Home Mushrooms The presentation of the spelling roots grew. The letters O - A in the roots. Checked vowel in the root

The presentation of the spelling roots grew. The letters O - A in the roots. Checked vowel in the root

  • Tr..pinka, r..sten, application, p..may, izl..gat, charged..sli, vyp..shchenny, so..nce, l..snik, surroundings..ness.

We check:

Checked vowel in the root

Alternating vowels at the root

Tr about pink, p about m about turns, l e wilted

Unpronounceable consonant at the root

App about zhenie, izl a walk

So l okres, okres t ness

Classwork Spelling alternating vowels about and but at the root -growth-, -growth-, -growth- ,

  • Select root
  • Underline the consonants of the root:
  • Before "ST" write "SCH"
  • Before "FROM" write "O"
  • Conclusion: the spelling of a vowel depends on subsequent consonants

  • Industry a separate area of ​​​​a kind of activity, for example, the metallurgical area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe industry.
  • Rostock the stem of a plant at the very beginning of its development from a grain or root.
  • usurer a person who lends money at high interest.

  • Rostov one of the oldest cities in Russia, part of the Golden Ring of Russia.
  • Rostislav male name, formed from two roots: -rost- (sprout) and -slav- (glory).

One - get up, pull yourself up.

Two - bend, unbend.

Fiz ultmi utk

Three - in the hands of three claps ...

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider.

Five - wave your hands.

Six - sit quietly at the desk.

  • plant shoots

separate area



  • young forest
  • (growth)
  • common shrub,
  • overgrown
  • some place
  • (thickets)

creative work (make phrases)

Rate yourself (I know, I can - 1; no, I'm not sure - about


1. Knowledge of theoretical material. The ability to determine in which cases there is an alternation of vowels in the roots -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.

2. The ability to correctly write words with the roots -rast-, -rasch-, -ros.

3. The ability to define a word by its lexical meaning

4. The ability to construct phrases using words on the learned rule .

  • P. 38, learn the rule.
  • Make a dictionary dictation (10 words) on the studied rule.

Grow--grow--grow- Grow PLANT Grow Grow Grow Grow Grow Grow Grow Grow Observation of the pronunciation and spelling of words with the root -grow-, -grow-, -grow- according to the table. Observations of the pronunciation and spelling of words with the root -rast-, -rasch-, -ros- according to the table.

1. In what row is the letter A written at the place of gaps in all words? 2) break up ... get up, grow out ... with, lay ... live, compare ... eat; 3) age ... st, lie ... speak, r ... usurer, grow ... become; 4) r ... sti, R ... stov, should ... live, st ... zhenie, natural ... sli. 1) r...growing, slug...gae, ref...sl, grown...grown; 2) break up ... get up, grow out ... with, lay ... live, compare ... eat; 3) age ... st, lie ... speak, r ... usurer, grow ... become; 4) r ... sti, R ... stov, should ... live, st ... zhenie, natural ... sli.

2. In which row, at the place of gaps, is the letter O written in all words 1) vzr ... fly off, expound ... gat, exposition ... zhenie, r ... sli; 2) r ... sten, apply ... gat, r ... vegetativeness, service ...; 3) age ... stny, application, supposed ..., natural ... sti; 4) r...sink, v...zhenie, offer... zhenie, vod...sli. 1) vzr...fly, state...gat, statement...zhenie, r...sli; 2) r ... sten, apply ... gat, r ... vegetativeness, service ...; 3) age ... stny, application, supposed ..., natural ... sti; 4) r...sink, v...zhenie, offer... zhenie, vod...sli.

3. In what row is the letter O written in all words at the place of gaps? 2) tr...kick, groaning, begging...to plead (for help); 3) to ... feed, support ... reap, sex ... speak (puppy); 4) reflect ... sl, anger ... bleen, update ... twist. 1) t ... to drink, to ... zit, teacher ... teacher; 2) tr...kick, groaning, begging...to plead (for help); 3) to ... feed, support ... reap, sex ... speak (puppy); 4) reflect ... sl, anger ... bleen, update ... twist.

4. In which row is the letter E written at the place of gaps in all words 1) tr...shchat, skr...sing, surprise...; 2) st ... thief, sp ... sew (home), consumption ... senie; 3) pacify ... ryat, tr ... sing, dedicate ... tit (with a lantern); 4) oppression ... denial, relief ... development, develops ... (in the wind). 1) tremble, hide... sing, surprise... 2) st ... thief, sp ... sew (home), consumption ... senie; 3) pacify ... ryat, tr ... sing, dedicate ... tit (with a lantern); 4) oppression ... denial, relief ... development, develops ... (in the wind).

5. In what row is the letter A written in all words at the place of gaps 1) d ... lekiy, d ... lin, r ... drain; 2) define ... go, enjoy ..., cheer ... cheer; 3) expound ... spread out ... spread out, sell ... wat; 4) r ... sten, threaten ... reap, region ... mother. 1) d ... lekiy, d ... lin, r ... drain; 2) define ... go, enjoy ..., cheer ... cheer; 3) expound ... spread out ... spread out, sell ... wat; 4) r ... sten, threaten ... reap, region ... mother.

Sections: Russian language

Class: 5


  • To acquaint with the conditions for choosing the letters a - o in the roots -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.
  • To form the ability to find and highlight spellings with alternating a - o.
  • To consolidate the skill of spelling words with roots -lag-, -loose-, -cas-, -kos-, -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.
  • Develop research skills.
  • Raise interest in the Russian language.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, presentation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The captains are doing their jobs.


Are you happy, pirates? Convinced that our guys are great?

First Pirate:

Okay, okay, we'll come back to you.

Second Pirate:

Then we'll definitely take everyone prisoner.

First Pirate:

Or we drown.

The pirates leave.


Everything went well. Let's continue our journey. To the right of the side is the land. Having landed on the shore, you will immediately find yourself in a dense forest. Choose.

3. Selective dictation (Attachment 1, slide 11-14).

a) Distribute the words in two columns, highlight the spelling.

One student does the task at the blackboard.

R_steniya, vyr_sli, razr_stay, otr_left, r_growing, podr_sli, dor_sti, zar_sli, r_stok, overflow, grown, R_stov.

b) Parse the composition of the word: plants, grown up, grows, sprout.

4. Test in the USE format (Attachment 1, slide 15-16).

A1. In which row in all words is the same letter missing?

gender .. live, earn .. sti, adjoin .. succumb

r..stochek, to..sleep, natural..shchenie

adjective, to..satellite, neg..sl

R..stislav, st..live, vyr..sti

A2. In which row do all the words have roots with alternating vowels?

location, k..soy, por..sl

control..steal, touch..sleep

water..slee, k..sba, vl..zhenie

assumption, neg..sl, ex..schen

Test key: A1. 3. A2. four.

Getting out of the thickets of the dense forest Choose we hit the river bank Game.

5. Game "Make a word" (Attachment 1, slide 17).

From the word go out take attachment.
From the word thickets- root.
From the word sat- last suffix.
From the word shrub- the ending. ( Increased.)

V. Summing up.

This is where our journey ended. Let's remember what we learned in today's lesson.

VI. Homework.

(Attachment 1, slide 18-19).

Paragraph 85, exercise 441 or compose a dictionary dictation with the studied spelling (at the choice of students).

1 slide

Theme of the lesson: "Spelling of the roots RAST, RASCH, ROS" Prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature MOU - Secondary School No. 14 Ryzhkova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

2 slide

OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON: 1. Generalization and systematization of information about the spelling of alternating vowels at the root of the word; developing a practical ability to find roots with alternation and choose the correct Spelling. 2. Promote the development of speed of reaction, attention, memory, thinking, speech. 3. Formation of communication skills, positive and attentive attitude to the Russian language.

3 slide

Psychological mood for the lesson Let's put aside experiences and failures. Let's not give up, let's get down to business, my friend! And in this lesson, we will all work again for "five".

4 slide

The spelling of the roots "rast-rasch-ros" and "lag-lodges" Check !!! Vowels at the root stressed unstressed -lag- -false- -rast -rasch- -ros- alternating Unchecked by stress Checked by stress REFLEXION - What do you think, is the scheme complete or incomplete?

5 slide

Let's remember the dictionary words Words for reference: Rostov Rostislav branch sprout usurer

6 slide

Training exercises Creative dictation. Replace with one word. 1. Young forest. 2. A separate area of ​​activity, science, production. 3. A frequent shrub that has covered some place. 4. Give r.. stitches. 5. Become branchier, thicker, bigger.

7 slide

Selective dictation. Write out the words for the studied spelling, check the spelling. It is interesting. Wheat is the very first grain crop that man sowed. 2. Rye quickly grows, it copes with many weeds without human help. 3.Beetroot seeds are so tightly matched that they cannot be separated. If the balls of beet seeds are sown, several rows of stems will melt from each vyp.. 4. In July, seedlings of cumin look like white lace has been thrown over them: this is from the abundance of small white flowers.

8 slide

Training exercises 1. Creative dictation. Words for reference: growth, branch, thickets, germinate, grow. 2. Selective dictation. Plant growing, grow together, grows, sprout, thicket.

9 slide

Relaxation. Children close their eyes, lower their heads to the desk. “You are a small flower. Your life is just beginning. You are warm and calm. Your stems stretch upward towards the sun. The petals smile brightly and squint in the sun. You looked around. You are not alone. You are surrounded by grown beautiful flowers. Life is Beautiful. But it's time to wake up…. Children raise their heads, stretch.

10 slide

Working with text R_sti, R_sti apple tree subr_stay Flower_ti, flower_ti apple tree ra_tsv_tai! Z_l_toe2 the sun is hotter gray! Vy_stayte apples1 posk_rey! R_sla, R_sla apple tree, R_sla. Flower_la, flower_apple tree, flower_la2. The apple tree abandoned its outfit, And the apples ripened for the children.

11 slide

Grow, grow, apple tree, grow up. Bloom, bloom, apple tree, bloom! Golden2 sun, hotter gray! Grow up, apples1, hurry up! The apple tree grew, grew, grew. Blossomed, blossomed apple tree, faded 2. The apple tree shook off its outfit, And the apples ripened for the guys.4

12 slide

Explanatory dictation Red book of plants. How delightful we are with the beauty and fragrance of wild flowers! But often greedy hands reach out to them and ruthlessly tear them. These beautiful flowers and valuable medicinal plants may be gone forever. Many of them are listed in the Red Book of Plants.

13 slide

Proposal for analysis Scientists have created the Red Book and listed in it plants, lilies of the valley, bluebells, night violets, disappearing from the thoughtless barbarism of man. Explain the punctuation marks in the sentence. What is the general word? Explain the spelling of this word. -Check the spelling of the rest of the words in the sentence. Why is the book of endangered plants and animals called the Red Book? What do the Red Book and traffic lights have in common? -Red traffic light means danger to life. The killing of nature is dangerous for the life of mankind).

14 slide

Solve riddles!!! Carefully swaddled by nature, Wrapped in a green leaf, A flower grows in the wilderness untouched, Cool, fragile and fragrant ... (Lily of the valley) The girl is red in the earth vr..sla. (Carrots) Both green and dense - in the garden they have grown .. from a bush. They began to pinch - they began to cry and sob. (Onion) Ros Demid, vyr..s, crawled out into the white world, passed through the ground, found a red cap. (Mushroom) What is down the top of the river. ..stet. (Reed)

15 slide

Control test in Russian!!!

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