Home Mushrooms How many Eminem gathers people at concerts. The biggest concerts in the world over the years. The biggest rap concerts in the world

How many Eminem gathers people at concerts. The biggest concerts in the world over the years. The biggest rap concerts in the world

Eminem is known to have hit the Guinness Book of Records for "Rap God" and his Marshall Mathers LP, but not everyone knows that he has 11 world records in total!

You can see the list below (all information provided is taken from the official Guinness World Records website).

1 fastest-selling hip-hop album in the UK in its first week

The Eminem Show sold 315,000 copies in its first week of release in the UK in June 2002. This was his second # 1 album in Britain. No other hip-hop artist has ever done it.

2. The best-selling artist of the 21st century (USA)

Rapper Eminem is the top-selling artist in the United States from 2000 to 2010. The total number of sold albums of the artist is 32,241,000 copies.

3 fastest selling artist

The Marshall Mathers LP sold 1.76 million copies in its first week of release in the United States in May 2000.

4.Largest number of consecutive US # 1 debuts as a solo artist

Eminem debuted at # 1 on Billboard 200's Best Albums six times in a row: The Marshall Mathers LP 2000, The Eminem Show 2002, Encore 2004, Curtain Calls: The Hits 2005, Relapse 2009, Recovery 2010.

5.Largest number of consecutive US # 1 albums as a solo artist

Eminem topped the list of best albums six times in a row, from 2000 to 2010: The Marshall Mathers LP 2000, The Eminem Show 2002, Encore 2004, Curtain Calls: The Hits 2005, Relapse 2009, Recovery 2010.

6. Britain's most successful hip-hop artist

The sixth track No. 1 "Like Toy Soldiers" in February 2005 helped the artist break another record on the UK charts. Overall, the hip-hop artist topped the Top 10 16 times by the end of 2005

7 most words in a single

"Rap God" contains 1560 words, which are performed by the artist in 6 minutes 4 seconds - 4.28 words per second! The track debuted at # 5 on the UK main charts on October 26, 2013, and at # 7 on the US Billboard Hot 100 on November 2, 2013. It was the artist's seventh debut on the Billboard Hot 100 Top 10.

8. Rapper with most # 1 albums in the UK

The artist's six albums topped the country's main charts, where for 23 weeks in total they maintained this position - an achievement that no American artist of the 21st century has been able to repeat. The rapper's most successful album was Recovery, which was # 1 for 6 weeks - the UK record for hip-hop albums.

9. Largest vocabulary

Eminem has the largest vocabulary - 8,818 words used by the artist in the 100 longest tracks. The full list looks like this: Eminem 8818, Jay Z 6899, 2Pac 6569, Kanye West 5069, Bob Dylan 4883, The Black Eyed Peas 4539, Julio Iglesias 4323, Andrea Bocelli 4306, B'z 3959, Celine Dion 3954. Data for 2015 by Musixmatch

10. The largest number of "likes" on Facebook (among men)

90,634,005 likes on the official Facebook page - the result as of May 11, 2017 - the absolute record holder among the male half of the music industry representatives on social networks. Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley follow by a wide margin. The rapper is ranked second (after Shakira) in the overall rating of musicians by "likes" on Facebook and third (after Cristiano Ronaldo and Vin Diesel) among all male celebrities.

11. Fastest climb in the Hot 100

On October 14, 2006, the track "Smack That" featuring Akon moved up from 95th to 7th, jumping a record 88 on the charts.

October 12, 2017 9:53 pm

This love happened to me back in 2003. Then the "Grammy" award was shown on Channel One.

I saw him perform with the song "Lose Yourself" and since then I have dearly loved Eminem. I must say that apart from him I have no idols and never had.

If anyone is interested, here's the talk:

For many years I have been waiting for his performance in Moscow, but I never got it.

In recent years, Em does not give concerts, only performs at festivals and only once a year.

When his performances in the UK were announced in March, I knew it was time!

There were three performances in total: the Reading & Leeds festival, respectively, one performance in Reading, the other in Leeds. Third Glasgow Summer Sessions in Glasgow, Scotland.

I simply did not have time to buy a ticket for Reading - they were dismantled in one week of sales. I was choosing between Leeds and Glasgow for a long time, and in the end I chose Glasgow.
I didn't take pictures of my ticket, but it looked exactly the same.

I think it was the best decision I could make. This is an incredible city.

Scotland is generally wonderful, mysterious and unique. It is just made for walking, thinking, hot coffee, warm blanket and just for pleasure.

But this was a lyrical digression.

So, the concert. The organizers were tormented by waiting for tickets until August. But then they made themselves felt in full. Detailed rules of conduct, schedule of performances, list of things unacceptable for bringing into the park, rules for drinking alcohol and how to get and how to leave the festival were sent to the post office.

Organizationally, the preparation was impeccable.

On day X we went by bus to the territory of Bellahouston Park. It was fenced off from all sides with fences and before the specified time we were not allowed into the park.

There was a huge stage in the park. There were small food outlets around where you could have expensive and tasteless food (well, or I was not lucky, I don’t know ...), there was also a point of sale for collections of T-shirts from Eminema. Separately, at a short distance, there was an open bar where you could buy alcohol. On the way to the bar, our passports were checked (this is strictly everywhere).

The people quietly began to approach the stage. It was 5pm and Eminem was scheduled to leave at 9pm. But still the places had to be occupied.

The first to enter the stage was the performer Russ. He sang a couple of interesting songs, but by the end of his performance, either the songs got worse, or they were all alike - the people got bored. Russ fueled the crowd by revealing that he himself is a huge fan of Eminem. As you can imagine, the word "Eminem" had the strongest impact on the crowd.

I hardly remember the performances of Danny and Run the Jewels. By this time, I was already very tired of standing on my feet in the rain. I did not say? It seems like it's always raining in Glasgow. I was told earlier about rainy London, but during the time that I was there, it was sunny and warm. And Glasgow is another matter entirely. The rain there periodically subsided and started all over again - and so on all the time.

It rained almost all the time during the concert. ( By the way, it was forbidden to carry an umbrella. But as you can imagine, there were craftsmen all the same. But I decided to keep the face of my country and did not break the rules ) .

Over time, you get so used to the rain that sometimes it became unclear whether it was coming or had already stopped.

The lawn looked like a swamp. You step - and it is as if you are falling into muddy water. In general, all fashionable foreigners who arrived in white shoes (like me) or in fabric sneakers had to suffer a little at the concert))). But the locals were all in high rubber boots (and the women, among other things, in short skirts. I looked with horror at their bare legs, and shivered from the cold in my jeans. However, they must be hardened ... Georgik wears shorts) - and nothing).

So, by the time Run the Jewels played, the crowd pressure was felt. Arrogant people tried to crawl forward, which they often succeeded. The crush began to be felt more strongly. Add drunken youth to that.

Oooh, this youth deserves a separate description. A thick layer of makeup on young faces is generously powdered and sprinkled on top with all kinds of glitters and rhinestones. Makeup exclusively in bright shades (not any 50 shades of gray) - bright purple shadows turning into yellow, bright blue (hello to my childhood) and always long glued eyelashes. And these ladies, also clearly in alcoholic intoxication, jumped, shouted, squealed, climbed on the necks of their guys (if they were not in the women's company). In this crowd, they still managed to smoke and dance, waving their arms in different directions. The guys did not lag behind them in anything. Several times I poked the guy next door with my elbow - he jumped and yelled so hard that he touched me in the process. I must say, he didn’t even notice my jabs.
(The makeup was the same as we saw at the races, there were only hats and dresses. Plus mentally add rhinestones to the face)

Again I left the topic :) But as you understand, my post is more emotion than a story about the concert itself - you can see it in the recording.

So. 21:00. Eminem came out. The crowd shouted in such a way that their ears were blocked.
I admit, I expected that I myself would scream and jump no less than ardent fans. But I couldn't. I was so tired of the inner struggle for a place in the crowd that I no longer had the strength. However, apparently, only with me.

Eminem's performance was great. Basically he only sang part of the song - verse and chorus. This performance allowed him to fit a fairly large number of compositions into his not-so-great performance.

The most memorable moment was when Em forgot Stan's words. It was quite funny considering how many years he has been performing this song.) Otherwise, everything was fine. Eminem is a true professional. He does not keep himself waiting on stage, like some of our pseudo-stars, being late for the concert for an hour and a half. Eminem's performance was pre-scheduled for 9pm, and the schedule was circulated in advance to everyone who bought tickets. Eminem came out exactly at the appointed time. He sang songs live, talked to the audience, joked. All his attitude towards the audience is very respectful.

But of course, not everyone was happy with Eminem. He was accused that he often stopped singing and that he performed to plywood. In fact, when Em was silent, his assistant read for him, plus he had backing vocals.

And as for the fact that he didn't read the entire song - it was at the end of the performance (especially noticeable on the last song Lose Yourself).

The fans may have found it offensive, but I saw Em getting high on stage and just reading for pleasure. Sometimes he stops and just runs around the stage. But I liked it, and besides, he didn't free the whole concert, but only at the end.

In general, Em worked to its fullest. He's in great shape, live as well as on record.

By the way, I will reveal to you the monetary side of the issue: a ticket to the performance cost about 5,000 rubles. (Leps is more expensive).

In fact, it's very cheap for such an amazing performer like Eminem. But as you can imagine, it was not a ticket to the festival that was expensive, but the trip to the UK itself, but believe me, it was worth it (especially Scotland as a bonus).

Unfortunately, after the concert, Em did not take pictures or sign autographs. But if you saw this crowd of fans with your own eyes, you would understand why. As much as I was offended - not to get his photo, but if he tried to take pictures with people, the crowd would simply tore him up.

The concert ended on schedule. Traditionally, the final song was Lose Yourself.

Then the people moved to the buses, tickets for which we bought in advance. Buses were delivered to the city center. Here a good organization refused, because if you do not know the city, it was not easy to navigate ( could at least drop off at the metro). On the other hand, at the disembarkation we were met by the police, they explained how to get to the metro. So, I still got there. Tired, soaking wet and incredibly happy.

Well, as a bonus, for those who have not heard yet, the new Pink feat Eminem song:

The first record for the number of spectators at a concert was set by The Beatles - their half-hour show, which took place on August 15, 1965 at New York's Shea Stadium, was attended by 55,600 people.

And what performances of musicians have received the status of the most ambitious concerts of our time?

10th place - Tokio Hotel

Town: Paris
date: 14.04.2010
Spectators: 500 thousand

The final concert of the world tour in support of the new album of the young alternative band Tokio Hotel took place in Paris, at the very foot of the Eiffel Tower, and attracted 500 thousand spectators, which allowed the show to reach the bottom line of our rating. “Welcome to Humanoid City,” the posters read, the same inscription adorned the tickets.

9th place - the festival "Isle of White"

Town: Afton Down
date: 26.08 – 30.08.1970
Spectators: 600 thousand

The third show on the Isle of Wight was remembered by 600 thousand people for the performance of the legendary The Who, The Doors, Redbone and Jimi Hendrix, for whom this concert was the last in the UK. And exactly a year ago, he performed at the Woodstock festival, playing the snow-white "stratocaster", which was later recognized as almost the most expensive guitar in history.

Jimi Hendrix, Isle of White, 1970

8th place - the festival "Summer Jam at Watkins Glen"

Town: New York
date: 28.07.1973
Spectators: 620 thousand

At one time, this festival even got into the Guinness Book of Records as "a pop concert with the largest number of spectators." The concert took place at New York's Watkins Glen International circuit and was headlined by the Grateful Dead and The Allman Brothers Band.

7th place - Garth Brooks

Town: New York
date: 07.08.1997
Spectators: 980 thousand

Nearly a million New Yorkers came to Central Park to watch a free performance by country music legend Garth Brooks in August 1997. The show was organized in support of the musician's new studio album ("Sevens"), which, thanks to such successful advertising, debuted at number one on the Billboards national charts and soon received the status of a "diamond" record.

6th place - The Rolling Stones

Town: Rio de Janeiro
date: 18.02.2006
Spectators: 1.3 million

In early 2006, the unforgettable Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and companions gave a grand concert on Copacabana Beach. The numbers are impressive: the dimensions of the stage were 60x22x20 meters, and the sound and special effects equipment with a total weight of 70 tons were delivered on a separate plane. And - most importantly - admission to the show was free!

Preparing for the Rolling Stones concert in Copacabana

5th place - the festival "Peace without Border"

Town: Havana
date: 20.09.2009
Spectators: 1.5 million

Hundreds of thousands of Cubans and visitors to the island filled the capital's square with the Revolution in Support of Peace in Central America. It's good that this place is one of the largest squares in the world, otherwise all the spectators would simply not fit.

4th place - the festival "Monsters of Rock"

Town: Moscow
date: 28.09.1991
Spectators: 1.6 million

The rock festival, which took place just a month after the August putsch, was attended by such heavy music stars as Metallica, AC / DC, Pantera, The Black Crowes. It is not surprising that spectators who were not spoiled by such events broke all previous records of the stadium in Tushino - according to estimates, the peak number of visitors exceeded one and a half million. By the way, the Russian rock scene was represented by the group "Electro Convulsive Therapy" - E.S.T.

"Monsters of Rock" in Tushino

3rd place - Queen

Town: Sydney
date: 26.04.1985
Spectators: 2 million

In 1985, as part of The Worls Tour, Freddie Mercury gave 4 concerts with the band in Sydney. Of these, the record was broken by the second show, which brought together about two million fans of the work of "Queen". The recording of the Sydney concert has become one of the band's most spectacular live videos.

2nd place - Jean Michel Jarre

Town: Moscow
date: 06.09.1997
Spectators: 3.4 million

"Meal'n'Real!" - two constant factors that people have been striving for at all times. Although this saying belonged to the ancient Roman satirical poet Juvenal, who lived in the 1st century AD, it has not lost its relevance in the 21st century. The most important centers of attraction for fans of modern shows can be safely called. The organization of these grandiose projects with the performance of the cult takes months of preparation and millions of dollars in funds.

However, if the concert is a success, the audience will remember it with gratitude for more than a dozen years. And if you are absolutely lucky, it will be included in the chronicle of achievements, immortalized in the Guinness Book of Records. We bring to your attention a rating of the largest concerts in history.


In the midst of New Year's holidays (December 31, 1994), the largest concert in world history was held on the famous beach of the pearl of Brazil Rio de Janeiro - Copacabana. More than 4 million fans have gathered to listen to the legendary hits of rock star Rod Stewart. The organizer of the New Year's show was MTV. Due to its unprecedented scale, the event was noted in the Guinness Book of Records.


The second place in the scale rating went to the concert of one of the unsurpassed Queen. This significant event took place in the Australian city of Sydney on April 26, 1985. On this day, more than 2 million people gathered to enjoy the masterpieces of the Queen musicians. The event was held as part of "The Works Tour".


The third place in this rating was taken by the international "Monsters of Rock", or rather its final concert in Moscow. The concert tour of the famous festival swept a musical tornado across several European countries during August 1991. The world's greatest music event was organized by BIZ Enterprises. The best hits of the legendary “Black Crowes”, “Metallica” and others sounded on the stages. The final part of the event took place in the capital of Russia on the vastness of the Tushino airfield on September 28 after the fateful putsch in August. After the tragic events that took place then in Moscow, the residents, stunned by tanks and barricades, found it difficult to believe that an event of this magnitude was being held in the city. About 1.6 million people gathered to watch the performances. You can appreciate the scope of this most grandiose spectacle in history by watching the film "Monsters of Rock in Moscow" directed by Wayne Isham.


The renowned band's two-year tour has become the leader in the Billboard magazine's profitability rankings. During the "A Bigger Bang Tour" the musicians earned $ 558 million, making the tour the most successful in history. During this time, the band gave a free show in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 20 immortal hits sounded on the expanses of the 4-kilometer Copacabana beach from a gigantic 22-meter stage. More than 1.5 million spectators gathered to take part in this largest show in history. The concert was sponsored by the local mayor's office.


In honor of the International Day of Peace, the musical festival "World without Borders" was organized. More than 1.5 million Latin pop fans gathered to listen to their favorite stars - Miguel Bose, Silvio Rodriguez, Juanes and others. This largest event in Havana was hosted by the Cuban Institute of Music and Colombian musician Juanes in Revolution Square. Even the terrible heat did not prevent the gathering of a record number of spectators for this holiday.


More than 980 thousand fans have gathered to see and hear the legend of country music Garth Brooks. The free concert was held in New York City's Central Park. And 14 million enjoyed the masterpieces of country music live. Over the years of his work, the singer has sold an incredible number of albums - fans have sold more than 120 million copies. And in 2001, the sales success surpassed even the records of the king of rock, Elvis Presley.


The grand event was sponsored by Steve Wozniak, one of the founders of Apple. At the concert, cult world pop stars - Mötley Crüe, Judas Priest, Scorpions, Ozzy Osbourne, Triumph - delighted the audience with their ingenious creativity. The music festival was held to admiring applause and exclamations from the 600,000-strong audience.

8 Summer Jam at Watkins Glen Rock Festival, 1973

In that momentous year, the greatest concert of the time took place at the famous Watkins Glen International racetrack in New York, which was used for motor races. The rock festival was such a huge success with the audience that it gathered 600 thousand people, hitting the Guinness Book of Records. At the concert, the audience was delighted with their performances by the outstanding bands of those times - The Allman Brothers Band, The Band, The Grateful Dead.

9 Isle Of Wight Festival, 1970

The famous festival that annually pleases the inhabitants of foggy Albion, allowing them to plunge into the world of music. The event is held in the early days of summer. Yet the 1970 festival was its biggest success. An unprecedented influx of music lovers secured him a place in the top of the most ambitious concerts. The performance of The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, The Taste and other stars gathered an audience of up to 600 thousand people, which was a record in the history of this event.


The famous performance of the German band Tokio Hotel ends our rating of the largest concerts. The cult rock group was born at the beginning of the second millennium, and its concert made the biggest splash in the world capital of romantics in 2010, gathering a huge audience - about 500 thousand. The famous show "Welcome to the Humanoid-City" took place on the territory of the Eiffel Tower, which is the pride of France.

We present to you a great report on Eminem's concert in London at Wembley Stadium, which took place on July 12, 2014. Eminem performed a 35-track setlist that spanned all periods of his musical career. A real gift for the fans was the appearance on the stage of Eminem's mentor, a special guest - Dr. Dre. All the details about the concert and a bunch of interesting photos from the first row are waiting for you.

Report by Pavel Trubitsin from the group / Wembley Stadium / 07/12/2014

[Dear Stans ...]

Eminem is the first rapper to collect Wembley. Twice.

For two days in a row, London stadium thundered, enveloping 80 thousand people from all over the world with the rhymes of a white rapper, who screamed with delight, because they had been waiting for this week, months, years.

We bought the ticket on the day of the announcement, when Marshall's Instagram announced that an extra date for July 12 was added. It was 8-9 weeks before the concert, there was still enough time to buy plane tickets, book a hotel, get a visa, etc. I do not know why, but it was at this time that very strange things began to happen at the British visa center, and the period for obtaining a visa increased exponentially every day. It was almost unrealistic to sign up for the submission of documents for the coming dates, judging by the words of those who had already applied. We were nervous, but did not retreat. Having collected all the documents, we moved in and waited. Every day we discussed our future trip and waited for a decision, building our assumptions: what will happen if one of us is refused? But in the end they did not refuse anyone. I received my passport with a UK visa ready on June 30th. Every day with a friend we were tossing text messages with song quotes, discussions of the upcoming concert. It seemed that they should have already bored each other after the third such message, but this only kindled the flames of excitement and the desire to get to Eminem's concert as soon as possible. The people around said that it is crazy to spend so much on such a concert, but we know with you that it is not worth it 😉


London greeted us as it should be: clouds covering the sky and light rain. A couple of days before the concert, we saw all the sights, explored the city, and patience was already running out: we were waiting for that day to come, and now, it finally came.

It was the only sunny day during our entire stay there. We got off at Wembley Station 0 and went straight to Wembley Stadium.

Not having time to get out of the metro to the end, we saw this huge stadium with a display, on which the inscriptions EMINEM ... .. At WEMBLEY ... were changing. and our breath stopped. The sight was unique. Not far from the entrance to the stadium, there were booths with the official Merch. They had just opened and the line began to grow before our eyes. T-shirts for 25 pounds, caps for 15 and 25 pounds, hats, bandanas, etc. were on sale. The price was higher than for similar products in the official store on the Eminem website, but this is London, here the price is all higher than anywhere else It was.

We bought ourselves a T-shirt and went to the stadium to get in line as soon as possible. The time was about 14:00. The gates to the stadium will open at 17:00, warm-up will start around 20:00, Eminem will be released around 21:00. It was 7 o'clock before the start, and we were ready to gather strength and wait. We went to the stadium and saw the line.

It consisted of square zones fenced off with tape, in which there were 20-50 people. These zones formed one row, which stretched from the entrance to the stadium and down, almost reaching the bridge leading to the metro. The same row was on the other side, where there was another portion of the entrances to the stadium. When we took our place, we were about 50 meters from the entrance. “Sit down here,” the guard said, pointing out an empty seat in the last of the zones.

Later, one of the employees explained that the idea was something like this:

“The moment the gates open, we will start launching people through one area to the entrance. This will help control the density of the flow and, perhaps, we can avoid the crush that was yesterday. " The idea seemed logical and correct, we just had to wait.

Looking around, one could notice so different people that it was hard to imagine how one person managed to gather such a diverse audience. Marketing is crying and crying, the target audience is clearly not about this place. There were also very young fans under the age of 17, and elderly grandmothers in caps, T-shirts and sneakers, mothers with children, dads with children, husbands with wives, guys with girls, men in formal suits, women on high heels, black rappers, white rappers, a bunch of em doubles with white hair, people in completely normal clothes (no merch) and people in merch, people with E tattoos, people just in tattoos and piercings. There was a feeling that we were waiting for the festival, which absorbed a huge number of musical styles to taste for everyone and everyone, but not a rap artist's concert.

An hour before the start, the stadium announcer began to talk about the history of the release of Eminem's records, about its development, calling Eminem “First Rap’s God”. The queue grew, and at 16:30 only an alley with merch separated it from the metro. The whole bridge was occupied by people. It was at this moment that the realization came that we are almost at the very beginning of the queue. People who tried to sneak into the zones closer, were immediately "handed over" to the guards and they were taken out, asking to go to their zone. Many people drank alcohol, many smoked, some smoked marijuana while sitting in line. The guards went around and warned that those who were in an inadequate condition would not be allowed to the concert.

[And finally, the gate opened]

Everyone stood up abruptly and began to walk forward. As expected, people began to be allowed in portions, but not in zones, but simply 40-50 people each, because the crowd immediately mixed up, but general calm and respect for the people who stood in front remained. Few tried to deliberately overtake those in front, everyone just waited for their turn. We reached the entrance, the excitement was growing, we passed the entrance, our nerves were at the limit, we were ready to break off and run, we ran, but immediately they stopped us with a smile and told us to be calm. A huge number of guards stood and called people to calmness and they succeeded. Almost no one ran across the field of the stadium, everyone walked at a brisk pace. We saw that the stage had a fenced area with a crane with a camera hanging over it and immediately asked the guard if we could get there. With the face of an interested and empathetic person, he said: “Yes, yes, of course, guys, more likely, there, the number of people is limited, but you can still make it, faster,” and we ran to the entrance to this zone. We entered. The concentration of people there was much higher than outside this zone. Everyone wanted to be closer to the stage. We went as close as possible and waited. There are a couple of hours left before warming up.

The stage was closed by a black curtain, only the DJ's table was visible. The first to appear on the scene was a rapper from Detroit -. His exit immediately made the crowd move forward a couple of meters and liven up. He was green-haired, wearing a leather jacket, constantly sticking out his long tongue and showing the absence of some of his front upper teeth. This guy was very, very charismatic. Trap rhythms made the crowd move, dance, but many still just stood and waited for what would happen next. The sound at the performance of this performer left much to be desired. The bass was too deep, the midrange was not enough, the voice was lost and was completely unreadable, but his positive energetic behavior on stage brightened up these shortcomings.

After Danny Brown’s performance came to an end, it was time for another 20-minute wait. Onstage, big pink letters OF were puffed out, foreshadowing the band's exit.

The light scent of marijuana either enveloped the audience from different sides, then evaporated into nowhere. Everyone froze in anticipation. The DJ appeared first, then the rest of the band ran out. They played energetic Gangsta tracks in the style of fuck the police with trendy trap motives. The abundance of trap in the opening act surprised me a little, this is energetic music, but still a little for other scales, a little for a different sound. On Odd Future, the sound was still bass with cut mids. A bit quiet, but many people from the crowd knew and loved this group, sang along and shook their hands. At the beginning of the next song, one of the participants pulled in a melody from Eminem's song Till I Collapse swinging left and right with his hand (Yo left, Yo left, Yo left right left) and the stadium immediately picked up after him, the atmosphere was heating up, people continued to fill the stands, the field was almost full.

After Odd Future's performance, there was a long pause again, the stage was covered with a white canvas, there were about 30 minutes left until Eminem's release, and then a video began on the screens telling the story of Eminem, including interviews with several people, cuts from clips , clippings from articles. Throughout the video, the question “Who is Eminem”, “Where is Eminem” constantly appears? (Who is Eminem and Where is Eminem?).

Background music starts playing, the lights are dimmed, the white canvas covering the stage breaks down and we see Eminem on stage with a microphone stand. He begins to perform the final part of the song. Bad guy with the words “I also represent anyone on the receiving end”. He is dressed in a white hoodie, his face is covered by the hood and the visor of the cap. At the end of the slow part of the verse, when the recitative begins, he abruptly drops the stand, the musicians pick up the rhythm and the real show begins.

The scenery in the background is a huge display with changing images, combined with lighting to give the effect of viewing 3D without glasses. Unimaginable energy spilled out from the musicians on the stage and people in the stadium, everyone tried to be one step closer to the stage, and in the meantime the first track, Bad Guy, was playing, the backing vocals were mr. Porter from D12. The opening section of the concert consisted of the tracks Square Dance, Won’t Back Down, 3 A.M. From the following tracks I would like to highlight Won’t back down and of course Kill you... Mr. Porter, while Eminem left the stage, or went to drink water, but sometimes they entered into dialogue, or Eminem alone spoke the intro to some songs, for example White america.

The first big surprise was the unusual rendition of the song Evil Deads, the rhythm in which the drummers beat out 2 times more often than we are used to hearing on the recording, which added even more dynamics to the song. It was immediately followed by the track Rap God. People tried to film this song more than others, and immediately a huge number of hands raised with telephones and cameras appeared, especially at the moment of a quick reading of Marshall. Eminem was very active and surprised with the amount of energy that spurted out of him. He danced, actively gestured, squatted, even lay down on the floor a couple of times, then got up and continued in the same spirit. It seemed that this person should have been tired within 10 minutes after the start, but there was not a hint of the presence of even the slightest fatigue. In moments of solo on strings, Eminem left the stage, and guitarists came to the fore, surprising everyone with their virtuoso playing. Several times they stayed near Eminem, but more often they were in the back in a separate area allocated for the musicians, slightly illuminated, not attracting much attention. One of those solos was at the end of The way i am. Many songs were supplemented with interesting introductions and losses, sometimes several verses from a song were performed, and sometimes one at a time with a chorus.

[Special Guest - Dr. Dre]

When i say doctor you say Dre- as soon as Eminem said these lines, it became clear that now he will enter the stage Dr. Dre, the only guest performer to share the Wembley Stadium stage with Eminem. And he went out. They performed 4 tracks together, the final of which was a hit Forget about dre in its classic version.

The emergence of Dr. Dre caused an unprecedented enthusiasm among the public, the crush increased significantly and the first people began to appear, who were dragged by the security guards and taken to the emergency rooms, as they lost consciousness from stuffiness or an excess of harmful substances in the blood. A couple of these situations allowed us to move to the front row, from where there was an incredible view of the stage. Between the stage and the fences there were rails, along which an operator drove with a camera broadcasting an image to side (from the stage) monitors, as well as a number of security guards who gave people water at their first request. In the first rows, the crush was much less than 10-15 meters before the stage, where everyone is trying to crawl forward.

Each Eminem song was accompanied by new visual effects on monitors that were located behind the musicians. There were several types of Boomboxes, and a burning house, and just a house, and the city of New York, and each time this was reinforced by light and laser effects, creating a feeling of complete presence, so pleasantly complementing the atmosphere of the tracks.

It should be noted that the sound became much better than during the warm-up, but it was still not perfect. Sometimes the readability of the words was lost or the music of the instruments simply drowned them out, but this did not greatly interfere with those who knew all the lyrics of the songs and did not pay any attention to it.

After the block with Dr. Dre was followed by a block of quieter lyrical compositions, some of which were familiar to people from the albums MMLP and The Eminem Show. These were Love the Way You Lie, Stan, Sing for the Moment and Like Toy Soldiers.

Before the song Berzerk Mr. Porter has announced that his favorite song from the MMLP2 album will be played. This hit was subsequently backed up by such tracks as Survival, Till I Collapse and Cinderella man, and the track The Monster was also performed.

One of the foreshadows of the upcoming climax of the show, which subsequently blew up the crowd, were the words of Eminem:

How many of y’all motherfuckers here are fucked up? And how many are just fucked up mentally? Let’s do some of the shit from when I used to get fucked up.

After that, the first hit of this block immediately sounded - My name is. He was followed by The Real Slim Shady and Without Me. On The Real Slim Shady, the side monitors often showed people from the crowd similar to Marshall. There were a lot of them. At the end of Without Me, there was an incredible explosion (special effect) that was too, too, too frighteningly sharp and loud. The crowd shuddered and stepped back a little, and the security guards smiled blissfully at this. There were about three such explosions for the entire performance, also once from above and below the stage sparks splashed out and fell, while the light was muffled. This usually happened at the endings of the most hit songs.

The announced final track was Not Afraid, before which Eminem shared some of his inner experiences, admitting that everyone has them. But the song ended. The musicians and Eminem said goodbye to the audience. The light went out. The audience chanted “Shady! Shady! "

About a minute passed. One and a half minutes. The crush in the crowd eased. And then a dim blue light lit up the musicians, and a light melodic intro with keyboards began, which resulted in the melody of Lose Yourself. People screamed, many were crying with delight, Eminem came out in a white T-shirt and began to sing the song with such dedication as if it was the first track of the concert, people jumped and shook their hands, screamed with their voices and enjoyed the closing song. On the last chords of the song, Eminem showed everyone Fuck and froze in place. The entire stadium raised his hand and showed him the same in response, he began to walk across the stage, showing this gesture to all sections of the stadium, silently, without saying anything, while the musicians finished playing the song. When they finished playing, he walked around a little with a raised hand holding Fuck and left. It was the end.

Completion in his style. The light went out and came on after about half a minute, people immediately began to let out into the street without delay. The whole crowd went to the parking lot and to the two nearest metro stations, posters and autographed CDs were sold at the exit. In the subway, as usual after such events, there was a full house: trains followed only to the Baker Street station, from where people could go to different parts of the city. Everyone around looked tired but happy. The concert turned out to be incomparable, despite minor problems with the sound. All hits written by Eminem in his entire career were performed. This set of tracks was the best gift for all fans of the first white Rap God in the history of the music industry.

List of performed tracks:
1. Bad Guy
2. Square Dance
3. Won’t Back Down
4.3 a.m.
5. Business
6. Kill You
7. White America
8. Mosh
9. Evil Deeds
10. Rap ​​God
11. Marshall Mathers
12. Just Don’t Give a Fuck
13. Still Don’t Give a Fuck
14. Criminal
15. The Way I Am
16. Dead Wrong
17. The Next Episode (feat. Dr. Dre)
18. Still D.R.E. (feat. Dr. Dre)
19. Nuthin 'but a "G" Thang (feat. Dr. Dre)
20. Forgot About Dre (feat. Dr. Dre)
21. Love the Way You Lie
22. Stan
23. Sing for the Moment
24. Like Toy Soldiers
25. Forever
26. Berzerk
27. Survival
28.'Till I Collapse
29. Cinderella Man
30. The Monster
31. My Name Is
32. The Real Slim Shady
33. Without Me
34. Not Afraid
35. Lose Yourself

Reporting by Pavel Trubitsin from the group.

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