Home Mushrooms Rule reality and nav in Orthodoxy. Strive for the best (true values). Modern structure of the Worlds

Rule reality and nav in Orthodoxy. Strive for the best (true values). Modern structure of the Worlds

Contemporary art critics sometimes swear like this: “Icon of the 16th century. The author is alive. " In the case of ancient Slavic myths and concepts, it is even more interesting. We can say that this is a Slavic myth of the 5th century. The author is alive and will delight us with myths of the 5th century and even earlier times. That is, a huge amount of literature on Slavic myths is the production of the end of the 20th century.

The history of the "Veles Book"

And in terms of terminology, you should figure out what can be considered ancient Slavic names, what they mean and what was created already in the 20th century, but is attributed to deep antiquity. What is the mystification here?

In newspaper publications in the mid-fifties in America, articles began to appear regularly, saying that an ancient Slavic monument was about to be opened. The audience has already been prepared, and a "discovery" is being made: the text that is written on the tablets, the so-called "Veles's book". True, it should be noted that no one has ever seen these tablets. They set out the ancient history of the Slavs, which successfully thundered overseas. A philologist can immediately see that this is a fake. A person who reads fluently in the ancient Slavic language easily understands this text. And it was supposedly written in the 8th century. That is, a living ancient spoken language. It has to be very specific stuff. For example, the Novgorodian letters of the 12th century are a living language that was very different from Church Slavonic, which is taught in any philological university. His philologists are easy to read. The language of Novgorod letters, a later time in comparison with the "Veles Book", a philologist without special education will not read, even with a dictionary. That is, since Veles's Book is easy to read, it is a fake, like the fabrications created in it: nav, reality, rule.

New and old concepts

This conflict between scientists and publicists took on acute forms. Russian philologists were forced to make a complete analysis of the "Veles Book", which proved that it was a forgery, which was written today by Mirolyubov Yuri Petrovich.

"Veles's Book" has enriched the neopagan culture with a trinity of concepts: nav, reality, rule. This is a gross mistake, according to professionals in the field of ancient Slavic mythology. Mirolyubov makes such an opposition:

Reality is a kind of human world.

Rule - the world is apparently divine. It is necessary to clarify that the word "rule" in ancient texts was found only as an adverb.

Nav is a truly ancient term associated with the world of the resting dead.

The rejection by official science of everything related to mythology has led to the creation of a huge number of pseudoscientific works. Both scientific and unscientific, they went into action. But the whole series "nav", "reality", "rule" - this is the same ancient wisdom, invented already in the middle of the 20th century.

What is now proposed to be taken under these terms

All three concepts are inextricably linked, being the face of God. And they all rule the world of the living and the dead, these are nav, reality, right.

Reality, as already mentioned, is the material world, light, by analogy with yang in China.

Nav, as the ancestors believed, is the afterlife. According to the latest trends, it resists reality, which was not in archaic cults.

Rule is the law that Dazhbog established and according to which the first two concepts develop. This just law maintains the harmony of light and dark. Beautiful, of course, but all these are fairy tales invented in our time. And there is no nav, reality, rule in such a combination.

Why did "Slav" appear

In addition, "glory" was introduced to support the Law of God. To prove that the Slavs had Orthodoxy almost before the Nativity of Christ, a cunning "Pravo-Slav" (Orthodoxy) was drawn up. Again, a beautiful play on words to confirm the fiction. Reality, nav, righ, glory in such a combination never appeared among the Slavs. There were only pagan beliefs inherent in all peoples in their archaic development, no more. This is proved by the great archaeological work of academician B.A. Rybakov. And the one who tries to manipulate combinations of reality, nav, rule, glory, or he himself is mistaken, or deliberately wants to mislead the masses of people.


Originally a fake work "Veles's Book" by Yu.P. Mirolyubova over time was overgrown with fantastic comments, presumably in order to say: yes, all peoples have preserved written sources with which historians work. Why do we have nothing. And so you want! In addition, numerous magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers seized her, who multiplied immensely in our time of troubles. We have too little stable and reliable in being, and therefore a person is ready to cling to a straw. The "hereditary" magicians manipulate three concepts to show the three sides of being. Slavic rule, reality, nav represent in this way.

The Old Russian priesthood had a holistic worldview. The Slavic Faith was formed on the basis of the wisdom and knowledge received by our ancestors through the contemplation of natural phenomena and all that exists, accessible to the senses and understanding of a person in the process of his development. The level of understanding of the observed phenomena and the amount of knowledge were constantly growing, which objectively led to the need to explain and interpret these phenomena, their generalization and understanding. Diverse and disparate concepts of the phenomena of the surrounding world were continuously systematized and ordered, which made it possible to preserve this knowledge and thoughts in certain images for posterity.

Our ancestors were presented on faith with the main image that arose from the deification of the One Creator, the Creator of everything. One God, the Creator - among the Slavs it is Svarog (who "bungled" this world). In the understanding of our ancestors, the Creator (Svarog) existed before them, and did not come out of the environment of mankind! That is, Svarog is a transcendental reality. In the Slavic Faith, this transcendental reality is also expressed by the Triglav "Rule - Reality - Nav", and the veneration and deification of His creations and manifestations (manifestations of the Creator in various hypostases) were also presented through certain images and deified.

A very specific person named Dazhbo, who was born and lived in the South Urals, in a village called Syvoy, decided on such a generalization of all the knowledge and ideas about the Universe accumulated at that time, as well as on the basis of his own understanding of the revelations received from Above. We can rightfully consider him the founder of the Slavic Faith, who laid the foundation for its fundamental principle. The ideas of the founder of our Faith, in which they were left to their descendants, have come down to us, in particular, in the Ve-lesovaya Book.

However, one should not assume that the information left by the ancestors was presented on the basis of the knowledge and knowledge of only one person. But one must not hush up the obvious fact emanating from the Veles Book that Dazhbo is recognized as the founder of the Slavic Faith.

Already at the initial stage of the birth of the Slavic Faith, people comprehended various phenomena, realized their interconnection and interdependence. They associated this interdependence with the existence of some kind of unified management of all phenomena, which found its expression in the recognition by people of the One God, Creator, Creator - Svarog. That is, we must clearly understand that our ancestors understood that there is only one God who controls all processes in the Universe. But before people in different cases and situations, He appears in different guises. Manifestations of the actions (management) of the One God in various natural and life phenomena, that is, manifestations in various images, hypostases, they also deified, calling them Gods. And these are the hypostases of the One God (Svarog), our ancestors called Gods, realizing at the same time their relationship with the One God and the interdependence of all Gods among themselves. That is, the Slavic Faith to God was not "polytheistic" and even more so "idolatrous", as "certain forces" are now trying to present to the Russian people.

But for a complete description of the interdependence and mutual influence of the actions of the Gods-hypostases of the One God, it was not enough. This is how the Triglavs appeared.

Triglavs express the integrity of well-defined processes occurring both in the Universe as a whole and in the life of society.

Fundamental Triglav "Rule - Reality - Nav". Through him, the most complete measure of what we today understand by the word God, Creator, Genus, Absolute, Creator, etc. was expressed. This Triglav gives the key to further understanding and correct perception of all components of the Slavic Faith.

Look what a wonderful symbol of Triglav "Rule - Reality - Nav" existed among the Slavs (Fig. 9-6).

As a forged decoration, it was attached to the gates, to the walls of houses. This symbol was also used in jewelry. And who of our contemporaries saw him somewhere in our country? We know a five-pointed star, we know a six-pointed star, we know "yang" and "yin" ... But we don't know our ancient symbol. He is also diligently hidden from us.

Slatin Nikolai Vladimirovich (translated the Vedas (see Vlesova Kniga-Moscow-Omsk: "Russkaya Pravda", 2005): gives many notes to this text. We will single out from them only those that interest us on the topic under consideration, namely “ Rule "," Yav "and" Nav ":

Rule - "Ruling", "Governing", "That which rules" (Causal, Causal, Fiery world), one of the three constituent parts of the world. Rule is invisible, unlike Navi, which is sometimes visible, and sometimes creatures "from the other world" - navi (navi) appear or manifest in Reveal (waking).

Reality - "Explicit", "Manifested" (Physical; what is here in this world; "this light"), one of the three constituent parts of the world.

Nav - "Non-Reality", "Implicit", "Unmanifest" (Subtle world, "That Light"), one of the three constituent parts of the world.

As you, dear readers, see, N.V. Slatin gives such an interpretation of the fundamental concepts, which almost completely coincides with the interpretation set forth in the COB:

Rule - there is a single integral set of laws for the development of the Universe and all that exists, subject only to the One God.

Reality is the world that people are able to feel with their senses and manifest it in their minds.

Nav is a world that exists in nature, but is not accessible to our perception.

“Before that there is Nav, after that there is Nav,” says Velesova Kniga. “He knows what came before them and what will come after them ...” - says the Koran. Both expressions speak of information, the indestructibility of which M. A Bulgakov asserted: "Manuscripts do not burn."

And, finally, Nav (Information), through the governing influence of Rule (Measure), materializes into Reality (Matter).

With this Triglav, Dazhbo asserts that the process of Creation is of a controlled nature and is carried out through the Rule (control is carried out according to a measure determined by God).

Triglav "Prav-Jav-Nav" is nothing more than an ancient analogue of the modern triune "Measure-Matter-Information", which is the fundamental principle, a kind of foundation of the Concept of Public Security. Dazhbo was able to express in extremely generalized terms the fundamental principle of the Universe, i.e., speaking in modern language, he was the greatest philosopher of his time. However, someone (the "world behind the scenes") really needs the Russians not to have their own roots, not to have their own writing, not to have their own outstanding philosophers of antiquity, etc., and everything would begin with the baptism of Rus.
They hide from us and confuse us with the fact that the Slavs are a nation. The Slavs are not a nation. Slavs are people who profess the Slavic Faith to God. There are Christians, there are Muslims, there are Buddhists, etc. And there are Slavs. Moreover, the Slavic Faith to God is the very first religion of mankind. As for Christianity, all of its foundations are based on the Slavic Faith. We will talk about this later. The fundamental meaning of the word "Slavs" is self-sufficient - it is "glorification". "Glorification" does not provide for a senseless petition for help from God for a prosperous life, which has already been given to a person from Above from the very beginning. The Slavs are not a nationality, but a community of peoples, a way of life based on religion.

Petrov Konstantin Pavlovich

Faith and interpretation ( legends and origins) certain events on Mother Earth came from the observations of ancestors, in the process of their development. All these observations and accumulation of experience led to imaginative thinking and understanding of the world.

Among the Slavs, the WORLD consisted of three balanced worlds: Yav-Nav-Prav.

Reality embodies this reality, that is, what a person lives with in this life - the present. Reveal is characterized by the image of Belobog, the world of the living.

Nav is the world of the dead, characterized by the image of Chernobog. In this world, the future and what came before us, the world of guidance, cohabit. Unpredictable world, here it cannot be argued that it will be so. Here you can face a good future and ruin, decline. And what exactly will be embodied from this world depends on the real actions in Reveal. The world of Navi exists parallel to Yavi. A person can come into contact with the world of Navi out of stupidity or out of curiosity (for example, fortune-telling).

Rule stands above the worlds of Reveal and Navi, brings the existence of these worlds to an equilibrium state. This world of truth. The human soul comes from the world of Prav, and must return there even more pure than it was.

Thus, we get the “Rule - Yav - Nav. Nav (Information) through the governing influence of the Rule (Measure) materializes into Reality (matter). "

The Slavs have their own sign in faith, which unites all these three Worlds:

“The myth tells that when night falls on the earth (in the world of Revelation), the shining Solar Chariot (ruled by Dazhdbog himself) sweeps across the Sky of the Dead, and the Shield of Dazhdbog, with the shining eight-pointed Kolovrat depicted on it, a symbol of perfection, illuminates the world of Navi. But the inhabitants of the Underworld do not have the opportunity to contemplate the Sun as we, living ones, see it. When the "dawn" comes in their world, they see how from behind the horizon, painting the black skies with dull crimson reflections, an ominous blood-red Sun - the Sun of the Dead - rises, illuminating the ghostly, shadow-inhabited, gray-black world of the Lizard - the kingdom Chernobog and Marena (Mary). None of ordinary mortals, except for the great heroes and wise magi, can withstand this sight without being damaged by reason. Some people who do not live according to the Laws of Svarog, being on their deathbed or being struck down by a serious illness, even during their lifetime see separate (random) images and fragments of paintings from the Underworld, which leads them to indescribable horror. Doctors and loved ones usually consider these visions to be only a figment of the patient's imagination, ordinary hallucinations, and feverish delirium. The world of Revelation and the world of Navi, as the myth tells, is separated by a certain sacred Border embodied in the image of the Currant River (from the root of currants - strong stuffiness, smelly, suffocating smell, fumes, fumes, fumes, stinking spirit, especially burnt), whose waters are raging flame. The banks are connected only by a thin (thinner than a hair) rainbow bridge, which cannot be crossed by someone who is still burdened with flesh. The one who did not live according to the Laws of Svarog, crossing the Bridge after the death of a dense ("physical") body, falls into the kingdom of Marena and Chernobog, where he remains until the next incarnation on earth; those who lived according to the Rule - ascend to the heavenly kingdom of Svarog - Iriy (Golden Svarga, the Kingdom of Light), where they expect a new birth. The heroes who died with a sword in hand are carried to Iriy by Magura-Perunitsa herself, a wise and beautiful maiden-warrior, daughter of Perun the Thunderer. And only those few Wise people who, while still living in the body, have acquired (revealed in themselves the inherent in everyone!) Spiritual unity with the Family, for whom there is no longer a difference between "I" and "ON", between personal will and the Will of the Family - no longer incarnate on earth, leaving forever in the Invisible, hidden Halls. The heavenly world is the Kingdom of Rule - the laws of Svarog, maintaining balance. forces in the world that determine the existence and interaction of Reveal and Navi. It should be noted that Jav and Nav, Belobog and Chernobog cannot be interpreted as symbols of "good" and "evil", or at least be exhausted by these concepts. In general, the death of the body can be considered as an absolute evil, and life - as an unconditional "good" only by the consciousness of one who has dropped out of the direct sensation of the natural order of things, who no longer sees the world harmony hidden behind external phenomena, who has renounced Tradition - The laws of Svarog and the Wisdom of the Ancestors.

In today's article, we will plunge into the world of Slavic traditions. Our ancestors of the Slavs, the idea of ​​the world, like most peoples, consisted of three manifestations of reality. And our ancestors called them nav, reality and rule.

Read the article to the end and find out

* what is nav, reality and rule

* how each one manifests itself in your life

* to which of the worlds - reality, nav or rule - the problems that have arisen can be attributed

* why it is important to keep the balance of all three worlds

What you will learn from the article:

Reality, nav and rule - three worlds of the ancient Slavs

From the name of the first world - reality- everything is logical. Reality is the manifested world of people, the world of the living. This is the world in which you and I live, which we see, hear and can touch. This is the world available to our organs of touch.

The world of reality is responsible for our real life, for relationships between people, for love, life issues, joys and difficulties.

In contrast to the world of reality - nav- this is the world of the dead, the world of ancestors who have gone into eternity. This also includes the elements and their energies, the animal world, as well as all primary elements.

The souls of our ancestors are in the Navi world. It is there that they wait for their next incarnation in reality, where they come to solve certain problems, in other words, to redeem their karma.

We can refer to the souls of our ancestors in Navi. And they, in turn, have the opportunity to help us. They are a kind of guardian angels.

Peace rule- a spiritual parallel. All spiritual processes, inspiration, spiritual practices, spirit development, wisdom, creativity, intuition, awareness and so on belong to the world of rule.

Here - in the world of rule - the souls of those of our ancestors who have fulfilled their karmic tasks, passed their lessons and realized their life purpose live. These are souls of a higher order, to whom you can turn for spiritual help, with questions about the highest goal of the soul and spirit, as well as with questions about how to pass karma, how to act, think and transmit to the world in difficult "karmic" situations.

By the way, feng shui also belongs to the Navi world - no matter how strange it may sound. So, with the help of the energies of the elements (read more about that), attunement with the energies of the cardinal points (for example, read the article as an option, and) we improve our reality and lead our way to the right, taking care of our soul and spirit.

What are the worlds of reality, nav and rule responsible for in everyday life


* harmonization of personal life, relationship with a man

* children and relationships with them

*material well-being


* health, including the health of your man, children

* health of the reproductive organs, the correct hormonal background

* prosperity, retention of material well-being of the clan


* search for destination

* spiritual path

* open a source of creative energy in yourself, throw it out into reality

* the ability to fulfill desires, to embody what was conceived, to manifest material

The balance of interaction of all three worlds is naturally important for the well-being of each person. Excessive stay in reality, grounding and excessive realism will still lead to the fact that, either yourself or with the help of magic pendels, you will somehow come to the importance of two other worlds - Navi and Pravi. In the same way, if you go too deep into the right - for example, for spiritual practices completely abandon earthly life, ignore the needs of the body - the same pendel from the universe will ground you through illness or with the help of other tools.

Man simultaneously interacts with all three worlds. Moreover, the Slavs deified their clan, which they served, from which they asked for support and received it. The woman was considered the sacred coastal woman, the continuer of the Family, the main link between the worlds of reality, navi and rule.

∫ It was on the woman that it depended, like a tree, to preserve the roots (nav - connection with ancestors), grow a crown (reality - the well-being of the family, living relatives) and give worthy fruits (right - to give birth and raise offspring - continuation of the race, fulfill the mission).

The woman was given a magical role and was credited with truly magical abilities. But she received them only if she could restore contact with her family.

How to do this and what it will give, read in the following articles very soon.

There used to be 4 "hypostases": Yav, Prav, Nav, Slav. Now we have a three-dimensional world and Triglav, a trinity, "three points" ... Reality, Rule, Nav ... Where is Slav?

It is supposedly expected that 2012 will bring a kind of transition into the 4th dimension - the Golden Age with superpowers and new discoveries, maybe Glory will come back to us again? .. In the meantime ... I would like to talk about this topic ...

Our ancestors, the Slavs, called themselves Orthodox, because they Glorified (revered) the Rule.

There are such ancient Slavic concepts - Yav, Nav, Slav and Prav.

REALITY is the manifested world, the material world. And not only material. It is also a world of ideas, thoughts, intentions. Because they are also evident at the level of our images.

NAV is an unmanifest world. That which is not manifested in this world.

GLORY - love for God, glorification of the divine powers inherent in everything that was created by God, including in man.

RIGHT is the world of the gods. The rules, laws of the Universe, established by our fathers and great-grandfathers - the gods.

Our ancestors represented all this in the form of a cross.

Orthodoxy, an ancient Russian concept, dates back several tens of thousands of years and takes its roots from the Ancient Vedic Russian National Religion, which described the world order with the help of the concepts of “Reality” (material world), “Nav” (prototypical world), “Rule” (the world that forms ) and “Slav” (creative world) - (four-level structure of the world order) - at that time the Russian people glorified “Prav”, lived by Truth and were called Orthodox.

Accordingly, "Orthodoxy" in the Old Slavic language means a magical act that improves the shaping world. At present, the very concept of "Orthodoxy" has been perverted, and even an absurd phrase arose - "Christian Orthodoxy", which is used in the sense of "Christian Orthodoxy" and denotes the same context as "Orthodox Islam".

The term "paganism" means "other languages". This term previously served simply to define people who speak other languages. Subsequently, the term "paganism" (pagan) was saturated with negative images, which is successfully or wrongly supported in all the media.

The concepts of the foundations of the universe - Yavi, Navi, Pravi, Slavi - the invaders of Russia needed to prohibit and transfer the energy of people's thought into their own use, to introduce the concept of "hell", which did not exist in Russia at all.

Our distant ancestors had not a pagan religion, but a VEDIC worldview.


To "know" is to know.

Hymns-songs to the gods at that time were called praise. With requests to the gods were rarely addressed, they believed that the gods should be thanked. The sacrifice to the gods was brought in the form of a drink, and they called it Soma (according to the herbal composition).

They glorified the Creator, the Supreme Reason. They transferred the name of the Creator into their everyday life. The image and all household items were imbued with the service of man in the name of light. Remember how the Russian Slavs called the first room in their mansions - "svetlitsa", the place for ritual ceremonies was called "luminaries", the princes were called bright, many names in Russia have the root "light": Svetoslav, Belosvet, Velesvet, Svetobor and others.

Through love and bright deeds, nature endowed with knowledge. The ancestors had a very developed intuition, a presentiment, that is, they had a sixth sense - a subtle feeling. In this state, they were given to learn a lot. They accurately identified and saw good and evil.

A feature of the Vedic worldview was its cosmogony, all life was permeated with a sense of the Cosmos.

The Slavs knew and felt the influence of cosmic rhythms on our life and tried to be in harmony with them. Therefore, their main holidays were dedicated to the light, the sun, the rebirth of nature.

Sounds and colors are the mechanisms that help connect with space. Subtle senses helped to hear and see more than we see.

Modern man has moved so far from nature that it is difficult for him, and sometimes out of stupidity it is ridiculous that the Slavs called the Earth - Mother, Fire and Sky - Father, Voditsa - Queen, considered animals as their younger brothers and understood their language.

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I don’t know if it would be ridiculous to assume such a connection and association - if “Glory” is called the creative world, then is it possible to assume that the real creators (not opportunists !!) but those who are at the level of the fifth Vishuddha chakra, who create not for themselves, but under Inspiration-Novelty))) Muses and under their protection, are they in Glory? .. After all, it is known that only the eternal themes of the glorification of Love (and Love, as you know, = God), which are created by the Creators, remain in the classics of genre and history. .. And also the concept of Glory, as a concomitant aspect of true Creativity, is it coincidentally in tune with Glory? .. Glory, sometimes also as a talisman ... Not just fame, celebrities are often robbed ... even the crime "does not touch".

Another citation-tip in favor of the same: "Sounds and colors are the mechanisms that help to connect with space" ... Sounds and colors ... Singers and artists (in a broad sense, here are also poets - singers and artists of the word. .))

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