Home Mushrooms Luxurious kitchen interior. Awesomely beautiful cuisine !!! Unusual design ideas

Luxurious kitchen interior. Awesomely beautiful cuisine !!! Unusual design ideas

The golden rule for choosing any living space is that each family member should have their own personal space, or better - a separate room. During the years of Soviet power, she knocked out of us with all her might the desire for isolation and solitude - on the scale of the whole country. There were communal apartments, "Khrushchevs", fifteen-meter apartments ... And until now we are unable to resist the narrowing of personal space. There are more and more people, and less and less space. It is especially difficult for those who are forced to raise babies in small apartments. After all, everyone knows that children need light, space and their own corner in which they can retire, relax, think and do their own thing.

Having decided to have a child, the parents-to-be understand that an inevitable rearrangement in the house awaits them. Some are content with this minimum, but some need more and then future dad and mom start to repair, equip and expand their homes. The sizes of our apartments do not always correspond to our desires and requirements, so we have to look for original planning solutions in order to free up maximum space, let in maximum light and at the same time not offend any of the family members, including the future replenishment.

Authorized landfill

Italians have a custom to start the New Year by throwing old things out the window. Of course, it is hardly worth subjecting neighbors from below to such serious trials, but, nevertheless, this tradition is a wonderful way to start changing the life and life of a family. So the first thing to start with is the rearrangement, or - from moving all kinds of junk from all the nooks and crannies of the apartment straight to the trash heap. However, you still won't be able to get rid of old things completely. One thing evokes a nostalgic smile, the second inherited from your husband's second great-grandmother, the third may "suddenly come in handy," and so on. Therefore, you need to take this junk into a warm place. Let it be a box, an old bedside table, or a drawer on the balcony. Then all the trash will be stored in a specially designated place and will no longer creep around the house. There is one more plus - sooner or later the box (bedside table, drawer, etc.) will run out of space and then you will still have to solve the problem of what of this old stuff has the right to gather dust further, and what does not.

An important rule of thumb: do not multiply authorized landfills in a single apartment! There should be only one place for trash!

Large families - large zones

Functional minimalism is a style that is very popular in Europe. It involves the use of only the most necessary pieces of furniture and interior design in an apartment (house). Of course, European apartments, even the smallest ones, differ significantly from Russian ones, but if you make some effort, you can achieve stunning results. The amount of free space, both real and visual, directly depends on competent design, which is also important.

Recently, it has become especially fashionable to combine rooms, demolishing "extra" walls. However, such a decision is a double-edged sword. There will certainly be more space, but the inhabitants of the apartment may have psychological problems, since each of us sometimes needs our own corner. In addition, in a large family, it is completely inconvenient to combine, for example, a bathroom or a room with a kitchen. We'll have to use another new-fashioned solution in our small-sized conditions - zoning.

The basic principle of zoning is the division of the entire living space into two zones - private and general. Therefore, if conditions permit, the kitchen and dining room can, of course, be made a single space, but then this zone will be the only common one, the rest - private. As a rule, in a family with children, this is possible only if there are three rooms in the apartment. If there are only two rooms, then the use of sliding wardrobes and folding sofas will allow, with a slight movement of the hand, if necessary, to turn a private area (for example, a bedroom) into a common (living room). And if there is only one room, then the living room will have to be "evicted" to the kitchen. Modern built-in appliances and compact kitchen furniture allow us to make the most of the space at our disposal. All that remains is to solve the problem of how to divide a single room into a nursery and a bedroom.

This is where the second zoning principle comes to the rescue - the semantic transition from one part of the housing to another. It is good if the zones have some kind of separation - a partition, a narrow shelving unit, an original curtain (made of bamboo, feathers, glass prisms, copper coins, etc.) or a low podium. As a last resort, the semantic transition from one zone to another can be formalized with the help of color and light. For example, using wallpaper of different colors or different textures allows you to achieve the desired effect. However, it is worth remembering that contrasting furniture and, in general, contrasting colors visually narrow the space. Therefore, if you want to preserve it, then try to use warm and close tones: white, light yellow or gray, beige, cream or pink. It is also best to refuse bright colors and saturated patterns.

It is best to choose wallpaper with a rare and light pattern, located vertically, or even do without a pattern - this will allow the walls to "move apart" and "raise" the ceiling. You can use mirrors (from floor to ceiling) or put a mirrored wardrobe. Each of the zones can be illuminated in different ways: with the help of compact chandeliers, wall lamps and spotlights.

It is equally important to "open" the windows. To do this, you will need to donate grandmother's heavy curtains, it is better to replace them with blinds, curtains made of light-colored fabric or roll curtains. Then you will win another piece of space outside the window, previously hidden by a heavy cloth.

Balcony - authorized dump or functional area?

What's on your balcony? An unauthorized dump? Warehouse of unnecessary things? So get rid of them. If there is something needed on the balcony (skis, sledges, pickles, pickles, etc.), then all this can be found in another place. For example, a mezzanine, a pantry or some inconspicuous niche, from which it is easy to build a mini-warehouse for things that require long-term storage. If the apartment does not have a mezzanine, then they can be made independently and it is not at all necessary to use an already crumbled corridor for this, mezzanines have the right to exist in the room. After all, this is not only a piece of plywood nailed to the ceiling and covered with a dusty curtain. Modern designers have even managed to turn such an attribute of our "soviet" childhood into a real decorative element that hides a lot of useful things and expands the space overhead.

Thus, the balcony (or loggia) will become a functional part of the apartment, from which you can make a seasonal recreation area, a small insulated winter garden and even a summer bedroom, if you hang a good Brazilian hammock or put a compact folding bed.

If you correctly insulate the balcony and take out the battery on it, then it is quite possible to remove the window and balcony door and get some more useful space in reserve. But it is very important not to forget to register your balcony innovations with the BTI, otherwise you will be fined for illegal. It's easier for those who have an apartment in a new building. In most modern houses, batteries and double-glazed windows are already included in the basic configuration of the balcony, but in old houses such a "redistribution" requires an appropriate permit.

This is Sparta!

For proper growth and development, every child (and not only a child) needs sports. Do not be upset if you cannot fit a whole sports corner in a small apartment. It is quite possible to get by with its individual parts, which are sold in many sports and children's stores. This even has its own advantage - as a rule, individual parts of the sports corner are cheaper than the entire complex.

For small apartments, Swedish walls are very convenient, which are mounted vertically to the wall from floor to ceiling, take up little space and allow you to "hang" other equipment, for example, a bench press board, a removable horizontal bar, a basketball hoop. In addition, the horizontal bar attached to the "wall" can be rearranged in height as the child grows, just like a basketball hoop. Another advantage of the "walls" is that they are easy to manufacture, and therefore many manufacturers produce models of non-standard sizes and to order.

If it is not possible to put a Swedish wall, then the horizontal bar can be placed in any doorway. While the child is small, it will be convenient to hang a swing on the horizontal bar and fasten jumpers, and when the baby grows up, it will be possible to use the crossbar for its intended purpose and also attach rings, a rope with knots or a punching bag to it. And don't forget the checkmate! If you look carefully, you will find compact mats in small sizes on sale.

Many sports stores also sell foldable treadmills. Such a simulator will relieve all family members who are in good shape from the need to look for a "green" zone nearby, and will provide an opportunity to go jogging at any time of the year in any weather conditions.

Important unimportant

The farthest in matters of space ergonomics were the Japanese. They keep many different things under the floor of their houses, for these purposes they have invented a whole system of movable and secret boxes, which move along specially designed runners like "tags".

We are, of course, far from the Japanese, especially when you consider that our houses are being built more and more of concrete according to standard designs and do not provide for such structures in any way. But if high ceilings allow you (in "Stalinist" houses, for example) and are not embarrassed by the far immodest budget of this event, then you can try to order such a system for your home straight from the homeland of this invention.

If your budget is more modest, you will have to turn to more like-minded manufacturers and trust their solutions. By the way, most developers have not come up with new sizes for economy class furniture for a long time. After all, as a rule, its main goal is to save space. Therefore, all the most convenient parameters of furniture and the distance between it have long been calculated and look as follows:

  • the height of the writing / dining table - 750 mm;
  • chair height (seat) - 450 mm;
  • the height of the kitchen table (as well as the stove, washing machine, etc. working kitchen surfaces) - 850 mm;
  • height of hinged shelves (cabinets) in the kitchen - from 700 to 1000 mm;
  • the distance between kitchen tables and hinged floors (cabinets) is from 450 to 600 mm;
  • depth of kitchen tables - 600 mm;
  • the depth of the linen cabinet (internal size) - from 550 to 600 mm;
  • coffee table height - from 500 to 650 mm.

A lot depends on the interior design, whether your home will be comfortable, light and cozy, or, on the contrary, small, oppressive and gloomy. Therefore, if you cannot plan the space yourself, it will be more expedient to invite a specialist. There is an opinion that interior designers work only for the benefit of well-to-do citizens in luxurious mansions and oversized penthouses. However, practice shows that real professionals do not shy away from small apartments either. For some aces, the task "how to squeeze the maximum benefit out of the minimum space" is a kind of gambling, something like "outwit the space". Therefore, real professionals will be able to think over the design of your small-sized housing to the smallest detail and create the most comfortable and original housing out of a small apartment.

Ergonomics should not be forgotten in interior design. Ergonomics is a science that comprehensively studies human activity in the "person - object - environment" system in order to optimize work, life and rest. Any kind of household activity - cooking and eating, washing, dressing, etc. - requires a sufficient and correct organization of the space. Adequate space allows work to be done without undue effort, accurately, reliably and safely. These activities include the basic types of posture and movement of a person - standing, sitting, walking, squatting, lying down. The space options for different situations are shown below.

Space parameters for cooking, washing.

Space parameters in the bathroom and toilet.

Space parameters when moving at the table and at the counter

Space parameters for movement in the workplace.

7.2. Spatial relationship

The ratio of the number of rooms and residents allows you to place, in one way or another, the required number of sleeping places in the living quarters of the apartment. The placement of sleeping places in the premises, as an indicator of the use of premises, characterizes the level of comfort of the apartment, its quality.

The area of ​​the common room (living room) in a one-room apartment must be at least 14 sq. m, in apartments with 2 or more rooms - at least 16 sq. m. In comfortable apartments, the common room has an area of ​​24-30 square meters. m.

The living room area must be at least 8 sq. m, for two people they accept 10 - 12 sq. m, for a married couple (master bedroom) - 13 - 15 sq. m, which allows you to place a baby bed. In more comfortable apartments, a room for 1-2 people is taken with an area of ​​12-14 sq. m, the bedroom of the spouses - 16 - 18 sq. m. Excessive increase in the area of ​​the bedroom violates its scale and makes it uncomfortable. The area of ​​the bedroom living room in the attic floor of two or more room apartments is allowed at least 7 sq. m, provided that the common room has an area of ​​at least 16 sq. m.

The kitchen area must be at least 8 sq. m. In small one-room and small two-room apartments in city houses, it is allowed to design kitchens or kitchens-niches of at least 5 square meters. m. Kitchen niches have an even smaller area, provided they are equipped with an electric stove and artificial exhaust ventilation.

The shower area is taken equal to 1.7-2.25 sq. m, combined bathroom - 3.3-3.85 sq. m, a separate bathroom (toilet and bathroom) - within the range from 3 to 6 sq. m and more, restroom - 0.96-1.8 sq. m, bathroom - 2.6-3.3 sq. m. The minimum width of the washroom is 0.8 m and the depth is 1.2 m.

The area of ​​the office can be different - from 10 sq. m in a comfortable dwelling up to 30-40 sq. m or more in a high-quality home.

Evaluation of the comfort of the layout of an apartment (or individual rooms) is carried out according to a set of indicators - hygienic, functional, psychological, aesthetic, etc. But the main criterion for comfort and the basis for a good solution to all indicators of an apartment as a whole are functional requirements.

As a result of the study of life processes, their nomenclature was developed. It was found that in a modern average apartment 40 household processes are carried out, which are necessary, widespread and characteristic of various families, regardless of lifestyle. For their implementation, 20 spatial elements are required - functional zones of everyday processes.

The functional zone of the everyday process is the space in which the process of life (or a group of related processes) is carried out, which has conditional boundaries. The dimensions of the functional area are set based on anthropometric and ergonomic requirements. The functional area of ​​the household process consists of three parts: a staging area where the equipment (furniture) of the process is placed, a working area intended for human use of the necessary equipment, and a reserve area that serves to move a person when performing a household process. The estimated composition of the functional zone of the apartment is established in accordance with the size of the family and the level of housing provision.

Functional zones are combined into groups of household processes according to their purpose and spatial conditions for their implementation. The following groups of everyday processes are used to ensure rest: sleep, passive rest, personal hygiene, physical education, communication with nature, consumption of culture and communication; for the implementation of everyday life, groups of household processes are used: raising children, preparing and eating food, economic activities and storing objects and things; for the organization of labor, the following groups of functional zones are necessary: ​​professional labor, study and self-education, amateur activities. The minimum dimensions between the outermost objects of adjacent zones should be 30 cm for rooms that are used by 1-3 people, and 50 cm for rooms designed for 4 or more people.

Groups of household processes are combined into groups of zones according to the nature of use and isolation requirements. There are several groups of functional areas in the apartment:

Personal zones for individual use;

Family-wide zones for individual use;

Family-wide common areas;

Family-wide areas of group use;

Family service areas;

Family-wide areas for long-term storage of objects and things. Groups of zones most often form the premises of an apartment. The room is the main element of the spatial organization of the apartment, which includes functional zones of everyday processes and communication areas.

There are two main groups of premises for the purpose of the apartment: residential and utility rooms. Living quarters include a living room, a dining room, an office, a library, a nursery, a bedroom, a hall, etc. Utility rooms include: premises - balcony, loggia, veranda and terrace.

The planning parameters of each room (area, proportions, configuration, dimensions) are set depending on the number of functional zones. The number of premises in an apartment depends on the level of housing provision and the degree of differentiation of zones.

The common living room is the main and largest room in an apartment for multifunctional and universal purposes, serves family-wide activities and is primarily intended for active forms of recreation (communication, amateur and professional activities of adults and children, receiving guests, leisure and information activities). Therefore, the collective image of the function of a common room in a social dwelling can be characterized as the acceptance of spiritual food.

So, the common room is a place for receiving guests and family communication, provides space for all family members to live together or family contacts: internal and external. Thus, it serves as a living room, dining room, family room and study room (study), which are arranged in a comfortable home.

For its intended purpose, the common living room requires a central position in the apartment.

Functional areas of the common room:

Eating (canteen);

Storage of leisure items;

Amateur and / or professional activities (occupations);


Quiet rest;

Watching TV.

The food zone is located near the kitchen, not far from the entrance to the room or from the dispensing window; functional areas of communication and quiet relaxation are spatially combined (the same furniture), but are used consistently; areas for watching TV and listening to music are designed based on the minimum and most convenient distances between the apparatus and the viewer (listener) (250-300 cm) away from the aisles.

Personal living rooms (bedrooms) are intended for the implementation of passive forms of recreation for adult family members and children. Bedrooms are designed for 1-2 people and a married couple. The main value of a personal living space is privacy, individualization of the use of living space.

Ergonomics is responsible for creating a comfortable interior that will fit the characteristics of a particular person. This science combines knowledge of psychology, anatomy and other disciplines to create a truly harmonious and safe home with carefully thought out details. Ergonomics in interior design is responsible for arranging competent lighting, selecting suitable furniture, and adequate zoning of space. When decorating an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle, habits, character, as well as the physiological characteristics of its inhabitants - this principle is considered the main one for this science.

Freedom of movement The basic ergonomic laws simply need to be used when creating a bedroom interior, because the quality of a person's rest depends on how the furniture is arranged and the lighting of this room is created. So, for comfortable movement and staying indoors, it is important to consider the following rules:

  1. The width of the main aisles of the room should be at least 70 centimeters, while for the elderly, this figure increases to 1 meter.
  2. The passage from the door to the bed or to the window should be as straight as possible.
  3. Furniture should not have dangerous corners or too protruding parts, which is especially important for an apartment with small tenants.
  4. The closet should be located in the far corner; it should not be displayed in the center of the room. At the same time, it is better to leave too bulky furniture for the hallway.

How to put the bed so as not to complain about sleep?

The bed can be safely called the main piece of furniture in the bedroom, so special attention should be paid to its location. It is believed that the most suitable place for such furniture is the space near the window. It is important that the bed is set apart from other furnishings, and also located away from the battery. In addition, designers who are familiar with the principles of ergonomics provide the following tips:

  1. The bed should be at least half a meter from the outer wall. Placing it parallel to the window, this distance should be increased to 80 centimeters.
  2. If you have chosen a double model, then it is necessary to leave passages on both sides.
  3. The bed should be suitable for its owners.
  4. If you like to read before bedtime, then for convenience, you should take care of the presence of a special backrest on your furniture.
  5. For safety reasons, do not install shelves at the head of the bed.

Ergonomics in the design of the working area - how comfortable is it to work at the table?

Competent design of the office is necessary for successful activity, therefore, to create comfort in this room, it is worth considering the principles of ergonomics. So, the height of the table and chair should be determined by the growth and structural features of a particular person. The boxes should not be placed too low; it is best to place them at knee level. To work comfortably at the computer, you need to buy a table that leaves the opportunity to put your elbows on its surface.

Let there be light!

Lighting plays a huge role in the issue of comfort, and therefore special attention is paid to this aspect in ergonomics. In the office, the lamps should be placed in such a way that the body does not cast a shadow on the workplace. At the same time, the light should be comfortable enough and not dazzle, so you should not choose a table with an enamel surface. Most designers agree that the most natural light is the most suitable for the work area.

Ergonomics when creating a kitchen interior

The place where cooking and eating takes place should be not only aesthetically attractive, but also as comfortable and practical as possible. The correct arrangement of household appliances and furniture is a prerequisite for creating an ideal kitchen, where not only the hostess, but also her guests will be happy to spend time. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the following ergonomic principles:

  • for a comfortable position at the table, a person needs about 60 centimeters of space;
  • hanging elements should be positioned so that their lower edge is at a level of approximately one and a half meters from the floor;
  • the width of the passageways in this room should be at least 60 centimeters.

Correct kitchen layout

The arrangement of furniture is carried out taking into account the characteristics of a particular room. For a long and narrow kitchen, a linear layout is suitable, in which all interior items are placed along one wall. In addition, this layout is often used for the design of a studio or a room connected to a living room. As for a large kitchen, in this case, you can use a parallel or T-shaped arrangement of furniture, and for a small space, an angular or U-shaped arrangement is suitable.

Ergonomics is the interaction of a person and other elements of the system to ensure a prosperous existence! When creating your space by yourself or with the help of a designer, it is very important to think over the ergonomics of the interior and its functionality! We need to think over the layout of the apartment, figure out what we want to get from a certain room, who lives in this house or apartment. Ergonomics begins with accurate measurements and a floor plan, on the basis of which everything else will be built and you can understand how much distance you have on either wall. You can draw your room on graph paper after these measurements. And so you can determine the functionality of the zones, rooms and the functionality of the furniture. You will be able to understand which room is best used for what, decide on the placement of the necessary furniture at the very beginning. So that everyone in your house is comfortable and cozy.

Designers know the dimensions of furniture, they will be able to understand at a glance, clearly the place and what distance is needed between objects, where to place the sockets, correctly solve the problem with lighting so that the eyes do not get tired, this is very important, since the eyes react to the pulsation of each light bulb, which we do not we notice what we say: “How tired my eyes are” and feel discomfort in the room. The designer will also see all sorts of options for arranging furniture and provide comfortable living conditions for the whole family, as well as your guests. He will consider the specific situation of your family and help you to make your home comfortable, functional and beautiful to the maximum!

Ergonomic principles

Ergonomics is the science of how people interact with their environment. One of its goals is to draw up recommendations for organizing a comfortable environment for a person and increasing the efficiency of his interaction with it.

Ergonomics in the interior is very important, it is like the foundation of your harmony and convenience in the home. Designers can competently see all possible options specifically for each person, as the designer will help you to successfully arrange more things and while saving as much space as possible. He will select for you the best options in furniture, maybe a folding one or a transformer option in any room will be more appropriate. It will help to save on materials, because the designers will competently arrange and arrange all the elements in the room so that unnecessary materials are not bought or that they are correctly positioned and laid, for example, tiles. They also know from experience the markets for furniture and construction goods, good specialists and builders who will help you make your dreams come true.

1. Freedom of movement

The ability to walk freely from one room to another without touching interior items or bypassing them.

2. Purchase functional furniture to save more space

Foldable, sliding, with numerous storage spaces.

3. All items are in place

To be convenient for a specific person or family

4. You don't need to have a lot of unnecessary things.

Because a cluttered apartment looks very cramped.

5. Zoning the premises

Allows you to maintain maximum ergonomics.

6. Natural and artificial illumination

The illumination of different rooms and zones should correspond to the functions of the room, the activities carried out in it, in order to maintain physical and mental health.

Ergonomics of the living space

Pay attention to how many square meters a certain room occupies and how calmly a person can move around the house, taking into account the height and weight - the dimensions of the person. And look at how well the wardrobe was placed without taking up space in the children's room and bedroom! We select a little space in the corridor and get a wonderful wardrobe with access from the bedroom and from the nursery. The kitchen-living room is gaining more and more popularity, the main thing is to install a good hood so that steam and odors do not cause problems. And you will be able to cook with the whole family, or if someone is cooking for you, he will not miss an interesting conversation and will enjoy time with the guests, without running out into a separate kitchen! It's great if there is an opportunity to allocate space for a separate laundry room, so as not to store chemicals, for example, in the kitchen, next to food, and the washing machine will not bother you with its noise. Please also look at the day and night zones of the apartment. The bedroom and children's room are located farther from the entrance and study, from the noisiest areas. It would also be great at the initial stage, to immediately make noise isolation in order to enjoy a restful sleep and relax in a quiet room. You can find out more about soundproofing an apartment.

Ergonomics of the bedroom

Healthy rest includes healthy sleep. Therefore, the bedroom room must meet the requirements of unhindered movement around it, creating conditions for rest and sound sleep. One of the best options for a room is to make a wardrobe and a small sleeping area. The entrance is through the wardrobe, for example, on the right along the wall and on the left, we pass the wardrobes and put a bed at the end of the room. It is good if the distance between the furniture is at least 90 cm, if there is a full person in the family, he will be more comfortable if there is more space in the aisle. You can learn some secrets about how you can keep order and keep your interior looking beautiful.

When designing a bedroom, you need to consider in the ergonomics of its space:

1. The distance from the bed to any object, including the walls, should be at least 0.7 m. For older people, the distance should be increased to one meter.
2. There should be as direct a passage from the bed to the door as possible. And it is better not to put the bed directly against the door, because you will not be comfortable.
3. It is best to place the bed by the window 0.9 m from the wall or radiator.
4. A double bed should be installed in such a way that there is free access to it from both sides. And if there is such an opportunity, for convenience, you can put bedside tables on both sides of the bed.

Ergonomics of the dressing room

If initially the dressing room is done incorrectly, then this will be the first prerequisite for a mess. It will simply be uncomfortable for you to use the dressing room, hence the mess. Ergonomics comes to the rescue - convenience and practicality!

It is best not to use curtains in the dressing room, as curtains collect dust and when you pull back the curtain to take things, all the dust flies on you and on the things.

Ergonomics of the nursery

The basic principle of arranging a nursery is safety. There should be no sharp corners that a child can hit, a slippery floor, uncomfortable rugs that can catch on and fall. When two or more children are accommodated in one room, each is given a personal space. If the nursery is of modest size, then a bunk bed is placed in it. The furnishings of this room should take up no more than 30% of the space so that the child can develop normally physically by running and playing. If possible, it is better to allocate the largest room for the child so that he has more room for development, because the more space, the more it develops, so that the child does not do modeling, lessons, drawing, music in one place, then he got up and immediately sat down on the bed next to him. It's great if there is a zone for sleeping, playing, studying! Ideally a room of 18 m! So the child will develop more, he will be more independent and all his necessary things will be in the right place, at hand. For small children, the Montessori interior style is perfect, you can find out about it. And so that children are happy to be neat and thrifty at any age, you can learn about Japanese kaizen method in the article.

A very convenient arrangement of furniture: a wardrobe, a soft sofa and immediately upon entering we see a bright, beautiful and functional hallway.

Place occupied by man

In some cases, it is even better to consult with a designer before buying a house or apartment that you want to buy, because at the stage before buying a house, you can make out all the costly issues. There was an interesting case when a family bought a beautiful house, very bright, it has a lot of space, but there was such a moment - the house had 40 windows, each room has two windows! In addition to the fact that there will be fewer options with a better layout. But, of course, they picked up excellent options for their family, they are very spacious, it is very beautiful and pleasant to live there, they are still grateful to their designer and the designer is very pleasant! But due to the problem with a large number of windows and materials for each window, they were only able to hang curtains on all windows within three months!)

Thanks for watching, I hope this article was helpful to you! If you need help with the ergonomics of your home space, I would love to help you!

Photos and pictures were taken from the Internet.

All the best and see you soon!

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