Home Mushrooms Computer graphics Collage How to create a collage from photos in Microsoft PowerPoint. Computer graphics Collage How to make a collage from photos in Microsoft PowerPoint How to make a collage from photos in Word

Computer graphics Collage How to create a collage from photos in Microsoft PowerPoint. Computer graphics Collage How to make a collage from photos in Microsoft PowerPoint How to make a collage from photos in Word

Hello everyone.

My name is Sergey and you are on my site. Today I will show you how you can quickly, easily and beautifully make a collage of photos. I will demonstrate 6 ways to create collages, and you choose for yourself the one that you like the most.

1. Fotor online service

The first program is actually not a program at all, but an online service that allows you to make a collage of photos online for free, in a matter of minutes. Suitable for those who do not want to install anything.

The service is located at: https://www.fotor.com

Before creating a collage, you need to sign in to the site. If this is not done, then the finished collage cannot be saved. In the upper right corner, click Login and go through the simplest registration process by entering your mail and any password. Alternatively, sign in with Facebook. I will do so.

Now you can start creating your collage. On the left, you can select a template suitable for our purposes. There are a lot of them. As an example, I will choose the first template.

The template will immediately load onto the main part of the screen. Now you need to add a photo here. To do this, at the top of the screen we find the Open - Computer button.

We select photos on the computer from which we need to make a collage.

All photos are uploaded to the right side of the screen.

From here, you can drag them one by one onto our template.

All photos added to the template can be moved, thus adjusting the desired object in the center.

For each photo you add, you can apply an effect. To do this, select the photo, click the Effects menu and select the one you like. We do the same with each image: select it and apply a filter.

Please note that other additional settings can be made here. Resize, frame, color, add texture, and so on. We do not dwell on these details, but if you suddenly need it, know that you can do it!

In the end, I got it like this:

In a new window, give the collage a name, select the jpg format and the maximum quality. All that remains is to click Download and save the photo to a convenient location on your computer.

It was the easiest way to make a photo collage online. Moreover, he did not even require the installation of any programs. But the programs are also convenient in their own way and once having installed the necessary software, you can create collages again and again even without an Internet connection. Let's take a closer look at these options.

2. Collagerator

In general, there are a lot of programs for creating collages. We'll cover some of them in this tutorial. One of them is called Collagerator and makes pretty cool collages.

In the main window of the program, select the New collage menu.

Using the plus sign, add photos that will be used in the collage.

Photos are automatically, in random order, superimposed on the collage template, but of course we can manually customize them. You can swap pictures in places, for example, move the top to the bottom or vice versa. You can also move the photo to the side.

After setting up the collage, click the File - Export menu and save the photo to a convenient location on the disk.

The collage turned out to be beautiful:

3. Photo COLLAGE

The next program with which you can make a collage of photos is called Photo COLLAGE. If you need a program with a huge number of different templates, with the ability to apply photo filters and apply interesting inscriptions, then Photo COLLAGE is the right option for you.

Download Photo COLLAGE, install the program on your computer and get to work. Now I'll show you how to create a beautiful collage in a few minutes.

Launch the program and press the New collage button.

In the next window, select the type of template. I'll be choosing Page Templates for this demonstration, but keep in mind that in the next section Collage templates several dozen more different blanks.

Now you need to select the template itself. Find the one you like and choose it.

We indicate the page format to which we will add our photos. For a collage, the most convenient format is A4, of course.

The next step is to add your photos to the collage. We drag them by opening the disk and the folder on the left, or simply by double-clicking on the template, we indicate in turn where the photos are on the computer.

After about three minutes I filled the entire collage with my photos, added a little contrast, saturation, worked with the text and this is what happened in the end:

To make collage preparation easier, here are some tips:

1) Double click on any object (photo, text) opens the settings. There are many interesting things :)

2) If you need to adjust the position of the photo, then grab the yellow marker with the mouse and drag it to the sides.

3) Any of the objects can be easily removed. To do this, simply select it with the mouse and press Delete on the keyboard (or by right-clicking the Delete item).

4) If you will print a collage on small photographs, then choose Photo 10x15.

5) You can send photos for printing directly from the Photo COLLAGE program.

6) Do not forget that when choosing sections with templates, there was one more section, where there are also many interesting templates.

After a couple of minutes I created another collage and it turned out pretty pretty.

You can see all the templates only when you install Photo COLLAGE and go through all the tabs yourself. There are really a lot of them :)

4. TurboCollage

As I already said, you can make a collage from a photo on a computer in various ways, because there are a lot of programs and the principle of operation is basically similar for everyone. Next in line is TurboCollage.

In the upper left corner of the program, you need to click on the plus sign to add pictures for the future collage.

The collage will be generated automatically. Frames with photos can be reconfigured, or swapped photos.

Also on the left, you can choose another template for photos, colors, and the like. All this can be customized to your liking.

Having done some simple manipulations, I got it like this:

It remains to click File - Export As and select a convenient location on your computer to save.

5. CollageIt

Another program with which you can create a collage of photos is called CollageIt. You also need to select a template, upload photos via the Add button, change the sorting if necessary, somewhere to increase, and somewhere to reduce indents, well, and then export.

It turned out something like this. Not entirely neat. Everything in a hurry, but if you sit and work with the details, it will turn out very beautifully!

6. Photoshop

Well, the last program for creating collages from photos that we will consider is, of course, Photoshop. Of course, this powerful graphics editor is primarily intended for more complex tasks. But collages in it are also made no less easy, especially when you know the basics of working with this program.

Here I will not go into details, this method for creating collages is for those who are already at least a little familiar with Photoshop. In short, collages are made here as follows. The necessary photos are selected and thrown into Photoshop, then a document is created, preferably with the type International paper format, and all the necessary photos are moved to this document.

Then these photos are adjusted to the desired size using the Transform tool (Ctr + T) and cropped using the selection tools. Use the arrows to move the pictures to each other at the required distance and voila, the collage in Photoshop is ready!

If you use any other programs or online services to create collages, then write the names in the comments. It will be interesting to read. This is essentially all, the lesson on how to make a collage of photos online and on a computer has come to an end. I hope you understood everything!

Master class for teachers

Topic: "Creating a collage in a text editor Word »

The date of the:

Location: MKOU "Khryugskaya secondary school"

Development: Alisultanova N. R. - Deputy Director for ICT.

Purpose of the lesson : Learn to use the graphics capabilities of a word processor Word to create a collage, to consolidate the acquired skills of using the drawing panel to insert and process ready-made images and objects WordArt .

Tasks :

- acquaintance with the concept of collage and techniques for creating ordinary and computer collages;

- consolidation of practical skills in creating images using the drawing panel Word (inserting autoshapes, objects WordArt , pictures from the fileandetc.), using various types of fill, correction techniques, changing the position of objects in a drawing, grouping objectsImages;

- using some effects of processing pictures and photographs inserted into the collage;

Master class form:

    with teachers and for them without the participation of children;

    practical work.

Equipment for work:

- computer class;

- multimedia projector.

The course of the master class.

    Introductory part.

1. Organizational moment. Meeting and accommodation of participants. Preparation for the practical part of the master class.

2. Target settings. The content of the master class.

Dear Colleagues! The topic of our master class today is “Creating a collage in a text editor Word ". This is one of the techniques used in the creative activities of students. Today each of you will create a New Year's collage. In the course of practical activity, you will master the basics of working with pictures and inscriptions in a text editor.

To teach your pupils to perform creative work, it is necessary

learn how to create them yourself. Hope that today's lesson will help you with that.

    Acquaintance with concepts « Collage » .

Look closely at the picture. The picture is dedicated to the holiday Mother's Day (Slide 1). But it is different from the usual drawings that you are familiar with. How is it different? Used ready-made images of various objects - characters and objects. This technique of creating images is called collage.We will use it for creating our postcards.

What is collage?

Collage. It was first created in ancient China. When in the picture the action taking place at the same time was combined and the characters were placed further, higher, lower than another object.

Collage. Translated from French - gluing, a fine art technique, which consists in gluing materials that differ from it in color and texture to any base (Slide 2).

Where it is applied:


Film editing



Patchwork sewing

Demonstration of ready-made student collages on the screen (Slide 3).

  1. The practical part.

Creation of a collage "New Year's card". The teacher shows all the necessary actions on the screen.

Let's prepare the image files that you will use to create your postcard on your computer. The files are stored in the Collage folder on your desktop. To youyou will need to view and select the "pictures" - inserted objects, copy them to an individual folder, which is located in the same folder under the name "Postcard".

Then choose a background for work: Collage - Background. But we will insert it only at the end of the work.

Take a close look at how to insert and editpicture.

Let's open Word ... Set the landscape layout of the page: File - Page Setup - Orientation - Landscape.

Let's start by inserting the objects you selected earlier. To do this, copy the photo and paste it into a text document. Let's work with the position of the image on the sheet: Working with pictures - Position (select the required) - Styles of pictures - Rotation.

Do this with all the images that you want to place on your postcard.

Now let's insert the inscription: Insert - WordArt ... Insert requiredtext.

And finally, let's insert the background of your choice into the work. Folder "Collage" - Background. Insert an image into a document, select it and do the following: Working with pictures - Position - Send to back and stretch backgroundbeforeboundaries of textdocument. The postcard is ready.

  1. Reflection of the participants of the master class. Summing up results.

Video clip "Life is Beautiful".

Demonstration of the resulting collages on the monitor. Summing up: tree of wishes.

How did the master class go in your opinion? Your questions and suggestions?

from photos or images it is quite possible to make in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. First, let's consider the simplest way, when you need to place several photos on one slide.

Simple collage.

You will need to activate the "Insert" tab, the "Pictures" group of buttons on the PowerPoint ribbon.


Inserts one image stored on your computer per slide.


Images from the Internet from the Microsoft site.


Allows you to insert a screenshot of the screen.

Photo album.

Organizes images in a slideshow.

To create a collage, working with the first three insert options is very similar. You need to insert the required number of images by clicking on the button. The size and location of pictures and drawings is regulated by moving the borders or the picture itself.

! To facilitate the accuracy of the installation, select "Grid and Guides" in the context menu (right mouse button)

When creating a photo album, you can also make multiple collage pictures on slides. However, the maximum number is limited to four images. So, if necessary, you will need to add pictures in the way described above.

Next, you can apply a number of effects to your images. Click on it. The "Format" tab will become available, allowing you to change the shape, appearance, display, color and other characteristics of the picture. You can make changes to all images in this way. Then you can combine all the images on the slide into one. To do this, select all objects and click the "Group" button.

The collage of images is ready.

Collage slide layout.

The second way to create a collage in PowerPoint. This method is based on working with a layout in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. The simplest collage of two images is available at once.

If you need to make several collages on slides with a large number of images, then you should prepare your own master slides to save time in the future. Those. create a collage layout.

View tab, Master Modes group, Slide Master button.

A tab for working with samples will open. Using the "Insert Layout" button, add an additional layout to the sample.

Name it "Collage" and close the "Slide Master". The Collage layout will now be available in the possible layouts in this presentation.

Now all that remains is to add photos and apply the necessary effects to them to create a collage.

Description: I address this master class to my colleagues who want to improve their ICT literacy and would like to learn how to independently create collages, pictures, postcards with an inscription.
Task: experience exchange
1. To increase the level of computer literacy of teachers.
2. Teach to create a collage

FSES dictates to teachers new forms and methods of working with children, social partners, documentation. There is already a "Professional Teacher Standard", although the law has not yet been adopted, many points are already working in our educational center. One of the points - Professional ICT competence: the qualified use of ICT tools that are widespread in this professional field in developed countries in solving professional problems where necessary. Therefore, I offer you, colleagues, my experience with programs that help to design a text, presentation or, in this case, a collage.
Let's see what a collage is? "A technique in the visual arts, which consists in the creation of paintings or graphic works by sticking objects and materials on any basis" - this is how Wikipedia tells us. There are several types of collage. We make collage with children in the form of collective work:

I make a graphic collage to report on an event held in a group - it is convenient, fast and beautiful, it attracts the attention of colleagues, administration and, of course, parents. For example, this collage "Birthday"

Or a collage of a lesson for the website of our educational center.
These collages are made with free online photo effects, frames and collage makers.

Undoubtedly, it is fast and convenient. But it seemed to me that I could not show my creativity, and I decided to try creating my collages in Microsoft Power Point. I hope that everyone who works in educational centers has already mastered this program.
1. Open the program. Click on the LAYOUT, then select the EMPTY SLIDE. Our file field becomes without a header. Press DESIGN and in the upper right part select SLIDE SIZE - STANDARD.

Here's what happened.

2. We open any search engine, browser on the Internet, I use the YANDEX search engine.

I am looking for the background I need, pictures, frames and what I need.

3.Now we need to upload those photos that we need, preferably no more than 4, so that they are better viewed. We arrange them as we want.

4. In the search engine, we are looking for pictures and frames that suit us so that the theme of the collage is not violated. Copy and Paste: There are simple frames in Microsoft Power Point FORMAT - you can use them too.

You can add nice text.
5. Go to the search engine again. We hammer in BEAUTIFUL INSCRIPTIONS ONLINE EDITOR. There are many such editors and sites, you just need to choose the one that is convenient for you. I use several. For example, these. They are very convenient and easy to use.

Copy the edited text and load it into the presentation.
Our presentation - the collage is ready! Here's what we got.

6. Now we need to translate our presentation into a different format. Click FILE in the upper left corner, select EXPORT, then select CHANGE FILE TYPE, then PICTURE IN JPEG FORMAT and SAVE AS - and send it to the folder we need.

7. Open the folder. Our work - our collage in the form of a picture is ready. We can place it, send it anywhere, print it.

The first few times it will turn out a little slow, and after working a few times you will just “fly” and “soar” from your graphic creativity! And you will not need ready-made templates of the same type "like everyone else". Here are some of my works:

Go for it! I would be glad if you like my master class.

Have to insert pictures in Word... It can be various photographs, illustrations, graphs, diagrams. To insert a picture into a document, place the cursor in the place where you should have a picture, and in the tab Insert push the button Drawing... Select it on your computer.

In this case, you can in the window Insert a picture customize the display of image files - in the upper right part of the window there is a drop-down list in which you can choose how you will see these files: it can be large icons, small icons, a list, and so on.

Personally, I prefer the view Large icons , but if there are a lot of files in the folder, and I know exactly how the picture file is called, I sometimes choose List .

After selecting the file, press the button Insert, and the picture appears in the Word document.

If you do not need a picture, you can select it and delete it with the button Delete, or replace with another. To replace, select it, and in the tab Insert press the button again Drawing and then insert another image. Another option for replacing a picture is to right-click on it and select the item Change drawing.

After inserting the picture, you need to adjust its position in the document. Select the drawing. A frame with markers appears around it. Moving the corner markers, you resize the picture without breaking its proportions, moving the side markers, you can change the height and width of the picture, and by moving the green marker above the picture, you can rotate it.

When you select a picture, a new tab appears on the ribbon Format... Go to it. Commands on the far left: Brightness, Contrast, Recolor allow you to change the appearance of the image. The team is especially interesting Repaint - with the help of it you can make a drawing in black and white, sepia, painted in various colors.

Also in the team Repaint there is a point Set transparent color ... This item allows you to make transparent areas of the picture with a uniform color. You can, for example, make a collage - place the photo in a curly frame, even if the original frame is filled in the middle with white, and not transparent. To do this, place both pictures in a Word document, do for each picture Text Wrap - Before Text , and put the photo outside the frame, using the position To the background ... Then select the frame, choose the command Recolor - Set transparent color , and click in the middle of the frame.

In the tab Format in the group of teams Picture styles You can add a frame and shadow for the picture, make the picture oval, with rounded edges, with a slant.

Using the command The form drawing You can choose a shape for the drawing from a huge number of options, for example, with a cut off the upper right corner, or make a drawing in the shape of a star.

Also of interest are the commands Picture border and Picture effects ... You can pick any border, as well as make a reflection, glow, anti-aliasing, rotation, relief, and so on.

The team is very important Position, which determines how the image will be placed in the text: right, left, center. In addition, this command has the option Additional markup options .

In this option in the tab Wrap text You can choose the indentation: the distance from the image to the text.

Command Wrap text also determines the position of the picture in relation to the text. Wrapping is most commonly used Around the frame .

If you choose to wrap Along the contour, you can change the contour of the flow around the picture, make it not rectangular by clicking on the item Modify wrap path , which becomes active in the same menu. After selecting this option, the frame turns red, with black markers that can be moved individually. And if you grab the frame in those places where there are no markers, new markers will appear, and this way you can make a broken frame. By moving the markers, you can make the text flow around the picture more interesting and curly. This feature is mainly used for pictures with a white background.

If there are several drawings, then they can be superimposed one on top of the other. In this case, it will matter which drawing is on top and which is below. You can change their relative position using the commands bring to Front and To the background .

So we looked at the commands that can be applied to pictures in Word. Almost all of them are available not only through the tab Format, but also through the context menu, which can be called by clicking on the image with the right mouse button.

Video on how to place and format a picture in Word

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