Home Mushrooms The script of the game dance program for younger students. Fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all"

The script of the game dance program for younger students. Fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all"


LESSON № 10.

GOAL: Adaptation of students to school, the formation of a positive attitude towards the peer group.
TASKS: 1. Teach children to act according to certain rules.
2. Formation of joint actions in a team of peers with the help of games and exercises.
3. Introducing children to reading books.
MATERIAL: The playing field, which depicts excerpts from fairy tales that the guys are going to travel, Cassettes with recordings of excerpts from fairy tales, chairs, colored and pencils, sheets of paper.

1. Drawing sheets for each student.
2. Playing field with drawings of passages from fairy tales.
3. Pick up cassettes with recordings of excerpts from fairy tales.

  • Check the soundness of the tape recorder.

Fairy tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful".

Psychologist: Vasilisa the Beautiful was a great artist. She knew how to embroider carpets of unprecedented beauty. In this competition, it is proposed to draw drawings according to this sample and shade them with various shading.

Fairy tale Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all.

Psychologist: The protagonist of the fairy tale Winnie the Pooh liked to tell different stories about himself and his friends, he was very inquisitive. Winnie the Pooh had a lot of friends. Among them: Piglet, Donkey Eeyore, Owl, Rabbit, etc.
Psychologist: Now you will be asked questions that you will try to answer.
Questions for students:

  1. Name the seasons you know
  2. Name the colors of the rainbow that you know
  3. Name the months of the year that you know
  4. Name the days of the week that you know
  5. Name the modes of transport that you know
  6. Name the animals: domestic and wild ones you know
  7. Name the birds you know
  8. Name the trees you know
  9. Name the toys you know.
Fairy tale "Flint"

Psychologist: In the dungeon where the old Baba Yaga hid the flint and money, and where the soldier went down, there were 3 dogs. They were sure that anyone who entered the dungeon was superfluous. In this competition, participants must determine the odd one out of 4 given words. The psychologist names 4 words, and the students name the extra word.

1) Rose, cactus, dog , bell
2) Bus, tram, school , automobile
3) Kettle, aquarium , pan, samovar
4) Cat, cow, dog, chamomile
5) Notebook, pencil case, book, doll
6) River, lake, clearing , ocean
7) House, cottage, television , tent
8) Dandelion, cornflower, samovar , lily of the valley

Fairy tale "Kid and Carloson".

Psychologist: Carloson was a great prankster and was very fond of playing and playing pranks. Together with the Kid, they were very fond of playing various games. Now we will also play games.

ECHO game.
Get going kids (CHILDREN: Ra-ra)
The game begins (CHILDREN: Ra-ra)
Yes, do not spare your hands (CHILDREN: Lei - Lei)
Beat in the palms of more fun (CHILDREN: Lei - Lei)
What time is it now (CHILDREN: One hour - one hour)
What time will it be in an hour (CHILDREN: Hour - hour)
And there will be two lies (CHILDREN: Two - two)
Think, think head (CHILDREN: Wah-wah)
How the rooster sings in the village (CHILDREN: Wow - wow)
Yes, not an owl, but a rooster (CHILDREN: Wow - wow)
Are you sure it is? (CHILDREN: Yes, yes)
But really how? (CHILDREN: How - how)
What is twice two? (CHILDREN: Two - two)
The head is spinning (CHILDREN: Wah - wah)
Is it an ear or a nose // points to an ear // (CHILDREN: Nose - nose)
Or maybe some hay (CHILDREN: Woz - woz)
This is an elbow or an eye // points to an elbow // (CHILDREN: Eye - eye)
But this is what we have? // points to the nose // (CHILDREN: Us - us)
Are you always good? (CHILDREN: Yes - yes)
Or only sometimes? (CHILDREN: Yes - yes)
Tired of answering? (CHILDREN: Chat - chat)
I allow you to be silent (CHILDREN: Chat - chat).


Mobile game. Students sit on chairs. At the command of the driver (He calls 2 players by name), the players whom he named should change chairs. The task of the driver: take the place of one player. The one who did not have time to sit on a chair becomes the driver.

Fairy tale "Dunno and his friends"

Psychologist: Dunno was a great inventor and dreamer. He and his friends often went on magnificent trips. And now we will travel, but without leaving this room. Let's play games with you.

The game "OH LA KALINA".

The host says the words and shows the movements that the children repeat after him, starting with one line and gradually adding the next. After having learned, all words and movements are repeated several times with gradual acceleration.
Leading: Oh, la viburnum (clap hands on knees, clap in front of you, snap fingers)
Oh, la ku-ku (Movements are the same)
// Everything repeats twice //
Host: Rumba - Rumba (Hands in front of the chest are bent at the elbows - rotational movements of the hands)
Leading: Touch - touch - touch (The arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are pressed to the belt, the hands represent the "beaks of ducklings").
Leading: A - a - a, O - o - o (With the palm of the right hand, describe the circle on the right, then with the palm of the left hand, describe the circle on the left).
Host: Pip! Puff! (Index fingers of the right and left hands point first to the right, then to the left).


The leader says the words and shows the movements, all the players repeat after him.
Agafya, the old woman lived in a small hut,
7 sons, 7 daughters all without eyebrows.
With such eyes, with such a mustache,
With such noses, with such ears,
With such a head, with such a beard.
They all sat, did not eat anything,
They looked at her and did this.
(All players repeat words and movements. The game is repeated 3-4 times with speeding up. Each time the display changes - the eyes can be narrow, round, oblique, etc.; ears - like a hare, a Cheburashka, an elephant, etc. e)


The host gives the task to the bunnies, that is, the players jump to the right, left, forward, back and gives a certain number of jumps. The bunnies are doing their job. The most attentive take turns taking the place of the leader.

Summing up the lesson. Color scheme of the lesson.

Oh, la, viburnum; (clap your knee, clap your hands, snap your fingers).

Oh, la, ku-ku; (same)

Rumba, rumba;

Touch, touch, touch; (press fingers to palms 3 times)

Bang Bang; (gun with fingers)

Kryg-kryg; (on the throat with a knife)

Bems!!! (clap hands)

The host repeats: “And my grandmother lives in Brazil, she has such a hand” and shows the movement, everyone repeats. Then again “And my grandmother lives in Brazil, she has such a leg” - again shows the movement and everyone repeats. Etc. (gait, head, eye, bouncing). In conclusion: “What a grandmother and grandchildren are!”

Games in the rain

1. Guessing shadows

One of the players sits down near a light, if possible, uncluttered wall, facing it. Behind, a few steps away, a candle or a dim lamp is installed. One of the players must pass between the back of the seated person and the lamp. The lamp should be placed so that the shadow is as sharp as possible. The person sitting, does not turn around, must guess from the shadow who passed behind him. Guessed, sits in his place and begins to guess the shadows. Etc.


The leader, 6 steps from the inscribed line, puts a stool with a flat surface. In the hands of the players are 4 small bags filled with sand or peas. The task of the players is to throw the bags so that they remain lying on the stool. The player with the bag left on the stool wins.

3. Cucumber

Rules. Players stand in a circle, hands are all held behind their backs. The driver is in the center. The players pass each other a cucumber behind their backs, trying to bite off a piece of it when the driver is not looking. The goal of the driver is to detect who currently has a cucumber. To do this, he approaches the suspected participant and says: "Hands." He must show both hands. If this participant has a cucumber, he becomes the new driver (and the previous driver takes his place). The driver, during the game of which the participants eat the cucumber, performs a penalty task. Examples and additional material. If there is no cucumber, you can use a banana, carrot, roll for the game

4. Kisonka, paw

One turns his palms up, the second puts his palms on them. The first strokes them lightly and repeats: "Kisonka, paw." Then he suddenly stops stroking and slaps the hands of the second player with the words: “Get under the bench!” If the second player did not have time to react and withdraw his hands, the players change roles.

5.Palm collision

Players stand opposite each other, feet together. By striking their palms against the opponent's palms, they try to unbalance him.


The host throws the ball and names some object. For example, a saucepan. We need to come up with a funny name for it. For example, a cooker. The game develops the imagination and charges with a good mood.

    "Joint efforts"

In front of the pairs of participants there is a box and a pencil lies. Trying to grab the pencil with two feet of each of the players in a pair, you need to put the pencil in the box.

Boogie Woogie. The song is sung accompanied by gestures, while the gestures repeat the words. The text does not change. And only the part of the body that moves is changing - arm, leg, head ...


Right hand forward

And then her back

And then forward it

And shake a little

We dance boogie woogie

Turning in a circle

And clap your hands like this

Boogie woogie - OK (walking in a circle)

Boogie woogie - OK (coming from the circle)


Moth 3 is a small insect

Moth 3 - poisonous cockroach

Moth 3 is a small bug

It eats everything up and down.

Moth 3 - ate daddy's panties

Moth 3 - ate mom's coat

Moth 3 - ate a teddy bear

Get dressed and go to the cinema


I was bitten by a hippopotamus

Out of fear, I climbed a tree

I was bitten by a hippopotamus

I'm screaming "give me your leg"

He says "I can't"

Now I'm here and my feet are there

I was bitten by a hippopotamus.

Uncle Abram.

Uncle Abram has 12 sons

12 sons with Uncle Abram

They didn't eat, they didn't drink

And never got bored

Right hand (dr)


Two stomps, two slams

hedgehogs, hedgehogs

Anvil 2 , scissors 2

running in place 2, bunnies 2

Come on together, come on together

Girls, boys.

Cap. My triangular hat

My triangular cap

And if it's not triangular

That is not my cap

Replace words with movements.

Tennis. When the host raises his right hand, the girls shout “a”, when the left, the boys shout “o”.

Telescope. We open the telescope. We are moving in. We wipe the glass. Setting up. We saw a star. We saw a lot of stars. We saw the planet. We saw many planets. We saw a UFO. Astronaut. There was a meteor shower.

Game with the hall "My family".

Words and movements are repeated after the leader.

We are one family

We, you, you, me.

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

We are a family.

(The underlined words can be replaced with the following: shake, massage, pinch, shake hands, stroke, etc.).


Target: relieve stress, cheer up

Instruction: The players repeat the words and movements of the leader to a well-known song.

"There was a birch in the field

Curly stood in the field

Lyuli, Lyuli stood

People, Lyuli stood.

Participants: Sing and each time replace the words with movements.

Birch - waving their hands over their heads;

Curly - depict curly hair;

Lyuli - lyuli - a movement from Russian folk dance: one hand supports the head, the other holds on to the elbow of the first.


Target: relieve stress

Instruction: In the circle, the participants repeat the movements and words after the leader, each time with acceleration.

“I walk around Africa (walk on the spot)

And I pick bananas (depict picking bananas)

And we will not cheat ourselves. (hands to yourself.)

Suddenly a huge gorilla (silhouette of a gorilla)

Almost crushed me (treading on my foot)

Mom ladies, dad ladies (hand gestures to the right and left)

And we won't cheat ourselves." (hands to yourself)


Target: relieve stress

Instruction: Participants repeat the movements and words after the leader.

"I wake up early in the morning (sipping)

Sunshine, sunshine (we stretch our hands up)

Drinking a cup of tea (perform appropriate actions)

To the bottom, to the bottom (knock on the bottom of an imaginary glass)

And I eat a sandwich

With butter, with butter (we spread an imaginary sandwich)

Come on together, come on together

Hello! Hello!" (loud chorus)


Target: improve the mood of the participants

Instruction: Participants stand around the leader and repeat the movements and words after him:

"I'm a teapot, teapot, teapot (walk in place)

I have a pen (right hand on the side),

I have a faucet (left hand forward)

I'm small and fat (puff out cheeks)

"I'm a bum, a bum, a bum (they walk in place)

I have a bag (an imaginary bag is thrown over the shoulder),

I have a knife (swing an imaginary knife)

I'm a little homeless (make a face)

Tra-la-la-la-la-la (circling in place).

"I'm a rabbit, rabbit, rabbit (walk in place)

I have ears (they wave their hands over their heads, depicting ears),

I have a ponytail (they turn their backs to the leader and depict the tail)

I'm white and fluffy (pat your head)

Tra-la-la-la-la-la (circling in place).

Everyone can come up with a sequel.


Target: stress relief

Instruction: The facilitator reads the text

We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud

We all clap our hands

We all stomp our feet

We puff out cheeks

Jumping on toes

And even to each other

We'll show you the languages.

and the participants represent.

Let's stick out our ears,

Tail on top,

We raise the finger to the temple,

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

How do I say the word "three",

All freeze with grimaces.


Target: cheer up

Instruction: Participants stand in a circle and repeat the words after the leader. The song is sung to any motive.

1. Let's all do like me, (2 claps)

Let's all do it like me. (2 claps)

Everything is done together with us.

2. Let's all stomp like me (stomp their feet)

Let's all stomp like me. (stomp feet)

Well, all together, all at once.

Everything is done together with us.

3. Let's laugh like me, (ha ha)

Let's laugh like me. (haha)

Well, all together, all at once.

Everything is done together with us.

4. Let's sit down, like me, (squat)

Let's squat like me. (squat)

Well, all together, all at once.

Everything is done together with us.

5. Let's all jump like me (jump)

Let's all jump like me. (jump)

Well, all together, all at once.

Everything is done together with us.

(apchi) and so on.


Target: cheer up, fill a temporary pause

Instruction: The leader, and after him all the participants sing a line from the song, accompanying the words with movements.

The heart of beauties is prone to treason

And change like the wind in May.

“Heart” - they press their hand to their heart, “Beauties” - they circle their hands around their faces, “Inclinedly” - bow their heads to their shoulders, “To treason” - show horns, “And change” - revolve around themselves. “like the wind in May” - wave your hand. The song is sung several times, each time replacing one word from the line, starting from the first, with “la-dya”.


Target: development of attention

Instruction: The leader pronounces the text. If the participants agree with the phrase, then they shout; "So do we." Otherwise, clap your hands.

I was walking along the edge. An oiler stuck out of the ground,

Frogs croaked in the river - He was as fat as a barrel.

A hare trembled under a pine tree. I returned to the yard

A cone swayed on a pine tree. Trezor jumped around the yard,

And then I went to the forest. He was chasing a cat

A donkey roared in the distance. And wagged his tail.

The presenter stands on the stage so that everyone sitting in the hall can see him. He asks the spectators if they want to hear how the fans really scream at the match? Hall answers: "Yes!" Task: with a wave of the right hand of the presenter, the right half of the hall shouts: "Goal!" And with a wave of the left hand, the left half of the hall shouts: "Barbell!" The facilitator can swing once with each hand or several times in a row with one hand, and then raise both hands up, and the audience shouts both words at the same time. It makes the same noise as during a match.

The host invites the children to listen to how it starts to rain. To do this, you need to repeat everything that the counselor shows:
1. Everyone sitting in the hall begins to clap the index finger of the right hand on the palm of the left hand.
2. Then the middle finger is added to the index finger; then add the ring finger, and after a while - the little finger. After that, we clap with the whole palm, that is, we applaud. It turns out the following: first, the "rain" begins to drip, then it drizzles, then it intensifies and, finally, there is a heavy downpour.

The host invites the guys to listen to how the elephant sneezes. To do this, the hall is divided into three parts. The right side says: "Cartilage!"; middle - "Boxes!"; left side - "Dragged!". The host alternately waves his hands, pointing to one or another part of the hall, and the guys pronounce the words. When the leader raises both hands up, each part of the hall shouts its word, and the sound is like an elephant sneezing.

The facilitator invites the children to speak in different languages. In fact, it is very simple: any song that is known to everyone is selected (for example, "They lived with granny ..."), and all vowels in this song are replaced by one, for example, "a". It turns out: "Sting a babasa ..." This is how 1 verse is sung, and this language can be called English. And now let's sing in French: "Zhulu u bubusu..." And so on.

Vedas: - Now we will play an interesting game "Oh-la viburnum."
I will show the movements and hum the words, and you have to repeat with me.
The words are:
Spivay-mo (singing, drawling)
(Rhythmically slaps knees.)
Oh (clapping on the knees)
La (claps hands)
Kalina (snaps her fingers)
Oh (clapping on the knees)
La (claps hands)
Ku-ku (snaps fingers).
Repeat three times, sing quickly, the tempo can be changed.
During the game, each time the number of words "cuckoo" increases from one to five (don't forget to snap your fingers), and then decrease from five to zero. When the word "ku-ku" is not sung (at zero), they do not click their fingers, but simply pause.

- Let's remember how carrots and cabbage grow. Carrot up, cabbage down.
Shows: arms extended forward. When "carrot" is said, the hands go down; when "cabbage" is said, they go up.
- So, we stretch out our hands, like me. When I say "carrot", hands down, and when I say "cabbage", hands up. Listen carefully to me, because my hands will show when it's right and when it's wrong. The main thing is not to succumb to the "provocations" of the presenter and correctly show the "cabbage" and "carrot". Begin!
Vedas. at a fast pace, he says either "carrot" or "cabbage".
(During the game, the leader diligently knocks down the players, showing with his hands the wrong thing. The game goes on for 3-5 minutes.)

Vedas. refers to the guys:
In order for us to play one interesting game, we need to learn catch and movement. Repeat after me.
Vedas. sings the following words:
- The deer has a big house (raises crossed arms above his head, depicting deer antlers).
- He looks out his window (imitates a window).
- The hare runs across the field (depicts running in place).
- There is a knock on his door (knocking on an imaginary door).
- Knock, knock, open the door (imitates a knock on the door and pulls the handle of an imaginary door).
There is an evil hunter in the forest (points back with his thumb, then imitates a gun).
- Hare, hare, run in (they wave their hands over their heads, depicting the ears of a hare, then make an inviting gesture).
- Give me a paw (clasp hands in the castle).
When the guys memorize the words, they pronounce them and make movements at a faster pace.

Vedas. referring to the guys:
- Do you know how to hunt a lion? Now let's check! I will say words and show movements, and you will repeat after me, agreed? Then put all your hands on your knees and let's start hunting. (When repeating words, the guys repeat the movements.)
- We are hunting for a lion (clap hands on knees)
- We are not afraid of him (shake their heads)
- We will fight to the death with him (clap hands on knees)
- And, of course, we will win, wow! (throws hand victoriously)
- Oh, who's there? (put hand on head)
- Oh, it's a forest!
- You can’t fly over it (raise your hands up and describe an arc)
- You can’t crawl under it (they describe an arc from the bottom up)
- You can't get around (as if they are covering a large inflatable ball with their hands)
- You have to go straight ahead! (wave hand forward)
Further, the words are repeated from the beginning, but the word "forest" Ved. replaces alternately with the words: pond, poplar, hole, tail, gradually lowering the intonation.
(The guys copy the intonation of the presenter.)
After the words:
- Oh, it's a tail...
You can't fly over it
You can't crawl under it
You won't go around
You have to go straight.
Let's run! (Hitting their knees with their hands, the guys pretend to run fast.)
Then, in a sonorous voice, the guys play the first verse to the words:
- And, of course, we will win, wow!

Kind animal.

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Leading in a quiet mysterious voice, he says: “Guys, let's imagine that we are one big kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes and how its heart beats. When inhaling, everyone takes a breath and two steps in a circle, while exhaling, exhale and take two steps back to their place. Provided that breaths and steps are performed synchronously, the effect of a beating heart (steps) and animal breathing (breathing of all participants in the game) should be obtained.

As variants of the game, one can imagine that the animal falls asleep and its breathing and heartbeat slow down. Or, on the contrary, that it is excited about something and its breathing and heartbeat become more frequent.

Choki on pshod.

Children stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. The leader says the words and shows the movements, all together repeat after him:

Choki on pshod ( arms slightly bent at the elbows, stretched forward, palms clenched into fists, thumbs up).

    Elbows to rear (elbows pressed to the body).

    Legs (crouch slightly).

    Edema knees (feet turn inward).

    Belly Opera (abdomen pushed forward).

    Wade on the belly (head lowered to chest).

    Tongue on the run (stick out tongue).

    Ear on shoulder (the head is tilted to the right, then to the left).

    (turn left or right) Oh pa! (cotton).

The lines are spoken in the following order:

    Elbows to rear (elbows pressed to the body).

8. And he himself with a mustache, and himself with a mustache, and himself with a mustache: (turn left or right) Oh pa! (cotton).

    Elbows to rear (elbows pressed to the body).

    Legs (crouch slightly).

    And himself with a mustache, and himself with a mustache, and himself with a mustache: (turn left or right) Oh pa! (cotton).

    Elbows to rear (elbows pressed to the body).

    Legs (crouch slightly).

    Edema knees (feet turn inward).

    And himself with a mustache, and himself with a mustache, and himself with a mustache: (turn left or right) Oh pa! (cotton).


(this game can be used to establish silence in the hall) .

The host pronounces the lines, showing the movements, and the children in the hall repeat after him (standing):

Are we going to party for the holidays?


So let's have fun together (circling).

If necessary, we will clap (clapping).

And we'll stomp our feet (stomp).

Drink if necessary (la-la-la).

If necessary, let's go to the dance (dance).

If necessary, we will scream (shouting).

Shut up if necessary (they fall silent).

Star Rain.

The game is a great way to establish silence in the hall and draw the attention of children to what is happening on stage. The host says something like this: “Dear guys! Look at the sky (you can also look at the ceiling)! Do you see the clouds hanging over us? Now it's going to rain! It has already fallen…”

one drop (everyone claps their hands with one finger).

Two drops (everyone claps their hands with two fingers).

Three drops (everyone claps their hands with three fingers).

four drops (everyone claps their hands with four fingers).

It's pouring rain (everyone clap their hands).

And the "star rain" fell down (Stormy standing ovation.)

Then everything is repeated in reverse order and there is silence.

E pizza hut...

Host: “Let's imagine that we are in a pizzeria. What do they eat in a pizzeria? That's right, pizza! What size pizza will we order? That's right, average!

The leader pronounces the words and shows the movements. All together repeat the words and movements:

E pizza hut (hands depict a circle - pizza).

E pizza hut (movement repeats).

Venice, Venice (with hands, alternately, a wave is drawn in the air).

Kentucky Friede Chicken and E Pizza Hut (elbows raised to the sides, depicting a chicken on a perch).

The verse is repeated several more times, but with different sizes: a large pizza, a small one, a huge one, a tiny one. When “ordering” a large pizza, you need to speak in a low voice, and a small one in a high one.

One or two - the islands.

( can be done on a line)

The host says the words and shows the movements. Children repeat the words and movements after him. At the expense of one-two, three-four, etc. - claps, for the rest of the words - the corresponding movements:

One-two - the islands (hand circles)!

Three four - we sailed (hands swimming movements)!

Five-six - let's go here (stomp)!

Seven-eight - how many pines (shake hands)!

Nine-ten - we're on our way (walking in place)!

Count to ten!

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

We are here again! (hands up) We are together again (hold hands)!

*****"JOHN - BROWN - BOY"

This game-song is learned with children in advance, and sung. As you sing, the words (from the end of the phrase) are replaced by hand claps (the number of claps corresponds to the number of syllables).

John Brown Boy oiled his skis once.

John Brown Boy oiled his skis once.

And he went to the Caucasus.

John Brown Boy smeared skis one (cotton)

John Brown Boy smeared skis one (cotton)

And he went to the Caucasus.

John Brown Boy smeared skis (cotton, cotton)

John-Brown-Boy smeared (cotton, cotton, cotton)


The words of this game-song are learned with children in advance and sung, accompanied by hand movements:

teapot- palms parallel to each other

cap- the palm of the right hand - with a lid

bump- cam

hole- fingers in a ring (OK sign)

steam is coming- circles are made with the index finger in ascending order.

As you sing, the words are replaced by the word - La-la-la and hand movements.

Teapot with lid.

Lid with a knob.

Bump with hole...

There is steam in the hole.

The steam goes into the hole.

Hole in the stump...

Lump in the lid..

Lid with teapot.


The host asks the audience to perform some movement. The hall fulfills his request only if he says "Please." Spectators need to be very careful and try not to make mistakes.


The host asks the audience to perform some movement. And the hall does the opposite. For example:
- Turn left (the hall turns right).
- Sit down (the hall rises).

Hee hee, ha ha

Game description: Participants pronounce the count “1,2,3,4,5”, making movements with their hands (as if knocking on the door, first with the right, then with the left hand, first at the level above the head with the left hand, then with the right, then at the level below the waist with the same left and right hand). Then they lean forward and say “hee” five times, then back and “ha” five times. Accelerating the pace, gradually reducing the number of knocks and bends 4, 3, 2 and 1.

Volume control

Game description : The host invites the audience to make a little noise (shout or clap), and the volume of the noise should correspond to the level of the host’s hand placed horizontally - when the hand is lowered all the way down, it should be quiet, when at the very top, on the contrary, the hall should make noise with all its might .

By driving a wave of noise up and down and jerking your hand back and forth, you can divide the hall into two parts, each of which will be regulated by one of the host's hands. Then experiment with the joint volume, and then “put out” the noise, calming the audience.


Game description: All participants pronounce the words, accompanying them with movements:

“Tyr-tyr, machine gun” (hold the handles of the “machine gun” with both hands).

"Above the roof of the plane" (the hand moves from the bottom up obliquely).

“Bam! - artillery "(cotton).

“Cavalry galloping” (with one hand they wave an imaginary saber over their heads).


The game continues, but each time you need to speed up the pace, try to keep up and speak, and show the movements correctly.


Game description:Before conducting, the presenter suggests recalling the English language:

- What is the English word for "look"?

Hall answers "Look".


- Now all together “Look” (index fingers are applied to the eyes, and then they point forward, as if they are showing something).

- And now the next word is “dill” (fingers spread out, palms up, as if showing a Christmas tree, but vice versa).

And the last word is “garlic” (fingers together and in the air we draw an oval or a shape similar to garlic).

Now you need to combine words and movements: onion, dill, garlic. The hall repeats the movements and words, gradually accelerating the pace.

Tatiana Deykina
Leisure scenario "Cheerful world of music games"

The fun world of music games

1 member: Containers-bars-rastabars,

We have gathered here for a reason.

We will play games

We will entertain you.

Members enter under music

We start a circle, a circle

Heels here, here.

Twirled, twirled

And then they stopped.

Here we say hello.


2 member: We want to show you

How can we play.

In games musical,

Very relevant.

3 member: Petya walked along the road

I found the red cap.

We can play with her

To amuse all the children.

You go quickly to the circle

Play with me buddy.

The game "Red Riding Hood"

(Children follow the text)

Wear a hat buddy

And go to the circle.

Stomp, stomp your feet

Dance a little.

Now stop

Circle quickly three times.

Get closer to us

Bow low.

Close your eyes with a hat

Whoever you want, choose.

4 member: And now we come to you guys

We invite grandfather to visit.

Grandfather knows how have fun,

Let's play with him.

The game « cheerful vegetable garden»

In the children's garden

There are carrots and lettuce. (children walk in a circle holding hands)

All for the boys, all for the boys (show both hands in a circle, put on a belt)

Old grandfather walked (walk in a circle, hands behind his back

He kept carrots. portraying "grandfather")

Shout, chickens, shush. ( "drive away" right hand from the circle)

The old grandfather is tired, (they enter the circle, leaving in the circle "grandfather"-

Sat down on the grass and dozed off. child)

Grandpa sleeps, old sleeps.

Chickens run, run, (depict "hens")

And they call their chickens

Pinch carrots, (sit down "pinching" carrot)

Pinch the cabbage.

Grandpa heard us (rhythmic clapping)

And drove all the chickens.

Shoo, chickens, shoo, ( "grandfather" catches up with children)

Shout, chickens, shush.

5 member: We ran here, played,

Our legs are tired.

Let's play with our hands

Mind and fingers develop.

logarithmic game "Oh-la - viburnum"

Oh-la - viburnum, (cotton in front of you, cotton to the generations 2 p.

Oh-la-ku-ku-ku. twist "horns")

Rumba-rumba, ( "motor")

Touch-touch-touch. ( "cams")

Ah-ah-ah (with right hand draw a circle)

Ltd, (left)

Bang Bang, (right hand on left shoulder, left hand on right)

EU! (both hands up)

6 member: Did you like the game? Yes!

We decided to invite you

Play with us.

Game with spectators "Oh-la - viburnum"

7 member: Now let's go for a walk

And buy toys.

The game "Toy shop"

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding (Children walk in a circle)

We open a store!

Come in, come in (go into the circle, leaving the child in the circle)

Choose what you want! (R-k remaining in the circle depicts "toy"

Child: Look at me "bunny" or "frog"(leading her image)

(a toy) And take it home with you.

Buyer: I'm buying a toy, (stands around the circle, sings, accompanied by hands)

And I'm taking it with me.

A toy: Before you pick me up,

You must catch up with me.

One two Three, (The customer catches up with the toy.)

Run fast.

8 member: Hey, get your tools

Rattles, bells.

Sounds of our orchestra

They will fly in all directions.

The game "Orchestra"

Conductor: I have been appointed conductor, (Children stand in a circle holding musical instr.

I have the whole orchestra in my hands. In the middle of the circle stands "conductor",

Follow my hand, after the execution. songs "conducts" group

I will show you everything. tool that beat out the rhythm

Don't start without me, melodies. At the end piece of music

I wave my wand - play. Children put music. instr. on the floor and run

circle, at the end music take instrument.

Whoever did not get the tool becomes


All participants: We sang and played,

How could you be entertained.

Related publications:

The main form of musical activity in kindergarten is music lessons. They combine all kinds of musical activities:

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Card file of musical instruments Card file of musical instruments. They beat him, and he rattles - He orders everyone to step in the foot. They beat him, but he does not get angry, He thunders and has fun. That's why.

Consultation for parents "World of Musical Sounds" CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS The world of musical sounds is limitless. He harbors innumerable riches. But music bestows its treasures.

Equipment: mayonnaise jar, self-adhesive paper, clothesline, scissors, pencil, leather (or strong, thick fabric). Step.

H It often happens that the emotional state of the group does not correspond to future activities. Participants are either inhibited or in an excited state before a serious and responsible part of the lesson. In this case, the facilitator needs to properly set up the children, create an adequate psychological atmosphere.
The settings are different: invigorating, concentrating, relaxing, etc. It is important for the presenter not only to choose the setting that corresponds to the goals that he sets for himself, but also to correctly carry it out. Games for the regulation of the psychophysical state are recommended to be used not only at the beginning, but also at the end of the session to relieve fatigue, as well as in cases where one semantic block of the session ends and another begins.
In preparing the publication, the materials of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Elena Levanova, President of the non-profit educational institution "Psychological and Pedagogical Institute of Education", and Irina Telegina, Vice-President of the NOU "PPIV" were used.


Holding hands, all participants walk in a circle and sing:

We dance boogie woogie
turning in a circle
and clap your hands like this.

Right hand forward
and then her back,
and then forward again
and shake it up a bit.

The dance is repeated:
We dance boogie woogie...

Continuing the dance-game, the initial words are replaced by: “left hand forward”, “leg ...”, “ear ...”, etc. - as long as there is enough imagination and strength.
Stimulate the imagination of the participants, let them suggest options for the game.
This game works well in a group of younger students, older teenagers and adults. This is due to age and psychophysiological characteristics. Younger teenagers perceive games of this kind as "children's", from which they have already grown. Therefore, in order not to create unnecessary tension in the group, it is better to refrain from them.


The presenter divides all those in the hall into three teams. One team is “Spindles are turned”, the second is “Brooms are wet”, the third is “Mistress, lady, madam mistress”. The host points his hand at one of the teams, and she shouts her name. Over time, the pace of the game increases.
Almost all games associated with an increase in rhythm and volume contribute to an increase in the level of emotional state.


All participants stand in a circle. The leader walks inside the circle, and when he looks into the eyes of the participant, he begins to repeat his movements until the leader passes the circle, approaches him again, looks into his eyes and changes movement.
The host walks in a circle and, looking into the eyes of the participants in turn, rubs his palm against his palm, on the second circle - snaps his fingers, on the third - claps his hands on his knees, on the fourth - claps his hands irregularly, on the fifth - knocks on his knees, on 6 -m - claps his hands, on the 7th - snaps his fingers, on the 8th - rustles his hands. The rain stops and subsides.
The purpose of this exercise is relaxation, a decrease in muscle tone, and a mood for a lyrical mood. We can tell the participants that the rain that passed in our group inspired sadness, reflection, calmness, it doesn’t matter if it comes outside the window, it matters what happens to us. (Don't get carried away talking about the weather.)


“As on a hill, on a hillock, there are 33 Yegorkas” - this is a saying that everyone says in unison, then each participant takes a deep breath and independently counts out loud while exhaling: "One Yegorka, two Yegorkas..." and etc. Whoever has more "Egorok", he is the winner.
This game is based on the respiratory rhythm. The desire to win makes the participants take in more air, the respiratory system is in an active state, which leads the whole body to a fairly high degree of mobilization.


Everyone is sitting in a circle. The leader sits so that everyone can see him clearly. His chair is sort of separated from everyone else. You can seat the participants in a semicircle.
The host says:
Do we have palms?- Participants show. - And the knees?- Someone inevitably claps his hand on his knee. - Excellent! This is how the horses enter the field of the hippodrome. Together, - slow alternate pats on the knees. - The horses went to the start, with one hand we beat on the knee, as if exploding the ground. Start! Let's run! - quick pat . - Let's run! Let's run! On the pavement! - punches to the chest alternately (a la King Kong) . - On the sand! - quickly rub your palms against each other. - Through the swamp! - fast grab your knees with your fives and raise your hands vertically with a loud smack. - Barrier! - hands describe a semicircle to chest levels . And so on.
You can come up with your own options for "rough terrain". All this quickly alternates in any sequence. The final : Soon the final! - fast clap. - The stands are coming! Tribune of girls. Girls, let's scream! And here is the podium of young men! Guys, come on! - exclamations . - Here's the finish line. Hooray! We won!
You can do multiple runs. The game is played with a constant increase in rhythm.

Dwarf Giants

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The host says "dwarfs" or "giants." Everyone squats at the word "dwarfs", everyone stands up at the word "giants". Those who made a mistake stand inside the circle, and then perform some task.
The game develops attention and coordination of movements.


Participants are divided into two groups and stand in two lines opposite each other. The pair of participants that stands at the beginning passes inside the "corridor". Without agreeing in advance, they must perform one common movement, such as jumping up or spreading their arms. Then the next pair passes, which performs its movement. When all participants complete the task, they need to unite in fours, then in eights and, finally, walk around the room together, performing one movement.
This exercise allows participants to carefully look at each other, tune in to interaction in the group. As a result, the level of emotional state increases.


The host gets on all fours and starts to crawl, saying: "Pee-pee, I'm Lunokhod-1." Creeps up to one of the more cheerful participants and touches him. The latter also gets on all fours, he is now Lunokhod-2. They crawl together. Gradually, all participants become moon rovers, crawl and squeak ...
If someone refuses, do not rush him, but crawl later with the whole crowd. This game can be used as a fun punishment, for example, for someone who is late for class. This will draw attention to the violation, but not in the form of notation, which is always perceived negatively, but will smooth the impression and allow you to move on to constructive work.


Clapping their hands on their knees, the players say the words in unison:

We hunt the lion
We hunt the lion
We are not afraid of him
We are not afraid of him.
We have a red-hot sword
We have a hot sword
And a big gun.

(TT pistol, Kalashnikov assault rifle, T-34 tank, etc.).
Further words are accompanied by appropriate gestures.
All: Ouch! What's this?
Leading: This is a lake, a swamp, a meadow, a cave, there is a lion in it.
All: You can't get around it. You can't fly over it. You can't crawl under it. The road is straight. Bool-boo-boo, chav-chav, shur-shur, ah-ah-ah.

After the word "lion" everyone repeats the movements and sounds in reverse order.
Leading: Run away!!!
The task of the facilitator is to first focus on the words “we are not afraid of him”, and then on “we ran away !!!” and exactly repeat the reverse procedure. The pace of the game is constantly increasing.


The leader makes specific movements, pronouncing the words, and all participants first repeat after him slowly, and then increase the pace. The words are as follows:
Oh-la, viburnum, oh-la

Coo-coo, coo-coo

Oh-la, viburnum, oh-la
(sharp movements of the hands along the front surface of the thigh from top to bottom),
Coo-coo, coo-coo

(fists with outstretched index fingers, movements first to the left, then to the right ear),
Rumba, rumba
(arms are bent at the elbows, hands at the level of the head, without bending the arms at the wrists, make circular movements with the hands),
(dance movements with hips, arms bent at the elbows move at waist level),
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
(arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, palms down, movements are made left and right),
Bang Bang
(hands folded with a “pistol”, movements to the left ear, then to the right),
(fist with outstretched thumb, movements along the neck),
(gesture "yes!").
The pace of the game is constantly increasing. Get the group members to move and say the words at the same time, loudly, amicably and cheerfully.

(Ending to follow)

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