Home Mushrooms I'm too lazy to do anything in my life. Why am I lazy? Focus on achievable goals

I'm too lazy to do anything in my life. Why am I lazy? Focus on achievable goals

Judging by the fact that you started reading this article, you know firsthand what laziness is. Each of us has had something lazy throughout our lives: doing homework, walking the dog, going to work or the gym. Laziness can be perceived in different ways.

From a psychological point of view, laziness can be perceived positively, negatively and as a disease.

"Positive" laziness... You work 12 hours a day, chat with friends, manage to redo a bunch of things, but one day you wake up with the feeling that today you are reluctant to even get up. If bouts of laziness are not typical for you, treat them twice carefully. Often with such a sudden attack of laziness, the body informs you of its fatigue, tries to "paralyze" your vigorous activity, because it does not see any other way to make you rest. Do not resist: the sooner you agree with your own body and allow yourself at least one day to be lazy, the sooner you will recover. Otherwise, attacks of unmotivated laziness may become more frequent, or, which is completely undesirable, the body will let you know about its fatigue with a sudden cold or something more serious.

"Negative" laziness - when you cannot force yourself to do something or do it through force. Laziness here indicates that you are doing something that deep down you do not accept; feel that "this is not yours." If such laziness visits you before a certain lesson, think: "Is this really what I want to do?" “Negative” laziness can hide boredom, a pointless or very difficult task for you, the absence of a specific goal - your subconscious mind tells you that you need to look for a more suitable direction of activity or other motivation. Even if at the moment you do not have the opportunity to change something drastically, try to find positive moments in the necessary work, encourage yourself for doing it. So, for example, chronic laziness in relation to sports will recede if you change the hated gym for swimming or walking.

And finally "Painful" laziness. You suddenly noticed that you became too lazy to do something that previously caused a lot of positive emotions and a surge of enthusiasm (for example, a party with friends or a new project at work). There seems to be no particular reason for fatigue, but "laziness" does not recede for more than two weeks - here it is worth thinking about what is happening. If you have not been to a doctor for a long time, you should visit a therapist and get tested. Sometimes "laziness" is caused by hormonal imbalance or a decrease in hemoglobin. If everything is fine with health, but "laziness" does not let go, it makes sense to understand the reasons for what is happening with a psychologist or psychotherapist, since such a state can be a symptom of latent and sluggish current depression, and this is a completely different story that has nothing to do with ordinary laziness ...

PHOTO Eric Giriat for Psychologies Magazine France

“I don’t feel like shopping, working, bathing children and even having dinner…”, 37-year-old Larisa admits. “It's not procrastination, because I end up doing the right thing. But every time “I don’t want to”, and I always think how to postpone it for later, if it’s impossible to do without it at all ”. Where does this "inhibition", everyday laziness come from, which has nothing to do with that blissful idleness, which we indulge in with a clear conscience on vacation?

I don't like acting. Laziness is primarily a bodily sensation. “We find it difficult to move,” explains psychotherapist Michèle Freud, “most likely because we are unfamiliar with the pleasure of exerting effort. To decide to do something, we need to be encouraged first. " In many families, the child does not know the happiness of independent activity in his own interests, his actions do not give him pleasure. “So, overly caring parents do everything for the child and do not let him feel the joy of success,” she continues. “Demanding parents, on the other hand, do not give support to the child, suggesting to him that his actions are insufficient or require too much effort for which the child is not ready.” To set goals for ourselves and enjoy the fruits of our labors, each of us needs both sufficient support and freedom and independence.

My decision

Anton, 29 years old, restorer

“All my life I was considered a lazy person. My parents watched in despair as I lay on the couch and wait for the very last moment before taking action. It was until I found my way. Oddly enough, I have chosen a difficult profession that takes a lot of time, energy, effort. But, as they say, when you love, you no longer count. I think the only way to force yourself to do something is to start enjoying it. "What do I like to do?" - the question that you need to ask yourself first. "

I'm scared to act. Fear also underlies the unwillingness to do anything. “Fear of failure, fear of change, fear of not being up to par,” says psychoanalyst Saverio Tomasella. But these anxieties can be unconscious, associated with traumatic experiences. “Some of them are caused by long-forgotten injuries. So, we can be lazy to go to driving courses, because we are afraid of a once experienced accident. " Doing nothing guarantees inner peace. We delay to defend ourselves.

I can't act anymore. And then there are fears that we don't admit to ourselves. “Are we really too lazy to read this difficult book? - asks Michelle Freud. "Or are we afraid, for example, of surpassing our parents?" Internal conflict is another reason for inaction. “This is a struggle between our desires and our prohibitions,” says Saverio Tomasella. - When desire, our driving force, comes into conflict with what is considered wrong or impossible, freezing is the only solution. It is followed by a kind of paralysis, a reflection of what we call the death drive. " If our desire is not recognized, not appreciated, the vital impulse fades away. Our impulse is stopped, we lose strength and cannot move forward.

What to do

Don't discount your laziness

We live under the pressure of society. We seem to be obliged to radiate energy! But is it? Give credit to your laziness. By doing nothing, you find yourself. We all need respites, a kind of airlock, and especially the children. Periods of latent development are necessary to activate creativity.

More body movement

Laziness is a bodily concept, so act on the body. Start moving, but gradually. Set yourself small goals, such as walking, singing. By starting to move again, you can change the state of your consciousness. Sports activity releases endorphins and provides energy. Also, watch your sleep and diet.

Look into childhood

Go back in time. Maybe some of your desires were laughed at, forbidden? Do you feel that some event has clipped your wings? Laziness is not a pathology, but it can become a problem when it permeates all areas of life, when patterns of avoidance begin to resemble a phobia. Behind doing nothing, sometimes blues and even depression are hidden. Then you need to seek help from specialists.

So, here are some tips for an adult bummer to combat laziness:

Think positively - let positive emotions into your life. Think about what can shake you up (or just please) - attending a concert of your favorite band, a football match, a tourist outing, or just a trip to another city? Maybe it's time to jump with a parachute?

Never start a new life (business) from Monday - only here and now.

Energize - enter physical activity. If you can't bring yourself to do morning exercises, sign up for group classes at the gym or pool at a time convenient for you. In a herd manner, little by little you will be drawn in and keep in shape. A healthy body is a success!

Break your work down into small pieces and be sure to assign yourself a reward for completing them, or, as a last resort, praise yourself out loud - a trifle, but nice.

Create a visual reminder in which you will enjoy celebrating the work done.

Remind yourself constantly what purpose you are moving towards. Every evening, in a conversation with family or friends, talk about what you have done during the day. These kind of reports can help stimulate your work activity - you have to brag about the work done.

Work in short intervals during which you complete real tasks.

Alternate between pleasant and unpleasant things. Try, without hesitation, to do dull, boring work, because without you no one can do this. Motivate yourself - why are you doing this? Perhaps this is a chance to be noticed and appreciated. Or maybe you are a pioneer in general - so proud of yourself!

Remember that getting the job done well will take much less time.

Do not believe in wizards and forget the word "maybe". Believe in yourself - and you will succeed!

At the same time, remember that laziness is not always a bad thing. Listen to yourself - maybe you just haven't rested for a long time and the apathy that has arisen towards everything is the first bell. In this case, it's time for you to go on vacation or just need to get some sleep.

Will the following guide to fighting laziness show you how to overcome laziness and get started with yourself? What will help you fight your disorganization, apathy and start acting? Also, consider some important tips on what can you do against laziness?

Surely each of us knows this state: when there is a lot of work, and laziness prevents us from motivating ourselves to complete our tasks. Although each person has moments when he absolutely does not want to do anything.

However, it is one thing when this is rare and quickly passes. And it is completely different when this has been going on for a long time, and the desire to do something at the same time becomes less and less.

It's time to recharge your batteries! Let's start fighting inertia, apathy and inaction until we can defeat laziness once and for all.

In fact, you can get rid of this condition. It only takes a little effort to do this. But first, consider what this state means?

What is laziness

This is a mental state in which a person lacks energy or the necessary willpower, as well as the desire to complete a task. This sometimes happens due to external conditions such as the weather when it is too cold or too hot. And sometimes due to internal reasons such as lack of motivation, procrastination or fear.

The main secret of laziness lies in the words "need" and "want". Laziness always hides duty and duty, not personal desire. When the body is faced with the fact that to force itself to do something, because it is "necessary" and not "I want", rejection begins.

Duty, rules and norms are what a person is obliged to observe, regardless of personal desires. Often times, other people or employers create a “must” atmosphere. Forcing oneself to do something for which there is no motivation and desire, because of this, a person risks burning out, getting a neurosis.

There is good news: laziness can be defeated if you make some changes in your thinking. Let's look at some of the causes of laziness and how to overcome them.

How to get rid of laziness

Of course, various kinds of motivation and self-enforcement are quite effective things, but as practice shows, their effect does not last long. The fact is that in this case, a person simply suppresses laziness, so to speak, hides this feeling in a far corner. The very cause or problem remains unconquered and sooner or later makes itself felt.

If you want to defeat laziness, then you need to deal directly with its causes. But what are they and where do they come from? There are two. The first is physiological. This includes fatigue, too much physical activity, lack of sleep, etc.

The second reason is mental. What is spinning in the head is called the mental causes of laziness. These include internal prohibitions, fears and prejudices, complexes, as well as other similar "rubbish" that stops a person from wanting to do something to achieve their goals.

  • The daily, depressing routine, due to which the belief that everything can really be changed is dying out every day;
  • Attitudes and phrases from parents from childhood suggesting that you need to sit still, “keep your head down” also suppress any motivation for initiative in people;
  • Due to the large number of failures, the fear that nothing will work out this time too grows more and more. At one point, they completely kill hope. However, more often than not, people give up one step before success - remember this;
  • A person's tendency to exaggerate events too much. Sometimes it seems that the matter is incredibly difficult, but in reality it turns out to be completely different.

Sooner or later, you can get used to these sensations and then it will be incredibly difficult to get out of your comfort zone. It is for this reason that it is necessary to immediately look for options or advice on how to deal with laziness and its causes.

If you really want to overcome laziness, then there is only one way to defeat it - get all this rubbish out of your head... Thanks to this effective method, millions of people have already overcome their laziness.

Japanese method of getting rid of laziness

When we do not achieve the previously set goals due to laziness, then it is worth watching how the Japanese are fighting with laziness.

The process of getting rid of laziness

You need to work very carefully with your past, immersing yourself in past memories. It is in them that the key lies in removing all the mental rubbish from the mind, which is the cause of most problems, including laziness.

The fact is that any fear, inner protest or complex appeared as a result of any experienced events that had a negative impact. Think back to negative episodes and analyze them carefully.

It may be morally difficult to relive these events again. However, by working through negative emotions once, you will ensure that they no longer hurt you. All that will remain is a “recruitment” from the past.

The subconscious mind is a great thing to deal with their problems, and yet very few people think of using it.

How to overcome laziness and start taking care of yourself

The victory over laziness is a complex of measures. There is no point in doing one thing. Working in several directions will yield more tangible results.

1. Analysis of motivation. Revision of goals, awareness, whether they are yours or someone else's, imposed, will give a clear understanding of the reasons why a person "does not want" to work or performs it through force. Eliminating all sources of possible manipulation will increase motivation.

2. To make important decisions, you need energy and tone. Small physical activity and a contrast shower will successfully cope with this task. A simple morning exercise and coffee will also energize your body to make it easier to get started.

3. Environment. Clutter, lack of light and fresh air are far from motivating people to work. Tidying up the workplace also puts things in order in thoughts. Ventilation and lighting keep you feeling energized.

4. Division of routine work into segments. Monotonous simple tasks in large quantities often kill the motivation to work in general, consuming time that can be used to complete interesting tasks and projects.

Allocating two or three stretches of 30-40 minutes a day for routine work will help to cope with negative feelings. In between these segments, it is worth doing interesting tasks or projects.

5. Walking in the fresh air is another good tip for overcoming laziness. Lunch break is not reserved exclusively for eating. A short warm-up in the form of a walk in the fresh air improves mood, increases blood circulation, and saturates the brain with oxygen. Fifteen minutes in the middle of the day is enough to keep you energized.

6. Small awards. Small gifts for completing difficult and uninteresting tasks will help you survive negative moments. It could be allowing yourself to listen to your favorite song, write a post on social media, or eat something healthy. This motivation always contributes to the most unpleasant tasks.


In the modern world, laziness is not a consequence of infantilism or unwillingness to work in general. This is a consequence of chronic fatigue, when a person has a feeling that his voluminous and difficult work brings satisfaction and results to someone else, but not to him. Therefore, if the problem is not solved, it will develop into apathy, which is much more difficult to deal with.

Overcoming laziness, or being able to do what we don't want to do, is an important part of being successful. Some things just need to be done and we have to do them or make sure they are done.

By following the simple recommendations from this article: how to overcome laziness and start taking care of yourself, anyone can count on the effective victory of laziness. After all, this state is not peculiar to human nature, it is just temporary psychological difficulties.

Life has long turned into existence. There are no more desires, I do not want anything. For every even the most elementary action you have to force yourself. It becomes more and more difficult to be active in life.

But you have to go to work, because you have to provide for yourself. And I don’t want to! Oh, if you could stay at home and do nothing, how nice it would be! But no, in order to maintain your existence, you need to be active, and doing this is becoming more and more difficult.
Laziness has taken possession of you. She plunged you into her quagmire, and it seems that the moment will soon come when it will be completely impossible to overcome yourself ...

This has not always been the case. The apathetic state crept up so imperceptibly that you could not even track when you stopped wanting something from life, to be active, to act. At some point, you just felt it on yourself. I felt that there were no more aspirations and desires, everything became lazy.

It seems that there is no suffering, but there is no pleasure either. Everything just became indifferent. The feeling is as if you are slowly dissolving in this inert swamp of laziness. Is there a way to get out of this sticky quagmire somehow? The answer will be given by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Pathological laziness - what is the reason?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan emphasizes that our nature is the principle of pleasure. We can be active only when we get some satisfaction. This happens unconsciously. When a person knows for sure that he will get pleasure and the result, then he is ready to move mountains.

If, for some reason, for a long time a person made a lot of effort, performed some actions that require a lot of energy, effort and time, with the hope of achieving a result, but received absolutely no compensation and pleasure, he loses the desire to act.

It turns out that a person does something, does something, but does not feel satisfaction. All energy is wasted. And gradually the desire to act becomes less and less, until it disappears altogether and apathy begins, when you no longer want to do anything. What for?

Laziness as a childhood trait

Why it happens? It so happens that a stable habit of laziness is acquired by a person in childhood... This happens due to the fact that the parents raised the child not according to his innate properties and talents, but as they saw fit, based, for example, on their personal desires and aspirations.

For example, when a child was forced to do something, to make efforts not according to his innate properties and talents, but forced to work and those actions from which he ultimately did not get pleasure.

As a result, an unconscious attitude is fixed in him for the rest of his life that no effort will lead to a pleasant result. He seems to unconsciously feel: no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, he will not get anything in the end, everything is hopeless and useless. And then he was already initially lazy. Initially, there is no desire to act, because he already knows in advance: any efforts are in vain.

How to overcome laziness?

As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology says, in order to get rid of laziness and apathy, first of all, it is necessary to realize all the reasons that led to such states.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan allows you to understand all the properties of your psyche, all your hidden talents and abilities, and therefore, to clearly understand what needs to be done and in what area to realize yourself, getting maximum pleasure. And when you enjoy what you are doing, the question of laziness will disappear by itself.

For those who carry the skill of being lazy from childhood, the disclosure of those mechanisms and situations that caused the unwillingness to do anything will change their life scenario from apathy and laziness to a passionate desire to live.

Here are just some of the results of people who, with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, were able to understand what would bring them pleasure in life, and thanks to this, laziness and apathy disappeared without a trace. See how they describe the changes in their lives:

“… The magic of the sofa and the magic of the Internet stopped acting on me. Many people know the phenomenon - when you need to do something, but it is impossible to put down the phone and get off the couch. Be sure to check out a couple more publics. And in general - I can not !!! And so it was with me. Now there is no. Moreover, I began to lie down on the sofa only when I feel that I need rest. That is, now rest has become a real rest for me, now I feel that my spent energy during it is being restored, and I return to business vigorous and active again ... "
Irina M., breastfeeding consultant

“… A year has passed since the training, and I notice, not without surprise, how much my professional level has grown in the business that I have been doing for many years and in which, as it seemed to me, there is nowhere much to grow. Before the training, I could afford to choose with whom to work and with whom not, choosing according to psychological compatibility with myself. Now I choose everyone))) because now I am able to "combine" with everyone, which has greatly expanded my applicability in the field of my profession. And again, importantly, I learned how to delegate authority within my team. More work, more realization, more opportunities for creativity, and again, indirectly through me from the people around ... "
Sofia R., designer

“… The most striking physical result of the training is greater efficiency. Gone is the eternal fatigue, weakness, depression, there is no longer the feeling that every day you live "through strength." Everything starts and is done in joy, in pleasure! ... "
Evgeniya R., teacher of the Department of Pharmacy, FPO KSMU

Start getting rid of apathy and laziness already at the free online training on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link right now!

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