Home Mushrooms Olympiads in the Russian language 4. The procedure for issuing letters of thanks. Specify the parts of speech of the underlined words

Olympiads in the Russian language 4. The procedure for issuing letters of thanks. Specify the parts of speech of the underlined words




1. Correct the mistakes in the words: vogzal, vpired, mogazin, telephone, here, kilogram, wheat, asina, tran wai, interesting.

(10 points)

2. Emphasize the words: ringing, cement, gas pipeline, catalog, occupied, scarves, sorrel, hosts, pamper, nap.

(10 points)

3. Underline words that have more letters than sounds

(5 points)

4. Underline the words, the composition of which corresponds to the scheme:

(3 points)

5. Underline words that cannot be transposed

(5 points)

6. Determine the gender of nouns: shoe, jam, tulle, shampoo, corn, roofing felt, coffee, highway, kangaroo, taxi.

(10 points)

7. Determine the case of the highlighted words.

Everyone knows the trick fox. Many fairy tales tell of fox. Here Fox feeds the crane. And here she is on her way wolf without tail. Wolf believed fox and let go tail into the hole Tail and froze. (9 points)

8. Indicate the parts of speech above each word. Underline the grammar in each sentence.

  • There is a village across the river.
  • The sun has set below the horizon.

(12 points)

9. Write the words in the genitive plural form.

(10 points)

10. Explain the phraseological turn:

He has a wind in his head ____________

How the wind blew __________________________________________________

Throwing words to the wind

Look for wind in the field _________________________________________________

11. Underline an extra couple of words.

deep - shallow

loud - strong

timid - bold

wide narrow

speak - be silent

12. Write down the proverbs in which the word "two" occurs.

(for each - 1 point)

13. Find the "third extra".

1) Burn, burn, mountain.

2) Woe, mountainous, grieve.

3) Sweat, ceiling, sweaty.

4) Sea, wrinkles, marine.

5) Pain, big, hospital.

6) Water, lead, waterman.

(6 points)

14. Connect the parts of the proverbs.

15. Decipher the words. Write down the received words.


(7 points)



When completing the tasks of the Olympiad, you can score 100 points.


1. Shkatova L. A. Think and answer. Entertaining tasks in the Russian language. A book for students in grades 5-7 of secondary school. M .: Education, 1989.

2. Koroleva E. V. Subject Olympiads in elementary school. M.: Arktik, 2005.

3. Belitskaya N. G., Org A. O. School Olympiads, elementary school. 2-4 classes. M .: Iris-press, 2006.

4. Maksimova T. N. Olympiad tasks for grades 3-4. M.: Wako, 2009.

The Russian Language Olympiad for grades 1-4 is held for students of any educational institutions. Participants and teachers receive awards immediately after receiving the application.

We bring to your attention Olympiads for schoolchildren in the Russian language for grades 1-4. All tasks are designed to assess the child's knowledge base. Subject Olympiads develop interest in subjects, stimulate activity, independence of students in preparing for assignments and working with additional literature. With the help of Olympiads, students can test knowledge, skills in the subject not only at home, but also compare their level with others.

For teachers who have prepared participants, award documents are issued for preparing for participation in the Olympiad. For teachers who have prepared 10 or more participants, letters of thanks are issued. With a large number of participants (15 applications or more) from one educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the educational institution), a letter of thanks is issued to the educational institution.

Diplomas of participation in the Olympiad are available for download immediately after receiving your application.

The order of the Olympiad:

Participants of the Olympiad:

The Olympiad is held for educational institutions of any type and type.

Students of any educational institutions, as well as children who do not attend educational institutions, can take part in the event.

For preschoolers, parents or tutors provide assistance in filling out and sending the form with answers.

Entries are not published on the site and will not be available for public viewing.

Job submission requirements:

The size of the answer file should not exceed 10 MB. Answer forms can be filled in manually or in WORD text format. When filling out the form with answers manually in the application form, a photo or scan of the form is uploaded.

Encouragement of the winners:

Members who scored:

100-90 points are the winners of the Olympiad and take 1st place;

90-80 points, are the winners of the Olympiad and take 2nd place;

80-70 points, are the winners of the Olympiad and take 3rd place;

70-60 points are Laureates of the Olympiad;

the rest are Members.

The jury determines the Winners of the Olympiad, who took I, II, III places, Laureates and Participants of the Olympiad.

The winners are awarded with Diplomas of the Olympiad Winner.

Laureates are awarded with Diplomas of the Olympiad Laureate.

Participants are awarded Certificates of the Olympiad Participant.

Teachers who have prepared the Winner or Laureate are awarded with Teacher Diplomas. If your participant does not take a prize, you will receive a Certificate of the teacher who prepared the participant of the Olympiad.

How to write thank you letters:

1. For teachers who have prepared 10 or more participants, letters of thanks are issued. An application for a thank-you letter must be sent to the email address. In the application it is necessary to indicate the full name of the participants who took part in the Olympiads; Full name of the curator for whom it is necessary to issue a letter of thanks, position (if necessary), name of the educational institution (if the name differs from that indicated in the applications for participation). Letters of thanks are issued within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application. Thank you letters will be sent electronically.

2. For educational institutions whose pupils took part in the Olympiads (more than 15 participants), letters of thanks are issued. An application for a thank-you letter must be sent to the email address. In the application it is necessary to indicate the full name of the participants who took part in the Olympiads; the name of the educational institution for which it is necessary to issue a letter of thanks, if necessary, indicate the name of the head of the educational institution. Letters of thanks are issued within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application. Thank you letters will be sent electronically.

We have prepared tests for the All-Russian School Tour Olympiad in Russian for grade 4 with the correct answers to them.

These tasks can be applied in the 4th grade, offering students the opportunity to systematize and update previously studied topics in memory, as well as determine how prepared the students are for the Olympiad tasks.

1. Indicate a group of words that belong to the 3rd declension:

  • A) notebook, news, autumn
  • B) courage, horse, thing
  • C) network, mouse, coal

2. Choose the name of the part of speech:

  • A) a verb
  • B) prefix
  • B) morphology

3. How many sentences are in the text?
At night, a blizzard cleared up grandfather Semyon listened to the howl of the taiga and sighed the snow hit the glass with force near the hut a snowdrift appeared the blizzard subsided in the morning the old man went to the pond the air was clean and fresh

4. The words GRANDFATHER, YOUTH, GIRL, UNCLE have common features. Choose the correct statement:

  • A) All these words are feminine nouns.
  • B) All these words are masculine nouns.
  • C) All these words can change in numbers.
  • D) All these words belong to the 2nd declension.

5. Indicate what ending can be for nouns of the 1st declension in the genitive case.

  • A) - e
  • B) - and
  • B) - I

6. How many declensions do nouns have?

7. Indicate the noun that answers the question who?

  • A) tulip
  • B) apple tree
  • B) dragonfly

8. Which line contains only nouns?

  • A) soapy, strong, kind
  • B) soap, strength, kindness
  • B) soap, strong, kind

9. Which verb is not spelled together?

  • A) (does not) write
  • B) (not) hates
  • B) (not) argue
  • D) (does not) object

10. What part of speech denotes the action of an object?

  • A) noun
  • B) adjective
  • B) verb

11. Indicate the word that refers to the first declension:

  • A) steppe
  • B) spear
  • B) melon
  • D) table

12. Which line contains only nouns?

  • A) bravery
  • B) runner, wind
  • B) bandage, tie

13. Specify the verb:

  • A) light
  • B) light
  • B) shine
  • D) light

14. Mark which word can be a test word when writing unstressed endings of nouns of the 1st declension.

  • A) winter
  • B) stove
  • B) a book

15. Indicate the phrase in which the mistake was made:

  • A) digging with a shovel
  • b) vacation in the city
  • C) collected under the apple tree

16. Nouns change according to -

  • A) gender, numbers and cases
  • B) By gender and number
  • C) by numbers and cases

17. In the sentence, the name of the noun. most often happens:

  • A) definition
  • B) circumstance
  • B) subject

Answers to the All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian language Grade 4

This table shows the answers to examples of tasks in the Russian language for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad

The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language

in 2015/2016 academic year

4th grade

Time to complete tasks - 60 minutes.

related words

Forms of the same word















B. The skate cuts the ice.

B. The paddle touches the algae.

G. The master is repairing the phone.



The maximum possible score is 26

1. Arrange the stresses in the words.

Quarter, beets, sorrel, contract, pamper, turn on, call, ease, leisure, deepen.

Answer : quarter, beets, sorrel, contract, pamper, turn on, call, ease, leisure, deepen.

Evaluation: 0.2 points for each word.

Total - 2 points.

2. How many sounds are in the phrase "thin-necked animal"? Why?

Answer: 20. The last two letters in words denote two sounds each: [e] and [j].

Evaluation: for the answer - 1 point; explanation - 2 points.

Total - 3 points.

3. Write related words in one column, and forms of the same word in another.

Forest, forester, charm, forest, copse, foresters, ladder, forester, forestry, locksmith.

related words

Forms of the same word


related words

Forms of the same word










Score: 0.5 points for each correct word.

Total - 4.5 points.

4. Give five phraseological turns with the word "hand". Explain their meaning.


Hand to hand - near, close.

Work tirelessly- work hard.

light hand - who brings good luck.

Right hand - a reliable assistant.

Rake heat with the wrong hands- to appropriate someone else's work.

NB: other options are possible.

Evaluation: 0.5 points for each phraseological unit indicated, 0.5 points for explaining its meaning.

Total - 5 points.

5. Determine the gender of nouns. Choose adjectives for them, matching them with nouns. Fill in the table.




















































NB: Other variants of adjectives are possible.

Evaluation: 0.2 points for the correct definition of the gender, 0.2 points for the correctly chosen agreed adjective.

Total - 4.4 points.

6. Underline the grammatical basis in the following sentences:

A. The worm sharpens the tree from the inside.

B. The skate cuts the ice.

B. The paddle touches the algae.

G. The master is repairing the phone.

D. Nature is preparing to meet the night.


A. The worm sharpens the tree from the inside.

B. The skate cuts the ice.

B. The paddle touches the algae.

G. The master is repairing the phone.

D. Nature is preparing to meet the night.

Score: 0.3 points for each correctly identified main member of the sentence.

Total - 3 points.

7. Interrogative sentenceHas the residential building been completed?can be made narrative by replacing the question mark with a dot. And what interrogative sentences cannot be turned into narrative sentences in this way? Give two examples.


If the sentence contains the words " when", "unless ”, “why”, “really” (other options are possible), then the sentence cannot be made narrative:Has the building been completed? When is the residential building completed?

Evaluation: 1 point for each given example.

Total - 2 points.

8. Is it possible to have an unstressed vowel in the word " Birch » to check the word "white"? Explain.

Answer: possible, based on etymological analysis. Word " Birch » is formed from a very ancient root be- meaning "brilliance, whiteness". The same root in the word "white".

Score: 0.1 points for the answer "it is possible", 2 points for the explanation.

Total - 2.1 points.

The total score is 26 points.


The purpose of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in the Russian language among students of the 4th grade: the development of cognitive interest in the subject and determining the level of knowledge of students.


1. creating conditions for children to use their own knowledge and skills;

2. identification and support of children with a high level of intellectual abilities;

3. demonstration of intellectual, emotional and volitional capabilities of children of primary school age;

4. maintenance and strengthening of cognitive educational motivation of children of primary 4. school age;

5. formation of the desire for active intellectual activity;

6. fostering a culture of behavior, respect for each other.

The Olympiad work contains 10 tasks aimed at the application of universal educational activities.

The time period for the Olympiad is 45 minutes. The sequence of tasks is determined by the participant.

Olympiad tasks

1. Dictation.

Juniper bushes were scattered across the clearing. Among them, on the edge of the clearing, a tall spruce rose. On top of it sat a song thrush.

2. In what phonetic records are mistakes made? Write it out and fix it.

[jastr"ip] [wide"] [can"to"and] [swing"]


[yastr "un] [th "a str "type]

[wide"th] [shy"th"]

[swing"] [swing"at"]

3. Replace these phrases with one word - a synonym.

1. The inner side of the hand -________________________________

2. The image of a person in a picture or photograph - _________________

3. Designation, name of the place where someone lives and the inscription on the envelope - ____


palm, portrait, address

4. Combine the words of the right and left columns so that you get a new word. Write it down.

hay gadfly


hayloft beard mushroom round dance lawn

5. Determine the gender of nouns.

Coffee - flannel -

Shampoo - wormwood -

Taxi - highway -

Key :

Coffee - m.r. flannel - female

Shampoo - m.r. wormwood - zh.r.

Taxi - cf. highway _ cf.

6. Underline the grammatical basis in the following sentences:

A. The worm sharpens the tree from the inside.

B. The skate cuts the ice.

B. The paddle touches the algae.

G. The master is repairing the phone.

D. Nature is preparing to meet the night.


A. Treeworm from withinsharpens.

B.Skate cuts ice.

AT.paddle touches seaweed.

G.Master repairs telephone.

D. meet the nightnature is preparing .

7. Indicate the parts of speech of the highlighted words..

snowy cover the whole field cover.

Mother planted in bake pies with cabbage bake.


snow cover (im.noun .) the whole field covered (vb. ).

Mom planted in the oven (im.noun .) bake pies with cabbage (verb).

8 . What's this? Write it down in one word.

It is brewed, starting a troublesome business; it asks for holey shoes; it is in the head of a confusion; but also in the mouth.



9. Form the genitive plural of nouns. Write down the resulting words.

sock, bucket, poker, porch.


sock -socks

bucket -pail

poker -poker

porch - porch

10. Unscramble the words and write down the resulting sentence.

Before the whole 7th sits down for 100l, disdainfully off the table.

Key: Before allsevenIsit down forone hundredl, pretwoseriously youthreefrom the table

1 . Maximum: 5 points.

For a dictation without errors - 5 points; for 1 mistake, remove 1 point; for the correction to remove 0.5 b.

If the scores “go to minus”, then 0 points are put for the task.

2. Each corrected error - 1 point: 4 points

3. For each correctly composed and written word - 2 points: 6 points

4. Pereach correctly composed and written word -2 scorea: 10 points

5. For each correct answer - 1 point: 6 points

6. For each correct answer 2 points: 10 points

7. For each correct answer 1 point: 4 points

8. Correct answer - 2 points

9. For each correct answer - 1 point: 4 points

10. Correctly transcribedand written sentence - 5 points

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