Home Blanks for the winter How the names of organizations are inclined. In the application, the name of the organization is spelled in the genitive case. Requirements for the design of business paper

How the names of organizations are inclined. In the application, the name of the organization is spelled in the genitive case. Requirements for the design of business paper

Conclusion When statements are drawn up and they provide dates and time intervals, it is better to coordinate them with superiors before writing them, since inaccurate or incorrect drafting, in most cases, ends with a refusal of the request. Also, it is worth remembering that the application, in some cases, must be accompanied by documents and they are mandatory. If these documents are missing, the application as such becomes invalid and cannot be approved. In all of the above situations, it is shown how to write a statement, but it is possible that the company already has forms, which is much more convenient and easier. Have you noticed a mistake? Select it and press Ctrl + Enter to tell us. Tell your friends! Share with your friends! Write about this material on the social network using the buttons below.

We write a statement


The text states the request for the leave itself and the reason. Example text: I am sorry to grant me an academic leave for the 2014/2015 academic year for health reasons. Depending on the reason, indicate which documents are attached.

Then the date and signature of the compiler. If an application for maternity leave is being written In some enterprises, this application is not mandatory and the vacation itself is provided on the basis of a medical certificate. If writing is necessary, the text indicates a request for leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, and also indicates a request for payment of benefits. Also, you need to indicate the duration of the vacation (days) and attach documents, which is indicated when writing.

When an application for a day off is drawn up An application is written in the name of the manager When this application is drawn up, it should be borne in mind that there is no such thing as a day off.


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Posts: 2 Page 1 of 1 Thread Starter Viktoria_Viktoriya Posts in the thread: 1 Total posts: 1 Registered: 12/19/2014 Education: higher natural science Location: Tuzha town How to declare the full name of organizations and institutions

  • Quote

Hello dear teachers. I am writing to you with a request. What is the correct way to spell the full name of institutions in the genitive case? Option 1. municipal government institution Financial management of the administration of the Tuzhinsky municipal district. Option 2.

Sole proprietor: declension of name and name

Vacation compensation application Vacation compensation application Vacation compensation application is a document that contains an employee's request to replace unused vacation with money upon dismissal or if there is an unused portion of the next paid vacation exceeding 28 calendar days. Cash compensation is not provided to employed persons under the age of 18 and pregnant women, only in the event of dismissal. How to write an application for compensation for unused vacation An application for compensation for unused vacation has ...
Application for a day off Application for a day off Since there is no such thing as a "day off" in the legislation, an application for a day off contains a request for an additional day off on account of the next annual paid leave or for receiving unpaid leave.

Application form: correct paperwork

The last message Read here: paragraph 151 Declination of some names and surnames and draw conclusions. By the way, there is a mistake. Nerussian surnames for the unacceptable -o, -i (mostly Slavic and Romanesque) are inclined, for example: the work of Jan Neruda, the poems of Pablo ... 9 Replies 946 Views Last post by Zavada Sep 05, 2013 13:32

  • How to inflect company names? Last post by Margo "14 Jul 2014, 20: 34 Added in the forum Grammar Answers: 3 Vorguzina Dasha" 14 Jul 2014, 19:32 "in the forum Grammar First message Example: company name LLC Business Center Etazhi, you can whether to indicate in the letter: Director of LLC Business Center Etazhi? Is there any rule by which this type of spelling can be argued (if, of course, this is how you can decline). The last message Well, yes, I decoded it on the machine of the OJSC. 🙂 I'm getting better.

What are the rules for writing an application

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Requirements for the design of business paper

Application for a passport Application for a passport Application for a passport is included in the package of papers required for the execution of the main document that proves the identity and confirms the citizenship of the Russian Federation. The application is submitted in paper form along with a full set of documents to the departments of the Federal Migration Service or electronically through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services. When submitting papers via the Internet, an official of the FMS of Russia contacts the applicant at the indicated contact phone number and reports the place and ...

Application for divorce Application for divorce An application for divorce is written in case of divorce between spouses. Where to file an application for divorce When deciding on a divorce, the question arises: where to apply for a divorce? It is submitted either to the civil registry office (REGISTRY OFFICE), or to the court.

Good day! On your site, I have repeatedly met your answers regarding the declension of proper names (names of works, plants, factories, etc.), enclosed in quotes. You have argued, if there is a generic word (OJSC, company, firm, novel, etc.), then; if there is no generic word, the name is declined. Please tell me which source did you refer to? I need it to write my thesis. Regards, Anastasia.

Refer to the following sources: Russian grammar. M., 1980; OK. Graudin, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya. The grammatical correctness of Russian speech. 1976 onwards.

Question number 295781

Hello. Do you need to agree on cases in the names of organizations, which are enclosed in quotation marks? For example, which of the options is correct: 1) the work was done in the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N. N. Petrov"; 2) the work was performed at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N. N. Petrov"? If possible, please indicate the use cases if they differ for use in grammar and speech and in the legal text. Nikolay Vladimirovich Khandogin

Russian language help desk response

If there is a generic word, then: The work was carried out in the federal state budgetary institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N. N. Petrov".

Question No. 290228

how to sign a notebook correctly? "Pupils 6" b "class MBOU" Lyceum No. 6 "by Ivanova Vera or" Pupils 6 "b" class MBOU "Lyceum No. 6" by Ivanova Vera

Russian language help desk response

The name in quotation marks is not declined since there is a generic word MBGOU: at chenitsa 6 "B" class MBOU "Lyceum No. 6" ...

Question No. 285632

Good evening! A professional dispute has arisen with colleagues. In the sentence: "Welcome to the information portal of the Municipal Government Institution" Center for educational work "Raduga" it will competently put the name in the genitive case in front of the quotes and directly the name in quotes, or rather, welcome to the information portal of the Municipal Government Institution "Center for Educational Work "Rainbow"? Thank you for your answer.

Russian language help desk response

The name in quotation marks is not declined: Welcome to the information portal of the municipal government institution "Center for educational work" Raduga ""... Wed: tour of the Sovremennik theater(not theater "Sovremennik").

Question No. 281484
Is the word Directorate in combination? State Treasury Institution Directorate for Construction .....

Russian language help desk response

Right: State treasury institution "Directorate for construction ...". The name in quotation marks is not declined: v State Treasury Institution "Directorate for Construction ...".

Question number 275993
Dear employees of Gramota.ru, good afternoon!
For the first time, I could not find a suitable answer in the Help on the question of declining the names of organizations enclosed in quotation marks.
Please tell me if there is any rule in Russian and / or, perhaps, there is an established practice of declining / non-declining names of the type (names are fictitious): "City Bank" (OJSC), LLC "Semitzvetik", JSCB "Romashkabank" ( JSC), etc.
Is it correct to say (write): the charter of the "City Bank" (OJSC), the board of the JSCB "Romashkabank" (OJSC), etc.
Thank you for your detailed answer.
PS Would it be correct to write: Dear employees of Gramota.ru?

Russian language help desk response

The name in quotation marks can be inflected if it is used without a generic word: the charter of the "City Bank" (OJSC). If there is a generic word, the name in quotation marks is not declined: Board of the JSCB "Romashkabank".

Option employees of Gramota.ru correct.

Question No. 269806
Please clarify the declension rules for the names of organizations (in quotation marks). For example, the chief physician of the Samara City Hospital or the chief physician of the Samara City Hospital? Directed to the Samara City Hospital and to the Samara City Hospital?
Thanks to

Russian language help desk response

The name in quotation marks is not declined... Right: to the chief physician of the Samara City Hospital, he was directed to the Samara City Hospital. Wed: Artistic Director of the Sovremennik Theater(not * theater "Sovremennik").

Question No. 260540
We had a question how the name of the institution will be declined in official documents -
State educational institution of secondary vocational education Togliatti Medical College (GOU SPO Togliatti Medical College). Help.

Russian language help desk response

Correctly like this: State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Togliatti Medical College" (GOU SPO "Togliatti Medical College"). The name in quotation marks is not declined: State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Togliatti Medical College", State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Togliatti Medical College" etc.

Question number 241870
How to write the name of the organization correctly when declining, if the form of ownership is not written in front of it? For example, the enterprise "Pobeda", in "Pobeda", on "Pobeda" or the name in quotation marks is not declined?

Russian language help desk response

The name is declined: on "Victory".

Question No. 240145
Hello! Can you please tell me what is correct: the "Sisters of Mary" community or the "Mary's Sisters" community? Thank you, Irina.

Russian language help desk response

The name in quotation marks is not declined: community "Sisters Mary".

Question No. 232846
Hello! Urgently! Tell me how it will be correct: "... performed by OJSC" Mosgiprotrans "" or "performed by OJSC" Mosgiprotrans ""; "... issued by Zabaikalzheldorproject" or "issued by Zabaikalzheldorproekt"? Thanks!

Russian language help desk response

If there is a generic word (OAO, company, firm, etc.), then the name in quotation marks is not declined; if there is no generic word, the name is declined. Correctly: _ executed by Mosgiprotrans OJSC; issued by "Zabaikalzheldorproekt" _
Question number 228241
What is the correct way to write in the middle of the sentence "Limited Liability Company" Romashka "or Limited Liability Company" Romashka "? bought a share in Romashke LLC, etc.?

Russian language help desk response

Correct: _ the limited liability company "Romashka" _. The name in quotation marks is not declined: _ got a job at LLC "Romashka" _.
Question number 220591
State educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman" Should the name of the university be declined, taken in quotation marks, for example, completed his studies in ...

Russian language help desk response

The name in quotation marks is not declined... Initials should be written with spaces: _Н. E. Bauman_.
Question No. 209879
Hello! Help! Very, very urgent! "... for the right to conclude with the Federal State Institution" Research Institute ... "! Should the name be declined in quotation marks?

Russian language help desk response

The name in quotation marks is not declined: _... by the institution "Research Institute ..." _

An excerpt from The Salmon Shore People Saga. On the rank in quotes whether or not consistent with the "passage from". Should you use quotation marks at all in this case?

In the above example, the use of quotation marks is appropriate.

Question number 299506

Good day! On your site, I have repeatedly met your answers regarding the declension of proper names (names of works, plants, factories, etc.), enclosed in quotes. You stated that if there is a generic word (OJSC, company, firm, novel, etc.), then on rank in quotes does not bend; if there is no generic word, the name is declined. Please tell me which source did you refer to? I need it to write my thesis. Regards, Anastasia.

Russian language help desk response

Refer to the following sources: Russian grammar. M., 1980; OK. Graudin, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya. The grammatical correctness of Russian speech. 1976 onwards.

Question No. 298263

Good day! What is the correct way to inflect the title of the book in this sentence: "Have you read the book" Robinson Crusoe "by Daniel Defoe? Best regards, Julia

Russian language help desk response

On the rank in quotes in this sentence it is not declined, as it is used with the generic word.

Question number 295781

Hello. Do you need to agree on cases in the names of organizations, which are enclosed in quotation marks? For example, which of the options is correct: 1) the work was done in the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N. N. Petrov"; 2) the work was performed at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N. N. Petrov"? If possible, please indicate the use cases if they differ for use in grammar and speech and in the legal text. Nikolay Vladimirovich Khandogin

Russian language help desk response

If there is a generic word, then on rank in quotes not inclined: The work was carried out in the federal state budgetary institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N. N. Petrov".

Question No. 291066

Good evening. The question of the declension of words such as iPhone, iPad. I know that these nouns are declined in Russian. But you also recommend keeping quotes in stylistically neutral texts. The question is: do you need a capital letter and do you need to decline to rank in quotes(or it goes like a brand). In the end: how to write just such a phrase_repair of "iPhone 7"?

Russian language help desk response

The brand name must be written in Latin letters. If the Latin alphabet cannot be used, then it is correct: repair of "iPhone-7".

Question No. 290653

good day! please tell me how it is processed on rank in quotes at the end of the sentence in such cases: Therefore, the teams of the four depots were asked to prepare their homework on the topic "Why do people violate safety rules, and how to deal with it?" do you need a dot at the end? with direct speech in quotes is not needed, but here? Do you need a question mark at all?

Russian language help desk response

1. A point is needed.

2. The question mark is optional.

Please note: the comma before and in the title of the topic is not needed.

Question No. 290228

how to sign a notebook correctly? "Pupils 6" b "class MBOU" Lyceum No. 6 "by Ivanova Vera or" Pupils 6 "b" class MBOU "Lyceum No. 6" by Ivanova Vera

Russian language help desk response

On the rank in quotes not inclined, since there is a generic word MBGOU: at chenitsa 6 "B" class MBOU "Lyceum No. 6" ...

Question No. 287420

Hello! Our company is called "Prosoft-Systems" and in all its texts, documents and references to rank in quotes stubbornly refuses. For example: "... since 1995 Prosoft-Systems has taken a leading position ...", Prosoft-Systems offers ... "," Contact Prosoft-Systems ... ". The word "company" is almost always omitted (supposedly it is implied, they tell me). Tell me if I am right to insist on declining the name, because, in my opinion, it is blatantly illiterate. Thank you. _____ Paul

Russian language help desk response

In official speech, it is preferable to use such a name with a generic word. In this case, it will not bend: contact the company"Prosoft-Systems"... In colloquial speech, it is permissible to omit the generic word. In this case, the name should be declined:To connect with"Prosoft-Systems".

Question No. 285632

Good evening! A professional dispute has arisen with colleagues. In the sentence: "Welcome to the information portal of the Municipal Government Institution" Center for educational work "Raduga" it will competently put the name in the genitive case in front of the quotes and directly the name in quotes, or rather, welcome to the information portal of the Municipal Government Institution "Center for Educational Work "Rainbow"? Thank you for your answer.

Russian language help desk response

On the rank in quotes not inclined: Welcome to the information portal of the municipal government institution "Center for educational work" Raduga ""... Wed: tour of the Sovremennik theater(not theater "Sovremennik").

Question No. 281484
Is the word Directorate in combination? State Treasury Institution Directorate for Construction .....

Russian language help desk response

Right: State treasury institution "Directorate for construction ...". On the rank in quotes not inclined: v State Treasury Institution "Directorate for Construction ...".

Question number 275993
Dear employees of Gramota.ru, good afternoon!
For the first time, I could not find a suitable answer in the Help on the question of declining the names of organizations enclosed in quotation marks.
Please tell me if there is any rule in Russian and / or, perhaps, there is an established practice of declining / non-declining names of the type (names are fictitious): "City Bank" (OJSC), LLC "Semitzvetik", JSCB "Romashkabank" ( JSC), etc.
Is it correct to say (write): the charter of the "City Bank" (OJSC), the board of the JSCB "Romashkabank" (OJSC), etc.
Thank you for your detailed answer.
PS Would it be correct to write: Dear employees of Gramota.ru?

Russian language help desk response

On the rank in quotes can be declined if used without a generic word: the charter of the "City Bank" (OJSC). If there is a generic word, on rank in quotes not inclined: Board of the JSCB "Romashkabank".

Option employees of Gramota.ru correct.

Question No. 274928
Hello! Please advise whether it is necessary to write under the photo of the reproduction of the painting on rank in quotes... And do you need quotes in the author's title under the photo? Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

Captions to reproductions of paintings and photographs are not enclosed in quotation marks.

Question No. 271052
Does the name of the institution, which is written in quotation marks, change in cases. Example: Provide GBU "Sports School" with equipment, or Provide GBU "Sports School" with equipment.

Russian language help desk response

On the rank in quotes does not change: provide GBU "Sports School" ...

Question No. 269806
Please clarify the declension rules for the names of organizations (in quotation marks). For example, the chief physician of the Samara City Hospital or the chief physician of the Samara City Hospital? Directed to the Samara City Hospital and to the Samara City Hospital?
Thanks to

Russian language help desk response

On the rank in quotes does not incline. Right: to the chief physician of the Samara City Hospital, he was directed to the Samara City Hospital. Wed: Artistic Director of the Sovremennik Theater(not * theater "Sovremennik").

Question No. 268916
Krasnoyarsk "Pillars" (reserve). Is it correct to write this in rank in quotes?

Russian language help desk response

Reserve name Pillars is not enclosed in quotation marks.

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Recommendations for writing reporting names of phrases most often used in letter texts

Writing dates

Forms of appeal in letters

Decline of surnames

For instance:

from before the first number and before- before the second. For instance:

For example: altitude 15000-20000 m.

For example: height 20-30 thousand m.

For example:

For example: st. Linear, 45/2.

For example: Pushkinskiy per., 7a.

For example,

Combination of punctuation marks

For instance:

boulevard - blvd.

city, cities - city, years.

Mr. - Mr.

railway - railway

railway - railway - d.

Zhilmassiv - w / m

and others - etc.

and others, etc.

and the like - and so on.

highway - magician.

microdistrict - m / r


region - region.

lake - lake.

area - pl.

lane - lane.

settlement - pos.

prospect - pr.

point, points - p., p.

river - r. (but rivers)

street - st.

copy - copy.

The names of documents that are written with a capital letter:

Constitution of the Russian Federation, Declaration of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, Federal Constitutional Law (title), Federal Law (title), Federal Treaty, Law of the Russian Federation (title), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (title), Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly ( title), the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The names of documents in the plural are written with a lowercase letter: decrees, laws.

The names of documents without a preceding generic word outside the name (charter, instruction, etc.) are written with a capital letter and without quotation marks: Regulations on the Presidium of the City Hall, Internal Labor Regulations, Records Management Instructions.

Written with a lowercase letter: the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, the decision of the city Council, the mayor's resolution, the mayor's order, the order of the head of the city district administration, the order of the department director.

The type of documents with a preceding generic word not included in the title is written with a lowercase letter: technological instruction "Entering information".

Names of academies, research institutions, educational institutions

In the names of scientific institutions and educational institutions, the first word is written with a capital letter, as well as proper names included in the name: Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS). Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk State University (NSU).

Secondary educational institutions of a non-one nature (schools, technical schools, colleges) are written with a lowercase letter: medical school No. 1, Novosibirsk secondary school No. 2.

The general rule of writing the names of organizations and their structural divisions

In the names of organizations of a single character, the first word and the proper names included in the name are written with a capital letter: the Russian Children's Fund, the Fund for Social Support of the Population, the Novosibirsk Region Justice Institution for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Novosibirsk Region, the association Siberian and Far Eastern cities.

The names of organizations of a non-singular nature are written with a lowercase letter: housing exchange bureau, polyclinic No. 17 of the Dzerzhinsky district. The names of organizations in the plural are written with a lowercase letter: stock exchanges and banks of the Novosibirsk region.

The names of the main departments as part of the structural division of the city hall are written with a capital letter: the Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of the City Hall, the Main Directorate of Improvement and Landscaping of the City Hall.

The names of the structural divisions of the mayor's office, as well as words such as presidium, academic council, faculty, department, sector, group are written with a lowercase letter: the presidium of the mayor's office, the department for social policy of the mayor's office, the legal department of the mayor's office, the department of examination and control of the mayor's office.

Names of railway stations, train stations, airports, metro stations

In the names of railway stations, stations, airports, all words are written with a capital letter, except for generic designations: Tolmachevo airport, Novosibirsk-Glavny railway station, Yunost station.

Metro stations should be written without quotation marks, with a capital letter the first word and proper names: metro station Oktyabrskaya, Krasny Prospekt, Lenin Square.

Complicated names of organizations and events that begin with the words State, All-Russian, Central, International or ordinal numbers (First, Second, etc.)

The first word is written with a capital letter: International Exhibition Center, State Educational Institution, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Sixth Winter Olympics for schoolchildren in Novosibirsk.

Complex names of organizations starting with a geographic definition

They are written with a capital letter if this definition is included in their composition, and with a lowercase letter if the geographical definition is not included in the name, but only indicates the location: Novosibirsk City Registration Chamber, but: Novosibirsk enterprise CJSC Kore.

The names of the structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In the most important military names of the Russian Federation, all words are written with a capital letter: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Navy of the Russian Federation, the Air Force.

In the names of the combat arms, the first word is written with a capital letter when these names are used in the meaning of the official unit of the Armed Forces: Air Defense Forces, Missile Forces, but: missile forces of both armies.

In the names of departments and divisions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the first word and proper names are written with a capital letter: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The names of military districts and garrisons are written with a capital letter: Siberian military district, Novosibirsk garrison.

In the names of military units and formations, only proper names are written with a capital letter: Glukhov division.

Writing dates

If the designation of the date in the text consists only of a year, the word year is written in full: plan for 2002, estimate for 2002.

If the date in the text consists of a month and a year, a quarter and a year, half a year and a year, then it has the following spelling: in October 2002, in October - November 2002; in the 1st quarter of 2002; in the III-IV quarters of 2002; in the first half of 2002

The words "year", "years" are abbreviated (year, years), if they are given in dates with the designation of the month, quarter, half year. If the date consists of only a year, then the word "year" is written in full: the plan for 2002.

It is required to omit the word "year" in its numerical designation on the title page, as well as in the output of the bibliographic description.

It is recommended to omit the word "year" in its numeric designation, usually when the dates are in parentheses. Usually these are the dates of birth, death, birth and death next to the name of some person: SI. Ivanov (b. 1925); A.P. Petrov (d. 1980).

Designation of time periods

Calendar dates in the text are written as follows: in October 2002, but: for 8 months of 2002, in 2002, from 1986 to 1990, in 2001-2002.

All types of non-calendar years (budget, operational, reporting, academic year, theater season), that is, those starting in one year and ending in another, are written with a slash: in the 1998/99 academic year, the theater season 2001/2002 ...

Forms of appeal in letters

Forms of address have become widespread: dear Ivan Petrovich! Dear Mr. Petrov! Dear Sirs!

When addressing officials of the highest bodies of state power and management, heads (presidents, chairmen, etc.) of societies, companies, firms, it is possible to address with an indication of the position and without a surname, for example: Dear Mr. President! Dear Mr. Chairman! Dear Mr. Mayor! Dear Mr. Minister!

When addressing persons of the same professional circle, you can contact: Dear colleagues!

Decline of surnames

Male surnames ending in a hard and soft consonant are inclined: Mayorets - Mayoretsa, Kolomiets - Kolomiytsa, Ozoling - Ozolinga, Khmel - Khmelya, Shorets - Shortsa, Malay - Malaya.

Female surnames ending in a hard or soft consonant are not inclined: Maria Ozoling - Maria Ozoling, Elena Kolomiets - Elena Kolomiets, Nadezhda Khmel - Nadezhda Khmel.

Surnames ending in an unstressed vowel - a, - i, are inclined, with the exception of surnames in which the ending - a is preceded by - and: Neruda - Neruda, Petrarca - Petrarch (but Garcia, Gulia).

Slavic surnames ending in a struck vowel - a, - i, are inclined: Golovnya - Golovni, Loboda - Loboda.

Non-Slavic surnames ending in a struck vowel - a, - I do not decline: Dumas, Zola.

Names of military and honorary titles, academic degrees

The names of military and honorary titles, academic degrees are written with a lowercase letter: general of the army, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician, laureate of the State Prize.

The highest rank of the Russian Federation is written with a capital letter: Hero of the Russian Federation.

Honorary titles of the Russian Federation are written in quotation marks and with a capital letter when establishing and assigning them. In other cases, honorary titles are written without quotation marks and with a lowercase letter. For instance: establish the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation", but: reward the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, include the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation in the commission.

Names of mass media, entertainment enterprises and institutions (theaters, museums, parks, etc.)

Only the first word and proper names included in the title are written with a capital letter: "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", State Institution of Culture, "Novosibirsk Drama Theater" Old House ".

The geographical definition in the name is written with a capital letter: Novosibirsk Academic Youth Theater "Globus". If the geographical definition is not included in the name, then it is written with a lowercase letter: Novosibirsk circus.

The words "Palace" and "House", included in the names of cultural institutions, are written with a capital letter: Wedding Palace, Actor's House. The same words are written with a lowercase letter if they are used as common nouns, as well as in the plural and in the presence of two definitions in front of them: Ice Sports Palace "Siberia", rest houses.

Abbreviated names of organizations

Abbreviated names made up of parts of words are written with a capital letter if they denote single institutions (that is, the phrase is written in full with a capital letter), and with a lowercase, if they serve as generic names: State Sign, State Duma, State Committee.

Abbreviated conventional names of organizations are written with a capital letter in quotation marks and are not inclined if they are preceded by the words: design institute, plant, etc.: design institute "Novosibgrazhdanproekt" (design institute "Novosibgrazhdanproekt"), municipal unitary enterprise "Gorvodokanal" (municipal unitary enterprise "Gorvodokanal").

In the absence of the words "design institute", "combine", etc. their names are written without quotation marks and are declined: Novosibirskgesstroy (Novosibirskgesstroy).

Abbreviated mixed names of individual organizations (compound abbreviated words combined with letter abbreviations) are written with a capital letter, together, without quotation marks; moreover, the letter abbreviations, which are usually written in capital letters, retain the spelling both at the beginning and in the middle or at the end of the abbreviated designation: NIIstroykeramika, NIIEPselstroy, GiprodorNII.

Pronouns "you" and "your" when referring to persons

They are written with a capital letter as a form of polite address to one person in official relations, personal letters: I ask you ... (We inform you ...).

When referring to several persons, these pronouns are written with a lowercase letter: Dear Sirs, your letter ...

The indicated pronouns are also written with a capital letter in the questionnaires: Where did you live before? The composition of your family.

Names of holidays, celebrations

In the names of holidays and significant dates, the first word and proper names are written with a capital letter: New Year, Day of the Russian press, but: City Day, Victory Day, Christmas.

If the initial ordinal in such a name is written in numbers, then the next word is written with a capital letter. At the same time, the ordinal number does not have a build-up: May 1, March 8.

The names of constantly held public events are written with a lowercase letter: the day of the meeting of the graduates, the day of the donor, the day of open doors, the subbotnik.

Range designation

To indicate a range of values, put: a dash, a "-" sign, a preposition from before the first number and before- before the second. For instance: length 5-10 m; length from 5 to 10 m; from 14.00 to 16.00

When large numbers are digitized in a range of values, it is necessary to store zeros in the lower limit number, For example: altitude 15000-20000 m.

With the alphanumeric form of numbers, it is permissible to omit in the number of the lower limit the designation thousand, million, billion, For example: height 20-30 thousand m.

The numbers in the range of values ​​are from lowest to highest, from lowest to highest, For example: This is 60–80% of the total weight of the cargo.

Telephone numbers, double and lettered house numbers

It is customary to write phone numbers, separating two digits with a hyphen from right to left (except for the requisite "Performer's note" in legal acts and letters): v. 2–99–90; t. 2–45. In phone numbers with more than six digits, the left group is separated into three digits: t. 299–85–90.

It is customary to write double house numbers with a slash, For example: st. Linear, 45/2.

Letter numbers of houses are written together with the house number, For example: Pushkinskiy per., 7a.

Spelling complex nouns and adjectives with numbers in the composition

Compound nouns and adjectives containing numerals are written: 150th anniversary; 3-storey building; 1-, 2-, 3-section house.

Compound words with the numeral and the adjective "percentage" are written: 10% tax.

The "%" sign for several numbers is put only once, For example, 50, 60 and 70% (wrong: 50%, 60% and 70%).

Combination of punctuation marks

If there are words already enclosed in quotation marks at the beginning or at the end of a sentence to be enclosed in quotation marks, then double quotation marks are not put next to it. For instance: The telegram said: “The pipes will be provided by the Novosibgorresurs committee.

Period, comma, semicolon, colon, and dash are not preceded by closing quotation marks; all these characters can only appear after quotation marks.

Opening and closing brackets are not preceded by a comma, semicolon, colon and dash. These characters are placed only after the closing parenthesis.

The most commonly used word abbreviations

boulevard - blvd.

year, years - year, years. (with numbers)

city, cities - city, years.

Mr. - Mr.

citizen, citizens - citizen, citizen

citizen, citizen - gr-ka, gr-ki

railway - railway

railway - railway - d.

Zhilmassiv - w / m

acting - acting

and others - etc.

and others, etc.

and the like - and so on.

highway - magician.

microdistrict - m / r

billion, billions - billion (after digital


million, million - million (after digital designation)

region - region.

lake - lake.

area - pl.

lane - lane.

settlement - pos.

prospect - pr.

point, points - p., p.

river - r. (but rivers)

street - st.

copy - copy.

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