Home Mushrooms How to wean Komarovsky from breastfeeding. How to wean a baby from breastfeeding, Komarovsky advises his own methods. How to wean your baby from breastfeeding at night

How to wean Komarovsky from breastfeeding. How to wean a baby from breastfeeding, Komarovsky advises his own methods. How to wean your baby from breastfeeding at night

For newborn babies, mother's breast milk is the best food, because it contains everything necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby.

However, over time, the child grows and needs more solid food. The time comes when it is necessary to wean the baby from breastfeeding.

In order for such a transition to be painless and safe, you should follow the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky on how to wean a child from.

First of all, for a successful transition to a new type of nutrition, the most optimal age of the child should be determined.

On this issue, the opinions of experts differ. Many people find it best to stop breastfeeding when the milk has disappeared on its own. As a rule, this process occurs when the child is already about two years old.

Not every mother is capable of transferring a two-year period of breastfeeding, because this is a fairly strong load on the body. In addition, when breastfeeding, a woman should not take various, unhealthy foods and much more.

It should also be noted the emotional fatigue that any mother feels after a long period of breastfeeding.

The well-known doctor Komarovsky believes that it is not necessary to switch to more solid foods at the moment when a woman naturally stops producing breast milk.

According to the presented specialist, which is based on WHO recommendations, as well as rich professional experience, the breast for the baby is not only a source of food.

Quite often for children, this is the place where he feels comfortable and safe, and this condition can be observed in older children, if not weaned off the breast in time.

An important factor due to which the transition to solid foods can occur faster is the appearance in the child.

Obviously, when teething, a baby can bring a lot of unpleasant and even painful sensations to its mother when breastfeeding. This is also very important to consider when deciding whether to wean

baby from breastfeeding.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that the transition should be carried out for a sufficiently long period of time, as this makes it less painful and uncomfortable for the child.

In general, the age at which one should wean from breastfeeding can depend on many different factors, however, according to the expert, the transition to solid foods can only take place when the child is 1.5 years old.

Ways to switch to a new diet

Currently, there are several ways that you can stop breastfeeding your baby.

The most radical, but at the same time, the fastest method is the abrupt cessation of breastfeeding.

This method is not recommended by Dr. Komarovsky because of its high trauma, both for the mother and the child. In addition, with this option, there is a likelihood of complications, which will undoubtedly have a negative impact on health.

The method consists in the fact that the baby must be taken to the closest relatives, for example, the grandmother, for several days, where he will not have the opportunity to breastfeed.

For a child, this method is quite dangerous due to the fact that a sharp lack of breast milk becomes stress for the body. Moreover, in addition to the fact that his usual food is taken away from him, there is no mother nearby, which is only

worsens his condition.

Another way to wean a baby is to take certain ones. Due to an obstacle in the production of the hormone prolactin, milk stops in women.

Before using this method, you must remember about the presence of a number of contraindications and the likelihood of side effects.

The best way to wean your baby from breastfeeding is to distract him. This is not surprising, because sucking is an innate reflex that, with the right approach, can be successfully overcome.

How to take your baby away from the breast:

  • Apply something bitter or unpleasant to the breast that is safe for the baby
  • Attracting immediate family members who can play with the child, thus distracting him
  • Refuse night breastfeeding by carefully rocking your baby
  • Wear clothes that cover the neckline
  • Play more with the child, kiss him, pick him up and show him something
  • Use different

The advantage of this option is that it is absolutely safe for the child. At the same time, you can wean you from breastfeeding and start feeding your baby with other food in a fairly short period of time without any negative consequences.

In general, a successful option for stopping breastfeeding is to distract the baby from the mother's breast in various ways, and gradually teach him to eat more solid foods.

A well-known pediatrician fully supports the opinion that the transition from breastfeeding to more solid food should be carried out in such a way that the child experiences a minimum of discomfort.

  1. Drinking fluids. The amount of water and any other liquid products should be reduced. With a decrease in the amount of water, breastfeeding becomes more difficult for the baby, as a result of which he gradually begins to wean from the use. This advice should be followed with care to prevent dehydration.
  2. Duration of feeding. Obviously, you shouldn't stop breastfeeding abruptly. Milk withdrawal should be gradual. The best way to do this is to shorten the length of time you feed your baby. Subsequently, some of the usual methods of milk can be completely excluded.
  3. Sport. You can speed up the transition to a new type of food with the help of physical activity on the body. The moment the mother plays sports, she constantly sweats. At the same time, the amount of milk will constantly decrease, which in turn will cause the child to need to consume other foods and gradually wean from the breast.
  4. ... There are a number of foods that contain substances that stimulate the production of breast milk. Obviously, in order to accelerate the baby's weaning from breastfeeding, it is necessary to give up these food products.
  5. Refusal to express. When breastfeeding, most mothers express first. This is necessary so that substances that can cause disorders of the digestive system do not enter the child's body. When switching to solid food, Komarovsky recommends that you stop expressing milk.

In general, Dr. Komarovsky's recommendations on how to wean a baby from breastfeeding help prevent the stress associated with the transition to a new type of diet. In addition, such advice allows you to reduce the burden on the mother's body, and prevent the negative consequences of a sudden refusal to breastfeed.

A few useful tips - in the video:

I am the mother of Yurchik's son. He is now 1 year and 3 months old, is still breastfed and enjoys it a lot. But sooner or later the question of weaning will arise. The World Health Organization has developed effective recommendations that will make this difficult process painless and gentle. The downside is that on the official website they are presented in an incomprehensible language for specialists. In an accessible form, they can be found at the following link http://acusherplus.ru/?p=807. These 2 articles will help you make weaning easier and give your mom confidence in the process.

11/12/2015 21:15

Russia, Ayutinsk

I have two children. The oldest is now 2.6 years old. I weaned him a week before his birthday))) I got tired of this eternal desire to suck anywhere: on a visit and in nature and in the park. I gave it to my grandmother for three days with strong nerves and she began to drink Dostinex. I have a lot of milk and it ended about a week later. We slept with him, then sometimes asked for a breast and then forgot. A bottle came for a replacement. She doesn’t suck a nipple. I’m planning to wean her younger one for months in the same way. After that, no one stopped loving me !!! and I am very pleased with such excommunication. And remember, at 10 months it is easier to do it than in a year and ten. Ten. So you decided to quit, you don’t want to feed, throw it and do not be afraid.

23/11/2015 20:24

Vel "nura Uzbekistan

Why judge and resent? Every child is different. My daughter is 1 year old 3 months old. generally unpredictable, in all situations I try all methods. She took it away too abruptly a week ago, anointed it with greenery on the advice of her sister, said that it hurts (she understands this), for the first two days she was hysterical, rolled on the floor, kicked me in my hugs, pushed me, for the next two days, perfect sleep for the first time since her birthday, before that she slept during the day with my chest in my mouth, fell asleep with her at night and from 5 in the morning did not come off during sleep. Now again two days of hysterics, nothing helps, it hurts to watch, as you can see, it was not limited to 2-3 days. Appetite is very bad, before that I ate everything on both cheeks. I am waiting for a stable improvement, tk. nerves can not stand, there is no help, we live with her alone)

25/08/2015 18:19

Italy, Milano

Hello, my daughter is almost 21 months old, her breasts are an outlet for her, I’m on vacation and decided to wean off my breasts, to the kindergarten since September, I’ll go to work, I couldn’t think of a better time. , in response, she showed her breast and explained that she was broken and milk was no longer coming, during the day nothing, she would look with understanding and that's all, and the night passed with a roar.

17/03/2015 09:52

Russia Moscow

If you create certain conditions and prerequisites, then the end of breastfeeding happens by itself and without problems:
1. Complementary feeding. We consistently replace all feedings except for the night. This can be difficult, the main thing is to find the right product. For example, we wanted to introduce kefir first and before feeding we took it out of the refrigerator to warm up a little. The child refused. We took a break for a week and again. Not in any. Once he hesitated and gave cold immediately from the refrigerator - he ate the whole plate at once! An important point in transferring to complementary foods is to avoid rich tastes. One of the first vegetable purees we had was zucchini puree, a rare disgusting thing, but the child ate it with pleasure.
2. Reducing breastfeeding results in a natural decrease in milk production. An electric breast pump was used to keep the breasts from expanding during the day. But not everything was pumped out, but only a part, so that the body understood that it was time to turn off the "dairy".
3. When there was only one night feeding left, then, after my (father's) vacation, my mother and I changed places (the baby sleeps in the crib from the mother’s side so that she could take the baby to her at night). For five days I slept next to my son. He woke up, I took him out of the crib as usual and put him next to him, he tried to find something from me, did not find it and fell asleep again. After 5 minutes I put it back.
In 5 days. Traded with my mother back.
It is clear that all this could be done only taking into account the fact that the child sleeps separately, does not fall asleep with his breast, and uses a pacifier. To which we deliberately went from the very beginning. By the way, about the pacifier. At first, they did not want to give the baby a pacifier, but after he had eaten for several hours. He quickly ran away and bought a fancy silicone one, which the child did not accept. We bought a rubber one (yellow), the child liked it.
You can read more here: http://vpervyemama.ru/kak_prekratit_grudnoe_vskarmlivanie.html/

03/03/2015 21:33

Ukraine, Odessa

Here I think it is true. My eldest daughter was up to 2 years old with breast, she ate everything, but sleep only with yews), gave it to her grandmother for a week at the dacha, grandmother almost went crazy, normal during the day, crying and crying at night ... But then I got used to it. The youngest is now 1.2, she does not eat from the bottle !! Only from a spoon, and never drinks at night! During the day we can do without a breast when we are in a good mood, we fall asleep on the street in a stroller, and there are days, except for the breast, does not want to eat or drink, but to fall asleep at night, and find it a couple of times at night is a must

29/11/2014 09:32

Russia, St.Peterburg

Anna, you reason well, but only from your bell tower. Even if you don’t poke your baby’s breast after feeding, do not forget about night sucking (when the baby is half asleep and can’t be distracted by borscht), about sucking during teething (when the baby is ready to keep breastfeeding for days), etc. My child, for example, categorically does not take a pacifier and never took it. If you do not understand where this or that problem comes from, then you simply did not encounter it.

05/10/2014 23:06

Russia, St.Peterburg

I don't understand at all where this weaning problem comes from. When we begin to introduce complementary foods, with a spoon or two, gradually increasing the portion, then bring it to a full portion - and that's it, one feeding is completely replaced by complementary foods. What for, well tell me please to offer the child also breast, when he already ate a full portion ??? Then we replace the second feeding, also completely, the third, etc. As a result, three feedings were replaced with porridge, vegetables with meat and dairy products. There were only two feedings left, early in the morning and at night. First, the child will soon give up early morning feeding himself, and he will have a regular breakfast like everyone else, at 8 in the morning. Secondly, with this regime, breast milk gradually goes away by itself. And the child is gradually weaning himself from boobs. I almost ran out of milk, I just gave him mixture instead of breast. Because the baby is near the breast to eat, not to suckle. To eat - so there is almost no milk, to suck - this is please a pacifier. My baby never squeaked when I stopped breastfeeding. And I sincerely don’t understand why mothers put their boobs on the child after each feeding, because the child ate complementary foods. And then they complain that they cannot be torn from the breast, and when they begin to wean, then tantrums, boobs burst from the accumulated milk, and everyone feels bad and uncomfortable.

13/09/2014 13:46

Kazakhstan, Almaty (Alma-Ata)

The baby should not be hungry and at the first request for breast, the second adult distracts and entertains the baby as much as possible. Plus, during this period, I helped the child fall asleep by rocking him in a stroller (mainly in the fresh air), and at night, when I woke up, I gave porridge or kefir from a bottle.

Of course, I cannot say that the child was not capricious, but the most important thing is to endure the first 3 days!
Good luck to all!


Weaning is a very important moment in the life of mom and baby. It should be a deliberate decision that won't hurt both of you. Breastfeeding provides the baby with a special emotional connection with the mother, so weaning can be very stressful for him. You will learn how to wean your baby from breastfeeding while avoiding problems and helping your baby to quickly switch to regular food.

When to start weaning

Doctors recommended our parents to wean the baby at 11 months. At that time, this was in accordance with the established medical standards. But over time, everything has changed, WHO recommends doing this between one and a half and two years. This is in tune with the old customs, when a child was fed until two or three years old. In different sources, you can see information that will present you with different information, but in reality it all depends on the physiological characteristics of your child.

For her part, every nursing mother can help make the moment of weaning as painless as possible. There are auspicious times to stop feeding and times when it’s best to avoid. In addition, there is also a mother's own instinct, suggesting that the baby is already ready to be left without milk and switch to a variety of feeding.

How to properly wean your baby from breastfeeding

If you do not know how to wean your baby from breastfeeding, do not listen to the advice of those who suggest to do it abruptly. A forced cessation of feeding can turn out to be enormous stress for the baby, therefore it is better to do it gradually so that the baby gradually weaned:

  • You can start by replacing one breastfeeding with complementary foods (porridge, vegetables, dairy products).
  • After a week, replace another feeding - the baby will eat the new food with pleasure, perceiving it with interest.
  • Morning breastfeeding is easy to replace with fermented milk products, they are light, tasty, healthy.
  • The last on the list will be evening feeding, because it also serves as a way to calm and lull the baby.

From night feedings

You can start weaning off nighttime breastfeeding as soon as you introduce complementary foods. This happens around the age of 4-6 months. Since the baby eats well during the day, consumes additional foods, it is no longer necessary to feed at night. The child is unlikely to get hungry at night, but will still wake up due to his formed habit. Therefore, you should understand that the process of weaning off night feeds can take some time.

If the baby is experiencing a certain crisis (he has not seen his mother all day, he has teething or a stomach ache), the presence of the mother next to the crib is simply necessary. The child may want to hold hands, suckle a breast or a bottle. To minimize situations of weaning your baby from breastfeeding, try to be around during the day, giving the baby as much time as possible. This way you will provide the baby with maximum psychological comfort, and he will not have such a pronounced need to see his mother at night.

Weaning options for night feeding:

  • replacement of feeding with warm water;
  • shortening the duration of feeding;
  • increasing the intervals between two feedings;
  • mixture or porridge before bedtime;
  • restriction of access to the breast at night.

From daytime feedings

So that a one-year-old baby does not ask for breast during the day, you need to come up with another interesting activity. It's easy: play with it, distract it with games, books, swinging, etc. When it's time to feed, replace your breast milk with something just as healthy. The food for the crumb can consist of formula milk, vegetable juices, baby kefir or milk diluted with water.

You can try to break the feeding ritual by changing the usual place of the crumbs lunch. The new environment will destroy the usual feeding circumstances and distract from the breast, which will help you quickly switch to a bottle or plate of porridge. If the baby begins to behave aggressively, is capricious, insomnia is observed, he cannot fall asleep without his mother, this may be a signal that you have decided to end breastfeeding prematurely.

Ways to terminate GW

For those who decide to quit breastfeeding, milk production is no longer a necessity. However, even after finishing feeding, you may find that milk is still arriving. The chest will begin to suffer from severe stretching, this will be accompanied by painful sensations. But all the consequences can be minimized so that the end of feeding is painless not only for the child, but also for the mother.

The natural way to stop lactation

Be sure to wear a thick, natural bra. You must not part with it until the milk has disappeared. Alternatively, you can bandage your breasts with an elastic bandage, but be prepared for the painful process. If a lot of milk accumulates in the breast, you can pump a little to reduce pain, and over time, milk will simply cease to be produced in that volume. You can use a breast pump to express until your breasts feel soft. This method will help you end lactation much faster.

Medication method

Modern drugs will help you stop the lactation process, but they can only be used as directed by a doctor, because these are hormonal agents that an experienced specialist can choose correctly. Such tablets are indicated for oral administration, they act on the hypothalamus and stimulate the production of substances that block the appearance of prolactin. They can only be taken in accordance with strict adherence to the instructions. There are also non-hormonal drugs, the course of which lasts a long time, but the side effects are almost not observed.

Traditional methods

If medications are contraindicated for you, the production of breast milk can be stopped with the help of folk remedies: the use of medicinal plants was popular among our great-grandmothers, such methods may be useful to you. Sage copes well with this task, because it contains a substance called phytoestrogen. This is an analogue of the human hormone, which is responsible for the proper functioning of female organs and the production of breast milk.

Sage has a good effect on the state of the body as a whole. The use of herbs helps to significantly shorten the lactation period, reduce unpleasant, painful sensations in the chest area. To enhance the effect of the tincture, you can make special oil compresses and follow a diet. For compresses, take 250 ml of any vegetable oil and mix with two drops of sage, cypress, geranium and mint oil. Moisten cheesecloth in the resulting mixture and apply to your chest. Repeat the procedure every day.

Not sure how to wean a young child from breastfeeding quickly? Take your time, because there are several rules that must not be violated when weaning a baby:

  1. It is better to avoid cessation of lactation in the cold season: the child has a reduced immunity, frequent colds may appear. Only breast milk can provide reliable protection due to the high content of immunoglobulins and antibodies.
  2. Summer is also not the right time, because it is hot outside. There is a risk of infection.
  3. Even if you have already started the weaning process, it is possible to make an exception when the baby is anxious or scared. This will give the baby a sense of security at first.
  4. Even if you want to stop breastfeeding due to the onset of pregnancy, you do not need to leave home, as some advise. This can be stressful for you and your baby.
  5. The period when the baby is sick, his teeth are teething or he was vaccinated, according to experienced mothers, will not be favorable for stopping lactation. Now give the baby as much milk as he asks for in order to calm him down.

If you like the advice of experienced thinking doctors, you can listen to the pediatrician Komarovsky's method. He will tell you how to properly wean your child with minimal problems. His methods are somewhat unconventional and can seem harsh. They fall into two categories: some help reduce lactation, and others show you how to wean your baby from your mother's breast. Watch the video and draw conclusions:

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In what age range it should be done. We also learn the advice of experienced mothers on how to wean a child from breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding can take years.

Christina, 25: “I believe that the optimal age to stop breastfeeding is about 1, 5 years. My daughter has already gone to kindergarten at this age, so I decided. We did it quite easily. "

Of course, the ideal time to stop breastfeeding is when your baby self-departs from her treat, but few mothers wait until that time.

Statistics show that in recent years, only 50% of women are breastfeeding, and most of them breastfeed for up to 1 year. Only a few keep this priceless product in the second year.

Signs that baby and mom are ready to wean

  1. The birthday baby doubled its weight.
  2. Receives all kinds of complementary foods.
  3. A baby can survive without breast milk for 12 hours or more.
  4. The child does not suck on the pacifier, fingers, bottles.

In order to wean a baby from breastfeeding, there is three ways:

  • separation of mother and child;
  • medical method;
  • planned, gradual, soft.

The "gentle" way of weaning

One of the safest methods in terms of maintaining psychological comfort is systematic weaning.

Weaning of the baby should not be in the following periods: the child is sick, feverish, the baby is teething, the period of vaccination. It is better to wean a baby during the cool season. Cannot be taken away in summer, in hot weather.

How to wean a baby correctly and gradually?

  1. If you have excluded these four points, then you can safely prepare for excommunication. One should start by refusing one feeding. It's better for mom to choose from which one.

    Distract the kid with games, walks in the fresh air. Include dad and grandmother in the weaning process. The child should feel your care, love.

  2. Observe the child for three days. As a rule, giving up one feeding by babies is well tolerated.
  3. After three days, we switch to abandoning two feedings.
  4. And so, gradually, we completely remove the daily feedings.
  5. We will talk about refusal to feed in the evening and at night below.

Do not replace breasts with bottles or nipples. This will not get rid of the baby's urge to suckle. Use cups, sippy cups.

Take your child more often in your arms. Do not undress in front of your child.

Natalia, 30 years old:“When I started weaning my baby, I tried to surround her with care. We walked longer, were distracted by games. "

Of course, it is more difficult to excommunicate when the child is already over a year old, and he understands a lot. On the one hand, it is difficult to explain that "sisu is not allowed", but you can even come to an agreement with some children.

Some mothers smear green tea on the nipple. We can say that my mother's chest "aches" and should not be touched. Also, some women cover the nipple with a tape. I would not recommend this method, since tearing off afterwards is painful and traumatic for the delicate skin of the areola. Not everyone is able to wean from the breast with these "cruel" methods.

How to wean a baby at night?

Probably the worst thing for any nursing mother is the problem of how the baby will fall asleep without breast. After all, most children fall asleep while sucking, as this is a very energy-intensive process. How to wean a child from night feedings? Consider some tips:

  1. Create rituals in which the child will fall asleep - bedtime story, evening kefir, lights off. You can leave a night light, which the baby will specially choose for himself.
  2. Often children like to fall asleep under their mother's lullaby.
  3. Bathe your baby before bed. You can use soothing herbs like chamomile, valerian root.
  4. You can replace the sucking process with motion sickness on your hands, pressing it to your chest.
  5. Try to place your baby separately in your crib. When your baby sleeps with you, he smells milk and will be even more capricious.

If the child begins to eat poorly, rolls up strong, then wait a little with weaning. So, until the baby is ripe for this.

At night, 2 - 3 hours before bedtime, you can feed the baby with porridge, give kefir. Sleep better on a full stomach. Weaning at night is a long process, be patient.

"Pill" against human milk or how to quickly wean a baby from breastfeeding?

If you find it difficult to endure and prepare for a gradual weaning for a long time, but you want to quickly discourage this habit from your baby, then on the modern market there are drugs to suppress lactation as soon as possible.

A prominent representative of this group is the drug Dostinex.

Its action is based on reducing the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. The drug has a selective effect, does not affect other hormones.

Its disadvantage is side effects, which occur in 70% of cases. These are palpitations, headaches, nausea, vomiting, deterioration in general health, apathy.

This drug is taken 1/2 tablet every 12 hours for two days. The courses are used only for the treatment of disorders associated with excessive production of prolactin.

Elena, 25 years old:“I learned how to stop breastfeeding with Dostinex from my gynecologist. 2 months after giving birth, I had to go to work. One pill solved my lactation issues. True, there was a very strong headache and weakness in the whole body, but this went away in just a couple of days. The milk has disappeared. "

Another drug in this series is Bromocriptine. It also reduces prolactin secretion and suppresses physiological lactation. Unlike Dostinex, it must be drunk as a course. Has more pronounced side effects.

If we compare these drugs from the price point, then Bromocriptine is half the price of Dostinex.

Weaning by separation

This is one of the less enjoyable ways to wean. It consists in the fact that the child is sent to live with his grandmother or other relatives for several days. During this time, the child not only loses his breast, but also does not see his beloved mother. This can cause severe psychological discomfort in the baby and, as a result, stress and latent resentment towards the mother.

Komarovsky E.O .: “When weaning a child from the breast, you can send him to his grandmother for a couple of nights. Nothing wrong with that. So the child will learn to fall asleep without breast. But keep in mind, here you need to look at the degree of attachment of the child to the mother. If you know that your child will not be able to get along with his grandmother and will cry, then you better do not risk it. "

Of course, weaning is stressful not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

A breastfeeding woman may begin to ache and harden.

If you notice a sharp soreness of the mammary gland, redness of the areola area, fever, consult a doctor immediately. Mastitis may develop.

You can cope with these symptoms in the following way:

  • if you feel breast swelling, you can express it manually or with a breast pump until the condition relieves;
  • attach the cabbage leaf for a couple of hours, softening it before that. Better to keep it cold. This will relieve symptoms;
  • you can drink No-shpu or;
  • A warm shower will also help in facilitating the emptying of the breast;
  • gentle massage of the mammary glands from the base to the nipple.

These symptoms occur, as a rule, with a sharp interruption of lactation. Therefore, gradual withdrawal of breastfeeding is recommended.

To prevent a lot of milk from arriving, you often do not need to express yourself. It is necessary to do this only with severe pain syndrome and swelling of the glands.

Weaning is a complex multi-step process that both mom and dad should be involved in. The most important thing is for the child to feel your care and love. Do not scold your baby if he is crying or naughty at the moment in his life. Remain calm and the question of how to wean will be decided soon.

The benefits that breastfeeding can bring to a baby cannot be overemphasized. It is impossible to find a formula, even the most modern one, that could replace mother's milk. But the baby will grow up over time. He needs to be weaned off the chest somehow. If this does not happen naturally, you have to resort to special methods.

To wean a child without negative consequences, it is better to use the recommendations of real professionals. One of these is Dr. Komarovsky. Mostly it is based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization, but it also independently makes some of its own observations from practice.

It is a well-established opinion that a child should be weaned from the breast when he is 2 years old. At this point, the slightly matured baby is able to start eating food specially designed for children. But Komarovsky adds that a child should not be weaned from the breast until he is one and a half years old. Otherwise, the child will not have time to physiologically develop to a level at which only complementary foods will benefit him.

Here is a video in which Komarovsky talks about breastfeeding.

When to stop feeding

Great attention should be paid to the development of the child during weaning from hepatitis B. True, sometimes the natural cessation of lactation in the mother comes out on top. Then you will have to wean the child forcibly. Komarovsky recalls that lactation can stop much earlier than the desired date. If the baby stops eating during one feeding, you need to think about stopping feeding.

The doctor warns that weaning should take place without major stress. He needs to refuse feeding gradually. Komarovsky offers 5 ways that will make it easier for both mom and her child to survive weaning. To wean your baby from breastfeeding, do the following.

  1. Mom should limit herself to the use of any liquids. The less fluid enters the body, the more difficult it is for the baby to feed. He will feel difficulties, will gradually wean from such nutrition.
  2. Decrease in duration of feeding. Sometimes feeding can be skipped, and the baby can be switched to some interesting activity.
  3. Stop expressing milk.
  4. Increasing physical activity for the mother in order to remove the maximum amount of fluid from the body.
  5. Avoiding foods that can stimulate milk production.

Each of Komarovsky's advice is aimed at making it difficult or uninteresting for the child to eat in the same way. As a result, it will be much easier to wean him, and the process will not be overly stressful.

Forced excommunication

Sometimes it also happens that there is no way to wean a child from breastfeeding. According to WHO experts, after 1 year, weaning is not premature. Until that moment, weaning off GW is not only difficult, but also dangerous. And yet, sometimes you have to do this. Komarovsky suggests switching the attention of the offspring to other interesting activities and methods of calming.

Mistakes of young mothers

Mothers, especially young ones, sometimes make serious mistakes when they want to wean a child. You can't show too much enthusiasm and zeal. Therefore, Komarovsky warns against actions that can cause harm. The following should never be done.

  1. Refuse breastfeeding when the baby is sick. His body is weakened, and breast milk is the most important source of substances that support the immune system at a high level.
  2. Weaning off the breast before a sudden change of scenery. This will be double stress for the baby. It is necessary to keep at least something familiar so that the load does not turn out to be unbearable.
  3. Forcefully excommunicate a child if he is clearly not ready or unwilling. There is no need to torment the baby, trying to wean him against his will. It is worth waiting at least 2-3 weeks and then trying again.
  4. Do not feed the baby with milk for a long time. This action will not help you painlessly go through weaning. Yes, and mom is endangering herself, because she runs the risk of "earning" inflammation or mastopathy.
  5. Trying to do it in the summer. The danger of catching any infection is too great.

Should you believe the doctor?

Komarovsky's recommendations cannot be taken as the only correct option for weaning a child from breastfeeding. After all, the doctor's opinion is subjective. If you can't follow his advice, you don't need to despair. To improve the health of the child, you can use, for example, Derinat. It strengthens the immune system and makes it easier to tolerate potentially traumatic developmental stages.

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