Home Mushrooms Playground coloring page. Decorating a playground: the best ideas for DIY implementation. Ladders and hanging paths

Playground coloring page. Decorating a playground: the best ideas for DIY implementation. Ladders and hanging paths

"Creativity is a creative direction, inherent in everyone, but lost by the majority under the influence of the existing system of upbringing, education and social practice."
© American psychologist Abraham Maslow

We have already published the article. We are now offering you some practical exercises that will help make your mind more flexible and sharp, develop your creativity, and promote creative thinking.

So, 5 exercises:

2 random words

Take any book or dictionary. Choose 2 words at random: open any page and point your finger without looking. Now try to find something in common between these two words, contrast them, compare, analyze, look for relationships. You can come up with an incredible, even crazy story that would connect these two concepts. Exercise and train your brain.

Said, “Creativity is just making connections between things. When creative people are asked how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't actually do anything, they just noticed. This becomes clear to them over time. They were able to connect different pieces of their experience and synthesize something new. This is because they have experienced and seen more than others, or because they think more about it. "

The Architect's Frenzy

How do you feel about trying on the role of an architect and designing a house? Do not know how to draw or remember with horror the school drawing lessons and materials at the university? It's okay, the ability to draw and draw is the tenth thing here. The main thing is the process. Well, do you agree? Great, let's go then.

First, write down 10 nouns on a sheet, any. Mandarin, glass, meadow, water, tomato - whatever comes to mind. These 10 words are 10 prerequisites for the customer you are designing the house for. For example, "tangerine" - make the walls of the house orange, "water" - let there be a fountain or a pond in front of the house, "tomato" - run red fish into the pond or hang red curtains in the house, etc. Let your imagination run wild. Draw and imagine how it would look in real life.

Associations (5 + 5)

Take a look at the room you are currently in. What object caught your eye? Mine - for a chocolate bar that is on the table. Now take a piece of paper with a pen and write 5 adjectives that best suit the subject of your choice. For example, dark chocolate, delicious chocolate, Belgian chocolate, natural chocolate, loose chocolate (imported, domestic, favorite, white, milk, hot, slab chocolate and many other options come to mind).

Have you written? And now the fun part - write 5 more adjectives that are absolutely inappropriate. It is much more difficult to do this: glass chocolate, plush chocolate, summer chocolate, mysterious chocolate, fried chocolate. o_O This is what came into my head. Dig into your feelings and perceptions and find the definitions you need. Put in a little more effort, and everything will work out, the main thing is not to leave the task unfulfilled. Sit and meditate.

Hour of "silence"

Do not be alarmed, you will not have to put water in your mouth and be silent. As you understand from the name of the exercise, this task will take you one hour, but you should not be distracted from your activities and your daily routine. At this hour, answer people only to general questions, using "yes" and "no". Behave as naturally as possible so that no one suspects anything strange. People around you should not get the impression that you are not yourself, that you are sick or that you got up on the wrong side in the morning. Try it and believe me, you will get a taste.

The main thing here is to believe in yourself, and throw all doubts away. We take a sheet of paper and draw these crosses: 6 in height and 9 in length:

Now we tune in to the creative wave, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. We take a pen and start turning crosses into pictures and small sketches, for example, like this:

Are you finished? Now look at what happened and choose the most successful ones, there will certainly be some.

The original assignment may look different, for example, like this:

Or like this:


Generate thoughts, do not stop there. The more you train your brain, develop imagination and creativity, the more interesting ideas and solutions will come to you.

Be creative!

“Creativity is not a craft where you have to justify your salary; this is a craft where your salary justifies you. And the career of a creator is as ephemeral as the career of a TV director. " © film "99 francs"

Do you know what creative thinking is? This is a category of thinking that leads to an absolutely non-typical solution to the question (problem). If a person systematizes and analyzes standard information in a new way, then he or she thinks creatively. The earlier the development of creative thinking begins, the easier it is for a person to master new knowledge.

Features of the development of creative thinking

Given the rapid development of technological progress, we can safely say that creative thinking and creativity are methods for solving any problems that differ from those programmed in a computer.

The technique always operates according to the established program (algorithm), and looks for a classic way out of any situation.

Unconventional approach

A creative person knows how to break the established rules.

He needs a flexible non-standard mindset and the courage to be different from everyone else.

Most often, creative thinking goes against the generally known canons.

Ideas that seem crazy at first can lead to ingenious discoveries.

All famous personalities who have made a breakthrough in the world of science - I. Newton, I. Pavlov, M. Lomonosov and others - can boast of such thinking.

Formation of creative thinking

Creative development comes from proper education and training. It cannot be formed without knowledge of the surrounding world. At first, a person gets acquainted with the ordinary disposition of things, phenomena, and only then he can comprehend them in an extraordinary way, “rework” them.

Creative thinking traits:

  1. Consideration of an object from different angles, taking into account its principles and significance.
  2. The desire to create something new, something that did not exist before.
  3. The ability to quickly switch from one thought to another.
  4. Find several ways to solve the problem.

  1. Improvise, look for new ways to solve any everyday problems.
  2. Don't look back at existing traditions.
  3. Broaden your horizons, constantly learn something new. Have you learned Spanish? Begin to master molecular cuisine, conduct chemical experiments, learn sign language.
  4. Travel. New impressions and acquaintances will be needed to develop creative thinking.
  5. Try to do better and more than others.

Methods for developing creative thinking

The human mind is unique, it is able to adapt to any life situation. In an emergency, the brain can quickly put together all the necessary situation and issue an extraordinary solution.

If a person in ordinary life solves problems of creative thinking, nothing will catch him by surprise. He will find the right way out of any, even the most difficult situation, which will also be beneficial.

Methods for the development of creative thinking are based on the fact that any person realizes during his life only a small part of his potential, and it is necessary to find ways to "turn on" all the capabilities of the brain.

There are 2 main methods for the development of creative thinking:


It is based on the concepts of generating ideas and their critical assessment.

The classic brainstorming session consists of 2 teams.

The first team must develop as many ways as possible to solve the issue, no matter how unrealistic and even silly they may seem at first glance.

The second one discusses, develops each proposal, and as a result must stop at any one solution.

Important Features of Brainstorming

  1. clear division of responsibilities;
  2. offer the maximum number of ways to resolve the issue;
  3. be able to develop the craziest ideas that have been proposed;
  4. be able to work in a team.


Examples of synectics

Synectics is based on the following techniques:

  1. association (search for similar processes, phenomena from a completely different sphere);
  2. poetic symbols, images;
  3. fantastic analogy. Why not suggest a solution based on the example of a fairytale character?

Both of these methods - "brainstorming" and synectics, should destroy the stereotypical perception of the world, and create a completely new, original type of thinking.

Development of creative thinking

Creative thinking is directly related to imagination.

A classic example of a well-developed imagination is children's tales. If a child begins to tell something fantastic, it means that his creative thinking is developing well.

The older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to fantasize. The social stereotype says that an adult must be serious, strict, and not "fly in the clouds."

It is not right. After all, creative thinking is useful in any profession.

A person who lathers outside the box is able to offer bright ideas for business, make a new discovery in medicine, chemistry or military science, improve already created drugs, tools or equipment.

5 exercises to develop creative thinking

Selection of words

Choose as many nouns as possible that reflect the essence of the concept. For example, light - life, sun, growth, etc.

  • Fire;
  • evening;
  • water;
  • table;
  • child;
  • old age.

Find the maximum number of similar signs for completely different concepts:

  • well-earth;
  • cloud car;
  • steam locomotive tablet;
  • piano stroller;
  • alarm clock tree.


Think about what might happen if:

  • if it rains continuously for 3 days in a row;
  • pets will start talking to their owners;
  • apple juice will pour from the bathroom tap;
  • fairytale characters will walk along the street.

Words with the letter

What is the maximum number of things with the letter K (Z, I, O) that are now in the same room with you?

Item Description

Stop your gaze on any object in the room. For example, on the table. Write 5 adjectives that match the subject (large, wood, comfortable, gray, smooth). Now write 5 adjectives that are completely inappropriate for the subject (sweet, blue, sad, lively, toy).

10 tasks to develop creative thinking

  1. Describe your job (family, girlfriend, favorite TV show) in 100 words.
  2. Take your favorite aphorism and write your own work based on it (it doesn't matter in poetry or prose).
  3. Write a short story (8-10 sentences) about an empty decanter.
  4. Come up with 20 reasons to learn sign language.
  5. List 5 things on which you do not mind spending the last 1000 rubles.
  6. Give written instructions to your beloved dog (parrot, cat) how to dance the rumba.
  7. You come home from work, the door of your house wide open. Name 20 (including the most incredible) reasons why this happened.

A playground is considered an important element of every modern suburban area, if the younger generation lives on the territory. Buying a swing and similar attributes is not a cheap pleasure.

It is much easier and more affordable to build a playground from scrap materials with your own hands. Let's talk about this issue in more detail.

Design process

The most important condition for creating a playground for children is designing so that the structure is reliable and also as safe to use as possible.

In addition, when deciding on the construction site of the site, you need to focus on a place with excellent visibility.

In addition, the idea for a playground should not provide for the arrangement of wires, various traumatic corners in the place of children's games. Also, the site should not settle down next to a pool or river.

The play area should be as level as possible, equipped with a soft surface that can minimize the risk of injury from an accidental fall.

When choosing the right material for decorating your playground, opt for natural solid wood, which is harmless, practical and easy to use.

Also, wood is easy to process, thanks to which it is possible to build any structures from it.

Having painted wood crafts for a playground in various shades, you can get an outwardly attractive area for active games of your kids.

It is preferable to initially develop the corresponding drawings on a sheet of paper. In the design documentation, be sure to indicate the estimated dimensions of the parts that are planned to be placed on the site. Also determine the optimal slope of the children's slide and, of course, the height.

Optimal ideas

When choosing a suitable idea for decorating a summer cottage playground, it is important to focus on children's age, as well as the specifics of the construction site. Basically, the main element of the playground is considered to be a swing, a sandbox, and a slide.

In addition, you can build a small fairy-tale house, small slides. Simply put, every element of the playground should be interesting for the little ones.

We equip the sandbox

When deciding on the location of the sandbox, focus on the following points:

  • the terrain must certainly be of an open type, that is, it must be clearly visible;
  • it is undesirable to build a sandbox under the crown of trees in order to prevent debris from getting into it;
  • be sure to take care of high-quality UV protection;
  • calculate the dimensions so that the kids can move around in it as freely as possible.

As for the shape, a square sandbox will be optimal, which can be easily created from wood. To make sure of this, the photo of the playground is proof of this.

When choosing a natural massif, stop choosing pine, which is considered a moisture-resistant material that perfectly tolerates the sun's radiation, as well as temperature extremes. Also, the resin in pine is characterized by antimicrobial properties.

The optimal dimensions of the sandbox are 200 cm by 200 cm. First, you need to prepare a special area using pegs and threads. Having finished with the markings, you should slightly eliminate the top layer of the earth. Then you can start arranging the base in order to fill in the sand.


It is preferable to cover the very bottom of the structure with dense building material. The bottom is closed with a pillow of sandy plastic tiles.

Remember that the use of plastic wrap is contraindicated, since after precipitation a lot of moisture can accumulate in the sandbox, which prevents the sand from drying out.

However, materials from geotextiles allow moisture to pass through, but do not let various insects into the sand from the ground.

To cover the sides of the structure, shields of boards should be constructed. For convenience, you need to equip the sides.

The option of arranging the sandbox with a special shelter in the shape of a mushroom is not excluded. This design will protect the structure from moisture and sun.

Decorating a place for children's games

If you are interested in how to make a playground with your own hands and how to arrange it, then remember that the use of expensive materials for these purposes is optional. It is enough to use a couple of cans of paint, as well as improvised materials.


An excellent design option is a playground created from tires, or plastic bottles, disks.

To make fabulous palms appear on the site, use plastic bottles, and if you have hemp, create paths. Using tires, construct various interesting shapes for the garden in the form of animals.

Make every effort to ensure that all parts of the playground for children perform a developmental function. This does not require a lot of effort, a minimum of imagination and desire is enough.

DIY playground photo


If the family has small children, they definitely need to build and subsequently equip an open playground. Such play areas are an irreplaceable object on the territory of a private house or summer cottage.

While the little ones play in the fresh air, adults can relax or do housework. Once the parents are free, they can always join the children.

An open play area can be made much more interesting, fun and colorful if you make crafts for the playground. It is not at all necessary to buy ready-made garden decorations, because there are many fascinating ideas that can be easily implemented.

Dinosaur from tires

Bottle palms and a plastic zoo

Perfect for making crafts and decorations for the playground.

If you collect bottles of different shapes and sizes, you can make very interesting compositions: palm trees, animal figurines, flowers and other objects. Try making an exotic palm tree corner or a fun menagerie.

For example, a piglet is very easy to do: a five-liter bottle is suitable for the body, and a two-liter bottle is suitable for the limbs. The ears and tail are also cut out of plastic.

A flower garden from bottles looks original: cut the necks in the form of bells and other flowers, and the leaves will be bases without a bottom, cut into several parts.

Color the bottles with paints and fix in the right places. Such decorations are very practical: they will not deteriorate either from rain or from the sun.

The palm tree is made as follows: the bottom of the bottles is cut out, after which the blanks are strung on top of each other. A metal rod is placed inside the bottles - the base of the tree. The crown consists of one or more bottles, cut from the bases to the necks into strips of leaves.

The strips should be trimmed obliquely to make them look like real palm leaves. The crown bottle is inserted with the neck into the barrel. To do without paint, you can use brown and green bottles.

Plywood is an ideal material for making flat figurines. On it you can draw anything that your imagination tells you: characters from films, characters from cartoons, etc. Figures are cut out, painted and placed on the site.

You can create an entire composition of individual elements or paint a colorful picture on a large white piece of plywood. Such a picture can be used as a fence-delimiter for zones in the garden.

Polyurethane foam is not used as often for decorating a playground as plastic or plywood, but, nevertheless, very interesting compositions can be made from it.

Foam figurines are like toys, they look great and kids will love them. Any shape can be made from foam, which is then painted.

Animal figurines from boulders

Large boulders and pebbles are a good find for decorating a playground. Round stones are decorated with bright colors, the result is funny bugs, hedgehogs and other animals.

For stones, it is better to take acrylic paints, which are then covered with transparent varnish. Pictures with clear contours look interesting.

The contour is first drawn with a pencil, then in black or white. The space between the lines is filled with colored paints. A whole family of hedgehogs or ladybugs can be made from several boulders.

The combination of materials is a flight of imagination

Logs of various shapes and sizes are great for decorating children's play corners. Many materials go well with each other: logs or tires and bottles.

Bottles can be used to make a beautiful fence for a lawn or flower bed in the form of animals, plants and insects. Try to involve the child in the creative process: children always have several original ideas and solutions at the ready.

If there was an old sawed-down tree in the garden, take your time to uproot the stump. A funny figure or a whole house with a door, roof and windows will come out of it. It is not only fun for children, but also a wonderful decorative element for the garden.

A bright, positive composition can be made from bottles and a small tire. Nail the bottle caps around the tires, then screw the bottles into them - you get a cheerful sun.

Do not rush to get rid of unused building materials after repairs. So, for example, ornate paths or space around the figures can be laid out with pieces of ceramic tiles. Broken tiles are useful for laying out mosaics and images of fairy-tale characters.

Draw a shape outline on the path, then line it with tile pieces. In order for the composition to be durable, it must be laid out on a cement composition. Do not forget to rub the seams after drying.

The video shows interesting ideas for decorating a playground with your own hands:

It is an essential element of any children's play area. Toddlers love to have their own corner where they can hide. there are log and frame ones. Internally, the design depends on the imagination of the parents and the child.

Pergolas of climbing plants

If it is not possible to build a wooden house, you can take note of an alternative option: a frame is made of wire, and any climbing plants (bindweed, grapes, etc.) start up around it. Such a gazebo pleases the eye of both adults and kids.

Hemp decoration

All the ideas for decorating stumps are countless. Here are the most popular of them: the old woodland man and the fly agaric mushroom.

When the bells ring back under a gust of wind, an extraordinary, fabulous feeling immediately arises. They can be made from iron bottle caps and unnecessary keys.

Make a cozy nest of branches with your baby and place a decorative bird or butterfly in it. Fix the composition to the tree.

A butterfly made together with a child promotes the development of motor skills and creativity. It can be made from beads, clothespins and thick threads.

If you attach a pin to the back of the butterfly, it can be used as a decoration for clothes or curtains.

How else can you decorate a playground or a summer cottage - a photo selection:

Boxes and baby shoes

A wonderful pirate ship will come out of the cardboard box. You can also make decorative fences and dividers from boxes and unnecessary shoes.

Materials for decorating a children's play area can be very different: from trees and hemp, to old shoes and empty bottles. The main thing is to show imagination and desire.

So that children in the country or near the house do not explore the beds or any other places where they should not be, they need an interesting corner for them. As a rule, parents come to the idea of ​​the need to create a playground or sports corner - it depends on the age and desires of the children. A playground made independently is good in that during its construction, it is possible to envisage the possibility of its gradual transformation. After all, what suits 2-3 year old kids no longer likes 5-6 year olds, and even more so for older children. And besides, a do-it-yourself playground is often built not so much for reasons of economy, but out of a desire to please the child: who knows better than the parents what your child likes ... Someone needs a pirate ship, but someone needs their own, real, house with a porch, a door and all the necessary attributes.

Do-it-yourself Danish playground - a place for your favorite offspring to play in the country or in the yard

Choosing a location

You will have to solve a difficult task. Firstly, it is desirable that the playground is viewed from home, and from a room in which someone is most of the time. Ideal if the site is viewed from several rooms or points. Secondly, it should be located away from outbuildings with "flavors", if any. Thirdly, it is advisable to take into account the fertility of the soil: an infertile area or with a complex geology can be distinguished under the game complex: there is no need to bury yourself in the ground, maximum - to bury the pillars by 30-40 cm.

When choosing a place, it is a good idea to place a children's play corner near a wall or a capital fence. These zones can sharply be fully utilized, and in this case they can be used for games. For example, make a mini-climbing wall on the wall, fix rope ladders, a slate board and other devices no less interesting for children. You probably know what your children like, and if you don’t know, you can find out: there are enough fences and walls, place different devices in different areas and observe where your child lingers longer. So find out which games he is more drawn to, you will know in which direction to move on.

Slate board on the fence - entertainment for children and the development of fine motor skills of hands

It is also necessary to take into account the illumination. The place of children's play should not be constantly in the shade, but the sun is also not needed. Approximately 2/3 of the site should be in the shade (, swing), and 1/3 - in the sun -, if any, the zone of active games. If there is no shadow on the site, you will have to come up with a canopy or put up a large umbrella.

At the same time, pay attention that there is no constant draft in the area of ​​the proposed site. Children, of course, need to be tempered, but not in this way. Even when choosing a place for a children's play area, pay attention to the fact that electrical appliances or any shields, machines and other similar devices are not located nearby. Children are curious and resourceful, so it's best not to risk it.

What area do you need

A little about the area that needs to be allocated for a children's playground. Small children don't need much space - a sandpit, a few very simple shells, a small pool, if you think it's possible. It's a good idea to have a lawn or a flat, smooth patch with some suitable covering to lie on for fun. That's all. For all this, there is enough space of 4-5 sq. meters.

For small children, it is advisable to enclose the area. This will give you the opportunity not to be constantly nearby, but to go about your business nearby: children are in sight and safe. The fence can be any - it's a matter of your imagination, desire and capabilities. The main requirement is that it must be safe and durable or completely inaccessible to children. For example, like the netting that you see in the photo above. It comes with a plastic coating in bright colors and does not look as harsh as the usual one.

PVC-coated mesh netting is a good option for fencing playgrounds

If for some reason you don't like this option, you can put a picket fence that will be about the height of the children’s shoulders, the distance between adjacent slats should be such that the head doesn’t fit in there. Picket fences can be painted with different colors.

Picket fence - a familiar fence in an unusual design

Just pay attention to the fact that the tops are rounded and have no sharp corners, they are well processed: splinters are very upsetting for children. Fasten the picket fence firmly. With the expectation that children will definitely hang on them and jump.

A rope fence is rarely used, but it looks good, it performs its functions perfectly: durable, safe, aesthetically attractive.

Rope fence for a playground - durable, inexpensive, reliable and safe

For older children, the fence is a relic. For them, the field of activity is the entire site, and only something really interesting can distract them. More squares are also needed here. If possible, give children up to 7 years old 8-9 m 2, from 7 to 12 years old - up to 12 m 2. Here, the set of shells is more serious, and therefore large areas are required.

Playground flooring

This is a complex topic with no easy choices. While children are small, it will be perfect for them (there is a special composition of herbs with high abrasion resistance). He is not so attractive in appearance, but is able to endure little pranksters almost without damage. The disadvantage of lawns is the need for regular maintenance: watering, mowing, etc.

For small children, the ideal covering on the playground is lawn grass

The lawn can no longer cope with the load from the games of grown-up children. Especially in the area of ​​active games: near slides, swings. These are the most problematic areas. If you leave these areas "as is", then during the rain a puddle will form under them, after a couple of "races", turning into a swamp. There is a good solution: make a drainage cushion from rubble, and pour sand on top of it, or lay a rubber covering like that used in stadiums. It is durable and durable.

To remove moisture from the area of ​​the playground, they remove the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm, fill and ram the crushed stone, pour sand on top and also ram it. Both layers are about 10-15 cm each. During construction, you can already stop there: landing on such a site is already good. But the sand is gradually being pulled apart, and it will have to be renewed periodically. You can spread a rubber mat. This is already more serious, only you will need to make a slight slope so that the water rolls off it during the rain. Someone just puts rubber mats, which are replaced as they wear out.

Another way out is to cover the entire site with fine, sifted sand. It will periodically need to be leveled and refilled, but this is perhaps the most practical way out.

Sand playground cover - fast and hassle-free

Another option is to add crushed bark. Another question is that not everyone has the opportunity to take this bark. But if there is, try it. The coating is soft and non-traumatic. Only it is necessary to grind it well and remove the chips that may be there.

Of the more technologically advanced, the following can be proposed:

  • Regupol. Factory rubber coating, laid on a flat concrete or asphalt base. Cost - $ 25-70 per square meter.
  • Coating made of crumb rubber with the addition of a binder. It is poured onto a prepared, leveled platform (it is possible on compacted sand, laid out on top of crushed stone). Price - $ 25-80 per square meter.
  • High density PVC modular systems. Plates that are connected according to the principle of puzzles. The price of a "square" is $ 50-70.
  • Artificial grass. It is laid on a prepared base of quartz sand and crumb rubber, requires water drainage. Depending on the height of the pile, it costs from $ 40 to $ 80.

Difficult to choose. There are too many mutually exclusive requirements and desires, but you will have to choose something. The most common option is lawn, the second most popular is sand. The rest of the coatings are applied only in places - in the most "loaded" parts.

The choice of equipment for the playground

Planning playground elements is best with children. After all, it is for them that you are going to build a play area, and it is their desires that you need to listen to. Often we try to reproduce what, in our understanding, should be interesting for them, and then we are surprised that the kids play anywhere, but not on the playground, which was built with such love. This is because you have fulfilled your desires and expectations, not childish ones. Listen to what the child wants, walk around the guests who already have similar facilities, see where the child spends more time. On this basis, you can already build something.

For kids, there must be a sandbox on the playground. This develops their coordination, allows them to develop faster. The usual construction - four boards - is not a problem to knock down, but I want it to be beautiful as well. The sandbox machine will be interesting for the boys. It is made of moisture resistant film faced plywood painted in two colors.

Under the hood is a toy box. Inside the cockpit, there is also an "entrance" to this box.

In general, wooden cars for boys are great fun. They are busy there with enthusiasm. another option from an old barrel.

Behind, by the way, you can also arrange a sandbox ...

Another interesting idea is how to make a shadow over the play area: fix a rod at a height, throw an awning over it, making a kind of tent. And it's not hot, and there is a shadow.

Almost a ship ...

Children's houses

The most popular part of the play corner among children: your own house, where you can hide from the all-seeing eye of adults, set your own rules. It doesn't matter for children what their house is built of. They play great in a tent made of fabric, a hut made of branches. There are many designs that are quickly and easily "built". Moreover, even the smallest ones can be involved in this construction: it will be even more interesting to play in a house built with your own hands.

For example, a hut. Watch the children play. This is exactly the building that they build most often. In different regions they call it differently: some as their “headquarters”, someone as their “home”, a hut, a halabuda. They usually use sticks, bedspreads, and other available material. Based on this "halabud construction", several of the following structures of houses for children were made.

The cheapest way to build a summer orphanage is to put a few poles in a hut, plant bindweed around it and wait a couple of weeks for them to grow. The shape of this living hut can be any: in the form of a cone, as in the photo, a traditional hut that looks more like a house, etc. Tie the poles together with twine, plastic ties, or something similar. It is only important to provide a sufficiently stable frame, otherwise naughty children can overwhelm the structure.

In general, it is not necessary to wait for the plants to grow. You can sew a cover made of fabric, make an entrance like in a wigwam ... There are a lot of possibilities for using fantasy.

A quick and absolutely safe way to build a children's hut is to fasten cloths on the hoop. Hang this structure, for example, on a tree. Lay out the mats under it, attach the panels to the edges. You will get an excellent summer house in which children will be cool and comfortable.

A hoop and fabric hut - fast, cheap, safe

Moreover, this design is suitable not only for girls. Hang a camouflage net or camouflage cloth over the hoop. The boys will definitely set up their headquarters in it.

If your child dreams of a house like yours, there are even more options. It is usually built using frame technology: pillars are buried in the corners, the lower and upper straps are attached to them. The lower rail is the basis for the floor, the upper one is the ceiling. If the house is planned to be high, a sandbox is often placed below. The house located on top protects it from precipitation and the sun.

If the house is planned at ground level, construction can be started differently. Place the blocks on which it will stand in a level, lay a bar on them (80 * 80 mm or 100 * 100 mm), connect it into a rectangle, fasten the corners with metal overhead plates. After that, it is already attached to the lower frame in the corners of the racks, which will become a support for the walls and roof.

Some children like to have a house, just like an adult's: with a porch, a real door and window, a sofa ... Parents have done this too more than once. The basis is the same: the timber from which the building frame is assembled, and it is sheathed depending on the desire. Work faster with sheet material, such as waterproof plywood, longer with boards or clapboard.

A house, like from a fairy tale - carved, on a hemp

Slides for children

Slides are no less popular with children. A quick descent is a lot of fun. This is where the difficulties arise for parents. What to make a children's slide from? The traditional coating - a sheet of stainless steel - has now become very expensive, and even leaving it on the street unattended is dangerous - it will be carried away. Ordinary steel will not work - it rusts very quickly, so you have to look for a replacement. There are several options:

And only a slide in the country or near the house is done very rarely. Usually this is only a part of the game complex, which includes various shells: rope and ordinary ladders with different angles of inclination, hanging paths, nets, swings on chains or ropes, posts with crossbars, and, in general, anything you can think of. You can find some ideas below in the photo gallery.

Wooden slide - only part of the play corner for children in the country A set of stairs, swings with a children's slide


Hanging ones are popular not only among children, but also among adults. There are many different options - from models for toddlers to older children. You saw some of them in the photo above. To create this kind of entertainment, not so many materials are needed: chains or ropes on which the seat will be attached.

If you use ropes, it is necessary to regularly check their condition: they become weaker from exposure to the sun and can fray. Chains are more reliable in this regard: they can withstand heavy loads, but pose a different danger: the chain links, moving, can pinch the skin. It is very painful and large bruises are produced. But there is a way out. To keep it safe, hoses are put on the chains in those places where they are grasped with hands. Their shell protects the hands of children and adults who swing the swing (or roll themselves).

But bad luck - curious kids like to pick pipes, so take a look at them periodically. Sometimes covers made of a very dense fabric such as tarpaulin are used as a protective layer.

Questions often arise as to how to attach chains or ropes to the bar. The most popular solution is carbines. But they have two drawbacks: when rocking, they creak quite a lot, moreover, they gradually wear out. The rate of wear depends on the weight of the swinging children (they do not always sit on the swing one at a time) and on the intensity of use. Both problems can be partially solved by periodic lubrication, but only partially. The second option is to use bearings, but here you cannot do without welding. For several options on how to attach a swing to the crossbar, see the photo below.

Where can I get such devices? In shops selling rigging. You may also find other ideas there.

Often the question arises: how and from what to make a seat. Yes from anything. Even from a tire or a piece of tarpaulin, an old chair - wood or plastic, just a piece of board. Craftsmen manage to use the old chair.

A circle tied with ropes is a great option

An old swing chair - why not?

Having slightly modified them and hanging them only slightly above the ground, we teach not a swing, but a simulator for developing balance. Boys will be especially interested in the option with a board from a skateboard. And on a wide platform, you can swing while sitting ...

Ladders and hanging paths

Ladders are one of the key elements that connects all the disparate parts into a single whole, allowing you to move from one projectile to another. They are made from well-processed wood. The steps should be round (at least 5 cm in diameter so that it is comfortable to grip with your hands) and straight. You can make rope steps: they are harder to climb, but they develop coordination well.

Rope climb - difficult, but very interesting to overcome

Hang a rope net on one side, make a rope ladder. Rope shells are not in vain present in all extreme shows. They are safe, but require a well-developed coordination of movements and dexterity. At first it is hard for the kids, but it is these "shells" that they are drawn to.

A rope wall and ladder are a great way to make the playground more fun to play.

Here is the basic set of elements from which children's playgrounds are assembled. For older boys, you can add a horizontal bar and rings. They already need to develop not only coordination, but also muscular strength. In general, there can be a lot of ideas. Some of them are in the photo below. We hope that the playground made by your efforts will bring joy to children, and pleasure to you: it is always pleasant to look at what you have done with your own hands.

Photo of playgrounds and elements

A water mattress in the heat is the best place to rest

Coming off the platform from the ropes - for coordination of movements

Playground with a house on high legs - drawing with dimensions

One of the options for a children's house with a sandbox under one roof

Hemp is a convenient projectile

Children's corner - pirate ship

Metal complex - for those who know how to cook metal

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