Home Mushrooms When is it better to dive tomato seedlings. How to Dive Tomatoes and When - Step-by-Step Guide. How to dive tomatoes - algorithm of actions and rules

When is it better to dive tomato seedlings. How to Dive Tomatoes and When - Step-by-Step Guide. How to dive tomatoes - algorithm of actions and rules

Summer residents are already actively performing various agricultural techniques in order to get seedlings of garden crops and flowers by the required time, but there are also beginners among them. The latter are very afraid of doing something wrong - somewhere there is not enough knowledge, somewhere skills. But everything comes with experience, and accuracy when working with seedlings does not hurt, because they are so fragile. So, to help beginners, our today's article on the topic of when and how the picking of tomatoes takes place, let's talk about the technology, about the dates in March, April 2018 according to the lunar calendar. The information is useful and necessary for everyone.

On a note!

Many inexperienced summer residents ask the question - is it possible, without a pick at all? Yes, but under the condition of immediately separate planting or planting in cups of 2-3 seeds with the subsequent removal of weak seedlings from the container.

Let's start with the basics. Many do not even know the meaning of the word - pick. Easier to say, it is splitting or thinning. Since we are talking about tomatoes, this is the separation of seedlings, which have already managed to get a little stronger in separate cups. The container can be different - plastic, peat, thick cardboard, simple cut packaging for dairy products. Anyone want anything. Seedlings dive into new soil, which must be prepared in advance and must be pickled, but more on that later.

What is this action for, newbies ask? In order for your seedlings to grow quickly, be strong, healthy, receive enough food and light. Seedlings are also heavy and stuffy in one tray when they grow, like people in a cramped bus. Everyone needs their own space, air.

So here are the young tomatoes - when they just emerged, they were very frail, the roots are small, but the process goes on every day. Soon, the root processes grow, the leaves open up, the soil becomes not only cramped, but also lacks nutrition. After all, you understand that the seedlings are fed from the soil. So, if you leave everything in its place, then very soon you will begin to notice the first alarm bells - the seedlings are stretched out, twisted, wither, grow poorly and their leaves shrink. As a result, it is simply impossible to plant seedlings in open ground - they are stunted and will quickly die. From this we will further draw conclusions.

Positive aspects of picking

  • Transplanting into a new soil, you also give a new nutrition - it is balanced and rich.
  • You give growth and development to the root system, and only healthy roots can provide good green mass on top.
  • The seedlings are free at the top, that is, they do not push each other, do not bend, do not break.
  • Good nutrition provides a strong stem and resources for growing roots and leaves.
  • The seedlings' immunity will be much higher.

We hope that we have already answered this part of the question well, and all newbies have no question, and maybe they will grow up like that. No, if you don’t want to mess around, you’re afraid of breaking fragile seedlings, then either plant them right away in separate containers - now there are a lot of things on sale for this, or just don’t grow seedlings. But everything comes with experience, and the picking soon ceases to frighten young gardeners. If you want to plant seeds in different containers, that is, for this, peat tablets and cups made of plastic, paper, cardboard. But there is another important aspect in this matter - the timing of picking tomatoes.

Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar

What is this well-known sowing calendar, is it so important? You may also have such a question. Of course, it is important - after all, we know from school that our satellite, the moon, and many processes on the planet affect us. Including plants, which is why scientists have created a calendar for summer residents to help, which not only speaks every year about the timing of planting, but also gives recommendations on all agricultural techniques. Including picking.

So, in order to properly divide the seedlings in March 2018, you must do it during the period - from 19th to 24th, as well as March 27-28. This is the most favorable time. But if you sowed seeds late, your seedlings have just begun to grow, they are completely fragile, then picking during this period will not bring a positive result. It is better to wait until the seedlings get stronger and plant them in April. Nothing wrong with that. Pick tomato in April it can be produced: 5-7, 9-11, 19, 20, 23-25.

For information!

If you suddenly do not have time to do everything on specific dates of the lunar calendar, then just adhere to the main rule - on the new moon and full moon it is better not to do anything either with seedlings or on the site.

Read also:

Pick methods

Very often inexperienced summer residents confuse the two main methods of transferring to a new place. We are talking about transfer and transshipment. These are completely different agricultural techniques and you should always carefully read what is recommended in the article or on the packaging by the manufacturer so as not to harm the seedlings. So let's figure it out.


This is a commonly used term, and people refer to everything as a transplant, as a rule. However, in reality, this technique involves the transfer of a seedling or a flower, yes, even a tree from one place to another with the cleansing of the earth from the root system. That is, the earthen lump collapses, and bare roots remain. When this method is relevant:

  • if the seedlings are sick, and the reason may be rotten roots, and you need to see them in order to process;
  • when a lump just crumbled during transshipment;
  • when it is necessary to completely replace the soil - it is sour, infected, poor, and so on.

So only in this case, the transplant will be relevant. And remember, whenever you transplant crops, you always need to observe the timing of picking, both tomatoes and all living plants and trees.


This method is often called sparing, since the roots are practically not injured, and the seedlings quickly adapt to a new place and give growth and development. As you could understand, here the earthy clod remains on the root system. To do this, it is well moistened before picking for 1-2 hours. All actions are very careful, the new soil should be nutritious and the container should be larger. It is relevant for all plants and crops that have delicate roots, weak, do not tolerate transplanting well.

Good to know!

In general, tomatoes are a crop that tolerates picking quite easily, and you can do it more than once. They respond well to all supplementary foods, rather than the same capricious eggplants and peppers.

Step-by-step picking of tomato seedlings

So, it's time to get down to the most important thing. So that you can understand, for fragile seedlings, of course, it is better to always use the transshipment method. So, it will quickly take over and begin to bear fruit earlier.

The scheme of actions will be something like this:

  • a container with young seedlings, which already have 3-4 leaves - this is about 3-4 weeks after sowing, spill well with warm water;
  • the trays must stand and soak, after which first outline the strongest seedlings, where there are more leaves and the stalk is thicker;
  • with them and start. But in no case just pull your seedlings by the top of the head. You need to take a narrow spatula or with the back of a spoon, pry the seedling under the very bottom and remove it from the tray;
  • the cups should already be ready in advance, and it is better that they are 0.4-0.5 liters each. You need to pour soil mixture into them, which should be spilled in advance with boiling water with manganese;
  • drainage and holes are made at the bottom, after which soil is poured about a third and the seedlings are placed on top;
  • holding each seedling, you add soil to the voids;
  • Then you lightly tamp it at the base of the stem, spill it with a small amount of water, since the earthen lump, so, was well moistened by you in advance.

And now you already know all the basics - and about picking tomatoes according to the lunar calendar 2018, that is, about the timing, and about the main nuances, and about the technique, now you need to talk about leaving and possible problems.

On a note!

If you took cups from peat, then you do not need to drain, since the material absorbs moisture very well, such cups are often watered. And this must be monitored so that the soil does not move away from the walls.

Top dressing and watering after picking tomatoes

It is not enough to transplant seedlings into a new nutritious soil; they need to be well looked after. So, of course, the seedlings need light, that is, put trays with cups inside it, as it is convenient, on the window. But it is important to note that many cultures on the southern windows begin to burn, so either you have to shade the seedlings, or simply place them next to the window on a curbstone to create a so-called lace shade from the curtain.

Soil temperature and moisture is the next important condition for the growth and development of tomatoes. The room should not be hot and dry. That is, when the seedlings are just emerging, then a temperature of 25 degrees is needed, but 18-20 degrees will be enough for growth and development. Before being transferred outside for two weeks, it will be necessary to further reduce the temperature for hardening. If the air in the room is dry, then just put trays of water or vases, but you can also buy a humidifier in the store.

Moisten the soil as it dries and gently loosen it about twice a week. But just water strictly, as the soil has dried up. Water is used warm and settled for a day. And, of course, you will need to make two feeding times. Then your seedlings will not only grow faster, but will also yield a harvest and be strong before diseases.

Therefore, two weeks after the pick, nitrogen is added - it is needed for the growth of greenery, it can be complexes where there is the most nitrogen, or urea. The second is mineral fertilization after another two weeks, for example, such a composition - 12 grams of potassium sulfate, 35 grams of superphosphate and 4 grams of urea are diluted in a bucket of water. Well, let's move on to possible problems.

On a note!

In the lunar calendar, you should look not only for favorable days in March or in other months for picking tomatoes, but also recommendations for fertilizing, loosening, and other matters.

What if the seedlings are stretched out?

The most common mistake of all novice gardeners is long seedlings, curves that eventually break. Why is this happening? Even from school we know that where there is a lot of light, everything grows and smells, and vice versa. With seedlings, everything is the same - there is not enough light for it. This is especially true for early planting, for regions of cold climates, for houses where all windows are northern. Plus, the climate is so changeable now, so it's always best to play it safe in advance. To do this, you need to prepare lamps.

They are installed approximately half a meter high to provide additional light in the dark. In general, tomatoes need to be illuminated so that, in general, the light falls for about 10-12 hours. Lamps for this use either special phyto or simple daylight tubes. But what else can cause the seedlings to be pulled out and how to solve the problem? Read on.

Causes of the problem and methods of solution:

  • lack of nitrogen. Solution - urea feeding at the rate of 1 tablespoon of fertilizer per bucket of water. Loss of green pigment on the leaves can also indicate a lack;
  • too tight fit. If you often planted seedlings even after diving into a common tray, then urgently re-thinning;
  • if the seedlings are already large for various reasons, then the decision can already be made in the garden bed - during planting, no more than 50 cm of the seedling is left above the ground, the root and part of the stem are laid at an angle to the south;
  • if it is too early to transfer seedlings, then the stalk is laid in a semicircle or loop directly in the pot and sprinkle;
  • if the seedlings are stretched out, become frail, fade, then perhaps watering regime is not observed... Will have to or transplant into new dry soil, or loosen the soil well until it dries up and then water only as it dries;
  • if the seedlings are large, but stretching upward, then you can create a stressful situation by cutting off the lower leaves... In about a week, the seedlings will return to normal.

Read more about:

What to do if development slowed down after the pick?

And the last most common problem. You transplanted seedlings and that's it - it sits in place and not a single new leaf. There may be various reasons:

  • the room is cold. Below 15 degrees, the seedlings go into a dormant state;
  • you poured the cups;
  • the seedlings do not have enough nutrition, that is, you forgot about feeding, and the soil was not suitable;
  • you injured the roots, the aerial part. Now you need to heal the wounds with seedlings, so to speak;
  • not enough light.

As you can see, the reasons are commonplace, but everything is easy to solve. If your apartment is cold, you will need to install a heater. When the seedlings are flooded, you either have to urgently transfer the seedlings into a new glass again, or simply loosen more often. We said about feeding - every two weeks after the pick. If the roots are injured, then you need to wait and just follow all the techniques according to the order. Well, you have already learned about the light too. In addition to the lamps, do not forget to turn your cups from time to time towards the sun, then they will be even, with a good, strong stem. You will not have any problems during transfer to open ground.

Seedlings are very sensitive to soil acidity. It is always necessary to check it so that the pH is in the front from 6 to 7. The acidic soil is either changed if possible, or lime, chalk, dolomite flour are added.

We have got such an informative article. All these recommendations are quite simple to follow, but at the same time you will always get the result from your actions.

Every spring summer residents start growing seedlings. Prepare the soil, boxes, sow seeds. After the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are allowed to grow a little stronger, grow up. Then they start picking. In fact, diving seedlings means transferring plants to new growing conditions. During work, weak shoots are discarded, strong ones are seated in separate containers. By the time of planting on the beds, the seedlings will get stronger and take root well in the open field.

Many gardeners argue whether it is necessary to plant seedlings in separate pots. Some sow seeds in a common container, grow there until planting in the beds. When should this agrotechnical technique be carried out? It is well known that picking seedlings is thinning, removing weak seedlings and transplanting strong ones into individual pots and cups.

Correct pick

A frequent question is why the pick is carried out, what is the purpose?

  1. If the sown seeds have sprouted densely, you still have to thin them out. Why lose seedlings when you can plant them in separate cups and get a full-fledged healthy bush?
  2. If the seeds of pepper, tomatoes or other crops were sown not in special cassettes or peat-distilled cups, but in a common box, then you still have to transplant. It is better to do this before the horse system is intertwined. With a late transplant, delicate roots are injured, the seedlings do not take root well in a new place. When growing in thickened crops, plants suffer from nutritional deficiencies.
  3. After "resettlement" lateral roots begin to grow, a strong fibrous root system develops, which forms in the upper layer of the soil.
  4. Transplanting may delay disembarkation if the weather is unfavorable.

Dive technique

The answer to the question: why dive seedlings is received. Now we need to figure out when to do it right.

When to dive seedlings

The general rule for picking any crop is to transplant the plant no earlier than one or two true leaves appear. During this period, the main organs of the root system have already developed, so that the seedling undergoes "resettlement" almost painlessly. Some species dive twice, for example, tomatoes.

When choosing the timing of the pick, they are always guided by the stage of development of the seedlings. If they are strong, they will confidently tolerate a transplant. As a rule, this period occurs a couple of weeks after germination. However, we must not forget about the variety of plant species, so it is worth talking about the most popular crops in more detail.

It's time to dive

How to dive seedlings correctly using the example of tomatoes and peppers

For planting any culture, you will need separate containers for each plant - cups, peat tablets, pots, a special sleeve for seedlings. If you use ready-made potting mixes, then no processing is required for it.

If garden, forest or sod land is available, it is subjected to heat treatment to destroy pathogenic microflora. To make up for the loss of beneficial microorganisms, humus is further poured under the root. This procedure is mandatory, because in the absence of beneficial microorganisms, minerals will not be broken down, and the root system will not be able to feed the vegetative parts.

Picking a tomato depending on the variety

Every summer resident dreams of a good harvest. In this he will be helped by picking tomato seedlings, carried out correctly and on time. How many times to replant seedlings depends on the variety. Tomatoes are divided by types:

  • undersized;
  • medium-sized;
  • tall.

Correctly dived seedlings tomato

Only tall tomatoes need to be transplanted several times. For the rest, a single pick is sufficient. The first time a tomato transplant is carried out on the tenth day after the emergence of seedlings - the roots have grown stronger and will painlessly undergo the procedure. Seedlings should not be allowed to overgrow. The root system will get confused, and when separating, the roots are injured. As a result, they will not take root well, get sick, and the harvest will be delayed for a long time.

Tomato planting technology

  1. Before starting work, everything is prepared - containers for planting, soil mixture, water for irrigation.
  2. Ready-made soil is bought in the store. Many people cook it on their own. To do this, take peat, humus, sod or forest land in equal parts. Here add 1/3 river, washed, sifted sand.
  3. Mix everything well. Be sure to add 200 g of ash and 15–20 g of complex fertilizer (nitroammophoska, nitrophoska). Tomatoes love root dressing. Complex fertilizers, in addition to basic nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), contain a lot of other macro- and microelements.
  4. Small stones are placed at the bottom of the container for drainage.
  5. The containers are filled with the substrate, tamped tightly for better adhesion of the root system to the soil.
  6. Leave about 1 cm unfilled to the edge of the pot. Each glass is poured with a dark solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Tomato seedling structure

All picking utensils should have drainage holes to remove excess moisture. About 12 hours before starting work, the seedlings are watered abundantly. After being saturated with moisture, they will more easily endure the transplant.

Algorithm of actions when planting tomatoes

  1. Work starts early in the morning or in the evening. Observing the technique of performing a pick, right before transplanting, the soil under it is watered.
  2. In pots, holes are made on the ground with a pencil or stick. Digging in the seedlings with a spatula, take them out of the soil and lower them into the prepared holes.
  3. Then, fingers press the earth tightly around the stem.

It doesn't matter if the main long root comes off. If this does not happen, you need to pinch off it yourself to 1/3 of the length. This procedure stimulates the development of the lateral root system, which will provide the vegetative parts of the seedling with the necessary substances and moisture.

Sometimes young tomato sprouts are not planted in individual cups, but in larger common containers. Here they make sure that the volume of soil for each seedling is sufficient. For this, the landing schemes are observed.

Tall tomato varieties are distributed according to the 10x10 cm scheme, undersized 8x8 cm. For better, uniform illumination, the distance between tomato seedlings when picking should be at least two centimeters. Seedlings are planted in a checkerboard pattern, buried almost to the cotyledons. Subsequently, adventitious roots branch off from the buried stem, enhancing nutrition, and a powerful root system of the future bush develops.

The transplanted seedlings are watered, mulched, put in the shade, cannot stand in the sun for three to four days. Plants need to get away from the stress of transplanting and take root.

Video: Nuances of working with tomato seedlings

Pepper picking and its timing

Pepper is one of the capricious crops. Therefore, mistakes in its cultivation lead to diseases, a decrease in yield. One of the main conditions for obtaining a rich harvest is the correct picking of bell pepper in compliance with the requirements for nutrients, illumination, moisture.

If the pepper was sown immediately in separate containers, then picking is not required. The peppers will grow until they are planted in the beds, developing in one place.

Carrying out a pick of pepper in the phase of two true leaves

When the seeds are sown in a common box and sprout up densely and in unison, then the dive of pepper seedlings will be correct at the third or fourth true leaf. At this moment, the seedlings begin to fight for a place in the sun. The roots of the seedlings get tangled, there is a risk of damaging them during transplantation.

If the seeds were sown in early February, then it is necessary to dive in March. However, everything is relative. Observe the condition of the stems and leaves. Seedlings with two true leaves are transplanted with care. Never dive peppers only with cotyledon leaves. Its root system is imperfect and weak, and will not survive the "redeployment". Therefore, bell pepper seedlings dive in the presence of three or four true leaves.

How to plant peppers correctly

  1. Before starting work on diving pepper seedlings, water the soil under them abundantly in a few hours. This will make it easier to remove them from the ground without damaging the roots.
  2. Watering the peppers, prepare the container for planting. The best option is peat-melting pots, which are sold on the shelves of shops for the garden, vegetable garden.
  3. The grown seedlings are transferred to the beds directly with the pots, which will become additional food for the growing peppers. Having prepared, filling them with soil, as indicated above, they begin to transplant.
  4. Preparing a place for planting, make a depression with a pencil or stick in a pot.
  5. Carefully pry the seedling with a spatula, remove it from the soil. Having found the main long root, pinch it ¼ of the length. This procedure stimulates the growth of lateral adventitious roots. A branched powerful root system is gradually developing, which will become the key to the future harvest.
  6. Having lowered the plant into the hole, gently press down on the soil so that it holds tight.

Grown spiked pepper seedlings in cassettes

Many people ask the question - is it possible to deepen pepper seedlings when picking? This cannot be done! Pepper is not a tomato. He does not give adventitious roots from the stem, but can rot, get sick, die. Never bury a seedling up to the cotyledon leaves.

The transplanted peppers are watered, mulch the topsoil with humus. They put the pots in the shade, because the bright sun after transplantation is contraindicated for them.

Video: How to dive pepper

Picking flowers on the example of petunia

Many gardeners believe that flowers should not be dived, as this harms the plant, it then gets sick for a long time. However, experience shows that the transplantation procedure is necessary for many reasons.

Features of picking ornamental plants

Flower seeds are sown in small containers. As the seedlings grow, the nutrients become less and less, each seedling gets little moisture, the roots intertwine, the access to them of such an indispensable element for flowers as oxygen decreases. There comes a time when it is necessary to dive the seedlings of petunias in order to save the plants from hunger.

Many people say that you need to sow seeds immediately in large containers, but here, too, a problem arises. In such conditions, the roots of young sprouts rot from excess moisture, which prevents oxygen from entering.

What does the planting of ornamental plants lead to? If you follow the rules for picking flower seedlings, you get:

  • the ability to reject weak, non-viable shoots, leave only strong ones;
  • if you fear the outgrowth of petunia, this method will delay growth;
  • active development of the root system;
  • lack of interlacing of roots. Seedlings are easily separated during transplantation.

Seedlings of petunias before picking

Starting to work on picking petunias, they prepare peat, disposable plastic cups, you can simply cut boxes of dairy products. Prepare the soil for planting. For flowers, it is advisable to purchase it in specialized stores. Young petunias are demanding on nutrients, and ready-made mixtures contain everything you need.

  1. A few hours before transplanting, the seedlings are watered abundantly to better extract them from the soil.
  2. In pots filled with a substrate, a hole is made in the center, filled with water. From a box with a petunia with a blunt knife, a spatula or a stick for picking seedlings, they pry the plant, take it out along with a lump of earth.
  3. All this is transferred into a prepared pot, a lump of soil with roots is lowered into the hole.
  4. Gently pushing all the roots apart in a circle, gently press the ground around the stem with your fingers. This is for better adhesion of the roots to the soil.
  5. Soil voids need to be filled. Therefore, petunias are watered again, mulch the soil.
  6. After that, the leaves are sprayed from the spray bottle.

Further care comes down to the fact that the boxes with the pots are placed in the shade for three to five days. It will be correct if this is a room without direct sunlight, with a temperature not higher than +18 degrees. The air is humidified by spraying the space with water, but not directly over the plants. Humidity must be at least 70%.

Eggplant picking according to all the rules

The disputes of gardeners do not subside whether it is worth diving the seedlings of such a delicate, capricious culture as eggplants.

Reasons for the need for seating

Supporters of sowing seeds directly into individual containers believe that picking eggplant seedlings injures young plants. Seedlings, allegedly, take root worse, do not start growing for a long time.

Opponents refute this opinion with arguments for picking eggplant seedlings at the right time. Usually the seeds of this culture sprout densely and amicably. Therefore, planting seedlings will prevent tangling of roots, make it more convenient to transplant to a permanent place. With the help of thinning, they achieve a better supply of nutrients to the roots of each seedling, more uniform illumination - the plants do not block each other's light.

Eggplant seedlings after picking

If the soil under the seedlings is infected with pathogens, then by picking eggplant seedlings, you can save specimens that have not yet become diseased. After transplanting into disinfected new soil, the seedlings quickly take root, become stronger, and more actively resist microbes.

When transplanting plants into larger pots, as a rule, part of the main taproot is torn off. Both when transplanting tomatoes and with eggplants, you need to track, if the root does not come off, then pinch it 1/4 yourself.

This technique gives impetus to the rapid development of lateral roots, forming a strong fibrous root system. Such roots will provide excellent nutrition for the aboveground part of the eggplant, active flowering and fruiting.

Transplanting can be useful when weather conditions do not allow planting plants in open beds. In this situation, picking eggplant seedlings will save the situation by postponing the “resettlement” process for 5-7 days.

Transplanting young seedlings will be beneficial if done on time, in compliance with technological methods. The cultivation of eggplant is not very different from the agricultural technology of other vegetable crops. But it doesn't hurt to consider the basic techniques once again.

Plants before picking

Preparation for picking eggplant seedlings

Preparing the soil and containers for picking eggplant seedlings follows the same scheme as for tomatoes. The soil can be taken from the garden, from the forest, sod land. The soil is mixed with peat, sand, humus equally. Some summer residents mix such soil with a purchased special mixture at a 1: 1 ratio. It makes sense here, because the soil mixture from the store already contains a full set of nutrients, trace elements necessary for young seedlings.

Eggplant should be watered frequently and abundantly. Therefore, peat or peat pots are not suitable for this crop. From excess moisture, they swell, break, and can damage delicate roots. Therefore, it is better to use special cassettes, plastic cups and simply cut boxes of dairy products.

Eggplant seedlings in peat tablets do not need to dive

Step-by-step picking algorithm

Seedlings are "settled" after the appearance of three or four true leaves. By this time, the root system has become sufficiently strong and painlessly capable of transferring the transplant.

  1. Before picking eggplant seedlings, it is watered with plenty of water so that the entire lump of soil gets wet, left for several hours.
  2. At the same time, cups and other containers are prepared. Be sure to make holes at the bottom of the container to remove excess moisture. This is necessary so that the roots do not rot without ventilation.
  3. The next step is to fill the container with soil. Several pebbles are placed at the bottom, which are covered with prepared earth.
  4. The soil is tamped, a hole for the seedling is made in the center of the container with a pencil or stick.
  5. With a blunt knife or spatula, the plant is pryed and pushed out of the substrate with a small lump of earth.
  6. Then the seedling is lowered into the prepared glass, not forgetting to pinch the central root.
  7. Gently squeeze the ground around the stem. The cotyledons are left above the soil. After that, the eggplants are watered.

Grown spiked eggplant seedlings in cassettes

Peat tablets have become very popular. In fact, this is pressed peat, which swells with strong moisture. Many grow vegetable and flower seedlings using this convenient, lightweight material. If the seeds were sown in this way, then it is not necessary to dive the seedlings from peat tablets.

The tablet together with the seedling is immersed in a container of at least 750 ml, half filled with the nutrient substrate. At the edges, the space is covered with the same soil. The soil is gently tamped, watered with warm, settled water, with a temperature of no more than 25 degrees.

Seedling care after picking

The seedlings are stressed after transplanting. This applies to any culture. Therefore, they take care of her especially carefully.

Requirements for the maintenance of seedlings and feeding

To begin with, put containers with seedlings in a cool place, protect from direct sunlight. If placed on a windowsill, then the window is shaded with a thin cloth.

Watering is carried out once every 4-6 days when the topsoil dries up. Eggplants are watered more often. But they make sure that there is no waterlogging of the substrate, rotting of the roots. The same applies to flower crops.

The plants are closely watched, protected from drafts. If they notice that the seedlings are depressed, the leaves have withered, then they begin to feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizers. A large selection of chemicals makes even seasoned gardeners get confused. And inexperienced vegetable growers ask themselves the question - how to fertilize the seedlings after picking and is it necessary?

Tempering on the windowsill

The best choice is factory made ready mixes. If such fertilizer is not at hand, they are fed with a solution of nitrophoska or nitroammofoska - complex fertilizers that are always available.

The fertilizer package contains instructions for use. Having decided how to fertilize the seedlings after the pick, they begin to prepare the nutrient mixture. The processing of young seedlings must be carried out correctly, in compliance with the development cycles. It is better to do it early in the morning, when there is an active absorption of nutrients by the roots from the soil solution.

Desired result

Hardening of young plants

A prerequisite for a good harvest is the hardening of the seedlings. To do this, they take it out for several hours every day to the street or balcony, protecting it from the wind. From time to time they are exposed to the dim sun. After 10 - 15 days, the seedlings get used to the conditions of the street. In the phase of five to seven true leaves, the hardened, hardened seedlings are planted in a permanent place. After planting, as far as possible, cover the plants from direct sunlight.

Timely picking of seedlings is an important agricultural technique that makes it possible to obtain a rich harvest. Correctly and timely transplantation is a guarantee of the health of the seedlings, the development of the root system and, as a result, an excellent harvest of vegetables or a lush flowering of ornamental crops.

Picking tomatoes is a necessary procedure when growing a crop. But not all gardeners treat it in the same way; more often than not, opinions about the benefits of this stage of care differ.

For some gardeners and truck farmers, picking tomato seedlings seems to be a necessary and very necessary condition in order to get plants of excellent quality. Others believe that diving tomato seedlings is not worth it, since this will be unnecessary, completely unnecessary stress for the plant. In this case, the seedlings are planted immediately in large containers.

Why picking tomato seedlings is needed and whether it is possible to do without it, gardeners decide in accordance with their own system of caring for the garden. You can hear a variety of opinions and advice on this matter and even watch a video on how to make a pick correctly (this could be some kind of master class).

Not all cultures tolerate transplanting well - some are easy to transplant, others have difficulty recovering from it. In this case, there is no need to talk about an increase in productivity.

To determine how necessary this procedure is in your case, you will need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the process.

Tomato picking is a transplant, transfer of young plants from a small container, where they were grown from seeds, into a larger pot or container, which is pre-filled with fresh soil mixture.

The process of engraftment of transplanted plants is much better if diving is done at an early stage of growth.

This is most conveniently done when two or three true leaves grow on the stem. Do not work on Fridays, Palm Sunday, or any church holidays.

Those of the gardeners who welcome this procedure are trying to figure out how to dive the seedlings correctly, looking for new ways to help ensure their better survival. A lot of information can be gleaned from the video on the topic. After transplanting into large pots, or special cups, the plants begin to develop the root system better, they get stronger and become healthier.

When the sown seeds begin to germinate, and then the first leaves are formed on the seedlings, they do not need a lot of soil. During this period, it is much more important for them that the soil contains sufficient oxygen. We dive the tomatoes carefully, you can place them in 100 ml cups or special mini-pots with holes in the bottom. When watering, water will not stagnate in them, since the excess will go through the holes. At the same time, tomato seedlings are provided with good access to the oxygen in the soil. As a last resort, temporarily dive the tomatoes into bags with a small amount of soil.

At the next stage of growth, the root system begins to develop rapidly in plants. They need more space, nutrients are also required in considerable quantities. Small cups become cramped for them. The roots of plants grow, intertwine and even begin to protrude from the container - so they try to find the missing nutrients. If the seedlings have grown so large roots, they will fade and stunted. To exclude this situation, the feeding area for seedlings must be increased. They are transplanted into glasses or pots, the volume of which is approximately 0.5 liters.

It becomes clear that it is necessary to dive tomatoes in order to provide the sprouts with sufficient area for nutrition. This gives the plants the incentive to develop a strong root system, enough to keep the sprouts strong, healthy and give a good start to a rich harvest. Picking tomato seedlings can give the expected result without any particular problems.

Someone may be interested in the question, why not immediately plant seeds in containers of considerable volume. The answer can be formulated as follows. In large containers or pots with drainage, things are much worse. Excess water cannot flow out into specially provided holes, and most of it remains in the soil. Freshly hatched seedlings receive less oxygen. They will not die because of this, but their growth will slow down significantly.

How is the sowing of seeds

In order for seedlings to form even rows of greens after germination, they are sometimes distributed on toilet paper, glued to it. After placing in the ground, the paper gradually gets wet, and the seed germinates. How to do this, you can watch the video.

When growing seedlings at home, sowing seeds is done as follows:

  1. For sowing, a soil mixture is prepared that is not rich in chemical composition. It can be peat, it is mixed with a small amount of ash (this reduces acidity).
  2. The seeds are placed tightly and densely, the method of sticking seeds on toilet paper is hardly suitable here. If you still use this method for planting crops, try to place the seeds more densely on the toilet paper. The only convenience is that when the strips are placed in the ground, you then get even rows of seedlings.

Remember not to plant on Palm Sunday.

After receiving seedlings, they are planted so that they can receive more nutrition, light, have a developed root system, and be stronger. Only after the plants reach the desired strength can they be planted in a greenhouse or soil. We dive tomatoes not in all cases - sometimes this is not worth doing. A detailed study of the process will help to avoid mistakes.

When a pick is required

It is not enough to know how to dive tomatoes - you also need to understand when it becomes a necessity, and in what cases you can do without it. For example, no work needs to be done on Palm Sunday.

So, the procedure is necessary in the following cases:

  • when you are going to get seedlings with a strong root system, performing a pick helps to develop the lateral roots better;
  • if the seeds were initially sown not in separate small containers, but in a common container, diving tomato seedlings in this case helps to protect the roots from tight weaving, which in the future makes it easier to plant seedlings on a ridge;
  • it is useful to dive when unexpectedly more seeds have sprung up than expected during sowing (during the procedure, only completely healthy seedlings are selected and the surplus is discarded);
  • if plants affected by a disease are noted, they dive in order to protect the sprouts that did not have time to become infected (the causative agents of most diseases are in the soil, and its replacement can help save tomatoes);
  • diving tomatoes helps to slow down growth if the seedlings are too elongated - even an adult can be transplanted when it outgrows (this helps to curb the overly rapid development a little).

Tomato seedlings: from picking to planting (video)

The correct approach to dive

Before you dive the elongated tomato seedlings, you need to familiarize yourself with the details of the process. Diving tomatoes is performed in one of the following ways.


To properly dive tomatoes, the seedlings must first be shed with warm water. This is done a couple of hours before the procedure. Thus, the process of extracting plants can be significantly facilitated. The containers intended for planting are filled with the prepared soil mixture by approximately 3/4. Then a groove is pushed in the soil with a finger - such that the root of the transplanted sprout can fit into it entirely.

The seedling, together with the earthen clod, is taken out of the previous container. To do this, you can use a teaspoon, toothpick, pencil, or sushi stick. When taking out the sprout, hold it behind an earthen ball or leaves. Do not hold by the stalk. After taking out, the root is freed from the ground.

In some cases, it is possible to slightly pinch the main root, the one that is longer than all others: this stimulates the growth of the lateral roots. After that, the seedling is placed in the prepared hole and covered with earth. Sweep the ground around with your fingers. If the seedlings are elongated, you can deepen them to the cotyledon leaves.

When the pick is over, the tomato seedlings must be watered. If you do not know how to properly water the seedlings, which are very small, you can place the cups in a tray of water and spray the plants. After the procedure, protect the plants from bright light for several days. Before diving for elongated tomato seedlings, keep it dry for several days.


This method has the following advantages: the roots of the dived plants are not damaged, adaptation is much faster, the development of seedlings does not slow down. Watering tomato seedlings should be stopped two or three days before transplanting: this way it will be more convenient to remove the earthen lump. If the container is large, it must be filled with earth by about 1/3.

Step by step, the entire procedure can be described as follows:

  1. Turn the glass with the stem of the plant upside down, while the ground part should be passed through your fingers. Carefully press on the bottom and carefully remove the glass. After manipulation, the plant should be in the palm of your hand along with an earthen lump.
  2. After that, the plant, along with the earth, is placed in a pot.
  3. When voids are formed, they are covered with earth. Then, abundant watering is carried out and placed in the shade for a couple of days, so that the transplanted sprouts can adapt more easily.

This method does not impair the development of the root system. It can also be used for transplanting particularly capricious crops. With the subsequent planting in a greenhouse, plants under natural, natural light and favorable conditions are able to bring a rich harvest.

Belt sowing method (video)

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A detailed guide on how and on what days in March in 2018 it is best to sow tomatoes for seedlings, when it is best to dive, plant in the ground.

Tomato seedlings in March 2018:

when is it better to plant tomatoes for seedlings,

dive and plant in the ground

Plant tomatoes in March it’s not too late. This culture sprouts quite quickly and amicably, especially if germination is carried out in a warm place, and therefore for landing a tomato any day at the beginning or end is suitable Martha , but only on condition of the growing moon.

March 2018 is famous for the fact that we will be able to observe two full moons are March 2 and 31. You cannot plant on these days.

The first of March is quite auspicious, a good day to plant tomatoes.

But after March 17, favorable days will be 20, 21 numbers, as well as 24, 25 and 26 number. These days are the best plant tomatoes in March 2018 .

So, the most favorable days for planting tomatoes for seedlings in March 2018:

  • 1, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26 numbers.

In order for a good seedling of pepper to grow first, and then a large harvest appears, you need not only to follow the lunar predictions, but it is also advisable to think in advance about purchasing tomato seeds. The choice of varieties and types of tomatoes is so great that it is easy to get confused. Therefore, we recommend that you study our articles on tomato varieties with a description of the varietal characteristics of this wonderful crop:

When and how best to dive tomatoes in 2018:

step by step guide

The problem of how to dive tomatoes appears after sowing crop seeds for seedlings. The culture is one of the fast-growing ones, and it is worth preparing for intermediate transplants long before the first tomato seedlings appear. Summer residents need to stock up on separate containers, soil and patience.

Approximate timing of when to dive tomato seedlings, come in 2-3 weeks after sowing the seeds. At this time, the first true leaves appear in plants. If the plants are weak, the timing is shifted by a week or two, so as not to injure the already fragile root system.

The second pick recommended for tall and medium-sized varieties of tomatoes. It is carried out 3-4 weeks after the first. Tomatoes do not need a third pick. The exception is when the seedlings are stretched.

The timing of when to dive tomatoes, the lunar calendar for summer residents for 2018 provides for almost every month:

  • it is advisable to cut the March seedlings from 20 to 26 March;
  • in April, suitable days for picking are called periods from April 8 to 12, as well as on the 26th, 27th and 28th day of the month;

If it was not possible to transplant tomatoes during the indicated periods, you can do a dive on any other day, except for new and full moons. It is believed that, being in these cycles, the moon negatively affects the growth of vegetable crops. You can get more detailed information in expanded form if you read the lunar sowing calendar of a gardener and a gardener.

Another advice from experienced gardeners sounds like this - you should not massively transplant seedlings, since it is necessary to dive the tomatoes at the moment the seedlings are fully ready for the procedure. At the first transplant, it is necessary to choose the strongest plants, and leave the weak ones for growing in an old container.

The next pick of tomatoes should begin at the moment of inhibition of plant growth. If no new leaves appear on the plants within a week, it needs more space and nutrients.

How to dive tomatoes - algorithm of actions and rules

Sooner or later, every summer resident who grows vegetables, the question arises - how to dive tomatoes? It is known that without this operation it is practically impossible to get strong and healthy seedlings. Transplanting into a more spacious container allows you to increase the root mass of plants, increase their adaptive capacity.

There are not so many ways how to dive tomatoes at home, and, regardless of the method of planting and growing, sowing time and other factors, the procedure must obey the rules:

  1. Before diving, it is necessary to water so that the soil in the container with seedlings is moistened, so it will be easier to remove the root system of a young tomato without damaging it;
  2. It is impossible to roughly pull the plant out of the soil. There is an opinion that cutting off some of the roots stimulates the growth of new ones, but this is not entirely true. You can only shorten the central root - if you damage the lateral processes of the root system, after transplanting the tomatoes will first direct their forces to the formation of a new suction system, and only then will they start growing;
  3. Each subsequent container for seedlings should be 3-5 cm wider and twice as deep as the previous one. It is filled with soil similar in composition to that in which the seedlings grew. So it adapts faster, the roots will begin to grow faster.
  4. The basic rule of how to dive tomatoes into cups or pots is to deepen them to a third of the height of the stem. This will prevent over-stretching of the seedlings. In addition, recessed planting stimulates the formation of additional roots.

When a tomato is picked, the standard technology is used - the plant is removed from the soil and placed in a deep hole. Before filling the root system with soil, a little water is poured into the hole. This procedure will help the roots to straighten and take an adequate position. Then the soil is squeezed around the plant with your fingers.

The sequence looks somewhat different, like diving tomatoes if they are stretched out. It is unlikely that it will be possible to deepen them to the desired height without bending the stem, so the stem is laid in a spiral, gradually filling it with soil. The top of the seedling with two or three pairs of leaves can be left on the surface.

Video:Tomato seedlings: from seedlings to picking

Caring for tomatoes after picking

Since tomatoes have to be dived several times, there is a possibility of a significant backlog of plants in growth. Recommendations for the care of the crop during these periods will help to avoid negative consequences.

First advice- limit light and heat. Diving, even the most delicate, inevitably leads to injury to the root system. Until the suction roots begin to work effectively, the seedlings lose more moisture than they consume. The sun and heat promotes active evaporation of moisture, which leads to the wilting of seedlings. Sliced ​​tomatoes are recommended to be placed further from the window. The temperature in the room is maintained at +18 ... + 20 ﹾ С.

Second tip- do not use fertilizers. The roots of cut tomatoes will not recover faster if you use mineral or organic fertilizers, which during this period can cause irreparable harm to plants. You can help the seedlings recover by other means, for example, Epin - a solution of the drug is sprayed onto the leaves in order to increase the plant's immunity and enhance the growth energy.

Third tip- water the seedlings on time and it is important to replenish the moisture requirement of tomatoes from the first days. Since some of the roots are damaged, I will stabilize the amount of absorbed moisture in the first week by increasing the number of irrigations. After a week, the root system will grow and reach the walls of the pot. The frequency of watering is reduced, and the volume of water for one irrigation is increased.

Knowing how to dive tomatoes and care for them after this procedure, summer residents get maximum yields. Any mistake delays the growth of seedlings for a week, which leads to a loss of yield. During this time, an adult bush forms a flower cluster and sets fruit. Dive tomatoes correctly, surprise your neighbors in the country with large harvests of tomatoes.

How and when is it better to water tomatoes

  • In March - 03.03.18 - 05.03.18, in the evening 03.13.18 - lunch on 03/15/18 and 03/17/18 - new moon, 03/22/18 - 03/23/18 and 03/31/18.
  • In April - 04/01/18, 04/04/18 in the evening - 04/06/18 morning, 04/09/18 in the evening - 04/11/18 morning, 04/16/18 - new moon, 04/19/18 - 04/20/18;
  • In May - 05/07/18 - 05/08/18, 05/15/18 - new moon, 05/16/18 - 05/17/18, the evening 05/24/18 - 05/26/18 morning.

When the moon is decreasing, watering must be reduced, and when it is growing, watering must be more abundant. If the tomatoes have already been transplanted into the ground, then sprinkling is recommended during the waning moon, and with a growing satellite it is better to water at the root.

Video:Tomato seedlings: from picking to planting

When in 2018 tomato seedlings

better to plant in the ground

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse:

  • March 1, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26;
  • April 20-22, 24-27;
  • May 9-11, May 18-19

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground:

For those who are determined to plant tomato seedlings only on those days that are marked as favorable in the lunar sowing calendar, we report these dates:

  • May 18, 19, 24, 25, 26,
  • June 14, 15, 21, 22.

If on any of these days you cannot find time to plant tomatoes in open ground, we recommend that you do this any day, avoiding strictly prohibited dates. These are the days of the full moon and new moon. In 2018, they fall on May 15 and 29, and June 13 and 28. These days, try not to plant anything in open or closed ground (unless, of course, you believe in the power of the moon).

We inform you of the dates not prohibited by the lunar calendar for planting tomatoes in June 2018:

  • June 1-2, 2018
  • June 6-7, 2018
  • June 10-11, 2018

Video: Landing seedlings tomato v greenhouse

Video: Planting tomato seedlings in open ground

How to plant tomatoes in the garden

How to choose a site?

  • Place the tomato beds in a well-lit area. Avoid areas near trees, fences, or other structures so that their shadows do not fall on the beds.
  • It is important to consider what has grown on the selected site in the past year. If this is something from the same family as the tomatoes (potatoes, peppers, eggplants), then it is better to move the beds to another place.
  • Moreover, try not to let these crops come into contact with tomatoes this season.
  • Ideally, cabbage, onions or cucumbers grew in place of the tomatoes last season.

How to prepare the beds?

  • Deciding where you will plant tomatoes this year is best in the fall. This way you can create the best conditions for them in advance.
  • Tomatoes like highly nutritious, loose and light soil. To do this, the land allotted for them must be carefully dug up, adding organic fertilizers (7 kg / m²), superphosphate (40 g / m²) and lime (500 g / m²) to it.

How to properly plant tomato seedlings in open ground?

  • It is better to do this in the afternoon, preferably so that the sun does not peep out from under the clouds.
  • Water the seedlings well a few hours before so that it is convenient to remove them from the pots along with the earthy clod.
  • Dig holes about the size of a pot.
  • Observe the distance between them, which is recommended for this variety.
  • Transfer each sprout into the dug hole along with an earthen lump, pour warm water and sprinkle with dry earth.
  • If desired, a pinch of mineral fertilizer can be added to the hole.
  • The surrounding land can be immediately mulched with hay, straw, sawdust or other suitable material.

When to plant tomatoes outdoors in 2018? You must find the answer to this question for yourself, following the recommendations from this article. Remember, the main thing to focus on is the weather.

If the soil has not warmed up well, a cold snap or morning frost is expected, then it is better to postpone the planting.

However, in anticipation of stable heat, try not to deviate much from the planned date, since overgrown seedlings are poorly accepted.

Whether to take into account the lunar calendar when landing is your business.

If you want to test it, plant as an experiment part of the seedlings on favorable days, and some on unfavorable ones.

We hope that our materials will be able to help you.

This is the first transplantation of the selected shoots into a separate container, at the moment of which the root is cut off. After that, the root system of the seedling from the core becomes fibrous and the plant adapts better to new conditions. In order to ensure an early harvest, it is important to dive tomatoes correctly, observing all requirements and technologies.


What is picking for?

A tomato pick is needed in order to ensure a neat and painless transplant of a young seedling from a common container to a permanent place of residence.

In addition, diving tomato seedlings is necessary for:

  • selection of sick and weak plants;
  • choosing the strongest seedlings;
  • creating more convenient conditions for their further development.

When transplanting, the growing area increases, which makes it possible for the roots of the plant to receive more nutrients from the soil, thereby promoting growth. Thanks to these factors, the seedling becomes strong, as well as strong and resistant to various types of diseases. For gardeners who do not carry out this event, the tomato does not gain strength and with a probability of 70% dies after being transplanted to the garden. If the plant survives, it still lags behind in development in comparison with the sprouts that have passed the pick. The ovary on such a bush appears much later, and there are fewer fruits on it.

When to dive tomatoes

There is no exact set time when the pick begins. Basically, the picking time is set depending on the climatic conditions of a particular region.

Summer residents distinguish three ways in which it is better to navigate the moment the tomato picks start:

  • according to the lunar calendar;
  • by the phase of development of sprouts;
  • by days from the moment of planting the seeds.

For residents of the northern part of the country, it is better to dive in late February or early March. So that the temperature of the soil and air has time to warm up by the time when you need to plant the seedlings in the ground. For southerners, diving can begin in January, then the seedlings will have time to grow to the desired size and the climatic conditions for landing on the garden bed will be optimal.

If the procedure is not carried out at the right time, the sprout will be damaged and it will take time to recover if it completely dies. Having transplanted a seedling ahead of schedule, there is a possibility that the plant will die due to a weak root system. If the tomatoes are dived later than the appointed time, the roots of the seedlings will have time to intertwine by this moment, and when the sprout is removed, the stalks surrounding it will break.

Optimal timing

The best time to transplant tomatoes is when 3-4 leaves have already appeared on the sprout. This occurs 13-14 days after planting the seedlings in the ground.

Auspicious dates according to the lunar calendar

  • January - 1, 27, 28;
  • February - 23, 26;
  • March - 23, 24, 28.

For residents of Russia in 2019, the best days to carry out a pick according to the lunar calendar will be in March:

The video, prepared by the channel "Did You Know?", Tells about the lunar sowing calendar for 2019.

How to dive tomatoes correctly

Tomatoes tolerate transplanting quite well, because they give additional roots even on the stem, the main thing is to do all the work correctly. A high quality crop can only be obtained if the rules of diving technologies are observed. The more painless and accurate the work is done, the better for the plant, which will quickly regain its strength and begin to grow more actively.

Carrying out the correct dive of tomato seedlings implies the following actions:

  • shortening the seedling by a third;
  • transplanting into bulk containers.

If a large container is chosen for transplanting a tomato, it is optimal to use a staggered planting scheme: for low-growing varieties, an area of ​​8 by 8 centimeters is enough, for tall varieties - 10 by 10. Then the seedlings will receive enough space and light for further growth.

What is needed

To start the process of picking tomato seedlings, you need to prepare the following materials for further convenience:

  • a container of the right size for transplanting stems;
  • rag gloves;
  • water;
  • wooden spatula, spatula;
  • thermometer;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • scissors;
  • fertilizer;
  • ash.

Tomato picking tools Tomato planting containers

Preparing tomatoes for picking

Fill the seedlings that are intended for diving so that the earth swells and becomes soft. This must be done no later than an hour and a half before the start of the procedure. The soft ground will allow you to extract the sprout effortlessly.

Container preparation

The volume of the container must be 500-700 ml, it can be made from:

  • plastics;
  • cardboard;
  • wood.

In addition, peat, paper and plastic cups are very popular. They are convenient to use, since you do not have to injure the plant again when planting it in a permanent place. The sprouts are planted in the ground along with a paper container - it will subsequently dissolve when watering. It is easy to remove the sprout from the plastic without damaging it, the root soil remains intact. The choice of such a container will provide the seedling with maximum comfort in a new place.

Soil preparation

The best soil for tomatoes should be:

  • breathable;
  • moisture-consuming;
  • rich in nutrients and humus.

If the soil is prepared on its own, then it is better to do this in advance, the composition of the prepared mixture should be as follows:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sod land;
  • sand.

The ingredients must be mixed in a 1: 1: 1: 1 ratio. If you decide to use purchased soil soil for picking, then be sure to carry out the disinfection procedure with a strong solution of manganese or fungicide.

Description of the picking process

Let's consider the points how to dive tomatoes correctly:

  1. Fill the prepared cups 2/3 with the prepared soil.
  2. They check the degree of humidity, the temperature of the earth in the cups (optimally - 20 degrees Celsius).
  3. They make a shallow hole 3-5 cm in size with a pencil, pour water and pour fertilizer into the hole. It is necessary to pour water into the recess, without covering the entire area of ​​the glass - this prevents air from entering the ground.
  4. Tomatoes are carefully removed, being careful not to damage the root ball of the earth.
  5. Transfer the seedlings by holding them by the root soil so as not to damage the stem. Pinching of the root of the dived plant is carried out, but this is not necessary. In both cases, lateral roots will appear on the stem. The bushes are immersed in the ground until the cotyledon leaves. Fingers press the soil around the stem in order to quickly establish contact between the root soil and the new one.

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