Home Mushrooms She goes to her goal. Aphorisms, quotes and sayings about goals and dreams. There are people in a worse position

She goes to her goal. Aphorisms, quotes and sayings about goals and dreams. There are people in a worse position

Almost every adult had a dream in childhood. In her early years, she helped get through difficult moments and set goals that needed to be fulfilled in adulthood. But did they all come true?

Let's find out why people betray their dreams, and whether you really need to dream to become a happy person.

What is a dream, and what is its role in a person's life?

A dream is an intangible concept, but a figurative one, therefore it is impossible to say what it represents for each individual person.

Someone dreams of a strong and close-knit family, and someone of a new car. Both are called dreams, which determine the degree of satisfaction with human life.

But I will try to give the dream at least some general definition.

It seems to me that a dream is a visualization of the desired, life goal, which should bring happiness and bright colors to life.

A dream in many ways forms a goal in a person's life. After all, only by dreaming about something, you can achieve what you really want.

Not to dream means not to strive for anything, not to burn with anything. Perhaps for some people this is relevant, because they have everything that thousands of people dream of. But this does not mean that they do not have a dream. Most likely it is, just completely unlike the others.

There are a large number of people in the world who do not even see the special need to dream. Why strive for something unattainable? They think.

And you need to strive. Because those who have lost their dream and those who have never seen it are equally unhappy people. Of course, this definition is very arbitrary, but still.

Just remember your childhood. I'm sure you dreamed, and your dreams seemed much easier than they do now. And all because in childhood we do not draw boundaries in our heads that do not allow us to move on. In childhood, we, because we know that it will come true for sure, if we really want it.

So why do you need a dream? To fill life with meaning, emotions, make it purposeful and one that you will be proud of.

In this case, the situation before and after acquiring a dream has a significant difference.


A measured, rational life, often devoid of all colors, goals and desires.

A life full of hope and meaning, purposeful, striving for the best and the desired.

What does a person need to achieve a dream?

While coming up with a dream is not too difficult, achieving it can be very difficult.

The thing is that, although a dream is the initial stage of a goal, it requires incredible efforts and patience on the way to achieving it.

Dreaming does not mean drawing the desired shape of the future life in your head and believing that sooner or later it will be achieved.

Dreaming is about working, and not just doing the usual work day in and day out. And every new day to look for ways to achieve your goal. There will be many obstacles on this path and you will have to work hard to achieve what you want. But only in this case can you achieve what you want.

And that is why many dreams remain dreams. Many people betray their dreams, preferring the easy paths.

9 main factors why people betray their dreams with their own hands

In order to understand why many dreams remain unfulfilled, I will first tell you about the reasons that push a person to reject what he wants from the inside. Perhaps among them you will also find one that does not allow you to move on.
Opinions of others (disapproval, ridicule, envy)I am sure that, having once told about your goal, you could have encountered criticism from others. Someone said that the dream is too unattainable, and someone completely assured you that your ideas are sheer nonsense. But do you think the same as those around you? Remember, most people are insecure and jealous, so there may be only a couple of friends on the road to success among your acquaintances. Be prepared for this, and do not be led by conversations that another job is more prestigious, or that another university teaches better. Trust yourself first of all.
Self-doubtNot all people are familiar with what praise and self-confidence are. Do you feel like you will not be able to achieve what you want? The risk, of course, is there. But does a person have to be a failure? And how can you talk about failure if you haven't tried it yet? The first skill on the road to achieving your dreams is self-confidence. Only you can believe in yourself enough to "bypass" all obstacles.
Bad experiences in the pastHaving tried it once and failed, starting over will be very difficult. But it will be more reliable. After all, you have already learned a certain lesson, you have taken into account past mistakes. Bad experience of the past is not a reason to leave everything.
Fear (of failure, success)Going to your goal is always a little scary. You may not succeed, everything may "disappear" in the middle of the path. But who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne, right?
LazinessLaziness is perhaps the worst enemy of dreams. I understand that dreaming and walking towards a dream are opposite things, and it is sometimes harder to stop being lazy and take the first step than doing unloved work from day to day. But laziness is a person's barrier that he sets up on his own. Therefore, you will also have to clean it yourself.
Lack of educationIf you have dreamed of building a business all your life, but your education is, say, pedagogical, it will not be easy to learn everything. But the main thing is the desire to achieve something. Fortunately, we live in a time when it is not too late to learn even after 50 years. So the absence of education is also a border chosen by a person.
Lack of experienceIt takes experience to be successful in anything. I will even say this: sometimes it is much more needed than specialized education. But what is experience? That's right, this is what you learn in the course of doing some kind of activity. Therefore, the experience will never appear until you start moving in a certain direction.
Decreased interestMany people betray their dreams, not because they are scared, but because interest in the case has disappeared. Let's say you started to move towards a goal, but you don't like the ways to achieve it so much that the dream has ceased to attract. Well, it happens. A dream can change, it is a natural process.
Psychological exhaustionYou have been pursuing your dream for years, but still there is no result? It is likely that this situation has worn you out, and you have no strength left for anything. This, of course, is very sad, but sometimes a person cannot psychologically cope with the problem, and from that he betrays his dream.

What do all of the above reasons have in common? That's right, they all come from the subconscious of a person. And the fact that you are confused by the opinion of others, and the fact that you are insecure are all your imaginary boundaries.

So, why do people most often betray their dreams? Because they limit themselves, not giving a chance for success.

Can this be influenced? Of course you can. Gather your will into a fist, believe in yourself, and slowly start moving towards your dream. The path is not easy, but it will be worth it.

But do all the reasons depend on the person? Unfortunately no.

TOP-3 circumstances "outside", why people betray their dreams

Since you are aimed at achieving a dream, you certainly need to know that you can betray it at the most unexpected moment, and not at all because you yourself wanted it.

There are reasons that force you to give up a dream, and you should remember them.

So, the following factors can become an obstacle on the way to a dream:

    Lack of resources.

    Let's say you want to build a large enterprise. To do this, you need material resources that you do not have. To find them, you go to investors with a rosy but objective business plan.

    It is likely that you will not find like-minded people, and the idea will have to be abandoned. Here, a lot depends on your own luck and on the ability to convince investors or other sponsors.

    Health status.

    Unfortunately, health often becomes an insurmountable obstacle to success, which is sometimes impossible to cope with.

    Let me give you an example: you spent half your life pursuing the dream of becoming a famous sports champion, but an accident in which you injured your leg put an end to your sports career. Here it remains only to voluntarily leave the dream, or change it.

    Unfavorable economic situation.

    Let's say you started a business, but failed to recoup your investment. Perhaps your fault is not here, the crisis that just overtook the country is to blame.

    Of course, you can look for new ways and approaches to doing business, but be prepared for another fiasco.

As you can see, there are reasons why people are forced to surrender their dreams, because at a certain stage it becomes impossible for them to rely on.

Such reasons are a kind of risks that exist in any field of activity.

Note: the presence of risks is not a reason to give up everything. Knowing these reasons is not necessary in order not to knowingly start the path to a dream, but to anticipate obstacles on this path in advance and cope with them with dignity.

Betraying a dream and deliberately giving it up: is there a difference?

At first glance, it may seem that any rejection of a dream, regardless of the reason, is a betrayal of one's desires.

But in reality, situations are different, and sometimes a person voluntarily leaves a dream in order not to get into a dead end or not to harm himself and his loved ones.

Sometimes a dream exhausts a person, and he lacks strength, patience, perseverance. In such a situation, the dream becomes irrational, it begins to harm.

To prevent this from continuing, a person deliberately refuses what he dreamed of in favor of what is more important or dear to him.

This is not betrayal, but reasonable behavior. And who said that there can be only one dream in life? If you refuse one, you can devote yourself and your energies to another dream. This does not mean that you are chicken-hearted or weak-willed. So you will not betray your dream, but only slightly change it.

An example from life when a person can voluntarily leave a former dream

One of my close acquaintances from childhood was an extreme, so when she chose the profession of a stuntman, no one was surprised.

She confidently walked towards her dream, and was very happy about it. But a trivial case changed everything - she met a young man, fell in love with him and got married. Soon a baby was born to her.

After that, she gave up her dream of working as a professional stuntman. But not because she betrayed her or chickened out. It's just that motherhood has become much more important to her than dangerous stunts. As a result, she changed her dream a little by becoming a professional coach. So she secured her life, and continued on her way in her favorite direction.

How to achieve what you want? Motivational video:

What is the right way to dream so as not to betray your dream?

This is not to say that some have the right dream, while others do not. But if you move towards it consistently, you have a much better chance of achieving what you want.

Step 1. Define your dream.If you already have seats, please specify it more specifically. For example, if you dream of well-being, then explain to yourself what it should consist of: a house, a car, or a successful business. If there is still no dream at all, then fantasize a little, and as an option, remember your childhood desires.
Step 2. Think about what you need to achieve your dream.Perhaps you need education or work experience, professional advice or specialist advice. Think about these points in advance so you know where to start.
Step 3. Assess the risks.There are certain risks in any business. To protect yourself from them, think about them prematurely and come up with a plan "B" - just in case.
Step 4. Draw a step-by-step action plan.If you are ready to start achieving what you want, describe your steps in sequence so as not to waste time on it as you progress.
Step 5. Start to act according to your wishes.Once the dream has been identified and the steps have been mapped out, take action. But remember, in the process of achieving a dream, your desires may change a little. Do not be afraid to deviate from the dream, perhaps your next idea will become even better than the previous one.

I hope you can now clearly see why people sometimes betray their dreams. Very often this happens due to one's own insecurity, although there are also cases of external factors influence.

Be that as it may, do not give up prematurely. A dream is a long and hard work on oneself. I am sure you will be able to achieve it!

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Every person has a dream. Someone declares about it openly, someone keeps away from prying eyes. But often the dream not only "warms up with long winter evenings", but also brings a bit of sadness, because from year to year it remains something unattainable and distant.

We are in site we offer you several effective ways to turn an unrealistic dream into a real result.

1. Make your dream a goal

First, to make it work out, the dream is to be retrained into a goal... As long as your dream is something distant, fabulous and incredible, it is very convenient to simply drive in your head how everything will turn out beautifully one day ... and do nothing. But the goal is already something that needs to be achieved. She is always more specific and motivating.

For example, Alan Rickman thought about acting only at the age of 26, and before that he made a living as a design. He wrote an audition letter to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and was soon accepted there. And he got the first leading roles in theater and cinema, having already exchanged his fifties. The dream became a reality when it turned into a goal.

2. Free up space

A dream, like any other phenomenon in the world, needs space and energy... And where do they come from if your house, schedule and thoughts are cluttered with things that have long outlived their time. Clean the house and closet, close all the "tails" or throw something that you will definitely never finish. Hand out debts or forgive the debtors, say everything that you have wanted to say for a long time. Believe me, after such a reboot, there will be not only more time and energy, but also more opportunities. It is not for nothing that many stories begin from the moment when the hero "dropped everything." If right now you cannot rush towards your dream across the ocean, then at least throw off the ballast that does not allow you to get off the ground.

3. Organize your space

When there is more space and energy, they need to be organized somehow. Think about what you need to change or create to feel comfortable moving towards your goal. A private office, a wall-to-wall corkboard, or an exercise bike in the room? Organize the space so that you want to return to it, so that it motivated you to work every day... If you want to paint, glue the wallpaper for painting or paint it black. If you dream of dancing - make a platform with mirrors or a machine, for example, in a garage. Strive to write a book - make yourself a place to sit comfortably for hours, with the right light and space for endless drafts. And then one more kind of excuses by itself will sink into oblivion.

4. Make your plans public

You can always agree with yourself - well, who else will forgive you for failures, if not yourself. Therefore, involve friends and just the public in realizing your dreams. For example, tell everyone about your intention to fulfill your dream- then it will be a shame to give up. Or argue with someone that you will achieve your goal, maybe excitement is the best motivator for you. As a last resort, support never hurts. And useful advice, because sometimes from the outside you can see what is hidden from our view.

5. Pick one thing

Dream a lot, but choose one thing. You can't get an oceanfront home, world recognition as a writer, a strong family and a figure like Victoria's Secret angels in one day. These are all 4 different dreams that take time and effort. That's why choose one, get this and then move on. As you remember, the one who runs after two birds with one stone does not end up with anything but shortness of breath, and there is nothing to say about four.

6. Assemble your dream team

Perhaps you are able to realize your dream yourself - you have all the necessary talents, connections, capital and skills. The question then remains why you haven't implemented it yet. But more often than not, we need a team. Not the one that will repeat that everything will work out. And the one in which everyone will be able to invest something and take something useful out of it.

For example, let's say you want to release a series of T-shirts with cool phrases on them. But you can only compose them, but drawing sketches, negotiating with the printing center is not yours. But you have acquaintances who can do it, but they just lacked ideas. As a result, everyone does their part of the work, and at the end you get a project that is joyful and useful for each team member. Someone will take it for a portfolio, someone will pump the skills of "mediation", and you will implement what you could not do alone.

7. Plan and break

Doubt is a huge brake on the path to achieving a dream, because we can clearly see the goal, but the road itself is full of thickets and black holes. Planning and disaggregation can help deal with doubts. Write down the entire visible path to the dream in the smallest detail: from the initial steps to the required resources and the ways to obtain them. Now that the road is visible, you need to take action.

Can choose 3 things to do every day. Against the background of the entire road, this is a trifle, but 3 cases are much more than nothing, right? Or break down bigger things into 10 small ones (up to a phone call or a glass of water you drink) - so a step will not cause fear and will be much easier than you thought.

8. Accept the likelihood of failure

Speaking of fear, by the way. Everything new scares - this is a well-known truth. But what dreads more than that is the possibility of failure. Yes, it happens. And, most likely, it will be. But ask yourself: what happens if your dream doesn't come true? Nothing. You will get experience, many different emotions and impressions and the opportunity to try again. And so every time, until you put a mental tick in front of the box with a dream.

Believe me, all the lucky ones who fulfilled their cherished desire had many attempts with an unsuccessful ending. The only thing that sets them apart from everyone else is they don't let fear and frustration take over and tried again.

9. Understand the need for whining.

Almost any article or book about achieving a goal and fulfilling a dream encourages you to think positively. Great advice, but it's always impossible to be positive. You will face laziness, fatigue, disappointment, failure, and life itself, which has its own routine of chaos for your story. To put on a smile and to think positively through force is even harmful in such a situation. Therefore, bad emotions need to be released or transformed. Remember, Professor Lupine in the Harry Potter saga advised to laugh at fears. It works great with failures too! If everything is not too sad - exaggerate, mock, use sarcasm. In general, do everything that contains at least a grain of irony over the situation. Something to laugh at isn't that scary anymore, right?

But if you don't have enough strength even to smile, and the pain seems unbearable, whine. Find Your Perfect Listener who will not give advice or persuade, but will simply listen. If this is not the case, refer to the classics of the genre - the silent bartenders. Or talk to yourself, your inner child, an old friend with whom you now communicate only mentally. Write a letter without an addressee, or keep a diary for those moments. And when the negative goes away along with the words, you can think about how to find the reason for the positive again.

10. Remember reality

Remember to live. For many, the dream is the key to solving problems, and they throw themselves headlong into this long and exhausting race, ignoring reality. But the secret is that most of the time you will most likely spend not at the point of "dream fulfillment", but on the way to her... Therefore, the ability to enjoy what is happening on this very path, and understand the importance of small breaks, is extremely important. Get a thrill from every step and remember that life will not wait for your arrival: children will not stop growing, parents will grow old, friends will not freeze in anticipation of your triumph, and the sun will rise every day. Live.

11. Praise yourself.

We turn off halfway because we could not achieve the result in a month, as we wanted. But if you look back and see how much has already been done and how we actually made progress, then throwing will become somehow ashamed. First of all - in front of oneself. Therefore, assess your results soberly, praise yourself for small and big victories

Well, the most commonplace: take action. If the hardest thing you do in relation to your dream is sigh and imagine how cool everything will be, then everything will remain in your imagination. Do you know what it takes to write a book? Talent, time, perseverance, computer ... But the main thing is to start writing. Without this, everything will be useless. So if you dream of traveling, then look at tours and airplanes, calculate your budget and set a goal for yourself. The first step is always the most difficult, but without it there will be no other steps, no final happy point.

Don't be afraid to dream. And most importantly, don't be afraid to believe that dreams come true,- it is better to go on a long road with positive and hopefulness.

Has your dream ever come true? Or are you just on your way? Share your examples and techniques in the comments.

There are periods in our life when it seems that the world has turned its back on us: work does not go well, opportunities slip out of hand, one trouble is replaced by another, and the desire to abandon everything, go away and never come back matures.

I have compiled a list of 20 reasons that I hope will give you the motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward despite all the difficulties. Indeed, it often happens that people stop fighting and give up, being just one step away from the cherished goal.

1. Remember: as long as you are alive, anything is possible.

There is only one good reason to stop fighting for your goals and dreams - death. As long as you are alive, healthy and free, you have every opportunity to continue. And do this until you reach them.

2. Stay realistic

The chance to master something the first time is negligible. It takes time (sometimes a long time) to learn something, get the right skills, and figure out how to apply them correctly.

Let yourself be wrong and learn from your mistakes.

3. Be persistent like Michael Jordan

Michael is perhaps the best athlete in the history of basketball. He himself says that his path to the pinnacle of fame lay through constant failure. And his whole secret was that he never gave up and did not give up. He did not give up even when he realized that he had missed more than 300 shots, and many times he failed the last decisive throw, which he was entrusted to make. Whenever Michael fell, he found the strength to rise again.

4. Learn the will to live from Lance Armstrong

The cyclist Lance Armstrong was given doctors an appointment, and the disease gradually killed him. Nevertheless, Lance found the strength and faith to defeat her. Moreover, after recovering, he became the only athlete who finished first in the overall Tour de France six times in a row.

5. Remember the story of a person whose act led to the idea of ​​a marathon

In ancient times, when the Persians landed on the shores of Greece, an envoy was sent to Sparta to ask for help in the fight against the Persians. All hope was placed on this messenger, because there were simply no other ways of communication and help.

Legend has it that this man on his feet covered a distance of 240 kilometers in just two days. And a little later he ran another 40 kilometers to announce the victory of the Greeks over the Persians. However, after that he died on the spot.

When the challenges that have befallen your lot seem too difficult and you want to give up, remember this story and think about the inhuman efforts this first marathon runner had to make to overcome such a distance in such a short time. Don't try to do it, but use this story for inspiration.

6. Pull Yourself Off The Bottom Like Chris Gardner

Have you seen the movie The Pursuit of Happyness? It is based on real events from the life of Chris Gardner. This is a man who was able to pull himself out of the very bottom of a beggarly life, when there was no work, no shelter, no food. And yet Chris found the strength not to give up where many other people would retreat, and to achieve his goal. He became .

If thoughts of giving up everything creep into your head, I recommend watching the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith.

7. Be strong like Kanye West

You've probably heard about this famous rap artist. Read his biography, I'm sure it will inspire you. This is a story about how to survive, having the bare minimum to live, and become one of the most famous and respected people in the world.

8. Stay true to your principles, like Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is one of the most prominent human rights activists in South Africa. His life story is impressive in that he spent 27 years in prison for his political views, which he chose not to give up even in exchange for freedom.

9. Know that you are strong

You are stronger than you think. One small obstacle cannot and should not stop you from achieving your goals, just like the next 10, 20, or even 100 obstacles.

10. Prove to yourself that you can

It is unlikely that you want to be remembered as a person who is weak and unable to realize himself. Go, prove to yourself and the whole world that you can, that you are worthy and will definitely achieve your goals, no matter what. The only way for you to lose is to give up yourself.

11. Have you done this before?

If someone has already done what you intended before you, then you can do it too. Even if there is only one person in the world who was able to do this, this is already strong proof that you can do it too.

12. Believe in a dream

Don't sell yourself cheap! There will be many more people in life who will want to keep you where you are now. They will convince you that you have conceived the impossible and you need to face the truth. My advice to you: don't let anyone ruin yours.

13. Family and Friends Need You

Let your loved ones and people close to you become a source of inspiration and motivation for you to force yourself to move on. Try and don't give up for them if you don't find a reason to do it for yourself.

14. Don't give up because I ask you to.

15. There are people in a worse position.

There are many people right now who are in a much more difficult situation than you. Therefore, when waking up with the thought of canceling your morning run, remember how many people in the world cannot even walk and how much they are willing to give to be able to run every morning.

So take the amazing opportunity to live the fullest life that you have.

16. "Get Rich or Die"

This phrase belongs to Curtis Jackson (50 Cent). 50 Cent is rich and he made it all himself. And the fact that he was shot nine times did not stop him. Face your fears and don't take the easy path, which usually means giving up.

17. Let your enemies hate you

There will always be those who will. There will always be many skeptics and people who will try to drag you down with them. Ignore them or take what they say to heart. Let the skeptics doubt, but you continue to believe in yourself.

18. You deserve to be happy.

Never let anyone convince you otherwise. You deserve to be happy and successful. Stick to this position and never doubt it until you reach your cherished goal.

19. Inspire others

Become an example to others, like someone who never gives up under any circumstances. Who knows what someone else can achieve by just looking at you one day and also determined to never give up.

20. You Never Know How Close To Success.

Many people gave up, not even suspecting that they were just one step away from success. No one knows for sure when success will come. Perhaps this will happen tomorrow, or maybe in a year or two. But if you stop, stop trying, and give up, you won't reach it in 10 years or even at the end of your life.

Next time, when you want to give up everything, think, because it is very possible that success awaits you already around the next corner.

All that is required of you is not to give up!


Quotes and Aphorisms 10.04.2019

Today, dear readers, I would like to talk with you about such a complex concept as a goal. And not necessarily in its global manifestation. After all, goals are different: large, such as a goal in life, and small, but no less important.

The goal is always development, movement forward. Of course, on the way of this movement there are obstacles, difficulties, obstacles. And here it is very important not to give up, not to lose faith in yourself and continue to move forward. Let it be slow. The main thing is forward.

Today for you is a selection of very interesting and wise quotes and aphorisms about the goal. They will come in handy in achieving a goal of any scale. And some of them will make you think and perhaps look at some things from a different angle.

Doubting one's own abilities is an absolute normal state for a person. Will I be able to? Will I be able to? We ask ourselves. Motivating quotes and aphorisms to achieve your goal will give you confidence and build confidence in yourself and your strength.

"Half of the people give up on the way to their goal, because no one told them" I believe in you, you will succeed! "

"There are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, lack of ingenuity and a supply of excuses."

"The only brake on the road to our tomorrow's achievements is our current doubts."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Honore de Balzac

"A bullet that whizzed an inch off the target is as useless as one that didn't fly out of the muzzle."

James Fenimore Cooper

"When they reach the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them in the beginning."

Paulo Coelho

"Give the person a purpose worth living for, and he can survive in any situation."

Johann Goethe

“Do you know what is most often our mistake? We give up quickly. We quickly abandon the goal, justifying it with the banal "what can you do, not destiny." But sometimes, in order to get what you want, you have to try one more time. Knock, return, try a second time ... And even if it fails again, do not waste time on self-torture. You cannot stop not only at what has been achieved, but also on what has not been achieved. To get to the goal, you must first of all go. "

Elchin Safarli

"Whatever the goal, it cannot be achieved until the person throws away fear and takes off."

Richard Branson

“Everyone gets tired on the way to their goal. Even the strongest. Only they, unlike the others, continue to walk towards the goal in silence, gritting their teeth. "

“The longer you go to your goal, the closer it gets. Too many people give up a step before they win. Remember: others will take this step for you. "

“Whatever happens - go! Every day you are closer and closer to your goal! "

Any goal begins with a dream about it. But quotes and aphorisms about dreams and goals very wisely remind us that without decisive action and applied efforts, our dreams will remain just dreams.

“A man of dreams needs no less than air. However, dreams do not need to be breathed - they need to be turned into reality. In small steps, great efforts, overcoming hundreds of difficulties. The main thing is not to stop. "

Elchin Safarli

“By choosing erroneous definitions of a dream, we are following a phantom of purpose down a false road that has no final destination.”

Marina Matisse

"Setting goals is the first step in making dreams come true."

Tony Robbins

"Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true."

Richard Bach

"If you don't have a dream and a goal in life, then you have to work for someone who has one."

“Dream. Imagine the goal, and most importantly, how you achieve it. Visualize your way to achieve the goal in stages. And at the end, when you have reached your goal - imagine these feelings. These emotions will give you hope. "

“No ship leaves the port without a clear route. Dream and goal - your route! "

"It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream."

"The goal differs from the dream only in the amount of paper used."

"Yesterday is a dream, today is a goal, tomorrow is a reality."

"A goal without a plan is just a dream."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"The strong make the dream the goal, the weak the goal the dream."

"Any dreams come true when desires turn into goals."

“Action is what distinguishes a goal from a dream. Make a goal out of your dreams and start acting! "

“- My goal is to make my dream come true!
- What's your dream?
"I dream of reaching my goal someday."

“Dreams are destined to come true. You just need to replace the words: "dream" with "goal", "desire" for "task", "striving" for "action".

"Fall asleep with a dream, wake up with a purpose!"

When we set a goal for ourselves, our life changes a lot. It is filled with meaning, and we ourselves become somehow more energetic, more collected. This is very accurately reflected in quotes and aphorisms about the goal in life.

“When you start living with a purpose, everything instantly falls into place. Living with a purpose means doing what you love, what you are good at, and what you consider important to yourself. "

Jack Canfield

"There are two most important days in every person's life: the first is when he was born, and the second is when he understood why."

William Barclay

“If the whole purpose of our life consisted in our personal happiness, and our personal happiness would consist only in love alone, then life would be a truly gloomy desert ... But praise to the eternal reason, praise to the patronizing providence! There is also a great world of life for a person, besides the inner world of the heart - the world of historical contemplation and social activity. "

Vissarion Belinsky

"You need to set yourself a definite goal in life ... Of course, you need to have enough common sense to set yourself tasks within your powers."

Nikolay Ostrovsky

"If only people knew that the goal of humanity is not material progress, that this progress is inevitable growth, and the goal is the same - the good of all people."

Lev Tolstoy

“Striving forward is the goal of life. Let the whole life be an aspiration, and then there will be high beautiful hours in it ”.

Maksim Gorky

“Our whole life is striving for a goal. From beginning to end, it is presented in the form of a hierarchy of goals, of which some are subordinated to others as means. There are goals that are not desirable in themselves, but for the sake of something else: for example, you need to work to eat and drink. But there is also a goal that is desirable in itself. Each of us has something infinitely dear to live for. Everyone consciously or unconsciously assumes a goal or value for which it is certainly worth living. This goal or, what is also, the meaning of life is an unavoidable assumption, necessarily connected with life as such, and that is why no setbacks can stop humanity in its search for this meaning. "

Evgeny Trubetskoy

“You don't have to be too moral, otherwise you run the risk of indulging in self-deception. Your goal should be above morality. You have to be not just good, but good for the sake of something. "

Henry D. Thoreau

"The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of being has its own high goal."

Maksim Gorky

"To the extent that a person spends himself for a great purpose, to the same extent he finds the highest happiness in his work."

Booker Washington T.

“Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand goodness, our life is nothing but a striving for goodness. "

Lev Tolstoy

“Life is boring without a moral goal, it’s not worth living just to eat, the worker knows this too - therefore, a moral occupation is necessary for life”.

Fedor Dostoevsky

“First, don't do anything without a reason and purpose. Secondly, do not do anything that would not be beneficial to society. "

Marcus Aurelius

What is a goal in general? Is it really necessary for a person? Is it really impossible to live life happily without it? Wise quotes and aphorisms about a goal convince us that life without a goal is empty and uninteresting.

“A mind that has no definite purpose is lost; to be everywhere means to be nowhere. "

Michel de Montaigne

"A person grows as his goals grow."

Friedrich Schiller

"To set in motion all his forces, a person needs to place in front of him some noble goal that can inspire him."

Joseph Ernest Renan

"Nothing is done in history without a conscious intention, without a desired goal."

Friedrich Engels

“The concept of a person is based on the fact that his last goal should be unattainable, and his path to it should be endless”.

Johann G. Fichte

"The purpose of the world is for reason to reign."

Michel de Montaigne

“I respect people who know exactly what they want. Most of the troubles around the world stem from the fact that people do not accurately understand their goals. Starting to erect a building, they spend too little effort on the foundation for the tower to stand. "

Johann Goethe

“To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve the goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed. "

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

“Taking the means as the end, people become disillusioned with themselves and others, due to which nothing comes out of all their activities or the opposite of what they were striving for.”

Johann Goethe

“Finding your way, knowing your place - that's all for a person, it means for him to become himself.”

Vissarion Belinsky

“They will not reach the goal in time. She's left too far behind. "

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"The goal of all activity of the intellect is to transform some 'miracle' into something comprehensible."

Albert Einstein

"If people don't laugh at your goals, then your goals are too small."

Azim Premji

"Have a goal for all life, a goal for a certain time, a goal for a year, for a month, for a week, for a day, and for an hour, and for a minute, sacrificing lower goals to higher ones."

Lev Tolstoy

Setting a goal is half the battle. How to achieve it is the question. Quotes and aphorisms about achieving a goal organize, inspire, help not to give up at the first failure.

"The easier it is to achieve the goal, the weaker the desire for it."

Pliny the Younger

"Set yourself only achievable goals."

Quintus Horace Flaccus

"If there is no goal, you do nothing, and you do not do anything great, if the goal is insignificant."

Danny Diderot

"If you are heading towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​barking at you, you will never reach your goal."

Fedor Dostoevsky

“The difficulties increase as you get closer to the goal. But let everyone make his own way, like the stars, calmly, without haste, but continuously striving for the intended goal. "

Johann Goethe

"Through the realization of great goals, a person discovers in himself a great character, making him a beacon for others."

Georg Hegel

“Improving the morals of his time is the goal that every writer should strive for, if he does not want to be only a“ entertainer of the public ”.

Honore de Balzac

“The attainment of the highest virtues is the goal of man. In achieving them, one should not set any limits for oneself. "

Grigory Skovoroda

"Straightforwardness does not provide the shortest path to the goal."

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"To achieve this goal, efficiency is needed no less than knowledge."

Pierre Beaumarchais

"To be at a distance of a step from the goal, or not to come close to it at all, is, in essence, the same thing."

Gothold E. Lessing

"To know the goal to which you are striving is prudence, to achieve this goal is the fidelity of the gaze, to stop at it is strength, to go beyond the goal is audacity."

Charles Duclos

"When it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change the plan of action."


"The secret of success is persistence in achieving the goal."

Benjamin Disraeli

"To achieve the goal, it makes sense to do exactly what will most affect the result."

Nikolay Latansky

“The most dangerous poison is the sense of achieving a goal. The antidote to which is to think every night that you can do better tomorrow. "

Ingvar Kamprad

"I can't control the direction of the wind, but I can always set my sails to reach my goal."

Oscar Wilde

Does the end always justify the means, as the famous expression says? This moral aspect has always been hotly debated. Quotes and aphorisms of great people about achieving a goal claim that even the greatest undertaking can be destroyed by unworthy methods of achieving it.

“Let no one deviate a step from the honest path under the plausible pretext that this is justified by a noble goal. Any fine goal can be achieved by honest means. And if it is not possible, then this goal is bad. "

Charles Dickens

"No goal is high enough to justify the unworthy means to achieve it."

Albert Einstein

“Some Jesuits argue that any means is good, if only to achieve the goal. Not true! Not true! With feet defiled by the dirt of the road, it is unworthy to enter a clean temple. "

Ivan Turgenev

"If a person makes something vain as his goal, that is, insignificant, insignificant, then here is not an interest in the matter, but an interest in oneself."

Georg F. Hegel

"The height of madness is to set yourself the goal of destroying passions."

Danny Diderot

"Lofty goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved."

Johann Goethe

"An end that requires the wrong means is not a right end."

Karl Marx

“You need to appreciate people according to the goals that they set for themselves.”

Nikolay Miklukho-Maclay

"The purpose of our earthly existence is to educate humanity, and all low vital needs only serve it and must become reason, subtle feelings - art, drives - noble freedom and beauty, incentive forces - philanthropy."

Johann G. Herder

"The goal must be happiness, otherwise the fire will not burn brightly enough, the driving force will not be powerful enough - and success will not be complete."

Theodore Dreiser

"The end cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the means determine the nature of the end."

Aldous Huxley

Having achieved the set goal, it is necessary to immediately set the next one. This is what wise quotes and aphorisms about the goal and the result say. It is subtly noted in them that most often all the salt is in the process of achieving success. It seems to me that there is certainly something in this ...

"The plucked flower should be presented, the poem that was started should be completed, and the beloved woman should be happy, otherwise you shouldn't have taken on what you can't do."

Omar Hayame

"Often, having achieved your goal, you realize that you are not satisfied."

"Only when a person reaches his goal, he realizes that the best thing in his life is the path that he has traveled for this goal."

"The path makes us happy, not the goal!"

Dan Millman

“Great minds set goals for themselves; the rest of the people follow their desires. "

Washington Irving

“In life, you should set two goals for yourself. The first goal is to accomplish what you were aiming for. The second goal is the ability to rejoice at what has been achieved. Only the wisest representatives of humanity are capable of achieving the second goal. "

Smith Logan

"There are few unattainable things in the world: if we had more persistence, we could find a way to almost any goal."

Francois La Rochefoucauld

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become by achieving your goals."

Zig Ziglar

"Set big goals for yourself, because they are easier to hit."

Friedrich Schiller

“If you underestimate your goals, even when you reach them, you will still feel frustrated. Imagine what would happen if you fail? Therefore, it is much better to fail incredibly high expectations than to achieve low goals. "

Grant Cardone

“Why does the ship conquer the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? I realized - the reason is that the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always go where we want. "

Winston Churchill

Dreaming, having a goal and believing in it is wonderful. But this is not enough to get the desired result. Purposefulness, self-confidence and understanding that failure is not at all equal to final defeat are the keys to success. This is what our selection of quotes and aphorisms about striving for a goal is about.

“Anyone who sets clear goals for himself and is unwaveringly trying to achieve them is condemned to success. This is the law of the Universe. "

Cecil Blount

“The goals should be clear, simple and written down on paper. If they are not written down on paper and you do not revise them every day, these are not goals. These are wishes. "

Robert Kiyosaki

"There will be a goal - there will be a road!"

"Regardless of any obstacles, I will go to my goal."

Karl Marx

"Each attempt makes a crack in the wall, behind which is that target."

"Keep going towards the goal, enjoying the process."

“Focus on what matters most. You will reach the goal faster ”.

"If all people in the world gave up at the first setbacks, no goal in the entire history of mankind would have been achieved."

Diana Mashkova

“The mere fact that you have achieved something - set a goal and achieved it - means a lot. Here is real life without any "could, would have done, would have achieved ..."

Chuck Palahniuk

"Procrastination is the first enemy on the road to your goals."

“Most people striving for a goal are more likely to do one big thing.
Effort than to stubbornly follow the chosen path; because of laziness and inconstancy, they often lose the fruits of their best endeavors and allow themselves to be overtaken by those who set out later than they, and walked more slowly, but nonstop. "

Jean de La Bruyère

"Truly serious pursuit of a goal is half the battle in achieving it."

Wilhelm Humboldt

“Do you have a goal? Run to her!
Does not work? Go to her!
Does not exceed? Crawl to her!
Can not? Lie down and lie in her direction! "

Remember that feeling of joy on the face of a child who manages to take the first step in his life? For us adults, this tiny step only evokes a condescending smile. But in fact, this is a huge breakthrough in the life of a baby! Listen to how wisely and aptly it is said in quotes and aphorisms that small steps can come to a big goal.

"It is better to go to the goal at the speed of a turtle than to come up with excuses at the speed of light, why you are standing still."

Bodo Schaeffer

"He who waddles along a straight road will always outrun the runner who has gone astray."

Francis Bacon

“It doesn't matter how fast you move towards your goal. The main thing is not to stop. "


"The slowest person, unless he loses sight of the goal, goes faster than the one who wanders aimlessly."

Gothold E. Lessing

“Take a step towards your goal every day. Let it be small, let it be alone, but every day. And then the question of achieving the goal is only a matter of time. "

“Each goal is made up of many small ones. Set yourself a small goal every day. Get it. Then put another one. Strive. Until you reach the big goal. "

"The path of a thousand steps begins with the first step."

Ancient chinese wisdom

"Seeing the goal, not the obstacles, we will get where we need to."

"Big wins start with small steps."

"Take a step and the road will appear by itself."

Steve Jobs

"Small steps can go very far."

J.R.R. Tolkien

"Even great goals can be achieved by taking enough small steps."

Henry Ford

"Every small step brings us closer to a big goal."

Set goals and achieve them, dear readers! And may any of your undertakings be successful!

And you can continue the conversation and be filled with energy here:

And for my heart I would like to invite you to listen to the immortal Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven. A true example of purposefulness, because it was written when the composer was already losing his hearing. Performed by Valentina Lisitsa.

How to keep believing in yourself on the way to your goal

Back in 1990 (plus or minus) a girl was sitting in the Siberian town of Irkutsk. She was eight years old, and most of all she dreamed of seeing the world. She dreamed of going to Disneyland, which her mother could not afford. She dreamed of Italy, Holland, Paris. Without even knowing exactly what she wants to see there. She dreamed of touching an elephant and feeding a giraffe. She dreamed of swimming with a dolphin and seeing a whale. She wanted to see many new countries and cities. But.

She's eight years old. She lives in Irkutsk. Together with. At that time, my mother worked at the Computing Center - this is such a scientific institute. They were recently given a killed kopeck piece, and my mother put it in order on her own. They have little money, so they usually buy two cucumbers per week. And the girl is very fond of cucumbers, and her favorite food - salad - is like a dessert…. The girl does not have a lot of outfits, her mother most often alters her dresses for her. And they are the most beautiful and beloved! Mom does the maximum possible for her daughter.

She doesn't have a lot of toys. But she has a bike that my mother managed to buy by hook or by crook! But in the very first summer, some clever guys twisted some piece of iron from the wheel, and the bicycle settled on the balcony for a long time. In winter they rented skates ...

Her friends dream of real Barbies, non-Soviet dresses, princes. And she dreams of seeing the world with her own eyes. And leave this small town forever.

She very rarely leaves her city somewhere - to neighboring ones, to visit relatives. Mom works all the time. There is no money for travel. Even across the USSR. And mom's values ​​are completely different.

In general, the ordinary life of a small family is still in the USSR. And then it will be even more "fun". Yes, the girl's. And mom drags everything alone….

Tell me, what kind of dreams can there be? Therefore, the girl was silent. A couple of times she said that she would marry a Dutchman, and everyone laughed. She didn't say anything else.

But is it possible to stop dreaming about what so attracts? In her life later there will be hikes in the surrounding mountains, trips to the nearest Baikal. But dreams will not disappear anywhere….

She will dream about a beautiful wedding, and about little wonderful children, and about a big noisy family, where she will never be lonely .... And travel. Travel, of course! Is it real in the head of a child who grew up behind the Iron Curtain?

In its 1990 reality, all this is unrealizable. The dream of Disneyland cannot come true for such a girl, no matter how she herself wants to give her all the best. A real elephant cannot happen - just a tortured animal in a circus…. What kind of big family can there be in such conditions and with such a scenario?

Probably, I should tell her to give up all these dreams and return to reality. Study, work, achieve everything on your own ...

And I want to go to her. To that girl at the window of the Khrushchev, behind which is the usual Irkutsk courtyard, take her hand. And tell her:

"Never! Do you hear! Never!…. never betray your dreams !!! " - and hug her. This little Olya. Who so badly wanted something different from what others dreamed of.

Olenka, dear, all this will be. And a real elephant, and a giraffe, and a penguin, and horses, cows, dolphins, whales, rhinos, zebras ... And you touch, and touch, and ride. You will visit so many different countries! You will see with your own eyes the Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, and the statue of Christ in Rio ... And there will be dresses and dolls.

AND . Where to each baby you, like your mother then, will try to give everything, give the maximum, all the best. And they will touch elephants and giraffes with you….

Don't betray your dreams! , do you hear? They are not just given to you, they show the way. This is how you can find yourself and your place in this world. It is travel that will open the depths of your heart to you. They will strengthen your family, help your special son get out of the shell. They will inspire you to be creative. You will definitely see the world!

Let the dream seem unrealizable now. Let it be "impossible", "wrong" and "no one does that." If you have a dream, it is no coincidence.

Go to meet your dreams. Don't run away from them. Go ahead! It will not be easy, it will take an effort - and a lot. But it's worth it.

Don't betray your dreams!

Olga Valyaeva

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