Home Mushrooms The boy brought a memo for parents from school, which simply shocked his mother. The student brought weapons to the classroom, wounded the teacher and was detained. He wanted to repeat "Columbine

The boy brought a memo for parents from school, which simply shocked his mother. The student brought weapons to the classroom, wounded the teacher and was detained. He wanted to repeat "Columbine

News, 17:43 04/01/2011

Adults will answer for a schoolboy with a weapon - lawyers


MOSCOW, 1 April - RAPSI. An eleventh-grader who brought a weapon to a lesson in a Russian school and openly demonstrated it, most likely, will not be held responsible for his act - only adults who allowed a gun to fall into the hands of a teenager can be punished, this opinion was expressed by lawyers interviewed on Friday by the Russian Agency for Legal and Judicial information (RAPSI/infosud.ru).

A video clip "On the Question of Tolerance" appeared on the Internet, recorded on a mobile phone, where an 11th grade student openly demonstrates his weapon, arguing with a teacher who reprimands him. At the same time, he presses the trigger several times, clicks are heard and it is clear that the weapon is not loaded.

Possible punishment depends on what kind of weapon the child brought to school - a toy, traumatic, gas or military, explained lawyer Alexander Vasiliev, representing the interests of Nikita Tikhonov, one of the defendants in the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov.

“If the toy and the boy is a minor, then he does not fall under any responsibility, including administrative,” the lawyer believes, noting that the punishment can only be at the level of a disciplinary sanction within the framework of an educational institution. For example, parents will be called to school and explanatory work will be carried out, Vasiliev said.

If the weapon is traumatic or gas, they will find out who gave it to him, with permission or not. After establishing the owner, he faces administrative punishment for violating the conditions for storing weapons and depriving him of a license, the defender believes.

The most severe penalty will be if the pistol is combat, "since it (military weapon) is not in free circulation."
At the same time, the child is still not subject to prosecution, for example, for threatening a teacher with a weapon if he is under 16 years old. But those who admitted that a gun fell into the hands of a teenager can be brought at least in civil proceedings.

This position is supported by Vasiliev's colleague, lawyer Svetlana Lipatova, who defends Russia Today editor Natalya Arkhiptseva, who was wounded by a drunk cafe visitor with a pistol.

“You can hardly count on significant compensation. He didn’t beat her (the teacher), didn’t touch her, so you can only claim compensation for moral damage. True, according to our judicial practice, you can’t count on large sums,” said Lipatova roller.

At the same time, she believes that the “hero” of the video may well be 16 years old, his actions are clearly aimed at violating public order, “and this means the possibility of prosecution under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism).”

According to her, in this situation it is necessary to find out the motive of the act and, in any case, to establish where the minor got the weapon from.

The sanction of part 1 of article 213, according to which the actions of the boy on the video can be qualified, provides for a real punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to five years.

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17:43 01.04.2011

How will it look like:

An eleventh-grader who brought a weapon to a lesson in a Russian school and openly demonstrated it, most likely, will not be held responsible for his act - only adults who allowed a pistol to fall into the hands of a teenager can be punished, lawyers expressed such an opinion.

On the morning of September 5, at school No. 1 in Ivanteevka near Moscow, 15-year-old student "9A" Mikhail P. attacked computer science teacher Lyubov Kalmykova.

As the students of the school told Novaya Gazeta, the incident occurred at the third lesson in the classroom on the second floor. Mikhail P. entered the office after the bell rang, shouting: “I came here to die!”

The prosecutor's office confirmed that the teenager hit the teacher on the head with a kitchen hatchet.

“Then the teenager began to blow up home-made firecrackers in the classroom and opened fire with pneumatic weapons,” an Interfax source told the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Ksenia Mishonova, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Moscow Region, told Interfax that classmates closed themselves in the laboratory during the attack, several people jumped out of the window and received bruises and fractures.

As a result, according to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, four people were hospitalized: a teacher in intensive care with a severe head injury and three students - their bruises and fractures - a consequence of a jump from a window on the second floor of the school.

"Accumulated over three years": bullying, aggression, camouflage, berets

On September 5, on the page of Mikhail P. "Vkontakte", the status is indicated: delete my life 09/05/17 (delete my life 09/05/17).

Michael was seriously fond of weapons. For at least the entire last year, most of his messages have been devoted to weapons: their varieties, devices, and applications. If you scroll through the message feed of a schoolboy, you get the feeling that nothing but weapons really interested him at all. Some messages are devoted to the topic of death.

The students of the first Ivanteev school, whom Novaya Gazeta managed to contact, said that Mikhail was extraordinary and aggressive. “He walked around in berets and camouflage pants, although he wore glasses,” said Semyon L., who was in the class a year younger than Mikhail.

Mikhail's relationship with schoolchildren is confirmed by the words of his sister, as well as another school teacher. The first says now: “Yes, he did it, because he had accumulated over three years ... His classmates, they hurt him in every possible way, and it annoyed him.” Teacher: "He shouted something like: I've been waiting for this for three years, but I don't know him long enough to explain it somehow."

Mikhail has only 4 friends. Together they share a video filmed back in April 2017, where a student brings a gun in a musical instrument case to class and kills a physics teacher he doesn’t know. The video was filmed in a Russian school.

Screenshot of the page with a video about the murder of a teacher by a schoolboy

Even earlier, in February of this year, Mikhail makes a repost of similar content. There is no violence yet. The message in another: “when the class started talking about shootings in schools” - everyone looks at me. For Michael? Repost it comments: "vital".

Screenshot of the post by Mikhail P., who fired at the Ivanteevskaya school Dylan Klebold

The community that Mikhail is reposting this time is called "Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold / VoDKa and Red". It is dedicated to the tragedy at the American Columbine School.


USA, 1999. Two high school students, having obtained weapons (a shotgun, a semi-automatic pistol, gas cylinders), staged a massacre at the Columbine School.

13 people were killed and 26 wounded. Harris and Klebold committed suicide.

Criminal case adjusted for age

The detained teenager will be accused under the article "Hooliganism". The student will have to undergo a psychiatric examination - the media report that he has already been seen by a psychiatrist.

School number 1 Ivanteevka. Photo: Sergey Savostyanov / TASS

school shootings

In February 2014, a high school student, taking his father’s gun and rifle, broke into school No. 263 in the Moscow district of Otradnoye and shot geography teacher Andrei Kirillov. When the police arrived at the building, the teenager opened fire, wounded the senior sergeant and shot the ensign. The high school student was persuaded to surrender by his father, he contacted his son several times by phone, and then entered the school with the police, wearing a bulletproof vest. The arrest was carried out by SOBR soldiers.

At first they said that a 15-year-old schoolboy who was going to the medal had a conflict with Kirillov. But then, in an interview with Izvestia, the attacker himself said that he was going to die, he was "interested in what will happen after."

In 2016, the Moscow District Military Court released the attacker from criminal liability and sent him to compulsory psychiatric treatment.

We are accustomed to the papers that children are provided with at school: a list of textbooks, literature for the summer, uniform requirements. The junior school of the American town of belmont went further and handed out such memos.

Olga Zhuravskaya, one of the mothers who received this guide, translated and distributed it. Now we have a chance to pay tribute to these simple and vital words.

Memo to the parent from the junior school of the city of belmont.

Do not spoil me, because I know that you are not obliged to fulfill my every desire.
Don't be afraid to be direct with me.
Don't let me form bad habits, it will be even harder to unlearn.
Don't make me feel like my opinion doesn't matter, it will make me behave even worse, you know.
Do not correct me in front of other people: I will take the information better if you make a remark in private.
Don't make me feel like my mistakes are terrible crimes.
Do not protect me all the time from the consequences of my actions: I must learn to understand that action has a reaction.
8. don't pay attention to my petty nit-picking: sometimes I just want to communicate.
9. Don't get too upset when I say I hate you: I don't hate you, but I rebel against your power.
10. do not repeat everything a hundred times, otherwise I will pretend that I am deaf.
11. Do not make hasty promises: I will be upset if you do not fulfill them. 12. Do not forget that I still can not always thoughtfully explain what I feel.
13. do not demand the truth from me if you are angry, otherwise I can deceive you out of fear.
14. don't be fickle: it spoils me a lot. 15. Don't leave my questions unanswered or I'll go look elsewhere for answers.

16. don't say my fears are not important. They are terribly important, not at all small, and it makes me even more scared when you don’t understand this.
17. Do not pretend to be perfect and do not make mistakes. I will be terribly upset when I find out that this is not so. 18. Do not think that apologizing to me is below your dignity. If you apologize when you're wrong, you'll teach me the same.
19. don't forget that I'm growing up fast. You will have to readjust very often.
20. I also love to experiment. Without it, I do not develop, so be kind, make allowances for this. 21. And the last thing: remember that I cannot grow up to be a happy person if I am not strongly - strongly loved at home, but you already know that!
The list turned out not only about school and children, but also about the right approach and view of the world as a whole. And there is no need for huge Talmuds, only 21 points of incredibly touching and, at the same time, infinitely deep truths. Olga Zhuravskaya.

A student of school No. 1359 in the Moscow district of Zhulebino brought a knife to class. The teenager managed to disarm and isolate from other students. Subsequently, he was persuaded to surrender and handed over to the medics. The tenth grader, according to his peers, studied well, but was unsociable and withdrawn. At the same time, as classmates say, he already brought piercing and cutting objects to school and even “threw scissors at teachers.” The State Duma noted that an effective security system at the educational institution made it possible to quickly resolve the dangerous situation. At the same time, the children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova stressed that it is necessary to understand the causes of the incident and find out whether it was possible to predict such a development of events. On the fact of the incident, the SC opened a criminal case.

Moscow City News Agency

A student of school No. 1359 in the Moscow district of Zhulebino brought a knife to an educational institution and threatened to harm himself.

Officials from the Metropolitan Department of Education said school security guards confiscated a weapon from a 16-year-old boy. The rest of the students were evacuated - a total of 565 people.

“A student of the tenth grade of school No. 1359 Daniil G. came to the educational organization with a knife. The guard found the dangerous object and helped to isolate the child. The police, an ambulance and the boy's parents were immediately called to the school. All children have been evacuated from the school and are safe. The situation is under control, ”RIA Novosti quotes Pavel Karpov, deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education.

Later, as a result of negotiations with the participation of the relatives of the teenager, it was possible to convince him to abandon the intention to harm himself. The young man was handed over to paramedics, who took him away in an ambulance. The young man is examined and the necessary assistance will be provided to him.

Employees of the Investigative Committee also arrived at the scene and began to study the details of the incident. Based on the results, the department will make a procedural decision.

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"He's always been weird"

Students of school No. 1359 told RT about the behavior of Daniil G. before the incident. According to them, the teenager who brought the knife to class was a loner and took dangerous objects with him not for the first time.

“He was always weird, but quiet. And he already brought blades to school, people followed him and took him away. I don’t know what was wrong with him, ”said Luda, a school student.

“Maybe there really were some problems with the head. There were rumors about problems in the family, but personally I don’t communicate with him - I don’t know, ”the girl said.

Other schoolchildren also believe that the incident with the knife may be related to the health of the teenager.

“He has autism, as far as I know. Because of this, everything could happen, ”said Dmitry, a school student.

According to students who know Daniil G., after moving to the tenth grade, the teenager did not communicate with anyone at school.

“In ninth grade he could talk, but in this grade he didn’t talk to anyone at all. At the lessons they ask him - he sits silently. They didn’t give teachers a bad mark, they were loyal, ”the schoolchildren told the Ruptly agency.

A student named Kirill also stated that last year or the year before last, a teenager “threw scissors at teachers or threatened a security guard with scissors.” At the same time, Daniel studied well.

“I knew physics perfectly. The Russian teacher said that he writes compositions very well, ”said the student.

Effective security system

TASS sources in law enforcement agencies called the preliminary cause of the incident poor grades, but later the director of school No. 1359 Galina Novikova denied this information. She also stated that the student had never carried a weapon with him before.

“The information that has appeared in some media that Daniil G.'s act is connected with unsatisfactory academic performance is not true. Also, the information that the child brought the knife to school earlier is not true. The motives of the boy's behavior will be established by specialists, ”RIA Novosti quotes her as saying.

An effective security system at the educational institution made it possible to quickly resolve the dangerous situation, but areas for work remain, said Boris Chernyshov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science.

“Almost immediately, the security guard helped to “remove” the situation. We see that a certain position in the red is the work of a school psychologist. It has been said more than once that it is necessary to develop a system of class management, where the class teacher will monitor more closely, relieve the burden on teachers, ”Chernyshov said in an interview with RT.

According to the parliamentarian, in order to avoid such situations, one should work not only with students.

“According to the data that we have, we see that the child was closed, the parents were divorced, he aggressively communicated with classmates, somewhere there was not enough work with parents,” the deputy believes.

Connect specialists on time

Commissioner for Children's Rights Anna Kuznetsova called for urgent measures to prevent such situations, including by involving specialists.

“This time, in an emergency situation, all services worked quickly. But why again brought to the "knives"? We are not learning anything, we are waiting for “magic” measures, laws, that someone will do something somewhere, instead of looking around and hearing what is nearby, to connect specialists on time, ”Kuznetsova wrote in her VKontakte profile ".

The Ombudswoman stressed that it is necessary to understand the causes of the incident and find out whether it was possible to predict such a development of events in advance.

“The boy was handed over to law enforcement agencies in the presence of his parents. Now we have to figure out what prompted the young man to bring a knife to school, were there prerequisites, alarms, ”RIA Novosti quotes a fragment of her other statement.

The Ombudswoman added that with the participation of experts and regional commissioners, “a plan of measures for security in educational institutions has been drawn up, which is a whole range of measures and is now under consideration by the government of the Russian Federation.”

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also spoke about the incident. “Thank God that everything ended there, everything was already resolved safely, he surrendered. But it is obvious that this is also a problem at the junction of family and school, and it is obvious that this is what needs to be dealt with,” the prime minister said.

A criminal case has been initiated into the incident at the capital's school, the Moscow Investigative Committee reported.

“The teenager is provided with the necessary psychological assistance and the issue of his hospitalization is being decided. Officials of the general educational institution and other competent authorities will be checked for negligence. Investigators will also check the young man's living conditions.

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