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What jobs earn millions a day. How to quickly earn a million rubles. The best investment for a future millionaire

Your attention is given a list of the best books on self-development. By reading these books and doing everything that is given in practice, you will become a very successful person. These books for self-development will advance you in all areas of life, from career to personal life.

List of the best books for self-development

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

Release date: 1989

The book of the famous business consultant is fraught with the secrets of personality formation, based mainly on humanistic psychology. It tells about the qualities that people should have who sets the goal of achieving success. It is worth noting that Covey in his book practically does not mention God, the Bible and religion, although he says essentially the same thing.

"The Art of the Deal" - Donald Trump

Release date: 2004

Donald Trump opens up the world of big business to his readers, and using examples from personal business practice, clearly demonstrates how to act in order to close grand deals. Trump is very outspoken. He tries to hide his flaws, while being proud of his virtues. This book introduces the basic rules that allow you to succeed in the conclusion of various transactions.

"How to Make Big Money in a Small Business" - Jeffrey Fox

Release date: 2012

Successful business can not be compared with any bank deposits and bonuses. The book of the all-famous consultant will help you succeed in building your own business. Jeffrey Fox's recommendations are as concise as possible and quite simple to implement. They can be useful for both professionals and newcomers to the business industry.

"Buffetology" - Mary Buffett

Release date: 2006

This book is the most detailed and global study of the investment methods of Warren Buffett. It will introduce you to the general concepts and equations that told Warren whether or not to make investment decisions. In addition, you will be able to learn about the activities of some of the companies that have aroused Warren's interest. It also tells how he determined which firms to invest his money in.

"Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill

Release date: 2007

This book will tell you how to act in order to become a happy and rich person. It tells about what helps a person to move only forward throughout his life, achieve goals and increase wealth, while others do nothing to take at least one step towards their dreams.

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Sharma Robin

Release date: 1997

This edition is intended for those who are in search of the meaning of life and their true destiny. The main character has to go through a lot of difficult life events. However, he still manages to overcome his spiritual crisis. Reflecting on the meaning of his own existence, he discovers the laws of life, which he will tell readers about.

"Road to the Future" - Bill Gates

Release date: 1995

Bill Gates opens his vision of the future to readers, introduces the basic principles of computer science, as well as the formation of the global computer industry. He will also talk about the impact of computing technology on all areas of human activity, on education and business.

"10 commandments every business leader must break" - Donald Cue

Release date: 2009

This amazing publication can be called a desktop Bible for every businessman. It's no secret that Donald Q has seen quite a lot in business in his lifetime. Based on his experience, he created 10 commandments, the implementation of which is guaranteed to lead to failure.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John Maxwell

Release date: 2001

Each chapter adds to the meaning of the next law of leadership, illustrating it with examples of the successes and failures of others. For those who are currently new to the field of entrepreneurship and business, this book will help you become familiar with the basic principles of leadership, which will help you start your career.

"To hell with all of it! Get it done - 2 "- Richard Branson

Release date: 2010

This book is an addition to the first part. Five new exciting chapters inspire even more optimism. The author introduces the reader to a few more rules of life that allow you to develop creative qualities, as well as find your own way to express yourself and fulfill yourself.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" - Dale Carnegie

Release date: 1936

This edition was not written for sale, but, nevertheless, to date, it is dissolving much faster than any others. Dale Carnegie wrote it for people who studied in the faculty of public speaking and human relations. The author reveals to readers a lot of tips that will be useful in any life situation.

“Say yes to life. Psychologist in a concentration camp - Viktor Frankl

Release date: 2010

This book made its author a great spiritual guide for humanity in the 20th century. Viktor Frankl, who on his life path met with fascist concentration camps, Being in terrible murderous conditions, he managed to show the great strength of the human spirit and tell people what the meaning of life is.

"Where's my cheese?" - Spencer Johnson

Release date: 2008

This book is about how in a labyrinth 4 characters are in search of a piece of cheese. The author under the cheese veiled everything that every person desires: a well-paid job, his own home, prosperity, freedom, health and family.

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

Release date: circa 500 BC

This book can be called a treatise that appeared 500 years before the Bible. In this edition, the reader is presented with a harsh paradox of human history, in which two lines are intertwined: love and war, which have literally equal success.

"Black Rhetoric" - Carsten Bredemeyer

Release date: 2006

The book is distinguished by a rather non-standard approach, which opens up a successful set of methods and techniques for training before readers. After reading it, you will learn what the magic of the word is, you will be able to improve your contemplation and form your own style of discussion.

"Know a liar by the look on his face" - Paul Ekman

Release date: 2010

Saturated with a large number of meticulously selected photographs and some exercises, this publication will teach you to flawlessly identify deceit by instantly reading his opponent's emotions, both real and "sham", in the face of his opponent. After reading this book, you will be able to improve your skills in order to protect yourself from lies and falsehood.

"The Art of Manipulation" - Henrik Fexeus

Release date: 2008

Do you know that everyone around you is manipulating you? Colleagues, relatives, comrades, neighbors. You, in turn, also have an impact on your surroundings by any actions. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained. Do you feel like you made your own decision? Alas, there is a huge possibility that it was someone's manipulation ...

"How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You" - Lail Lowndes

Release date: 2001

The book will help you find your ideal, learn how to take the first steps and make a good impression on others. The author will talk about how to awaken exciting sexual feelings in a partner, and how to instantly find out what drives your partner crazy in bed.

"My Neighbor Is a Millionaire" - Thomas Stanley

Release date: 2005

This fascinating book will tell you a lot of interesting facts about the rich and famous people. All this will never be highlighted in popular television programs and certainly will not be written in the media. You will learn about what allows rich people to become even richer.

"Samurai Without a Sword" - Kitami Masao

Release date: 2005

In this amazing book, the author sets out to the reader in as much detail as possible the secrets of the leadership wisdom of the legendary Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was a famous and well-known leader in Japan. It is worth noting that these methods can be successfully used in modern life.

"Geniuses and Outsiders" - Malcolm Gladwell

Release date: 2013

Life is not fair. Some get everything, while others get absolutely nothing. Is it right to look for the reasons for this only in one's own qualities? The author was able to discover hidden laws behind what has always been considered only an accident. "Geniuses and outsiders" is an acquaintance with the world of the laws of life, which can be skillfully applied to personal interests.

"Think Like a Millionaire" - T. Erich Ecker

Release date: 2009

Surely, you asked yourself the question: why do some bathe in luxury, while others save every loin. As a rule, when thinking about the reasons for this, we, first of all, remember education, intellectual abilities, business relationships, luck, and so on. What if the problem is completely different? This book will give you an original point of view.

"Peaking Out" - Brian Tracy

Release date: 2003

The book contains an effective, efficient technique, thanks to the application of which, everyone will be able to achieve grandiose results in their lives. A detailed guide to success, consists of principles drawn from economics, psychology, religion, politics, philosophy, and business. This series of steps will help you succeed.

The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham

Release date: 1949

This edition, by all means, should be read by those who seek to reasonably use the possibilities of the stock market in order to increase their own fortune. The Intelligent Investor is a unique bible of the stock market, which reveals to the reader an effectively working investment methodology.

"Learning to speak in public" Vladimir Shahidjanyan

Release date: 2009

Release date: 2008

There are books that should always be at hand to help boost your morale at the right time. It is to this number of books that "7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness" can be attributed. Each of the strategies is an incredible source of new knowledge that allows you to achieve success, if used.

"The subconscious can do anything" - John Kehoe

Release date: 2011

The author of this book for three years, in seclusion, carefully reflected on the mental activity and intellectual abilities of a person. The methods of activating the immense resources of the brain, which were discovered by John Kehoe, allow you to radically change your life for the better.

Jewish business. 67 golden rules” – M.L. Abramovich

Release date: 2007

This book contains original and unusual business rules that were discovered by the ancient sages hundreds of years ago. And despite this, these rules will become relevant and relevant in modern life. Perhaps it is they who make it possible to establish colossal financial fortunes?

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Release date: 1994

The author of the book is sure that there are certain rules of money that rich and successful people certainly adhere to. And 95% of the population play by completely different rules that are presented to them at school. That is why it is dangerous in our time to inspire a child - study more, look for a job. It was appropriate in the last century, but certainly not now.

"How to attract a client" - M. Raffel

Release date: 2009

Such a useful book will tell you how to properly work with clients so that the business develops and profits grow. The publication will help to recognize regular, as well as attract new customers. The book is full of practical examples and actionable recommendations.

"The Ultimate Secrets to Absolute Self-Confidence" - Robert Anthony

Release date: 2007

It has been proven that the right way of thinking is the key to a joyful and fruitful life of a person. As soon as each of us manages to correctly and objectively assess the true state of things, we will be able to change ourselves and our lives in general.

"See you at the top" - Zig Ziglar

Release date: 2011

The book will give you a couple of tips on how to build a strong position in life. "See you at the top" is a worldview, but there is little to no dry theory. Here, many years of experience in sales and the wisdom of communicating with partners, which will put everything and everyone in their place.

"The richest man in Babylon" - George Clason

Release date: 2009

This unique bestseller contains the secrets to achieving the most ambitious goals, the keys to success and colossal wealth. The well-known Babylonian Parables have helped thousands of readers, inspiring them to seek prosperity and wealth. This book will teach you how to make money, save it and increase your own capital.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John Maxwell

Release date: 2008

The book contains laws that will certainly remain relevant in any situation. Each new section talks in detail about the next law of leadership, giving real examples, as well as methods for applying this law. Here you will find useful information for both beginners and pros.

The 48 Laws of Power and Seduction - Robert Greene

Release date: 2005

The great psychologist Robert Green will help everyone learn the art of seduction and charm. You will learn how you can easily and simply control the thoughts and disposition of the people around you. With the guidance in this book, you can turn your smile, gestures, and words into intense weaponry.

"Way of the Warrior" - Dan Millman

Release date: 2009

The book is based on true events from the life of the author, who decided to go on a journey into the depths of his soul. Guided by the advice of the mighty, wise warrior Socrates, Dan goes into the final battle with himself, a battle in which it is destined to either stay alive or die.

"Body Language" - Allan Pease

Release date: 1992

You can easily understand what a person is thinking even if he is silent. His facial expressions and gestures will say much more, which will allow you to alleviate the problem of choosing the right line of behavior with this or that person. After reading the book, you can feel more authoritative and liberated, even in an unfamiliar environment.

"The Art of Success" - Alan Lacaine

Release date: 1996

The book is designed for those who want to live a happy and cheerful life. Its author describes in detail the actual problems of modern life, as well as the diseases arising from them. At the same time, he talks about the existing means of overcoming the problems under consideration.

"Ten Secrets of Wealth, Happiness, Love, Health" - Adam Jackson

Release date: 2007

This book is worth reading and applying 10 secrets of the mysterious "old Chinese" in life. Your life will certainly change magically. By following the recommendations and practices, you will not only get back what you have lost, but you will get much more by reconsidering your outlook on life.

"Do you have time for success" - Julio Melara

Release date: 2012

Despite the fact that the author wrote the book at a fairly young age, he managed not only to detail his own thoughts on business and communication with people, but also competently conveyed the wisdom of other people. This allowed him to create a unique creation

Now I also want to present a list of a hundred books on self-development that are worth reading. You don't have to read all the books, you can choose the ones you like best.

Many books say the same thing, just in different words. A variety of methods and techniques of self-development are also used, but the ideas and principles are very similar.

One thing helps someone, another another.

I have read about 70 out of 100 self-development books. The list of books is random, there is no order or rating, what I remember is what I wrote down.

100 self-development books worth reading:

  1. Rich dad, poor dad. Robert Kiyosaki
  2. If you want to be rich, don't go to school. Robert Kiyosaki
  3. Brain games. Michael Mikalko
  4. Focus on the main things. Stephen Covey
  5. Seven Habits of Successful People. Stephen Covey
  6. Business and Life 1-3. A. Parabellum
  7. Sales and Life. A. Parabellum
  8. How people think. James Allen
  9. Think and get rich. Napoleon Hill
  10. How to stop worrying and start living. Dale Carnegie.
  11. How to win friends and influence. Dale Carnegie.
  12. Money or the ABC of money. Bodo Schaefer.
  13. Breakthrough to financial success. Bodo Schaefer.
  14. Money is good for women. Bodo Schaefer.
  15. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Robin Sharma.
  16. 200 life lessons. Robin Sharma
  17. Who will cry when you die. Robin Sharma
  18. Path to greatness. Robin Sharma
  19. Saint, surfer and director. Robin Sharma.
  20. Heal yourself. Louise Hay.
  21. The strength is within us. Louise Hay.
  22. Heal your life. Louise Hay.
  23. Life Strategy of a Creative Personality. Altshuller G.S., Vertkin I.M. (I did not really like the book, but many people praise it)
  24. Introduction to TRIZ. G. S. Altshuller. (many people recommended this book, but I didn't really like it).
  25. Reality Transurfing. The space of options. V. Zeeland.
  26. Reality Transurfing. The whisper of the morning stars. V. Zeeland
  27. Reality Transurfing. Forward to the past. V. Zeeland
  28. Reality Transurfing. Reality management.
  29. Reality Transurfing. Apples fall into the sky. V. Zeeland
  30. Simoron. Fireworks of magic. Gurangov and Dolokhov.
  31. The richest man in Babylon. Clason George.
  32. Business guide for geniuses. Yuri Moroz.
  33. Millionaire in a minute. Allen Robert.
  34. What's stopping you from becoming rich? A. Sviyash.
  35. What to do when things don't go the way you want. A. Sviyash.
  36. A reasonable world or how to live without unnecessary worries. A. Sviyash.
  37. Life according to the 80/20 principle. Richard Koch.
  38. Leave the squeamishness, eat the frog. Brian Tracy.
  39. Million dollar habits. Brian Tracy
  40. 4 hour work week. Timothy Ferris.
  41. Secret (Secret). Wallace Wattles
  42. The science of being rich and great. Wallace Wattles.
  43. Peaceful warrior. Dan Millton.
  44. Do what you were born to do. Paul Tiger. I love this book.
  45. An easy way to quit smoking. Allen Carr. (a book for those who want to quit)
  46. Vocation. Ken Robinson.
  47. The greatest secret of how to make money. Joe Vitale. (book about charity)
  48. Success without office slavery. Ernie Zelinski. —
  49. The path of the artist. Julia Cameron. - my favorite book
  50. See you at the top. Zig Ziglar.
  51. Awaken the giant in you. Anthony Robins.
  52. Unlimited power. Anthony Robins.
  53. Your neighbor is a millionaire. Thomas Stanley.
  54. 7 spiritual laws of success. Deepak Chopra.
  55. The path of the wizard. Deepak Chopra.
  56. Am I a genius? Wengar Win.
  57. Geniuses and outsiders. Gladwell Malcolm.
  58. The art of thinking big. David Schwartz.
  59. The art of getting what you need. David Schwartz.
  60. The subconscious can do everything. John Kehoe
  61. How Successful People Think. John Maxwell.
  62. How to turn failures into steps to success. John Maxwell.
  63. Fuck it, get on with it. Richard Branson.
  64. Art of War. Sun Tzu (I haven't read this book myself)
  65. A seagull named Jonathan Livingston. Richard Bach. (didn't read)
  66. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. John Grey.
  67. Way to Wealth. V. Sinelnikov is one of my favorite books
  68. Stress vaccine. V. Sinelnikov.
  69. Love your sickness. V. Sinelnikov - (I have already re-read this book several times)
  70. Chicken broth for the soul. Jack Canfield (favorite book, crying over some stories)
  71. Medicine for the soul 2. Jack Canfield
  72. Seven spiritual laws of your prosperity. Randy Gage
  73. Why are you stupid and sick. Randy Gage.
  74. Conversations with God. Neil Donald Walsh
  75. Yesterday a loser is today a successful businessman. Frank Bettger (sales book)
  76. Pit. How to learn to get out and become a winner. Seth Godin. (I often refer to this book, there are holes everywhere 🙂)
  77. Purple cow. Seth Godin.
  78. The Zen Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Robert Pirsig
  79. How to talk to anyone and about anything. Larry King
  80. Don Juan's teachings. Carlos Castaneda. - didn't read
  81. Time drive. G. Arkhangelsky
  82. Alchemist. Paolo Coelho (fiction book)
  83. Fool experience. M. Norbekov
  84. Ten secrets of success and peace of mind. Wayne Dyer
  85. Be in balance. 9 principles for creating positive habits. Wayne Dyer
  86. How to learn optimism. Martin Seligman.
  87. Language of the body. Allan Pease and Brabara Pease
  88. Target. Goldratt Elyahu. - didn't read
  89. How to succeed in business by breaking all the rules. Dan Kennedy - I recommend to everyone
  90. The attraction of wealth without nonsense. Dan Kennedy
  91. Kamasutra for the speaker. V. Gandapas.
  92. Guerrilla Marketing. Levinson
  93. Mentalist. Handbook of the development of superpowers of consciousness. George Kreskin. - didn't read
  94. In search of golden ideas. I. Osipenko.
  95. 33 ways to self-motivate. I. Osipenko.
  96. Destiny to be a woman. O. Valyaeva. — (The book is very useful for ladies, I advise you to visit the site as well)
  97. How to become an adventurer. Thoughts of a millionaire. G. Balashov.
  98. The power of the present moment. Ekhar Tolle.
  99. Dreaming is not bad. (Wishing) Barbara Sher.
  100. Radical forgiveness. Colin Tipping
  101. Dan Waldschmidt "Be the best version of yourself"
  102. Brian Tracy "Maximizing"
  103. Gary Chapman The Five Love Languages.
  104. From good to great. Jean Collins.
  105. The Habits of the Rich. Thomas Cordy.
  106. How to control the subconscious. K. Sheremetiev
  107. The right to write. Julia Cameron.
  108. The state of the stream. Csikszentmihalyi Mihalyi.

Well, tell me what books I forgot to add to the list of useful books for self-development ???

Only high-quality grain can give a good result, and this rule applies not only to farmers. Such a “grain” can be a conversation with a person who has built a career, stories of people who have coped with an illness, or a book read that can change our understanding of life, strengthen willpower and maintain motivation. But if meetings and stories come across to us, as a rule, by chance, then we come to books on our own. In them we look for answers and solutions, in them we find help and gain knowledge. We have collected the best examples of such books in our top.

TOP 17 best books on self-development

We are all looking for something different and at the same time the same. But to achieve harmony in all areas, we may lack different components, so we built our top by breaking it into several points. We hope this will make it easier and faster to find the right book.

Motivation. Motivation makes us strong, like a stone that can withstand any test.

Take it and do it! Richard Branson.

Like to start on Monday/New Year/next month, but end up moving to the next dates? Then the book is for you. “Take it and do it” is an inexhaustible source of self-motivation and inspiration. Learn to act now.

Get out of your comfort zone. Brian Tracy

The book will teach you what is called “seeing the root”: to concentrate on solving important problems, to realize yourself, to reach any heights. Over 1 million copies sold.

Dreaming is not bad. Barbara Sher

The author has collected the most effective and effective techniques that will help her readers make their dreams come true. From the book you will learn that in order to get what you want, you do not need mantras, hypnosis or character building. It is enough to learn how to plan, to master practical methods of solving problems.

Consciousness. To achieve great heights in self-realization, to become a happier person, you do not need to change the world. Change yourself, your mind and thoughts.

Flexible mind. Carol Dweck

The path to self-improvement is not easy, but the Flexible Mind will help you choose the right direction. Carol Dweck  opens the way to self-realization and self-development, building a successful career, raising the rating in the eyes of the authorities, establishing happy relationships with loved ones. And it doesn't matter at what age you want to start over.

The subconscious can do anything! John Kehoe

In the subconscious of each person there are huge reserves of knowledge and skills that will allow solving the most complex problems. The proposed methods allow you to access these resources and activate them in order to change your life for the better once and for all.

Strength of will. How to develop and strengthen. Kelly McGonigal

Willpower affects the physical, financial situation. This is known to everyone. But why, then, at the most crucial moment, we have to "pass" or, on the contrary, drown in our own avalanche of emotions. A professor from Stanford will explain in detail and clearly how to give up bad habits, choose the right priorities, and cope with stress. These skills can be applied to everything from quitting smoking to finding your dream job.

Find your acceptance. How to discover your true talents and fill life with meaning. Kane Robinson.

Many people feel like they are out of place, doing only what others expect of them. Their lives are passing by. It seems that the recipe for happiness is simple - do what you love. But not everyone can clearly answer the question: what is my vocation. Kane Robinson's book will help you find the answers.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful personal development tools. Stephen Covey.

First of all, the book will teach you to define goals and priorities: a detailed systematic approach to this task is presented. Secondly, after reading a person learn to achieve these very goals. On the pages you will not find miraculous recipes and tips for instant transformation, but it will help you unlock your potential and realize it.

Emotions: who controls emotions controls the world.

Emotional flexibility. Susan David

An original approach to motivating and realizing one's own potential, called the idea of ​​the century. The book will teach you to enjoy life and easily adapt to life changes.

Happiness hormones. Loretta Graziano Breuning

Curbing your mood can only be learned about the work of hormones, the mechanisms of formation of reactions to certain situations, the behavior of neurochemical substances - at least, Loretta Graziano Breuning believes so. By following the rules, in 45 days you will be able to develop new habits and rules that will help activate the "hormones of happiness."

Emotional intellect. Why it might mean more than IQ. Daniel Gouldman.

It is strange to underestimate emotions, because in everyday life they play a big role. Do you want to learn how to manage anger, temper and despondency? Learn the differences between "emotional" intelligence and ordinary? Then this book is for you.

Psychology. Alien soul - darkness? Only until you get acquainted with the best books on self-development.

Psychology of influence. Robert Chaldini.

Recognized as one of the best textbooks in psychology. The information in the book is presented in a fairly easy form, but at the same time it touches upon serious problems: the mechanisms of motivation, the assimilation of information, the ability to influence the opinions of others.

Say yes to life. Psychologist in a concentration camp. Viktor Frankl.

Jerk. From excellent to brilliant. Matthew Sayed.

The British Table Tennis Champion researched the achievements of the greatest athletes and experts in other fields to answer the question: what is the secret of their success. He will tell you what internal attitudes will help us reveal our potential, how to eliminate stereotypical thinking, which often hinders development.


Books for self-improvement, training in negotiation skills - the most powerful weapon in the hands of the initiates, its power should not be neglected.

Think and Grow Rich: Golden Rules for Success. Napoleon Hill.

The philosophy of Napoleon Hill has stood the test of time and is still at the peak of popularity. The book will help anyone who strives for personal growth, financial stability and wants to translate their ideas into capital.

You can agree on everything. How to get the most out of any negotiation. Gavin Kennedy.

It will be not only about negotiations with business partners, but about any negotiations: salary increase, obtaining a loan from a bank, communication with a child. Our whole life is negotiations, and the quality of life depends on the ability to correctly and profitably conclude deals (even the smallest ones).

"The Gift of Midas: Why Some Get Rich and Some Don't". Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki

Unlike an innate gift, the gift of wealth, according to eminent authors, must be nurtured and developed in oneself. After reading the book, you will be able to answer the question about the mandatory qualities that you need to improve in yourself (from strength of character to concentration). Tools for self-development (be it a book, a seminar or a trip) are not a panacea for all problems. Many people want to “take the magic medicine” in the form of a book they read and immediately see an improvement in their own lives. But in order to change your life, you need to work hard to overcome your own prejudices, fears and limiting attitudes. The book on self-development should be regarded not as a manual for life, but as information for reflection, as food for thoughts that will become the precursors of change.

We have presented our list of the TOP best self-development books, and which ones do you read?

The book is the best gift. After all, the most valuable thing that it gives is not even information, but the writer's story about his inner world. Books help us live. How to find the most useful books among the variety of modern literature of different genres and trends?

Brain development tool

The flow of information that the brain processes while reading, even if the reader did not remember most of the ideas, has already fed our biological computer. Everything we read stays with us and may someday come in handy.
If you are interested in developing cognitive capabilities, then you need to read information about modern research on this topic.

From popular science literature about the mysteries of the brain, it is interesting to read the book by Chris Firth "The Brain and the Soul." You can also read Lev Vygotsky, Bernstein, Ukhtomsky and Vladimir Bekhterev. These are definitely useful books for self-development.

What path do geniuses take?

It is impossible to become an enlightened and famous person without studying various kinds of literature every day. But in the world of books without a guide, you can get lost. How to select books? What are the most useful books?

Once, the poet, translator and essayist Joseph Brodsky, being a teacher of literature in America, wrote a list of the most necessary works for reading. This is the minimum, Brodsky believed, which will allow a cultured person to maintain a conversation in any society. And of course, these are the most useful books. The list includes about 50 titles. He mentions Plutarch, Lucretius, Sophocles, Shakespeare's plays. As well as F. Dostoevsky ("Demons"), F. Rabelais "Gargantua and Pantagruel".

Also, the master of prose Gabriel Garcia Marquez published a list of books he personally read. Of course, it includes books by American writers, on which Marquez's talent grew. So which books are helpful? There should be no doubt. Useful are those that Nobel Prize winners choose to read.

The most necessary books for self-development

A person who is not engaged in self-development gradually loses the already acquired personality traits. It is important to constantly improve yourself, not stopping there. People of all professions and different mindsets need to set themselves new tasks all the time and solve them. And without books, this is impossible. What are the points of support to look for when forming your list of necessary books? After all, notaries need one list, creative people need other areas, and books of a different format are important. But for the initial search for a real self, time-tested books are needed that allow you to learn the basics of any science. In addition, old recognized treatises (more precisely, the thoughts contained in them) sometimes give impetus to a new development or an unexpected resolution of a complicated issue.

The books of all time are philosophical treatises:

  • Montaigne "Experiments";
  • Boethius "On the Consolation of Philosophy";
  • Aristotle "Logic" and "Poetics" (especially important for those who would like to become a poet);
  • Immanuel Kant "Critique of Pure Reason";
  • Albert Camus The Myth of Sisyphus.
  • Old and New Testament.

These works are listed in the original list of Joseph Brodsky. He selected the most useful books for his list. There are a lot of them, and we will not list them all.

Useful books for leisure

Thanks to the book, a person is able to visit any place on the planet and even fly around the entire space. The world of fantasy absorbs attention precisely by the fact that the reader's imagination overcomes the barrier of reality, like a rocket through the earth's atmosphere. Some books are not only interesting and help to pass the time, but are also designed to become the guiding star of philosophy. The most useful books are those that are not only informative, but also catch the soul, make the reader doubt their inner convictions and correct them. Working with inner values ​​is the lot of not only philosophers, but also ordinary people who seek to improve their personality, habits and life.

From fiction, it is useful to get acquainted with dystopian worlds:

  • George Orwell (real name Eric A. Blair) novel "1984";
  • Aldous Huxley "Brave New World!"

Of the fantastic stories, it is impossible not to recall such a story as "The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells, and another story of the writer - "The Island of Dr. Moreau".

Quotes of great people: entertaining and useful

It is impossible to read all the books, but everyone is able to take the time to get acquainted with excerpts and quotes from great minds. Rereading a collection of quotes from time to time is a very useful activity. Through excerpts from books, you can understand whether the topic and idea are close to you or not. Let's take a few quotes.

Karl Jaspers:

"Detachment from the world gives a person freedom, the relationship with him - existence."

Or a quote from Faust:

“Oh, this experience! Smoke, barren mist:

After all, the free spirit surpasses him!”

The reader here has not read the whole book, but he has seen and felt the writer's thought. Every reader can find their favorite phrases and create their own collection of quotes. Quotes from any art books will become a real treasure trove of knowledge. Many wise sayings can be found in the works of V. Nabokov, O. Wilde, Dostoevsky, B. Shaw and others.

Useful and interesting books of the 20th century: a list of the best

Among the poets, writers and philosophers of the 20th century, such books are interesting for self-development:

  • D. Fowles, "The Collector";
  • D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye";
  • M. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita";
  • B. Pasternak, "Doctor Zhivago";
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 100 Years of Solitude.

These books are recognized by the public as the best works of the 20th century. You can name hundreds of other interesting books belonging to the past century that have been awarded. But here those are chosen that make you think about life, morality, loneliness.

ancient epics

We must not forget the old masters of the pen. We list those epics that you need to know in order to understand the history of previous eras:

  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign";
  • "Mahabharata";
  • "Ramayana";
  • "Odyssey";
  • "Iliad";
  • The Epic of Gilgamesh.

These few works are the most useful books. The fact that society has kept epics for several centuries speaks of their true value.

It seems that earning $1 million is unrealistic. It's actually easier than you think. To do this, it is not necessary to buy a lottery ticket or invest all your savings in some super-profitable project. Entrepreneur has put together 10 tips to help you earn your $1 million. Yes, you have to make some sacrifices, but it's worth it.

1. Increase your savings

Every company has a goal to make more money. The same principle should be followed by you. Some people save 5-15% of their income. This is not enough to become a millionaire. You need to drastically cut costs and save at least 50% of your monthly income. If your family has two sources of income, then try to live on one salary and save another.

2. Create a plan and stick to it

You need to learn how to invest money correctly, plan investments and clearly stick to your plans. It is important not to be influenced by the crowd. Those who buy and sell more often earn less than those who buy and hold.

3. Cash in on your passion

Find what you are truly passionate about, become a professional in this business and make money on it. There is nothing better than when your favorite hobby brings you a lot of pleasure and money. For example, Steve Ells was passionate about cooking. He borrowed money from his father and opened a small restaurant. Within a month, he sold 1,000 burritos (stuffed bread), and a few years later he opened a chain of Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurants. Don't worry if something doesn't work out for you. Do what you love.

4. Start investing as early as possible

The sooner you start investing, the more you earn. If you buy shares of companies and reinvest dividends (buy more shares with them), then this can make you a millionaire. It is important to invest in different promising companies. To do this, consult with professionals.

You can calculate how long it will take you to get $1 million. For example, if you place $2,000 per month in an investment or in bonds with a 2% yield, then you need 32 years. Start at 25, by 57 you will have your first million. Do you want faster? Invest more or in more profitable instruments.

5. Be patient

Regardless of the strategy you choose, it will take you a long time to accumulate large sums. Investing is not a short 100m run, but a long 42km marathon. Even the most successful business does not "shoot" in one day. Earning the first million is always very difficult, but with the second it will be much easier.

6. Invest in real estate

All rich people invest in real estate. It is important not to make a mistake with the place, the developer and the project. Start by buying a small apartment. Rent it out or resell it for a higher value. Build momentum.

7. Don't spend money to show your status

Only stupid millionaires squander money, buy whatever they want, until they are bankrupt. Smart millionaires live modestly: their houses are not located in elite areas, they do not buy expensive cars for themselves, and they do not stay in five-star hotels. If you have free money, then invest it in order to receive additional income.

8. Build your wealth

You don't have to be a super-successful businessman to make big money. It is enough to be a disciplined, hardworking and creative person. Start small: first try to sell your unnecessary things, then invest in stocks, then something else.

9. Avoid thoughts of failure

Set yourself up for success, but be sober at the same time. Thoughts of bad things will only get in the way.

  • Do not think that you are doing it in vain.
  • Don't think you owe everything.
  • Don't take out a loan if you can't pay it back.
  • Don't be afraid of obstacles.
  • Do not leave those who owe you money.
  • Constantly learn.

10. Invent something

Can you come up with a new product or service? Do you have a lot of ideas? Pick one and try it out. For example, Sarah Blakely became the youngest female billionaire at 29 simply by creating comfortable lingerie that can be worn under white pants. Her underwear under the Spanx brand is sold in 40 countries around the world.

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