Home Mushrooms Holiday games for a fun company of adults. Cool games and contests for the company. Game for adults "Attraction"

Holiday games for a fun company of adults. Cool games and contests for the company. Game for adults "Attraction"

A girl at 20 is a bright, beautiful flower, the first adult anniversary in life must be celebrated not with an ordinary feast, but with grandiose entertainment - birthday script 20 years consists of congratulations, songs, dances, a feast, and many more interesting things await the birthday girl.

Birthday Script 20 Years - Beginning

Opening remarks: Friends! Today we have gathered to congratulate our dear birthday girl from the bottom of our hearts.

Marinochka I would like to wish you that all your decisions and actions are accompanied by good luck, so that you never despair and that your life is full of only the best and most interesting events.

And we guarantee you support at any stage of your life.

Today is a significant date in the life of Marina. Our beloved sister (daughter, nieces, granddaughter, girlfriend, etc.) is 20 years old.

20 years old, it's like dawn
20 years old, this is just the beginning
At 20, the light seems brighter
20 years, this is life's fun!

And it's not in vain that I say all this,
After all, for these words, there is a clear reason,
Jubilee, I ask for the table
To congratulate her with a bright word!

Host: Today the closest and most faithful friends have gathered here. Everyone wants to wish you something from yourself. So, let's begin! The floor is given to Valentina! Roman.


Dear Marina, your family and friends, would like to congratulate you on a special occasion. They have prepared a song for you.

Verse 1:
We are all together today
Gathered together in this song

To sincerely congratulate you
Wish more happiness
And there is more passion in love
Good enough to be from day to day!

Twentieth anniversary, Birthday,
This is an important step in life,
Let there be more inspiration
To work, to friends and just like that!

Verse 2:
Let everything be as before
But maybe a little older
Because now you're getting older

And the responsibility is greater
But we wish to live easier
And let it be more fun in the shower!
Repeat 1 verse

Congratulations to grandparents

Twenty years of the formation and maturation of our dear little man flew by, and during this time there have already been many significant moments for her and for us ... Let us now all of us, together with the birthday girl, remember them!

So, October 19, 1992 ... in a big huge family. a girl was born !!! (everyone applauds happily).

Now we will conduct a blitz survey about the first days of the birthday girl's life.

The guests are divided into two teams. The trick of this competition is that, although the questions are very simple, you need to answer them as quickly as possible, and apparently that is why the participants sometimes get lost and cannot answer the simplest questions.

1. Date and time of birth of Masha
2. What color were Masha's eyes?
4. In what city was Masha born?
3. Who came to meet from the hospital?
4. What was the weather like that day?

5. How many vehicles were in the convoy?
6. Where was Masha brought from the hospital?
7. Who is the first to help babysit Masha?
8. Masha's maiden name?

And now let's remember together how it was, those first days of Masha's life in the hospital! Now it is difficult to imagine, but at that distant time there were no cell phones!

And our happy dad approached the window of the maternity hospital, from where our equally happy mother tried to tell him with signs and gestures ...

And what she was trying to tell dad, you have to guess!

Then you need to divide the guests (including the birthday girl) into two teams

Each team must choose a "mom". To "mothers" the host hands out pieces of paper, where it is written:

For the first command:
"Girl. Very beautiful. Eyes - daddy, face - in grandmother. Blonde. She eats well."

For the second command:
"Girl. Pretty. Eyes - brown, nose - mother's. Calm. She sleeps all the time."

The task of "moms" is to explain by gestures to other team members what is written on a piece of paper.

Other members of the team - they seem to be in the place of "dad" who stands under the window of the hospital, that is, they cannot hear, they must understand by gestures what the "mom" is trying to explain to them.

We continue to congratulate the birthday girl. The word is provided.
(we drink we have a snack)

Marina welcome a guest from sunny Italy

And: Brilliant, blooming, smelled in spring, hero of the day

P: Dear hero of the day!

I: And sit for free, drunken dormoedo tight.

P: Dear guests.

And: Roll, with figato faster from here

P: Greetings to everyone who is here.

And: Katorjito a hard-working dollar won't get a shit.

R: Representatives of the working class and commercial structures.

Q: It’s read, it’s a paper marato and a musician, and then it’s kicked out.

P: Educational and cultural workers

I: Bandito, shoot catchy, planted

P: Police, police and security officials.

I: And other lazy seniors.

P: And other other workers

Q: A sip on anything.

P: I flew in on a special flight.

And: Ital was stubbornly shining in the eye.

R: From sunny Italy

I: Congratulations to the jubilee Maria

P: Congratulate the hero of the day Marina.

I: Bring the signature chatter from italiano in chekhantorazno brando.

P: I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends

(Guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the "star track".)
Lead: Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from the heart,
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.

(The hero of the day comes out.)
Expensive …!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So let your rays continue to give us affection,
And life seems to us to be a great fairy tale.

To extend this tale to us,
At least a little bit
You take your time, manage to get through
Star track.
Every star is just a mystery
Only one answer is required from you.
Dare to get up on the Star Trek
And guess something!
Each of us dreams of this,
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers)

(Give a bouquet of flowers)
To remember your biography later.
We will do this now ... (photo)
From now on, spoil your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss)

(Husband kisses the birthday girl)
For all heroes of the occasion
At such moments,
We are ready to give without end ... (applause.)

(Applause from guests)
We can't get around miracles today
Let it fall from the sky now ... (confetti.)

(A star with confetti is attached to the ceiling. One of the guests pulls the string, and confetti is showered on the birthday girl.)
To be always with friends together,
We all need to perform ... (song.)

(Guests perform the song "Happybirthdaytoyou".)
And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here jubilee ... (fireworks.)

(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks).
Host: You passed the tests, the birthday girl, wonderfully.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.

(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests sit down.)

Host: In December, when it is cold and severe frost,
There is a surprising demand for the holidays.
Someone is happy with the Day of the Wizard, someone with the Day of Revival,
And today we are celebrating my mother's birthday.
I sincerely welcome the assembled guests,
And I am happy to open my mother's anniversary!

(Fanfare sounds. Guests applause. Garland lights on the main backdrop are lit.)
Host: Let this day go down in history forever,
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And let the guests have fun carelessly
Nobody, I hope, will leave the anniversary sad.
To start the celebration as it should,
It is suggested to fill the glasses for everyone.

(Music. Guests are filling their glasses.)

I suggest you drink the first toast while standing.
Anniversary toasts
Happy birthday, mom, happy anniversary!
This evening together we are with you.
And we will not regret good words
For you, beloved and dear!
For a long time already our evening is shrouded in winter darkness,
You, mom, are with us, you are our star.
And may we celebrate your holiday in winter,
We wish you everything: always shine!
For you, dear mommy!

(Guests are drinking. Musical pause.)

Host: Dear guests! It is not for nothing that they say that a woman is a source of warmth and light, and for her family and friends, she is a guiding star that helps to confidently walk the road of life.
A star named Tatiana
Now in my hands.
And everything in her, as if, without a flaw,
I am ready to confirm this not only in words.
Here all the rays radiate heat so strongly,
That the guests have long wanted to touch them.

I invite those present to choose any ray of the star and express their attitude towards the hostess of tonight.

(The presenter approaches the guests with a beautifully designed "star", to the beams of which are attached strips of paper with text and invites them to read it in a certain order.)
Tatiana! What does the name mean?
And the fact that she seduces everyone.
The character is firm, strong-willed.
At first glance, it is not easy.
But mostly optimistic.
Has a personal outlook on things.
The nature is devoted, proud.
Goes through life without much difficulty.
True, we all admire Tanya for a long time.
And we will try to express feelings this day.
Anniversary toasts
So that the birthday girl's feelings are always overwhelmed,
I want us to raise our glasses now!

(The guests are drinking.)

(Musical pause.)

Host: Dear birthday girl! This date is celebrated only once in a lifetime. And we would very much like you to be in seventh heaven with happiness that day. We hope that our cloud of wishes will give you special joy.

(The presenter demonstrates a volumetric paper cloud with the inscription "Be like our cloud".)

Host: Friends! I think that with your help this cloud will gain tangible weight and fall into the hands of the hero of today's celebration. I suggest that you name the wishes-adjectives starting with these letters. The one who proposes the best option will be awarded a prize. So please!

(Filling the cloud with wishes. Rewarding the best.)

Host: Dear Mom!
We give a cloud of hopes and wishes,
So that more natural gifts are revealed in you!

(Handing over the cloud.)
Anniversary toasts

Guests! Pour the glasses more fully
For the hero of the day, all to the bottom drink together.

(Guests are drinking)

Host: The cloud in the sky disappeared,
But the angels are not at all angry.
They come down from heaven
They'll be here in a minute.

(Angels appear.)

First angel: Here we are, curly haired angels,
We have congratulatory leaflets in our hands.

(They open the scrolls and read.)

Second Angel: Dear birthday girl!
Congratulations on your anniversary,
We are guarded as before.
The first angel: Let's save from various troubles
One hundred years ahead.

Second angel: Popular rumor is spreading,
That we are great musicians
We'll have to show for you
All their hidden talents.

(They perform the song to the soundtrack "Strawberry".)
Anniversary songs

On a birthday like this
Meet the duo groovy
You are in the mood
That hour will rise instantly.
Anniversary for all guests
The birthday girl is more important.
That's why, friends,
Sing along with us words.

Chorus: Congratulations on the date - yeah, yeah ...
We sincerely wish - aha, aha ...
The happiness of the personal, unlimited ... yes, yes, yes!

(The chorus is repeated twice.)

Host: Dear birthday girl!
Let's not make long digressions
Let's start now with heartfelt congratulations.
It is known that from the constellation "Builder"
Your leader has come to congratulate you.

(Congratulations from your boss.)

Host: The team would like to know
When will he congratulate.
Your turn has come.
Begin, gentlemen!

(Congratulations to the team.)

Host: Dear guests!
You are all witnesses that in our sky
The light of one star is not fading now.
And by the way, there is one fan among us,
Who has been studying this for many years.

The floor is given to the closest and closest person - the husband of the birthday girl.

(The soundtrack of Suleiman's song sounds. It turns out. Suleiman sings.)
Anniversary song

I'm the only one in the east
Shib-dab-dy-ba-da. (2 times)
Who gives magic lessons
Shib-dab-dy-ba-da. (2 times)
At the wizard Suleiman
All honestly, no deception (2 times)
At the wizard Suleiman.

(The phonogram dies down, Suleiman the husband pronounces the words.)

Suleiman: Oh, the star of my eyes! You conquered me at first sight ...

(Suleiman leaves. The phonogram of the song "We have come to you for an hour" sounds. The group "Brilliant."

First: We are the stars of this children are real,
And our name is simply "brilliant".

Second: We are known as pop stars,
There is no need to introduce us to everyone once again.

Third: Since we are musical people, we will arrange a special congratulation.

First: Dear Mom! Kirkorov sent you a bouquet on your anniversary. (Gives flowers.)

Second: His wife is a big hello. (They send a "kiss".)

Third: Christina - cover photo. (Give a cover photo.)

First: Bulanova - beautiful boots. (They give you boots from Barbie.)

Second: Gazmanov - gentle words.

Third: And Gubin ... has not decided yet.

First: But we are ahead of him
And we present our present.

Second: From Suleiman and from the "Brilliant",
From my son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren standing here,
We give this miracle to watch the latest Hollywood movies.

(The grandchildren carry the box from under the TV to the middle of the room. The Shiny ones pretend to take out the TV.)

Third: When checking a new TV, we must make sure the quality of the image of the channels. So, we press the button. (Press the TV button. An announcer appears.)

Announcer: Good afternoon, dear viewers! The program "Hey, Yes Me!" Is on the air, and everyone, including you, can participate. I invite the three most daring women and three men to the studio.

(They go out.)

Announcer: Dear participants! I ask you to split into pairs. Women will act as players, men will act as buttons. I explain the rules of the game: the presenter asks a question to all the players at the same time. A participant who knows the answer to it must press the "button", which will "emit" its musical signal that hour, and only after that can he answer. I ask you to confer in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: "meow-meow", "rush-rush", etc. (For men, use "buttons" to put on berets on their heads.)

Attention, questions:
How many letters are there in the word "anniversary"? (Six.)
What is the birthday of the birthday girl?
What is the name of the youngest son of the hero of the occasion?
Which city is the birthplace of the hero of the day?
How many floors are there in the house where the birthday girl lives?
What is the name of the car that is in the family of the hero of the day?
Name the river that flows in the city where the birthday girl lives?
What vegetable occupies the largest area in the hero of the occasion's garden?
In what month does the birthday girl meet autumn?
What newspaper informs the hero of the day about the life of our city?
Announcer: That was the last question. It's time to take stock. The best experts have become ...

(Winner's reward ceremony.)

Announcer: This is where we end the program "Ay yes I!" The incomparable Ellochka was with you.

(The "brilliant" ones "turn off" the TV, hand over a passport to the hero of the day.)

Shiny: Dear Mom! Sharp TV is the best in the world! Let him always stand in your apartment.

(The Shiny ones leave the hall.)

Host: About congratulations, guests, I ask you not to forget.
You have a minute to grab a bite now.

Host: Today to the birthday girl with a low bow
The constellation turns
What belongs to family and friends.

(Congratulations from relatives.)

Host: Among all the constellations brighter, more fun
We see a constellation of friends here.
It is in a hurry to wish you a happy birthday
And congratulate your friend.

(Congratulations to friends.)

Presenter: Gifts, cards and congratulations -
It feels great.
To extend this joy to us,
The glasses must be poured.

(Guests fill their glasses.)
Anniversary toasts

I propose a toast to your wishes!

(The guests are drinking.)

(Dance of the spouses.)

(Dance department.)

Host: Dear guests! If we look at the starry sky, we will make sure that the birthday girl was born under the zodiac sign "Sagittarius". Therefore, I ask you to greet the person directly related to this sign.

(A hunter on mini-skis enters in a hat with earflaps, a gun over his shoulder.)
Happy Birthday

Hunter: Happy birthday, Sagittarius!
It can be seen right away that you are a fighter.
And no fluff, no feather
It's time to wish you.
I'm late for the holiday
I chose all the gift
To achieve my goals
I had to hunt game.
Here he brought the rabbits,
Maybe there is a demand for it here.

(Two guests, dressed in hare costumes, run out and sing a song.)
Anniversary song

1. Every year on this day we get together.
Not to sit at the table again:
On your birthday, we are without falsehood and flattery
From the bottom of our hearts and with the mood we will sing about ...

Chorus: We don't care, but we don't care,
What will we eat, what will we drink.
We know for a long time, it’s so common,
Your birthday should be kind.

2. We do not visit you for dinner at all,
We managed to learn the generosity of a kind soul,
Your birthday is why we need it,
So that they can congratulate you and tell you ...

Host: I ask the hunter to keep up with the game,
Invite all the guests to the dance.

Host: Dear guests! The brightest dance of our evening is announced. We invite couples who wish to take part in it.

Condition: Before the start of the dance, all couples light sparklers. Music sounds. Couples are dancing. At the end of the dance, the prize goes to the couple with the longest lasting sparkler.

(Competition. Rewarding.)

Host: We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all the seats at the table. (Guests take places at the table.)

Host: Dear guests! We always admire the shining stars in the night sky. Especially our attention is attracted by the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which are popularly called the bucket. We managed to get these stellar buckets from the sky, and we invite you, friends, to drink a stellar drink from them, proclaiming a toast in honor of our hero of the day.

(Toast from the guests.)

Host: I would like to wish our birthday girl that her life always remains a full cup, like this bucket shining to us from the beautiful night sky. (Applause.) Looking at the hostess of tonight, we can say that she, like a star, is both close and distant to us.

To reach this distant star
You need to take a flight
And each feast on an ambulance rocket
I suggest getting ahead.

(The presenter gives out two mock-ups of the rocket.)

So, attention, flight rules: at the signal of the presenter, the first participant looks out the window, loudly says: "Happy anniversary!" and passes the rocket to his neighbor. The second, looking out, says: "Congratulations!", The third: "Happy anniversary!" and so on, until the rocket bypasses each guest at their half of the table. Let's see whose rocket will reach the birthday girl faster.

Host: But before you go on the flight, let me approve the crew lists. Guests are asked to respond in chorus.

Host: We are plus, minus 42.
Are you all ready for the flight? ... Guests: Yes!

Host: There is no reason for concern.
All say ...

Men: Men!

Host: Well, and the women in response Tell me: are you afraid? ...

Women: No!

Host: The missiles are ready. The teams are in place.
We are all going on the flight together.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... start!

(Game "Rocket Flight". Summing up.)

Host: Today for the birthday girl is a decisive, turning point in her life. After all, every big event is a real finest hour that determines our future life.

So, the hostess of the celebration,
Your finest hour is already coming.
Now you are in the role of a deity,
And the whole audience wants to listen to you.

(Reply from the hostess.)

Host: I ask, guests, to drink you
For the coming finest hour!

(The guests are drinking.)

Host: Friends! Do not forget about music, Perform all dances together. (Dancing.)

Host: I suggest that our guests light some new stars in our sky.

Assignment: all team members alternately light the candles, which are set in the shape of a star. Whose team will complete the task faster?

(Game. Rewarding.)

Host: Dear guests!
Who counts all the stars?
Well, of course, the astrologer!
Only where is the star flashing,
He arrives there.

(Stargazer exits.)

Stargazer: Good evening, dear guests and hostess!
Birthday girl from heaven
I got a miracle from miracles.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
I give this cake to her.
There are many luminaries on it.
It takes a lot of strength to blow them out.
Dear birthday girl!
On the command "three-four!" - you need to smile wider.
And at the "time!" or "two" - get ready first.
How do I say "start!" - you can blow out the candles.

(The hero of the day blows out the candles on command. The cake and lighted candles after the competition are put on

Host: We ask the guests to sit down at the tables,
After all, you need to drink and eat a little.

(Guests take their places.)

Host: This holiday is a birthday.
Just a glorious anniversary.
So that the fun continues
I will tell everyone: "Pour it!" "

(Guests fill their glasses.)
Anniversary toast

Let the wine sparkle in the glasses.
It congratulates Tatiana on her anniversary.

(The guests are drinking.)

Host: Dear birthday girl! There are many pleasures in life. And we wish you, of course, a hundred of them on your birthday. But, you yourself understand, not all wishes come true. Therefore, we have to find out which of the hundred joys in life are definitely waiting for you in the coming year until your next birthday.

We'll make a starfall
Catch the stars all in a row.
How many will you catch them here
You will learn so many joys.

(The presenter throws stars on which are written "joys of life", the birthday girl is trying to catch them.)

Inscriptions on the stars:
Bliss from attending a philharmonic concert.
Quiet joy after sowing seeds in a wooden box on the windowsill.

Exuberant jubilation after winning the cup match of your favorite team.
Pleasant learning about the amount of interest accrued on the bank account.
100% relaxation during your stay in the 100-degree sauna.

The exotic pleasure of making love in an inappropriate place.
The pleasure of "shopping" (shopping) in a foreign capital.
Primal delight while hunting a duck.
Unbridled fun at a drunken and stupid party.
Anxious expectation of a compliment while treating guests with homemade pickles and preserves.

Selfish joy from a personal acquaintance with a famous person.
Blissful frenzy from sitting with a jig in hands on the ice near the hole.
Pleasant aching joints after hilling a potato plantation.

(The inscriptions on the stars caught by the birthday girl are read out to everyone. Then those that she missed are read out.)

Host: Stars have fallen from the sky,
And all the guests were punished,
So that one of them without delay
The necklace was assembled here.

Two people are invited to compete in creating a star necklace. At the signal, you need to attach the stars with paper clips to the thread of the New Year's rain. Whoever manages to use the most stars and cope with the task faster will be considered the winner.

(Game. Summing up. Rewarding. Handing over the necklace to the birthday girl.)

Host: Friends! In honor of today's holiday, a black box draw is being held. Whoever names the contents of this box will become its owner. The host has the right to answer the guests' questions with the words "yes" and "no".

(Variants of the "content": 1. Cognac - a star drink, 2. - Audio cassette - the voices of pop stars.) (Drawing. Handing over the "content".)
Anniversary toast

For that. so that in the future everyone is so lucky
Now we will pour all the grams for a hundred.

(The guests are drinking.)
Host: You can't live without music,
Let's dance fun, friends!

Host: The anniversary has come to an end a long time ago, friends,
It's hard to part, but it's time.
I hope in a year on this day and hour
I'll meet you again at the hostess at the table.

(Music sounds. Guests go home.)

M Many people, on the eve of celebrating round anniversaries, are worried in a special way. And this is not surprising, because almost everyone wants their anniversary to be truly fun, interesting and unusual. Therefore, it is not surprising that people pay so much attention to organizing their anniversaries.

Dyba to organize a truly memorable anniversary party, you need to really get serious about this issue. The process of organizing and preparing a celebration scenario can take a really long time and take a considerable amount of effort. However, it is worth it, because anniversaries do not take place every year. Therefore, once every 5-10 years, you can try to organize an unforgettable holiday.

Young people are especially serious about the process of organizing anniversary parties. We are talking about twenty years old guys and girls who are celebrating their first serious anniversary. Therefore, for the first time, they want to spend everything unforgettable.

There are a lot of ideas for organizing parties in honor of the twentieth anniversary of young guys and girls. Therefore, each future birthday person can choose for himself the topic that is closer to him personally. However, there are also versatile youth holiday party scenarios that are perfect for a 20 year anniversary.

So, for example, if you are looking for a scenario for a 20-year-old girl's anniversary, then you can pay attention to parties in black and white style. The beauty of this theme is that it is versatile. That is, it is suitable for almost everyone, including a twenty-year-old girl.

Preparation for the holiday

If you decide to celebrate the anniversary of a 20-year-old girl in exactly this scenario, then do not forget that you will need to carefully prepare for the holiday. This must be done, because if you and your guests simply dress in black and white, then this will not be enough. You will need to work out the concept of the party invitations, as well as take care of decorating the room in black and white. In addition, you also need to choose music, menus and entertainment for celebrating the twentieth birthday of a lady in this style.

There is no need to be afraid of preparing a festive party in this style, because it is really easy to organize it. Therefore, even if you do not have experience in conducting such events according to the script, then you can easily organize a black and white party for the girl's twentieth anniversary. Despite the simplicity of organizing a party in this style, it will surely please both the birthday guests and the birthday girl herself.
Black and White Party Invitations

A party in black and white is a truly stylish event, which really matters in this case. However, in order for young people to like it for sure, you need to seriously approach its organization, paying special attention to all sorts of little things.

To start the process of preparing for the holiday, it is necessary to choose invitation cards for the anniversary of the girl of 20 years. Invitations must be made in black and white. What is remarkable, in this case, even ordinary printed invitations will be appropriate. However, if you want your anniversary invitations to look more original, then get creative with the process of creating them.

For example, let's say you print your invitation text on black cardboard. Of course, the text should be white. Such an invitation will look really stylish.

Apartment decor for a festive party in black and white style

As in the case of invitation cards, the process of decorating an apartment for this event will not take much of your time or energy. And this is not surprising, because decorating an apartment in black and white is quite simple.

You can use black and white balloons to decorate the room where the party will be held. They look really stylish. Therefore, it is not surprising that such balls are often used for interior decoration. You can hang these balls almost everywhere. There will definitely not be many of them.

Play with contrasts. For example, put white things next to black and vice versa. If possible, try to remove all colors from the room except white and black.

Pay special attention to the details of the decor. Indeed, in many respects, it depends on them how the interior of the room will look like, where the celebration of the anniversary of the girl of 20 years will take place.

Do not forget about table setting. For example, if you put a black tablecloth on the table, then the dishes should be white. If the tablecloth is white, then the dishes should be black. Which is remarkable. This applies not only to plates, but also to glasses.

Dress code for black and white party

The main highlight of a festive party in this style, of course, will be the costumes of the guests. They should all be dressed in black and white outfits. Remarkably, guests can use completely different clothes to create their images.

As for the birthday girl's outfit, she can try on a stylish black dress and complement the look with white evening gloves.

Musical accompaniment for a black and white party

The anthem of this festive party can be the cult track "Black & White" by Mile Jackson. You can also pick up other tracks that mention these two colors.

Black & White Party Menu

Try to choose black and white dishes and snacks for the feast. For example, sushi can be the main dish of a party. You can also serve black caviar sandwiches. In general, you can show your imagination here, because there are simply a huge number of black and white dishes.

Party entertainment in black and white style

Surely, the celebration of the anniversary of the girl of 20 years will be mainly attended by young people. So you need to take this fact into account when choosing entertainment for a holiday party.

Photography competition

At the very beginning of the festive event, you can announce a competition for the best black and white photography. Surely every young guest who will be present at the celebration of this anniversary will have a smartphone with them. So almost everyone will be able to participate in this competition. The essence of the competition is that guests will need to make a stylish photo in black and white during the festive evening. At the end of the evening, it will be necessary to determine the winner by universal suffrage.

Competition of opposites

Since this anniversary is in black and white, you can run a competition of opposites. How exactly to carry it out is up to you, because there are a huge number of options. The essence of the competition is that the presenter names an object, person or phenomenon, and one of the participants names the opposite.


Since the party will be attended mainly by young people, do not forget about the dances that must be present at this festive party.

There is no need to focus on games and competitions, because not all young people like such entertainment. It is better to focus on the entourage of the event, because young people pay attention to such moments.

Women's birthday scenarios:

scenario for the anniversary of a young man 20 years old

Hello adult life ...
Scenario of the 20th anniversary for a man.


20 years old is already quite a mature age. Especially for the guys. Some have already completed the army, others are on their way to getting a higher education diploma. But, one thing unites them, it is already past youth and the beginning of a new, adult life.

Today we celebrate two dozen
Today is (name), anniversary,
And with this we all congratulate him,
And we make it all more fun
And in order for us to start feasting on all,
We'll have to call him all together!

(the name of the Yubilyar in chorus, at the command of the host)
(The hero of the day enters)
Here he is, our Anniversary,
Blinds us all like a lantern
With my strength, beauty,
Courage and kindness!
Compliments to him today,
And all our applause!

(to applause, Yubilyar takes his place at the festive table)
Now the toast will come in handy for us,
We wish you so much money so as not to waste
We always wish to rule our life,
And so that you have as many friends as you cannot even imagine!
Congratulations! Hooray!

(musical break, meal)
And now I want to surprise you
And reward with a keepsake!
I will present you balloons,
You pop each one and read your own note!

(The presenter brings a large bunch of balloons, in each of them, before inflating, you need to put a small note. In each you need to write one name, where there will be just the inscription: "Happy Holidays!" That is, without a gift, and where - a calendar, a pen, a towel, a keychain, a photo frame, etc., that means with a gift. Guests choose a balloon, pop it and read it. Some are left with a surprise, and some are not.)
The lottery was held
The balls all burst
And again we came to congratulations,
Now we drink to
So that you (name), find your soul mate!
For love, for a future family!

Now I want to hold a competition,
So that you remember all the basics of childhood!
The competition is called: "How small I was!" Anyone can take part, but you need an even number of people. We are divided into two teams. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 meters, a chair is placed on which nipples are laid out (candy-nipples need to be purchased in the store, very often there are), and next to it, on the floor, there is a children's designer, two bandages are also issued on the knees. Task: in turn, each person from the team ties protective bandages on their knees and crawls on their knees (like a small one) to a chair. Then he unfolds the nipple-candy, puts it in his mouth, takes 1 piece from the constructor and puts it in the base of the house. Then he returns to the team, passes the bandages and so on, one by one. At a sign from the host, the game stops. And whoever built the tallest house will be the winner. Prize: with parting words to create a family, the presenter hands over real pacifiers as a keepsake, for future children, participants.

This is how we had fun
As if they had frolicked in childhood
And now again to the table, to the wine!
Now everyone who has gathered here
They say congratulations to us encore!
(all present, alternately congratulate the hero of the day and give him gifts)

(musical break, meal)
Many were already here in the army,
And I hope they haven't forgotten anything
All of you will shoot tonight,
And for this, receive a gift!
The competition is called: "Festive shooting gallery!" Everyone is welcome to participate. Iron beer cans are placed on the table, a note is attached to each: where is the gift, where is the riddle, where to sing a ditty, where to dance, and where to say the best compliment to the hero of the day. Whoever knocks down which one gets it.

And again there will be a feast by the mountain,
Let's celebrate 20 years, with interest,
We drink everything for our parents
Today we salute them!

Friends, I apologize to you,
But I will leave this room
I set the mood for you all,
I told you all my words
Now let's go without me,
And the last toast:
“For the Anniversary, all to the bottom!”.

(music, meal)

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  • Script old Russian wedding script Anniversary 50 years script for mom
  • In the evenings, when life in the castle froze, he came here to the library, lit candles in an old overseas candelabrum, took a book and plunged into another world, where there was a place for exploits, love for the day of secrets. In the evenings, when life stopped in the castle, he came here to the library, lit candles in an old overseas candelabrum, took a book and plunged into another world, his daughter had a place for exploits, love and secrets. the day these stories were a place for both fiction and truth. the Red Navy daughters were already ahead of him. In his day of quest to destroy the Earth, with all the ensuing consequences, he was driven by something other than the call of duty. day These stories were 20 and fiction, and truth. Wedding script Ulyanovsk
  • In the evenings, when life stopped in the castle, he came here to the library, lit candles in an old overseas candelabrum, took a book 20 and plunged into another world, where there was a place for exploits, love and secrets. In his relentless quest to destroy the Earth, with all the ensuing consequences, he was driven by birth beyond the call of duty. 20 only miracles were not in the past. 55th Birthday Scenario

Birthday script for a girl 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 30 years old

Invitation: the text of the invitation can be written in a child's handwriting, use pictures in the design. The invitation card can be attached to a small soft toy or baby doll (for girls), to a typewriter or a toy pistol (for boys).

Registration: the room is decorated with balloons; there are soft toys, dolls, balls, toy cars on chairs, armchairs and sofas. Hanging on the wall with children's photographs of the birthday girl. Another wall is decorated with a fence made of several pieces of whatman paper.

Hello, friends! Today we are celebrating the birthday of a wonderful girl (name)

(age) - oh, what a date!

Let it not be jubilee, not round,

This is the dance of the waves and the riot of the garden.

This is behind two wings!

It's eight Fridays in the week

Time of trial, error and dilemmas.

Beauty and spirit in a healthy body,

This is life without problems so far!

This is a reckless neighborhood,

And now it is forgivable

The epicenter of adolescence and childhood,

This is fermented wine.

It's a time of self-affirmation

This is life's best time.

From birth!

Happy birthday!

And still no fluff, no feather!

(Guests raise their glasses to the birthday girl).

Leading:(age) years is the beginning of adulthood, this is a farewell to childhood. Therefore, we decided to celebrate today's holiday in a way that we never did as children. The Day of Disobedience is declared! Today we will be mischievous, have fun and tease each other, and also scream loudly. Shouting: "Happy birthday, (name)!"

(Everyone shouts. It is carried out several times to make it loud and slender).

And today we will write whatever we want on the fences. I ask you to come up to the fence and write our birthday girl on it.

(Guests write to the birthday girl on the fence).

Leading: Birthday girl, now you have your own wish fence. And may these wishes come true!

Auction "Our birthday girl".

The host announces that the winner of the auction will be the one who is the last to say a kind word - the definition of the birthday girl. The winner receives a prize - a big chupa-chups or a bag of sweets for the sweetest speeches addressed to the birthday girl. And the presenter offers to raise glasses to such an extraordinary birthday girl.

"Empty Relay"

The presenter suggests remembering the ritual of growing up. A dummy game is played, which the participants must spit out as far as possible. The winner receives a prize - a bright dummy.

"On a chair"

The presenter talks about what kind of chairs were played in our childhood. We used them to get to the farthest corners of the sideboard or cupboards, where sweets were hidden from us. We used to build whole castles from them. And how many times did we have to, standing on it, recite rhymes and sing songs under the cheers of adults and the proud look of our parents.

The guests pull strips of paper from the box with 1 line from a children's poem. Then 4 people stand on chairs and read what happened.

"How it was"

Everyone gets forfeits. Participants must portray.

How the birthday boy learned to walk.

To depict how the birthday boy did rhythmic gymnastics as a child;

Like a birthday boy, sitting on a pot, he called his mother.

How the birthday boy took away his favorite toy

As the birthday boy demanded in the store to buy him a toy.

"Birthday Gifts"

From one box, guests draw cards with the names of the gift. The birthday girl pulls a card from another box with a description of what she will do with this gift.

"Mothers and Daughters"

The presenter suggests remembering the game of "mothers and daughters". Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. Each team is given a bow. The first ties a bow to the second, she unties it and ties the third, etc. The latter is the first to tie. The team that did it earlier and more accurately wins.

"We all covered songs"

The presenter reads the definition for a children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.


A song about a piece of land surrounded by water, the inhabitants of which are happy from the constant eating of tropical fruits ("Chunga-changa");

A song about a sky-colored vehicle ("The Blue Carriage");

A song about how bad weather conditions cannot ruin the holiday ("We will survive this nuisance");

A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes a sun bath ("I lie in the sun")

A song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was felled by a peasant ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest");

A song about how fun it is to march with the team ("It is fun to walk together");

A song about a small creature resembling a certain vegetable in color ("A grasshopper was sitting in the grass").

"Magic bag"

During the time, the guests pass the box to each other. When the music stops, the one who at the moment has the box in his hands takes out, without looking, some thing from it and puts it on himself. Game continues.

Happy birthday congratulations to daughter

Congratulations to the daughter on the anniversary of 30 years

On this day I want to say:

Do not grieve and do not be sad!


You, daughter, are behind.

And he is changing age -

Adventurous and intoxicated.

More than thirty -

This is such an amazing age!

You can do whatever you want:

You are free in your destiny.

Let it be supportive

Providence to you!

And it's not okay to listen to "ancestors".

Ancestor - you yourself.

Virtues need not be hidden

In the passion of the bins.

You can fall in love ten times

And once more to give birth.

It is possible with Okudzhava together

Drink "Amaretto" at night.

Oh what a wonderful age

When three decades!

Better than age, by God

It just wasn’t and no!

You can do whatever you want:

You are free in your destiny.

Let it be supportive

Providence to you!

How to spend the first anniversary of 20 years for a girl, a guy - and congratulations

At the age of twenty, young people for the first time celebrate the “round date” of their birthday, the so-called “anniversary”.

The age of hopes and desires, the arrival of real and romance is coming.

And it seems that the opportunity to conquer the world and earn the trust of many millions of people is so close and easily achievable. And so much can be done in this life! And you should not try to dissuade young people in something and shake your head in disbelief. Let's wait, they say, we'll see. It is better to help your children overcome difficulties, to support their aspirations and aspirations. Not to withdraw from the new generation, but to join it. Hosting family holidays together can be a great idea. For example, celebrating a birthday on the occasion of the twentieth birthday of a son or daughter.

And here you should understand that at any age you have your own dreams and desires, which you should listen to. And how to properly congratulate a guy, a girl on this day, how to organize a holiday correctly and what to look for when congratulating, let's try to figure it out. What do the young generation like, what are their interests, what are the ambitions and perseverance associated with?

When organizing holiday celebrations, the psychological aspect of the "problem" is always taken into account. Especially if the event is dedicated to a specific person. To bring him joy, you need to understand exactly what will please him. If a young man or a girl loves modern music, dancing and is happy to "light up" on the dance floor, arrange a party in his honor in a club or disco. Such a birthday, of course, will please and will be remembered for a long time by the whole company of friends who came to congratulate the birthday man.

If your child is a stay-at-home or, on the contrary, is simply “delirious” with travel and loves to enjoy the natural beauty, then you should not throw a noisy party. And, after consulting, go on a tourist trip or just enjoy the local beauty in the countryside. Amazing places on the planet are countless. Give a "holiday of life" to yourself and your loved ones.

And it is possible that a girl or a guy will want to spend this exciting day with a loved one, if there is one. Do not interfere, step aside. Let the young people stay together. What if this day becomes decisive in the birth of a new family? After all, twenty years is a beautiful date, which is perceived by some as a transition to an independent adult life.

As for the gift, then you shouldn't brush it off and give anything. Many today "do not bother" and like to present money. Yes, no one argues. always desirable, especially for people who are not “firmly on the ground”. But this idea is great only in the case of a "tidy" sum presentation. Then the "gift" will be pleasant. Especially if money is already being saved up for something.

But smart people, when giving money, will certainly present some other inexpensive thing, purely symbolically. And, again, based on the interests of the person being gifted. It can be discs, any computer paraphernalia, a ticket to your favorite band…. And so, a membership to a gym or a pool, stylish clothes, a laptop, a bicycle or even a motorcycle can serve as a wonderful gift.

It all depends on the joint desires and capabilities of the donor. And, if guys like technical "toys" more often, then modern girls are essentially romantic and ... practical. They are waiting for a meaningful gift, something significant. It is appropriate for young ladies of any age to be presented with a bouquet of flowers in any life situation. But for a twenty-year-old lady, they choose traditional roses of delicate colors or touching wildflowers.

Anniversary script. 20 years. "Goodbye youth, and hello adult life ...".

The holiday can be celebrated at home, as well as in a cafe or outdoors.


Today we celebrate two dozen

Today is (name), anniversary,

And with this we all congratulate him,

And we make it all more fun

And in order for us to start feasting on all,

We'll have to call him all together!

(the name of the Yubilyar in chorus, at the command of the host)

(The hero of the day enters)


Here he is, our Anniversary,

Blinds us all like a lantern

With my strength, beauty,

Courage and kindness!

Compliments to him today,

And all our applause!

(to applause, Yubilyar takes his place at the festive table)


Now the toast will come in handy for us,

We wish you so much money so as not to waste

We always wish to rule our life,

And so that you have as many friends as you cannot even imagine!

Congratulations! Hooray!

(musical break, meal)


And now I want to surprise you

And reward with a keepsake!

I will present you balloons,

You pop each one and read your own note!

(The presenter brings a large bunch of balloons, in each of them, before inflating, you need to put a small note. In each you need to write one name, where there will be just the inscription: "Happy Holidays!" That is, without a gift, and where - a calendar, a pen, a towel, a keychain, a photo frame, etc., that means with a gift. Guests choose a balloon, pop it and read it. Some are left with a surprise, and some are not.)


The lottery was held

The balls all burst

And again we came to congratulations,

Now we drink to

So that you (name), find your soul mate!

For love, for a future family!



Now I want to spend

So that you remember all the basics of childhood!


The competition is called: "How small I was!" Anyone can take part, but you need an even number of people. We are divided into two teams. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 meters, a chair is placed on which nipples are laid out (candy-nipples need to be purchased in the store, very often there are), and next to it, on the floor, there is a children's designer, two bandages are also issued on the knees. Task: in turn, each person from the team ties protective bandages on their knees and crawls on their knees (like a small one) to a chair. Then he unfolds the nipple-candy, puts it in his mouth, takes 1 piece from the constructor and puts it in the base of the house. Then he returns to the team, passes the bandages and so on, one by one. At a sign from the host, the game stops. And whoever built the tallest house will be the winner. Prize: with parting words to create a family, the presenter hands over real pacifiers as a keepsake, for future children, participants.


This is how we had fun

As if they had frolicked in childhood

And now again to the table, to the wine!

Now everyone who has gathered here

They say congratulations to us encore!

(all present, alternately congratulate the hero of the day and give him gifts)

(musical break, meal)


Many were already here in the army,

And I hope they haven't forgotten anything

All of you will shoot tonight,

And for this, receive a gift!


The competition is called: "Festive shooting gallery!" Everyone is welcome to participate. Iron beer cans are placed on the table, a note is attached to each: where is the gift, where is the riddle, where to sing a ditty, where to dance, and where to say the best compliment to the hero of the day. Whoever knocks down which one gets it.


And again there will be a feast by the mountain,

Let's celebrate 20 years, with interest,

We drink everything for our parents

Today we salute them!



Friends, I apologize to you,

But I will leave this room

I set the mood for you all,

I told you all my words

Now let's go without me,

And the last toast:

“For the Anniversary, all to the bottom!”.

(music, meal)

Scenario of the anniversary of the daughter's 20 years old

Professional holidays / Day of the Lawyer of Ukraine (October 8) "Beloved daughter"

I send you congratulations in the morning

And I write a wish in SMS sooner:

Successfully conclude a contract,

Always receive a large salary,

After all, you have Lawyer's Day, daughter,

I wish to celebrate it properly,

And always come to work

With a great mood only! See more ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 2191 Announcements For a wedding anniversary / 9 years - faience wedding In the calendar of family dates

Her faience outfit.

A whole year before the anniversary:

Without "nine" the count does not go!

Although you are not having an anniversary,

I want to congratulate soon

Happy ninth anniversary,

Not without reason.

Congratulations on this date!

Live rich and friendly

Love, happiness and family,

And so - to gold!

Watch the sequel ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 945 Although it is not your anniversary,

Faience year,

I want to congratulate soon

A family without problems!

There is a whole year before the anniversary,

But 9 years is more important;

Here the count goes for a minute,

Love is even stronger!

On the calendar of family dates

You need to mark it in red

Her faience outfit

Ringing and lovely!

Watch continuation ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 242 For a wedding anniversary / Wedding anniversary Just got married, frolicking,

Days did not leave the bed ...

Mother-in-law, you have your wedding day!

The years flew by like days

Calendar leaves,

Knowing holy mission

And giving to the whole world

Your golden daughter!

With vodka, borscht and kharcho

Live together without getting sick.

We love you dearly

Not only on the anniversary days !!! Watch continuation ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 363 For a wedding anniversary / Wedding anniversary There is no more beautiful anniversary in the world,

Mother and father:

Silver wedding is yours -

Crown of happy long years!

You went through heat and cold

A moment of falling apart, an hour of parting ...

But everyone is both strong and young:

Time has stopped in you.

And I'm already flying winged

With your beautiful dream

There, congratulations where once

You and your wedding - golden !!! Watch the continuation ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 399 You have been married for two years! ..

They seem to be barely familiar:

After all, the weather has changed too

During this time, two times.

First two wonderful summers

Then - two Russian winters.

In the radiance of the eyes, in a smile somewhere

We see great happiness!

Live in love without getting sick

The two of you are raising children:

Until the golden jubilee

Then we will definitely live! Watch the continuation ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 277 For a wedding anniversary / 40 years - a ruby ​​wedding The hand is strong, the look is sharp,

Speech - call, become - slim.

You are forty today!

Hurray - the country is screaming.

And we all sing too

A cheerful hymn to you:

It's not time to sum up life -

Give your light to others!

Yes, until the centenary big anniversary

Live loving, being friends, working and not getting sick !!! Watch continuation ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 280 For a wedding anniversary / Wedding anniversary Anniversary at a woman's wedding with grandfather -

There is no kinder, warmer and whiter ...

You, too, old ones, would be called

At least for my centenary!

Take your time to live - lie down:

We will do what we need, we will serve ...

You will live to be a hundred years old

To the joy of our young grandchildren!

Great-grandchildren "look" without getting sick,

And suddenly you will understand, in a moment

Golden jubilee weddings,

How much you are in love with them !!! Watch the continuation ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 1421 We congratulate everyone, loving -

There is no brighter anniversary in life -

Happy 30th birthday to you!

You are smarter and sweeter than everyone!

All your merits are countless,

The road leads forward and upward.

In you (that's true, not flattery!)

There is a lot of kindness, warmth and light!

Take care of family comfort

Wealth will come to you soon

And let your children sing

A huge choir in love for you !!! Watch continuation ... 07/28/2013 | NoName | Votes: 222 For a wedding anniversary / 35 years - linen (linen, coral) wedding Is it really thirty-five?

Let me hug you soon!

How much has been done along the way

How much happiness is in the middle

Your anniversary!

I wish everything:

Money, laughter and love!

Be with luck not on "you"

And on "you"! Big success -

Always be the most beautiful of all!

May your dreams come true!

Don't be afraid of heights

Grow straight to the sun

Live a hundred times thirty-five

Control your destiny

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