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Presentation "magic art - origami" presentation on the topic. Presentation on the topic "origami in elementary school" Presentation on the manufacture of volumetric origami figures

Modular origami - paper magic

  • Sokolnikova Nadezhda Petrovna
  • technology teacher of the 1st category
  • MOU "Secondary School with. Tarlykovka, Rivne district, Saratov region"
  • Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. The history of origami has more than one hundred years, it has become part of Japanese culture. Creating intricate figures is very similar to solving a rebus.
  • Japanese origami has become an independent art form, paper miracles created by modern masters look so unusual. This is especially true for modular origami and Kusudama figurines - these are the most amazing types of origami.
  • The first mention of modular origami is found in a Japanese book by Hayato Ohoko in 1734. It contains an engraving depicting a group of traditional origami models, one of which is a modular cube. The cube is shown from two angles, and the explanation describes it as a "tamatebako" or "magical treasure chest".
  • Also, a number of modular origami models exist in the Chinese tradition of paper folding, especially the lotus made from happiness paper, as well as the pagoda.
  • The possibilities inherent in modular origami did not develop until the 1960s, when the technique was rediscovered by Robert Neil in the USA and later by Mitsunobu Sonobe in Japan. Since then, modular origami has been popularized and developed widely and is now represented by thousands of works.
modular origami
  • Origami modular - the creation of three-dimensional figures from triangular origami modules - was invented in China. The whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (modules). Each module is folded according to the rules of classic origami from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by nesting them into each other. The resulting friction force does not allow the structure to disintegrate.
Triangular origami module
  • This module is made up of a rectangle of colored or white paper. The aspect ratio of the rectangle should be approximately 1:1.5. You can get the desired rectangles by dividing the A4 format into equal parts.
Triangular origami module
  • 1. Fold the rectangle in half.
Triangular origami module
  • 2. Bend and straighten to outline the middle line. Turn the mountain towards you.
Triangular origami module
  • Fold the edges towards the middle.
  • Turn over.
  • Raise the edges
Triangular origami module
  • Bend the corners, bending them over a large triangle.
  • Straighten up.
  • Again, fold the small triangles along the marked lines and lift the edges up.
Triangular origami module
  • Bend in half.
  • The resulting module has two corners and two pockets.
How to connect modules to each other
  • The modules folded according to the above diagram can be inserted into each other in various ways and receive bulk products. Here is one possible connection example:
  • To make a fish, triangular modules of two colors are needed: 17 of one and 24 of the other.
  • In my version - 17 pink and 24 blue.
The sequence of connecting modules into a fish
  • We take 1 pink module and string two blue modules on it.
  • Next row 3 blue
  • 4 blue
The sequence of connecting modules into a fish
  • Now we string five pink ones on them.
  • In the next row there are six pink ones.
The sequence of connecting modules into a fish
  • In the next row, we string five blue ones, thereby reducing the number of modules. Leave the corners free
  • Next four blue
The sequence of connecting modules into a fish
  • In the next row there are three blue ones. To keep the edge clean, insert two corners into one pocket.
  • Next two
  • Then one. The body is ready, the tail remains.
The sequence of connecting modules into a fish
  • We put pink on the last blue one, and two more pink ones on the edges of it, inserting a pink and blue corner into their pockets.
  • In the next rows, we put two more pink ones on the extreme pink ones.
  • The fish is ready. You can add an eye and fantasize about further use.
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
  • http://stranamasterov.ru
REFLECTION Speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of the phrase
  • today I found out...
  • it was interesting…
  • it was difficult…
  • I did assignments...
  • I realized that...
  • Now I can…
  • I felt that...
  • I purchased...
  • I learned…
  • I managed …
  • I was able...
  • I'll try…
  • surprised me...
  • occupation gave me for professional activities ...
  • I wanted…


Slides: 40 Words: 1457 Sounds: 0 Effects: 75

Origami is the Japanese art of folding various shapes out of very thin paper. Mathematics has its own beauty, as does painting and poetry. Acquaintance with modern science - orimetry. A bit of history. The history of origami is inextricably linked with the invention of paper. Mankind has invented many different materials for writing during its development. The Chinese made paper from bamboo stalks. The secret of making paper became known in Japan. The Japanese have improved production technology. The best paper in Japan was made from the bark of the mulberry tree. Ori and Kami: Ori - paper, Kami - folding. - Origami.ppt

Origami in the world

Slides: 24 Words: 346 Sounds: 1 Effects: 84

Gallery of world masterpieces of origami. Akira Yoshizawa (Japan). At the age of sixteen, the first own works came. I took ideas for origami then, and even now, from the outside world. So plants, people, musical instruments, ships, cars, animals arose. The skill of the young origamist is growing rapidly. Alfredo Giunta (Italy). Most of all, Alfredo enjoys folding and inventing insects. Alfredo's models turn out surprisingly lively, full of plasticity and grace. Dave Brill (England). "I started origami as a little boy when I was six or seven years old. At that time, every Christmas I got a new comic book about the adventures of Rupert Bear as a gift. - Origami in the World.ppt

Origami Project

Slides: 6 Words: 366 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

ORIGINAL about the WORLD around us!!! There is still no zest in the interior of the classroom… Does art have a nationality? Questions for independent research of students: Results of the presentation of research: presentation booklet website. Stages and course of work on the project, deadlines. 1 lesson. Formulation of the project topic and questions in the framework of independent research of students - 10 minutes. Explanation of the requirements for the job, viewing examples. 2 lesson. Search for information on the Internet on the topic of the project. Preparing presentations. Protection of the obtained results and conclusions. - Origami Project.ppt

Origami products

Slides: 12 Words: 204 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Master class "Modular origami". Purpose: professional development and exchange of experience in modular origami. 1. Fold the rectangle in half. 2. Bend and straighten to outline the middle line. Turn the mountain towards you. 3. Bend the edges towards the middle. . 4. Turn over. 5. Pull the edges up. 7. Unbend. 8. Again, fold the small triangles along the marked lines and lift the edges up. 9. Bend in half. The resulting module has two corners and two pockets. How to connect modules to each other. Here is one of the possible connection examples: - Origami products.ppt

Development of paper origami

Slides: 13 Words: 237 Sounds: 0 Effects: 53

The art of origami. The purpose of the work: to determine the value of origami for human development. Tasks: to get acquainted with the history of the development of origami; master the techniques of origami. Origami is the ancient art of paper folding. Acquaintance with origami should begin with Ancient China. The first pieces of paper folded into unusual figures appear first in monasteries. It couldn't be otherwise. Indeed, in Japanese, the concepts of "God" and "Paper" sound the same, although they are denoted by different hieroglyphs. It was Yoshizawa who created what today is called the "origam alphabet". - Development of origami.ppt

origami art

Slides: 17 Words: 727 Sounds: 2 Effects: 34

Origami. State educational institution secondary school No. 858. Tasks. Objective. Links and resources. Table of contents. What is origami? History of origami. Conventional designations. Types of origami. Photo gallery. Exhibition of my works. Master class: "Origami - frog." Conclusions. Birds, animals and flowers miraculously come to life there. The word origami is made up of two characters: ori - "paper" and kami - "folding". At the dawn of origami, it was used in temple ceremonies. Some noble families even used origami as a coat of arms and seal. Lines and arrows. Clarifying marks. - Art of origami.ppt

Origami as art

Slides: 9 Words: 305 Sounds: 0 Effects: 85

Origami. Optional lesson in mathematics in the 5th grade. A little about the history of occurrence. Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. Origami originated in the Heian era (794-1185). Origami originated as a ceremonial art. Europe met with origami in 1853. Origami today. Modular origami - making models from a certain number of the same type of modules. Conventional designations. Lines of previous folds. Fold direction. Bend and unbend. Separate the layers of paper. Bring the extreme points into one (central). Frog. Grasshopper. Flip. Torch. Cut out two identical squares. - Origami as art.ppt

Origami for kids

Slides: 10 Words: 138 Sounds: 0 Effects: 7

Working with paper in origami technology. Denisova Anna Alexandrovna, primary school teacher at school No. 30. What are we going to make. Bear. Sample work analysis. What technology is used for all the work and animal figurines? Symmetrical cut. Topping. Origami. Application. - Origami for kids.ppt

Origami lessons

Slides: 27 Words: 891 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

"Exciting Paper Games and the Japanese Art of Origami". Purpose: To develop curiosity about the world around. Improve coordination of thin fingers. Stimulate the development of speech and mental processes. To acquaint with the basic geometric concepts, to form the skills of spatial orientation. Cultivate perseverance and attentiveness. Develop creative abilities. Manual labor is a huge factor in the mental development of a child. Blonsky. Tasks: Introductory lesson "Journey to the fairy tale of the Cardboard Kingdom, the Paper State." Block No. 3, November "Pets". - Origami lessons.ppt

Origami and geometry

Slides: 15 Words: 373 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Geometry and origami. Geometry is one of the most difficult subjects in school. Origami is the ancient art of folding figurines. The study of the transformations of a square sheet of paper. Some problems and tasks of modern geometry, such as gold. How to divide a segment into equal parts. Origami encourages you to study geometry along with arithmetic. The world of origami is unusually wide and varied. Box. Basic forms. The creators of paper figures drew their models from nature. Crane. - Origami and Geometry.ppt

Origami for grade 3

Slides: 15 Words: 422 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Origami. How paper is used in art. History of origami. Origami was used in temple ceremonies. Japanese entertainment. Let's get acquainted with simple figures. Box. Ship. Questions. Pigeon. Crane. Frog. - Origami for grade 3.ppt

Origami in elementary school

Slides: 28 Words: 757 Sounds: 1 Effects: 9

The art of origami. Origami. History of origami. Paper opening. Origami master Akira Yoshizawa. Akira Yoshizawa. Akira Yoshizawa and Zoya Mikhailovna Chashchikhina. Origami signs. Basic forms. Conventional designations. The value of origami for the development of the child. Introduces children to basic geometric concepts. Contributes to the creation of game situations. Children's work. Origami are giants. The most compact crane. quantitative records. Japanese crane. Japanese legend. - Origami in elementary school.ppt

origami shapes

Slides: 16 Words: 256 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

What can be done from origami? Objectives: To master the technique of folding the basic elements of origami. Learn how to read diagrams using symbols. Learn how to fold basic origami shapes. Tips from skillful hands. Exercises to develop the basic elements of folding. Exercise 1. Fold the square diagonally. Exercise 2. Fold the square in half. Basic origami shapes. Pattern door. 3. Kite 4. Envelope. 5. Double triangle 6. Double square. 7. Fish 8. Catamaran. 9. Bird 10. Frog. Table 12. Turntable. Conclusion: Classic figures. Water barrel spinner box steamboat butterfly. - Origami Shapes.ppt

Paper origami schemes

Slides: 33 Words: 345 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Origami - work with paper in technology lessons. Origami is an amazing paper art that originated in Japan. Paper is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Paper was born in the East, and it was there that the first paper figures appeared. The fold line "valley", "on itself". The fold line "away from you". Invisible, hidden line. Conventional designations. Equal angles, equal segments, right angle. Accordion fold. Boat. Airplane. Frog. Cup. Steamboat. Butterfly. Water bomb. Pinwheel. Box. Pigeon. Crane. - Schemes of origami.ppt

origami clothes

Slides: 13 Words: 249 Sounds: 0 Effects: 74

Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity. Center for Art Education. Vasilisa Fashion Theater Studio. Educational module "fundamentals of technology". Open lesson. The purpose of the lesson. Create a model of clothes in the technique of origami from colored paper. Types of everyday clothes. Special. Upper. Lower. Work clothes (overalls, apron, dressing gown, etc.). Sports. Leisure clothing. Special clothing for performances. Plant clothing. Porcelain clothing. Paper clothes. What is origami? Examples of works made in the technique of origami from paper. Is it possible to make life-size paper costumes? - Clothes origami.ppt

origami dress

Slides: 24 Words: 871 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Decorative postcard in origami technique. Origami - the history of appearance. The history of the development and distribution of origami. Origami legends. Origami in modern life. We will get acquainted with the technique of folding a dress. Square. Fold the square in half vertically and horizontally. Fold the two vertical sides towards the center from the wrong side. Turn over the paper. Create the line of the neckline of the dress. We make the neck of the dress. Fold both sides. Expand the top layers. Fold the paper in half. Take the top of the dress. We make out the waist line. We make out the line of the side. Finished origami dress. -


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Slides captions:

MAGIC ART - ORIGAMI Educator GBDOU d / s No. 52 Lobacheva Yu.I.

Origami is the ancient art of paper folding. "Ori" in Japanese means "to fold" and "Kami" means paper. The art of origami has its roots in ancient China, where paper was invented. Initially, origami was used in religious ceremonies. For a long time, this type of art was available only to representatives of the upper classes, where a sign of good taste was the possession of paper folding techniques. ORIGAMI

A bit of history Two thousand years ago, the Chinese invented paper. Around the same time, the art of origami appeared. But it is believed that the art of origami originated in Japan and is even older than paper. The first origami figures originated from the art of draping fabric in the manufacture of traditional Japanese clothing.

The famous Japanese origami master Akira Yoshizawa came up with the “origami alphabet”. These are conventional signs and basic forms

Basic forms

Conventional signs

Types of origami

simple origami

modular origami

Wet folding


Origami from money

Iron origami models

Interesting facts The smallest Japanese crane was built from a square of only 1 mm. The giant crane is made of a square with sides of 33 meters!

Meaning of origami - Origami develops fine motor skills of hands. - Strengthens attention and perseverance. - Occupations of origami are safe, because nothing but paper is required for work. - Develops creativity (you can show a whole theater with the help of origami crafts) - Develops memory, thinking, spatial imagination, ingenuity - Origami, harmoniously develops both hemispheres of the brain, finger movements become more accurate. After all, to get a beautiful figure, you need accuracy, attention, concentration. (This is very important for those who are learning to write)

What do origami lessons give a child to improve the coordination of fine finger movements; patience and care; development of the ability to clearly formulate an idea; teaching the elements of logical and abstract thinking; development of perseverance, observation, memory and spatial design

Making paper crafts: captivates preschoolers; awakens children's imagination; brings joy to children, as in the hands of a child, paper comes to life and in a matter of minutes turns into flowers, animals, birds, striking with the plausibility of their forms and the intricacy of silhouettes; develops creativity.

The use of origami in the modern world In architecture. in choreography. in art therapy. In interior design. in theatrical activities. in various games. In child development.

Artistic and aesthetic development of the child Models made of colored paper give pleasure to their appearance, delight the eye of the creator and the viewer.

Introducing a child to universal human values ​​Origami makes it possible to express their feelings to loved ones in the form of a handmade gift

Development of the speech of preschoolers Origami promotes the development of the child's speech. Having completed the craft, he needs to tell his mother, grandmother, father, friend, etc. about it. The child repeatedly tells how he did, uses familiar terms. Children love to play with crafts, beating familiar works. Origami toys provoke children to conduct a dialogue, which serves as a stimulating factor for the development of dialogic speech.

Development of spatial imagination, eye, attention, memory In origami classes, this happens automatically. Each action requires the participation of the eyes, requires the participation of memory (remember how we did ...?), attention (having missed the operation, you don’t know what to do next) And so on every lesson. But it is important that all this is hidden from the child, he just makes crafts.

Introduction to basic geometric concepts. Origami introduces children in practice to the basic geometric concepts (angle, side, square, triangle, etc.), at the same time, the dictionary is enriched with special terms. Children learn to read drawings, memorize symbols.

Stimulation of self-education Passion for origami stimulates children to self-study, search together with their parents for books on origami, making unfamiliar models or repeating interesting crafts at home. Often, children, carried away by origami, begin to engage in other types of creativity.

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