Home Useful properties of fruits Can various short prayers be recited throughout the day? To help a novice prayer book. Prayer rule from sorrow and temptation

Can various short prayers be recited throughout the day? To help a novice prayer book. Prayer rule from sorrow and temptation

Beloved brothers and sisters!

Orthodoxy, unlike other religious confessions, especially relies on augmented or personal prayer. Thus, each Christian does not himself create the life of his neighbors, his own destiny and his earthly Fatherland, but entirely entrusts God, the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Holy Theotokos to the Prayer Book and our intercessor and the great host of saints, the life of his God who pleases God.
Therefore, we Orthodox Christians, in order, first of all, to live in peace with ourselves and bring peace to others, and thus bring peace and prosperity to the long-suffering and sinful land of Russia, should unite in common prayer, and act as stated in the Holy Scripture: "Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will accomplish it." Each person sees the path of humanity to a perfect society in his own way and, with the help of like-minded people, tries to rebuild it in his own way. This restructuring is usually never painless. It is always associated with blood, with massive loss of life, with enormous destruction, refugees left without shelter and food, orphans, widows and invalids. But it is said in the Holy Scriptures: "You cannot have a single hair white or black." And it is also said: "It is impossible for humans, but everything is possible for God." Therefore, each orthodox christian must always understand that he himself is not able to overcome the difficulties and trials that so often fall on the lot of a person, family, people, state. But he can independently overcome, survive, and most importantly understand, not with worldly, but with spiritual vision, the significance of what is happening, and influence, calling for help and protection of God. For this it is necessary to constantly converse with Him.
Prayer is a conversation with God. The Holy Psalmist David, pleasing God with his prayers, teaches us to pray in one of the psalms: "Seven times a day I will praise Thee for the judgments of Thy righteousness." (Ps.118: 164) The Apostle Paul in his epistles teaches us: "With all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit ...". And by faith we comprehend that: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened for you; for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. " Therefore, a prayer request to everyone who has this prayer book is not lazy, in a certain hour, in every place, open the right hour, read the psalm and the prayer of this hour. Thus, you will join the huge number of those who pray for you, for your immortal soul, about the souls of your family and friends, about the fate of our earthly Fatherland - Russia, about yours and the common good. May God send peace to our souls. May the Lord protect us all!



In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
God, cleanse my sins, and have mercy on me.
Having created me, Lord, have mercy on me.
Without the number of those who have sinned, Lord, forgive me.
My mistress, the Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner.
My holy guardian angel, save me from all evil.
All saints, pray to God for me.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, who is everywhere and fulfill everything, Treasure of the good and the giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all defilement, and save our souls, Better.

Holy God, holy mighty, holy immortal, have mercy on us.
Holy God, holy mighty, holy immortal, have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us: Lord, cleanse our sins: Master, forgive our iniquity: Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy name's sake.
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Lord, do not expose me with Thy wrath, punish me lower with Thy wrath. Have mercy on me, O Lord, as my bones are crumpled, And my soul is crumpled up badly: and thou, O Lord, until; Turn back, Lord, deliver my soul, save me for the sake of Thy mercy. As if in death remember you, in hell who will confess to you; Troubled with my sighing, I will wash my bed for every night, I will wash my bed with my tears. My eye is swept away with rage, vows in all my foes. Depart from me, all those who practice iniquity, as if they heard the Lord crying: Hearing the Lord my prayer, the Lord pleasing my prayer. Let all mine antagonists be ashamed and confused, but be ashamed and ashamed very soon.

Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity.

Holy Trinity, Consubstantial Power, all good wines! That we will repay Thee for all that Thou hast repaid to us sinners and unworthy, before you were born into this world, for all, even you repay from us for all the days and even prepared to eat for all of us in the future; It is befitting of you, for a little of good deeds and generosity, not just words, but more than deeds to thank You, keeping and fulfilling Your commandments: we, however, our passion and custom outside of us, in countless sins and iniquities from our youth are overthrown. For this sake, as if to the unclean and defiled, not just before Thy light face of Thy coldly appear, but below Thy name of the Most Holy, baptize us kindly, if it were not for You yourself to proclaim good things to our joy, as if pure and righteous lovingly sinners and repentant are acceptable. Look at us, O Divine Trinity, from the height of Your Holy Glory on us many sinners, and accept our good will instead of good deeds, and give us the spirit of true repentance, yes, we hate every sin, in purity and truth until the end of our days we will chew the Holy Will. Your gloriously pure thoughts and good deeds, Your Most Holy and Magnificent Name is Yours forever and ever. Amen.


Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our debts, as if we also leave our debts: and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Thine is the Kingdom and the power and glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me most of all from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin: I know my iniquity, and I will take out my iniquity before me. You who have sinned alone, and have done evil in your sight: as if you were justified in your words, and conquer, outside of the time you judge Ty. Behold, in iniquity I am conceived, and in sin bore me my mother. Thou hast loved this truth, Thou artless and secret wisdom Thou hast revealed to me. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will cleanse, wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. To my hearing dasi joy and gladness, the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn away Thy face from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquity. Build a pure heart in me, O God, and renew the spirit of rights in my womb. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not the Holy Spirit from me. Render to me the joy of Thy salvation and confirm me with the Spirit of the Lord. I will teach wickedness in Your way, and wickedness will turn to You. Deliver me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation: my tongue will rejoice in Thy righteousness. O Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. As if you would have wanted sacrifices, you would have given them: do not favor burnt offerings. Sacrifice to God the spirit is broken: the heart is broken and humble, but God will not despise. Grant, O Lord, Thy good pleasure to Zion, and may the walls of Jerusalem be formed. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering: then they will lay calves on Your altar.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I know, my Lord, that my iniquities have surpassed my head, but the multitude of Thy mercies is immeasurable, the mercy of Thy kindness is inexpressible, and there is no sin that conquers Thy philanthropy. Surprise, wonderful King, the gentle Lord, and on me a sinner of Thy mercy, show Thy goodness, and reveal the strength of Thy gracious mercy and accept me, a sinner who turns to Thee. Receive me as you received the prodigal, the robber, the harlot; accept me, sinning immeasurably both in word and deed, with vain lust and thoughtless thought, and do not convict me with Thy righteous judgment and do not punish me in Thy righteous anger. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am not only weak, but also Your creation. Thou hast established Thy fear on me, but I have done evil before Thee. I put my trust in You, my God! If there is a hope of salvation for me, if Your love for mankind exceeds the multitude of my iniquities without number, wake me a Savior and, according to Your mercies and Your mercies, be weakened, leave me everything in which I have sinned before You, for my soul is filled with many evils, and there is no hopes of salvation for me. Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy and do not repay me according to my deeds, and do not judge me according to my deeds, but turn, intercede, deliver my soul from the evils and fierce perceptions that are growing together with it; save me, for the sake of Thy mercy, so that where sin has multiplied, Thy grace abound, and I would praise and glorify You always, all the days of my life, for You are the God of those who repent and the Savior of those who sin.

Prayers at 12 o'clock

Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our debts, as if we also leave our debts: and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For Thy is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, Amen.

They live in the help of the Most High, they will settle in the roof of the Heavenly God. The Lord speaks: Thou art my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako that will save you from the snare of the hunter, and rebel from the word: His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will go around you with a weapon. Do not fear the fear of the night, from an arrow flying in days, From a thing in transitory darkness, from a crumbling and midday demon. Thousands of people will fall from your country, and tma at your right hand will not come close to you: Look at your eyes, and behold the reward of sinners. Evil will not come to you: and the wound will not come near your body. As with His Angel, the commandment about you to keep thee in all your ways. They will lift thee in their arms, but not when they knock your foot on a stone: step on the asp and the basilisk, and trample the lion and the serpent. For I will trust in Me, and I will deliver and: I will cover and, as My name is known. He will call on me, and I will answer him: I am with him in sorrow, I will scour him: I will fulfill him with the length of days, and I will show him my salvation.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Most Holy Lady Theotokos, one purest in soul and body, one one that surpasses all purity, chastity and virginity, one who has completely become the abode of the total grace of all the Holy Spirit, the most immaterial forces here are still incomparably surpassed by the purity of the body and an abomination of the soul and an abomination of the soul and the body that has been blackened by the filth of my passions, cleanse my passionate mind, make my wandering and blind thoughts blameless, put my feelings in order and guide them, free me from the evil and vile habit that torments me over me to impure prejudices, stopping and all passions sin acting in me, grant to my darkened and accursed mind sobriety and prudence to correct my inclinations and falls, so that, freed from sinful darkness, I might be honored with boldness to glorify and chant Thee, the only Mother of the true Light - Christ, our God; because every invisible and visible creature, now, and always, and forever and ever, blesses and glorifies You alone with Him and in Him. Amen.


Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our debts, as if we also leave our debts: and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Thine is the Kingdom and the power and glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Do not be jealous of the deceitful, below envy those who do lawlessness. Zane like the grass will soon disappear and like the potion of the grain will soon disappear. Trust in the Lord, and do goodness, and populate the earth, and trust in its riches. Delight in the Lord, and he will give you the petitions of your heart. Open your way to the Lord, and trust in Him, and He will do that. And it will bring out like light your truth, and your fate like noon. Obey the Lord and pray to Him. Do not be jealous of one who is ripening on his way, a person who transgresses the law: Stop from anger, and abandon rage, do not be jealous, hedgehog is cunning. The wicked will be required to know that they will endure the Lord, they will inherit the earth. And still a little, and there will be no sinner: you have sought his place, and you have not found it. The meeks will inherit the earth, and enjoy the abundance of the world. A sinful righteous man speaks and grinds his teeth. The Lord will laugh at him and despise him, as if his day will come. The sinner drew the sword, straining his bow, overthrowing the poor and the needy, slay the right heart. Let their sword enter into their hearts, and let their locks be crushed. Better is a little for the righteous, more than the riches of sinners are many. Zane the muscles of sinners will be crushed, asserts the righteous Lord. The Lord knows the ways of the blameless, and their possession will be forever. They will not be ashamed in a fierce time, and in days of gladness they will be satisfied: as if sinners will perish. Antagonize the Lord, you will be glorified by them and ascend, disappearing like the smoke has disappeared. A sinner lends money and will not return, but the righteous gives generosity and gives. As if blessing him will inherit the earth, but the blessed ones will be consumed. From the Lord, the feet of a man are corrected, and his ways are exceedingly exalted. When the pedet is not broken: as the Lord strengthens his hand. The youngest was, for he had grown old, and did not see the righteous one left, below his seed asking for bread. All day long he has mercy, and the righteous one gives mutual, and his seed has dwelt for blessing into the age of the age. For the Lord loves judgment, and will not leave His saints, they will remain forever: the wicked will be harmed, and the seed of the wicked will be consumed. The righteous women will inherit the earth, and will dwell on it for centuries. The lips of the righteous will learn wisdom, and their tongue will speak judgment. But the law of his God is in his heart; his feet will not stumble. A sinful righteous man looks, and seeks to kill him: the Gospolzhe will not leave him in his hand, below will condemn him, always judge him. Suffer the Lord, and keep His way, and he will exalt thee, hedgehog to inherit the earth: always be consumed by the sinful heart. Let their sword enter into their hearts, and let their locks be crushed. Better is a little for the righteous, more than the riches of sinners are many. Zane the muscles of sinners will be crushed, asserts the righteous Lord. The Lord knows the ways of the blameless, and their possession will be forever. They will not be ashamed in a fierce time, and in days of gladness they will be satisfied: as if sinners will perish. Oppose the Lord, you will be glorified by them and ascend, disappearing as if the smoke has disappeared. The sinner lends, and will not return; the righteous, however, is generous and gives. As if blessing him will inherit the earth, but the blessed ones will be consumed. From the Lord, the feet of a man are corrected, and his ways are exceedingly exalted. When the pedet is not broken: as the Lord strengthens his hand. The youngest was, for he had grown old, and did not see the righteous one left, below his seed asking for bread. All day long he has mercy, and the righteous one gives mutual, and his seed has dwelt for blessing into the age of the age. For the Lord loves judgment, and will not leave His saints, they will remain forever: the wicked will be worn out, and the seed of the wicked will be consumed. The righteous women will inherit the earth, and will dwell on it for centuries. The lips of the righteous will learn wisdom, and their tongue will head judgment. But the law of his God is in his heart; his feet will not stumble. A sinful righteous man looks, and seeks to kill him: the Gospolzhe will not leave him in his hand, below will condemn him, always judge him. Suffer the Lord, and save His way, and he will exalt thee, hedgehog to inherit the earth: always be consumed by a sinner, behold. Videh of the wicked exalting, and towering, like the cedars of Lebanon: And Idokh past, and behold, and seeking him, and not finding his place. Keep gentleness, and see the flood, as if there is a remnant of peace to man. The wicked will be consumed together, the remnants of the wicked will be consumed. But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord, and the Lord is their protector, and the deliverer of them, and the sinner will sweep them away, and save them, as if trusting in him.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint George the Victorious.

Oh, all-praised Holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George. Look upon us with your quick help and pray to the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us sinners according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to His great mercy. Do not look at our prayer, but ask for us from Christ our God a quiet and God-pleasing life, mental and bodily health, fertility of the earth and in all abundance, and may we not turn the good that you give us from the all-generous God to us, but to the glory of the Holy One. His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He give God-protected Russia and the Orthodox people peace and blessing. Yes, His saints are haunted by His militia from the wiles of the evil one and grievous ordeals, in order to appear uncondemned to the throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, Passion-bearer of Christ George, and pray for us ceaselessly the Tri-hypostasis Lord of all God. By His grace and humanity, and by your help and intercession, we will find mercy with the Angels and Archangels and with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge, and then we will eternally glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both now and ever and forever and ever. Amen


The Lord grazes me, and will deprive me of nothing. In the place of zlachne, tamo instilled in me: on the water I was raised calmly. Turn my soul, guide me on the path of righteousness for your name. If I go in the middle of the mortal shadow, I will not fear evil, as if You are with me: Your rod and Your club, that comforter me. Thou hast prepared a meal in front of me to resist those who are cold to me: thou hast anointed my head with barely, and Thy cup is like a sovereign that revels in me. And Thy mercy will marry me all the days of my life: and hedgehog me into the house of the Lord in the longitude of the days.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara.

All-wise and all-colored saint to the great martyr of Christ Barbara! Blessed are you, for the graceful wisdom of God did not show you flesh and blood, but God Himself the Heavenly Father, Like you, for the sake of faith for the sake of an unfaithful father, abandoned, exiled and mortified, in your own beloved sweetheart: for the corruptible earthly possession of the inheritance - the incorruptibility of the gift of the flesh; works of martyrdom by the repose of Heaven, change the Kingdom; your temporary life, suppressed by His death, glorify the honor of the tit, as if the soul from the face of the heavenly spirits, the body, put on the earth in their angelic temple, should be preserved by the angel of the commandment whole, honestly and many miracles. Blessed are you, Christ the Son of God, the Heavenly Bridegroom, a discontented virgin, but you want to have His goodness as your diligent, all yourselves with suffering, wounds, satisfaction and the heads of your beheading, like you desperately wished to decorate with the most precious utensils: yes, like a wife, is faithful to her husband's head You are inseparably united to Christ in spirit and body, saying: you have acquired. But my soul love him, keep him, and do not forsake him. Blessed are you, as the Holy Spirit has rested on you, and you have been taught spiritual reasoning, you have rejected all the spirits of deceit in idols, as if you have rejected the pernicious Spirit, as a true worshiper, you deigned to worship in spirit and truth, preaching: one Deity. You glorified this Holy Trinity in your belly and death with your confession and suffering, pray for me, my representative, as I am always threefold, faith, love and hope, where the Holy Trinity I revere virtue. The Imam is a lamp of faith, but good deeds of oil are celebrated: you, wise virgin, your suffering flesh, filled with blood and shedding wounds, like having a lamp, give from your oil, so that you decorate my soul's light, I will be honored, and I, your unworthy servant (name ) for you to instill into the palace of heaven. I am a dresser on earth and a stranger, like all my fathers: blessings to the eternal heiress and blessed lunch in the Kingdom of Heaven for a partaker, as if in the wandering of life, a meal of divine food, and in the exodus from the world, please give me parting words: and always at the end of sleep I will begin to lull death, then touch my exhausted flesh, like sometimes the angel of Elijah, saying: rise up, poison and drink, as if by the grace of the divine Body and Blood of Secrets I will go into the fortress of this poison the long path of death, even to the heavenly mountain: and there, Through the three windows of the bathhouse, through the three windows of the bathhouse, before, by the faith of God, Thou hast seen the Trinity; Amen.


Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors: and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
As Thine is the Kingdom and Power and Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, you were a refuge for us in generation and generation: Before even the mountains did not exist and the earth and the universe were created, and from time to time you are. Turn not a man into humility, and proclaim: turn, son of mankind. Like a thousand years before your eyes, Lord, like yesterday's day, like a mimoid, and the night watch. The humiliation of their summer will be: the morning is like the grass will pass by, the morning will flourish and pass away: in the evening it will fall away, harden and wither away. As if Thy anger disappeared, and Thy fury was confused. Thou hast laid down our iniquity before Thee: our age is in the illumination of Thy face. As all our days have become impoverished, and your anger has disappeared: Our summer, like a spider, will work. The days of our years in them are even seventy years old, but even if they are able, seventy years, they multiply their work and illness: as if meekness came to us, and we will be punished. Who knows the power of Thy anger; and from Thy fear Thy anger disappear; Tell Thy right hand taco, and bound in heart in wisdom. Turn, Lord, until; and beseech you for your servants. Be filled with Thy mercy in the morning, O Lord, and rejoice, and rejoice: All our days we rejoice, for days in goodness Thou hast humbled us, years in the middle of a vidikh evil. And look upon thy servants, and upon thy works, and instruct their sons. And wake the grace of the Lord our God on us, correct the work of our hands on us, and correct the work of our hands.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer to the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

You holy martyrs, Vero, Nadezhdo and Lyuba, we glorify, magnify and bless you, together with the matter of Sophia, we also worship her, as the image of God-wise care that reveals. Pray, Saint Vero, the Creator of the visible and invisible, that faith will be strong, not tempting and indestructible will give us. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that hope for the good will not marry us, and may save us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Luba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, and that from above will send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and together with your matter Sophia, pray to the Lord God, that He will preserve His Holy Church under His protection. Likewise, for all of us, your warm intercession before God, we earnestly pray, and together with you and with all the saints we exalt the Most Holy and Great Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Master and the good Companion, now and forever and forever. Amen.


Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors: and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
As Thine is the Kingdom and Power and Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 142

Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness: And do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, for all living things will not be justified before You, as if the enemy persecuted my soul: I have humbled my stomach to eat: I have planted I am in the dark, like a dead age. And despondency in me is my spirit, in me my heart is perturbed. I remember the days of old, who have learned in all Your works, have learned Your hand in Your creation. My hand ascends to Thee: my soul is like a waterless land for Thee. Soon hear me, Lord, my spirit has disappeared: do not turn your face away from me, and I will be like those who descend into the pit. I hear Thy mercy do me in the morning, as if in Thy hopes: Lord tell me the way, I will go, as if I took my soul to Thee. Take me away from the enemy of my Lords, I come to You. Teach me to do Your will, as you are my God. Your good Spirit will guide me to earth right. For Thy name's sake, Lord, live me with Thy righteousness: take away my soul from sorrow: And by Thy mercy, consume my enemies, and destroy all my cold soul: as I am Thy servant.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Alilluia, Alilluia, Alilluia, Glory to Thee God.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer to the Most Holy Venerable Ephraim the Syrian.

O saint of Christ, our father Ephraim! Bring our prayer to a merciful and almighty God and ask us (names), from His goodness all even for the benefit of our souls and bodies: faith is right, hopeless, unhypocritical love, meekness and gentleness, courage in temptations, patience in malice, in piety permeation, let us not turn the gifts of the All-blessed God into evil. Do not forget, miraculous holy, both this holy temple (house) and our parish: preserve and observe them with your prayers from all evil. To her, holy God, grant us a good end and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, but let us glorify the wondrous God in His saints, All glory, honor and power, forever and ever, befits Him. Amen.

Prayers throughout the day

Before the beginning of any business

(say secretly or mentally)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Fatherless Father, You spoke to us with Your most pure lips: “I am the Vine, and you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing. " My Lord, Lord, I believe with all my soul and heart what You said, I bow down to Your goodness and pray to You: help me, a sinner, this work, which I have begun, to accomplish for You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the end of every business

(say secretly or mentally)

Glory to Thee, Lord!

The source of all good, You, my Lord Jesus Christ, grant joy and gladness to my soul and save me, the One Most Merciful.

Prayer Before Eating Food

Prayer after eating food

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings. Do not deprive us of Thy Heavenly Kingdom, but as once came to Thy disciples, giving them peace, come to us and save us.

Prayers for the sick

Prayers for the sick

Troparion, voice 4th

You alone are quick in intercession, Jesus Christ, quick from above, show help to the suffering

Kontakion, voice 3rd

How you once healed, Savior, Peter's mother-in-law


Sovereign, Almighty, Holy Lord, punishing, but not mortifying, supporting the fallen and raising the defeated, healing the bodily sufferings of people, we pray to You, our God,

Prayer for the mentally ill

An eternal and incomprehensible mind, which sowed seeds from His mind in angels and people, Who, with His thought, embraces the entire created world and provides good wisdom for every creature, hear our prayer for our mentally ill brothers.

Doesn't a man madly become a handful of dust, which he carries here and there, without meaning and without purpose, without distinguishing good from evil and living from the dead?

You are righteous, O God above, and in righteousness you allow people to suffer for their unrepentant sins. But in truth you will judge at Your Last Judgment, and now have mercy on those whose mental suffering the sons of perdition rejoice most of all, warring against You and people.

As the number of people who boast of their intelligence, covering Your name with contempt, increases every year, the number of those who, having lost their minds, replenish the homes of the insane, also increases.

You give reason so that people know that reason is from You - You take away reason so that people can see that reason is Yours. Great Giver of gifts, show Your mercy to the distraught, and for the sake of the terrible sacrifice of Your Son on the Cross for the whole human race, return the mind to the mad, and through this bring them and their relatives to repentance. To appreciate and cherish the wonderful gift of the mind, with which You have adorned people and raised above every other creation in the world.

Through prayers Holy Mother of God, saint

Prayer to the Lord for the weak and sleepy

Great God, glorious and incomprehensible, who created man by His hand from the dust of the earth in His Image, appear on

Prayers for travelers

Troparion, voice 2nd

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Way and the Truth! Let's go now

Kontakion, voice 2nd


Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the true and living Path, wandering with Joseph and with Your Most Pure Virgin Mother to Egypt, wishing to go with

Thanksgiving for every good deed of God

Troparion, voice 4th

Lord we are unworthy

Kontakion, voice 3rd

We are your blessings and gifts,

Mother of God

The Mother of God, Assistant to Christians, having received Your intercession, Your servants sing to You with gratitude: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin Mary, and from all troubles by Your prayers, always deliver us, faithful and unceasing

About increasing love and eradicating hatred and all anger

Troparion, voice 4th

By the union of love of Thy apostles, Who united, Christ, and us, Thy faithful

Kontakion, voice 5th

With the flame of love for You, kindle our hearts, Christ God, so that we, filled with this love, with our hearts, thoughts, souls and all our strength, may love You and our neighbor as ourselves, and keeping Your commands, glorify You, all the blessings of the Giver.

About those who hate and offend us

Troparion, voice 4th

The Lord of love, who has prayed for those who crucified You, and who has commanded Your disciples to pray for enemies! Forgive those who hate and offend us, and turn from all evil and deceit to a brotherly and virtuous life, humbly we bring a prayer to You: let us glorify You, one Human-lover, in agreement with one mind.

Kontakion, voice 5th

As Thy first martyr Stephen prayed to Thee for those who killed him, Lord, and we, falling to Thee, pray: forgive those who hate everyone and offend us, that not one of them perishes because of us, but all are saved by Thy grace, O All-bountiful God.

Prayers for the reconciliation of the warring

First prayer

Lord Lover of mankind, King of the ages and Giver of blessings, who took upon himself the sins of the world and gave peace to the human race, grant peace now

Second prayer

The Lord Lover of mankind, the eternal King and the Giver of all blessings, who destroyed the fence of the law, and gave peace to the human race, grant peace to Thy servants now: rooted in them the fear of God, and affirm love for each other, extinguish all quarrels, destroy all causes of disagreement. For Thou art our peace, and we glorify Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Forgiveness of forgotten sins

Prayer of St.

O Lord, since it is a sin to forget your sins, I have sinned in everything to You, the One Heartfelt; You and forgive me everything according to Your philanthropy; This is how the splendor of Your glory is manifested when You do not reward sinners according to their deeds, for You are glorified forever. Amen.

Another prayer

I have sinned, Lord, have mercy on me! Accept me, lost sheep, and bring Thy chosen flock together! Give me your heart

Prayer for the granting of all virtue

Then grant me, Son of the All-Good, to which my thoughts strive, and add to that which is pleasing to Your will.

Grant me permission to do good, and not to deviate from Thy will in anything.

Do not let me be a wicked and hypocritical disciple, and violate Your commandments.

Protect me from the thought of walking in Thy path only for show, and with your hypocrisy to deceive those who see me, so that they proclaim me blessed.

Grant that my heart will delight in Thy greatness in secret, and that right life mine glorified you clearly.

Let the truth be a guide to me,

Prayers for all weakness


Master! I am in Thy hands, have mercy on me according to Thy will, and if it is good for me, heal me soon.

Prayer of St.

Do not let me, O Lord, be tempted or sorrow or sickness from above my strength, but deliver them or grant me strength to endure them with thanksgiving.

Psalm 29

I will exalt Thee, Lord, that Thou hast lifted me up and did not allow my enemies to triumph over me. Oh my God! I cried out to You, and You healed me. God! You brought my soul out of Hell and revived me so that I would not go down to the grave. Sing to the Lord, His saints, glorify the memory of His holiness, for for a moment His anger, for [all] life His good will: in the evening there is crying, but in the morning there is joy. And I said in my prosperity: "I will not be shaken forever." According to Thy pleasure, O Lord, Thou hast strengthened my mountain; but You hid Your face, [and] I was confused. [Then] to You, Lord, I cried, and the Lord begged: “What is the use of my blood when I go down to the grave? will the dust praise you? will he declare thy truth? hear, Lord, and have mercy on me; God! be my helper. " And You turned my grief into exultation, took off the sackcloth from me and girded me with gladness, may my soul praise Thee, and may not be silent. Oh my God! I will praise You forever.

Psalm 69

Hurry, God, deliver me, [hurry], Lord, help me. Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and ashamed! May those who wish me harm be turned back and given over to mockery! Let those who say [to me] be turned back for reproaching me: “Good! OK!" May all who seek You rejoice and rejoice in You, and let those who love Your salvation say incessantly: "Great is God!" I am poor and destitute; God hurry to me! You are my help and my Deliverer; God! do not slow down.

Prayers for scattering, inattention in prayer

Collect my scattered mind, Lord, and cleanse my frozen heart, as

Lord, if I read that prayer without attention and was scattered in my thoughts: forgive and save me according to Your mercy.

Prayers for the granting of prayer

God! Teach us to pray.

(OK. 11: 1)

Teach me, Lord, to pray fervently to You with attention and love, without which prayer cannot be heard! May I not have a careless prayer in

Prayers in discouragement

Prayer from the works of St.

God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercy and God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrow! Consolation of every grieving, grieving, despairing, overwhelmed by the spirit of despondency. After all, every person was created by Thy hands, wise in wisdom, exalted by Thy right hand, glorified by Thy goodness ... But now we are visited by Thy Fatherly punishment, short-term sorrows! - You compassionately punish those you love, and mercy generously and look down on their tears! So, having chastised, have mercy and appease our sorrow; turn sorrow into joy and joy, dissolve our sorrow; Show us Thy mercy, wondrous Lord in advice, Incomprehensible in the fate of the Lord, and blessed in Thy deeds forever, amen.

Psalm 101

God! hear my prayer, and let my cry come to you. Hide not Thy face from me; In the day of my sorrow, incline Thy ear to me; on the day [when I call to You], soon hear me; for my days are gone like smoke, and my bones are burnt like a brand; my heart is smitten and withered like grass, so that I forget to eat my bread; at the voice of my groaning, my bones stuck to my flesh. I have become like a pelican in the desert; I became like an owl in the ruins; I do not sleep and I sit like a lonely bird on the roof. Every day my enemies revile me, and those who are angry with me swear by me.

Psalm 26

The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom should I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life: whom should I fear? If the evildoers, my adversaries and my enemies, attack me to devour my flesh, they themselves will stumble and fall. If a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear; if a war rises on me, and then I will hope. I asked the Lord for one thing, I only seek that, so that I can stay in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, contemplate the beauty of the Lord and visit His temple, for He would hide me in His tabernacle on the day of calamity, He would hide me in the secret place of His village , take me to the rock. Then my head would be lifted up above the enemies around me; and I would offer sacrifices of praise in His tabernacle, I would sing and sing before the Lord. Hear, Lord, my voice, which I cry, have mercy on me and heed me. My heart speaks from You: “Seek my face”; and I will seek Thy face, Lord. Hide not Thy face from me; do not reject in anger

Prayers for Patience

Prayer 1, to the Lord

Praise be to Thee, Father of Mercy and God of all consolation, that Thou never leave Thy sufferers without visiting and consolation. To punish - you punish them, but you do not betray them to death; although you are often the hidden God for them, you are the Savior of all of them. Seal this consolation, O Lord, in my heart and show it true over me, when the calamity is near, and there is no helper. Be my light when I sit in darkness; do that the knowledge of my sins and what they deserve produce in me true humility and patience. Strengthen, when trouble comes, faith in me, as in Jacob, so that I will fight and not let You go until You bless me. Make sure that in suffering I do not flee from You, O my Shepherd, but so that my courage increases and I become more zealous for Your prayer and praise. Open my mind so that I understand the Scripture, learn from it Your ways, and in the true silence of my heart completely and completely surrendered to You, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord! Amen.

Prayer 2, to the Lord

Father of mercy and God of all consolation! I appeal to you in the name of Jesus Christ to grant me true Christian patience. Arm me with it against all sorrow, so that I may be patient in it, for it is very precious. Make me ready to lift my cross upon you, like Christ

Psalm 142



Lord, you visit, accept sinners! And you raise the dead! And you command the waters of the sea, the winds of the sky! And loaves grow wonderfully in Your hands, give a thousandfold harvest - they are sown, reaped, baked and broken at the same time, in an instant! And Thou art hungry to save us from hunger! And you thirst for our thirst to go away! And you travel through the country of our exile with the burden of Yourself, in order to return to us the calm, sweet heavenly nature that we have lost! You shed your sweat in the garden of Gethsemane, so that we would stop shedding our sweat in obtaining bread, learned to shed it in prayers for a worthy communion of the Bread of Heaven. The thorns sprouted to us by the accursed earth, You took on Your head; Thou hast crowned, Thou didst sore Thy holy head with thorns! We have lost the heavenly tree of life and its fruit, which imparted immortality to those who eat, - You, prostrating yourself on the tree of the cross, have become for us the fruit that gives eternal life to Your partakers. Both the fruit of life and the tree of life appeared on earth, in the camp of our exile. This fruit and this tree are superior to those of paradise: they impart immortality, and these impart immortality and Deity. Through Your suffering, You poured sweetness into our suffering. We reject earthly pleasures, choose our sufferings by lot, just to become partakers of Your sweetness! It is like an anticipation of eternal life, sweeter and more precious than temporary life! You fell asleep in the sleep of a mortal who could not keep You in eternal sleep. You - God! You rebelled and granted us an awakening from this dream, from the fierce sleep of a mortal, granted a blessed and glorious resurrection! You have lifted our renewed nature to heaven, you have planted it at the right hand of the eternal, Your own, Your Father! Our Lord! Grant us both on earth and in heaven to praise, bless, and praise Your goodness! Grant us open

With libel and unfair harassment

You, Lord, offered Yourself as a sacrifice on the cross for my salvation. Can I turn away from the burdens of unfair judgments of people about me? Make it, Lord Jesus, so that, thinking of the abuse and slander that You endured for me, my heart might learn patience, and not only without irritation, but even with thanksgiving, willingly endure the insults and condemnations of others. For one thing I beg Thee, O Lord, do not leave my enemies forever in their blindness, but at last illuminate them with a ray of Thy grace. Amen.

Psalm 3

A psalm of David when he fled from his son Absalom.

Prayer for anger


Merciful and benevolent God! By your ineffable goodness, who created us out of nothing, for the enjoyment of Your blessings, and who called us, who departed from Your commandments, by the blood of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior! Come now, help our weakness, and as You once forbade the troubled sea, so now also forbid the disturbance of our hearts, so that You do not lose in one hour Your children, killed by sin, and so that You do not say to us: “What is the use of My blood, always descend to Me into corruption ", and:" Amen, I say to you, I do not know you "

Prayers for relaxation of the spirit and insensibility to sin

Prayer for the granting of a penitent feeling, St.

Lord, grant us to see our sins, so that our mind, drawn entirely to the attention of our own faults, ceases to see the faults of our neighbors, and thus would see all our neighbors as good. Grant our hearts to leave the pernicious concern for the shortcomings of our neighbor, combine all our concerns into one concern for acquiring the purity and sanctity commanded and prepared for us by You. Grant us, who have defiled the spiritual vestments, to whiten them again: they have already been washed with the waters of baptism, and now, after being defiled, need to be washed with tears. Grant us to behold, in the light of Thy grace, the various ailments living in us, destroying spiritual movements in the heart, introducing into it spiritual and physical movements that are hostile to the Kingdom of God. Grant us the great gift of repentance, preceded and born of the great gift of sight of our sins. Protect us with these great gifts from the abyss of self-deception, which opens in the soul from its unnoticed and incomprehensible sinfulness; is born from the action of unremarkable and incomprehensible voluptuousness and vanity. Observe us with these great gifts on our path to You, and grant us to reach You, who calls on confessing sinners and rejects those who recognize themselves as righteous, let us praise you forever in eternal bliss, the One True God, the Redeemer of the captive, the Savior of the lost. Amen.

Psalm 56

To the head of the choir. Do not destroy. David's Scripture When He Fled from Saul to a Cave.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me, for my soul trusts in You, and in the shadow of Your wings I will hide myself until the troubles pass. I will appeal to God the Most High, God who benefits me; He will send from heaven and save me; will shame the one who seeks to devour me; God will send His mercy and His truth. My soul is among the lions; I lie among those breathing fire, among the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharp sword. Be exalted above heaven, God, and may Your glory be above all the earth! They have prepared a net for my feet; my soul is drooping; they dug a hole in front of me, and [themselves] fell into it. My heart is ready, God, my heart is ready: I ​​will sing and praise. Arise, my glory, arise, psalter and gusli! I'll get up early. I will praise You, Lord, among the nations; I will praise Thee among the nations, for Thy mercy is great up to the heavens, and Thy truth to the clouds. Be exalted above heaven, God, and may Your glory be above all the earth!

Prayer with mercy and irritation with others

Merciful, gracious, kind, long-suffering, loving, merciful Heavenly Father! I mourn and confess before You the innate malice and insensitivity of my heart, that I often sinned with mercy and unfriendliness before my poor neighbor, did not take part in his poverty and misfortunes that happened to him, did not have the due human, Christian and brotherly compassion for him, left he was in distress, did not visit him, did not comfort him, did not help him. In this I did not act like a child of God, because I was not merciful like You.

My heavenly Father, and did not even think about what Christ my Lord says: Blessed are the merciful, for they will have mercy. I did not think about the last sentence for The last judgment: Come from Me, you accursed ones, into eternal fire; for I was hungry, and you did not give me food; I was naked and you did not clothe Me; I was sick and did not visit Me

Merciful Father! Forgive me this grave sin, and do not impute it to me. Turn away from me a heavy and righteous punishment, and do so that judgment is not fulfilled on me without mercy, but cover and forget my mercy for the mercy of Thy beloved Son.

Grant me a merciful heart, which would grieve over the misfortune of my neighbor, and make me quickly and easily be moved to compassion. Grant me grace, that I should help to relieve, and not to increase, the sorrows and distress suffered by my neighbors; so that I could comfort him in his sorrow and show mercy with all my sorrowful spirit - to the sick, to strangers, widows and orphans; to help them willingly and love not only in words, but in deeds and in truth.

My God! You want mercy, not sacrifice. Make me clothed in heartfelt mercy, goodness, humility, patience, and willingly forgive, as Christ forgave me. Make me to know your great mercy in me, because I am too small in front of all the mercy that you showed me from my birthday. Thy mercy preceded me when I lay in sins; it embraces me, it follows me wherever I go, and at last it will accept me into itself into eternal life. Amen.

Desperate prayers


O Wonderful Creator, Humanitarian Ruler, Most Merciful Lord! With a contrite and humble heart, I pray to You: do not abhor my sinful prayer, do not put away my tears and sighs, hear me as a Canaanite, do not despise me like a harlot, reveal on me, a sinner, the great mercy of Thy philanthropy: protect with Thy garment with honest , have mercy and support me, so that I will endure all troubles and misfortunes sent from You with thanksgiving in the hope of eternal blessings; turn my fair grief into joy, so that I, cursed one, will not fall into despair and perish. You are the source of mercy and the unashamed hope of our salvation, Christ our God, and we glory to You with Your Beginning Father, and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, both now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen.


Lord, Lord of heaven and earth, King of ages! Graciously open the door of repentance to me, for in my heart disease I pray to You, the true God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Light of the world: look upon many of Your mercy and accept my prayer; do not turn him away, but forgive me, who fell into many sins. For I seek peace and do not find it, because my conscience does not forgive me. I look forward to peace, and there is no peace in me, because of the deep multitude of my iniquities. Hear, Lord, me, who is in despair. For I, deprived of any readiness and any thought to correct myself, fall to Thy compassions: have mercy on me, cast down to earth and condemned for my sins. Turn, O Lord, my lamentation into my joy, tear apart the sackcloth and gird me with gladness. And please, may I receive comfort, as Your chosen ones, O Lord, from whom sickness, sorrow and sighing have run away, and may the door of Your Kingdom be opened to me, so that, having entered with those who enjoy the light of Your face, O Lord, I may receive eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ... Amen.

Prayer in sorrow for not humility and for the granting of humility

Prayer petitions of St.

Lord, give me Thy humble spirit, so that I do not lose Thy grace and do not begin to weep for it, as Adam wept for Paradise and God. Lord, You are the Merciful; tell me what must I do to make my soul humble? Lord, grant us the gift of Your holy humility. Lord, grant us gratuitously your humble Holy Spirit, as you came gratuitously to save people and lift them up to heaven so that they can see your glory. Most Holy Mother of the Lord, ask, Merciful, for us a humble spirit. All Saints, you live in heaven, and you see the glory of the Lord, and your spirit rejoices, - pray that we too be with you.

Prayers of the Saints for Acquiring the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Prayers of the reverend

God, enlighten us with Your Holy Spirit, so that we all understand Your love.

Whoever asks me for prayers, for those I tearfully ask the Lord:

“Lord, give them Your Holy Spirit, that they may know You by the Holy Spirit. Merciful Lord, teach all of us by Thy Holy Spirit to live according to Thy will, so that all of us in Thy Light may know You, the true God, for without Thy Light we cannot understand the fullness of Thy love. Enlighten us with Thy grace, and it will warm our hearts to love You.

Master, the Most Merciful, grant us a humble spirit, so that our souls may find peace in You. "

“Blessed Mother of the Lord, ask, Merciful, for us a humble spirit.

All the saints, you live in heaven and see the glory of the Lord, and your spirit rejoices, - pray that we also be with you. My soul is drawn to see the Lord and misses Him in humility, as unworthy of this blessing "

“Lord, Merciful, by the Holy Spirit teach us your humility.

Lord, correct us, as a tender mother corrects her little children.

Let every soul know the joy of Thy Coming and the power of Thy help. Give coolness to the suffering souls of Your people, and teach all of us by the Holy Spirit to know You. The human soul languishes on earth. Lord, and the mind cannot strengthen itself in You, because it does not know You and Your goodness. "

“O Lord, teach us by Your Holy Spirit to be obedient, self-controlled. Give us the spirit of Adam's repentance and tears for our sins. Let us praise and thank you forever. Thou hast given us Thy pure body and blood, so that we may live with You forever, and be where You are, and see Thy glory. "

“Lord, let the peoples of the whole earth know how much You love us and what a wonderful life You give to those who believe in You.

Have mercy on me, God, Thy fallen creation.

How many times have You given me Your grace, and I have not kept it, because my soul is vain; but my soul knows You, my Creator and my God, and therefore I seek You, weeping, as Joseph wept for his father Jacob on his mother's tomb


“... We were honored to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit at baptism. How many people remember this? It is not enough to receive, it is still necessary to preserve, improve, multiply, and not bury. For this it is necessary to stir up jealousy. How?

2. Pay attention to yourself.

3. To often participate in the Holy Sacraments, through which the Holy Spirit is communicated to a person.

4. To visit a holy temple often is a place of the special presence of the Holy Spirit.

5. Finally, prayer is a great deed for receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the "King of Heaven" prayer. It should not only be listened to with special reverence during prayer in church, but also during work, to be pronounced, asking for help from the Holy Spirit. "

Prayer rule from sorrow and temptation

In temptation, do not say: God is tempting me; because God is not tempted by evil and He Himself does not tempt anyone, but everyone is tempted, being carried away and deceived own lust.

Jac. 1: 13-14

Saint Ambrose of Optina

From the letters of St. Ambrose of Optina

Reverend Elder

From letters the Monk Ambrose Optinsky

Hope for the mercy and help of God and believe that the Lord is powerful to deliver you from all the wiles of men and enemies. It is said in the psalms: “The Lord ruins the councils of the pagans and sweeps aside the thoughts of the people; but the counsel of the Lord abides forever. "

I am writing out the psalms with which Saint David prayed when he was persecuted by enemies: 3rd, 53rd, 58th, 142nd. Choose from these psalms words that are decent for you and read them often, turning to God with faith and humility. And when despondency wrestles you or an unaccountable grief torments your soul - read Psalm 101.

Prayer Rule

Psalm 3

God! how my enemies have multiplied! Many rebel against me, many say to my soul: "He has no salvation in God." But You, Lord, are a shield before me, my glory, and You lift up my head. With my voice I cry to the Lord, and He hears me from His holy mountain. I lie down, sleep and get up, for the Lord protects me. I will not fear those people who have taken up arms against me from all sides. Arise, Lord! save me my God! for you smite all my enemies in the bowels; you break the teeth of the wicked. Salvation is from the Lord. Your blessing is over your people.

Psalm 53

God! save me by your name, and judge me by your power. God! Hear my prayer, listen to the words of my mouth, for strangers have risen up against me, and the strong seek my soul. they do not have God before them. Behold, God is my helper; The Lord strengthens my soul. He will reward my enemies for evil; destroy them by your truth. I will earnestly offer you a sacrifice, I will glorify Your name, Lord, for it is good, for You delivered me from all troubles, and my eye looked at my enemies.

Psalm 58

Deliver me from my enemies, my God! protect me from those who rise up against me; Deliver me from those who practice iniquity; save me from the bloodthirsty, for behold, they lie in wait for my soul; The mighty are gathered against me, not for my transgression and not for my sin, O Lord; without fault [mine] they run and arm themselves; move to help me and behold. Thou, O Lord, God of hosts, God of Israel, rise to visit all the nations, spare no wicked wicked: they return in the evening, howling like dogs, and walk around the city; here they are spewing blasphemy with their tongues; swords in their mouths: "for," [they think], "who hears?" But you, Lord, will laugh at them; You will put all nations to shame. Strength is with them, but I run to You, for God is my intercessor. My God, who has mercy on me, will precede me; God will give me a look at my enemies. Do not put them to death, lest my people forget; squander them in Thy power, and overthrow them, O Lord, our protector. The word of their tongue is the sin of their mouth, that they may be caught in their pride for the oath and the lie that they utter. Squander them in anger, squander them so that they are not; and let them know that God has dominion over Jacob to the ends of the earth. Let them return in the evening, howl like dogs, and walk around the city; let them wander about to find food, and those who are not fed spend the nights. And I will sing of Your power and from the early morning proclaim Your mercy, for You were my protection and refuge in the day of my calamity. My strength! I will sing of you, for God is my intercessor, my God who has mercy on me.

St. Theophan
  • abbot)
  • prot.
  • St.
  • Theological-liturgical dictionary
  • A. Andreeva
  • M. Verkhovskaya
  • priest Sergiy Begiyan
  • Prayer rule- 1) daily mornings and evenings performed by Christians (recommended texts can be found in); 2) the regulated reading of these prayers.

    The rule can be general - obligatory for everyone, or individual, selected for the believer, taking into account his spiritual state, strength and employment.

    Consists of morning and evening prayers that are committed daily. This rhythm of life is necessary, because otherwise the soul easily falls out of the prayer life, as if waking up only from time to time. In prayer, as in any big and difficult task, one “inspiration”, “mood” and improvisation is not enough.

    Reading prayers connects a person with their creators: psalmists and ascetics. It helps to find spirituality akin to their heartfelt burning. In praying in other people's words, the example for us is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. His prayer cries during the suffering of the cross are lines from ().

    There are three basic prayer rules:
    1) Complete prayer rule, which is printed in "";

    2) A short prayer rule. The laity sometimes have situations when there is little time and energy left for prayer, and in this case, it is better to read a short rule with attention and reverence than hastily and superficially, without a prayerful attitude - the entire rule in its entirety. The Holy Fathers teach to treat your prayer rule with consideration, on the one hand, not giving indulgences to your passions, laziness, self-pity and others that can destroy the correct spiritual order, and on the other hand, to learn without temptation and embarrassment to shorten or even slightly change the rule when there is a real need for it.

    in the morning : "Heavenly King", Trisagion, "", "Virgin Mary", "Rise from sleep", "God have mercy on me", "", "God, cleanse", "To You, Master", "Holy Angel", " Most Holy Lady ”, invocation of the saints, prayer for the living and the dead;
    in the evening : "Heavenly King", Trisagion, "Our Father", "Have mercy on us, O Lord", "Eternal God", "Blessed Tsar", "Angel of Christ", from "Chosen Voevoda" to "It is worthy";

    Morning and evening rules- this is just the necessary spiritual hygiene. We are commanded to pray incessantly (see). The holy fathers said: if you churn milk, you get butter, and in prayer, it turns from quantity into quality.

    “In order for the rule to become not an obstacle, but a real motive force of a person towards God, it is necessary that it be proportionate to his spiritual powers, correspond to his spiritual age and state of mind. Many people, not wanting to burden themselves, deliberately choose too light prayer rules, which because of this become formal and do not bear fruit. But sometimes a great rule, chosen out of unreasonable jealousy, also becomes shackles, plunging into despondency and interfering with spiritual growth.
    A rule is not a frozen form, during life it must necessarily change both qualitatively and externally. "

    Where, when, and how long should you pray?

    Where can you pray to God?

    How many times a day should the Orthodox pray?

    Reading time Orthodox prayers in church and at home

    Continuous prayer

    How long should the prayer be?

    In everything that concerns prayer and a godly life, the Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles and saints can serve as an example for us. The Gospel says that Christ prayed in solitude for several hours and even for a whole night. The Apostle Paul called for prayer incessantly, that is, all the time. Are there any restrictions on the length of prayer?

    Where can you pray to God?

    You can turn to God with prayer almost everywhere:

    to temples, where they eat at work and even on the way

    At home, they read home prayers (morning, evening, before or after eating).

    IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER RULE? What to do if you do not have time to read the morning or evening prayers.

    Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) in the "Teaching about prayer rule"Wrote:" Rule! Which the exact name borrowed from the very action produced on a person by prayers, called the rule! The prayer rule directs the soul correctly and holy, teaches it to worship God with the Spirit and Truth (John 4:23), while the soul, being left to itself, could not follow the correct path of prayer. Because of her damage and overshadowing by sin, she would constantly be seduced to the sides, often into the abyss, now into absent-mindedness, now into dreaminess, now into various empty and deceiving ghosts of high prayer states, composed by her vanity and voluptuousness.

    Prayer rules keep the praying person in a saving disposition, humility and repentance, teaching him constant self-condemnation.

    In Holy Trinity cathedral In the city of Pokrovsk (Engels), the first conversation of the Bishop of Pokrovsk and Nikolaev Pakhomiy with parishioners took place this year. We present to your attention some of the questions and answers that were voiced at it.

    Prayer is a free conversion of a person's soul to God. How to relate this freedom to the obligation to read the rule even when you obviously do not want to do it?

    Freedom is not permissiveness. A person is so arranged that if he allows himself to be relaxed, it can be very difficult to return to the previous state. In the hagiographic literature, there are a lot of examples when ascetics abandoned their prayer rule in order to show love to the brothers who came. Thus, they placed the commandment of love above their prayer rule. But it should be remembered that these people reached extraordinary heights of spiritual life, were incessantly in prayer. When we feel that we do not want to pray, this is a common temptation.

    Prayers Everyday life- Prayer Book - Library of the Claretin Congregation PRAYER SPRING OF DAILY LIFE PRAYER


    Angel of the lord

    Angelic greeting

    Apostolic Creed

    To the Guardian Angel

    Sign of the cross

    Lord's Prayer

    Under your protection


    Hail Queen (Salve Regina)

    Queen of Heaven (Regina caeli)




    “We must rediscover the power of prayer: to pray is to draw closer to the One whom we call, whom we meet, thanks to whom we live. The experience of prayer is the acceptance of the grace that transforms us. The spirit bestowed on our human spirit obliges us to live as the Word of God teaches. To pray means to be involved in the action of God in history: He, the Lord of history, was pleased to make people His co-workers. "

    Prayers read during the day. As soon as a Christian has died, one can read about his soul the canon about the one who died and the Psalter with intensified prayers for the soul ... Prayer for the deceased after 40 days. Prayers read during the day Prayers for a happy marriage of a daughter. Prayers for every day ... Prayer for the birthday. Prayers in sorrow and persecution. Each new day brings new difficulties, ups and downs…. Taken together, the Trinity is God, therefore, reading given prayer, you ... Prayer for the day. Before starting any business (verbs secretly or mentally)…. Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, read during Great Lent. Prayers read during the dayRead more ... Prayers to the angels for every day of the week…. Prayers recited from evil thoughts.
    Prayers throughout the day. Beloved brothers and sisters! Orthodoxy in contrast to other religious confessions ... Prayers read during the day Prayers throughout the day. Beloved brothers and sisters! Orthodoxy in contrast to other religious denominations ...
    Read daily for 40 days after death.

    These are questions found in ward counseling practice, asked by people who rarely come to the temple or who are just starting out. church life, and answers that are available for understanding a less-church person.

    As answers to some of the questions, quotations from the Holy Scriptures are given to show the counselors a guideline for their answers, and those who are churches - the main source of doctrinal knowledge. Counselors are not encouraged to answer questions with memorized quotations, but if necessary, based on the situation, you can support the answer with the authority of Scripture.

    It should also be remembered that there are no definite answers to some questions. Based on the spiritual state of the questioner and the established tradition in the parish, different answers can be given to the same question.

    In church knowledge, one must distinguish between:

    dogmas - the truths of Christian teaching, the truths of faith, deviation from which is not allowed to anyone, as it leads to heresy;

    In your case, perhaps it will be less evil than not reading morning prayers generally. But, nevertheless, I would like to advise you to pray in the morning, and take as a basis, for example, the rule of Seraphim of Sarov, which consists of prayers that are very easy to remember. This will not be too difficult for you and you can pray whenever you want.

    The Monk Seraphim of Sarov taught everyone the following prayer rule:

    “Having got up from sleep, every Christian, standing before the holy icons, let him read the Lord's Prayer“ Our Father ”three times, in honor of Holy Trinity, then the song to the Theotokos "Virgin Mary, Rejoice" three times and, finally, the Symbol of Faith once.

    Having fulfilled this rule, let him do his own thing, to which he has been assigned or called.

    Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) wrote in his “Instructions on the Prayer Rule”: “Rule! What a precise name, borrowed from the very action performed on a person by prayers called the rule! The prayer rule directs the soul correctly and holy, teaches it to worship God with the Spirit and Truth (John 4:23), while the soul, being left to itself, could not follow the correct path of prayer. Because of her damage and overshadowing by sin, she would constantly be seduced to the sides, often into the abyss, now into absent-mindedness, now into dreaminess, now into various empty and deceiving ghosts of high prayer states, composed by her vanity and voluptuousness. Prayer rules keep the person praying in a salutary disposition, humility and repentance, teaching him constant self-condemnation, nourishing him with tenderness, strengthening him with hope in the All-Merciful and All-Merciful God, amusing him with the peace of Christ, love for God and for his neighbors. "

    Daily morning and evening prayers to be performed by a Christian. Their texts can be found in the prayer book.

    The rule can be general - obligatory for everyone or individual, selected for the believer by the confessor, taking into account his spiritual state, strength and employment.

    Consists of morning and evening prayers, which are performed daily. This rhythm of life is necessary, because otherwise the soul easily falls out of the prayer life, as if waking up only from time to time. In prayer, as in any big and difficult task, one “inspiration”, “mood” and improvisation is not enough.

    Reading prayers connects a person with their creators: psalmists and ascetics. This helps to gain a spiritual attitude akin to their heartfelt burning. In praying in other people's words, the example for us is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. His prayer cries during the suffering of the cross are lines from the psalms (Psalm 21: 2; 30, 6).

    About prayer

    Why is there mental fatigue? Can a soul be empty?

    Why can't it? If there is no prayer, it will be both empty and tired. The Holy Fathers do the following. The man is tired, he has no strength to pray, he says to himself: “Maybe your fatigue from demons”, gets up and prays. And a person has strength. So the Lord arranged it. In order for the soul to be not empty and to have strength, one must accustom oneself to the Jesus prayer - "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (or a sinner)."

    How to spend a day in God?

    In the morning, when we are still resting, they are already standing near our bed - with right side An angel, and a demon on the left. They are waiting for whom we will begin to serve on this day. And you need to start the day like this. Wake up, immediately protect yourself sign of the cross and jump out of bed so that laziness remains under the covers, and we find ourselves in the holy corner. Then do three bowing to the ground and turn to the Lord with these words: “Lord, I thank you for the last night.

    Over the past 3 weeks, 2 people have asked me to teach them how to pray. This surprised me a little (although it made me happy), because I do not have any clergy or religious education, so it’s strange that they asked such a question to me. But in fact, these people simply did not even know who they could ask such questions, and the soul's need for prayer was ripe.

    I do not have a dignity and education, but I will share my experience with pleasure. My knowledge of the prayer rule is based on what my spiritual mentor recommended and on the lectures of the holy fathers that I listened to. I will try to tell everything as simply as possible. So, if you are interested in information of this kind, then welcome under cat. If you have any questions on the topic - welcome to kamenty; questions about “how am I, a person with 2 higher education, I believe in fairy tales of aborigines ", please do not send :)

    What do I need?
    Select a corner in your home where you will have icons.

    The short prayers, morning and evening, are short prayers that anyone can say, and, when uttered sincerely, have exceptional power.

    People often ask: how should one pray, in what words, in what language? Some even say: “I don’t pray because I don’t know how, I don’t know prayers”. No special skill is required for prayer. You can just talk with God. At a service in Orthodox Church we use a special language - Church Slavonic. But in personal prayer, when we are alone with God, there is no need for any special language. We can pray to God in the language in which we speak with people, in which we think.

    Prayer should be very simple. The Monk Isaac the Syrian said: “Let the whole fabric of your prayer be not complicated. One word of the publican saved him, and one word of the robber on the cross made him the heir of the Kingdom of Heaven. "

    The person constantly says internal monologue and sometimes fiercely argues with an imaginary opponent. He is torn apart by conflicting feelings, oppressed by the need to make decisions. Vain thoughts big problems and small matters, a stream of daily, endless worries. And it already seems that no one can help, and life passes by, and nothing good awaits ahead. And then we suddenly remember that we have someone to turn to, whom to hope for and from whom to expect help.

    It is better, after all, not to wait for a special mood, failure, God forbid, misfortune, but to know the prayers for every day and read them regularly.

    It is almost impossible for a modern, active, working person to go to church every day, but everyone can read prayers in the morning, entrusting their destiny to the hands of God. Church rank assumes full reading daily prayer every day takes at least 40 minutes. Not everyone can afford it, and besides, there are difficulties in understanding.

    Be constant in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.

    (Col. 4.2).

    There are no special hours for prayer - it should be hourly and every minute.

    X important deeds can only excuse a short standing at prayer, but they cannot excuse the impoverishment of inner prayer. The Lord does not want much, but at least not much, but from the heart.

    During the day, one should more often cry out to God from the heart in short words, judging by the need of the soul and current deeds. You start by saying, for example, "God bless!" When you finish the job, say: "Glory to Thee, Lord," and not only with your tongue, but also with the feeling of your heart. What passion rises - say: "Save, Lord, I am perishing" ...

    But in order for the soul to cry like that, one must first force it to turn everything to the glory of God - every business, big and small ... For every business, let us remember God, and remember not simply, but with caution, how not to act in which case it is not right and not to offend God in any deed.

    Saint Theophan, the hermit of Vyshensky (1815-1894).

    E if, by Holy Scripture, Christ is the true sun and the true day, then a Christian should not only often, but always worship God in such a way that not a single hour should be an exception for him.

    Hieromartyr Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (+258).

    You are the temple of God, do not look for a place for prayer, you only need spiritual disposition - pray in the laver, on the road, on your bed, and wherever you are - pray.

    For this, not so much a word is needed as a thought, not so much an outstretching of hands, as a tension of the soul, not so much a certain position of the body as a disposition of spirit ... Rebel bitterly, remember your sins, look to heaven, say with your mind: “Have mercy on me God, ”and your prayer is over. Whoever said "have mercy" - he made a confession and acknowledged his sins, because it is characteristic of those who have sinned to desire mercy.

    Saint John Chrysostom(+ 407).

    At work and in public, try to stand intelligently before God, that is, have the memory of God that He is here. If the psalms and akathists are more touching than you, read them if you have time.

    Schedule John (Alekseev) (1873-1958).

    Not everyone can take up prayer often during the day. But to compel oneself to prayer, although mental, if in public, everyone is possible. It is possible to start and finish every business and occupation by raising the mind to God.

    Venerable Nikon of Optina (1888-1931).

    Let us try to keep away from ourselves all worldly care by hope and prayer, if we cannot fulfill this perfectly, then we will bring God a confession of our shortcomings, but we will not leave diligence in prayer, for it is better to be reproached for frequent omission than for perfect abandonment. ...

    Reverend Mark the Ascetic(IV-Vcenturies).

    And fulfill all that is heavy for you as a penance for your sins - in a spirit of obedience and humility; as you work, say short prayers, especially the Jesus Prayer, and imagine Jesus, who in the sweat of His brow ate His bread, working with Joseph.

    If your works are done successfully, according to the desire of your heart, then give thanks to the Lord God; if it is unsuccessful, then remember that God allows this too, but God does everything well.

    Holy Righteous Alexy Mechev (1859-1923).

    We must, at least once a day for a few minutes, put ourselves on trial before the Lord, as if we had died and on the fortieth day stand before the Lord and wait for the saying about us, where the Lord will send us. Presenting ourselves in our minds before the Lord in anticipation of the judgment, we will cry and implore the mercy of God for mercy on us, for the forgiveness of our huge, unpaid debt.

    Hegumen Nikon (Vorobyov) (1894-1963).

    While engaging in everyday business (which no one can do without), one can and must pray and transfer one's thought from the visible, perceived objective world to the invisible name of God.

    For example: looking at the fire, either in a stove, or in a primus, or in a lamp, or somewhere, say to yourself mentally: "Lord, save me from the eternal flame!" And thereby you will humble your thought ...

    Lying to sleep, say to yourself in your mind: "Our Lord and our God did not have where to bow our heads, but he gave us every convenience."

    When awake, cross yourself, and when you get up from sleep, say to yourself: "Glory to Thee, who showed us the light!"

    When you start to put on your shoes, say mentally: "Lord, bless, Lord, help!"

    When you dress, say to yourself (mentally): "Lord, enlighten the garment of my soul and save me!"

    When you start to wash, be sure to cross yourself to drive away the enemy action, coming through the watery nature ...

    And when despondency or hardness of the heart attacks us, which does not allow us to pray, then,to get rid of this demonic temptation, you have to say to yourself: "Lord, I have neither emotion, nor diligence, nor contrition, so that I should pray to You!"

    After such heartfelt contrition, God will give God-pleasing and saving prayer, since a contrite and humble heart God will not despise(Psalm 50,19), i.e. will not leave without help.

    Shhiarchimandrite Kirik of Athos(XIX-XXcenturies).

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