Home Mushrooms Commemoration of health on the Athos mountains. Order of treb on Mount Athos (online). Why prayer on Mount Athos is special. Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer

Commemoration of health on the Athos mountains. Order of treb on Mount Athos (online). Why prayer on Mount Athos is special. Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer

In Greece, in temples and monasteries, it is not forbidden to submit notes written in Latin or even in Russian, but still, out of respect for the Greeks, it is better to do this on their mother tongue. Names in notes should be written in Greek in genitive case. proper names female, ending in -α or -η, in the genitive case will have the endings -ας and -ης. proper names male, ending in - ος, in Rod. case, will have the ending -ου. For convenience, we have compiled a table of Russian names and their Greek counterparts. To write a note, just find the name you want, tick it, and then print the note.


Russian name Greek counterpart in I.p Pronunciation in Russian Writing in Greek in R.p. so it should be written in notes
Alexander Αλεξανδρος Alexandros Αλεξανδρου
Alexandra Alexandra
Alexei Αλεξιος Alexios Αλεξιου
Anastasia Αναστασια Anastasia Αναστασις
Andrew Ανδρεας Andreas Ανδρεαυ
Anna Αννα Anna Αννας
Anton Αντωνιος Andonis Αντωνιου
Valentine Βαλεντινη Valentini Βαλεντινης
barbarian Βαρβαρα barbarian Βαρβαρας
Victor Βικτωρ, Βικτορας Victor Βικτορος
Vladimir Βλαντιμιρ Vladimir Βλαντιμιρ
Galina Γαλινη Galini Γαλινης
George Γεωργιος Georgios Γεωργιου
Gerasim Γερασιμος Gerasimos Γερασιμου
Hermann Γκερμαν Hermann Γκερμαν
Gregory Γρηγοριος Grigorios Γρηγοριου
Daniel Δανιηλ Daniel Δανιηλ
Denis Διονυσιος Dionysios Διονυσιου
Dmitry Δημητριος Dimitrios Δημητριου
Evdokia Ευδοκια Evdokia Ευδοκιας
Elena Ελενη Eleni Ελενης
Elizabeth Ελισσαβετ Elisabeth Ελισσαβετ
Catherine Αικατερινη Ekaterini Αικατερινης
Zinaida Ζηναιδα Zinaida Ζηναιδας
Jacob Ιακωβος Jacobos Ιακωβου
Ilya Ηλιας Ilias Ηλιου
John Ιωαννης Ioannis Ιωαννου
Joseph Ιωσηφ Joseph Ιωσηφ
Irina Ειρηνη Irini Ειρηνης
Kseniya Ξενια Xenia Ξενιας
Konstantin Κωνσταντινος constandinos Κωνσταντινου
Kuzma Κοαμας Cosmas Κοαμα
Lazarus Λαζαρος Lazaros Λαζαρου
Leonid Λεωνιδας Leonidas Λεωνιδου
Lydia Λυδια Lydia Λυδιας
Luke Λουκας Lucas Λουκα
Love Aγαπη Agapi Αγαπης
Magdalena Μαγδαληνη Magdalene Μαγδαληνης
margarita Μαργαριτα margarita Μαργαριτας
Marina Μαρινα Marina Μαρινας
Maria Μαρια Maria Μαριας
Mark Μαρκος Marcos Μαρκου
Martha Μαρθα Martha Μαρθας
Michael Μιχαλης Michael Μιχαλη
Hope Ελπιδα (Ελπις) Elpida Ελπιδος
Nataliya Ναταλια Natalia Ναταλιας
Nikita Νικητας Nikitas Νικητου
Nicodemus Νικοδημ Nicodemus Νικοδημου
Nicholas Νικολαος Nicholas Νικολαου
Olga Ολγα Olga Ολγας
Paul Παυλος Pavlos Παυλου
Peter Πετρος petros Πετρου
Seraphim Σεραφειμ Seraphim Σεραφειμ
Sergius Σεργιος Sergios Σεργιου
SvetlanaFotinia Φωτεινη Fotini Φωτενης
Sofia Σοφια Sofia Σοφιας
Stepan Στεφανος Stephanos Στεφανου
Taisia Ταισια Taisia Ταισιας
Tamara Ταμαρα Tamara Ταμαρας
TatianaTatiana Τατιανα Tatiana Τατιανας
Philip Φιλιππος Philippos Φιλιππου
Fedor Θεοδωρος Theodoros Θεοδωρου
JuliaJulia Ιουλια Julia Ιουλιας


About health Υπερ Υγειας
About repose Υπερ αναπαυσεως


  • Notes should contain no more than 15 names
    • The donation amount per note is approximately half a euro.
    • Next to the name, the Greeks do not write “baby”, “sick”, etc.,

believing that the Lord himself sees the soul of every person

    In temples, only candles can be purchased; icons and books are sold in special stores

    Unlike our temples, candles bought there cannot be taken out of Greek ones.

  • The Greeks rarely put candlesticks next to the icons, they are mostly located at the entrance to the temple on the street
  • It is impossible, in the presence of a group priest or a clergyman of a given temple, to independently place icons or other ecclesiastical items on the relics of saints for consecration. Everything you

If you want to consecrate, you must give it into the hands of a clergyman who is next to the shrine.

    The Greeks do not have a separate prayer service for health. Christians buy prosphora in a bakery and in the morning, before the Liturgy, they serve it to the altar along with a note of health. In some churches, notes on health are read during the prayer service to the revered saint.

    If you are going to receive communion, remember that when approaching the Chalice, do not fold your hands crosswise. Take the edge of the fee yourself, which the priest holds at the other end, and after receiving the Holy Gifts, wipe your lips. In no case do not apply to the Cup! The Greeks revere it as the greatest shrine, which is forbidden to touch.

    If you want to ask a Greek priest for a blessing, say: Πατερ, ευλογειτε! (Pater, evlogite), which means "Father, bless." The priest will answer you "ο Κυριος" (O Kyrios), that is, "God bless."

In Greece, in temples and monasteries, it is not forbidden to submit notes written in Latin or even in Russian, but still, out of respect for the Greeks, it is better to do this in their native language. Names in notes should be written in Greek in the genitive case. Feminine proper names ending in -α or -η in the genitive case will have the endings -ας and -ης. Masculine proper names ending in -ος, in Genus. case, will have an ending - ου. For convenience, we have created a convenient form of Russian names and their Greek counterparts.

After filling out the form, you will receive 4 notes on a sheet of standard format (2 in Russian and 2 in Greek).

What do the different commemorations mean?

  • Ordinary - 1 liturgy
  • Sorokoust - 40 liturgies
  • Annual - for a year

Possible clarifications:
Patriarch, archbishop, metropolitan, bishop, archimandrite, hegumen, abbess, hieromonk, hierodeacon, monk, nun, novice, novice, archpriest, priest, deacon, sick, sick, baby, with children.

Athos does not set a price for receiving commemorations. The size of the donation is determined by the pilgrim himself. Usually accepted for a regular note up to 10 names to leave 2-10 euros. For forty 20-50 euros. For the annual 100-200 euros for 1 name. Leave as much as you need.

Filling out the note is the spiritual component of this process: when writing the names of the living and the dead, remember them in the process of writing with a sincere desire for their good, from the bottom of your heart, trying to remember the person whose name you enter - this is already a prayer for him.

  • Notes should contain no more than 10 names
  • The amount of the donation for one name is about half a euro
  • Next to the name, the Greeks do not write “baby”, “sick”, etc., believing that the Lord Himself sees the soul of each person
  • In temples, only candles can be purchased; icons and books are sold in special stores
  • Unlike our temples, candles bought there cannot be taken out of Greek ones.
  • The Greeks rarely put candlesticks next to the icons, they are mostly located at the entrance to the temple
  • It is impossible, in the presence of a group priest or a clergyman of a given temple, to independently place icons or other ecclesiastical items on the relics of saints for consecration. Everything that you want to consecrate must be given into the hands of a clergyman located next to the shrine
  • The Greeks do not have a separate prayer service for health. Christians buy prosphora in a bakery and in the morning, before the Liturgy, they serve it to the altar along with a note of health. In some churches, notes on health are read during the Prayer to the revered saint
  • If you are going to take communion in a Greek monastery, remember that when approaching the Chalice, do not fold your hands crosswise. Take the edge of the fee yourself, which the priest holds at the other end, and after receiving the Holy Gifts, wipe your lips. In no case do not apply to the Cup! The Greeks revere it as the greatest shrine, which is forbidden to touch.
  • If you want to ask a Greek priest for a blessing, say: Πατερ, ευλογειτε! (Pater, evlogite), which means "Father, bless." The priest will answer you "ο Κυριος" (O Kyrios), that is, "God bless."

The Church does not remember:
- suicides;
- not baptized Orthodox faith(atheists, non-Orthodox, Gentiles);
- ο the dead, canonized as saints. For example: blessed Matrona, blessed Xenia. The reason is simple: being at the Throne of God, it is they who pray for us;
- ο convinced atheists and theomachists, even if they were baptized into Orthodoxy. Usually such people, during their lifetime, asked their relatives “not to bury the funeral” and “not to bury according to the canons. Orthodox Church” or “do not put a cross in the coffin”, etc.

Dear brothers and sisters!

If you do not have the opportunity to personally transfer a donation or want to help our service, then you can transfer them using the button, or using the details below directly to the Russian Monastery of St. Panteleimon on Athos

Order commemoration on Athos

Since ancient times, many Russian people have wanted to order on Mount Athos or a magpie for sick and suffering relatives, because they noticed how quickly the Most Holy Theotokos responds to the request of the Athonite monks who labor in Her Lot, the Holy Mountain. It is difficult to explain how any laws spiritual world it is difficult to understand with the mind: whether the harsh conditions of life, or special temptations, or something else, but there is something special in the feat of the Athonites.

Despite the fact that we are sinful people, we see that few people manage to stay on Athos. Those who leave the front and go to the rear, of course, find many excuses for themselves. And we cannot condemn them, because it is really difficult here.

We remain on the Holy Mountain and do not leave for only one reason: we came here to die for Christ, and we have nowhere to go. Maybe that's why the Lord treats us with special love, we see it and thank Him. We can only help people through prayer.

As the elders taught us, commemoration at the Divine Liturgy is the greatest help both to the living and to peace. What exactly happens when the particles taken out for those who are commemorated are washed by the Blood of Christ, we do not know. The Lord did not deign to reveal this secret to us. Nevertheless, when the elder priest does not remove the particles, the commemorated dead appear before him as alive and ask for help. This is what God reveals to us. And for this reason alone we revere the mystery of the Liturgical Prayer.

Elder Paisius Svyatogorets said that the greatest thing we can do for the departed is to order a commemoration at the Liturgy: “... If a person has justified himself before God, then during the magpie he will have to pray for us, such is the spiritual law. And if a person is stuck in ordeals, then remembrance will be like a cup for him cold water which is given to one who is dying of thirst". These words of Paisios were conveyed to us by the elder Athanasios Simonopetritis.

Also Rev. Paisius Svyatogorets noted that the best help for the dead is about them: "Funeral services are the best advocate for the souls of the departed. Funeral services are so powerful that they can even take the soul out of hell...".

Dear readers! When sending out, we discovered that some people want to order a commemoration on Athos magpie. We do not accept orders for prayers, but we commemorate those who ordered the magpie at all our prayers in front of our favorite icons, the greatest Shrines Orthodox world:, (about those who fell into misfortune and sorrow), (about those who ask for help with financial difficulties).

So, on Athos you can order a commemoration-magpie, 40 Liturgies, about health or repose. Who wants order trebs write to us on the site.

What you need to consider when compiling notes "about health" and "about the repose."

Orthodox Christians have been trying to order on Athos a commemoration of the dead relatives and friends or a magpie for the health of the sick and suffering, since ancient times, knowing how quickly the Most Holy Theotokos responds to the request of the Athos monks who labor on the Holy Mountain.

Saint Paisios the Holy Mountaineer said that the best help for the dead is to order a magpie for them: “Funeral services are the best advocate for the souls of the departed. Funeral services have such power that they can even lead the soul out of hell ... "

Speaking of notes, many pilgrims know from experience that it is better to prepare notes “on health” and “on repose” in advance, since visiting a large number monasteries, often does not leave time for thoughtful writing of petitions for prayer for relatives and friends.

On Athos, in Greek temples and monasteries, you can submit notes written in Latin or in Russian, but if possible, it is still worth writing a note in Greek. As a rule, notes in Greek are read faster when taken to the altar.

Notes “about health” (υπέρ υγείας) and “about repose” (υπέρ αναπαύσεως) in the monasteries of the Holy Mountain should be written in the genitive case. Thus, feminine names with the ending -α or -η, in the genitive case will have the endings -ας and -ης. Masculine names ending in -ος will end in -ου.

As a rule, up to 10-15 names are written in one note.

It is important to know that on notes, unlike our tradition, the cross is put only on the funeral. When the Greeks see a cross in a note, they pray for the dead.

In “health” notes, it is not acceptable to write “traveling”, “sick”, “baby” next to the names, believing that the Lord knows everything.

Most monasteries do not set a price for commemoration, the amount of the donation is determined by the pilgrim. Donations are placed in closed boxes.

The inscription "ΟΝΟΜΑΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ" reads: "Names for the Divine Liturgy" - notes should be put here.

Below is the translation to Greek language some common names, in the sequence: name - Greek counterpart - pronunciation - spelling in Greek.

Athanasius - Αθανάσιος - Athanasios - Αθανασιου

Alexander - Αλέξανδρος - Alexandros - Αλεξάνδρου

Alexandra - Αλεξάνδρα - Alexandra - Αλεξανδρας

Alexei - Αλεξιος - Alexios - Αλεξιου

Anastasia - Ανασταοια - Anastasia - Αναστασιας

Andrew - Ανδρεας - Andreas - Ανδρεα

Anatoly - Anatoliου

Anna - Αννα - Anna - Αννας

Anton - Αντωνιος - Antonios - Αντωνιου

Vadim - Βαντίμ

Barbara - Βαρβαρα - Barbara - Βαρβαρας

Victor - Βικτωρ - Victor - Βικτορος

Vladimir - Βλαντιμιρ - Vladimir - Βλαντιμιρ

Basil - Βασίλειος - Βασίλειου

Galina - Γαλινη - Galini - Γαλινης

George - Γεωργιος - Georgios - Γεωργιου

Gerasimos - Γερασιμος - Gerasimos - Γερασιμου

Gregory - Γρηγοριος - Grigorios - Γρηγοριου

Daniel - Δανιηλ - Daniel - Δανιηλ

Denis - Διονυσιος - Dionysios - Διονυσιου

Dmitry - Δημητριος - Dimitrios - Δημητριου

Evdokia - Ευδοκια - Evdokia - Ευδοκιας

Elena - Ελενη - Eleni - Ελενης

Elizabeth - Ελισαβετ - Elizabeth - Ελισαβετ

Catherine - Αικατερινη - Ekaterini - Αικατερινης

Zinaida - Ζηναιδα - Zinaida - Ζηναιδας

Jacob - Ιακωβος - Jacobos - Ιακωβου

Ilya - Ηλιας - Ilias - Ηλιου

John - Ιωαννης - Ioannis - Ιωαννου

Joseph - Ιωσηφ - Joseph - Ιωσηφ

Irina - Ειρηνη - Irini - Ειρηνης

Xenia - Ξενια - Xenia - Ξενιας

Constantine - Κωνσταντινος - Konstandinos - Κωνσταντινου

Christina, Christina - Χριστίνα - Χριστίνας

Cosmas - Κοσμας - Cosmas - Κοσμα

Lazar - Λαζαρος - Lazaros - Λαζαρου

Leonidas - Λεωνιδας - Leonidas - Λεωνιδου

Lydia - Λυδια - Lydia - Λυδιας

Luka - Λουκα - Lukas - Λουκα

Love - Aγαπη - Agapi - Αγαπης

Margarita - Μαργαριτα - Margarita - Μαργαριτας

Marina - Μαρινα - Marina - Μαρινας

Mary - Μαρια - Mary - Μαριας

Mark - Μαρκος - Markos - Μαρκου

Martha - Μαρθα - Martha - Μαρθας

Michael - Μιχαηλ - Michael - Μιχαηλ

Hope - Ελπιδα - Elpida - Ελπιδος

Natalia - Ναταλια - Natalia - Ναταλιας

Nikita - Νικητας - Nikitas - Νικητα

Nicodemus - Νικοδημ - Nicodemus - Νικοδημου

Nicholas - Νικολαος - Nicholas - Νικολαου

Olga - Ολγα - Olga - Ολγας

Pavel - Παυλος - Pavlos - Παυλου

Peter - Πετρος - Petros - Πετρου

Seraphim - Σεραφειμ - Seraphim - Σεραφειμ

Sergius - Σεργιος - Sergios - Σεργιου

Svetlana, Fotinia - Φωτεινη - Fotini - Φωτεινης

Sofia - Σοφια - Sofia - Σοφιας

Stepan - Στεφανος - Stephanos - Στεφανου

Tamara - Ταμαρα - Tamara - Ταμαρας

Tatiana, Tatiana - Τατιανη - Tatiana - Τατιανης

Philip - Φιλιππος - Philippos - Φιλιππου

Fedor - Θεοδωρος - Theodoros - Θεοδωρου

Julia, Julia - Ιουλια - Julia - Ιουλιας

How to submit a note of health, repose

One of the most famous church rites is a prayer commemoration. It is with the help of this ritual that believers ask the Lord for grace for themselves, their relatives and friends. When performing a commemoration, a number of rules must be observed, enshrined in centuries-old tradition in the general church and liturgical way.

What is a Church note, and what are they?

A note or church note is a list of names that a priest commemorates at the Divine Liturgy, memorial service, or prayer service.
Notes are About health(in which the names of living people are recorded) and About repose, (the names of the deceased are recorded in it). Notes fall into two categories: one-time(one-time commemoration) - simple, custom-made, memorial service, prayer service, and long(repeated commemoration) - magpie, half a year, a year.
In all categories (except for the funeral service, which includes names only for the repose and a prayer service - where the names are written only for health), you can submit notes about both health and repose.

Notes with one-time commemoration (for one service):

a simple note during the Liturgy the altar boy (priest's assistant) reads.

custom note(or, as it is also called, “mass”) is read by the priest himself twice. The first time - at the beginning of the Liturgy, at the proskomedia, while taking out particles from the prosphora, which at the end of the service will be lowered into the Chalice, where they will be washed in the Blood of Christ, which means that the sins of the people mentioned will be washed in His Blood. The second time he commemorates the names at the Liturgy during the litany (special prayer).

prayer service- this is special service about the living, and therefore notes on it can only be submitted about the living. A prayer service can be ordered to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, or to any saint of God (St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, martyr Panteleimon, martyr George, and other saints). In addition, you can order a prayer service for the occasion or a petition: thanksgiving, for the sick, for travelers, etc.

memorial service- This is a special Divine service for the departed. By submitting notes for the memorial service, we also improve the afterlife of a deceased person close to us. And the more often we pray for the dead, the better their fate becomes.


Notes with reusable memory:

Sorokoust This is a multiple commemoration. For forty days, when services are performed in the church, the priest each time remembers the name you wrote down, and takes out a particle from the prosphora for this person.

half a year, a year- this is when the name will be commemorated at each service for six months or a year, and each time a particle will be taken out of the prosphora for washing away sins.

How to order church rites on Athos: prayer service, magpie

On Athos, there are special rules for writing church notes. Sign a note on health (Υπερ Υγειας), On Repose (Υπερ αναπαυοεως), put a cross only on notes about Repose. Notes can only indicate the names of people baptized in the Orthodox Church; in notes about the repose, it is impossible to write the names of suicides and the names of the deceased, canonized as saints. Names in notes should be written in the genitive case (for example, John, Mary, etc.). Notes should contain no more than 10-15 names. Next to the name, the Greeks do not write “baby”, “sick”, etc., believing that the Lord Himself sees the soul of each person. On Athos, Russian-speaking monks live in many churches and monasteries, so it is not forbidden to submit notes written in Latin or even in Russian.

As a rule, notes are accepted as a voluntary donation, however, some monasteries have their own recommended donations. They vary everywhere, depending on the type of commemoration (magpie, prayer service, one-time custom-made liturgy). We write notes to ask for Divine grace for ourselves and our neighbors. Donations made by believers (for example, flour for prosphora, oil, wine) and candles lit in front of the icons are our sacrifice to the Lord, a symbol of our love and devotion. This is what we need first and foremost. For our sacrifice, for the ability and will to limit ourselves in earthly blessings, the Lord will reward us a hundredfold with peace of mind.

Dear brothers and sisters! On our site, you have the opportunity to send your notes to Athos. We commemorate all names and notes at prayer services in front of the icon Holy Mother of God"The Tsaritsa" ("Pantanassa"), as well as at the proskomedia for the Divine Liturgy. You can submit a note to Athos by going to the next one.

By submitting notes, we do good to our relatives and friends. At the same time, our prayer help should not be limited only to the order of church requirements. We must pray for people close to us and at home when performing the morning and evening prayer rules.

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