features an organ part played on a '62 Hammond, with which Peter Gabriel and the U2 musicians recorded their works.

The pursuit of excellence led Irina to vocal training with Terry Ronald, who choreographed the pronunciation and vocals of Kylie and Danny Minogue, Girls Aloud, Atomic Kitten and other artists.

In 2008 Irina Nelson gives the first live solo concert, after a creative time-out, in the "Orange" club. Irina appeared before the public in a new image, presenting several compositions in the style of soft rock, written together with Vyacheslav Tyurin while working at the Dubai studio. This concert will mark the beginning of a new stage in the work of Irina Nelson as a solo singer. In 2009 Irina and Vyacheslav create their own label NTMG and sign a contract with the largest company in the music industry Bungalo / Universal Music Group. The video for the song "Sunrise" has over a million views worldwide.

At the beginning of May 2011, the premiere of the new song "Warm Sun" took place on the official website. And from 6 to 7 July, a video was shot for this composition. The premiere took place on 27 August.

In March 2012, the official release of Irina's debut solo album will take place in the USA Nelson"Sun generation"

- The Legend of Marriage with the Swede Andreas Nelson(all her life the singer was married only to the composer and her producer Vyacheslav Tyurin).
- Since the appearance of Irina Nelson on the stage as part of the Reflex group, unconfirmed reports began to appear on the Internet that the singer was born in 1962, which is actually not true. False information was specially spread by a disgraced journalist of one of the yellow Moscow newspapers, after he was expelled from the audience for rude and indecent questions during the presentation of the new album of Reflex in 2003. These rumors are refuted by the existence of publicly available documentary evidence that Irina Nelson was born on 04.19.1972.

- Irina Nelson is a professional teacher of Kundalini Yoga. She has an international diploma, which she received after completing special training at the Kundalini Research Institute in Los Angeles. Has been practicing yoga for over ten years. Irina- a supporter of veganism, the most consistent form of vegetarianism. She only eats fruits, vegetables, legumes and milk, and plans to open her own yoga studio in the future.

Like Diana
- 1993 - I want to love
- 1994 - I'll be back
- 1996 - Don't tell
- 1997 - Burn, burn clearly!
- 1998 - A cloth road
- 1998 - Don't kiss her
- 1998 -The Best
- 1999 - Take a step

As part of the Reflex group
- 2001 - Meet a new day
- 2002 - Go crazy
- 2002 - I will always wait for you
- 2002 - This is Love
- 2003 - Non stop
- 2005 - Lyrics. I love.
- 2005 - Pulse
- 2006 - Harem (Lounge & Chillout remixes)

Irina's official website Nelson- www.irene-nelson.com

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