Home Mushrooms Berkan runes designation of time. Rune Berkana (Berkana) - the meaning of a magical symbol. The use of the Berkan rune in magic

Berkan runes designation of time. Rune Berkana (Berkana) - the meaning of a magical symbol. The use of the Berkan rune in magic

People are used to influencing the world around them with the help of secret signs of magic, which are called runes. They are able to activate energy reserves and direct them in the right direction, destroying or creating at the behest of their creator.

The Scandinavian gods, reflecting the primitive forces of nature, endow the runic ligature with their power. The signs were originally created as. It could only be used by the priests of the Erilee, and much later by ordinary people.

Runic magic performs one of the most important functions - protection from any influence.

The combination for protecting the house, family and pets includes three main signs of runic symbols of magic, the meaning of which is in the simultaneous protection and reflection, processing of negative energy directed from the outside. The most suitable are called:

  1. Kenas - Isa - Hagalas - Kenas - Isa. The first and penultimate runes change the negative message, breaking it into dark and light vibes. The second and the last one blocks bad energy, not allowing to influence a person. The central one plays the role of a force transformer, works as a mirror.
  2. Isa - Algis - Odal. The first rune stops evil directed at a person, inhibits its action. The central sign creates a shield, allows its wearer to correctly assess the situation and extract knowledge. The last rune neutralizes adverse influences, reinforces protection with the power of ancestors.

The strongest runes will not work if a person does not initially understand what result he is tuned for and does not attach importance to preparation. Protective symbols are applied to wooden planks, paper or clothing, to skin - for a one-time need.

You can strengthen or extract inclinations for secret knowledge and skills using the ancient alphabet. Runic magic provides a safe opening of abilities, even if the person did not have clairvoyants in the family.

The practicing runologist's penchant for black and white magic does not affect the process of activating abilities. With the help of simple rituals and words, they open the so-called third eye on their own. There are several effective runes for good results:

  1. The "Expansion" glyph is placed in the center, allowing you to open the boundaries of inner vision. On three sides it is surrounded by runes connected to each other. Perth serves as a receiver of the necessary vibrations from the outside. Laguz send information to the subconscious of a person. Runa Eyvaz brings the knowledge gained in order, enhances intuitive flair, protects the channel from negative influences. An elm can be drawn on a photograph with a symbol placed on the forehead, then the terms and effect of magic can be stipulated and activated.
  2. An option with drawing a pattern on the opposite hand from the working hand will be useful. It includes Dagaz, Algiz, Kenaz, connecting the human consciousness with the general information field, allowing you to hear the voices of spirits and otherworldly entities, which enhance intuition. The runes Soulu and Perth are depicted in a straight and inverted position, which will allow you to discover talents and use them for magical purposes.
  3. For reusable use, a spell applied to a mineral or photo with subsequent reservation and activation is suitable. It consists of the symbols Teyvaz, Otala, Ansuz, Dagaz, Sol, Eyvaz, straight and inverted Uruz. This combination of runes opens up long-term clairvoyance, increases the level of sensitivity to changes in the universe, establishes a channel for communication with the entities of the subtle world, including through dreams, expands the stock of physical and energy reserves.

After using the runic phrase, it is necessary to gratefully destroy the talisman or paper where it was inscribed. This approach will allow you to release the attached magical forces.

Rituals and ceremonies of runic magic

Single characters of the runic Scandinavian alphabet have a narrow action. In the practice of magic, people have learned to combine them to achieve goals. In order for the runic spells to work, you cannot put symbols with opposite directions next to it, otherwise no one will be able to predict the consequences of such a union.

Correctly selected runes can help in any difficult situation. They direct energy to a strictly defined point.

The activated spell requires a large contribution of forces. If the magician does not have enough of them, the runes choose as their source any of the most stable spheres of life.

Runic magic for money

Financial position is the most pressing issue for many. Runic palmistry allows you to get small amounts of funds that a person needs at the moment. You can use magic for money without much preparation.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon in this order:

  • light a green or golden candle;
  • several coins of different denominations are placed in front of them in the form of a circle;
  • the Gebo rune is placed in the center, denoting harmony;
  • dripping on every penny clockwise, repeating the words:

Gebo, I appeal to your power! Give me some gold, and I will faithfully serve you!

After the seventh repetition, the spells extinguish the candle, collect the coins. The one with the highest denomination is kept as a talisman in a wallet. For the rest they buy a thing for the house.

To activate the rune, you should look for a new source of income, try to get a premium. In the near future, it is appropriate to risk a career advancement.

Personal relationships can be improved using a special spell. It increases the likelihood of being happy in love with a particular partner. If the feelings of a close friend are unknown or the development of relations is suspended, magical runes give an impetus.

It will take some simple materials, used in a specific order:

  • light a red candle;
  • squeeze the rune of Odin in the palm of their hand, looking at the flame;
  • represent all the joint moments that happened with a loved one, or what they should be;
  • wait until the moment when the symbol heats up in the hand and begins to fill the holder with pulsating energy;
  • the photo of the runologist and his sympathies are turned face to face and tied tightly with a thread.

In more detail about the runic love spell, we talked about in the article on.

At the end of the ritual, they hide the pictures in a place hidden from otherworldly eyes. On top they put the rune of Odin, do not remove it until the moment the spell is effective.

Runic magic for good luck

Everyone has a chance to secure a happy coincidence of circumstances at the right moment. Magic allows you to make amulets with strong signs applied, which are worn closer to the body. This method is easy to perform, but fraught with the opposite consequences if the person is not ready to cope with the liberated power.

Simple is more convenient. It is necessary to thoroughly familiarize yourself with magic before using it in practice. Among the symbols, choose the one that will respond to harmonious vibrations during meditation. The most suitable are Dagaz, Teivaz, Vuno, Inguz, Gebo, Fehu.

A ritual with a spell is performed on the growing moon:

  • after sunset, light any candle;
  • put the selected rune in front of them;
  • in the working palm they hold an ornament that will serve as a talisman for good luck;
  • with the other hand, they drip molten wax onto the symbol while reading the words:

(Name of the rune)! Give me luck! Take all troubles and problems! May happiness visit me, for every day and at this moment!

  • repeat the spell three times, then quickly put on the decoration.

The amulet lasts for a year. So that its strength does not decrease, every month they replenish the runes by re-reading the words after meditation.

When adjusting the result or gradually increasing experience, the mage can add other runes to the spell.

The magical meaning of the runes

The Elder Futhark is divided into three parts, uniting the Upper, Lower and Middle worlds. According to the influence of the main forces acting in it, runes with a certain interpretation are used. The meaning of the influences of the signs depends on their belonging to Attu:

  • Freyra - personifies the driving primordial power, a rich source of energy;
  • Hagala - reflects the laws of events, the rules of the existence of the world;
  • Tyra - embodies life forms from ethereal to real, serves the material construction of spiritual objects.

Rune spells rely on the end result. They determine the action of symbols in several worlds or only in one. Verbal fixation helps to clearly direct force in the right direction and foresee the consequences.

Magical effects and the use of runes

For novice magicians, an important task is the accumulation of knowledge. The interpretation of each rune must be firmly rooted in memory, have unconditional significance.

Ancient signs have tremendous power, formed over centuries of magical practice. Therefore, the runes are able to show character, express their own opinions, give advice at the right moments.

To influence the surrounding reality, a person must become closely acquainted with each symbol. The best way out is called meditation:

  • sit in a quiet room, squeeze a rune in one hand;
  • close your eyes, relax;
  • focus on breathing and sensations, drive away thoughts;
  • count exhalations to 100.

Runes are applied only after activation. They turn to the four elements, saturate the signs with their own energy, holding them in their hands. Mentally imagine a stream of light enveloping the signs.


Any rune magician is able to use his skill to help or harm. Old Scandinavian symbols combine multidirectional forces into an integral harmonious picture of the world. Only a careful and careful attitude to the runes will allow them to fully use their potential and avoid a retaliation.

Magic runes are mysterious signs that are actively used in various rituals and ceremonies. Let's talk about why runes are used, and what is their meaning.

  1. - money symbol. Attracts financial luck and material well-being. Helps create new opportunities and build luck
  2. - a very strong rune, capable of destroying all obstacles that come your way. Use very carefully to avoid accidentally destroying something important to you.
  3. - used for the manufacture of amulets, provides its owner with a very strong magical protection from any negativity coming from the outside world
  4. - develops sensitivity, helps to find creative abilities and talents in oneself. It develops the potential of the individual, clears away negativity and attracts success. It is often used to search for purpose and in layouts for work
  5. -the patroness of travelers. Protects on the way, bestows good luck and new opportunities, protects from difficulties. Teaches you to have fun and find emotions in almost everything
  6. - this symbol is patronized by the fiery element. Helps creative people find inspiration and create a real masterpiece. Develops creativity and makes it possible to find an original approach to solving problems
  7. - most often used in love scenarios. Attracts a suitable partner to a person's life and helps to build a happy relationship full of harmony
  8. - a symbol of incredible luck. A person under the auspices of this rune is a darling of fate. It is easy for him to live, he always gets what he wants, there are practically no difficulties and problems in his life
  9. - the rune of destruction and destruction. But in a positive context, only that which prevents you from living happily and successfully disappears. It is important not to resist changes, then everything will turn out well.
  10. - develops patience and endurance, helps to achieve success in career endeavors
  11. - literally translated as "cold", "ice". Rune of stagnation: freezes all current processes and gives time to think about decisions
  12. - used for crafting, attracting good luck and developing intelligence. A symbol of justice and order
  13. - puts a powerful protective energy barrier against magical negativity, protects against curses, damage and the evil eye.
  14. - the most mysterious rune with an unpredictable action. Use with extreme caution. Treats diseases of the reproductive system, improves women's health.
  15. - provides powerful protection against otherworldly forces. It helps to keep a sober mind and make the right decision in a difficult situation. Used in esoteric rituals to communicate with the Higher Powers
  16. - a talisman for wealth and luck in financial affairs. Helps to raise money quickly when it is urgently needed. Destroys feelings of anxiety and anxiety.
  17. - the rune of victory. Gives good luck in all endeavors, protects against troubles and difficult life circumstances. Helps to lure luck to your side
  18. ... Mother's amulet. Used to protect newborns from evil spirits. Reveals the gift of healing in a person, enhances the effectiveness of medicines
  19. Ehvaz - used in emergency situations when the help of the Higher Forces is urgently needed. Attracts opportunities to eliminate unfavorable life circumstances
  20. - a symbol of a stable, strong person with great willpower. In rare cases, it is used for love spells. Helps to gain self-confidence and achieve success in any area
  21. - a powerful talisman that “turns on” intuition in a person and develops paranormal abilities. It also helps to find a common language with people more easily, to establish useful contacts.
  22. - a symbol of fertility and maternal love. Female rune, used as an amulet that enhances attractiveness to the opposite sex and improves health
  23. - the rune of savings, capital. Helps to improve financial position, attract opportunities to increase income
  24. - a symbol of the transition to a new stage of life

Watch a video about their meaning and application:

Application of runes

There are a great many ways to use magic runes.

  • Use in various magical rituals and ceremonies. Love spells, lapels, treatment of the evil eye and spoilage, fulfillment of desires, healing from diseases and so on
  • Fortune telling - runes will tell about the future, help to understand life
  • Tattoos - a suitable symbol is selected with a meaning that suits a specific person. It is very important to choose the right rune, because it will affect everything that happens around you for the rest of your life.
  • You can also craft a personal set of runes. To do this, signs are cut or burned out on wooden blanks, painted with paint on a stone or embroidered on fabric.
  • To find "your" rune, you need to conduct a special meditation. You need to know exactly which magic symbol resonates with your personality. It can be used throughout life.

    Since ancient times, people began to use black magic and runes to improve their lives or to harm their enemies. To use the runes, you need to remember, understand and comply with the requirements for handling them.


    Terms of use and manufacture

    Basic conditions for using runes:

    • be sure to define the goal;
    • before turning to the runes, you need to study and learn them;
    • you can not disturb the runes without a goal;
    • do not draw inverted runes - this can lead to unpleasant consequences;
    • you need to work with runes in good health and calmness.

    When making a rune, it is desirable:

    • use natural materials;
    • depict the rune accurately, without errors;
    • tune in to the desired energy.

    There is a main rule that should be remembered when magic is performed - if the result is achieved, the runes must be destroyed, washed off or erased. Otherwise, they will begin to act in the opposite direction.

    Experts from the LifeShen channel introduce us to runes, telling us the most important points of working with them.

    Possibilities of runic magic and the meaning of runes

    Runic magic is initially aimed at protecting and creating security for its owner. They can be an excellent advisor, they are often used in fortune telling and white magic. In the practical application of the runes, there is a connection with the information field, and you can decipher the past, present and future. With the help of runic magic, you can use energy flows that can affect the course of events. More experienced runologists can influence the consciousness, subconsciousness and egregors of people.

    Types and meanings of runes:

    1. Feu - multiplies wealth, promotes success. Helps promote health. You can take it with you for shopping, Feu will help you avoid purchasing spoiled goods. It is better to use it with caution during illness, as this rune raises the temperature.
    2. Urus - strength, sudden changes. Helps to increase physical strength, women will help in solving problems with reproductive function. It brings change closer, enhances creative energy. Helps rebuild broken friendships.
    3. Turizas - promotes order, increases inspiration. It directs thoughts in the direction that will lead to solving problems, men will improve reproductive function. Protects from villains.
    4. Anzus - helps in learning, opens up creative thinking. Helps to see what is hidden. You can take it with you while concluding an important contract or for an exam.
    5. Raido - movement forward, development, helps in making decisions. Protects when traveling, and helps in court.
    6. Kano - reveals the ability for analytics, leads to success. Accelerates the fulfillment of desires. Opens up passion.
    7. Gebo - soothes, relieves nervous tics. Unites, improves partnerships.
    8. Vunyo - leads to victory, awakens joy. Increases immunity, soothes, relieves depression.
    9. Hagalas - restores balance, relieves stress, protects, reveals intuition.
    10. Nautis - enhances the instinct of self-preservation, improves endurance, reduces joint pain. Helps to find a way to a partner. Strengthens the will to live.
    11. Issa - aims at self-control and extinguishing aggression. Accelerates the path to achieving the goal.
    12. Hyera - helps to systematically achieve the goal, increases profit in business, leads to the right thoughts.
    13. Avas - aims at making the right decision, protects against negativity, helps to reveal paranormal abilities.
    14. Perto - enhances immunity, promotes self-knowledge. Helps achieve stability.
    15. Algis - with the help of this rune, you can clear the aura, heal psychosis, and avoid injury.
    16. Soulu - this rune increases strength, helps to find the right solution, gain self-confidence, and understand confusing situations.
    17. Teivas - gives decisiveness, helps to overcome fears and assess the risks in some business. Drives away bad thoughts.
    18. Berkana - helps in childbirth, protects the family, helps to improve relationships with children. Unleashes creativity, increases well-being.
    19. Evas - helps in showing initiative, in achieving harmony, drives away enemies. Protects when traveling.
    20. Mannas - reveals hidden abilities, helps to use them. Gives vigor, charges with optimism.
    21. Lagus - will help you to understand yourself, establish spoiled relationships, protect you from harm.
    22. Ingus - will help pregnant and infertile women. Gives self-confidence, promotes the ability to persuade.
    23. Otila - will push you to get out of a difficult situation, protect the house, help in buying real estate. Promotes talent development.
    24. Dagas - strengthens the immune system, helps in doing new things, contributes to the completion of failures. Strengthens the family.

    Protective runes

    It is important to use runes of narrow action, that is, to protect the house, yourself, etc.

    There are several runes for protection:

    1. Algiz - universal protective, warns of danger with the help of information that a person will always hear or see at the right time.
    2. Runa Isa will help to pacify aggression, get rid of alcohol addiction, drugs, person or place. It is aimed at helping people, but not at home.
    3. Runa Teyvaz, will give self-confidence, protect the house and business.
    4. Turisaz - will reflect negative attacks, will help in those situations when a quick reaction is required.
    5. Berkana will help to become invisible to ill-wishers, and will also protect the woman and the baby during pregnancy.
    6. Fehu is often used on the road. She will also protect the house and property. Infertile women use this rune in order to safely carry a baby and give birth.

    Runes for black rites

    Runes have not only positive energy, but also negative ones:

    • inverted Nautiz brings tears and brings grief;
    • if you turn over Teyvaz and Eyvaz, you can incur damage to the back and spine;
    • mirror Berkana - carries sterility;
    • Vunya upside down threatens with poisoning;
    • Eyvaz and Halagaz are associated with death.

    Runic spells

    The spell casting algorithm is as follows:

    1. Cutting or tracing a character.
    2. Rune coloring.
    3. Charging for a specific task.

    According to an ancient ritual, the magic runes were first carved out, then they made a cut on themselves and stained the runes with blood, and then they drew a sign in the air.

    There are some fairly common and simple formulas for a beginner to get started with.

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