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Respectfully can be a homogeneous term in a sentence or as part of a polite signature on a business letter. Where to put the comma, the context will tell you.

"Yours faithfully" is separated by commas

On both sides

It is separated by commas if it is in the middle of the listing of homogeneous members of the sentence.

  • We treated our professor with love, respect, with surprise in front of his vast knowledge.
  • We congratulate our girl with joy, with love, with respect, with a sense of admiration for her performance and dedication.

Before the phrase

If the enumeration ends at the end of the sentence or after the word there is a union and.

  • He spoke about his father with pride and respect.
  • The foreman attracted him with his calmness, discretion, respect and willingness to help everyone.

After the phrase

In a polite signature at the end of modern business letters.

"Respectfully yours" is the comma needed or not? In Russian grammar, the rules for setting a comma after the phrase "with respect" and the signature of the author of the letter were not put.

Now there is a tradition that after "respectfully" a comma is necessarily put, because when reading in place of a comma, a pause is asked intonationally. In this case, the comma is also used by analogy with punctuation in English.

The Russian language is developing, some traditions are forgotten, and new ones appear. In this situation, double use of the comma is allowed. Now it is becoming a tradition to have a comma after the words with respect and before the name of the author of the letter. Most of the addressees consider the new tradition to be correct.

Punctuation Difficulties in Written Business Speech

How to place punctuation marks in the first phrase of the agreement containing the designations of the contracting parties?

The correct option is to arrange punctuation marks in this phrase: State Enterprise "Communication", hereinafter referred to as the "Enterprise", represented by the General Director Popovich Alexander Mikhailovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the citizen of the Russian Federation Ivan Vasilyevich Babkin, hereinafter referred to as the "Employee", on the other hand, entered into this agreement about the following ...

Note that in this phrase, the words one side and on the other side act as circumstances and are not introductory, and therefore do not require punctuation.

Do I need a comma after words "Sincerely" at the end of a business letter?

After the words "Sincerely" it is customary to put a comma, despite the fact that the spelling rules do not regulate this case.
For example, it is correct:

chief accountant of LLC "Sea Landscape"
D. O. Ivantseva

Do I need a period after the signature in a business letter?

The period after the signature in the business letter is not put. In documents, including business letters, the signature acts as a so-called props(required element) that does not constitute a complete sentence.

It should be noted that in newspapers and magazines there is a tradition to put a full stop after the author's signature, if the signature is located after the main text of the article.

What to put after contact Dear Mr. Ivanov- exclamation mark or comma?

The first phrase of a business letter - an appeal - can end with an exclamation mark or comma. If there is a comma, the text of the letter begins with a lowercase letter. If there is an exclamation mark, we write the first sentence with an uppercase.

What words do you need and which words do not need to be isolated?

To understand this will help the "Punctuation Handbook" published on our portal. It is compiled on the basis of the most frequently asked questions from visitors to the Information Desk.

I follow the updates on the site very closely. Although, to be honest, many of the useful things that you do have already begun to be forgotten. But here is your note about the absence of a comma before the phrase "Sincerely" in letters still does not leave me alone. And now what to do next?

Usually in business correspondence or just individual letters, especially when we are already familiar with the sender, we do not often pay attention to signatures, and sometimes to appeals too. So often the information in the middle of the letter is important to us, why should we peer into all sorts of established formats of correspondence? But nonetheless. Since your note appeared, I began to specially scan all letters coming to me for this comma, and - oh, horror - all my senders have it. Well, I think, not everyone is familiar with your site, and they hardly suspect a violation of any language norm in this piece of email. I confess that I myself had put a comma before and also had no idea about the error. I stopped putting it on - I'm sure no one noticed the changes. But I can always approach my friends and acquaintances in order to correct them correctly, or find another opportunity to inform them that not everything is so right. But what about the rest? I have two specific questions for you:

1. What if we write a letter for the first time and its significance is so great that the absence of a comma will be perceived as gross negligence, almost disrespect for the addressee? As I said, with acquaintances and in those cases when the correspondence is not of a one-time nature, it is not so scary and fixable. But what if the letter is addressed to a potential employer and will be viewed under a magnifying glass in the HR department? Or is this letter simply addressed to an important person who, upon first reading it, may consider the absence of a comma as disrespectful of themselves? After all, so far the majority of those who are sure that the comma is necessary and obligatory prevail. And then there is so much ignorance now, and there are no reference points-ideals in the person of the same Solzhenitsyn and Rosenthal, that it is useless to appeal to them.

2. This question is more global. What about corrections in written language in general? Corrections concerning spelling and syntactic norms are more frequent in life and are more related to oral speech. What about punctuation and spelling? Their norms are manifested only in written speech. If we follow the logic that we write this and the way we are most confident, otherwise we avoid writing due to uncertainty and ignorance, then the absence / presence of certain errors in written speech indicates a deeper penetration of flaws in our native language. These errors are the hardest to eradicate. For example, you can remember or we are being corrected, what is normatively “ringing”, or the use of the imperative non-prefixed forms of the verb “to ride” is colloquially or even impossible, then the mistakes “in writing” were last corrected by a Russian teacher at school.

Dmitry Ivanovich, I will be very glad if at least a little clarify this situation and express your authoritative opinion on these two issues. Thanks!


Nikita, in cases where you are afraid that the addressee will really notice the absence of a comma and perceive it as "illiteracy" or "disrespect", I can tell you a "knight's move": put dash! This is also literate in Russian: a dash replaces the implied words (“I wrote to you, I turned to you”). That is, it will look like this:

Sincerely -

Even if it looks unusual for your addressee, he is unlikely to regard this punctuation mark as illiteracy or disrespect. Rather surprised: eka, it turns out, and so it is possible, but I did not know. And maybe she will even respect you even more.

In general, my principle is this: if there is a chance that they will not understand me correctly, I try to find a compromise formulation that will not offend the addressee and will not force me to violate the language norm.

Signing "Sincerely" at the end of a letter is a standard courtesy formula. Do you always need to end a letter with this phrase? How to write it correctly in Russian and English? Let's take a look at examples.

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How to end a business letter with respect for the addressee

There are no casual phrases in official correspondence. Stylistics requires conciseness and careful choice of words from the author. Closing phrases reinforce positive emotions and express confidence and appreciation at the same time. A well-formed signature helps maintain , contributes to the achievement of the goal. Respect the other person and write the text in a way that is pleasant to read. Politeness combined with professionalism speaks for the competence of a specialist.

As you write your letter, remember that you are speaking on behalf of the entire company. The secretary must be correct as he represents his manager. Compliance with generally accepted rules of business correspondence forms a positive image of the company in the eyes of partners and customers.

Official correspondence always has specific goals. The purpose determines the structure of the text. In general the text is divided into several semantic parts: introduction, problem statement, argumentation and conclusion. Each part performs specific tasks. An introduction, for example, prepares you to grasp the main points. Conclusion - expresses requests and hopes , assures of further partnership.

Letter of thanks to the employee from the head of the organization

Note! There are generally accepted formulas for each of the tasks. By finishing the letter politely, you show that you respect your partner, set him up for positive emotions and leave a pleasant impression.

As you say "with respect" at the end of the letter

Unified rules for business correspondence and bringing it to common standards are typical for large companies. Design letterhead , the form of "autographs" at the end of the message becomes part of the corporate culture, an element of style. Whether it's paper or e-mail, compliance with a single standard is an indicator of attention to detail and important subtleties.

There are several types of closing phrases in business correspondence. Their choice depends on how well you know the addressee. For example, the signature "with respect" in the official letter is neutral... If you want to focus your partner's attention on something or once again remind him of the request, use restrained phrases:

  • Yours sincerely...
  • Sincerely...
  • Best wishes...

When choosing the final polite formula, try to avoid familiarity. Remember how familiar you are with the person you are writing to. If the acquaintance is formal, stick to the formal style.

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of the electronic journal " Secretary's Handbook».

Maria BELDOVA answers,
with. n. with. VNIIDAD, expert in the field of management documentation

What are we waiting for when we send an email to a partner or client? So that our information, even negative, will make a favorable impression on the addressee and cause a response or decision. This can be achieved if you followed the rules of etiquette of correspondence, correctly typed your letter and prepared a high quality text. Your text should be of moderate length; contain the necessary arguments and clear language and have a structure that best conveys information.

Technique 1. Separate the main from the secondary

The text of a business letter must have a volume sufficient to ...

The full version of the answer is available after a free

"Best regards" at the end of the letter: with or without comma

The final form of politeness is given at the end of the text. It is placed on the same vertical as the date, on the right side. The phrase is separated from the main text by two or three intervals. Slightly lower have props "Signature" , including the name of the position of the compiler, his personal signature and transcript. This arrangement complies with the standards of GOST 6.30-97, which determines the requirements for paperwork. If the message is issued on an official letterhead or is of a private nature, the title of the position and the decoding of the signature are not put.

The question of how to write “with respect” at the end of a letter, with or without a comma, does not have a clear answer. Both options are valid. The absence of a sign can be perceived as negligence and even illiteracy. On the other hand, according to the rules of punctuation, this comma should not be used. From the point of view of Russian grammar, the sign is redundant. The words "with respect" are not an introductory phrase, and the signature is an appeal. This phrase implies that "This letter was written with respect to you by N.N." As in it, in the abbreviated version, the comma is not put according to the rules.

Why is it so common in practice? V rules of correspondence this sign is required in English, German and other European languages. The phrase "with respect" at the end of the letter in English is separated not only graphically, but also punctually. Over time, although it is grammatically wrong, the rule became part of the norms of the Russian language.

Conclusion of the letter: a sample of writing the phrase "with respect"

How to write "respectfully" in a business letter in English

rules business communication in English are in many ways similar to those adopted in Russia. At the end, the addressee is thanked for their time and expressed their intention to continue the correspondence. Common phrases are also used: "with respect", "with appreciation", "with best wishes." After, on a new line, indicate the surname and name of the compiler, as well as his position. Let's take an example: how to sign a letter in English "with respect ..."

Table 1. Final formulas for courtesy in English

Yours faithfully

Use if in handling there is the recipient's name. The most common option.

Obsolete version found in British English. Written in the absence of the addressee's name in the circulation: Dear sir or Dear Madam

American counterpart for British Yours faithfully.

A less formal option, acceptable for correspondence with a familiar person. Variations: Kind regards, Warm regards, Regards, Kindest regards

Yours sincerely,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

Yours faithfully,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

Yours truly,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

Kind regards,

Aleksandr Klimov

Marketing Director

The ability to tactfully and correctly use standard cliché phrases is an indicator of the level of professionalism and knowledge of the language. In English writing, the phrase "with respect" can be expressed in different ways. When composing a text for a foreign partner, take into account all the factors and choose the most suitable translation.

How to sign a letter correctly: "with respect" and other formulas of politeness

When composing a message, the sender should be guided not only by generally accepted standards, but also by the rules of good manners. If you are writing to a stranger and the address is strictly formal, use established expressions. The style of business speech strictly limits the choice of phrases.

If it comes to e-mail or communicating with well-known people, you can retreat from rigid canons, while remaining polite and correct. Let's look at a few examples of closing phrases that are acceptable in less formal communication.

Table 2. Use of alternative final expressions

Specifying a name without a courtesy formula

Valid if there is an active exchange of messages.

Have a good day

Suitable for a closing message if you do not plan to continue the correspondence today.

See you

If you have made an appointment soon and want to emphasize that you have not forgotten about it.

Good luck in your hard work.

It is acceptable when trying to cheer up the recipient if he asked for advice or help.

Thank you for the attention

Used at the end of commercial offers

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