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Who will the rooster marry? Capricorn-Rooster woman: characteristics, personal qualities. What parents of a Capricorn girl need to know

The character of men Horses - Lions: The fate of these men is in their hands. They can build everything from the very beginning, following the path of goodness and mercy. When building destiny, it is necessary to pay attention to other people, since a head trip will necessarily negatively affect their lives. If they choose the right path, they will be able to achieve the best from life, and this is not only material benefits, but also a variety of interesting events and joyful existence.

These men take any business very seriously. They perform actions purposefully and without deviating from the path. At the same time, they are looking for support in close people and friends. It is their ability to see the support in others that allows them to achieve excellent results. They are demanding of themselves and others, so being around them is quite difficult. Their diverse talents must be realized, otherwise they cannot become happy.

Horse Men - Lions in love and relationships: In love, they do not always behave correctly. Excessive demands can lead to the fact that the partner will get bored with fulfilling their requirements. They also like to embellish reality, which may not please their partner. Often it’s just a game without intent, and they cannot do otherwise. In a relationship, they do not have enough sensitivity and warmth, which can also become a reason for breaking off relations.

Horse Men - Lions in Finance and Career: Career for them is an important area in which they can express their thoughts, talents and knowledge. They have been actively involved in career advancement since their youth. They want to achieve a lot and usually they quickly rise to the top. However, along the way, it is worth grabbing loved ones and friends, otherwise it may seem lonely at the top. They skillfully handle finances, they can make profitable investments.

Men Horses - Lions in family and marriage: Family relationships do not always come first for them. They often start a family under pressure from relatives or friends. At first, marriage does not attract them due to commitment. However, over time, they understand the value of such relationships, because in them he finds warmth, reliable support and strength. As a result, attitudes may change, but for this their partner must have a supply of patience and attention to their spiritual needs.

Advice for men, Horses - Leo: The love of loved ones can be temporary, as they often put too much pressure on them. this negatively affects the relationship, leads to breaks. Men should not be used to their advantage, as this can do a disservice. You need to face the truth, give up dreams and illusions. This will help you focus on big, worthy goals. It is worth becoming more confident and more mature in relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Centaur. Thinks only of himself. Capable of anything.

Eastern horoscope- Horse

Zodiac horoscope- A lion

For this Horse, the whole world is a playground. Lions-Horses love adventure, crave adoration and are not burdened with doubts in themselves, like other Horses.

Ancient Chinese astrologers revered the sign of the Horse for its exceptionally hardworking, loyal and trustworthy character. Men and women Leo-Horse are proud and fearless people. They are strong and can handle life quite easily.

People born in the Horse Leo combination have a great sense of humor, when they do not have responsible tasks, they like to joke. They love to laugh and enjoy comedies of all kinds. They are quite ambitious, they have a talent for taking advantage of all opportunities. They are not impulsive and tend to make decisions based on logic rather than emotion. In the business world, these skills are ideal for success.

Their thirst for adventure often drives them to travel. They enjoy exploring different places. In the same place, they get bored quickly. These people care about their figure, so they love to take part in sports events. In an emotional demeanor, they are a little cold and distant, which gives them difficulty in expressing themselves.

These people are easy to learn new things and have an inventive imagination. These abilities are useful in all spheres of activity, but they prefer work in which there is a variety of problems, in work they tend to change places of activity due to boring and monotony. They are not fans of mass gatherings, and are used to working alone. In personal relationships, these people are practical, responsible and caring partners / parents.

The weakness of their personality is that they are unable to express their emotions. If they learn to express their emotions more freely, then this will give them less problems in personal relationships.

The fiery nature of the zodiac sign Leo adds passion, ambition, optimism, openness and honesty to the horse. Horse lions do not tolerate comments in their address and do not like those who do not share their point of view - they are always sure that the truth is on their side. It simply does not occur to them to doubt their own judgments.

The lion horse is very sociable, their speech is often lively and exciting. They light up quickly and know how to ignite others with their passion.

Women horse lions are guided in life by feelings, and no one knows where they are capable of leading. Male horse lions are also characterized by increased excitability and emotionality. These people often enter into arguments with others, but their generosity and magnanimity do not allow them to cross certain boundaries. They are not vindictive.

The life of a lion horse, be it a man or a woman, is very energy-consuming - they are accustomed to always acting at the limit of their strength, and therefore periodically need recharge from the outside.

(from 21.01.1966, from 07.02.1978, from 27.01.1990, from 12.02.2002)

He is a very passionate and energetic person. He does not know how to hide his feelings and is used to instantly telling the world about them. Activity is his main feature, so he will not sit in one place, dream and wait for something. In the process of work, he never leaves his optimism and shows high efficiency. Therefore, he almost always achieves his goals.

Characteristics of a Leo man - Horse in LOVE

Choosing a partner for himself, he tries to make her fully correspond to his ideal, this is an attentive, beautiful and rich woman who will admire and love him. Surprisingly, he manages to find such a representative in everyday life. For his part, he is very generous with emotions, but is distinguished by inconstancy, especially in his youth. So, he can have several novels or change lovers quite often.

Cheerful, optimistic and confident, he easily attracts the attention of the opposite sex. He likes to be in the spotlight, which he uses very well. In love, he acts as a very bright, affectionate and active partner who is ready for all sorts of stupidity and passions. He himself may not know how his romance will end and how long it will last, since he lives only by his feelings.

Lion born in the year of the Horse in BED

Intimate relationships for him occupy an important place in his life. Thanks to them, he gets the opportunity to show off and feel like a loved, desired man. He has wonderful talents, than he easily excites and drives women crazy. And if he still set a goal for herself, then no one can resist his spell. In bed, he prefers a classic relationship, but not against new experiences.

Due to his restless and active nature, he will not be able to find harmony with a slow girl. He has his own rhythm, which should be followed, and this is not always easy to do. If he sees that his mistress does not correspond to his ideal, then he is capable of quite caustic and caustic remarks. But, you should not answer in the same way, since his pride is the most sore point, which he can never forgive.

Horoscope Leo man - Horos in MARRIAGE

He loves children very much, whom he will bring up in love and help develop all their talents. It turns out to be a good owner who will be able to create an atmosphere of comfort in the house. But he definitely needs to get at least some kind of return that will inspire him. Therefore, an understanding and sensitive woman will be able to approach him, who will accept all his occupations and not put too many demands on him.

Getting along with him under one roof is far from easy. This is a very freedom-loving guy who will defend his independence in any way. In addition, he has a lot of his own interests, hobbies, and not always for the sake of his family, he is ready to leave them. All this does not mean that he does not want to start a family. On the contrary, he really needs it, but at the same time he is not going to make it only one area of ​​his life.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He should not take on too difficult cases that are not always within his power. Yes, he has indomitable energy and vitality, but it is worth at least occasionally giving himself time to rest. This will help him recuperate, think over his actions and further plan his steps. He can also be advised not to always make the main decisions in his life, only relying on his feelings and emotions.

The Leo-Horse man is bright, charming and energetic. The characteristic, compiled on the basis of the eastern horoscope and information about the signs of the zodiac, will determine his motives, aspirations and goals in life. A deep understanding of the psychology of a man of this type will facilitate interaction with him and set him up for fruitful business cooperation.

The Horse type includes people born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990 and 2002. Their date of birth must be between July 23rd and August 23rd. What character traits does a man of this type have?

Image of a Leo-Horse man

The image of the Leo-Horse man is characterized by integrity and the absence of significant contradictions. It includes the following features.

  • Horse man possesses a representative and dignified appearance. He loves sports, shows, audience, entertainment and social events. Due to the fact that he shows social activity and hard work in business, popularity and well-deserved authority often come to him.
  • Leo man, born in the year of the Horse, knows how to present to the public the results of his work. He manages to work on all fronts, and, as a rule, success awaits him both in the chosen type of activity and in his personal life. Such a man is generous, open and sincere. He has a rare ability to rally people around him and organize them for socially useful purposes.

Career status and social recognition is what most Leo-Horse men aspire to. They are smart and ambitious at the same time, which allows them to choose the right specialization, get a prestigious education and work effectively in the field that they really like. As you know, success comes early enough to people who have been doing what they love from an early age.

A man of the Leo-Horse type has not only outstanding intellectual abilities, but also great physical strength, therefore, the scope of his activity can be quite wide. He can get carried away by politics, sports, economic and administrative activities, or successfully perform any mental work. If such a person chooses a creative path for himself, then with pleasure he gives the fruits of his labor and inspiration to others in the form of positive music, beautiful paintings or other optimistic and life-affirming works.

What is the secret of success for the Leo-Horse man? Of course, in his hard work and self-confidence. It will work even when everyone around is indulged in laziness and idleness. The enthusiasm of the Leo-Horse man never fades away. New goals are constantly being born in his head, and sometimes he lacks 24 hours a day in order to realize everything that he had planned the day before. Demonstrating their successes at various meetings and friendly gatherings, Leo-Horse motivates other people to similar achievements, makes them equal to him and thereby accelerate in their development.

It is difficult for a Leo-Horse man in his youth to form harmonious relationships, because by nature he is selfish and is used to going his own way, without looking back at others. Over time, he begins to understand that the key to success in his personal life is finding mutual understanding with a partner.

Leo-Horse should in every possible way avoid selfish ladies who use his authority for their own purposes and pull money from him. A creative, kind, compliant woman who will listen to his opinion and reckon with his persistent and strong-willed character is best suited for a man of this type as a spouse.

Having married, the Leo-Horse man turns into an exemplary family man. He works tirelessly in order to provide household members with everything they need. Leo-Horse spends a lot of time with children, takes them with pleasure to competitions and sports competitions, gives them to circles and in every possible way contributes to the development of talents.

So, the Leo-Horse man has many positive traits. Its characteristics perfectly describe the inner qualities and motives of activity. Based on it, everyone can find a common language with this extraordinary personality, build a promising partnership with him.

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