Home Mushrooms Children with disabilities take the exam. Ege for participants with disabilities. There must be many packages, many more CMM options

Children with disabilities take the exam. Ege for participants with disabilities. There must be many packages, many more CMM options

1. Regulatory legal documents regulating the procedure for conducting GIA for persons with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosobrnadzor dated 07.11.2018 No. 190/1512 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 10.12.2018, registration No. 52952);
  • Methodological recommendations on the organization and conduct of the state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education in the form of the main state exam and the unified state exam for persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities

2. Admission to the GIA

Students who do not have academic debt, including for the final essay (presentation), and who have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (having annual marks in all subjects of the curriculum for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education is not lower than satisfactory).

Persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities have the right to write both the final essay and the presentation (in this case, the time increases by 1.5 hours).

Final essay results taken into account at the discretion of the university.

Results of the presentation are not taken into account by the university.

The final essay (presentation) is carried out in conditions that take into account the state of their health. For persons with medical indications for homeschooling and the corresponding recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the final essay (presentation) organized at home (or in a medical facility).

The final essay (presentation) is governed by The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosobrnadzor dated 07.11.2018 No. 190/1512 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 10.12.2018, registration No. 52952) and .

3. Required documents for the provision of special conditions

Students, graduates of previous years with disabilities, when submitting an application, submit a copy recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPK).

Students, graduates of previous years, disabled children and people with disabilities - the original or a duly certified copy of the certificate confirming the fact of the establishment of disability issued by the federal state institution of medical and social expertise (hereinafter - the Certificate of FGU MSE).

In the application, students indicate special conditions, taking into account their state of health, features of psychophysical development.

4. Form GIA

Students with disabilities, students with disabilities and people with disabilities in educational programs of secondary general education can voluntarily choose the form of GIA (unified state exam (USE) or state final exam (GVE)).

GVE results, unlike the USE results, are not taken into account for admission to universities, and are counted only as the results of the state final attestation. Students who have passed the GVE will be able to enter a university based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which are determined by the educational organization of higher education.

5. Duration of GIA

The exam duration for these persons is increased by 1.5 hours(with the exception of the exam in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking").

The duration of the exam in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking") is increased by 30 minutes.

6. Conditions for carrying out the GIA

Material and technical conditions for the exam provide the possibility of unhindered access for such students, graduates of previous years in the classroom, toilet and other premises, as well as their stay in the specified premises (the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators, in the absence of elevators, the audience is located on the ground floor; the presence of special chairs and other devices).

During the exam, there are assistants, providing these students, graduates of previous years with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual capabilities, helping them to take a workplace, move around, read the assignment.

These students, graduates of previous years, taking into account their individual capabilities, use in the process of passing the exam the necessary technical means.

GVE in all academic subjects at their request is carried out orally.

For hearing impaired students, graduates of previous years, audiences for the exam are equipped with sound-amplifying equipment for both collective and individual use.

For the deaf and hard of hearing students, graduates of previous years, if necessary, an assistant-sign language interpreter is involved.

For the blind students, graduates of previous years:

  • examination materials are drawn up in bold-point braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible by means of a computer;
  • written examination work is done in braille or on a computer;
  • a sufficient number of special accessories for registration of answers in relief-point braille are provided, a computer.

For the visually impaired students, graduates of previous years, examination materials are copied in an enlarged size, in the classrooms for the exams it is provided for the presence of magnifying devices and individual uniform illumination of at least 300 lux.

For students, graduates of previous years with disorders of the musculoskeletal system written examination work can be performed on a computer with specialized software.

During the exam for the specified students, graduates of previous years are organized meals and breaks for the necessary medical and preventive measures.

For persons with medical indications for homeschooling and the corresponding recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the exam is organized at home.

6. Peculiarities of consideration of appeals of SIA participants with disabilities

To consider the appeals of the GIA participants with disabilities, children with disabilities and the disabled, the CC engages in its work typhoon interpreters (for considering appeals of the blind members of the GIA), sign language interpreters (for considering appeals of the deaf members of the GIA).

Together with a participant in a GIA with disabilities, a disabled child, a disabled person, an assistant may be present at the consideration of his appeal in addition to his parents (legal representatives).

If the CC finds an error in transferring the answers of blind or visually impaired participants of the GIA to the forms of the GIA, the conflict commission takes into account these errors as a technical defect. The examination papers of such GIA participants are re-processed (including transfer to standard-size GIA forms) and, if necessary, re-checked by experts.

According to Ivan Vishnevetsky, director of this very respectable institution (founded back in 1882), today there are no problems with financing and material support, all standards are met, all requirements and wishes are taken into account. The transfer of correctional schools from the jurisdiction of the Department of Education to the wing of the Department of Social Welfare has been beneficial to everyone, and this experience should probably be extended to other regions.

As for the preparation of children with severe visual impairment for the state exam, there are a number of features, some of which have already been taken into account at the level of ministries and departments, but some issues have not yet been resolved.

For example, if an exam in English in standard classes lasts no more than 15 minutes, then for blind and visually impaired children, its duration is increased to 1.5 hours, and an assistant is attached to each child being examined, who does all the technical work for him. Assignments and instructions are printed in text form in Braille. The KIM developers tried to come up with such questions that would be most understandable for children who are blind. For example, they should not contain descriptions of color characteristics, shapes of objects that are available only visually. Nevertheless, according to the teachers, there are still cases when the children at the final test get a presentation in which the texts of Prishvin or Paustovsky are used (and these authors, as you know, were very fond of describing the beauties of nature).

There are certain difficulties with the creation of teaching materials on certain subjects, for example, on geography. Indeed, in addition to texts, there is a lot of graphic information - maps, diagrams, tables. According to experts, here it is worth thinking about replacing some of this information with texts, but this is far from always possible.

There is also a clear misunderstanding about what a visually impaired student does on the exam, and what he has every right to refuse. So, in some regions, visually impaired people were obliged to sign the examination paper, but this caused them certain difficulties, since in normal conditions they were helped by teachers (showing exactly where to sign), and here, as you know, teachers are strictly forbidden to approach children. But upon closer examination of the situation, it turned out that the requirements for children to put signatures under the documents are generally inappropriate, because the signature itself may well be considered his full name, which he enters into the form at the very beginning of work.

As for video surveillance on the exam in correctional schools, it should be organized according to uniform requirements. However, in this particular case, it is carried out offline, that is, the picture from the exam site is not displayed on the general screen. It is also important to know and remember.

“We have long criticized the Unified State Exam for the fact that it focused on tests and asked children only to choose ready-made answers,” says Oleg Smolin. - Fortunately, our criticism has reached its goal, and now the tasks of the state exam suggest a much more creative approach to their implementation. But we still have a lot of work to do to teach children to speak, to help them develop oral speech, including literary reading, including on the exam. It would be nice to include in the literature exam such a task as reading by heart the poems of this or that poet.

The deputy himself, who, by the way, graduated from a similar educational institution, is grateful to his teachers for the fact that they taught him a lot, thanks to which he can still quote whole chapters of works and remember a huge number of lyric works of various authors.

Oksana Reshetnikova, Director of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements, also expressed a principled position.

To develop KIMs, we invite not only specialists in the field of certain sciences, but also teachers working in schools for children with disabilities, she said. “There are a lot of blind people among them, so they can assess to what extent questions and tasks are available for children with visual impairments. However, we believed and still believe that KIMs for this category of citizens should in no way be simpler and easier than for other, ordinary ones. There should be no indulgences and lowering the level of requirements, you just need to define other requirements based on the characteristics of people with disabilities! And in general, as the teachers of correctional schools themselves say, "our children should be one step ahead and a cut above their peers from ordinary schools, only this will allow them to be competitive in our harsh world."

For the first time in recent years, we decided to turn to the leadership of the Ministry of Health with a proposal to organize points for passing the USE in large hospitals and treatment centers in order to enable children undergoing treatment to exercise their right to receive an education, '' said Sergey Kravtsov. - The state does not intend to change its earlier obligations and is ready to do everything to provide affordable education for all categories of children, including for students of specialized correctional schools. And even if the child is homeschooled, the local education authorities are obliged to organize for him a mobile point for taking the exam, that is, come to him and take the exam right at his home.

According to the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, his department will make sure that schools for children with severe visual impairments are equipped with equipment, Braille typewriters, educational literature and didactic materials.

To demonstrate the readiness of the students of the boarding school # 1 for the Unified State Exam, a test exam in English was organized, which was successfully passed by a 12th grade student Nguyen Vu Quang. Those present (and among them were not only officials, but also students, teachers and parents) were clearly shown the procedure of this test from start to finish, from which they concluded that there was nothing wrong with that.

In conclusion, the students of the boarding school gave a concert for the guests, showing the best performances of amateur performances.

Photo report: Vadim Meleshko

Children with disabilities and their families are entitled to various benefits and allowances.

All types of state support at the federal and regional levels are designed to provide a disabled child with the most necessary things, maintain health, promote his social adaptation, and create opportunities for a full life.

Support is also provided to parents and guardians. What benefits are provided for children with disabilities and their parents in 2018?

Grounds for granting a disabled status to a child

For children under 18 years of age, there is no grading of disability groups.

If a child has a pronounced disorder of body functions, according to the results of the medical and social commission, he is assigned the status of a disabled child, as a result of which he and his family acquire the right to certain benefits and privileges.

The conditions for recognizing a child as a disabled person were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 of February 20, 2006. We list these conditions:

  • Severe pathologies of body functions caused by congenital or acquired defects, injuries or diseases.
  • Complete or partial lack of the ability to live independently.
  • The officially established need for the provision of social protection measures.

To obtain disability status, you must have all of the above reasons. In itself, a health disorder that does not interfere with normal life does not give such a right.

For example, a child suffering from diabetes mellitus will not receive the disabled status with a high probability of decompensation of the disease and the absence of severe complications (diabetic encephalopathy, renal failure, etc.).

The list of defects and pathologies giving grounds for establishing the status of a "disabled child" is given in the annex to the Rules, approved by the above Government Resolution.

It contains 23 names of pathologies, including musculoskeletal diseases, malignant formations, the absence of various organs, etc.

Benefits for disabled children in 2018

The state helps disabled children in the form of various benefits and cash payments. Let's consider them by category.

Retirement benefit

According to Art. 18 ФЗ-№ 166, children with disabilities are assigned a monthly social pension. The size of the pension of a disabled child in 2018, taking into account the indexation of 4.1%, is 12,082 rubles.

Disability pensions are also received by adult citizens who have been assigned the status of "disabled from childhood". There are already 3 groups of disabilities.

The amount of benefits for them in 2018 is:

  • 1 gr. - 12 082 rubles;
  • 2 gr. - 10,068 rubles;
  • 3 gr. - 4279 p.

The size of the pension can be increased based on regional regulations.

For example, in St. Petersburg 6223 rubles are paid in addition to the pension. for a disabled child and 14,021 p. for a disabled child with special needs.

Benefits are monthly transferred to a special social card from which it is impossible to withdraw cash. This card can only be used to pay in children's stores in order to purchase things and products.

In Moscow, since the beginning of 2018, families with a childhood invalid receive 12,000 rubles in addition to their pension.

EDV for disabled children

In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 175, children with a disability status are paid a monthly cash allowance.

Note! Payments are made without submitting applications, but at the same time, all relevant documents must be included in the pension files of disabled children.

The amount of this payment in the current year is:

  • 2 974 p. (for 1st group);
  • 2 123 p. (for disabled children and persons with childhood disabilities ІІ gr.);
  • RUB 1,700 (for disabled persons ІІІ gr.).

Medical Benefits

Art. 9 ФЗ-№ 181 guarantees persons with disabilities the right to rehabilitation, their provision by the state with technical means and services within the framework of the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2347-r dated December 30, 2005.

The list includes 26 items of funds, services, devices and rehabilitation measures, such as:

  • prostheses;
  • wheelchairs;
  • dentures, etc.

In addition, children with disabilities at the expense of the federal budget receive free medical care of almost any level of complexity, including therapeutic, surgical, spa treatment, as well as:

  • vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • travel to the medical facility by any type of transport, except for a taxi, and not only for the disabled child, but also for the accompanying parent.

Transport incentives

Children with disabilities have every right to use any kind of urban or suburban public transport free of charge (with the exception of taxis):

  • by tram;
  • underground;
  • by bus;
  • trolleybus, etc.

This benefit applies to parents, as well as to guardians and social workers who care for children with disabilities.

Are there any benefits for disabled children on air tickets? Children with disabilities are provided with a 50% discount on the cost of travel on intercity transport:

  • air;
  • railway;
  • automobile;
  • river.

College or university admission benefits

If a disabled child or a disabled child has passed the entrance examinations to a secondary specialized or higher educational institution, he or she must be enrolled out of competition without taking into account the data of the certificate.

But this privilege is valid only on the condition that education in the institution where the disabled child enters is not contraindicated for him according to the results of the medical examination.

Upon admission to a university, a person with a disability of any degree is provided with the following benefits:

  • the possibility of admission to the budget without entrance exams;
  • admission within the quota upon successful passing of exams;
  • preemptive right to enrollment;
  • training at the preparatory department free of charge.

Note! The listed benefits can be used only once, so you should choose an educational institution very carefully.

Parenting and Teaching Benefits

Children with disabilities can count on various types of assistance in the framework of education and upbringing, namely:

  • priority admission of preschoolers to kindergartens;
  • free admission to kindergartens;
  • the possibility of homeschooling;
  • free meals in the school cafeteria;
  • sparing mode of passing the exam;
  • help of a psychologist.

For children with developmental disabilities, correctional educational institutions or classes have been created, in which they have the right to be brought up and trained.

Correctional schools were created for the purpose of social adaptation and integration of children with special needs into society (Federal Law of the Russian Federation-№12, Art. 10.). The categories of pupils and students sent to these educational institutions are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Children and adolescents are sent to such institutions only with the consent of their parents or legal representatives upon the conclusion of the medical-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical commissions.

Benefits for parents of disabled children in 2018

A person caring for a disabled child is entitled to a monthly allowance of 60% of the regional minimum wage.

If a parent (adoptive parent, guardian) is caring for a child requiring constant supervision and therefore does not work, he is entitled to a special monthly allowance in the amount of 5500 rubles. If another person is caring for a disabled person, then the allowance is only 1200 rubles.

Note! This benefit is not paid for a child over 18 years of age and is not subject to annual indexation.

In addition, the following types of retirement benefits are entitled to the parents of a person with a disability:

  • the right to retirement at the age of 50 for women and 55 for men (with an insurance record of at least 15 and 20 years);
  • taking into account the period of caring for a child in the general insurance or work experience.

Tax incentives

In Art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that parents (guardians) who support minor children with disabilities are provided with a monthly tax deduction of 3,000 rubles.

This benefit can be extended until the child reaches the age of 24 if he is a full-time student and has a I or II disability.

The amount of the specified tax deduction can be doubled if the parent (guardian) is raising a child, one or the other parent wrote a waiver of this type of benefits.

What are the benefits at work if the child is disabled?

The norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide for the following labor guarantees for a working parent (guardian) of a disabled child:

  • the right to 4 additional days off every month with the preservation of wages (Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the right to paid leave at any time of the year (Article 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the right to additional leave without payment in the amount of 14 days (Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), if this right is provided by an employment contract;
  • the right to a shorter working day (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the right to refuse to work at night, overtime, on weekends and holidays (Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the right to refuse a business trip to another region.

To exercise your right to additional leave or days off, you must provide the employer with a certificate confirming that the other parent did not use this benefit during this year.

Benefits for families with a disabled child

In 2018, the state provides families of children with disabilities with several types of benefits. Let's consider them further.

Housing benefits and guarantees

According to Art. 17 ФЗ-№181 dated November 24, 1995, families in which a disabled child is brought up receive the following housing guarantees:

  • Providing housing at public expense (within the queue).
  • Benefits for housing and utility bills in the form of a 50% discount.
  • Free provision of land plots for housing or gardening.
  • 50% discount on radio and telephone use.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and individual municipalities, additional housing benefits may be provided.

Benefit for the use of maternity capital

This year, it is allowed to use maternity capital for the adaptation and integration of disabled children.

These funds can be spent on payment for services and the purchase of goods aimed at social adaptation and integration into society of a disabled child.

Note! It is not allowed to spend the funds of the capital on rehabilitation, payment for medical services and the purchase of medicines.

Other privileges

A family member of a disabled child of draft age is granted a deferral from military service if only one parent is raising the children.

Cash payments are made out on a declarative basis through:

  • branches of the Pension Fund;

Applicants will be required to submit a package of documents, including a certificate confirming the child's disability status.

With the help of allowances and benefits, the state is trying to support families in which a disabled child is being raised.

Of course, today the monetary payments are still scanty, but it is worth using all the other privileges that are offered at the federal and regional levels.

Video: Benefits for disabled children. Rights and benefits for parents of children with disabilities


According to the report of the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2016–2017, 19.5 thousand people with disabilities studied at Russian universities. They make up less than 1% of the total number of all students. Unfortunately, not all citizens have complete information about their rights and benefits. But we will fix this situation. Today we will tell you in detail how an applicant with a disability can enter a university.

Not everyone knows about their rights and benefits

Interesting fact! Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov - Doctor of Psychology, lost his vision in childhood, and a little later his hearing. But this did not prevent him from becoming the author of a large number of scientific papers, as well as developing several unique methods for working with deaf-blind people.

Who is eligible for benefits and privileges

You have the right to special conditions for admission, USE and entrance exams if you have:

  • disability groups I and II;
  • disability from childhood;
  • disability received during hostilities or military service.

For people with varying degrees of disability, the same rights and benefits are provided.

Features of passing the exam

You must apply for registration no later than February 1st. Later, this can be done only if there are good documented reasons (but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams). In the application, you must indicate what special conditions are required for passing the exam, taking into account your state of health and the characteristics of psychophysical development.

The application must be accompanied by supporting documents:

  • a copy of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, if you have physical disabilities;
  • a certificate or a certified copy of it confirming disability.

You are entitled to a 1.5 hour increase in the exam duration and meal breaks.

The exams must be attended by assistants who will provide the necessary assistance depending on your individual characteristics: they will lead you to the workplace, read the assignment, etc. You have the right to use the necessary technical means to ensure your own comfort.

Features of the USE and entrance examinations for people with different types of disabilities

For the blind:

  • Examination materials must be done in braille or as an electronic document on a computer, or read by an assistant.
  • The written examination work is also performed by the applicant in braille or with the help of a special program on a computer. Otherwise, it can be dictated to an assistant.
  • All necessary writing materials, paper for writing in Braille, a computer with a specialized program are provided.

For the visually impaired:

  • Uniform individual illumination of at least 300 lux is provided.
  • Magnifier provided. You can use your own.
  • All assignments must be printed in large print.

For the deaf and hard of hearing:

  • The availability of sound-amplifying equipment for collective or individual use is provided.
  • Sign language interpreter services are provided.

For the deaf-blind, the services of a tiflosurd interpreter are provided.

Persons with severe and speech impairments can take oral exams in writing.

People with problems of the musculoskeletal system or lack of limbs can take written exams on a computer with special programs or dictate answers to an assistant. They also have the right to take these exams orally.

Assistants can help people with disabilities on exams

What are the benefits for admission

The following types of benefits are established for you:

  • The right to enroll without any admissions tests or to take another exam.
  • Admission to the budget according to a quota, subject to the successful passing of the entrance examinations.
  • Advantage for admission with the same scores with other applicants.

Information about benefits can be found on the university website in the sections "Special rights and benefits for enrollment" and "Quota". There you will also find lists of entrance examinations and their timing.

How to choose a university

In accordance with the Law on Education No. 273, all educational institutions must create special conditions for the education of persons with disabilities. But in practice, far from all universities are properly equipped. Before submitting documents, find out if the necessary conditions are available at the university of your choice. This can be done on the website or by calling the admissions office.

The Foundation for Social Assistance to Students "StudFond" has created a map of the availability of universities on its website. There you will find information about which institutions have a ramp, elevators, signs, specially equipped toilets and the ability to call an attendant. The portal of inclusive education will also help you choose a university.

For example, MSUPE has a good experience of working with people with disabilities. They have all the available information on their website. They provide a special bus for blind students. The university organized their accompaniment by other students. Also, the university provides 100% employment for its graduates with disabilities.

Interesting fact! About 25% of space developments were created by deaf and dumb engineers, graduates of Baumanka.

Educational institutions must have an accessibility passport

Requirements for equipment and staffing

The building of the university should contain:

  • At least one extended entrance for students with mobility impairments, ramps, lifting platforms and lifts.
  • In classrooms, dedicated seating in the first row closer to the entrance.
  • For the visually impaired and the blind - a pass with a guide dog is provided or a person is assigned to accompany.

Also, the staff should have people responsible for working with people with disabilities: tutors, social educators, psychologists, sign language interpreters, and typhlopedagogues.

Requirements for the availability of special means for training, depending on the disease

For persons with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system, computers are needed, equipped with:

  • special keyboard (virtual; with large buttons and overlays separating the keys; touch);
  • head or foot mouse;
  • remote buttons;
  • joystick or roller.

For the visually impaired and the blind:

  • computer equipment and textbooks with Braille system (dot-relief type);
  • sound reproduction of materials;
  • screen magnification program.

For the hearing impaired:

  • sound amplifying equipment;
  • wireless sound transmission technologies (FM systems);
  • multimedia projector or TV;
  • electronic board;
  • document camera.

The university must have staff who will work with special students

Distance learning opportunity

If you belong to a group of people with limited mobility, then you can choose online training. It is not available in all universities.

With distance learning, an individual training plan is drawn up, all the necessary materials are provided. You will be able to receive advice from teachers online, communicate with other students using chat. Online education is a paid service, but most universities provide discounts for people with disabilities. For example, IOSI gives a 40% discount.

What documents need to be collected when entering a university

So far, on preferential terms, you can enter only one university and one specialty. However, this year it is planned to adopt a new law, according to which people with disabilities will be able to submit documents to the budget in five universities and three specialties.

For admission you need to provide:

  • passport and copies of the first pages and place of registration, page 13 in the presence of military service;
  • certificate;
  • 2 photos 3 x 4;
  • military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • medical examination certificate (if required);
  • a document confirming health restrictions, a certificate of disability.

Please note that since 2018, the provision of a medical and social examination report on the absence of contraindications for training is not required (Federal Law No. 93 of 05/01/2017). It is illegal for universities to require such certificates.

Distance education can be obtained without leaving home

Don't be afraid to claim your rights. Believe in yourself and get the profession of your dreams.

State final attestation has begun in Russian schools. More than 731 thousand people will take the exam this year. Among them are 6,500 children with disabilities. How will they do it?

On a general basis, but with special conditions

First of all, it should be clarified: high school students with disabilities (HH) have a choice. Unlike ordinary graduates, they can refuse the USE (unified state exam) and take the GVE (state final exam).

What is the difference? In its form, the GVE is more similar to the exams of the last century - it is conducted by tickets, and not in the form of tests like the USE. According to experts, this option for passing exams is the most comfortable, especially for children with increased anxiety. However, the GVE has a big drawback: upon admission to universities, the results of this exam are not counted (unlike the Unified State Exam). That is, the entrance exams will have to be taken separately.

Another rule that applies to all graduates with disabilities: for them the duration of the exam is increased by an hour and a half. And the exam in a foreign language (in the "Speaking" section) - for another 30 minutes.

During the Unified State Exam for its participants with disabilities, meals and breaks are also provided for "to carry out the necessary medical and preventive measures."

As for the rest of the special conditions for passing the unified state examination, they depend on the nature of the graduate's illness. So, for hearing impaired participants in the exam, the auditorium where the exam takes place is equipped with sound-amplifying equipment, and for completely deaf children they invite a sign language interpreter.

The organizers of the Unified State Exam should ensure the possibility of unimpeded access to classrooms, restrooms and other premises for disabled people with support. Examination points (PES) must have ramps, handrails, widened doorways, and elevators. If there is no lift, the auditorium is located on the ground floor.

By the way, about the points of the examinations. According to Rosobrnadzor, 5,576 PPEs have been organized this year, 66 of them abroad. For USE participants with disabilities, 14 more such points were organized in medical institutions and more than 300 PPEs at home.

Braille and electronic magnifier

How visually impaired people pass the exam, we asked Pavel Suvorov, director of the specialized (correctional) general education boarding school No. 2 in Moscow, to tell:

- I'll start with the innovation. In December last year, on the basis of our school, a joint coordination council was held on the organization of state final certification for children with disabilities. This council includes the State Duma's specialized committee on education, the leadership of Rosobornadzor, the Moscow Department of Education, heads of a number of specialized scientific institutions in the field of defectology and, of course, experts from schools in some regions of Russia. The issues of holding the Unified State Exam for visually impaired children were discussed. In particular, a number of details of the state final certification were clarified.

One of the results of that meeting concerns children who have recently become blind and have not yet mastered the bumpy tactile Braille. Rosobrnadzor listened to the opinions that were voiced at the council and issued updated methodological instructions for conducting state final certification for children with disabilities.

For example, visually impaired people are now allowed to use a computer with a speech synthesizer during the exam.

At the same meeting, the issue of additional coverage was also clarified. In particular, there was talk about the fact that it must necessarily be LED lamps, modern. Moreover, lamps, possibly with a dynamic change in lighting, which is important for some categories of people. Because there is photophobia, some other specific things that are quite difficult to take into account for non-specialists in this field.

It should be borne in mind that if a person is visually impaired, it is not at all necessary to give him a scaled control and measuring material (CMM). We are talking about forms with an enlarged font, which are distributed to our graduates.

However, some people find it convenient to write on small material, that is, on the usual form, like in other children, but at the same time use an electronic magnifying device. This is a monitor onto which an image is projected from an electronic magnifier installed directly in front of the text.

Such devices must be in the PES, where visually impaired children take exams. The presence of an assistant at the exam is also mandatory, who must help such an exam participant fill out all the forms.

As for the blind high school students, all the control and measuring material is translated into the relief-point tactile Braille. When passing the exam, a so-called typhlocommission is formed. This committee is made up of professionals who are proficient in Braille. And they convert the letterhead from the dotted braille to the usual form, to the graphic one.

In principle, Rosobrnadzor met halfway to the end and even organized the release of the USE test and measurement materials. That is, they produce some of the materials for the exam in braille.

This is a unique thing! It is not the school that translates on its own - they do it.

Rosobrnadzor, just like Mosobrnadzor, very seriously monitor the issues of passing the unified state examination for children with disabilities, which, of course, generally helps to reduce the segregation of disabled people in society as a whole.

Not all children are left-brain audials

Ekaterina Men. Photo: Deacon Andrei Radkevich

The president of the Center for Problems of Autism Yekaterina Men is less optimistic:

- On the one hand, indeed, it is possible through the PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical commission - ed.), get quite large concessions on a purely spatial, organizational part, get some kind of flexibility. That is, flexibility, which allows, for example, a child with autism, to somehow retire him. Or to keep tutoring with him so that the tutor (assistant) does not interfere in the exam passing process, but helps in some everyday matters. That is, to create such a disabled person conditions that would disturb him to the least degree.

But the problem is that didactics itself, that is, the control and measuring materials themselves, are not particularly flexible. I'm talking about the lack of variability in content ... Well, well, let's say you create conditions to minimize the child's purely exam stress. But if the material involves an appeal to some sides of the student ...

It's not even about his academic abilities, but about the content of the text - one that requires a special, typical perception. Or the complex content of the problem. That is, for example, in mathematics, we check not only mathematical actions, namely: from some problem, the setting of goals is isolated, which needs to be solved in order to get the correct answer. This whole context, relatively speaking, is difficult for an autistic, the meaning that is proposed in this task is incomprehensible to him.

It is assumed that you need to write the presentation by hand. But in the case of an autistic child, these can be two different tasks.

His writing function may lag behind, for example, and then he will not be able to write an exposition, because he lacks motor writing functions. And we will conclude that the child did not understand the text and could not write a presentation on it. But a child with autism can write well on the computer ...

Variants when some high-tech means of presenting what a child can do are used - they are not there either. That is, flexibility is required - precisely didactic, precisely meaningful, so that the child has all possible options for presenting his knowledge and skills. This also applies to children with motor disabilities, for example. That is, so that children could use the maximum number of devices, the maximum number of some modern devices ... They could type a sentence on a computer, on a tablet. These things do not exist!

And further. We want to check how the child understood the meaning of the text. That is, our task is to understand how he owns internal speech, because external speech in children with autism always lags behind internal.

If we do not give a large number of options, then how can he present what he can do? It will be very difficult for the child to do this. We really do not know, but what he mastered there, what he thinks. Well, that is, it is very difficult for us to assess his knowledge and the degree of his training in those subjects that we test.

Therefore, on the one hand, there is some progress; indeed, it is possible, for example, to agree on conditions. On the other hand, under these conditions, disabled children should still be like ordinary children.

Even if time is added to them, the tasks themselves do not change - they are the same as for other children. That is, didactically, internally, according to their cognitive meaningful logic, they do not change in any way. This means that they do not take into account how this child thinks.

There are fairly well-known studies that there are many learning modalities. There are audials, there are visuals, there are kinesthetics. And when they teach adults, everyone knows about it. When you go to some kind of training or learn a foreign language, all these features of yours are taken into account. It takes into account the fact that modality exists, that there is a leading channel for perceiving information.

Oddly enough, school programs do not take into account at all - who has a left hemispheric dominant, who has a right hemisphere. And research says that the entire typical school, the typical curriculum, is geared towards left-brain auditory children. If the child is an auditory (in his leading modality), if he is left-brain, then he is most likely to be a good student. Therefore, children who are lucky (they are left-brain and they perceive well through the auditory channel) pass the tests well, and the USE.

Few people think about this when we talk about neurotypical children, and in the case of mentalists, this is exacerbated. There are very few audials among autists, they are either visuals or kinaesthetics. And when we teach them, we take these things into account. We have programs, we teach them really through other approaches, through reliance on other sensory channels, on other types. And then they go to the exam ...

It is very difficult for them to pass, because these tests are also predominantly for left-hemispheric audials. The program does not take these features into account.

There must be many packages, many more CMM options

“The whole world is talking about this, we need to take into account the data of cognitive sciences, neurophysiological, about how the brain learns, how much it can hold attention,” continues Ekaterina Men. - Where does tutoring come from? The tutor also works with smart children. That is, for some reason, the school does not give a smart child, and the tutor (good tutor) simply individualizes the approach.

In other words, the school fails, not because it is bad or bad teachers, but because there is a standard that does not take into account the diversity of perceiving mechanisms (neurosensory, etc.).

We are not only talking about mentally retarded children or intellectual disabilities, we are talking about children who have pronounced features of the cognitive model. They think differently. There is nothing for them at all. And they, like a magnifying glass, highlight and enlarge it all. Therefore, there is such a phenomenon: good children from a good family for some reason show poor results in school.

In my opinion, the emergence of mental disabilities most clearly highlighted what needs to be done. And there is a lot to do. For example, in control and measuring materials (CMM), it is necessary to achieve flexibility not only at the level of quantitative adaptation: not five problems, but three, not three hours they solve, but four and a half. This is just one of the criteria. You need substantial flexibility.

There should be many packages. There should be many more options for CMMs. Now there are few of them. And there are few of them precisely at the didactic level, at the level of a meaningful approach. This is what we are talking about.

Conditions can be created. But under these conditions, the child will still write what is intended for people who think differently. Do you understand? He doesn't think so.

It is necessary in KIMs to achieve such flexibility that we can assume the greatest variety and presentation of tasks, and ways of expressing the child's answer.

For example, we have a non-verbal child. All the children write the essay "How I Spent the Summer", and this child makes a presentation. He is fluent in PowerPoint and has it on his computer. With the help of this program, the student prepares a presentation with photographs that he took on his phone or on his mother’s, writes something. That is, he is allowed to make a visual account of his summer. And this is accepted. And this is already a reliance on his strengths. He understands well himself in the computer, he can typeset the presentation, he can sign it with short sentences.

It is difficult to write an essay, because in principle he writes hard, he does not know writing well ... Well, he lacks motor skills in writing, and so on.

We can do this within the framework of our school, and when he goes to the exam, he has no such options. Nobody offers him a computer on which he could make a presentation on a specific assignment. That is, to make a project, show a project. And thus, it would be accepted as his exam assignment. That's what it is about.

Mental disability is not only related to intellectual disability. It is also associated with the peculiarities of thinking, perception, information processing. This is what mental characteristics are. Intelligence by itself may not decide anything.

And if you do not give enough means of expressing knowledge (or what the child has understood), you are driving his extremely narrow system. You are building a barrier - the child cannot fully present himself, show what he is capable of. And that's the problem.

"A spoonful of honey" in support of the exam

In order not to end this material on a minor note, let us return to our conversation with Pavel Suvorov, the director of the school where children with visual impairments study.

- Everyone has a very different attitude to the exam. Some people criticize this format of exams, they say, there is a lot of test material. Although the USE changes over time. I believe that the USE is a blessing for our children.

There were situations when our children came to the institute, passed their certificates, where it is written: "special (correctional) school", and then they were segregated. For example, they were not allowed to enter the entrance exams in some universities. Now, having the results of the exam, the child can go where he sees fit.

On a general basis, but with special conditions

First of all, it should be clarified: high school students with disabilities (HH) have a choice. Unlike ordinary graduates, they can refuse the USE (unified state exam) and take the GVE (state final exam).

What is the difference? In its form, the GVE is more similar to the exams of the last century - it is conducted by tickets, and not in the form of tests like the USE. According to experts, this option for passing exams is the most comfortable, especially for children with increased anxiety. However, the GVE has a big drawback: upon admission to universities, the results of this exam are not counted (unlike the Unified State Exam). That is, the entrance exams will have to be taken separately.

Another rule that applies to all graduates with disabilities: for them the duration of the exam is increased by an hour and a half. And the exam in a foreign language (in the "Speaking" section) - for another 30 minutes.

During the Unified State Exam for its participants with disabilities, meals and breaks are also provided for "to carry out the necessary medical and preventive measures."

As for the rest of the special conditions for passing the unified state examination, they depend on the nature of the graduate's illness. So, for hearing impaired participants in the exam, the auditorium where the exam takes place is equipped with sound-amplifying equipment, and for completely deaf children they invite a sign language interpreter.

The organizers of the Unified State Exam should ensure the possibility of unimpeded access to classrooms, restrooms and other premises for disabled people with support. Examination points (PES) must have ramps, handrails, widened doorways, and elevators. If there is no lift, the auditorium is located on the ground floor.

By the way, about the points of the examinations. According to Rosobrnadzor, 5,576 PPEs have been organized this year, 66 of them abroad. For USE participants with disabilities, 14 more such points were organized in medical institutions and more than 300 PPEs at home.

Braille and electronic magnifier

How visually impaired people pass the exam, we asked Pavel Suvorov, director of the specialized (correctional) general education boarding school No. 2 in Moscow, to tell:

- I'll start with the innovation. In December last year, on the basis of our school, a joint coordination council was held on the organization of state final certification for children with disabilities. This council includes the State Duma's specialized committee on education, the leadership of Rosobornadzor, the Moscow Department of Education, heads of a number of specialized scientific institutions in the field of defectology and, of course, experts from schools in some regions of Russia. The issues of holding the Unified State Exam for visually impaired children were discussed. In particular, a number of details of the state final certification were clarified.

One of the results of that meeting concerns children who have recently become blind and have not yet mastered the bumpy tactile Braille. Rosobrnadzor listened to the opinions that were voiced at the council and issued updated methodological instructions for conducting state final certification for children with disabilities.

For example, visually impaired people are now allowed to use a computer with a speech synthesizer during the exam.

At the same meeting, the issue of additional coverage was also clarified. In particular, there was talk about the fact that it must necessarily be LED lamps, modern. Moreover, lamps, possibly with a dynamic change in lighting, which is important for some categories of people. Because there is photophobia, some other specific things that are quite difficult to take into account for non-specialists in this field.

It should be borne in mind that if a person is visually impaired, it is not at all necessary to give him a scaled control and measuring material (CMM). We are talking about forms with an enlarged font, which are distributed to our graduates.

However, some people find it convenient to write on small material, that is, on the usual form, like in other children, but at the same time use an electronic magnifying device. This is a monitor onto which an image is projected from an electronic magnifier installed directly in front of the text.

Such devices must be in the PES, where visually impaired children take exams. The presence of an assistant at the exam is also mandatory, who must help such an exam participant fill out all the forms.

As for the blind high school students, all the control and measuring material is translated into the relief-point tactile Braille. When passing the exam, a so-called typhlocommission is formed. This committee is made up of professionals who are proficient in Braille. And they convert the letterhead from the dotted braille to the usual form, to the graphic one.

In principle, Rosobrnadzor met halfway to the end and even organized the release of the USE test and measurement materials. That is, they produce some of the materials for the exam in braille.

This is a unique thing! It is not the school that translates on its own - they do it.

Rosobrnadzor, just like Mosobrnadzor, very seriously monitor the issues of passing the unified state examination for children with disabilities, which, of course, generally helps to reduce the segregation of disabled people in society as a whole.

Not all children are left-brain audials

Ekaterina Men. Photo: Deacon Andrei Radkevich

The president of the Center for Problems of Autism Yekaterina Men is less optimistic:

- On the one hand, indeed, it is possible through the PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical commission - ed.), get quite large concessions on a purely spatial, organizational part, get some kind of flexibility. That is, flexibility, which allows, for example, a child with autism, to somehow retire him. Or to keep tutoring with him so that the tutor (assistant) does not interfere in the exam passing process, but helps in some everyday matters. That is, to create such a disabled person conditions that would disturb him to the least degree.

But the problem is that didactics itself, that is, the control and measuring materials themselves, are not particularly flexible. I'm talking about the lack of variability in content ... Well, well, let's say you create conditions to minimize the child's purely exam stress. But if the material involves an appeal to some sides of the student ...

It's not even about his academic abilities, but about the content of the text - one that requires a special, typical perception. Or the complex content of the problem. That is, for example, in mathematics, we check not only mathematical actions, namely: from some problem, the setting of goals is isolated, which needs to be solved in order to get the correct answer. This whole context, relatively speaking, is difficult for an autistic, the meaning that is proposed in this task is incomprehensible to him.

It is assumed that you need to write the presentation by hand. But in the case of an autistic child, these can be two different tasks.

His writing function may lag behind, for example, and then he will not be able to write an exposition, because he lacks motor writing functions. And we will conclude that the child did not understand the text and could not write a presentation on it. But a child with autism can write well on the computer ...

Variants when some high-tech means of presenting what a child can do are used - they are not there either. That is, flexibility is required - precisely didactic, precisely meaningful, so that the child has all possible options for presenting his knowledge and skills. This also applies to children with motor disabilities, for example. That is, so that children could use the maximum number of devices, the maximum number of some modern devices ... They could type a sentence on a computer, on a tablet. These things do not exist!

And further. We want to check how the child understood the meaning of the text. That is, our task is to understand how he owns internal speech, because external speech in children with autism always lags behind internal.

If we do not give a large number of options, then how can he present what he can do? It will be very difficult for the child to do this. We really do not know, but what he mastered there, what he thinks. Well, that is, it is very difficult for us to assess his knowledge and the degree of his training in those subjects that we test.

Therefore, on the one hand, there is some progress; indeed, it is possible, for example, to agree on conditions. On the other hand, under these conditions, disabled children should still be like ordinary children.

Even if time is added to them, the tasks themselves do not change - they are the same as for other children. That is, didactically, internally, according to their cognitive meaningful logic, they do not change in any way. This means that they do not take into account how this child thinks.

There are fairly well-known studies that there are many learning modalities. There are audials, there are visuals, there are kinesthetics. And when they teach adults, everyone knows about it. When you go to some kind of training or learn a foreign language, all these features of yours are taken into account. It takes into account the fact that modality exists, that there is a leading channel for perceiving information.

Oddly enough, school programs do not take into account at all - who has a left hemispheric dominant, who has a right hemisphere. And research says that the entire typical school, the typical curriculum, is geared towards left-brain auditory children. If the child is an auditory (in his leading modality), if he is left-brain, then he is most likely to be a good student. Therefore, children who are lucky (they are left-brain and they perceive well through the auditory channel) pass the tests well, and the USE.

Few people think about this when we talk about neurotypical children, and in the case of mentalists, this is exacerbated. There are very few audials among autists, they are either visuals or kinaesthetics. And when we teach them, we take these things into account. We have programs, we teach them really through other approaches, through reliance on other sensory channels, on other types. And then they go to the exam ...

It is very difficult for them to pass, because these tests are also predominantly for left-hemispheric audials. The program does not take these features into account.

There must be many packages, many more CMM options

“The whole world is talking about this, we need to take into account the data of cognitive sciences, neurophysiological, about how the brain learns, how much it can hold attention,” continues Ekaterina Men. - Where does tutoring come from? The tutor also works with smart children. That is, for some reason, the school does not give a smart child, and the tutor (good tutor) simply individualizes the approach.

In other words, the school fails, not because it is bad or bad teachers, but because there is a standard that does not take into account the diversity of perceiving mechanisms (neurosensory, etc.).

We are not only talking about mentally retarded children or intellectual disabilities, we are talking about children who have pronounced features of the cognitive model. They think differently. There is nothing for them at all. And they, like a magnifying glass, highlight and enlarge it all. Therefore, there is such a phenomenon: good children from a good family for some reason show poor results in school.

In my opinion, the emergence of mental disabilities most clearly highlighted what needs to be done. And there is a lot to do. For example, in control and measuring materials (CMM), it is necessary to achieve flexibility not only at the level of quantitative adaptation: not five problems, but three, not three hours they solve, but four and a half. This is just one of the criteria. You need substantial flexibility.

There should be many packages. There should be many more options for CMMs. Now there are few of them. And there are few of them precisely at the didactic level, at the level of a meaningful approach. This is what we are talking about.

Conditions can be created. But under these conditions, the child will still write what is intended for people who think differently. Do you understand? He doesn't think so.

It is necessary in KIMs to achieve such flexibility that we can assume the greatest variety and presentation of tasks, and ways of expressing the child's answer.

For example, we have a non-verbal child. All the children write the essay "How I Spent the Summer", and this child makes a presentation. He is fluent in PowerPoint and has it on his computer. With the help of this program, the student prepares a presentation with photographs that he took on his phone or on his mother’s, writes something. That is, he is allowed to make a visual account of his summer. And this is accepted. And this is already a reliance on his strengths. He understands well himself in the computer, he can typeset the presentation, he can sign it with short sentences.

It is difficult to write an essay, because in principle he writes hard, he does not know writing well ... Well, he lacks motor skills in writing, and so on.

We can do this within the framework of our school, and when he goes to the exam, he has no such options. Nobody offers him a computer on which he could make a presentation on a specific assignment. That is, to make a project, show a project. And thus, it would be accepted as his exam assignment. That's what it is about.

Mental disability is not only related to intellectual disability. It is also associated with the peculiarities of thinking, perception, information processing. This is what mental characteristics are. Intelligence by itself may not decide anything.

And if you do not give enough means of expressing knowledge (or what the child has understood), you are driving his extremely narrow system. You are building a barrier - the child cannot fully present himself, show what he is capable of. And that's the problem.

"A spoonful of honey" in support of the exam

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