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What is the genre of Dota 2. DotA. The history of the development of the game. Gameplay in MOBA games

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In the vastness of the Dark Age (Dark Age), which came to Russia quite a long time ago, many are already fed up with feuds about pumping talents. But there is no consensus on the ideal build even after so many years. Today we will tell you about three branches of development for those who like to drink a couple of liters of invigorating red liquid. Vesperians, or Vampires, will appear in all their glory and show their weaknesses. First of all, please study this beginners guide. Although, perhaps, for the old-timers there is a simple secret, which it was not possible to find out, but it is vital to know it.

Branch of Darkness in the Dark Age

Vesperians (Vampires) are often chosen for their violent disposition and lust for blood. Not surprisingly, most players will prefer to teach their character to fight in the PVP format in order to send unwanted lycans or gnomes to a well-deserved rest by immersing their fangs in soft flesh. It is for this purpose that the first pumping option is suitable. It is aimed more at 1x1 battles.


- The first useful skill that Vampires of Darkness get is called Seed of Darkness. It reduces the enemy's movement speed and imposes a three-second silence.

- Huge battle speed when using the form of vampirism. In addition to this, the character does not spend his own health on attacks, restoring it twice as fast.

- High chance to dodge an attack: at the last levels, when using the skills of this pumping, the enemy practically does not hit the bloodsucker, forcing you to look helplessly at the bitter word "Miss" in the battle logs of the Dark Age game.

- AoE damage from Devil Blast ability reveals every killer, if you have to fight against them. By the way, this is a single skill with AOE for Vesperians.


- Dealing with monsters and pumping independently with this development option will be problematic: not every skill will kill monsters at the same speed as a living enemy.

- The mana of the Dark Age Dark Vampires tends to quickly disappear, and they are not able to regenerate it.

Blood Branch

For those who decided to devote their lives to serving for the benefit of others, this path of development was invented. Despite the fact that the Vesperians of the Dark Age world do not belong to the angelic face in any way, certain individuals can heal a single target without problems. And this is exactly the same Blood Vampire.


- Cancellation treatment for a specific target. You can also add the vampirizim buff here.

- High level of vital energy.

- No need to spend money on health potions.

- There is an opportunity to teach a fanged to do good damage, however, to the detriment of healing.

- Elite creeps do not cause problems even when leveling without a party.


- As mentioned, Blood Vampires are solo target characters. Therefore, the developers cheated them with both mass treatment and resurrection.

- The first levels will not please with a long heal cooldown.

- Constantly swallowing mana and using your own health in exchange for casting spells.

The Void Branch in the Dark Age

And also Inferno and Fire, as you like. Probably the most controversial path of perfection in the Dark Age saga. I suspect that this branch has already rubbed more than one corn on the Vesperians themselves. In one opinion they agree: the skills of this cluster are excellent. The main thing is to apply them correctly.


- With PVE leveling, you have a huge advantage over Blood Vampires. Therefore, in the party you will be taken without question. Despite the small instant damage, the imposed curses end up killing faster due to the constant action.

- Procast does not take away health bars, unlike other Dark Age professions.

- You can always heal a teammate if the cleric fails.


- Up to about 55 level, you just need to swing like a machine: there can be no question of any PVP. The skills, so necessary in massive battles, appear just after taking a certain amount of experience.

- Low attack speed. As a result, DPS suffers, which for some narrow-minded clan members may be cause for concern.

- Even after getting the coveted level with fives, it's not worth playing in the Dark Age arena with a team of less than 6 people - the effect will be minimal and no exclusive pumping will help.

In custody

To finish the Dark Age guide, follow the words about the freedom of choice for everyone. There are certainly hundreds of options for combining classes, professions, and talents. Of course, you can experiment with them, creating a monstrous killer machine, or a mad cleric who blesses and heals even neutral monsters.

We told the main points about the advantages and disadvantages: it is up to the players to follow them or not. But you should always remember that the information has been collected by us on our own experience and from the feedback of hundreds of users.

Vampire is a versatile class in Forsaken World with a medium attack range. It has average values ​​in most characteristics (attack, health, mana, defense).

The vampire class is divided into three subtypes by the talent tree: blood, darkness, and abyss. From the very beginning of the game, the skills "Lash of Darkness" (absorbs the life of a vampire to inflict damage on the enemy) and "Brand of the Vampire" (absorbs the life of the enemy to restore their health) are at the disposal of the vampire.

After completing the simple quests of this location, the character gains two more skills. "Bloodsucker Strike" drains from the enemy 15% of the maximum health and imposes silence for 3 seconds (the skill is common to all classes of the Vesperian race). The skill "Vampirism" (skill only for the class of vampires) gives an increase in attack power, health, movement speed and increased healing ability. Can be called when using other skills.

This class is only available to Vesperians

High damage
Relatively high survivability
The ability to heal
Can single-handedly defeat some bosses

Weak sides
Spells can use up all mana very quickly.
Difficult to manage

Upon reaching level 20, talents become available to all players, with the help of which you can make your character an irreplaceable participant in a party for complex instances or a deadly killer of players. So the vampire faces a choice between three branches "Blood", "Darkness", "Abyss".

Branch "Blood»Has a number of attacking and supporting skills. Many people say about vampires - "" lack of support "and no sense from them." However, vampires, with a competent buildup of talents, acquire a powerful single heal due to which they can calmly keep several players. I'm not talking about the fact that the vampire will replace the heal! Hila, of course, no one will not replace. But you would refuse a class in a party, which not only does good damage, but in difficult times will return you half HP at a time, or even more? 20% to the maximum health for 20 seconds, increase the attack power of the ally by 32%, and increase the healing effect by 8% The use of cans for hp in this branch is minimal, but the use of cans for mana tends to infinity.

Branch "Darkness" considered to be a branch for PVP. Most of the skills are slowing and stunning, but they do not have a lot of damage. True, this branch has one big advantage. At level 50, the vampire receives the Shackles of Darkness skill. Initially, it paralyzes the enemy for 5.3 seconds. The enemy cannot perform any actions, but you cannot inflict damage on him either. When the talent "Improved Shackles of Darkness" is active, the paralysis is extended to 9.3 seconds, which gives a huge advantage during the battle in the 3x3 arena.

"Abyss"- a branch in which a vampire deals huge damage to the enemy. The main skill of this branch is "Hellfire". Only in this branch of talents can a vampire turn into a huge devilish bat. This form increases attack, movement speed, and casting range. The only drawback of this appearance is that only fire skills can be used. This branch is more suitable for PVE, as it has no control. If, of course, your vampire is the main striking force in the party, then it will be good in PVP battles.

Now more about these branches.

Branch Blood

By itself, this branch of development is based on the frequent use of the form of vampirism, like the Dark branch, but mainly uses mobility, an increase in hp and the healing effect given by this form (Dark relies more on specialized skills like Demon Strike and an increase in the overall level of issued on the target of damage).

Pros of the bloody branch:

A very decent heal on a single target, the ability to hang a buff that replenishes health when dealing damage;
- high survivability due to a passive increase in the amount of health, heal (both from just healing skills and additional bonuses of attacking skills) and a bonus from a vampire form;
- despite public opinion, it is quite capable of delivering good damage with the appropriate distribution of talents.
- calmly withstands elite (senior) and packs of mobs on its own heel during solo swing;
- costs for KP banks tend to zero.

- there is absolutely no massive heal, res;
- quite a long recharge of healing skills in the early stages of the game;
- the costs of MP banks tend to infinity (it is treated with developed alchemy / cooking, rational use of skills during pumping on mobs and a couple of goodies in talents);
- low level of control.

I can’t attribute one more point to any minuses or pluses, namely that in order to use the skills, the vampire needs to sacrifice part of his maximum health.

From the proposed pros and cons, we can conclude that a blood vampire has a wide range of applications - from a pure support that perfectly cleans up (important!) a single target, additionally giving him small pleasant buffs in the form of a bonus to attack and an increase in the maximum level of health, improving the quality of the heal on the target due to the Bloodstream buns, to a very tenacious DD option (there are DoTs, an increase in damage again due to the Bloodstream bonus, reduced skill rollback, etc.).


This is not about a description of skills, but at the same time a build, since it is indicated that you need to invest scotch points in this or that skill.

Fresh Blood Magic
\ 5 points \ Increases the likelihood of entering a state of vampirism when using the skills "Brand of the Vampire", "Seed of Life", "Deal with Darkness" and "Sea of ​​Blood" by 10%.

Brand of fresh blood \ 5 Points \ Increases the amount of blood consumed when using Brand of the Vampire by 25 points and adds 3% of your maximum health.

Demon Strike Extension \ 2 points \ Increases the range of Demon Strike by 40%.

Strengthening the Vampire Brand \ 4 points \ Reduces the cooldown of Vampiric Brand by 2 seconds

Devil blood \ 4 points \ The duration of the "Curse of blood" is extended by 20 seconds. An additional target will reduce maximum health by 4%.

Blood Demon Strike \ 4 points \ Allows 200 health points to be absorbed with each Demon Strike attack. Targets with Blood Curse deal an additional 40% of Demonstrike's attack.

Seed of life\ 3 points \ After 5 seconds, heals an ally for 3632-4011 health. 2% chance of triggering Ultimate Heal (2x health regeneration). The effect is triggered automatically when the health level of an ally falls below 50%. When using this skill, there is a 10% chance of entering a state of vampirism.

Blood study\ 3 points \ Reduces the cost of recovery skills by 24%.

A new pact with darkness \ 5 points \ The cooldown of Deal with Darkness has been reduced by 2.5 seconds. Healing increase 30%.

The power of the brand\ 4 points \ Increases the attack power of Vampire Brand by 40%.

Bat shadow \ 2 points \ Upon completing Bat Strike while in Hurricane Bat status, you are immune to Paralysis for 4 seconds.

Life force\ 4 points \ Increases the healing effect of Seed of Life by 40%. Greater Heal has an 8% increased chance to trigger.

Blood feast \ 3 points \ Additionally increases the power of defense under the influence of the "Devour" effect by 240%. Increases the amount of health restored every second by 6% per second.

Circulatory network \ 4 points \ "Bloodstream" absorbs an additional 2% of the vampire's maximum health. While Blood Flow is active, the target ally's base attack power is increased by 32%.

Blood ties\ 3 points \ The ability to heal in a state of vampirism is additionally increased by 30%, when the enemy is killed, 35 health is additionally restored.

A leak\ 2 points \ Decreases the hatred value caused by the healing skill by 30%.

Gift of life\ 2 points \ "Blood Flow" increases the target's base health by 20%, lasts 20 seconds.

Trail of rage\ 3 points \ The chance to trigger "Ultimate Heal" when using the "Contract with Darkness" and "Seed of Life" skills while in Lifesteal is increased by 45%.

Bloody killing \ 2 points \ The amount of health absorbed when using the Mortification skill is increased by 200%.

Devil Blood Curse
\ 2 points \ The "Curse of Devil's Blood" is applied to enemies within a radius of 6 meters around the specified target (up to 20 enemies), lasts 15 seconds. Enemies under the influence of the curse, upon receiving an attack, go into a state of "Stagnation of Devil's Blood" for 20 seconds. In this state, the enemy's health is reduced by 4% of the vampire's maximum health, stacking up to 5 times. When using this skill, there is a 10% chance of entering a state of vampirism.

\ 3 points \ The cooldown of the Kill skill is reduced by 3 seconds. After the modified "Curse of Blood", a bleeding effect is added: 240 health units are lost every 2 seconds.

Fresh blood
\ 2 points \ "Bloodstream" increases the healing effect of an ally by 8%, lasts 20 seconds.

Stagnant life \ 2 points \ The radius of the Curse of Devil's Blood skill is increased by 2 meters. Stagnation of Devil's Blood additionally applies Stagnation of Life, weakening healing received by the enemy by 30%.

Renewal of fresh blood \ 2 points \ The duration of the state of vampirism when using the skills of the magic "Fresh blood" is extended by 8 seconds.

Fast healing \ 2 points \ The cooldown of Blood Flow and Seed of Life is reduced by 4 seconds.

Time of sacrifice \ 2 points \ The duration of the "Sacrifice" condition is extended by 2 seconds. The average value of the character's restored health when using the skills "Deal with the Darkness", "Seed of Life" is increased by 2%.

Bloodletting\ 2 points \ Increases base health by 4%. Additionally increases the reserves of health and mana by 600 points.

Boundless blood \ 2 points \ Increase the range of healing skills by 4 meters and increase the restored health by 30%.

Blood flow\ 2 points \ While Sacrifice is active, Deal with Darkness and Blood Flow increase the target's movement speed and all mastery by 50% and 160, respectively, for 5 seconds. Vampiric Brand reduces the target's movement speed and all mastery by 50% and 160, respectively, for 5 seconds.

Desolation\ 1 point \ The character cannot move and use offensive skills; only healing and cursing skills are available; duration 25 seconds. Maximum HP is increased by 50%, the range of healing spells is increased by 50%. The effects of the skills "Deal with Darkness" and "Seed of Life" spread to the vampire when applied to the target. The indicators of all types of mastery for opponents within a radius of 20 meters are reduced by 200 points. When the skill is used again, the effects are canceled.

Branch Dark

Compared to blood and the abyss, the dark vampire is the most suitable for PvP (1v1). If PvP was not interesting, then I would not suggest playing as a dark vampire, since this is not the best branch for PvE. The dark vampire is focused on PvP because he has a varied selection of skills that give him great advantages against another player, compared to blood or the abyss.

Pros of a dark vampire

● Like all vampires, the dark ones can restore HP, although the healing is much weaker than in the blood branch.
● Possesses a high level of dodging (especially when using the final skill of the branch).
● Dark has a unique skill Seed of Darkness, which silences (prevents the use of skills), the enemy for 3 seconds - a very useful skill in PvP. In addition, the Seed of Darkness slows down the enemy.
● One of the main offensive skills of darkness - Curse of darkness can reduce the accuracy of the target, making it almost impossible to strike a Dark Vampire with a high level of evasion.
● The dark vampire has a high attack and movement speed in a state of vampirism, which is useful during quick attacks or to evade the enemy. In this case, health during attacks in this state is not consumed, and the spent is restored in two times.
● Only the dark one has the Devil's Blast AoE skill, which does not require targeting. Devil's Blast is the ONLY AoE for vampires that doesn't require a target, so it gives the Dark Vampire to trick the enemy into stealth (assassin) cunning.

Cons of the dark vampire

● Dark vampires must sacrifice HP by 3.5% each time the Shadow Waves skill is used. Since Shadow Waves are the main attack skill with a short cooldown, HP loss is somewhat problematic, especially at low levels.
● Comparison with the branch of blood, the Dark Vampire restores significantly less health when using the Deal with Darkness skill.
● As mentioned before, the Dark Vampire is not PvE oriented.
● In mass PvP, dark vampires are less effective because most crowd control skills are focused on a single opponent (in my opinion, the mage is best for large-scale PvP).
● It can be difficult to fight against classes that are temporarily protected from daze and shackles (for example, humans and some bards) because vampires rely heavily on them.
● Have a small supply of mana and do not restore it.
● Compared to classes like assassins and defenders, the dark vampire has fewer skills to silence the enemy. But this inconvenience is compensated by the ability to restore your HP and medium attack range.


1. The demon of darkness- increases the chance to activate the vampire form when using some skills by 2/4/6/8/10%. A very useful talent.
2. Shadow power- increases the health consumption of the Shadow Waves skill by 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5% and increases the crit chance by 1/2/3/4/5%.
3. Accelerating Demon Strike- Decreases the cooldown of the demon hit by 0.3 / 0.6 seconds.
4. Empowered Shadow Wave- Reduces the rollback time of the Shadow Wave by 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2.0 seconds.
5. Stretch of darkness - extends the duration of the Curse of Darkness by 5/10/15/20 seconds and further reduces the accuracy of the target by 6/12/18/24.
6. Demon of Darkness Strike- on the first attack with a 50/100% chance, stuns the victim for 1 second. On subsequent attacks, the chance to stun the target is 12.5 / 25% and increases damage from Curse of Darkness by 10/20/30/40%.
7. Seed of darkness- spends 1% of your HP. After 5 seconds, the target is slowed by 50.0% for 8/10/12 seconds. The effect can be triggered when casting Curse of Darkness.
8. Devouring- prolonging the duration of the skill by 1/2/3 seconds.
9. Forces of darkness- Increases the slowing effect of the Seed of Darkness by 10/20/30%. After 4 successful attacks, the target is silenced for 1 second.
10. Invasion of darkness- The shadow wave weakens the target's dark magic resistance by 15/30/45/60/75 for 15 seconds. When used outside of Lifesteal, the chance of casting Curse of Darkness is increased by 4/8/12/16/20%.
11. Secret blood flow- Blood flow time is extended by 1/2/3/4 seconds.
12. Sprouts- Reduces the cooldown time of darkness by 5/10 seconds.
13. Eye of darkness- increases the accuracy of all skills by 10/20/30.
14. Furious extermination- increases the chance of a critical hit when using the Kill skill by 1/2/3/4% and reduces the cooldown time by 1/2/3/4 seconds.
15. Shadow Pact- after using Contact with Darkness, the evasion is increased by 20/40/60/80 for 3 seconds.
16.Improved Shackle of Darkness- I extend the player's control time by 2/4 seconds.
17. Vampire powers- in a state of vampirism, attack power increases by 3/6/9%
18. Dark mortification- after the modified Curse of Darkness and Death increases the attack weakening and reduces their attack speed by 10/20%.
20. Devilish explosion- massive attack on enemies within a radius of 10 meters. Consumes 1% HP. Deals damage 100% base attack + 1047/1532 bonus. The main AoE of the vampire.
21. Mastering the darkness- increases the number of points of mastery of darkness by 15/30/45.
22. Master Demoman- Increases damage from Devil Blast by 10/20% and range by 1/2 meter.
23. Swiftness of darkness- Reduces the cooldown time of the Shackles of Darkness and Devil's Explosion skills by 10/20%.
24. Dark Vampirism- does not consume health in a state of vampirism. The spent health is restored in double volume.
25. Body type- the rollback time of the Sacrifice skill is reduced by 20/40 seconds and gives a 50/100% chance to remove paralysis or dizziness.
26. Hopeless darkness- increases resistance to magic of darkness by 25/50 and evasion by 4/8.


The first approach is to maximize dodge. At high evasion, enemy strikes require a high level of accuracy. The dark vampire can reduce the enemy's accuracy through debuffs, which will greatly increase your chances of avoiding being hit. The last talent is specially designed for vampires with high evasion: increases evasion by 100 and decreases the evasion of nearby targets by 60 for 20 seconds. At high levels, a vampire with this type of pumping has one of the highest evasion levels.


The second approach is to increase the health of the vampire. Unlike high evasion, this approach will provide less protection from daze and shackles. High HP is best for a 1x1 battle.

The final view of the pumped branch:

Branch of the Abyss


Everyone considers Inferno PVE to be a directional branch, and in a party we will always be more welcome than darkness. Many people say that Darkness has more DPS. Yes it is, but taking into account all the curses, the damage exceeds the darkness at times. When the seed of fire is applied to the target, for each attack received, 220 damage points are inflicted on it (if you use the build I proposed), with a full party, 1100 damage will be inflicted. damage. And if you count the pets? Combining all this with the "Curse of Fire", which needs to be stacked 8 times, we take a huge amount of damage. And even if they say “While the abyss is swinging, the darkness will have time to hit three times already”, the total damage will still be greater. Plus, fire vampires do not consume their health at all, which is more useful with PVE than damage. Your role in the party is dd, but don't forget about the heal. There is no need to blame everything on the priest, especially if there is no bard. Always throw Seed of Fire first, it debuffs the target, then Curse of Fire. After that you can hit with "Hellfire", "Blow of Fire", "Lash of Darkness" in any order. In the finale, hit with Mortification. In this case, all obligatory curses will be imposed.

Going to random to the arena, be prepared that you will be oh, how not welcome. Leave the lines "Abyss ** in PVP, because of you we will lose to T_T". Up to level 55, it is true that there is a minimum of benefit from you in the arena, unless you put an end to it. But after learning the "devil's bat" skill, your efficiency (Coefficient of Effectiveness) will increase significantly. Skill buns: stun for 2 seconds, huge DPS, mobility, long range. I will offer you my tactics of warfare. Your task is to focus the priest / bard / wamp and start hitting him with Hellfire and Mortification. Flame deals a lot of damage, killing reduces healing. After you have demolished the target with 30-40% HP, you need to turn into a bat and throw the "Seed of Fire". While the target is in the camp, silence it using your racial skill. After that, you can safely finish off. Note that in the bat state you cannot heal - throw the blood flow on yourself before transforming. Your time starts after level 65 up - a massive stun appears with a negligible cooldown. Its only drawback is a long cast, but this is solved by pumping the Flaming Bat talent. The tactics remain the same, but now hit the cooldown with a "Blow of Fire", half of the enemy team will be in the camp all the time. I advise you to go 6x6 for the rate, and 3x3 for the drain, there is still little sense from us in this arena.


1. Curse of fire- prolongs the effect of the "Curse of Fire" skill by 4/8/16/20 seconds and increases the radius of action by 1/2/3/4/5 meters.
A useful skill, it will allow you to capture more targets, and additional time for applying other curses will not hurt. But there are still more useful talents. Two or three points can be thrown, but I see no point in maximizing the point.

2. Tongues of Hellfire- additional damage from the "Hellfire" skill is increased by 50 \ 100 \ 150 \ 200 \ 250 units + 40% \ 80% \ 120% \ 160% \ 200% of the Fire mastery.
Increases the damage from our main skill - it is imperative to max.

3. The power of the curse- The "Curse of Fire" skill reduces resistance to Fire and Darkness by 10/20/30 points.
Massively reduces resistance - it makes sense to maximize.

4. Hellfire- The recharge time of the Hellfire skill is reduced by 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 seconds.
Reduces the cooldown of our main skill - max.

5. Fire Demon Strike- The Demon Strike skill weakens the defense of targets affected by the effect of the Curse of Fire skill by 3 \ 6 \ 9 \ 12 units. Stacks up to five times, lasts 30 seconds. Targets under this effect take an additional 26/52/78/104 damage.
It all depends on you, if you focus on the state of vampirism, then pump it, but for me there is not very much sense for the abyss in this skill, so at will.

6. Seed of Fire- the enemy hit by the "Seed of Fire" ignites every time an attack is received and executed. The enemy is dealt 50 \ 80 \ 110 points of damage, the condition of the "Seed" lasts 20 seconds. Casting Seed of Fire removes all curses from the target. For "Curse of Fire" the enemy receives 1202 \ 1922 \ 2634 HP. damage, and for "Curse of blood" - 601 \ 961 \ 1317 units. damage. When using this skill, there is a 5% chance of entering a state of vampirism.
A new skill that gives a lot of tasty curses, pump all three points. When curses are applied, the enemy will receive more damage in the face, and when receiving any damage (that is, you / your party / pet), he will also be damaged. This adds up to a huge amount of damage. It also completely debuffs the target (all your imposed curses, except for the curse of fire (but there is such a moment, if you stacked it, then the stacks will fold to the 1st level).

7. Abyss- the duration of the "Curse of Fire" is extended by 5/10/15/20 sec. Additionally reduces fire resistance by 10/20/30/40 points.
In combination with the Power of Curse, it weakens resistance to fire by 70 points, in my opinion it's very good.

8. Demon of fire- increases the likelihood of entering a state of vampirism when using the skills "Curse of Fire", "Hellfire", "Strike of Fire", "Seed of Fire", "Fire Mortification" by 2% \ 4% \ 6% \ 8% \ 10%.
If you want, focus on vampirism, in the "Dark" branch it brings a lot of benefit, I don't see any sense in the abyss IMHO.

9. Curse of Hellfire- applying the Hellfire skill to a target affected by the Curse of Fire skill will add 2 points of Devil's Fire with a 50% \ 100% chance.
Practically useless talent, in comparison with others, I think it's not worth spending precious points.

10. Bloody feast- the effect of bleeding on surrounding targets from the "Devour" skill is increased by 0.5% \ 1% \ 1.5%. The skill paralyzes the enemy for 1/2/3 sec.
Strengthens an already very useful skill, not a bad talent.

11. Fire destruction- Increases the damage from ignition for each inflicted or received attack of the enemy hit by the "Seed of Fire" by 25% \ 50% \ 75% \ 100%.
When receiving or applying an attack, 220 points of damage will be inflicted, a little. But if the whole party is beaten + pets ... It helps a lot when farming a boss.

12. Fast bat- upon completion of the "Bat Dash" skill, the character's speed increases by 60%. Acceleration lasts 5/7/9 seconds.
Increasing mobility will always come in handy, but it's worth spending no more than one point.

13. Flame mortification- The Mortification skill further weakens the defense of the target affected by the Curse of Flame skill by 25% \ 50% \ 75% \ 100%. The effect lasts 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 sec.
When fully pumped, it leaves the target completely unprotected, albeit for only 4 seconds.

14. Submission of the flame- Fire skills and cursing skills cause less threat, and the mana cost for them is reduced by 10% \ 20%.
There are two options, if you use jewelry, forget it. If you want to dress, for example, arenoset - better pump it all the same. In addition, it reduces the chance of aggression on us when using fire skills.

15. Absorption of magic- under the influence of the "Seed of Fire", with each received attack, an additional magical effect of burning is triggered, which reduces the enemy's mana by 15% \ 30% \ 45% \ 60% of the vampire's Fire mastery.
Mana burn is a useful thing. With a good mastery level, we will leave the enemy completely without mana

16. Resistance to Hellfire- fire resistance is increased by 10/20/30/40 units, protection is increased by 1% \ 2% \ 3% \ 4%.
Resistance and defense can be increased in other ways, I see no point in spending points.

17. Devil's Bat- the vampire turns into a devil bat for 20/25 seconds and gains powerful flame control abilities. Base attack power is increased by 5% \ 7%, movement speed is increased by 20% \ 30%, casting range is increased by 50%. In this state, only fire skills can be used. Hellfire acts without recharge, the reading time is reduced to 1 sec., The additional attack power of the skill is reduced by 40% \ 30%. The Seed of Fire adds 1202/1922 damage and vertigo for 2 seconds. Hurricane Bat's cooldown has been reduced to 6 seconds.
Your mobility increases and the main drawback of the abyss is removed - a long cast. Damage also decreases, but DPS increases significantly. It also adds a stun to your arsenal for 2 seconds, very, very useful.

18. Weakness- after the termination of the effect of "Dark shackles", the effect of weakening all types of resistance by 20/40/60 units is added, lasts 20/35/50 sec.
Another decrease in resistance. Together with the previous ones, it will leave the enemy practically without protection.

19. The swiftness of the flame- The recharge time of the Fire Strike skill is reduced by 1 \ 2 sec., Base damage is increased by 15% \ 30%.
Increased damage and recharge. Be sure to pump it to the maximum.

20. Transformation into a bat- The recharge time of the "Devil Bat" skill is reduced by 10/20/30 sec. Enemies hit by the Curse of Devil's Fire within 10 yards around the Bat every 3 sec. Take damage in the amount of 300 \ 600 \ 900 + 10% \ 20% \ 30% of Fire mastery.
Damage is inflicted a little, I propose to max out only because of the reduction in the cooldown of the skill.

21. Flaming Strike- skill "Strike of fire" knocks the target back 2 \ 4 meters, 20% \ 40% chance to make the target dizzy for 3 sec.
It is precisely this talent that makes us deadly in the 6x6 arena, and helps when beating a bunch of mobs. Explanation: the camp is calculated for each target, that is, when six opponents hit, half of the stuns will be accurate.

22. Fiery Bat- in the bat state, the cooldown of the Fire Strike skill is reduced by 1 \ 2 sec., The reading time is reduced by 0.5 \ 1 sec. an increase of 25% \ 50%.
In combination with the skill "Fire Strike" and studied to the maximum Flame Strike, it makes us just a monster keeping constant in the camp. "Increase 25% \ 50%" - this is not clear ... what is O_o increasing there.

23. Flame control- fire skill increases by 15/30/45 points.
Craftsmanship is good. The branch is very dependent on the skill, draw your own conclusions.

24. Rage of the Flame- additional damage of the skills "Hellfire", "Fire Strike" is increased by 5% \ 10% \ 15%, the chance of crit. hit increases by 3% \ 6% \ 9%.
The crits of the idle take off very beautiful, and the increase in damage will never be superfluous.

25. Wildfire- skills "Curse of Fire" and "Strike of Fire" add the effect of curse of rage on the target for 3 \ 4 \ 5 seconds. When attacking, the target takes 400 \ 800 \ 1200 damage and an additional 30% \ 60% \ 90% of the vampire's fire mastery.
Another great curse in our arsenal, together with the seed of fire, when attacking an enemy, it will take a lot of damage.

26. Fire mortification- Deal 120% base damage and increase attack power by 2119 units. Deals 1500 points of damage and an additional 100% of the vampire's fire mastery to the target under the influence of the "Flame" curse. The target is inflicted with Dizziness for 3 seconds if it is simultaneously affected by the Blood, Darkness, and Flame curses. When using that skill, the character has a 5% chance to enter a state of vampirism.
Well, here's the final skill. It is obligatory to download.


Magic flame - when receiving a vampiric attack (attack with a skill), the target is ignited for 5 seconds, receiving a certain amount of damage points (depending on the level of the "Curse of Fire" skill), stacks up to 8 times.

Fire Seeds - Cast when a Fire Seed is applied to a target. When receiving any damage to the enemy, def. the number of damage points (depends on the level of the seed and talents).

Curse of blood - with a 25% chance, reduces the target's maximum HP by 1% of your maximum health. Applied from the "Vampire Brand" skill

Curse of fire - applied by the skill, oddly enough, "Curse of Fire", imposes the debuff "Magic Flame" on the target, the only curse that is not knocked out by the "Seed of Fire".

Curse of darkness - applied with a 25% chance with the "Lash of Darkness" skill. Reduces target accuracy by 30 for 20 sec.

Debuffs from "Mortification" - this skill has a very interesting mechanic, if curses of darkness, fire and blood are imposed on the target then: heal is reduced by 35% / 45% for 15 seconds, attack power is reduced by 10% / 15% and movement speed by 30% for 15 sec, defense decreases by 110/210 pts. for 19 sec. The second meaning is that there is a 15% chance that these debuffs will be improved to that level.

The curse of fire from the skill "Hellfire" and the curse of fire from the skill "Curse of fire" (as well as psilocybin and psilocybino containing) are translated completely the same way, but they are different things. It is applied by the skills "Fire Strike", "Hellfire" and sometimes "Lash of Darkness" with a 15% chance. The debuff lasts 40 seconds, inflicting damage, which depends on the level of the skill, every 2 seconds.


In this branch, the damage from curses and from skills is balanced, that is, you can throw curses and hit. Or you can punish the enemy "without preludes". But this is still a hybrid, so the damage and stack from curses will be less than the other options below.

This is a low-cost branch, large investments are not needed here, but you will have to sweat a lot. Firstly - the obligatory imposition of all curses, and only after that "extinguish", yes, there is more trouble, but you don't need a lot of money either. And your arms will become straighter.

High cost
Here you need a lot of investment in gear / stones. result: uber damage, minimum hassle with curses. We just go out and kill.

In this guide, we present class Vampire Forsaken World Rebirth... Vampires usually serve as attackers using AoE (area damage) skills. At the same time, thanks to the healing skills, they can be good healers. The Vampire is a versatile class that can be useful for both solo and party play. With the correct construction of the "Abyss" branch, they have good CC (from the English Crowd Control - "crowd control") capabilities. The cross on the back of the Vampire looks very impressive.

The vampire class is divided into three subtypes by the talent tree:,,.

From the very beginning of the game, the skills "Lash of Darkness" (absorbs the life of a vampire to inflict damage on the enemy) and "Brand of the Vampire" (absorbs the life of the enemy to restore their health) are at the disposal of the vampire.

After completing the simple quests of this location, the character gains two more skills. "Bloodsucker Strike" drains from the enemy 15% of the maximum health and imposes silence for 3 seconds (the skill is common to all classes of the Vesperian race). The skill "Vampirism" (skill only for the class of vampires) gives an increase in attack power, health, movement speed and increased healing ability. Can be called when using other skills.

Vampires in can only be representatives of the Vesperians, both male and female characters.


  • High damage
  • Relatively high survivability
  • The ability to heal
  • Can single-handedly defeat some bosses

Weak sides

  • Spells can use up all mana very quickly.
  • Difficult to manage

Upon reaching level 20, talents become available to all players, with the help of which you can make your character an irreplaceable participant in a party for complex instances or a deadly killer of players. So the vampire faces a choice between three branches: blood, darkness and the abyss.

The "Blood" branch has a number of attacking and supporting skills. Many people say about vampires - "" lack of support "and no sense from them." However, vampires, with a competent buildup of talents, acquire a powerful single heal due to which they can calmly keep several players. I'm not talking about the fact that the vampire will replace the heal! Hila, of course, no one will not replace. But you would refuse a class in a party, which not only does good damage, but in difficult times will return you half HP at a time, or even more? 20% to the maximum health for 20 seconds, increase the ally's attack power by 32%, and increase the healing effect by 8% The use of cans for hp in this branch is minimal, but the use of cans for mana tends to infinity.

The "Dark" branch is considered to be a branch for PVP. Most of the skills are slowing and stunning, but they do not have a lot of damage. True, this branch has one big advantage. At level 50, the vampire receives the Shackles of Darkness skill. Initially, it paralyzes the enemy for 5.3 seconds. The enemy cannot perform any actions, but you cannot inflict damage on him either. When the talent "Improved Shackles of Darkness" is active, the paralysis is extended to 9.3 seconds, which gives a huge advantage during the battle in the 3x3 arena.

"Abyss" is a branch in which a vampire deals huge damage to the enemy. The main skill of this branch is "Hellfire". Only in this branch of talents can a vampire turn into a huge devilish bat. This form increases attack, movement speed, and casting range. The only drawback of this appearance is that only fire skills can be used. This branch is more suitable for PVE, as it has no control. If, of course, your vampire is the main striking force in the party, then it will be good in PVP battles.

Now more about these branches.

Branch Blood

By itself, this branch of development in the Vampire is based on the frequent use of the form of vampirism, like the Dark branch, but mainly uses mobility, an increase in hp and the healing effect given by this form (Dark relies more on specialized skills, like Demon Strike and an increase in the general the level of damage issued to the target).

  1. A very decent heal on a single target, the ability to hang a buff that replenishes health when dealing damage;
  2. High survivability due to a passive increase in the amount of health, heal (both from just healing skills and additional bonuses of attacking skills) and a bonus from a vampire form;
  3. Despite public opinion, it is quite capable of delivering good damage with the appropriate distribution of talents;
  4. Calmly withstands elite (senior) and packs of mobs on its own subheel during solo swing;
  5. Costs for KP banks tend to zero.
  1. Mass heal, res is completely absent;
  2. Quite a long recharge of healing skills in the early stages of the game;
  3. The costs of MP banks tend to infinity (it is treated with developed alchemy / cooking, rational use of skills during pumping on mobs and a couple of goodies in talents);
  4. Low level of control.

I can’t attribute one more point to any minuses or pluses, namely that in order to use the skills, the vampire needs to sacrifice part of his maximum health.

From the proposed pros and cons, we can conclude that a blood vampire has a wide range of uses - from a pure support that perfectly heals (important!) A single target, additionally giving him small pleasant buffs in the form of a bonus to attack and an increase in the maximum health level, improving the quality of heal on the target due to the Bloodstream buns, up to a very tenacious DD option (there are DoTs, an increase in damage again due to the Bloodstream bonus, reduced skill cooldown, etc.).

Branch Dark

Compared to blood and the abyss, the dark vampire is the most suitable for PvP (1v1). If PvP was not interesting, then I would not suggest playing as a dark vampire, since this is not the best branch for PvE. The dark vampire is focused on PvP because he has a varied selection of skills that give him great advantages against another player, compared to blood or the abyss.

  1. Like all vampires, the dark ones can restore HP, although the healing is much weaker than in the blood branch.
  2. Possesses a high level of evasion (especially when using the final skill of the branch).
  3. The Dark One has a unique skill Seed of Darkness, which silences (prevents the use of skills), the enemy for 3 seconds - a very useful skill in PvP. In addition, the Seed of Darkness slows down the enemy.
  4. One of the main offensive skills of darkness - Curse of Darkness can reduce the accuracy of the target, making it nearly impossible to hit a Dark Vampire with a high dodge rate.
  5. The dark vampire has a high attack and movement speed in a state of vampirism, which is useful during quick attacks or for evading the enemy. In this case, health during attacks in this state is not consumed, and the spent is restored in two times.
  6. Only the dark one has the Devil Blast AoE skill, which does not require targeting. Devil's Blast is the ONLY AoE for vampires that doesn't require a target, so it gives the Dark Vampire to trick the enemy into stealth (assassin) cunning.
  1. Dark vampires must sacrifice HP by 3.5% each time the Shadow Waves skill is used. Since Shadow Waves are the main attack skill with a short cooldown, HP loss is somewhat problematic, especially at low levels.
  2. Compared to the branch of blood, the Dark Vampire restores significantly less health when using the Deal with Darkness skill.
  3. As mentioned before, the Dark Vampire is not PvE oriented.
  4. In mass PvP, dark vampires are less effective because most crowd control skills are focused on a single opponent (in my opinion, the mage is best for large-scale PvP).
  5. It can be difficult to fight against classes that are temporarily protected from daze and shackles (such as humans and some bards) because vampires rely heavily on them.
  6. They have a small supply of mana and do not restore it.
  7. Compared to classes like assassins and defenders, the dark vampire has fewer silencing skills. But this inconvenience is compensated by the ability to restore your HP and medium attack range.

Branch of the Abyss

Everyone considers Inferno PVE to be a directional branch, and in a party we will always be more welcome than darkness. Many people say that Darkness has more DPS. Yes it is, but taking into account all the curses, the damage exceeds the darkness at times. When the seed of fire is applied to the target, for each attack received, 220 damage points are inflicted on it (if you use the build I proposed), with a full party, 1100 damage will be inflicted. damage. And if you count the pets? Combining all this with the "Curse of Fire", which needs to be stacked 8 times, we take a huge amount of damage. And even if they say “While the abyss is swinging, the darkness will have time to hit three times already”, the total damage will still be greater. Plus, fire vampires do not consume their health at all, which is more useful with PVE than damage. Your role in the party is dd, but don't forget about the heal. There is no need to blame everything on the priest, especially if there is no bard. Always throw Seed of Fire first, it debuffs the target, then Curse of Fire. After that you can hit with "Hellfire", "Blow of Fire", "Lash of Darkness" in any order. In the finale, hit with Mortification. In this case, all obligatory curses will be imposed.

Going to random in the arena, be prepared that you will not be welcome. Leave the lines "Abyss ** in PVP, because of you we will lose to T_T". Up to level 55, it is true that there is a minimum of benefit from you in the arena, unless you put an end to it. But after learning the "devil's bat" skill, your efficiency (Coefficient of Effectiveness) will increase significantly. Skill buns: stun for 2 seconds, huge DPS, mobility, long range. I will offer you my tactics of warfare. Your task is to focus the priest / bard / wamp and start hitting him with Hellfire and Mortification. Flame deals a lot of damage, killing reduces healing. After you have demolished the target with 30-40% HP, you need to turn into a bat and throw the "Seed of Fire". While the target is in the camp, silence it using your racial skill. After that, you can safely finish off. Note that in the bat state you cannot heal - throw the blood flow on yourself before transforming. Your time starts after level 65 up - a massive stun appears with a negligible cooldown. Its only drawback is a long cast, but this is solved by pumping the Flaming Bat talent. The tactics remain the same, but now hit the cooldown with a "Blow of Fire", half of the enemy team will be in the camp all the time. I advise you to go 6x6 for the rate, and 3x3 for the drain, there is still little sense from us in this arena.

* Click on the screenshot to enlarge the picture.

The vampire is not a race, but a class specialization. True, only Vesperians can choose her, which in their characteristics is very close to the usual image of a vampire. The Vesperians have two options for attacking the enemy - remote and close contact. At the same time, in addition to normal damage, they can drain life, healing their wounds. Vampires gravitate towards the magic of Fire and Darkness.

The appearance of the Vesperians is also very extraordinary, having met one of them, no one will have any doubts - this is a vampire. Pale, even gray skin, scarlet pupils, unnatural beauty and fragile physique contrast with the huge cross that rises behind their shoulders.

Good speed and attack power allow the Vampire to act along with Warriors and Assassins in the role of an attacking fighter (DD). And vampiric abilities help to heal allies, so the Vampire Healer option is possible.

Pros of the Vampire class:

  • close and long range attack;
  • good parameters of the damage done;
  • strong enemy control skills;
  • two roles in the group - healer and DD.

Cons of specialization:

  • most skills consume mana, it is required to provide its supply;
  • not very good protection;
  • the skills of vampirism are of great importance;
  • some groups are reluctant to take Vampires, since their DD and healing parameters are inferior to pure classes.

Forsaken World Vampire Specializations

A vampire who has leveled up to level 20 can choose one of three branches of development:


Vampirism is a unique skill of the Vampiric Vesperian, which allows you to receive additional bonuses and abilities:

  • the attack power and health level of the hero increases by 10%;
  • the vampire's movement speed is halved;
  • the effect of healing skills is increased by 10%.

Vampire active and passive skills

Scourge of Darkness is an attack on a single target, while the damage is basic, plus the Darkness bonus. There is a chance to reduce the accuracy of the attacked enemy, and turn into a bat.

Brand of the vampire - attacking a single target with basic damage, plus the bonus of Darkness. Bleeding and vampire reshaping can also be applied.

Demon strike - the vampire is transported close to the victim to deal base damage, plus a bonus of Darkness. The damage from the skill is sequentially increased, up to 4 activations.

Hellfire - damage to one enemy, basic, supplemented by the Fire bonus. There is a chance to deal double damage and weaken the target's resistance.

Annihilation is base damage, supplemented by the Shadow bonus. Possible additional imposition of the harmful effects of Blood Curse, Dark Curse, Curse of Flame.

Blood management - speeds up the replenishment of hit points.

Mastery of darkness - pumps over mastery of mastery of Darkness and resistance to it.

Blessings and curses

Vampirism - activation of the state of vampirism.

The demon's blow is necessary for the hero to drain life from the victim.

Bat Dash - Allows the vampire to take the form of a bat, which allows you to neutralize harmful effects and / or make an escape.

Deal with Darkness - Allows you to turn blood into healing magic for yourself and your allies.

Blood flow is a skill from the arsenal of Blood magic, an ally, temporarily endowed with the ability to regenerate.

Curse of fire - affects a group of targets, lowers the defense of enemies. It can also be empowered by Magic Fire, which will cause enemies to burn.

Devouring - affects a group of enemies, removes invisibility, all victims and the vampire himself will be tied to the place for 8 seconds. Opponents also bleed.

Shackles of darkness - a curse for a single purpose, fetters the enemy, knocks out of the saddle. The enemy is tied to a place, but not protected from damage.

Vampire branches, talents


Magic of fresh blood - the activation of vampirism occurs more often, when using the Brand of the vampire, Deal with darkness, Seed of life, Sea of ​​blood.

Strengthening the Vampire Brand - accelerates the regeneration of the Vampire Brand skill.

Brand of fresh blood - enhances the effect of the Vampire Brand skill.

Demon Strike Extension - Increases the range of Demon Strike by 40%.

Devil's Blood - The duration of the Blood Curse will be increased.

Seed of life - after 5 seconds, the ally recovers a certain amount of hit points. There is a chance to restore twice the amount of HP.

Curse of blood - allows, when attacking a cursed enemy, to deprive him of additional health points equal to 4% of the vampire's maximum HP.

Study of blood - reduces the cost of mana to restore health.

Brand Power - Increases the effect of the Vampire Brand by 40%.

Mortification - enhances the effect of the Blood Curse.

Pumping Vampire on the Blood branch

There are two viable options for this branch: the healer and the damage dealer. To heal, you need to maximize the skills that are responsible for restoring health points and reduce the recharge time of these skills. While treating others, the vampire hill should not remain naked, so at the same time we are studying in full the skills for defense, regeneration of HP, passions for increasing the amount of health and mana. In addition to healing, a vampire in the Blood branch can inflict harmful effects on opponents, reducing their defense, mana and health.

Attacking vampires focus on damage from Demon Strike and reducing the enemy's HP with the help of Brand. It is also worth paying attention to the skills that enhance the effect of the brand, they have side harmful properties for the enemy, which is also useful.


Seed of darkness - after 5 seconds, the enemy's movement speed is reduced.

Devil's explosion - attack on a group of targets with the power of Darkness. Activated in Bat Form deals additional damage.

Demon of darkness - increases the likelihood of turning into a bat.

The power of the shadow - increases the chance of triggering a crit and the number of health points when the Shadow waves skill is activated.

Strike of the demon of darkness - the first attack stuns the target, the second has a reduced chance of stunning, but increases the damage from Curse of Darkness.

Forces of darkness - increase the duration of the Seed of Darkness. The effect accumulates up to 4 activations, after which the enemy gets silence.

Invasion of Darkness - the enemy's resistance to Darkness decreases after activating Shadow Waves.

Eye of Darkness - increases the accuracy of the vampire's skills.

Dark mortification - even more reduces the speed and magnitude of the enemy's attack under the influence of the Curse of Darkness and Mortification skills.

Devil's explosion - attack on a group of targets within a radius of 10 m.

Leveling Vampire on the Dark branch

When developing your hero, you should not miss the following points: the damage of a vampire depends on the maximum and real health reserve. Therefore, while learning the skills to enhance the attack and evasion from the critical strike of the enemy, do not forget to pump up health and protection.

The branch of Darkness not only offers a good bonus to the hero's dodge, there is a skill that significantly reduces the chances of avoiding the enemy's crit. Therefore, it is safe to say that the dark vampire is a fast and agile fighter.

Basically, you can sacrifice some of the slope to create a fighter with more health. Then the dark vampire will be able to perform more successfully in single battles with another player.


Seed of Fire - Curses the victim, providing bonus damage from the elements of Fire. All harmful effects are also added up, causing damage to the enemy. The effect of curses is removed.

Devil's Bat - The vampire turns into a giant bat. This increases his attack and movement speed, damage. In this case, it is good to use Hellfire, since the rollback is canceled, and the hero's HP consumption decreases.

Tongues of Hellfire - increases the damage from the skill Hellfire.

The power of the curse - the effect of the Curse of fire is enhanced.

Fire demon strike - decreases the protection of enemies on which the curse of fire hangs. This effect can stack up to 5 times.

Bloody feast - Bleeding increases from the Devouring skill. In addition, paralysis is superimposed.

Absorbing magic - the victim, attacked by the Seed of Fire, on subsequent hits will take burning damage, burning mana points.

Flame Fury - increases the damage done by the skills Hellfire, Fire Strike, also increases the chance of crit.

Fire mortification - enhances the attack of the vampire, deals a blow at 120% of the base value. Bonus Damage by Fire Mastery if Curse of Fire is applied. Dizziness is superimposed on the enemy.

Pumping Vampire along the Abyss branch

To successfully play Forsaken World as a vampire, developing the Abyss branch, you need to pump skills that increase the magnitude of the attack, curses and debuffs are also needed, weakening the enemy's defense and accelerated recharge of skills.

Pumping to the maximum: Tongues of Hellfire, Power of Curse, Hellfire, Seed of Fire, Abyss, Bloody Feast, Swift Bat, Absorb Magic, Devil's Bat, Weakness, Flame Swiftness, Flame Strike, Turn into Bat, Flame Control, Flame Rage, Steppe fire, fiery mortification.

Also, it will not be superfluous to throw a few points into the talents: Curse of Fire, Fiery Destruction, Swift Bat.

Vampire Abyss Tactics

The Abyssal Branch looks very good in group visits to dungeons. The presence of curses and other harmful skills allows you to give good damage. Abyss skills may take longer to activate, but they do not consume the vampire's health, and the final damage is high.

For PvE, the role of a Vampire is most often to deal damage (DD), therefore, such a bunch of skills is relevant: Seed of Fire, Curse of Fire, Hellfire, Scourge of Darkness, Strike of Fire, Mortification.

Regarding the PvP arena - up to level 55, the Vampire-Abyss will be ignored during the recruitment of groups, since nothing outstanding will be shown there. After studying the Devil's Bat, the vampire increases the damage done and allows you to reach the enemy from afar. Then you can already ask for a group, choose an enemy bard, priest or vampire on the battlefield and start extinguishing it with Hellfire and Mortification. At level 65, group control of opponents will be added, which works well in 6x6 battles.

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