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A good diet is based on understanding the difference between unhealthy and unhealthy fats how they act on the human body, how much animal vegetable fats are really harmful to health.

Minimizing or eliminating fat is a common mistake many people make when starting a diet. Butter is replaced with margarine, whole milk is replaced with skim milk. Instead of fried food, they start eating steamed food. This is due to the connection that a person finds for himself between consumed with food and the fat on the body.

This tactic is wrong. Low-fat foods are often more harmful than their counterparts. They are devoid of fat but contain simple carbohydrates. A balanced and healthy diet requires the presence of fats, but only the right ones. It is impossible to exclude this important element from the diet.

Unsaturated and saturated fats

Fatty acids, which are fats, differ in the number of carbon atoms. Each fat of vegetable or animal origin is a mixture of dozens of fatty acids, the most common of which, to varying degrees, are five to seven.

The classification of fats is usually not related to the number of carbon atoms. It is most often due to "saturation" with hydrogen atoms, that is, the absence or presence of free bonds. Trans fats are fatty acids with a chemically identical but geometrically different formula.

The value of fatty acids is determined by how they are absorbed and digested. Fats, the number of carbon atoms in which does not exceed 15, are absorbed by the body from the intestines, spent on metabolic processes. They make up a quarter of cow's milk, eighty percent of coconut oil.

Coconut fat is classified as dietary oil due to the fact that it is difficult to convert into body fat. This quality makes the refined palm oil, from which margarine is produced, quite dangerous. It is a trans fat with low levels of carbon oils and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, making it unhealthy.

Omega-3, -6 and -9

They are fatty acids having 18 carbon atoms, present in any type of oil and fat, prevailing over other substances. Depending on the position of the double chain in the structure, they are Omega-3, -6 or -9.

The latter are considered neutral, ranked second in the body after Omega-6. They are found in olive, corn and avocado oils, yolks and beef fat.

Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratio

The balance of these two fatty acids is of paramount importance. Omega-3 is not synthesized in the body, but it is necessary to maintain the immune system, the work of the cerebral cortex, and the implementation of metabolic processes. It is these fatty acids that are considered the most beneficial. Their positive effect on the body is reduced to a minimum in the presence of Omega-6.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the concentration of Omega-3 in food is minimal. Half, and sometimes even a little more, of the composition of corn and vegetable oils is Omega-6. Consequently, as a result of cooking, their ratio shifts, which leads to metabolic disorders.

Animal fat - good or bad?

The composition of animal fat is a combination of various fatty acids, the concentration of which depends on the nutrition of the animal. Industrial cows are given corn. This increases the percentage of Omega-6 in the resulting product. Therefore, the actual situation may differ from the tabular data.

Saturated animal fat is called palmitic acid. It contains 16 carbon atoms. Its excess in the diet provokes the development of many pathological conditions. Palmitic acid makes up 25-30% of the total fat in butter, about 20-25% of egg yolk and beef fat.

Bad and healthy fats

Hazardous to health are corn and sunflower oils, the fat profile of which is 50-60 percent Omega-6. Depending on what the animal is fed under industrial conditions, these fatty acids may be present in chicken and beef.

Olive and avocado oils are healthier than sunflower and corn counterparts as they contain Omega-9. Frying food is best done in coconut oil, which tolerates high temperatures well. The truly dangerous animal saturated fats become when overused and nutritionally imbalanced.


Oils and fats are important for metabolic processes and health. And in order to avoid numerous problems, you need to maintain a balance in the diet, to be able to recognize the fat profile of the fat source.

Video review

Omega 3-6-9 Fats: What's the Difference? Natural sources Simple and complex carbohydrates, useful and harmful

It tells about the types of fats consumed, their benefits and harms to the body, important advice and recommendations from nutritionists.

Everyone around and without additional information knows that when consuming an excessive amount of fat, the weight begins to increase rapidly and not as we wanted it, but with the formation of a fat layer, which immediately not only spoils the figure, but also introduces the processes of disrupting our health.

Fats in the human body

Many, in order to get rid of excess fat, completely abandon fatty foods, replacing everything with low-fat foods, this is all correct and true, butmost do not pay attention to the fact that by reducing the portion of fat, carbohydrates remain at the same level ... they continue to eat potatoes, baked goods, bananas and other high-carbohydrate foods that contain high levels of !!!
Without even understanding why the weight remains in place or vice versa is rapidly gaining.

That's why a low fat diet, without the correct dosage of carbohydrates, is practically useless , you will find important information about nutrition for weight loss in this.

With the strictest diet and the fastest weight loss, all fats cannot be excluded from the diet, and here's why:

It is the basis of the material in the structure of cell membranes;
form a skeleton of nerve fibers;
are part of the structure of most hormones, including sex hormones;
help the intake of the fat-soluble group of vitamins A, D and E, they are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the natural shine of the hair.

The female half needs to know that with a decrease in the total body weight, the volume of the breast will definitely decrease, since it consists of 80-90% of fat deposits!

The minimum dose of fat intake per day should be 0.4 - 0.5 g. for 1 kg. weight, with a smaller amount, is violated, and this is the basis for both gaining muscle mass and losing weight.

All fats consist of fatty acids and glycerin, it is fatty acids that are valuable for our body. , but they are also different, they perform different roles and some are useful, while others are not quite.

Saturated fatty acids

They are called in excess - bad fats. This group of fats supplies the body with energy, as during the breakdown of 1gr.
fat is released 9 cal., with the same breakdown of protein and carbohydrates only 4 cal. But do not drive horses, with a large use of them, if the calorie consumption is less than what is consumed - this is a direct road to obesity.

Saturated fatty acids include only animal fats. - meat products (especially pork and lamb, skin on meat), dairy products (wherever there is milk, including chocolate and confectionery), sausages, mayonnaise.

For people who are not obese, during the day it is necessary to get 25% of fat from all calories consumed. This is on average about 90g for men, and 70g for women.
But for those who are struggling with excess weight, the situation is changing - the dose of consumed fats should be reduced to 40-50 grams. for men and 30-40g. women.
This is the average data, each has its own genetics, a different level of metabolic rate, lifestyle, age, gender. and so on ... try to use no more than 0.5g while sitting. fat per 1 kg. weight, and with a normal lifestyle no more than 1 g.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Their second name is healthy fats, this is the most preferred group of fats for our body and health promotion, these include fats Omega 3 and Omega 6 , it is Omega 3 that is found in large quantities in fish (tuna, salmon, salmon, hake,) seafood (shrimp, certain algae), walnuts and oil.
You cannot fry in linseed oil, only raw for making salads!

1) The importance of Omega 3 is as follows:

Reduces the possibility of blood clots
reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
stimulates the formation of hormones dopomina and seratonin

Dopomin - is responsible for the feeling of pleasure and pain, and also contributes to the development of mental acuity.

Serotonin - a responsible hormone for a good mood, feelings of happiness, with its deficiency, there is a depressive state, a feeling of depression and anxiety.

Also, fatty acids should be included in the diet. Omega 6 , they directly affect the formation of the E1 component of prostagladin in the body, which blocks premature aging, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and so on.

2) The role of Omega 6 is as follows:

Omega 6 is found in sunflower, olive, pumpkin and sesame oil, and you cannot fry on them either, only fresh for dressing vegetable salads!

Attention! The content of Omega 6 and Omega 3 should be in a ratio of 1: 1 to 4: 1. In most cases, everything is very sad and the ratio is 10: 1, this is fundamentally wrong. Omega 3, with an excess of Omega 6, does not fully show all its beneficial properties, so try to consume less vegetable oil and more fish and seafood.

3) Arachidonic acid

This type of acid is found in fat, it has a beneficial effect on cell membranes, protects the heart muscle and participates in the process of normalizing cholesterol. The daily rate is 10g. Therefore, it is healthy to eat lard, but 2 pieces a day, and not 0.5 kg each 😉

Eat right, be always healthy, lose weight and gain muscle mass with the BOMB BODY website, good luck everyone 😉

are not only the cause of excess weight, but also health problems, for example, which is important for bodybuilders, the so-called trans fats cause insulin resistance, thereby reducing testosterone production. Unhealthy fats should be avoided, but this does not mean that fats should be eliminated from the diet altogether, since there are also healthy fats, and they are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Nevertheless, an excess of any fat is harmful, so it is important to know not only what lipids can be included in the diet, but also in what quantity! That is why we will analyze the mechanism of the formation of the need for fats, their composition, the consequences of excess and lack of lipids in the diet, as well as practical information on the choice of sources for obtaining fat.

The unhealthy fats that definitely need to be avoided are trans fats, that is, fats obtained in an artificial way. Essentially, trans fats are solid vegetable fats such as margarine. Trans fats are obtained by twisting the molecular chain, which causes the body to regard fat as animal, when in fact it is vegetable. This is what explains their extreme harm, since your body simply uses them for other purposes, otherwise it cannot use them, since trans fats do not exist in nature. Contains trans fats in fast food, ice cream, puff pastries, cakes, cakes and other products that must contain oil, but the manufacturer does not indicate it in the composition. We are talking about solid oil, but trans fats are not added to vegetable oil, just as nothing is fried on them, since it makes sense to replace only expensive animal fats with trans fats. The important thing to remember here is that all trans fats are bad!

Types of fats

Essential fatty acids - these are the so-called F group vitamins, which were considered vitamins until 1930, but later it was proved that these are vitamin-like fatty substances, which include oleic, arachidonic, lipolic and linolenic fatty acids. These fats normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, preventing atherosclerosis. The daily requirement is 5-10 grams. Sources: Vegetable oils from wheat seed, flax, sunflower oil, soybeans, peanuts and walnuts. It goes without saying that these fats can also be obtained from fatty and semi-fatty fish.

Saturated fat - these are, as a rule, animal fats, which are often called harmful. In fact, animal fats are not harmful, moreover, they must be included in the diet, since they improve the functioning of the respiratory system. These fats differ in that they remain solid at room temperature, this is due to the fact that their molecules are not linked by double bonds, so they are more stable. These fats also include trans fats, which is why these fats are considered unhealthy. In fact, if you completely eliminate trans fats and leave in the diet only saturated fatty acids of animal origin, then they will be useful, however, their amount should not exceed 20-30% of the total amount of fat consumed. Sources: Butter, animal fat, cocoa butter, coconut and palm oils.

Polyunsaturated fats Are unsaturated fats with many double bonds, such as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Some sources report that OMEGA-6 is unhealthy fats, but this is not the case! Yes, an excess of OMEGA-6 relative to OMEGA-3 can increase the risk of a number of diseases, but this does not mean that OMEGA-6 should be avoided completely. The normal ratio of OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 is 1 to 4, but in the modern food industry this ratio is violated. This is due to the fact that people do not eat wild products, therefore, there is a need for additional intake of OMEGA-3 in the form of capsules. To make it clear to you why the ratio should be exactly the same, we give a table of the influence of prostaglandins of different groups. Prostaglandins are tissue hormones that do not travel with the blood, but regulate cellular and tissue functions. Prostaglandins of groups 1 and 2 are synthesized from OMEGA-6, and group 3 from OMEGA-3.

Group 1 and 3

Group 2



Reducing pain sensitivity

Increased pain sensitivity

Increased endurance

Decreased stamina

Increased immunity

Decreased immunity

Enhanced oxygen flow

Decreased oxygen supply

Interference with cell proliferation

Stimulating cell proliferation

Deterioration of blood clotting

Improving blood clotting

Better breathing

Decreased breathing

Prevention of inflammation

Promotes inflammation

Monounsaturated fat - these are fatty acids in which only 1 double bond is present, due to which only 1 hydrogen atom can be attached to them. Therefore, monounsaturated fats do not clog the bloodstream with cholesterol. Contains monounsaturated fats in olive oil, hazelnut oil, avocados, olives, pistachios and almonds.

Fat requirement

Saturated fat ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system, brain and lungs, so these unhealthy fats must be consumed. Neurons function due to electrical impulses that come to them through neural circuits, which, in turn, are enveloped by the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is 75% fat, so during low-calorie diets, athletes are inhibited because they lack fat. The job of the lungs is to carry oxygen, and perhaps this is due to the lung surfactant, which also consists of fat. This explains the decrease in stamina during low-calorie diets, as muscles simply acidify faster. Now attention, saturated fat and cholesterol are required for testosterone synthesis!

Unsaturated fats participate in the creation of cell membranes and are fat-soluble vitamins, that is, they are necessary for the resynthesis of any cells. These fats are considered completely harmless, it is recommended to eat more of them. It is worth noting again that these fats are different and must be consumed in the correct proportion. In the diet, saturated fat should account for about 70-80% of the total amount of fat consumed. Total fat should be consumed in about 10-15% of the total diet for men and 20-25% for women. Pregnant women can consume more fat, especially animal fat, since it is involved in the formation of the brain and central nervous system in the child.

The harm of fats

Flaw: leads to disruption of the functioning of the brain, central nervous system, testosterone secretion worsens, cell resynthesis slows down, all this leads to poor health, low brain activity, worsens neuromuscular connection, rapid fatigue sets in, endurance decreases, the risk of diseases of the respiratory system and atherosclerosis increases.

Excess: leads to obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, increases the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke. First of all, of course, you need to avoid consuming trans fats, since it is difficult to eat a lot of vegetable or animal fat, usually they overeat with trans fats. Therefore, try to eliminate any fast food and foods that contain trans fats from your diet.

Output: harmful fats are only those that are obtained by an artificial method, all other fats are both harmful and beneficial, it all depends on the amount. As Paracelsus said, "everything is poison, everything is a medicine," so be sure to consume fats in the ratio of 10-15% of the diet for men and 20-25% for women. Saturated fat should be 20-30%, and unsaturated fat 70-80%, while the ratio of OMEGA-6 fatty acids to OMEGA-3 should be in the range of 4 to 1, respectively. Even during "drying" fats should also be present in the diet, limit your intake of carbohydrates only!

Fat isn't always a bad thing. What does it mean? The saturated fats found in meat, lard, butter and the trans fats found in margarine and margarine-based products do more harm than good to the human body. But there are fats that we need. We are talking about mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which keep blood vessels and joints in good shape. These are fats that burn fat and, no matter how wild it sounds, are necessary in order to get rid of excess body fat.

It is customary to say "oil" and "fat" when it comes to food. If we talk about the processes occurring in the human body, it is more expedient to use the designation "lipids". These include fats and oils that dissolve in organic solvents but do not dissolve in water, as well as vitamin D and cholesterol. So why, in fact, does the human body need fat?

Lipids are in the composition of all cells of the body, it is from them that the cell membrane consists. The subcutaneous layer of fat softens the rough mechanical effect on the body, prevents the penetration of dangerous microorganisms into the body, this is its protective function. Visceral fat enveloping the internal organs protects them from damage.

Edible fats are a source and carrier of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, K. These vitamins would not be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract without fat. Cholesterol is also found in dietary fat. Testosterone and some other hormones are produced from it. Cholesterol is an important component of cell walls. And, among other things, fats are a source of energy necessary for a person.

The main property of fat is to accumulate in those places where they would least like to see it. Fat deposits on the buttocks and thighs do not cause much harm to health, but a lot of fat in the abdominal region is one of the reasons for the development of diabetes. Cholesterol in some places can accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, making their lumen already clear, which is fraught with well-known consequences.

On a note!

Eliminating fat altogether from the diet will not lead to anything good, and you shouldn't even try to do it. Both proteins and carbohydrates can become fats. With proteins, however, this happens if there is absolutely no physical activity. Getting rid of fat in your diet does not necessarily mean less fat under the skin, unless you expend more energy. In addition, the rejection of fats is a sure way to vitamin deficiency, because their absence inhibits the absorption of vitamins A and E. This is when the joints and blood vessels begin to suffer, estrogen levels drop in women, and testosterone in men.

Fats: the harmful and healthy poles

How can the same substance be both good and bad? Wait a second. Same? Not at all. All fats can be divided into 3 types: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The first, for the most part, are harmful, yes. But the latter, on the contrary, are very useful. Such traditional decorations of our table as fatty meat, chicken with skin, lard, butter are sources of just the same saturated fats (although these products also contain healthy fats, more on that later).

In the beginning, unsaturated fats were said to be beneficial. However, some exceptions are worth noting. These are trans fats, the nature of which is artificial, they are obtained by hydrogenation (transformation of liquid vegetable oil into solid). In nature, such fats do not exist, they are produced by the piece and they are just the same type of trans fats. The hydrogenation method immediately entered the widespread use of food workers. Of course, margarine is much cheaper to produce than butter. By the way, together with saturated fats, trans fats are the culprits of diseases such as atherosclerosis.

The undeniably beneficial fatty acids are omega-3s, omega-6s, and monounsaturated fats. They are usually found in the same foods. More on this in more detail.

Omega 3 and 6. What is it?

In fact, both of them belong to fatty acids, more precisely to the class of polyunsaturated fatty acids (the base of fats). It is not entirely correct to call them fats. These two types of fatty acids enter the body exclusively from the outside with food and are not produced by it on its own. This is also why they are called irreplaceable. Both omega-3 and omega-6 are found in the same foods, but the ratio may vary. By the way, omega-9s also belong to polyunsaturated fatty acids, but we will not talk about them today.

Omega-3: more details

The most important fatty acids of 11 that can be summarized under the term "omega-3" are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and eicosopentaenoic acid (EPA). These abbreviations can be understood as omega-3 fats. Of these three, the least significant acid is alpha-linolenic because its deficiency in the body is the most unlikely.

What foods are the source of omega-3s? This is the very unloved fish oil (trout, salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies). It is important to note that during conservation the fish continues to retain some of the Omnga-3 fats, but when salted and smoked, on the contrary, some of the healthy fats are lost. The source of ALA is flaxseed oil (it contains three times more of this acid than omega-6). In addition, ALA is found in nuts, pumpkin seeds, rapeseed, and even kiwi, although not much of it.

The desired daily serving of omega-3 fats is 2 grams for men and 1.6 for women. This dose is the most optimal for the full functioning of the cells of the human body. So, for example, omega-3 fatty acids in an amount of about 2 grams are found in:

  • a teaspoon of flaxseed oil and a tablespoon of rapeseed;
  • about 120 grams of pumpkin seeds;
  • a handful of walnuts (8-10 pieces);
  • portions of fresh salmon weighing 70 grams;
  • canned sardines (90 grams);
  • canned mackerel (120 grams).

In this context, it can be noted that vegetable omega-3 fats are better absorbed than animal fats. There are still various omega-3 supplements or fish oil capsules available though. It is quite possible to use them. What additional points should you pay attention to? From food, of course, to fish. And since supplementation with alpha-linolenic acid is not so important, it is better to give preference to a supplement that contains more DHA and EPA.

Omega-6: more details

What is Omega 6? These are eicosadienic, arachidonic, linoic, gamma-linolenic acid and other fatty acids. As noted earlier, flaxseed oil contains a lot of omega-6s. In addition to it, in nuts, in all - and walnuts, and cashews, and peanuts, etc. And also whole grain bread and cereal products in general, vegetable oils (the best and most accessible source is olive oil).

Oddly at first glance, omega-6 fatty acids are found in foods that are considered harmful. For example, in egg yolk and animal fats. So, in the first, their weighty share reaches 45 percent, and in the second, up to thirty-five. The only thing is that the rest of them are saturated fats, and as you already know, they are comparatively more harmful than good.

Omega-3 and Omega-6: the ratio you need

The optimal limit for the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 in the diet is from 1 to 1 to 1 to 4. Moreover, it is better if the ratio approaches the 1: 1 mark. Why is it important? If you consume five or more times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3, then the latter will be noticeably less absorbed. An interesting fact is that the diet of most people in developed countries contains up to 12 times more omega-6 than omega-3.

What are healthy fats "capable of"?

What's the point of healthy fats? What can they do? In addition to the fact that they are involved in the production of hormones and the construction of cell membranes, they can still do a lot (but this applies rather to omega-3 fatty acids).

First, omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of coronary or coronary heart disease. The likelihood of a heart attack decreases, blood circulation improves, cholesterol levels fall (meaning "bad" cholesterol: low and extremely low density lipoproteins), blood pressure and heart rate stabilize. Secondly, omega-3s are very beneficial for those who have varicose veins, and thirdly, for those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Fourth: they strengthen the body's defenses, have a positive effect on the immune system. And it is worth noting that omega-3 in combination with other drugs must be prescribed for depression and increased aggressiveness. Last but not least, these fatty acids are essential for healthy skin.

Fat burning and omega-3

The important thing is that omega-3s are known to help not only build muscle, but also get rid of excess fat. How? The mechanism of this process has not yet been fully disclosed. How do omega-3s destroy excess body fat? Such assumptions suggest themselves.

First, omega-3s make fat oxidation faster. Secondly, the same DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) prevents pre-adipocides from being converted into adipocides, in other words, prevents the deposition of "energy fat reserves" and, thirdly, it is possible that omega-3 makes the utilization of unhealthy fats noticeably slower and they, for the most part, they leave the body undigested to the end.

It should be clarified that all the studies that looked at the effects of omega-3s on weight loss were performed in people sitting still. This means that omega-3 fatty acids, both from supplements and natural sources, work well when combined with the right diet. And not just good, but excellent.

In the course of one of the experiments, the experimental subjects who had both fatty and semi-fatty fish in their diet were able to lose an additional kilogram of excess subcutaneous fat. It is important that they did not engage in physical activity, and the presence of carbohydrates in their diet was about 50 percent.

In another study, volunteers performed an aerobic exercise, which was walking on a treadmill. So the loss of fat in them compared with the control group of subjects was significantly greater. This can be explained by the fact that omega-3 fatty acids make the utilization of fats much faster during exercise.

The conclusion is that a combination of exercise and diet is best for losing weight. In the first case, it can be both purely aerobic and aerobic-strength training, in the second, a healthy diet (although a strict one is more effective). And for strengthening - an additional intake of omega-3.

(2 assessments, the average: 5.00 out of 5)

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