Home Mushrooms About Kilichenkov's book "A short course of the great patriotic war." Alexey Illarionovich Kirichenko: biography Alexey Kirichenko short history of wwii

About Kilichenkov's book "A short course of the great patriotic war." Alexey Illarionovich Kirichenko: biography Alexey Kirichenko short history of wwii

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KIRICHENKO Alexey Illarionovich

(1908 - 1975). Member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee from 07/12/1955 to 05/04/1960 Candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee Presidium from 07/07/1953 to 07/12/1955 Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee from 12/19/1955 to 05/04/1960 Member Central Committee of the CPSU in 1952 - 1961 Member of the CPSU since 1930

Born in the village of Chernobaevka (now Belozersk district, Kherson region of Ukraine) in a working class family. Ukrainian. From the age of 11 he worked for hire, worked for the kulaks, then was a repairman on the railway. After studying at the school of auto-tractor mechanics, he worked as an instructor-mechanic at the Kostanay grain state farm in Kazakhstan. Later, senior mechanic of the state farm "Krasny Perekop" of the Kakhovsky district of the Kherson region, managing a department of the same state farm. In 1936 he graduated from the Azov-Black Sea Institute of Mechanical Engineers of Socialist Agriculture. He taught at the Akhtyrka technical school of agricultural mechanization. Since 1938, in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, in 1941 he was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. During the Great Patriotic War, a member of the military councils of a number of fronts. Lieutenant General. 1945-1949 first secretary of the Odessa regional committee and city party committee. Since the end of 1949 he was the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. In 1953 - 1957 First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. He replaced L.G. Melnikov, who was relieved of his post by the decree of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU "Questions of the Western Regions of the Ukrainian SSR" dated May 26, 1953, on the memorandum of L.P. Beria as not providing leadership and for "gross distortion of the Leninist-Stalinist national policy ". During the attempt to remove N. S. Khrushchev from the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (June 1957), he was the third member of the Presidium of the Central Committee (A. I. Mikoyan, M. A. Suslov) who did not support this idea. From 1957 to 1960 he was the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. He was the second person in the party after NS Khrushchev. He headed the Central Committee commission for revising the privileges of the party and state apparatus. Were canceled "envelopes" - tax-free additional regular cash payments, proposals were made to liquidate "closed distributors", to reduce the number of personal cars. Many officials were forced to change from "Chaeks" to cheaper "Volga". "ZILs" were left with only three top officials in the state. Remaining h

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His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky (1745–1813) ... Under the cool shade of slender crystal cypresses, in the sun glare of compliments, a stream flowed unhurried, oriental-style flowery conversation. Middle-aged, obese, dressed in full dress

Born into a peasant family in the village of Chernobaevka, Kherson province (now Belozersk district, Kherson region). Ukrainian. From the age of 11 he worked as a hired repairman on the railway, then in agriculture. In 1930 A. Kirichenko became a member of the CPSU (b). In 1936. he graduated from the Azov-Black Sea Institute of Mechanical Engineers of Socialist Agriculture, where he studied since 1931, and worked as a teacher for some time.

Since March 1938. his party career begins. For several years he has been working in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. It was there that he became acquainted with N. S. Khrushchev. Thanks to this acquaintance and direct patronage from the then head of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Aleksey Illarionovich is moving noticeably forward along the career ladder. Since May 1941, he has held the post of secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine for industry, and since February 1944 - for personnel. During World War II, he was a member of the military councils of a number of fronts, and was promoted to major general (December 1942). After the war, he heads the Odessa regional committee (from July 1945-1949, from 1946 he was also a city committee). But rather quickly he returned to work in the Central Committee of the CP (b) U, first as a second secretary (1949), and after the resignation of his immediate leader L.G. Melnikov at the June 1953 plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR, he became the first secretary of the Central Committee. The appointment of A. Kirichenko to the post of head of the Ukrainian Communist Party was influenced by several factors: support from Nikita Khrushchev and ethnicity, since a return to Lenin's ethnic policy was declared. During the period of Aleksey Illarionovich's tenure as head of the republican communist party, the percentage of Ukrainians in the CP (b) U membership increased significantly (up to 60% of the total number).

Even at the 19th Congress A. Kirichenko was elected a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. After taking up the post of 1st secretary of the CP (b) U, he first became a candidate member of the Presidium of the Central Committee (July 7, 1953), and a little later a member (July 12, 1955). His further advancement in the Soviet bureaucratic hierarchy was associated with the activities of the "anti-party group." In 1957, he was the third member of the Presidium of the Central Committee (A. I. Mikoyan, M. A. Suslov) who did not support the idea of ​​changing the party leadership. After that, in December 1957, N. Khrushchev appointed him Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. In fact, during this period of time A. Kirichenko is trying to become the number 2 person in the party-state hierarchy, concentrating in his hands, first of all, personnel issues. However, such his activity, coupled with a difficult character, begins to displease other top leaders. The result was his resignation in May 1960. from the post of secretary of the Central Committee and his withdrawal from the members of the Presidium of the Central Committee. It is said that his resignation was also influenced by the incident on the hunt. As an "honorary link", he was appointed 1st secretary of the Rostov Regional Committee of the CPSU, where he worked for less than a year. After the end of his party career, Alexey Illarionovich worked as director of a diesel plant and a research institute in Penza. Since 1962, he has been a personal pensioner of federal significance.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1946-62.

Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.


4 Orders of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree.

Alexey Illarionovich Kirichenko

Official certificate of a member of the Central Committee

Kirichenko Alexey Illarionovich (12 (25) .02.1908 - 28.12.1975), member of the party since 1930, member of the Central Committee in 1952-1961, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee on 12.07.55-4.05.60. (candidate from 07.07.53), Secretary of the Central Committee on 17.12.57 - 04.05.60 Born in the village. Chernobaevka, Belozersk district, Kherson region. Ukrainian. In 1936 he graduated from the Azov-Black Sea Institute of Mechanical Engineers of Socialist Agriculture. From the age of 11 he worked as a hired repairman on the railway, then in agricultural work. Since 1936 he has been teaching. In 1938-1941 in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. 1941-1945 Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. During the Great Patriotic War, a member of the military councils of a number of fronts. 1945-1949 first secretary of the Odessa regional committee and city party committee. Since 1949, second secretary, in 1953-1957. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. In 1957-1960 Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Since 1960, the first secretary of the Rostov regional committee of the CPSU, at economic work, then retired. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 2-5 convocations. Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Kirichenko Alexey Illarionovich (Kirichenko Oleksiy Ilarionovich) (02.25.1908 - 12.29.1975) - Soviet party and statesman. Since 1930 - a member of the CPSU. From 1938 he worked in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CP (b) U. Since 1941 - secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) U for industry. 1941-1945 - Member of the Military Council of a number of fronts, Major General. In 1944 - the secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) U for personnel, 1945-1949 - the first secretary of the Odessa regional committee. In 1949-1953 - the second secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) U. 1953-1957 - First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1957 he was recalled to Moscow and appointed to the post of secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Since 1960 - First Secretary of the Rostov Regional Committee. For the last years he worked in Moscow.

Ukrainian nationalist organizations during the Second World War. The documents. In two volumes. Volume 2.1944-1945. Curriculum Vitae. S. 1035.

Born into a peasant family in the village of Chernobaevka, Kherson province (now Belozersk district, Kherson region). Ukrainian. From the age of 11 he worked as a hired repairman on the railway, then in agriculture. In 1930 A. Kirichenko became a member of the CPSU (b). In 1936. he graduated from the Azov-Black Sea Institute of Mechanical Engineers of Socialist Agriculture, where he studied since 1931, and worked as a teacher for some time.

Since March 1938. his party career begins. For several years he has been working in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. It was there that he became acquainted with N. S. Khrushchev. Thanks to this acquaintance and direct patronage from the then head of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Aleksey Illarionovich is moving noticeably forward along the career ladder. Since May 1941, he has held the post of secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine for industry, and since February 1944 - for personnel. During World War II, he was a member of the military councils of a number of fronts, and was promoted to major general (December 1942). After the war, he heads the Odessa regional committee (from July 1945-1949, from 1946 he was also a city committee). But rather quickly he returned to work in the Central Committee of the CP (b) U, first as a second secretary (1949), and after the resignation of his immediate leader L.G. Melnikov at the June 1953 plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR, he became the first secretary of the Central Committee. The appointment of A. Kirichenko to the post of head of the Ukrainian Communist Party was influenced by several factors: support from Nikita Khrushchev and ethnicity, since a return to Lenin's ethnic policy was declared. During the period of Aleksey Illarionovich's tenure as head of the republican communist party, the percentage of Ukrainians in the CP (b) U membership increased significantly (up to 60% of the total number).

Even at the 19th Congress A. Kirichenko was elected a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. After taking up the post of 1st secretary of the CP (b) U, he first became a candidate member of the Presidium of the Central Committee (July 7, 1953), and a little later a member (July 12, 1955). His further advancement in the Soviet bureaucratic hierarchy was associated with the activities of the "anti-party group." In 1957, he was the third member of the Presidium of the Central Committee (A. I. Mikoyan, M. A. Suslov) who did not support the idea of ​​changing the party leadership. After that, in December 1957, N. Khrushchev appointed him Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. In fact, during this period of time A. Kirichenko is trying to become the number 2 person in the party-state hierarchy, concentrating in his hands, first of all, personnel issues. However, such his activity, coupled with a difficult character, begins to displease other top leaders. The result was his resignation in May 1960. from the post of secretary of the Central Committee and his withdrawal from the members of the Presidium of the Central Committee. It is said that his resignation was also influenced by the incident on the hunt. As an "honorary link", he was appointed 1st secretary of the Rostov Regional Committee of the CPSU, where he worked for less than a year. After the end of his party career, Alexey Illarionovich worked as director of a diesel plant and a research institute in Penza. Since 1962, he has been a personal pensioner of federal significance. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1946-62. Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

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