Home Mushrooms What program to increase the soundtrack in the movie. How to add a sound track to a movie. Russian audio tracks by default

What program to increase the soundtrack in the movie. How to add a sound track to a movie. Russian audio tracks by default

The internet is full of resources and will be one of the best places to add audio to your video. Read this article to find out about some one-stop websites that offer these services for free.

Can I add audio to a video without downloading any software?

Whenever possible, many people would prefer not to download programs to add audio to video files. The reason is that the boot process is accompanied by viruses that can crash the computer system. Plus, it can cost money to install the program. However, there are many sites that offer these services for free and without having to download anything. If you focus on finding a site like this, you can easily add audio to video without any download programs.

Part 1: Best Computer Solution to Add Audio Track to Video Online

It is a good solution for adding audio to video files online, thanks to its many functions and support for multiple file formats. You don't have to worry about compatibility when working with (), making it the best choice for you.

How to add audio to video with Filmora video Editor

Step 1. First, you need to import the files into your program. Make sure these are the exact files you want to add to your video.

Step 2. Drag video files to the timeline.

Step 3. Select the audio clip you want to add and drag the audio file onto the audio track. Double click on the audio track in the timeline to open the "Audio Inspector". Here you can adjust the volume, fade in, fade out, etc.

Part 2: 5 Popular Online Sites to Add Audio to Videos


Main characteristics:

This website allows you to not only add audio to video files, but also record audio. This is a very convenient option for internet users. In addition, file editing is possible in JayCut, so it's an all-in-one website.

Price: is free


  • Video editing function along with adding audio and video files.



Main characteristics:

Key Features: When choosing a suitable website for adding audio to video, don't miss this site because it has all the facilities to do just that. This site allows users to create their accounts for free and you can use it indefinitely.

Price: Is free


  • Unlimited use and professional features.


  • The site is often offline.


Main characteristics:

It is by far the most popular and most used website for adding audio to video. This is very easy as millions of files have already been uploaded to the site. You just need to select the perfect audio track after uploading your videos and they will be synced automatically.

Price: Is free


  • Easy to use, add and upload videos.


  • Easily share your video online.

Recently, a considerable number of films, especially versions processed from a DVD or Blu-ray source, may contain 2 or more sound versions. A high-quality duplicated translation is standardly supplemented by the original, and sometimes by several versions from enthusiasts or other professional translation and dubbing studios. A simple viewer only benefits from such a variety, because now there is a choice - you can also listen to sometimes "insipid" dubbing or the savory style of the Goblin. Most often, to change the audio track in KMPlayer, it is enough to use the CTRL + X keyboard shortcut, all other options are discussed in more detail later in the article.

Types of audio tracks

The sound, or audio track, is of two types - built-in and external. The first is a more convenient option, because all the voiceovers in the video are "wired" into one file and switch faster. The second, on the other hand, makes it more convenient to distribute the translation among users, although video and sound synchronization is required for different files, it connects a little slower.

Adding an external audio track

Launch the desired video file and pause it. Right click in the active KMPlayer window → “Open” → “Load external audio track”. Next, you need to find (usually located in the folder with the movie itself) and select the audio file that we want to connect as an audio track, then click "Open". After completing this procedure, two options are possible: either the external track will connect itself and become active, or it should appear in one of the lists of the "Filters" item (it will become available after clicking RMB in the active KMPlayer window) and you will need to select it already there.

How to change the built-in audio track

The built-in audio track is changed in the "Filters" item (it will become available after clicking RMB in the active KMPlayer window). Then there are two options, depending on the default splitter. If Matroska is active, then you should look for a list called "KMP Matroska Reader", if LAV Splitter - we are looking for an item with a corresponding name, there will be a list of available audio tracks with the ability to select the option you need.

Russian audio tracks by default

In the latest versions of KMPlayer, a rule is hardcoded in the settings, which gives priority to voiceovers in English. As a result, you have to switch tracks yourself each time. This rule can and should be changed. To do this, go to the player's settings using the F2 hotkey. In the vertical block on the left we find the item "Subtitle processing" and select the sub-item "Languages ​​/ Speech". Next, we edit the line "Preferred subtitle language", in the end there should be two words rus ru. In other words, we made it so that audio tracks containing the abbreviations rus or ru have priority over the rest. To set a different priority of languages, for example, Russian, Japanese, English, one could write rus jpn eng. Now it remains to click the "Close" button at the bottom right of the window and the settings are saved.

Many films can be watched with different voice acting, changing it through the player's menu, but the required audio track is not always built into the video file initially. Follow the instructions to add an audio track to KMPlayer.

Step 1

Play the movie for which you want to connect an external audio track.

Step 2

Right-click to bring up the menu by clicking on the center of the video player's playback window. The film can be paused for now. In the menu, select the items " Open» - « Load external audio track ...».

The new audio track must be downloaded in advance and saved anywhere on your computer (preferably in the same folder with the movie, so as not to lose it later). In the window that opens, select it and click " Open».

* audio tracks are usually in ".ac3" format.

Step 3

This completes the addition, it remains only to choose a new voice acting. To change the audio track in KMPlayer, select the item " Audio» - « Track selection", Or press the key combination" CTRL + X».

The era of silent cinema has irrevocably sunk into the past. Therefore, if you want to shoot your own film, then pay special attention to the sound: it is important to ensure that during the recording not only there are no extraneous noises, but also all the lines spoken in the frame are clearly audible. Ideally, the sound should be written to a separate device, and then mixed with the video sequence. "Video Montage" is capable of combining these two components. This article will show you how to add a soundtrack to your movie using this application.

Step 1. Install the program

First thing you need to do is download the software and install it on your computer. This procedure will not take much time, since the installer only weighs about 80 megabytes. When the download is complete, double-click to start the distribution and follow the instructions of the "Installation Wizard" that will appear on your monitor screen. Read the license agreement, select a folder for installation and create a shortcut on your desktop - "Video Montage" is ready to go!

Step 2. Add materials

Start the editor and in the start menu click on the option "New project"... The program will offer to set the aspect ratio of the future video. You can choose one of the ready-made options, enter the required parameters manually, or instruct "Video Editing" to automatically set the aspect ratio, focusing on the first uploaded video.

Find the folder with the movie in which you want to embed the voice acting through the menu on the left side. Drag the video you want to the timeline or select it in the list and click "Add"... Please note that you can add an unlimited number of files to a project. This is useful if you need to glue several rollers into one.

Step 3. Embed the audio track

Now you can add a soundtrack to the movie: to do this, go to the tab "Music"... Click on the button Add Background Music> Choose File... Find the audio file on your computer that you want to embed in the video. Need to download multiple audio tracks at once? If they are in the same folder, hold down the CTRL key, select the files and click "Open". When adding an extra track to the list, click on it with the mouse, and then on the button "Remove Music".

Next, adjust the volume of the audio track. On the scale of the same name, pull the slider to the left if you want to mute the sound, to the right if you plan to make it louder. Of course, do not forget to uncheck the box. Add music to original video sound if you want to completely delete the audio track that was originally embedded in the video.

Improve movie quality

You can stop working at the third step and immediately start saving the movie, or continue working with the program and improve the quality of the footage. This is useful, for example, if you want to make a movie at home according to your own script.

Most of the video enhancement tools are collected under the button. "Edit"... Here you can trim unsuccessful scenes, add unusual effects over the video, manually improve the quality of the video, as well as adjust the playback speed, add text and logos. If your project consists of several videos, be sure to look into the tab "Transitions" and choose animation for the joints.

Save the result in a convenient form!

Now you can embed an audio track into any video file! The edited film directly in the program can be burned to a DVD with a beautiful interactive menu, which you can completely design to your liking. It also allows you to export the processed file in any modern video format, adapt it for viewing from mobile devices and TVs, as well as for uploading to the Internet. Download "Video Editing" right now, and all the necessary tools for working with video will always be at your fingertips!

Many video files on the Internet are distributed with additional audio tracks that allow you to watch the desired movie in different languages. These audio tracks are usually in AC3 format and can be connected using standard functions of some video playback software.


  • One of the more popular players is VLC. It allows you to attach multiple audio tracks to one movie file and subsequently switch between them. If this program is not installed on your system, download it via the Internet from the official website of the developer and install it following the instructions of the installer.
  • After the files have been unpacked, launch the program through the shortcut on the desktop. Go to the "Media" tab of the top panel, where select the "Open file with parameters" section.
  • In the application window that appears, you will first need to specify the path to the movie file in the "File selection" section. Click the Add button on the right side of the window and specify the path to the video where you want to insert the audio track. After the operation, check the box at the bottom of the window opposite the "Show advanced parameters" section.
  • In the menu that appears, check the "Play another media file in parallel" checkbox. In the line "Other file" click "Browse" and specify the path to a separate audio track in the new field "Select file". Then click Select.
  • After specifying the settings, click Play and wait for the movie to start playing. In the playback area, right-click. In the context menu "Audio track" select "Track 2" with the left mouse button. You can also use the top panel "Audio" - "Audio track" of the program.
  • Some video players will automatically add the desired track files. Besides VLC, you can use Media Player Classic or KM Player. To automatically display the necessary audio parameters in it, put your audio track in the same directory with the file, which should have a common name beginning with the movie. For example, if the movie file is named "Cinema.avi", then the soundtrack might be named "Cinema Dubbing.ac3" or "Cinema ENG.ac3".
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