Home Mushrooms Organizational activities. Preparation of the workplace and admission to work. To be a workplace or not to be

Organizational activities. Preparation of the workplace and admission to work. To be a workplace or not to be

Patron planet: The sun.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Ekaterina: yellow-green color, a symbol of the mind, and red is an emblem of passion, impulsiveness.

Favorite colors of Catherine (Katya): dark blue, brown.

Stone-mascot of Catherine (Katya): pale green chrysolite.

Catherine's (Katya's) birthday: December 7 (November 24) - Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin Great Martyr.

This name, formed from the Greek word "katharios", means "purity, purity."

The Russian Orthodox Church venerates the Great Martyr Catherine, the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria of Egypt, who honorably walked the path of suffering for her faith during the time of Emperor Maximian (305-313). She possessed a rare beauty, intelligence and received an excellent education. Many sought her hand, but Catherine announced that she would only marry someone who surpassed her in nobility, wealth and wisdom. Her mother, a secret Christian, took her daughter to the holy elder, who performed the sacrament of Baptism over her, handed over the icon of the Mother of God with the Infant Jesus and told her to pray to the Heavenly Queen for the granting of the vision of Her son. At night, the girl had a vision of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child. When Catherine woke up, a ring shone on her hand - a wondrous gift from the Heavenly Bridegroom. During the pagan festivities, Catherine went to the ruler of the empire to save the people who profess Christianity, who were sacrificed to the pagan gods. The emperor tried to seduce her by proposing marriage, and forced her to renounce the Christian faith under the threat of a wheel. The saint boldly approached the wheels, and they scattered to pieces, overwhelming many pagans. Then with a prayer for the glory of Christ, the martyr herself laid her head on the block.

The name Catherine was very popular in Russia: commoners, noblewomen, and merchants wore it. Catherine's festivities were held all over the Russian countryside: skating and racing in decorated troikas ended with the men seeing off to winter earnings - to a carriage. On the night of Katerina-sannitsa, the girls wondered about their betrothed and asked for a happy family life.

The meaning of the name Ekaterina (Katya)

How many charming diminutive names like a flower wreath, surrounds this majestic name: Katenka, Katyusha, Katrusya, Katerinochka Katenok. And in full sounding in the name Catherine, a certain authority and majesty is heard. This traditionally "royal name" speaks of a penchant for rational creativity, insight and the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to critically analyze what is happening.

Catherine is already a child shows independence, rare homeliness, extravagance in clothes and actions. Katya is proud, hardly tolerates someone's superiority, because she is usually one of the best students in the class and makes friends with strong and authoritative classmates. Some indecision of character is more like discretion. Ekaterina is a dreamer, she has a well-developed imagination.

Ekaterina is attractive, she has many fans. But for marriage, she will choose the closest in spirit, capable of making her feel confident and protected.

Catherine often worries about the smallest trifles, which sometimes becomes the reason for the desperate actions that she commits. She should pay attention to the instability of the nervous system, she needs a lot of sleep and rest, as well as a predisposition to lung diseases.

When communicating with Katya, you should always remember about her vanity. She has friends with whom she is sincere, but there are few of them. She understands good humor, she loves to joke. If the interlocutor manages to have a heart-to-heart talk with Catherine, he will be sincerely surprised to discover in her qualities that are imperceptible to those around her. The karma of the name is harmonious.

Ekaterina can work at work, at an institute or school.

The name Ekaterina corresponds to 1- the number of goals, which is reflected in the character in the form of a tendency towards self-affirmation and some ambition, rejection of anything on faith, without internal analysis. Such rationalism is designed to guard a restless and vulnerable soul.

In the natural world, the name Catherine corresponds to a strawberry and a swan - an emblem of loyalty and nobility, a symbol of grace, purity and innocence.

Famous Catherine

The name Catherine was borne in baptism by the Orthodox Russian Empresses Catherine I and the "radiant" Catherine II, whose long and extraordinary reign created an entire era.

The strait between Japan and the Kuril Islands bears the name of St. Catherine. The cities of Yekaterinburg, Yekaterinoslav, Yekaterinodar were named after him.

The name Catherine was borne by the protagonists of the novels by Leo Tolstoy "Resurrection" and Kaverin's "Two Captains", the poems of Shevchenko and Nekrasov.

Shakespeare's comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" and Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm" are decorated with this name.

The formidable weapon "Katyusha" became a symbol of invincibility during the Great Patriotic War.

A contemporary of Catherine II, Princess Catherine Dashkova, in 1783 became the first president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Ekaterina Trubetskaya, the first of the wives of the Decembrists, followed her disgraced husband into exile, like Ekaterina Norova.

The rebellious fate of their husbands was shared by Ekaterina Bruce (wife of an associate of Peter I), Ekaterina Andreeva (wife of the poet Konstantin Balmont), Ekaterina Peshkova (the first wife of Maxim Gorky).

Nikolai Karamzin - Ekaterina Andreevna, Mikhail Kutuzov - Ekaterina Ilinichna, Vladimir Solovyov - Ekaterina Alekseevna, Dmitry Mendeleev - his sister Ekaterina Ivanovna - owe a lot to their wives for the success of their creativity and career.

Ekaterina Breshko-Breshkovskaya is one of the organizers and leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, “the grandmother of the Russian revolution”.

Ekaterina Vazem is a Russian ballet dancer and teacher, among the 22 dances of her repertoire are the heroines of the romantic ballets Giselle, Le Corsaire, La Bayadere, Sleeping Beauty, Raymonda, her students - Pavlova, Kshesinskaya, Vaganova.

Ekaterina (Rina) Zelenaya - theater and film actress, starred in the films "Foundling", "The Bright Path", "Spring".

Ekaterina Furtseva - Minister of Culture of the USSR during the time of Nikita Khrushchev.

Ekaterina Savinova - Russian film actress, starred in the role of Frosya Burlakova in the film Come Tomorrow and the cook Matryona in the film The Marriage of Balzaminov.

Ekaterina Maksimova - ballerina, performer of the main roles in the ballets "Stone Flower", "Petrushka", "Giselle", "Bakhchisarai Fountain".

Catherine Deneuve - French film actress, starred in the films "Umbrellas Cherbourg", "The Girl of Rochefort", "Day Beauty", "Indochina".

Ekaterina Vasilyeva - theater and film actress, starred in the films "Bumbarash", "An Ordinary Miracle", "Sorcerers", "The Crew"

The name Ekaterina is popular all over the world. This name was given to their heroines by William Shakespeare, Veniamin Kaverin, Nikolai Nekrasov, Nikolai Ostrovsky, Lev Tolstoy. It gives women unique personality traits.

The origin and meaning of the name Ekaterina

Catherine is translated from Greek as "eternally pure", "immaculate." This is the most likely theory. There are also dubious ones: as a version of the connection of the name with the Hellenic goddess of darkness and witchcraft Hecate ((ancient Greek Ἑκάτη).

The Oxford Dictionary of Personal Names found the idea of ​​a relationship between the names Catherine and Hecate unfounded

Transliteration, nicknames, short and diminutive forms

When issuing a passport, ordering goods in an online store or booking a hotel room, you may need to spell the name in transliteration: EKATERINA.

Diminutive forms of this name:

  • Ekaterina;
  • Ekaterishka;
  • Katya;
  • Katerinochka;
  • Katerishka;
  • Katena;
  • Katenok;
  • Katun;
  • Katusya;
  • Katyulya;
  • Katyunya;
  • I'm rolling;
  • Katyusha.

Abbreviated versions: Katrya, Katyura, Katyukha, Katya, Katyaha, Katyasha, Rina.

Synonyms: Katarina, Katerina, Katrina, Katherine.

Photo Gallery: Name Variants

Katka, Katyshok, Katyukha - this is how the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky calls his daughter Katya in a poem dedicated to her. Ekaterina - the full name of the popular Soviet actress Rina Zelenoy Katyusha is not only an affectionate appeal to Katerina, but also the name of the combat vehicle. Katyonok is a very cute form of the name Ekaterina, which is indistinguishable from the word "kitten"

Suitable middle names

They go well with the name Ekaterina patronymics formed from the names of Greek origin: Alexandrovna, Alekseevna, Vasilievna, Denisovna, Konstantinovna.

The patronymic contains the genetic code passed down from generation to generation.

Boris Higir in the book "Women's names and patronymics" notes that Ekaterina Davydovna has masculine traits, loves to chat, cooks well and loves to receive guests. Ekaterina Markovna is impetuous, domineering, unpredictable, does not accept other people's advice, often quarrels with friends. For Ekaterina Nikolaevna, the family comes first.

Patron saint, name day dates

The patron saint of Katya is the great martyr Catherine of Alexandria. She lived in an era of persecution of Christians. Believers turn to her with prayers during difficult childbirth.

Previously, on Catherine's day, they organized sled races, and in the evening they used to bewitch.

Girls and women with the name Katerina have more than one angel day in the year: February 5 and 17, March 20, December 7 and 17.

Table: name Catherine, Catherine in other languages

Language Writing Transcription
EnglishCathe (a) rine, Kathryn, KatrinaKatherine, Katrina
WelshCatrin, CaitlinKatrin, Kaitlin
GreekΑικατερίνη, Κατερίνα Ekaterini, Katerina
IrishCatriona, Caitlín, CaitriaKatrina, Kathleen, Katria
SpanishCatalina, CatarinaCatalina, Catarina
Korean캐서린 Kesolin
GermanKat (h) rin, Catherina, KatiaKatrin, Katerina, Katya
NorwegianCathrine, Karine, KarenKatrine, Karine, Karen
PolishKatarzynaKatarzyna, Katarzyna
RomanianEcaterina, CătălinaEkaterina, Catalina
UkrainianKaterina, KatryaKaterina, Katrya
FinnishKat (a) riina, KatriKat (a) riina, Katri
Japanese公平里 Kyasarin

Impact on fate and character

Catherine is principled, she always tries to do the right thing, to tell the truth. Lies are considered a waste of time, a source of unnecessary problems.

I agree that Catherine is fair, honest girls. All my acquaintances Katya are straightforward, smart, very beautiful. It is interesting to communicate with them. They have their own opinion about everything. But most of all I value them for their sincerity and heightened sense of justice.

Description of the name from the point of view of different researchers

The name Ekaterina is very popular, so many name researchers describe it.

Boris Higir writes that the appearance of a woman named by this name is deceiving... Katya is a hardworking, assertive careerist, but self-doubt prevents her from reaching the top, which the lady hides behind insolence and insolence. And also, trying to seem more relaxed, free from prejudices, Catherine can drink too much at a party or start smoking a lot. The spouse does not like a soul in her, although the hostess from Katya is far from being first-class. Raising children is not easy for her.

Saint Catherine Strait is located between Japan and the Kuril Islands.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima talk about the breadth and mobility of the Ekaterina energy sector. His characteristics were significantly influenced by the image of Empress Catherine the Great. If Katya feels that she does not correspond to the power of her name, then her pride can become painful. If you manage to get rid of the desire to assert herself at any cost, Katerina will achieve success in business and in her personal life.

LN Tsymbalova highlights the defining features of Catherine: a brilliant mind, pride. Katya's behavior depends on her mood. The girl copes with difficulties on her own, does not resort to the help of others. If the problem is not resolved, it can throw out anger on family.

P.A. Florensky considered the name Ekaterina to be the feminine complement of the name Nikolai.

Video: the meaning of the name Ekaterina

Interpreting the meanings of each of the letters in the name

All letters in the name Ekaterina have a certain semantic and emotional connotation:

  • "E" endows a person with simplicity of soul and ambition at the same time, as well as talkativeness, insight.
  • "K" - mysteriousness, the ability to keep other people's secrets, hard work, willpower, endurance, perfectionism.
  • "A" - activity, energy, dedication, the inclinations of a leader, organizational skills.
  • "T" - passion for diversity, developed intuition, emotionality, creative talents, love of truth.
  • "E" - repeating, the letter "e" enhances the qualities inherent in the first letter of this name.
  • "R" - loyalty to the given word and life principles, the desire to bring what has been started to the end, gambling, the ability to see the essence of things without being fooled by a beautiful facade.
  • "I" - subtle spirituality, impressionability, peacefulness, great taste.
  • "N" - a critical mindset, the ability to make informed decisions, clarity in relationships: both in love and friendship.
  • "A" at the end - touchiness, inability to accept criticism in one's own address, arrogance, capriciousness.


Little Katya is active, sensible, sociable, easily makes friends. In games, Katenka always cheered. She starts talking and reading early. The girl is ambitious and vain, strives to be the first in everything: first in the kindergarten, then in school. As the best and most responsible student, the girl is often chosen as the head of the class.

Disadvantages of the girl's character: capriciousness, touchiness, vanity.

Little Katya often recites poetry to guests in anticipation of applause and gifts

Adolescence and adulthood

In her youth, Katya's entourage is mostly weak-willed, led people who see her as a leader, not a friend. Due to her habit of judging people harshly, her lack of tact, Catherine often repels those who could become her true friends. She does not recognize anyone's authority over herself.

Significant years for Katerina are those containing the numbers 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96.

Adult Catherine learns to smooth out conflicts, becomes diplomatic, hones oratory. She learns to restrain her violent temperament, she shows organizational inclinations. Her popularity is growing, strong people are beginning to reach for her. Things are going uphill.


Katya has strong immunity, but she has problems with hormone levels. Health deteriorates during puberty. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the girl's well-being.

Work and hobbies

Catherine can handle any job. Women with this name become journalists, TV presenters, manage engineering and economic departments. Katerina is a valuable employee. She is executive and active, works for the result, if she feels her own benefit.

In her free time, Katya likes to read.

Love and marriage

Catherine's personal life is not easy. Relationships in youth are a series of disappointments, separations, quarrels and reconciliation. Some are scared off by Catherine's difficult character. She is in the eternal search for the ideal - a noble, strong, compliant knight.

Despite the frenzied popularity in the opposite field, Katya dares to trust very few people enough to let him into her life. It is difficult to please this woman. In her husband, she seeks to find support, a person who is close in spirit.

Often, Catherine marries of convenience, but they are not interested in money alone. The husband should treat her like a princess: pamper her, give her generous gifts. But she should also take care of her handsome prince in order to maintain the strength of the bond.

The more identical consonants in the name of a woman and her lover, the better their compatibility.

Table: compatibility with male names in love and marriage

Impact on the name of the seasons

Catherine, born in autumn, is serious, demanding, reasonable, strong, stubborn, fair. This romantic and sexy lady has no end to her fans, but the habit of controlling everything can ruin the relationship.

Winter Kat is not talkative, she does not like rush and fuss. A penchant for intrigue, pride, self-esteem prevent a woman from creating a lasting union. However, for loved ones, she is ready for anything.

Winter Catherine will prefer to spend the evening not visiting, but with a mug of tea by the burning fireplace

Spring Katya is a homebody, she does not like to go to nightclubs, to parties, but she gladly receives guests at her place. He communicates with friends regularly, but keeps a little aloof. Usually she gets married late - she cannot find a suitable partner for a long time. Her beloved spouse and children become the center of the universe for her. If you can't have a child, Katerina is not against adoption.

Katyusha, born in one of the summer months, never sits still, as a child she is a real fidget. Men are attracted to a woman by beauty, sociability, energy, self-confidence. The husband does not like a soul in Catherine.

Name horoscope

Each sign of the zodiac has a certain influence on personality development. This explains why carriers of the same name sometimes have radically opposite character traits.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Katerina with the sign of Aries knows for sure what she wants from life, and stubbornly achieves her goal. But the impulsive nature sometimes prevents the girl from thinking rationally, as a result, she makes serious mistakes.

Taurus is a neat, responsible lady, capable of turning the world upside down. She is appreciated by her colleagues and superiors. The man who conquered it considers himself the winner, not realizing that he has fallen into cleverly placed nets.

Gemini is active, witty, quick-witted, on his own mind. Friends often compare her with a sly fox. Katya of this sign easily makes acquaintances, but because of frequent travels, she does not have time to really get close to anyone.

Cancer is romantic, gentle, emotional and looking for a husband to match. She becomes an exemplary wife. A woman appreciates peace and stability, including material stability. Dislikes noisy companies.

Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

The lioness is a passionate, ardent nature. Speaks in the eyes everything that he thinks. Seeks to make useful acquaintances for selfish reasons. Skillfully manipulates people. Not every guy is able to be with such a woman for a long time.

Virgo is practical, confident, purposeful, selfish. Someone else's indecision annoys her. She quickly climbs the career ladder. Only a decisive, temperamental partner can yield a leadership role in a relationship.

Libra is an optimist, a dreamer. She is soft, modest, sincere. He meets his soul mate after a series of short novels.

Scorpio is quick-tempered, prickly. It is difficult to communicate with her, she has few or no friends. Gentle and sensitive is only with dear people. This woman's husband should be patient and strong-minded.

Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Sagittarius is a cheerful, bright girl. She considers mistakes to be a valuable life experience, so they rarely unsettle her. Does not forgive betrayal, betrayal.

Capricorn has a great sense of humor. Her mood is changeable: cheerfulness can turn into anger in the blink of an eye. Avoids serious relationships, prefers short novels without obligations.

The first hundred-ruble bills were called "katenka" - they depicted a portrait of Catherine II.

Aquarius is a romantic, dreamy beauty. In anticipation of meeting his ideal, he rejects one suitor after another. She is better alone than with just anyone, as Omar Khayyam advised.

Pisces are looking for reliability and understanding in a spouse. Before marriage, men are changed like gloves. The actions of the girl of this sign are dictated by rationality and prudence.

Table: astrological symbolism

Positive qualities of people with a name number 8: honesty, endurance, the ability to slowly but surely achieve what you want. Negative character traits: greed, careerism.

Photo gallery: famous Katyushas

People's Artist of the RSFSR Yekaterina Sergeevna Vasilyeva brilliantly played Queen Catherine de Medici in the TV series "Queen Margot" and "Countess de Monsoro" Yekaterina Strizhenova - TV host of the program "Good Morning" Prim ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Ekaterina Vazem some of the main parts were composed by the famous choreographer Marius Petipa Catherine Deneuve - the famous French film actress and singer Valentin Gaft, the Soviet prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, dedicated the poem "Fouette" British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones received an Oscar for her supporting role in the musical "Chicago"

Poems and songs

Many poems and songs are dedicated to Katya. So, Robert Rozhdestvensky has a work called "Daughter", Valentin Berestov - "Grandma Katya", Sasha Cherny "About Katyusha", and Sergei Mikhalkov - "Fashionable dress".

Brought as a gift to Katya
Foreign souvenir -
Amazing dress!
The whole world is reflected in it.
Dozens of words crooked and sideways -
All city names:
These are only sleeves!
On the back: "MADRID", "ISTANBUL",
On the chest: "MARCEL", "MILAN",
At the hem, from top to bottom:
How do you put on this dress
Everyone is trying to pester.
All fit: - Hello, Katya!
Can I read the dress?
How to answer the question?
Katya is angry to tears.
And the boys Katya followed:
- Are you a textbook or not ?!
Well, and fashionable girlfriends,
That they envy each other
They are in a hurry to ask:
- Will you give us a dress to wear?
Only dad frowns
He is not happy with the souvenir:
- This is just nonsense,
Mixed up cities:
Here - Bombay, and Delhi - there ?!
Near Delhi Amsterdam ?!
If you memorize it,
You can get a deuce!

Sergey Mikhalkov


In a poem by Sasha Cherny, a siskin drinks coffee at Katyusha's

Agnia Barto composed the poem "Katya":

We are all morning
We were busy with sprouts
We planted them
With your own hands.
My grandmother and I together
We planted seedlings
And Katya went
With a friend in the garden.
Then we had to
Fight the weeds
We pulled them out
With your own hands.
My grandmother and I were carrying
Full watering cans
And Katya was sitting
In the garden on a bench.
- What are you on the bench
Are you sitting like a stranger? -
And Katya said:
I am waiting for the harvest.

Agniya Barto


Songs about Katy, Katyusha are sung by such performers as Andrei Derzhavin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Mikhail Krug, Alexander Novikov, Vladimir Asmolov, Lev Leshchenko, Boris Grebenshchikov.

Video: Oleg Yakovlev - "Hello, Katya"

Katerina rhymes with words such as "submarine", "nectarine"; Katyusha - with "listen", "soul"; Katya - with "dad", "bed".

Ekaterina is one of the twenty most popular names in Russia. The characteristics of this name are influenced by the seasons, the signs of the zodiac, the patronizing planet and other astrological symbolism.

The meaning of the name Katya, Katyusha or Ekaterina for most people who know well the history of Russia is "royal". Its very sound is associated with majesty, pomp, imperiousness and intelligence.

The meaning of the name Katya from the Greek "katarios" means "immaculate", "pure". Even in childhood, girls bearing this name are thrifty. If Katyusha went to visit, then in her pocket there will definitely be sweets or an apple. Surely adults are at the same time touched by her intelligence and intelligence.

Katya is very proud. At the same time, she suffers someone else's superiority very painfully. As high school girls, girls with this name always strive to be the best. With whom they communicate at this age, they choose themselves. As a rule, their environment includes children who make up the "elite" of the class and enjoy the authority and power of their influence.

In girls born in the spring, it is often associated with an indecisive character. Often they have displays of extravagance, as well as bravado in dress or behavior, especially in extreme situations.

The meaning of the name Katya means impulsiveness of character, the desire to always and in everything to get the palm. At the same time, women with this name find it difficult to transfer the superiority of another person over themselves. Catherines are concerned about their own inferiority, invented by them. They constantly worry about the desire to surpass all the people around them.

Katya, the meaning of whose name is also associated with a person with a rich imagination and imagination, does not always resemble the vivid image of the Russian empress. In real life, girls and women who bear this name are often not so dignified. But in friendship and love, Katyushas are always intelligent, tactful and kind. They value confidence and reliability both in themselves and in their partners. However, at the same time, due to the exacting nature of their character, it is not easy to get along with them.

Catherine is never deprived of male attention. They always have a lot of admirers and admirers. However, they do not strive to get married early. Katyusha needs a life partner who suits her psychologically. And she is ready to spend time looking for him.

The inner anxiety of women wearing can be increased for the most insignificant reason. This emotional outburst becomes the cause of thoughtless impulsive actions.

Women who bear this name, as a rule, are well-arranged in life, but they do not always become exemplary housewives. Katie succeed in all their endeavors, but they do not give a certain preference to any specialty. They sincerely believe in the predictions of palmists and astrologers, and can turn to them for advice.

The secret of the name Katya lies in the period of birth. Women with this name, born in winter, are imperious and unbalanced. Autumn Catherines are prudent and strict. Women born in summer are fickle and flighty, and in spring they are selfish and capricious.

Special attention should be paid to Catherine's lungs and urogenital health. It is also worth taking care of your heart.

December 7 (November 24, old style) The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of memory of the holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria. In Russia, a lot is connected with this name: two empresses at once on the Russian throne with the name Ekaterina Alekseevna, dozens of churches erected in honor of St. Catherine, even the city of Yekaterinburg is marked on the map of the country.

Marco Basahiti. Saint Catherine of Alexandria. 1500 Fragment

Catherine, the meaning of the name

Ekaterina is a very popular name in Russia. It came to us from Byzantium. The root of the word "katharios" (purity) is the same as in the word "catharsis" (purification). Hence the name, which in translation from ancient Greek means "immaculate", "pure". In the XI-XII centuries, in ancient Russian manuscripts, the name Catherine is already found in a modified form, as Catherine. And in the oral tradition, for the convenience of communication, this polysyllabic and difficult to pronounce name was completely abbreviated to Katya. In Europe, there were also abbreviations of the form: Katrina, Katrein, Catalina.

Today we can afford to call a child any name. But this was not the case in pre-revolutionary Russia. For example, there were circulars prescribing not to give family members the same names, difficult to pronounce, and in general, to try to name the child in accordance with the saint's memorial day. Meanwhile, the traditions of using names were developing. Parents tried to name their children after especially revered saints.

The popularity of a name often directly depended on the name of the king. So the All-Russian Empress Catherine II or Catherine the Great, who significantly expanded the territory of the Russian state, whose reforms affected almost all spheres of the country's life, could not but remain in the memory of descendants. Until the end of the 19th century, the name Catherine was one of the most beloved among the nobility.

This tradition continued into the twentieth century. According to statistics, until the 80s in the USSR, the name Catherine was firmly in the top ten most popular names. Even the M-13 anti-aircraft missile launcher, which was used during the Great Patriotic War, was unofficially and among the front-line soldiers called "Katyusha". The installation was classified, it was forbidden to give commands for battle: "pli" or "fire". They were replaced by "sing" and "play". And how could the “singing” M-13 be called by another name, except for Katyusha. Girls Katyusha, who "came out, started the song" from the hit of the late thirties by M. Blanter and M. Isakovsky.

Life of Saint Catherine

In 287, a joyful event happened in the family of the ruler of the Egyptian city of Alexandria. A girl was born, who at birth was given the name Dorothea. We know her as the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. The city, located in the Nile Delta, was one of the centers of the then world. The best minds, outstanding scientists, philosophers, doctors came to Alexandria. Thanks to her nobility and wealth, as well as natural intelligence, Saint Catherine not only listened to the speeches of learned men in the Museion; studied foreign languages, but also practiced oratory. And the Alexandrian library, numbering thousands of unique papyri, allowed the girl to read ancient philosophers and the works of ancient doctors.

Many noble youths dreamed of marriage with the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria. However, Saint Catherine was in no hurry to make a choice. It was announced to her parents and applicants for a hand and heart: only for the one she will marry, who surpasses her in wisdom and eminence, who overshadows her with beauty and wealth.

It must be said that the mother of St. Catherine was a Christian secret. Her spiritual father, tied up in a cave near Alexandria. It was there that the woman took her daughter. The monk, having listened to Saint Catherine, told her that he knew the Youth, Superior to the girl in all these gifts. “His beauty is brighter than sunlight; His wisdom governs all sensuous and spiritual creatures; the wealth of His treasures is spread throughout the world and never diminishes; and the height of His kind is inexpressible and incomprehensible. There is no one like Him in the whole world, ”said the hermit and thus converted the ruler's daughter to Christianity.

Twice Saint Catherine had a vision. She seemed to be transported to heaven and stood before Christ. For the first time, Christ turned away from the girl because of her ugliness and madness. Saddened and puzzled by what she saw, she returned to the Syrian elder. It was then that he baptized her with the name Catherine, teaching her to pray. The second vision was to Saint Catherine after her baptism. She was transported to heaven again. This time, Christ not only accepted the virgin, but also gave her a ring as a symbol of betrothal.

Impressed by the vision, Saint Catherine took a vow of celibacy. She began to openly preach Christianity. When a wide pagan festival was organized in Alexandria by the emperor Maximian, the girl came to it. Here she publicly denounced the pagans and confessed Christ. “Know the true God, beginningless and infinite; to them kings reign and peace is worth. He descended to earth and became a man for our salvation, ”said Saint Catherine to the emperor. Maximian was absolutely captivated by the beauty and speech of the young girl. Considering her high position, he did not dare to execute Saint Catherine on the spot. The cunning emperor tried to convince the princess. They invited fifty of the cleverest men. With their arguments and arguments, the pagans had to crush the faith of St. Catherine. The dispute about faith went on for several days, but the most learned people of the empire were forced to admit defeat. However, the emperor Maximian was not going to surrender. Realizing that neither gifts nor glory seduced Saint Catherine, he ordered that the maiden be imprisoned during his departure from the city. It was there that the wife of the emperor, Queen Augusta, came to Saint Catherine. After talking with the girl, Augusta accepted Christ.

After a while Maximian again summoned Saint Catherine. He hoped that the confinement and fear of a cruel death, to which he promised to subject the girl, would change the attitude of Saint Catherine, and she would renounce her God. But the emperor was wrong again. In a fit of rage, he ordered to sacrifice the great martyr to pagan idols and publicly wheel, but a miracle happened. An unknown force destroyed the instrument of torture. Queen Augusta, seeing this, stood up for Saint Catherine. She was supported by the commander Porfiry and 200 soldiers. Together they confessed Christ and were immediately beheaded by the order of the emperor. Maximian again and again made attempts to convince Saint Catherine. He not only persuaded her to renounce her faith. He prayed to Saint Catherine to become his wife. But the girl, calling herself the bride of Christ, laid her head on the block herself and was put to death.

According to various sources, this event took place in about 304-316. There is a legend that the body of the Great Martyr Catherine disappeared. As if the angels grabbed the body and carried it to Mount Sinai. There, three centuries later, the monastery of St. Catherine. The relics of the saint remain in it to this day.

Since the holy Great Martyr Catherine was canonized even before the division of the churches, she is revered by both Catholics and Orthodox. On the icons, the great martyr is depicted wearing a royal crown, emphasizing her noble origin. The crimson cloak-cape testifies to the saint's martyrdom.

Saints named Catherine

In history, other Catherines are also known who became saints. There are five of them in total. On December 7, we remember the great martyr Catherine of Alexandria. On December 17, we honor the memory of the new martyr Catherine Arskaya, who was shot in 1937 together with Archbishop Gabriel (Voevodin). On February 5, the church commemorates the Monk Martyr Ekaterina (Cherkasova), who was shot at the Butovo training ground. February 17 is the day of memory of Ekaterina (Decalina) or Ekaterina Simbirskaya, a nun who was shot in the basement of the Ulyanovsk NKVD. On March 20, 1938, for "systematic counter-revolutionary agitation", a novice of the monastery in honor of the icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow", Saint Ekaterina Konstantinova, was shot and buried in a common grave.

Saint Catherine's ring

One of the subjects of the life of the great martyr Catherine entered the annals of world fine art. The story of how Saint Catherine, appearing before Christ, receives a wedding ring from him, became the favorite subject of Renaissance artists. Raphael, Bartalomeo Fra, Veronese Paolo, Lorenze Lotto, Poussin, Giovanni Battista Bertucci, Parmigianino, Hans Memling and other great artists of later times painted Saint Catherine. A kind of canon has even developed in the history of European religious painting. On the canvases "The Betrothal of St. Catherine" the martyr is depicted in royal robes. Leaning at the feet of the Mother of God sitting on the throne, Saint Catherine takes the ring from the hands of the infant Christ.

Order of Saint Catherine

Order of St. Catherine "For Love and Fatherland"

The Order of St. Catherine was established by Peter I in memory of the ill-fated Prussian campaign, which nearly cost him his army and his life.

In the summer of 1711, on the Prut River, a small army led by the emperor himself was surrounded by the Turks. New attacks by the Janissaries, the desperation with which the Ottomans made sorties, as well as the loss of positions, threatened the Russian army with inevitable death. Negotiations and bribery of the Turkish vizier is a decision taken by the military council. They took 150 thousand rubles from the treasury. And Catherine Skavronskaya, who, like a faithful wife, accompanied the emperor even on the battlefield, they say, gave all her jewelry to the Pasha in favor of the “gift”. The outcome of the negotiations, the honorable truce concluded by Vice-Chancellor Shafirov, as expected, saved the army and the emperor.

On November 24, 1714, according to the old style, on the day of memory of St. Catherine, Peter I presented his wife with an order established by him in honor of her patroness, the great martyr Catherine. The Order of the Liberation was essentially a personal gratitude to his wife. It was intended only and exclusively for Catherine Skavronskaya. But very soon the Order of St. Catherine in Russia became not only the highest award for women, but a kind of symbol of belonging to the club of the elite. During its two-hundred-year existence, the order has been issued 734 times.

The Order of St. Catherine had two degrees and complained to the persons of the imperial house, as well as representatives of the highest nobility.

The Order of the Highest Grade, or Grand Cross, was worn on a white ribbon with a gold border over the shoulder. An eight-pointed star was attached to it. It was studded with many diamonds and was attached to the dress on the left. The Order of Merit, or the Order of the Lesser Cross, was worn on a white bow with embroidered silver with the motto "For Love and Fatherland."

However, in 1797, a new statute was issued by Paul I. First, the color of the ribbons on which the order was supposed to be worn was changed from white to red. With a gold border in the case of the order of St. Catherine of the first degree, and with a silver border for the order of cavalry. At the same time, it was established to grant the Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine to every Grand Duchess who was born. The Grand Dukes were accordingly awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Following this regulation, immediately after baptism, the newborn child was girded: boys - with a blue (St. Andrew's) ribbon, and girls - with a scarlet (Catherine's) ribbon. The custom of tying up babies with ribbons resembling the color of the order quickly took root among the nobility. The townspeople did not lag behind. The tradition associated with this story has survived to this day - upon discharge from the hospital, an envelope with a newborn baby is tied with a ribbon. Boys are blue. Girls - pink.

Interesting facts associated with the name Catherine

Catherine I, Catherine Alekseevna Mikhailova, wife of Peter the Great, actually bore the name of Marta Skavronskaya. This name was given to her at birth. She became Catherine only in 1704, having been baptized and converted to Orthodoxy. Alekseevna received her patronymic from her godfather - Tsarevich Alexei. And the surname Mikhailov was given to her by her husband, Peter I. The Emperor, wishing to remain incognito, regularly introduced himself as Peter Mikhailov.

Catherine II the Great, in fact, was called Sophia Augusta Frederica. She also received the name Catherine when she converted to Orthodoxy in 1744. At the request of her future mother-in-law, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, she was baptized with the name Catherine. At the same time, she received the patronymic Alekseevna, becoming the full namesake of her predecessor.

Catherine's festivities - the first sleigh rides

Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Catherine falls on December 7. By this time in Russia, winter had already come into its own and the land was covered with snow. Therefore, the first sleigh rides were called Catherine's festivities. It was believed that if the day is clear on November 24, the winter will be frosty. On this day, those who got married in the fall also went to the festivities. The newlyweds' sleigh, decorated with gold, painted with "paints with conclusions", opened the sleigh race. Saint Catherine was popularly revered as the patroness of brides and a helper in childbirth. There was even a proverb: Princess - a book, a cat - a kitten, and Katerina her child is dearer. And those girls who were only a guest at the autumn weddings, probably on the eve of the day of Catherine the Sannitsa, were guessing about the suitors. Either way, the polishing winter festivities and sledding was the best time to look at the young guys, pay tribute to their strength and dexterity, and look out for a fiancé.

With Ekaterina-sannitsa, the period also began when the men went to the latrine industry and were engaged in cabs.

Orthodox churches in honor of St. Catherine

Saint Catherine was revered as the patroness of women and a helper in childbirth. Therefore, churches in honor of the great martyr are consecrated throughout Russia. Including such churches were erected at almshouses, hospitals, orphanages. The largest churches are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Alapaevsk, Novokuznetsk, Petrozavodsk, Smolensk, Tver, Chelyabinsk. Today, in Moscow, the Church of St. Catherine in the Vspolye operates and is available for visiting.

Church of St. Catherine in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg has the largest number of churches consecrated in honor of St. Catherine. Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox.

On Vasilievsky Island, there is the largest Orthodox Catherine Cathedral near the Tuchkov Bridge. At this place, the temple stands in the middle of the 18th century. In 1809, the wooden church burned down completely. Only the image of St. Catherine was removed from the church. The new temple was consecrated in 1823. Almost a hundred years later, in 1917, it was ransacked and closed.

The building was seriously damaged during the blockade of Leningrad, when a shell hit the chapel. After the war, the Catherine Church was transferred to the use of the Geological Prospecting Institute. Divine services were resumed only in 1996, when the complex of buildings was returned to the St. Petersburg diocese. Now the cathedral is undergoing restoration. Regular services are held in the belfry church.

Catholic Church of St. Catherine in St. Petersburg

The first church of St. Catherine in Russia appeared by order of Peter I. The emperor, wishing to attract foreigners to St. Petersburg, declared freedom of religion. So the temple of St. Catherine of Alexandria became a symbol of religious tolerance. However, in 1737 the wooden church of St. Catherine burned down.

The stone church, one of the oldest Catholic churches in Russia, was allowed by Anna Ioannovna to be built on Nevsky Prospekt. During the construction of the Church of St. Catherine from 1739 to 1783, as many as three rulers were replaced. It was completed during the reign of Catherine II. Consecrated in honor of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, patroness of the empress, by the papal nuncio Giovanni Archeti. The temple became one of the centers of the Catholic influence in Russia. The number of parishioners here by the middle of the 19th century reached three thousand people. Striving for originality, many Russians became parishioners of the church and even converted to Catholicism. The temple was visited by Peter Chaadaev. And Zhozhrzh Dantes got married here with Ekaterina Goncharova.

Orthodox parish in honor of St. Catherine in Rome

Orthodox Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine in Rome. Photo from the site of the temple www.stcaterina.org

In Rome, at Via del Lago Terrione, 77/79, there is an Orthodox Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. The temple was built on the territory of the ambassador's villa Abamelek. Since October 2006, a liturgy has been celebrated every Sunday in the church, then still under construction. In 2009, the rite of great consecration was performed in the church of St. Catherine. The rector of the Church of St. Catherine in Rome is Archimandrite Anthony (Sevryuk). The church is located on a green hill and surrounded by a garden. A long marble staircase leads to it. From the platform in front of the entrance to the Church of St. Catherine, a panorama of the Cathedral of St. Peter opens.

Shrine-burial vault in Stuttgart

Several Orthodox churches in Europe in honor of St. Catherine, for example in the cities of Kiel and Amsterdam, were abolished.

However, in Stuttgart (the state of Baden-Württemberg) to this day there is a tomb church of St. Great Martyr Catherine. The tomb temple was consecrated in 1824. It was intended for burial, who died in 1819 from blood poisoning, Queen Catherine of Württemberg, daughter of Paul I. Ekaterina Pavlovna became famous for her charitable activities and care for the population devastated by the Napoleonic wars.

The temple was built on the site of a demolished medieval castle on Mount Rothenberg. It is designed as an antique rotunda. The architect used the local red sandstone as a building material. The interiors of the church of St. Catherine are modest. Several icons in gold frames, studded with precious stones, were brought from Russia. There is also a wedding icon of St. Great Martyr Catherine. The sarcophagus of Ekaterina Pavlovna is installed in the crypt. Orthodox services in the Church of St. Catherine are performed only on Holy Spirit Day. The rest of the time it works as a museum.

Troparion of the great martyr Catherine

With virtues, as if with the rays of the sun, / you enlightened the unfaithful sages, / and, like the bright moon walking in the night, / you drove away the darkness of unbelief / and you assured the queen, / together you denounced the tormentor, / the God-called bride, blessed by Catherine, / Thou hast climbed into the Heavenly palace / to the beautiful Bridegroom Christ, / and from Him you were crowned with a royal crown: / To him, come with the Angels, / pray for us, // creating your most honorable memory.

Kontakion of Great Martyr Catherine

An honest face Divinely, martyrs, / erect now, / respectfully all-wise Catherine, / this is the sermon in the throne of Christ and the serpent is trampled, // taming the rhetoricians of the mind.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

O Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr, the true bride of Christ! We pray that you, as a special grace, also precede your Bridegroom, Sweetest Jesus, who received: as if you shamed the tormentor's seductions with your wisdom, you conquered fifty twists, and having given them heavenly teachings to the light of true faith, instructed you, so ask God for wisdom. Yes, and we, too, all the intrigues of the hellish tormentor have been dispelled, but the temptations of the world and the flesh are despised, we will deserve to appear Divine glory, and to expand our holy Orthodox faith, we will be worthy to become, and with you in the heavenly tabernacle of the Lord and our Lord Jesus Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit let us praise and glorify forever and ever. Amen.

The short form of the name Catherine. Katya, Katyuha, Katyusha, Katena, Katyunya, Katyura, Katyusya, Katyulya, Katya, Katyasha, Rina, Ekaterinka, Katerinka, Kate, Kat, Katie.
Synonyms for the name Catherine. Katrina, Katerina, Katherine, Katarina, Catalina, Catalino, Catalin, Katel, Trine, Kaisa, Ketlin, Kätlin, Ketevan, Catalia, Karen.
The origin of the name Catherine. The name Catherine is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Catherine came into the Russian language from the Greek language, it means "pure, immaculate." In many Western European languages, there are two phonetic variants of the name in parallel: Katherine (Katherine, Katarina) and Catalina (Kathleen, Kathleen, Caitlin - Catlin, Caitlin).

Currently, a variant of the name Ekaterina - Catalia has appeared, which is gaining popularity and can be considered both an independent name and an affectionate appeal to the owners of the names Ekaterina, Catalina, Katerina and their variations. The name Ketevan became the analogue of the name Catherine in Georgia. In the United States in the 1950s and 1960s, it entered the top ten most popular names (derived from Katherine), in 1965 it became one of the most popular names among American girls.

Among Christians, the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria, who is considered the patroness of brides, is especially revered. And among Catholics, she is revered as the heavenly patron of children and women, schoolchildren and students, and she is also the patroness of such professions as a teacher, librarian, philosopher, lawyer, spinner, cutter and grinder. Also, Catherine of Alexandria patronizes the cities of Yekaterinburg, Dnepropetrovsk (former Yekaterinoslav), Krasnodar (former Yekaterinodar), Aalzum (Holland) and the University of Paris.

Catherine is strongly distinguished from other women by her high level of intelligence. In her actions, a girl can be overly impulsive and proud. She has a hard time recognizing the superiority of other people. This is due to the fact that internally the girl is constantly looking for flaws in herself and suffers from a fictitious inferiority.

Ekaterina is a real dreamer. Having a rich imagination, she easily makes friends and admirers for herself. The girl expects first of all reliability from close people and considers them as a support.

During her school years, Katya tries to be the first in the class, carefully selects her social circle, limiting it only to everyone's favorites. She is talented and generous, so she does a lot. And if something does not work out, then Katya can only blame her disregard for the help of others.

Catherine takes any events in her life calmly. She is always restrained and prudent. Among those around her, she is known as a well-mannered, kind and tactful girl, not devoid of taste and grandeur. Katya makes her intellect feel from the first minutes of communication. Although Katya cannot be called touchy, she is very subjective and often takes what is said on herself. There is no spiritual subtlety and flexibility in her, and the character can rather be called difficult.

However, Catherine's life is always interesting and eventful. By temperament, the girl is choleric. She easily loses her temper, sometimes it seems that her demands are too high. The girl is completely devoid of intuition and acts based on her mind. Katya is 100% sure of her mental abilities. The actions of a girl named Catherine depend largely on the circumstances. The girl has no firm moral principles. Outwardly, Katya often remains indifferent.

Katerina selects her life partner very carefully and spends a lot of time looking for him. The girl is not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. However, for a long time she cannot choose from the mass of admirers who deserves to become her husband. In a relationship, a girl is sensitive and excitable, but dissatisfaction can result in anger and irritability. One should not expect a violent manifestation of feelings from Katya, but, nevertheless, she becomes a good housewife and wife. It is not difficult for her to solve everyday problems, although more difficult tasks can make her get confused.

Catherine has no attachments that could claim the meaning of her life. She loves to attend concerts, go to the movies, have fun, but she does not give herself up to it completely. The work also does not become its goal. As an employee, Katya is quite active, but she lacks endurance. Among the professions, she also has no preferences. Most often, Catherine becomes an advertiser or journalist. It is even possible that the girl will achieve noticeable success in this field.

Sound. Ekaterina is a rather long name, consisting of five syllables. Majesty is its most prominent characteristic. The strength (91%), beauty (90%) and mysteriousness (83%) of the sound of the name are also often noted. Sometimes a certain femininity is also distinguished in him (74%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Victoria, Valeria and Elizabeth.

Catherine's birthday

Famous people named Catherine

  • Catherine II the Great ((1729 - 1796) birth name - Sophia Augusta Frederika von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg otherwise Sophia Augusta Frederick von Anhalt-Zerbst, name at the Russian court - Ekaterina Alekseevna; Empress of All Russia (1762-1796). Made an impressive contribution. in the development and strengthening of the Russian Empire. Reformer.)
  • Ekaterina Dashkova ((1743/1744 - 1810) nee - Vorontsova, in marriage - Princess Dashkova; friend and associate of Empress Catherine II, participant in the coup d'état of 1762 (after the coup, Catherine II lost interest in her friend and Princess Dashkova did not play a noticeable role in affairs One of the notable personalities of the Russian Enlightenment, her memoirs contain valuable information about the reign of Peter III and the accession of Catherine II ("Memoirs of Princess Dashkova", published in 1840 in London).)
  • Catherine de Medici or Catherine Maria Romola di Lorenzo de Medici ((1519 - 1589) Queen and Regent of France (1560-1563 and 1574), wife of Henry II, King of France from the Angouleme line of the Valois dynasty)
  • Ekaterina Gordeeva ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian figure skater, performing in pair skating. Paired with Sergei Grinkov - two-time Olympic champion in 1988 and 1994, four-time world champion, three-time European champion and three-time world champion among professionals. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1988). Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994).)
  • Ekaterina Budanova ((1916 - 1943) first female pilot, Hero of the Russian Federation, fighter pilot)
  • Ekaterina Maksimova ((1939 - 2009) Soviet and Russian ballerina, ballet master, choreographer, ballet teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1973). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1981).)
  • Catherine Deneuve ((born 1943) nee - Catherine Fabienne Dorleac; French actress. The third of the four daughters of French actors Maurice Dorleac and Rene Deneuve. She began to use her mother's surname at the very beginning of her career so that she would not be confused with her older sister, more famous at that time. Françoise Dorleac. The other two sisters, Sylvia and Daniela Dorleac, are also actresses.)
  • Ekaterina Furtseva ((1910 - 1974) Soviet statesman and party leader. Minister of Culture of the USSR from 1960 to 1974.)
  • Katharina Witt ((born 1965) outstanding German figure skater, two-time Olympic champion in singles skating (1984, 1988), four-time world champion (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988), six-time European champion (1983-1988 in a row), eight-time champion of the GDR )
  • Katharina Boehm (Swiss film actress)
  • Ekaterina Vasilyeva ((born 1945) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987))
  • Ekaterina Radziwill ((1858 - 1941) Polish writer and swindler, a representative of the count family of the Rzhevskys. Niece of Karolina Sobanskaya and Evelina Ganskaya.)
  • Ekaterina Raikina ((born 1938) Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones ((born 1969) English film actress)
  • Katherine Heigl ((born 1978) American film actress)
  • Ekaterina Semyonova ((stage name - Katya Semyonova; Russian pop singer, composer and film actress)
  • Ekaterina Bagration (nee Skavronskaya; princess, wife of the commander Bagration, famous in Europe for her beauty and carefree behavior)
  • Ekaterina Zhuleva ((1830 - 1905) by husband - Nebolsina; Russian dramatic artist)
  • Ekaterina Geltser ((1876 - 1962) Russian Soviet ballerina)
  • Kete Kollwitz ((1867 - 1945) German painter and sculptor)
  • Kati Karrenbauer (German singer and film actress)
  • Catalina (Catalina) Ponor ((born 1987) Romanian gymnast, three-time Olympic champion, world and European champion)
  • Ekaterina Vilmont (Russian writer, author of ironic women's prose)
  • Ekaterina Telesheva (Teleshova, Telesheva) ((1804-1857) Russian ballerina, favorite student of Didlo and E. I. Kolosova)
  • Ekaterina Avdeeva ((1789 - 1865) nee - Field; Russian writer, publisher of Russian folk tales, author of books on home economics; sister of N.A. Polevoy and K.A. Polevoy)
  • Katherine Bigelow (born 1951) is an American sci-fi, action and horror film director, Golden Globe nominee, BAFTA and Oscar winner for The Hurt Locker, first woman to receive an Oscar "As a director.)
  • Kate Moss ((born 1974) British supermodel and actress. Known as one of the highest paid models of the 1990s and 2000s.)
  • Katarzyna Skowronska ((born 1983) Polish volleyball player, striker, player of the national team. Two-time European champion (2003 and 2005).)
  • Katrine Madsen (Danish jazz singer)
  • Trine Jensen (Danish handball player)
  • Katariina Souri (Finnish fashion model, actress and writer)
  • Kaisa Mäkäräinen, Kaisa Makarainen (Finnish biathlete)
  • Karin Alvtegen (Swedish writer, detective novelist)
  • Kaisa Bergqvist (Swedish athlete, world champion in high jump)

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