Home Mushrooms Sage medicinal use. The healing properties of sage and contraindications for use: traditional methods of treatment. Salvia oil: treatment of foot fungus

Sage medicinal use. The healing properties of sage and contraindications for use: traditional methods of treatment. Salvia oil: treatment of foot fungus

Healers and witch doctors call sage a sacred herb. It is widely used in traditional medicine. But not everyone knows how to drink sage properly. After all, this plant is capable of bringing not only benefits, but also harm. For example, cause allergic reactions or reduce the amount of milk during lactation.

The benefits of sage

This plant contains organic acids, many vitamins, alkaloids, essential oils.

Knowing how to drink sage can cure many diseases and avoid side effects.

Sage is used for inflammatory diseases (tonsillitis), for the treatment of the respiratory system. The plant copes well with gastrointestinal diseases, helps with flatulence and acts as a laxative. This herb has a healing effect on the gums, curing their bleeding, swelling.

Sage contains phytohormones that resemble estrogens (female sex hormones). Therefore, it increases the chances of conception and promotes rejuvenation.

Such a decoction is useful for the elderly, it slows down age-related changes. For example, it removes senile tremors in the arms and legs, improves memory, and prevents baldness.

However, not everyone can take sage. You can not drink it to pregnant or lactating women, children under 2 years of age, patients with epilepsy, hypertension, nephritis.

How to take sage: teas, decoctions, tinctures

For medicinal purposes, you can use the plant in different dosage forms:

  • Tea. This is what the Chinese do. They brew the herb like a regular drink and drink a quarter of a glass right after a meal. By taking sage in this way, you can get rid of flatulence, cure bladder diseases, and improve immunity.
  • Broth. Pour the leaves of the plant with hot water and put in a water bath for half an hour. Cool and drain. Drink half a glass 3 times a day. This drink copes well with diseases of the nasopharynx. It can also be used for rinsing for dental diseases.
  • Infusion. Sage is poured with boiling water, the container is closed with a lid and allowed to brew for half an hour. It is used to treat ulcers, wounds that do not heal for a long time.

It is advisable not to consume large quantities of drinks. Overdose is fraught with headaches and intoxication of the body.

Since ancient times, sage treatment has relieved of many ailments. Salvia is a perennial plant with 500 varieties, most of which have medicinal properties. It grows everywhere, so there will be no problems with the collection of raw materials for harvesting for future use.

The ancestors used meadow sage, but in modern medicine, preference is given to the medicinal form of a natural healer, because it contains the most useful macro and microelements.

In this article, we will consider the medicinal properties of sage and contraindications for use.

What diseases does sage treat?

The plant is used not only in folk medicine, a large number of pharmaceutical preparations contain extract and sage oil in the composition.

Salvia leaves contain about 3% essential oil, folic acid, more than 4% tannins and 5-6% resinous substances, as well as vitamins P, A, C, E, K, B6, B2, B3 and PP. Its chemical composition includes flavonoids and triterpenic acids, which gives the plant the ability to cope with diseases of all body systems.

Traditional medicine

In pharmacology, sage is used everywhere, in preparations for various purposes:

  • Lozenges and cough tablets. It is prescribed for pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis. They have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. When resorbed, they disinfect the oral cavity, therefore they are suitable for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammation of the gums.
  • Essential oil of the nutmeg subspecies is prescribed for inhalation. Eliminates respiratory diseases, restores voice and relieves foci of mucosal inflammation. In case of malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, it is taken orally (2 drops per glass of warm water three times a day). In addition, it relaxes the nervous system, relieves hyperkinesis and normalizes blood pressure. Good for menopause (inhaling the scent is relaxing).
  • Alcohol tincture is indicated for use as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent for the healing of wounds and skin abscesses. Used to rinse the throat and mouth - strengthens the gums, stops bleeding and kills pathogenic bacteria.

Tea brewed from dry pharmaceutical raw materials with the addition of chamomile has an antiseptic effect, relieves throat diseases. To do this, mix a teaspoon of salvia and chamomile and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them, and then leave for 15 minutes. You need to take half a glass three times a day. This "tea leaves" can be used as a tonic for problem skin.


From our grandmothers, we got a lot of recipes for drugs based on a medicinal plant.

Sage preparations are used to make infusions and decoctions that help in getting rid of digestive problems, nervous disorders or kidney diseases. To prepare the broth, a teaspoon of sage is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and additionally boiled over high heat for one minute. Then the broth is infused and filtered, it is recommended to drink 50 ml three times a day.

The infusion is also made at home, but not boiled. A dry and crushed plant is poured with boiling water and infused for an hour. The latter is used in combination with drug treatment for flatulence, renal and hepatic failure, intestinal inflammation, gastritis, as well as with obstructed outflow of bile.

Sage for hemorrhoids is effective as a lotion in addition to the main treatment.

Treatment of health problems in men and women and contraindications for use

Salvia also has a healing effect on the reproductive system of male and female organisms.

Woman's health

Sage for women helps to get rid of inflammation of the internal organs of the small pelvis and acts as a natural hormonal preparation:

  • With menopause, it is taken internally in the form of drinking decoctions or infusions (relieves anxiety and irritability, normalizes sleep, and also stops the intense sweating characteristic of menopause).
  • Sage reduces breast milk production, which is why it is used by mothers who want to stop feeding. Therefore, with active lactation, it is forbidden to drink herbal infusions.

Despite the medicinal properties of sage, it also has contraindications for use. Application in gynecology is possible only after examination by a doctor and with his consent, since the plant actively produces estrogens in the body. If a woman's body has a deficiency of this hormone, salvia will help only in the first phase of the cycle (to accelerate the growth of the endometrium and follicles). In excess, it will lead to hormonal disruption.

When breastfeeding and during pregnancy, sage is used only externally. Drinking infusions even in small doses is prohibited, because the state of the already unbalanced hormonal background during this period of time worsens, which leads to irreversible consequences for the fetus and the woman.

Man's health

Clary sage increases libido as it is a natural aphrodisiac. For this, decoctions from crushed leaves or seeds are drunk in a long course. Sage for men is also prescribed for infertility, it has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. With prostatitis and inflammation of the prostate gland, enemas are prescribed from sage infusions.

Application by children

For children, sage for bronchitis or sore throats is used only with the permission of a pediatrician, because shock doses of salvia-based drugs lead to overexcitation or depression of the children's central nervous system, and disrupt digestion. There are no contraindications for external use (except for individual intolerance). Older children can gargle on their own with decoctions that relieve inflammation.

Babies are given non-concentrated infusions mixed with honey or boiled milk. In addition, sage oil is added to liquids for inhalation, which are allowed only with the agreement of a doctor. The fact is that a dry cough can be a symptom of laryngitis, not SARS.

With laryngitis, inhalation is prohibited, because the larynx narrows and leads to suffocation and spasmodic contractions of the bronchi.

Natural cosmetic

There are many options for using salvia in cosmetology - sprays and solutions, shampoos, creams and other care products.

Sage decoction qualitatively improves the condition of the hair - it fights dandruff, normalizes the oiliness of the scalp and promotes hair growth. It is used in the form of rinses, masks or balms.

Field sage for facial skin is famous for its antiseptic effect. Suitable for the treatment of acne (decoctions and tinctures). Compresses made from them relieve puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.


Even in cooking, sage has taken its place. The plant has a pungent spicy taste and smell, so it is used as a seasoning for salads and main dishes. Lemon sage is used in confectionery, for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages and canned food.

It doesn't matter for what purpose you use the plant in question, the main thing is not to overdo it, because excess is also harmful to health.

Salvia officinalis is a herb of the Lamiaceae family.
The botanical name is Salvia officinalis.

Sage or Salvia is a perennial up to 75 cm tall. The root is ligneous, branched, with a dense lobe of thin roots in the lower part. Stems are numerous, tetrahedral, densely leafy, woody at the roots. Leaves are opposite, petiolate, whole, oblong-ovate or oblong, young - white-tomentose with a crenate at the edge of the blade.

Sage flowers are irregular, double-lipped, blue-violet, pink or white, collected in whorls, forming racemose inflorescences at the ends of the branches. The fruit is four-nut, remaining in the cup.

It blooms in the second year of the growing season from late May to July. Sage is a thermophilic plant, therefore it freezes completely in harsh and snowless winters, but it tolerates drought well and does not like excess moisture.

Sage is a medicinal native of Italy, it is not found in the wild on the territory of Russia.

Sage is cultivated in southern Europe, Krasnodar Territory, Ukraine, and Crimea. It grows in vegetable gardens, orchards, in summer cottages, as a cultivated or feral plant. Sage leaves have a strong odor and a bitter-spicy taste. The leaves and tops of the plant are used to prepare medicines.

Collection and procurement

Sage leaves are harvested from the flowering period to September, cutting at a height of 10 cm from the ground, separated from the stems, spread in a thin layer and dried in the shade with good ventilation or in dryers with a temperature of 40-45 ° C. The raw material is re-collected after plant regrowth. Salvia officinalis is stored in closed glass jars for 1 year.

Biochemical composition and medicinal properties

The composition of sage leaves: flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and resinous substances, organic acids (oleanolic, ursolic, chlorogenic, etc.), vitamins P and PP, bitterness, phytoncides, as well as a significant amount of essential oil containing pinene, cineole, thujone, borneol, salvene and other terpene compounds.

The highest content of essential oil in the fruiting phase, and tannins - in autumn (October, November).

Sage leaves are astringent, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, emollient and hemostatic. The plant is used for rinsing with bleeding and inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, bronchitis, sore throat, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Sage is preferable to St. John's wort in cases of suppuration of the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth. The astringent and anti-microbial action of sage is used to suppress coccal infections, mainly associated with staphylococci.

Sage is considered an excellent tonic and remedy that will help to cope with profuse sweating and stomach cramps, female infertility and diabetes mellitus.

As a medicinal raw material, sage is used for the manufacture of the drug "Salvin", which is used for rinsing in inflammatory processes in the throat and mouth. Can be used for this and infusion of sage leaves. The herbal antibiotic salvin contained in them is active against streptococci and staphylococci.

Sage essential oil possesses antibacterial activity, high wound-healing ability and is equal in effectiveness to Vishnevsky's ointment. Oil is used to successfully treat burns and ulcers that do not heal for a long time, stomatitis and gingivitis.

Sage concentrate obtained after processing raw materials is used to treat chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system (sciatica, sciatica).

Application in traditional medicine

Sage is used in folk medicine for angina, stomatitis, laryngitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, edema, polyarthritis, atherosclerosis, radiculitis, as well as gynecological diseases in the form of douching. Sage is also used for peptic ulcer disease, gastrointestinal inflammation, colitis, gastritis, liver and kidney disease, as well as for the treatment of purulent wounds.

The antiperspirant effect of this plant has long been noticed, which occurs relatively quickly after taking sage tea or tincture and reaches a maximum after 2 hours. The inhibition of perspiration sometimes lasts all day. The most effective sage is considered for night sweats in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

Inside, tea from the leaves is prescribed for chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the renal pelvis. In pure form and in mixture with other herbs, sage is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder, as a diuretic, carminative, choleretic and astringent.

In bronchial asthma, sage leaves are smoked along with dope leaves. He can also provide valuable assistance to women during lactation. Sage tea or tincture, consumed for several days as directed by a doctor, stops lactation.

The beneficial properties of sage may also be necessary for men. A decoction and infusion from the sage plant is an excellent tool for strengthening hair follicles, which can significantly slow down the balding process, and sometimes even stop it altogether.

These properties are used in perfumery - sage extract is present in many shampoos.

As an external remedy, sage preparations are used for festering wounds (in the form of an infusion), for thrush in children.

For flux, toothache, gum and throat disease, a mixture of two decoctions is good: from sage (5 g per 1 glass of water) and oak bark (5 g per 1 glass of water). The broths are filtered and mixed. The resulting mixture is used for hot rinsing.

With inflammation of the respiratory organs (bronchi, pharynx, tonsils), sage inhalations work well. To do this, boil a handful of sage herbs in an enamel bowl over low heat for 4 minutes, then breathe over this broth, covered with a towel.

Sage for infertility

I. Bock, in his 1577 herbalist, recommends sage as a means of increasing female fertility and as an aphrodisiac for cold women. As modern studies have shown, in their structure, sage phytohormones are similar to female sex hormones - estrogens and therefore exhibit a similar effect in the body. Sage is used in the initial phases of the climacteric period to eliminate hormonal deficiency and emotional disorders, as well as in premenstrual syndrome.

For the treatment of infertility, experts advise taking sage in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle immediately after the end of menstruation - from about 5 to 15 days (before ovulation begins). If menstruation is absent for a long time, then you can start taking sage any day, but the 1st day of intake will be considered the 5th day of the cycle.

The recommended way of taking in this case: a tablespoon of dry sage leaves or a pharmacy bag in a glass of hot water, insist for 15 minutes, filter. Take before meals for 20 minutes three or four times a day. A new portion of the infusion is prepared for each day.

It is not recommended to take sage at the same time as hormonal drugs. After 1-3 cycles, you need to go to an ultrasound scan and evaluate its effect on the body. The course of treatment with sage should be carried out no longer than three months, and the repeated course, if necessary, should be started no earlier than one month after the end of the previous one.

If the use of sage causes discomfort or allergic reactions, you should stop taking it immediately. Do not forget that it is advisable to consult a gynecologist or phytotherapist before using the plant for the treatment of infertility.

Sage while breastfeeding

To stop lactation, women often begin to use infusions and decoctions of certain medicinal herbs. During lactation, sage should not be drunk, since this plant adversely affects the milk production process.

But, if you want to reduce its amount, and over time expect milk to disappear completely, on the contrary, sage is ideal for you to stop lactation, which has long and successfully been used by women for these purposes.

In this case, you can use a decoction, infusion or sage tea. With regular use of the product, milk will not form at all in the mammary glands after 2-3 days. To prepare a drink, 2 tbsp. l. pour dry herbs with 1.5 cups of boiling water, wrap well in a warm towel and leave to infuse for an hour.

You can use sage oil to stop lactation, which allows you to stop the process of producing breast milk as soon as possible and prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the breast.

To apply a compress on the mammary glands, sage, cypress, geranium and mint oil is used, which should be taken in 2-3 drops. Mix them with 25 g of vegetable oil, moisten gauze in the prepared product and apply to the chest, withstand the compress for an hour and a half a day.

If you buy sage tincture at a pharmacy and use it 6 times a day, you can significantly reduce the amount of milk, and after a few days it will not be at all. To do this, you need to dilute 50-60 drops in a glass of water and drink it regardless of the meal. Sage can be combined with other anti-lactation products such as walnut leaves or hop cones.

Recipes for decoction, infusion and alcohol tincture of sage

Sage tea(inside): 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials for 1 glass of boiling water, insist for 1 hour, then strain. Take for gastritis with low and normal acidity, and colitis, 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

Sage broth(inside): 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dried leaves with 1 glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Then they insist for 20-30 minutes, filter and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Broth (concentrated, for rinsing): 3 tbsp. tablespoons of raw materials in 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, drain.

Alcoholic sage tincture: 3 tbsp. Insist tablespoons of crushed leaves in 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol or vodka for 1 month, in the sun, in a tightly sealed container. Take 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach with water. Elderly people are also advised to drink it to stimulate the nervous system and treat atherosclerosis.

Sage wine: sage leaves - 80 g, grape wine - 1 l. Insist 8 days. This wine is recommended to be taken after meals for the elderly as a stimulant, 20-30 ml.

Sage - contraindications

Do not take it in excessive doses and for longer than 3 months, as it can irritate the mucous membranes. Do not use for epilepsy, acute kidney inflammation and severe cough, as well as during pregnancy, breastfeeding and acute nephritis.

Based on materials:
1. Maznev NI Golden book of medicinal plants / NI Maznev. - 15th ed., Add. - M .: LLC "ID RIPOL Classic", LLC Publishing house "DOM. XXI century ", 2008. - 621 p.
2. Maznev N. I. Travnik / N. I. Maznev. - M .: OOO "Gamma Press 2000", 2001. - 512 p. from Fig.
3. Tovstukha Є. S. Phytotherapy / Є. S. Tovstukha. - K .: I am healthy, 1990. - 304 p., Il., 6.55 ark. Il.
4. Chukhno T. Big encyclopedia of medicinal plants / T. Chukhno. - M .: Eksmo, 2007 .-- 1024 p.

Sage leaves are a herbal medicinal product with antimicrobial effect, as well as anti-inflammatory effect, used in ENT practice.

What are the composition and form of release of the medicine "Sage Leaves"?

The pharmaceutical industry produces a phytopreparation in plant raw materials, it is crushed, packed in paper bags in the amount of 50 grams, which, in turn, are sealed in cardboard packages. It is worth saying that the leaves of this representative of the flora have a strong aroma, they taste spicy and slightly bitter.

On the packaging with the herbal remedy Sage Leaves, you can see the date of manufacture of the phytopreparation, in addition, at the end of the box, the implementation period is visualized, it is one and a half years, after this time it is contraindicated to use the raw material, as it will lose its medicinal effect.

Place paper bags with a herbal remedy in a dark place, in addition, high humidity should not be allowed, otherwise the phyto-remedy may become moldy and deteriorate. Sage leaves are a drug sold over the counter.

What is the effect of Sage Leaves?

Herbal remedy Sage Leaves is intended for the preparation of a healing infusion, which has a number of medicinal effects: antimicrobial, astringent, and anti-inflammatory. These effects are justified by the substances contained in the leaves, among them: essential oil, salvene, thujone, cineole, bitterness are present, and some alkaloids have also been identified.

In addition, tannins are present in the leaves, there are resins, a certain amount of phytoncides, as well as acids, in particular, ursolic and oleic acids, as well as antibiotics of plant origin, which suppress the reproduction of bacterial flora, destroy fungi and protozoa.

What are the beneficial properties of Sage Leaves?

Sage leaves have been used quite widely in folk medicine for quite some time, since this representative of the flora has useful properties, this plant can rightfully be called a natural healer.

First of all, due to the presence of phytohormones, sage is useful for women's health, it is prescribed for the fair sex during menopause, in the presence of the so-called hot flashes, since the plant contributes to a smoother course of this period. Traditional healers use the plant to treat infertility and some gynecological diseases.

In addition, the beneficial properties of sage are also manifested in some diseases of the respiratory system, since the components present in the plant have an expectorant effect, respectively, sage leaves are part of some herbal preparations used to treat bronchitis.

The plant has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat sore throat, pharyngitis, inflammatory diseases of the gums and skin. Due to the phytoncide of salvin, sage inactivates pathogenic bacteria, and also deodorizes the oral cavity, in addition, gives freshness to the breath.

Sage has a beneficial effect on the work of the brain, improves memory and thought processes, it will not be superfluous to use this herb with increased mental stress.

The beneficial properties of sage also manifest themselves in cosmetic practice, in particular, masks and baths prepared on the basis of the leaves of this plant are used in the presence of acne, as a result, after a certain number of procedures, the skin becomes smooth and silky.

The tannins present in sage leaves help heal dandruff. For this purpose, it is necessary to rinse the hair after washing with the infusion of this medicinal herb, as a result, they will become more shiny and healthy, and their growth will also be stimulated.

A compress made from infusion of medicinal sage will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes, in addition, the look will become more radiant.

What are the indications for the "Sage Leaves" medicine?

An infusion prepared from the leaves of this medicinal plant is indicated for use in inflammatory pathology of the oral cavity, in particular, the drug is prescribed for gingivitis and stomatitis, in addition, as a rinse, the drug is used for diseases of the larynx and pharynx, for example, for pharyngitis and sore throat.

What are the contraindications for the use of sage leaves plant materials?

I will list when the drug "Sage Leaves" instructions for use prohibit the use for treatment:

Hypersensitivity to the herbal preparation, namely to its components;
During the lactation period;
Do not prescribe sage infusion until the age of twelve;
With reduced thyroid function;
During pregnancy;
With severe kidney damage.

With care, the herbal remedy Sage leaves are prescribed to persons with low blood pressure.

What are the use and dosage of the raw material "Sage Leaves"?

Shredded raw materials from sage leaves are used to prepare a medicinal infusion. It is worth noting that the infusion is recommended to be used in a warm form, while it is recommended to shake it up beforehand, since plant raw materials can give a slight sediment, which is not a deviation from the norm.

You can store the finished dosage form for no more than two days in cool conditions, for example, you can use the refrigerator chamber. So, how to prepare an infusion of sage leaves, which recipe to use?

Infusion of sage leaves

It is necessary to take ten grams of the phytopreparation and place it in a container, usually enamel or glass dishes are used, where boiling water is then poured in a dosage of two hundred milliliters.

The resulting mixture must be placed in a previously prepared water bath, while the container is covered with a lid and left to languish on the gas stove for no more than fifteen minutes. If necessary, you can stir it, or not very tightly cover the container with a lid so that the drug does not boil away.

After a quarter of an hour, it is recommended to remove the container from the water bath. Then the infusion must be cooled. After forty-five minutes, it will become warm and you can start filtering it. In order to filter the dosage form, a sieve with a fine nozzle should be used, or use a double-folded gauze, after which the remaining raw materials are well squeezed out and discarded.

The volume of the resulting infusion, prepared from the herbal preparation Sage Leaves, is recommended to be brought to 200 milliliters; for this purpose, the required amount of boiled water is added to it. The resulting phytopreparation is applied locally, carrying out the usual rinsing of the mouth and throat.

For the purpose of rinsing, you should use about half a glass of the herbal remedy, or use 200 milliliters of infusion, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process. This procedure is carried out three to five times a day. Typically, a therapeutic course lasts one or two weeks.

Overdose from infusion "Sage Leaves"

So far, there have been no data on overdose of herbal remedies Sage Leaves. In case of accidental ingestion of the infusion inside in large quantities, it is necessary to urgently proceed to gastric lavage. If the patient's condition then begins to deteriorate, an urgent need to call a doctor.

What are the side effects of the herbal remedy "Sage Leaves"?

When using the infusion, in some situations, side effects may develop, mainly expressed in the form of allergic reactions. In this case, it is worth refraining from further use of the phytopreparation. Editorial staff of the website www.! After reading this instruction for use, also carefully study the official paper annotation offered to the drug. It may contain additions at the time the funds are released.

Special conditions

It is necessary to adhere to the storage conditions of herbal remedies, which are indicated in the instructions for the preparation, be sure to place the ready-made infusion for storage in a cool place.

How to replace the phytopreparation "Sage Leaves", which analogs to use?

Herbal remedy Sage leaf filter bags are analogous.


Since ancient times, this representative of the flora has been used as a medicinal plant that has many beneficial properties. In addition, the phytopreparation Sage Leaves is now often used as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.

Plant photos

Medicinal properties

Application. Sage treatment

Sage herb infusion

Sage with milk

Sage extract alcohol

Sage essential oil

Sage with menopause

Sage gargle

Sage for hair

Contraindications Precautionary measures

Today, dear readers, I would like to introduce you to medicinal sage, a herb that has been widely used in folk medicine since the time of Hippocrates due to its unique medicinal properties. Probably, many of us associate the name of this herb with throat diseases. Remember the drugstore lozenges, sage tablets that we buy if we have a sore throat? But is it only for such health problems that we can use sage? Today I propose to talk about the medicinal properties of sage and contraindications.

Sage belongs to the family of clarets and many of its species grow in nature. In ancient times, meadow sage was used for medicinal purposes, which still grows everywhere. However, medicinal sage is recognized and used by official medicine, which in our country does not occur in natural conditions, but is only cultivated for medical purposes and which is successfully grown by owners of garden plots. Salvia officinalis is very decorative, has a pleasant aroma and is quite appropriate in flower beds next to other flowering plants. Today we will talk about it.

Sage. Plant photos

Let's see what sage herb looks like.

Salvia officinalis. Medicinal properties

Sage strengthens the nerves and soothes the tremors of the hands,
And fever to expel even acute he is in a state.
You are our savior, sage, and a helper given by nature ...
Ruta, and with her they drive the wine intoxication,
Add a flower to a rose and love pains will subside.

This is a quote from the Salerno Code of Health, which was compiled by the famous physician and alchemist of the early Middle Ages, Arnold of Villanova.

The medicinal properties of medicinal sage are used both in folk and official medicine. Essential oils, resins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids were found in the composition of the sage herb. In addition, sage contains vitamins P, C, B1, niacin, as well as camphor, tannins. Sage also contains a large amount of calcium, magnesium and much more.

Sage is also rich in folic acid, which we need for blood formation and prevention of atherosclerosis.

Sage leaves and flowers have many medicinal properties, among which the following important properties can be distinguished:

  • pain relievers,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • disinfectants,
  • diuretics,
  • astringent,
  • expectorant
  • antipyretic,
  • hemostatic.

Sage herb is a powerful antiseptic

The anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic properties of medicinal sage allow it to be used in the treatment of diseases of the throat, oral cavity, skin and upper respiratory tract. Sage is a powerful antiseptic, this herb is able to cope with various pathogenic microorganisms and fungal infections, it is active against streptococci and staphylococci.

Healing properties of sage for the entire gastrointestinal tract

As part of many collections aimed at treating the digestive system, sage can be found, it increases the secretory function of the stomach, has a therapeutic effect in colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, liver, gall bladder and kidney diseases.

Promote overall health and especially women's health

In folk medicine, sage herb is used in the treatment of female diseases and infertility, sage preparations increase libido, rejuvenate the female body. Due to the presence of female hormones in the composition of sage leaves, which are similar in action to estrogens, sage is widely used to relieve painful symptoms in menopause. In addition, sage preparations improve memory and strengthen the immune system.

Sage can also help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
I suggest watching a video of what doctors say about the beneficial and medicinal properties of sage herb.

Sage herb. Application. Sage treatment

Sage herb is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, essential oils, alcoholic tinctures. In addition to its medical use, sage is also used in cooking and cosmetology. The sage scent is interesting - it's a mixture of mint and rosemary.

In cooking, sage is added to salads, it goes well with meat, vegetables, pickles, drinks. It is also used in baking. The most important thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the food may become bitter.

Let's take a look at the basic sage recipes for our health and beauty. How to take sage?

Sage decoction recipe ... The most traditional use of sage is its decoction, which is usually prepared in a water bath, for which two tablespoons of dry sage herb must be put into a small saucepan and filled with a full glass of boiled hot water. Cover the saucepan and place in a larger bowl or saucepan with boiling water. In a water bath, the composition is heated for 15 minutes, then it must be cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes. Strain the broth, squeeze the remaining mass and add boiled water to the volume of a full glass.

Store the broth for no more than a day in the refrigerator, before use it must be warmed up. Use for rinsing, compresses and lotions. A decoction is used for sessile baths for hemorrhoids.

Sage herb infusion

For internal use, sage infusion is more suitable, it has a lower concentration compared to the decoction and has a softer effect.

Sage infusion recipe:

For infusion, we traditionally take a tablespoon of dry raw materials and fill it with a glass of boiling water, insist for 30 - 40 minutes and take it orally for stomach diseases with low acidity, for bronchitis and tracheitis as an expectorant, for flatulence and for better discharge of bile in case of liver problems and gallbladder. Take an infusion from one tablespoon to 1/4 cup before meals several times a day.

Sage with milk

For diseases of the lungs and bronchi, a tablespoon of sage can be brewed not with water, but with boiling milk and, after insisting, taken warm, adding a teaspoon of honey.

Sage extract alcohol

Alcohol tinctures are also prepared from sage, which have a rather long shelf life. At home, you can prepare a sage tincture on vodka, for which three tablespoons of dry grass pour 1/2 liter of vodka and insist in a dark place in a sealed container for 12-14 days, shaking occasionally. Strain and take a teaspoon once a day after meals for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

On the basis of sage extract, lollipops, lozenges and lozenges are made and sold in the pharmacy, which very effectively cope with throat diseases, the main condition is to start taking them at the very beginning of the disease.

Sage essential oil

Sage essential oil can be bought at the pharmacy, it is used only externally in cosmetology, for the treatment of acne, for baths, rinses and compresses. Sage oil occupies a special place in aromatherapy, as it has a relaxing effect and is able to relieve stress and tension. It is enough to drop 1 - 2 drops into the aroma lamp to feel the relaxing effect of sage.

It is useful to scent a room with sage essential oil during an outbreak of colds. The high concentration of sage in the oil helps to effectively deal with viruses and bacteria.

To prepare lotions and compresses in 1/2 glass of water, dilute 5 drops of sage essential oil, apply for sprains, bruises, bruises, joint pains.

Sage with menopause

It is not for nothing that sage is considered a female herb, it contains a large amount of natural estrogens - female sex hormones that support a woman's health. In a very difficult climacteric period for a woman, when the level of hormones decreases, heart failure occurs, problems with the bladder appear, sweating increases, accompanied by the so-called "hot flashes". Sage in these cases can significantly alleviate the condition of a woman.

If you feel unwell during menopause, prepare an infusion of dry sage leaves. For infusion, boil two glasses of water, add 1/2 tablespoon of sage, leave under the lid to infuse for 20 minutes, then strain. You need to take such an infusion in a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Sage essential oil will help a woman relieve stress and fatigue, relieve blues, and reduce stress. Just put a few drops of oil in a bath of water and lie down for 10 minutes, completely relaxing. You can also use an aroma lamp, especially after a working day, as the sage scent is recommended for relaxation.

Sage gargle

Sage is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, so a sage decoction is recommended by official medicine for rinsing for various infectious diseases of the oral cavity. Sage broth, acting on the site of inflammation, relieves pain, reduces inflammation and swelling.

Broths of sage for rinsing are used for stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, at the first sign of gumboil, after tooth extraction. I remember how my grandfather suffered with gums, there were often fluxes, and my grandmother often brewed sage for him.

Sage is also very effective for throat diseases, sage broth helps in the treatment of angina, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and hoarseness of the voice. You need to gargle your throat 4 - 6 times a day with warm broth. Sometimes such rinsing is enough to relieve painful symptoms, especially if you start treatment at the very beginning of the disease.

Sage herb is widely used in the complex treatment of skin diseases such as

  • neurodermatitis,
  • eczema,
  • psoriasis,
  • acne,
  • purulent wounds
  • burns,
  • frostbite.

Sage broth relieves inflammation and itching, cleanses the skin, promotes early wound healing and skin regeneration. Sage herb is also used for facial skin care.

If you have acne pinpoint application of sage essential oil will help, it dries pimples, relieves inflammation, kills microbes.

For dry skin Prepare a mask with a tablespoon of oatmeal (you can grind oatmeal), a tablespoon of natural fatty yogurt, cream or sour cream. Add 2 drops of sage essential oil to the mixture. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

For oily skin you can recommend a tonic of sage leaves and flowers, for this, prepare an infusion of one spoonful of dry sage herb and 1/2 cup of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, strain it, add natural apple cider vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio and wipe your face twice a day. You need to store such a tonic in the refrigerator.

Sage for hair

Broths and infusions of sage herbs strengthen hair, eliminate dandruff, relieve inflammation on the scalp, reduce oiliness, so they can be used to rinse hair after washing.

For rinsing, both fresh and dried sage herb is used, you can use an infusion or decoction. To prepare an infusion of fresh herbs, pour a glass of fresh finely chopped leaves with flowers with a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, filter and use to rinse your hair.

After washing your hair with your usual shampoo, pour over the sage infusion several times over your head, squeeze the hair with your hands and cover your head with a towel for a few minutes. Then rinse your hair with clean warm water. Be aware that sage can stain clothing, so take precautions.

For better hair growth and strengthening, you can use sage essential oil. Add 2-3 drops of sage oil to a tablespoon of olive oil and massage the hair roots with this mixture for half an hour before washing your hair.

Sage. Contraindications Precautionary measures

If you are ingesting sage infusion for the first time, then first of all you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to this herb. Perform a skin test first, and start ingestion with minimal doses, literally half a teaspoon for the first and subsequent intake. If everything is in order, you can start treatment.

When taking sage preparations inside, it is necessary to observe moderation and not exceed the dosage. Typically, the course of treatment is from one week to a month, if necessary, it can be repeated after a significant break.

Sage should not be used for pregnant and lactating women; ingestion of its preparations is contraindicated with low blood pressure and decreased thyroid function, with nephritis, with epilepsy, and coughing with a large amount of sputum.

Children under 12 years of age are not recommended to take sage inside, only externally and only in the absence of a hypersensitivity reaction.

Here is some information about the medicinal properties and contraindications of sage. They say that seeing sage in a dream is a sign of good luck in business and love. I wish you dream about him. And I also wish everyone health, good mood and simple joys in life.
Apply recipes from nature with wisdom. Always take breaks from treatment and watch carefully for precautions and contraindications.

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