Home Useful Tips How to prepare for admission to medical school. What exams must be taken to a medical institute. The native language will come in handy everywhere

How to prepare for admission to medical school. What exams must be taken to a medical institute. The native language will come in handy everywhere

The profession of a doctor is one of the most respected and prestigious, and how could it be otherwise, if the health and longevity of almost every person depends on doctors.

If you are firmly convinced that healing people is your vocation, and you are ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal, if the pessimistic remarks of skeptics do not bother you, then choose an educational institution and start preparing for admission.

What exams you need to pass to enter the medical institute

Admission to medical universities in Russia is based on the results of the Unified State Exam. Universities establish biology and chemistry as core subjects for most medical specialties.

For some areas of training, instead of chemistry, physics or even specialized mathematics, computer science and a foreign language, for example, bioengineering, biotechnology or medical biophysics, may be needed. These details must be clarified on the university website. But usually applicants in classical areas of training: medical and preventive medicine, dentistry, pediatrics and pharmacy - need high scores for admission in three exams: biology, chemistry and the Russian language. In total, this is about 240 for the medical professional and 280 for therapists and dentists.

Prizes and diplomas for participation in olympiads, various scientific conferences and competitions will be a special advantage in the competitive selection - universities add up to 10 points for all these achievements.

You can study at medical universities in Russia on a budget and for a fee. The prices can be found on the official websites of universities, but on average, those who have not earned points to go to the budget will have to pay 80 to 400 thousand rubles for each course - the amounts depend on the direction of training and the prestige of the university. The most expensive is to study at the medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties, regardless of where the university is located - in the capital or in the regions.

What documents are needed for admission

If everything is in order with the USE scores, then for admission you will need a standard package of documents for an applicant of any Russian university. It includes:

  • statement;
  • a questionnaire with personal data;
  • a certificate of complete secondary education (diploma of secondary specialized education);
  • passport (original is presented upon enrollment;
  • photographs 3x4 (2 pcs., signed in pencil on the back);
  • medical certificate of the established form 086;
  • documents for the provision of benefits, if any.

The USE results are stored in a federal database, to which the admissions offices of universities have access, so no certificates are needed.

You can apply for admission in person or by mail. Some universities provide for preliminary electronic registration of applicants who are going to send documents through postal operators, so carefully study the requirements of the university. Many medical institutions accept applications via the Internet; you must personally submit the originals only after enrollment in the first wave. All these details need to be clarified on the websites of universities in the sections "Applicant", "Applicants", "Admission campaign".

Where to study to be a doctor

You can get the profession of a doctor not only in specialized medical universities, but also in medical faculties of classical multidisciplinary universities, for example, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, RUDN University.

When choosing a medical university, one should be guided not only by the prestige of the university. Medical "towers" in Moscow and St. Petersburg are especially popular among applicants, respectively, there is much more competition in them than, for example, in no less worthy Tomsk, Samara, Khabarovsk, Omsk, Kazan or Irkutsk universities. So it is worth taking into account the territorial factor - each region has its own medical university, which trains therapists, surgeons, pediatricians, dentists, gynecologists, ophthalmologists, pharmacists - in general, doctors and specialists of all major profiles.

It is worth going to distant distances only if you wanted to get a rare medical specialty at the faculties:

  • biotechnology;
  • sports medicine;
  • clinical, medical or special psychology;
  • medical biophysics, biochemistry or cybernetics.

Not all medical schools have such faculties.

It will take longer to study than students of all other higher educational institutions - 6 years. This will give the right to work as district pediatricians or therapists in primary health care - in polyclinics, outpatient clinics, feldsher-obstetric points. To get a narrow specialization, for example, a dermatovenerologist, neurosurgeon, gastroenterologist or orthodontist, after a year of work, you will need to enter a residency. It is necessary to unlearn it for another 2 to 4 years - the period depends on the specialization.

The best medical universities in Russia

If you still haven't changed your mind about becoming a doctor, it's time to choose an educational institution.

The leading medical universities in Russia today are:

  • Moscow Medical Universities: First Med. Sechenov; Russian National Research University. Pirogov (Second Honey); State University of Medicine and Dentistry. Evdokimova.
  • St. Petersburg medical universities: State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova; State Medical Academy named after Mechnikov.

Kursk, Yaroslavl, Ufa and Ivanovo state universities are in the lead among other medical universities.

In the summer of 2018, Forbes compiled its own ranking of universities for the first time; it included 13 medical universities at once. Each university was assessed in terms of statistics on the employment of graduates, their demand in the regions and the number of entrepreneurs among them, including members of the Forbes list.

The highest (32nd) position in the general list belongs to Kursk Medical University; it even surpassed the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov (who has 34th place), North-Western Medical University named after Mechnikov (37th place) and Siberian State Medical University, which in 2017 received the honorary status of a "pivotal" university. At the same time, the RNIMU them. NI Pirogov was not included in the rating at all.

The largest Russian universities, in which there is a medical direction, along with many others, in the ranking were higher than specialized ones - for example, Moscow State University took 6th place, St. Petersburg State University - 17th, and RUDN - 25th.

Still, the most important thing that is needed for those who decide to become a doctor is not information about the positions of universities in the rankings and successfully passed the exam, with the results of which you can enter a medical university on a budget, but the desire to devote your life to helping those who needs medical attention, and often those whose lives hang in the balance. Therefore, it is important for future doctors to have such traits as stress resistance, the ability to quickly respond to critical situations, and a willingness to sacrifice. Being a doctor means saving people, giving hope and becoming a real guardian angel in the eyes of others!

Those who entered on their own, and even did not come from a medical dynasty, are considered almost heroes and lucky. However, it is not. Let's try to figure out what is needed in order to successfully enter a medical university.

How to start admission to a medical university

First of all, you need to clearly know what you want and what will ultimately have to go through. The decision to become a medic must be purely personal. It makes no sense to study at a medical college or university at the insistence of parents or fashion trends. This applies, however, to any other specialty, but studying medicine contrary to personal convictions is unbearable. Keep in mind that you will have to study almost all your life: about ten years at the university, residency, doctoral studies, and then also regular refresher courses.

We decided that the medical future is just for you - choose the direction of your professional activity. As practice shows, most applicants dream of a career as a surgeon. Think Twice ... It will be a very, very many years before you are admitted to the operation on your own. In addition, this is one of the most difficult specializations, where the doctor has a great responsibility, which means that it is impossible to learn anyhow. A surgeon must either be an excellent student or not be a surgeon at all.

We decided on the specialization - find out which universities are considered the flagships in the training of specialists in your profile. Visit the department of interest to you on the open day, take brochures for applicants (they are available at every university). There you will find almost comprehensive information about what subjects are required for admission, as well as a brief description of the amount of knowledge that a future student should have.

Exams for admission to the medical university

The main majors in medicine are chemistry and biology. Some specialties (for example, dentistry) also require a physics exam. Russian is compulsory for all specialties. In some universities, applicants also take mathematics.

Some universities enroll students based on the USE results, but most conduct their own internal exams.

A gold medal or a red diploma of secondary specialized education will be a very good help. In this case, for enrollment, it will be enough to pass only one profiling subject perfectly (to choose from). The rest of the exams will be credited automatically.

Any diplomas and certificates, prizes in olympiads, certificates of completion of courses (for example, on the provision of first aid) will also be a plus.

Courses for admission to a medical university

You need to prepare for admission to medical school in advance, at least two years in advance.

A lot of applicants graduate from various preparatory courses for admission to a medical university. However, the attitude towards such courses is ambiguous. If the financial situation allows, then it would be better to hire a tutor. So you will get more knowledge, tighten up exactly the material where there are gaps in knowledge. In addition, tutors are often also teachers in medical educational institutions and thoroughly know this "kitchen".

However, even if the courses were too expensive, you should not despair. Transfer to a school with advanced studies in biology and chemistry. Or talk to your school's teachers. They will surely recommend good literature for you to study on your own. It is quite possible to enter a medical school, preparing on your own!

Applying to medical school or college

Some students choose to get a secondary specialized medical education, in the hope of then easily enrolling in a higher educational institution. This option is possible, but not entirely justified. School graduates have the same rights and grounds for admission as students in regular schools. Of course, in college you will gain some knowledge, you will be able to understand whether a medical career is really for you.

The medical school is one of the most popular educational institutions among applicants. Getting there is not easy, but possible. Read how to do this in our article.

Where to go?

First of all, decide on the university and the direction. We have prepared a list of the most popular medical educational institutions in Russia:

Main directions:

  • 05/31/01 General medicine;
  • 05/31/02 Pediatrics;
  • 05/31/03 Dentistry;
  • 33.05.01 Pharmacy;
  • 34.03.01 Nursing;
  • 37.05.01 Clinical psychology.

What do I need to pass?

For most areas in a medical university, you need to pass chemistry, biology and Russian. On "Clinical Psychology" - biology, mathematics and Russian. The minimum threshold score for each subject is at least 40-50.

At Sechenov University, upon admission to "Dentistry" and "Pediatrics", you need to pass an additional professional exam. The test takes place in the form of computer testing in chemistry.

Who has special rights and advantages in enrollment?

The winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian and International Olympiads in the specialized subjects of the university (chemistry, biology, mathematics) have the right to enrollment without entrance examinations.

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education and Science can count on maximum scores in the specialized subjects of the Olympiad.

The right to admission within the limits of a special quota is reserved for disabled people of I and II groups, disabled children and persons who have received disabilities as a result of military trauma.

The following are entitled to the priority in enrollment:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • children of military personnel, including those dismissed upon reaching age and health (provided that they have served at least 20 years);
  • children of servicemen and law enforcement officers who died while on duty;
  • children of Heroes of the USSR and holders of the Order of Glory;
  • persons under 20 years of age who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the family income is below the subsistence level;
  • servicemen who have served in the army under a contract of 3 years or more, as well as on conscription with a recommendation from the unit commander;
  • persons affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Also, do not forget that you can receive bonuses upon admission for individual achievements: a gold medal, a TRP badge, Olympiads, volunteer activities. Sechenov University provides additional points to graduates of medical classes, for this you need to successfully pass the pre-professional exam. For individual achievements, you can get up to 10 points.

What documents do you need to collect?

For admission to honey, you need to provide:

  • application for admission (the form is most often available on the university website);
  • passport or other identity document;
  • certificate of education;
  • documents confirming special rights and individual achievements;
  • military ID if you are liable for military service;
  • 6 photos 3 x 4.

How to enter a medical school in a targeted direction?

The easiest way to enter honey is in the targeted direction. Separate places on the budget are allocated for target groups, the competition for admission is also separate.

To get a referral, you need to submit an application to the health department at the place of registration between March 1 and June 10. Timing may vary depending on the region. The application must be accompanied by:

  • a copy of the passport of his or her parents (if not 18 years old);
  • a characterization from the school;
  • certified extract from the report card with marks;
  • documents confirming individual achievements.

You can also contact a specific medical organization. If they are interested in you, you will receive an application, which must also be submitted to the Department of Health. In different regions, the conditions for issuing a referral may differ. Check the website of your local department for information.

In case of a positive decision, an agreement will be concluded with you, according to which you will be obliged to work for distribution or in a specific medical organization for at least 3 years.

To enter a medical school, one desire is not enough. Begin intensive preparation for exams after the 9th grade. Pay special attention to specialized subjects. To increase your chances of admission, take part in the Olympiads in the profile of the university or enter the medical class after the 9th grade. If you are already in your senior year, take preparatory courses at the university you want to enroll in.

The profession of a doctor by nature is considered a noble and valuable specialization. But today she is completely devoid of nobility, and good doctors can be counted on one hand. Despite the fact that medical universities are packed with students, the country still suffers from an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel. After all, the presence of a diploma from a medical university does not mean that a student can and can work effectively. But if you have long dreamed of connecting your life with medical practice and taking the Hippocratic Oath, then why not take the chance to enter a medical institute ?!

How to choose a suitable medical institute?
The choice of the institute should be taken very seriously, as it will become a second home for the next 6-7 years. It is worth starting to select a university for yourself not in the last half of the graduating class, but while still in the 10th grade. Only then can you slowly evaluate each selected university separately and focus on 2 or 3 options (fortunately, the state allows you to submit documents to several institutions at once). You should choose a university according to certain criteria:
  • educational base: the presence of laboratories, libraries, attached clinics and hospitals, cooperation with the morgue, Internet resources;
  • infrastructure: hostel, location of buildings, student life, sports complexes, etc.
For example, if the institute is located in another city, then it is worth knowing in advance whether there is a hostel and how far it is located to the educational buildings.

You also need to decide in advance on the specialty, it depends on how soon the preparation for entering the institute will begin. When choosing a specialty, you should make sure that the future profession will be in demand.

Pre-university training
Since it is difficult to enter a medical school, you should start preparing for the entrance exams 2 years before admission, that is, in grade 10:

  1. Having studied in advance in which disciplines the entrance exams and the Unified State Exam are accepted, the emphasis in studies should be placed on them. These disciplines are: Russian language, literature, biology, chemistry, possibly physics. In biology and chemistry, you will have to pass a single state exam, since the selection committee requires results in these subjects, and they must be quite high.
  2. If the study of the necessary subjects is not so easy, then you can hire a home tutor who will "tighten" your knowledge.
  3. You can enroll in a two-year course at your chosen institute. During this time, teachers will give all the necessary knowledge for successful admission.
  4. If there is no opportunity to attend courses for 2 years, then you can take accelerated courses before admission.
In any case, the notes written in the preparatory courses will help prepare for the entrance exams.

What documents are required for admission?
To try to enter a medical institute, you must submit a certain package of documents:

  • application addressed to the rector;
  • school certificate;
  • USE certificate;
  • photocopies of the passport;
  • Photo;
  • help 086;
  • insurance policy;
  • military ID or certificate of registration (for boys);
  • documents for benefits.
A successful school life can be evidenced by awards and certificates, the results of olympiads in the necessary subjects, so they should also be presented.

It is better to write an application for budgetary places, and if suddenly it does not work out, then it will be possible to rewrite it for paid ones.

Entrance exams
As mentioned above, you can enter a medical institute with a high USE score in chemistry and biology. You will also have to pass introductory courses in Russian language and literature. Exams may differ from faculty, so you need to check this in advance.

If the exam is supposed to be oral, then the speech should be confident and clear when answering. The gaze should be in contact alternately with the eyes of the admissions committee, confident gestures are encouraged. If the exam is written, then take the trouble to do the work neatly, in an understandable handwriting, by no means medical.

After passing the entrance exams, the longest time comes - the waiting time for the results.

Useful Tips
Why not go after the 9th grade to the medical college at the institute ?! In doing so, you can save time and money that can be spent on preparatory courses.

In many regions, institutes open special medical schools, in which from the first grade there is additional preparation for entering a specific university. Or you can attend medical classes outside of regular hours, in which classes are held for the additional study of biology, chemistry, physics, Russian and literature. By visiting them, it will be easier to enter a medical institute.

It is better to apply to a state institution and make several attempts to enter than to enter a non-state institution the first time. In the latter, in addition to a dubious diploma, you can get a number of restrictions in the implementation of medical activities. In addition, when applying for a job, they require a state-recognized diploma.

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