Home Mushrooms Soy lecithin harm. What is E322 and is this additive dangerous? How to Consume: Allowable Allowances for Healthy People

Soy lecithin harm. What is E322 and is this additive dangerous? How to Consume: Allowable Allowances for Healthy People

Phospholipids are substances without which the normal existence of the whole organism as a whole and each of its cells separately is impossible. They are vitally necessary for a person, as they are both a building material and a source of energy at the same time. The main source of fats, or phospholipids, is lecithin. It is found in large quantities in eggs, liver, meat, peanuts, some vegetables and fruits. In industry, lecithin is extracted from and oil. Soy lecithin will be described in this article. The benefits of this substance to the human body are enormous.

Beneficial features

Soy lecithin is a biologically active food flavoring additive. Thanks to the inositol and phosphatidylcholine included in it, nerve impulses are transmitted. They are also lipotropic substances, that is, those that dissolve and burn fat. Due to the action of inositol and choline, the liver, gallbladder and blood vessels are protected from the deposition of cholesterol, since these constituents prevent the formation of harmful plaques. Natural soy lecithin promotes the dissolution and oxidation of fat, but, unlike medications, burns exclusively excess fat deposits. This substance has a pronounced choleretic effect. Lecithin prevents the development and formation of gallstones. In addition, it improves the absorption of vitamins and medications consumed by the body. And this substance is also widely used in cosmetology. Lecithin, which is found in cosmetics, helps the dermis to retain moisture, so the skin stays youthful longer.

Application in the food industry

The emulsifier soy lecithin finds its application in various areas of the food industry. This substance is used in the production of instant dairy and vegetable products, margarine, ready-made glaze. The releasing and lubricating properties of lecithin are used in the manufacture of frying fats and aerosol coatings. It is also used to change the viscosity of various types of glaze and chocolate products. In the manufacture of bakery products, the substance in question improves the processability of the dough, increases the shelf life. In the production of crackers, muffins, cookies and pies, lecithin facilitates the release of baked goods from the molds. It can also act as an antioxidant, i.e. a substance that prevents oxidation.

Confectionery production

In production, soy lecithin acts as an emulsifier for oil-in-water and oil-in-water emulsions and is an important component of confectionery fat. The preparation of emulsions, as a rule, is carried out separately, and then, in the finished form, the mixture is combined with starch or flour. The main task of producers is to maximize the replacement of egg yolk with lecithin (the yolk also acts as an emulsifier).

Oil and fat production

Thanks to the use of soy lecithin, the resistance to separation, viscosity increases, the density and plasticity of the products increase. Low-fat products acquire increased oiliness and organoleptic characteristics are improved.

Dairy industry

Soy lecithin is also widely used in the production of dairy products, and all because the mentioned emulsifier has the following properties:

    effectively dissolves whole milk powder;

    promotes hydration;

    accelerates the wetting process in hot or cold liquid;

    provides good functionality with little content;

    for a long time it is able to maintain instantiating properties.

In the production of frozen desserts and ice cream, in combination with stabilizers, lecithin ensures a homogeneous mixture, controls fat agglomeration during the freezing process.

Soy lecithin in baby food

The additive is widely used in the production of baby food. This substance is an important building block of the central and peripheral nervous system. Lecithin is directly involved in the intrauterine formation of the brain and nervous tissue of the fetus. In breast milk, the content of this substance is 100 times higher than its total amount in the female body. This once again proves its benefits.

This is an essential element for the central nervous system: lecithin is responsible for thinking and concentration, and the choline contained in it is directly involved in the development of memory. An important feature of the substance in question is the ability to provide natural fat metabolism, stimulate the production of erythrocytes (red blood cells), improve the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K. But this complex is of great importance for a growing organism. So, a deficiency of vitamin A provokes a delay in growth and development, vitamin E - a decrease in body weight, D - the appearance of rickets, vitamin K - a blood clotting disorder. In addition, lecithin is one of the elements of biological membranes, it enhances the production of energy, which is so necessary in childhood. Lecithin is especially important for premature babies. It significantly increases their chances of survival, prevents loss of vision and prevents respiratory distress.

Application for health problems

Due to its regenerative and protective properties, it is recommended to use soy lecithin for a wide variety of diseases. The price of the product varies between 700-750 rubles. for 100 capsules. The cost of the product is fully consistent with its medicinal qualities. About 300 rubles. for 170 g you will have to pay for granulated soy lecithin. An instruction with a detailed description of the drug, as a rule, is attached to this tool, regardless of the manufacturer, volume and form of release.

This substance is indispensable for people living in disadvantaged areas where the radioactive background is increased. Thanks to lecithin, radionucleides and heavy metal salts are removed. The product helps people who are prone to allergic reactions to fatty proteins to get good nutrition. Soy lecithin is effective for atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertension.

In addition, the said substance is shown under the following conditions:

    damage to the central or peripheral nervous system;

    chronic pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus;

    diseases of the digestive system of a chronic nature: gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenitis;

    allergies and skin lesions: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;

    chronic liver disease: viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease;

    diseases of the spine and joints;

    eye diseases: retinal degeneration;

    dental diseases;

    diseases of the lungs and bronchi;


    detoxification of the body;


    female diseases: uterine fibroma, fibrocystic breast disease, endometriosis, breast and uterine cancer.

    Soy lecithin: instructions for use

    Adults are usually prescribed one capsule twice a day. Soy lecithin granules are recommended for use as a food supplement. Add the substance to non-hot food (soups, salads, yoghurts, sauces, etc.). Drink it three times a day, one teaspoon. It is recommended to drink kefir with lecithin at night - this will help relieve excitability and irritability, which contributes to better sleep. In some conditions, the dose of the drug can be increased to three to five tablespoons per day. However, this should be done only as directed by a doctor. For children, lecithin is added to the milk mixture twice a day, in quarters (start with a few grains and gradually increase to the recommended dose).

    Deficiency of lecithin in the body

    The consumption of this substance depends on the intensity of physical activity and the state of the whole organism as a whole. With increased physical activity, the level of lecithin in the muscles also increases, which makes them more enduring. A deficiency of lecithin provokes a thinning of the sheath of nerve fibers and cells, which, in turn, leads to disruption of the coordinated work of the nervous system. Blood circulation in the brain is impaired, a person feels chronic fatigue, and increased irritability appears. All this can provoke

    Soy lecithin: harm

    In large quantities, this product has a depressing effect on the endocrine system of the body. Allergic reactions can also develop, especially if you are hypersensitive to the food additive. It is extremely rare that phenomena such as nausea, dyspepsia appear. However, numerous medical studies have shown that people who consume soy lecithin receive minimal harm (compared to other medicines) and much less often.

    special instructions

    Lecithin granules must be consumed within two months after opening the package. For patients with gallstone disease, this substance must be taken with caution, since it can increase bile secretion and promote the movement of gallstones. With exacerbations of cholecystitis and pancreatitis, lecithin should be used under medical supervision. If there is a need to take high doses of the drug (three tablespoons a day or more), it is advisable to additionally introduce vitamin C into the diet, which protects the body from nitrosamines, which are released as a result of choline metabolism, and calcium, which binds excess phosphorus formed during the metabolism of lecithin. ...

    Despite the many beneficial effects of soy lecithin, it is imperative that you consult your doctor before using it.

Recently, more and more often on the pages of print media, and on television, there are reports about soy lecithin. Today we will talk in more detail about soy lecithin, its use in products, what harm and benefit we will tell you about it.

Soy lecithin is a flavoring and biologically active food additive. It is produced by low-temperature processing from refined soybean oil. It contains vitamins, oil, phospholipids. The beneficial properties of soy lecithin are little known to people. Therefore, both true and not entirely accurate rumors are spreading around him.

Soy lecithin, or E322, is involved in the metabolism of fats and cholesterol in the human body. It has a lipotropic effect, helps to slow down the accumulation of fats in the liver and leads to their rapid combustion, has a strongly pronounced choleretic effect. Lecithin inhibits the development and formation of gallstones.

Lecithin will also be indispensable for those who live in unfavorable areas, with an increased radioactive background. It promotes the elimination of radionuclides and heavy metal salts.

The soy lecithin found in foods helps people who are allergic to fatty proteins to get good nutrition.

People suffering from diseases such as cerebral atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension are shown products containing soy, as they reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Soy lecithin is recommended for overweight people and people with diabetes. It will be indispensable for diseases such as cholecystitis, hepatosis, pancreatitis, chronic constipation, diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis and arthrosis.

With the help of lecithin, the intake of vitamins and medications in the human body is enhanced.

It turns out that soy lecithin is also used in cosmetology. Creams, which contain it, help the skin to retain moisture, thereby preventing it from aging for a long time.

Soy lecithin is part of many dietary supplements used to treat and maintain the human body.

However, not everything is as simple and cloudless as it seems at first glance. A dietary supplement can also cause unique harm to our body.

What harm does a person get by consuming products containing soy lecithin for their body?

Soy lecithin has a depressing effect on the endocrine system of the body. Children who often eat foods with it are especially affected by this. It can cause allergies in young children, thyroid disease. Therefore, you should not give soy foods to children under three years of age.

Soy lecithin accelerates the aging process of the body. Pregnant women should also limit the intake of soy products, because they negatively affect the brain of the embryo and increase the risk of premature birth.

In what products can we find soy lecithin?

First of all, these are oils that are part of many bakery products, chocolate, sweets, sausages, dumplings, fast food products: hamburgers, cutlets, pancake fillings.

Recently, more and more often soy lecithin is included in margarines, light butter - spread, and other dairy products. Often he began to be found in baby milk nutrition.

After learning about soy lecithin, everyone will draw certain conclusions for themselves. Undoubtedly, in small quantities, soy lecithin is useful, but do not forget about its dangers. When buying this or that product in stores, carefully read its composition. Increased consumption of it in food can lead to severe diseases of the liver, thyroid gland, and brain. As they say, trust, but check!

Lecithin, vital for the body: how it is used. The benefits and harms of soy lecithin for the health of children and adults

Lecithin plays an important role in the development of the human body.

Its optimal content in the body ensures the uninterrupted performance of protective functions and the ability to regenerate.

Lacking lecithin, the body begins to age rapidly, is more susceptible to diseases and is less treatable.

Lecithin: composition and methods of application

The beneficial properties of lecithin for the body are due to the fact that thanks to it, the cells receive a sufficient amount of nutrients that are involved in the cellular processes of absolutely all internal organs.

Lecithin, which is an active dietary supplement, can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets, capsules or a scented gel for children. The composition of such a pharmaceutical preparation includes:

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D;

Folic acid;

Omega-3 and Omega-6;




Phosphoric acid;


Higher fatty acids;


It is fair to say that this is far from the complete composition of the drug. Soy lecithin, namely under this name, the drug is widely known, contains auxiliary fats and fatty acids, proteins and amino acids, sugars.

Without resorting to chemicals, healthy lecithin can be obtained from foods such as:

Eggs (yolk);

Fish roe;

Meat by-products;


Soya beans;

Nuts and seeds;

Cabbage of various varieties;

Vegetable oil.

Half of the human liver is lecithin. With its normal functioning, she herself is a good producer of it. But over the years, under the condition of poor ecology, the use of alcohol, junk food and medicines, the liver loses this ability. In addition, digestive problems and intestinal slagging minimize the absorption of lecithin from food. Then comes the need to use pharmacy soy lecithin.

Lecithin: what are the benefits for the body?

Adequate lecithin levels are extremely important for the body of any age. Indeed, thanks to him, absolutely all organs and systems remain in a healthy state for as long as possible. In addition, the benefits of lecithin have been noted in the treatment of ailments, in the prevention of a number of diseases, and even in getting rid of bad habits:

Restoration of the liver - phospholipids restore liver cells, remove excess fats and protect, restoring its ability to fulfill its natural purpose of purifying the blood from harmful toxins;

Prevention of gallstone disease - lecithin prevents the thickening of bile, which reduces the risk of accumulation of solid fatty deposits in the gallbladder and bile ducts. If gallstone disease already occurs, lecithin, along with the main treatment, will accelerate the cleavage of stones;

Prevention of atherosclerosis - Lecithin deficiency is a good reason for the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Transformed into particles that are rather large for arteries and blood vessels, cholesterol adheres to their walls, causing obstruction and rupture, as a result. By increasing the level of beneficial lecithin in the body, a person reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Lecithin rapidly breaks down bad cholesterol and removes it;

Reducing the risk of heart attack - the amino acid L-carnitine, which is essential for muscle tissue, is produced in the body with the participation of lecithin phospholipids. It endows muscles with flexibility, strength and energy. This protects the heart muscle from premature weakening;

Preventing diabetes mellitus and alleviating the course of an existing disease - the pancreas produces natural insulin, which eliminates the risk of an increase in blood sugar in a healthy person, even with excessive consumption of carbohydrates. If diabetes is already present, then lecithin optimizes the production of insulin in the pancreas. This helps reduce the need for blood sugar lowering medications;

Protection of the nervous system - with the help of healthy lecithin, myelin is produced, which forms the sheath of nerve fibers. Under the protection of myelin, the nerves regularly send impulses. Lecithin intake should increase with age to maintain optimal nervous system function;

Ensuring good lung function - under the influence of lecithin, surfactants are synthesized, on the basis of which a protective film of the pulmonary alveoli is formed. This protects the lungs from toxins, prevents premature aging and reduces the risk of cancer;

Increasing the functioning of the reproductive system - choline and inositol, which are part of lecithin, actively dissolve cholesterol, which is the main component for the production of female and male sex hormones. This prolongs the reproductive age of a person and protects him from genital oncology.

Monitoring the level of lecithin entering the body is beneficial for the health of those who want to get rid of tobacco addiction. The secret is that nicotine irritates the same receptors as the acetylcholine found in lecithin. In conditions of additional intake of soy lecithin, you can deceive the body at the physiological level and defeat a bad habit.

Lecithin: what is the harm to health?

Speaking about the dangers of lecithin, it should be remembered that soy is the raw material for its manufacture. And now it should be noted that it can be both a high-quality natural product and genetically modified one. Lecithin from low-quality raw materials can cause undesirable changes in the human body, from allergies to dementia in old age.

Pregnant women should avoid consuming genetically modified soy lecithin. It is capable of disrupting the development of the fetal nervous system and the formation of its brain.

The list of food additives of the international level includes soy lecithin under the code E322. It is approved for the manufacture of many food products. When purchasing a ready-made breakfast in a box or a packaged cupcake for tea in the store, you should familiarize yourself with the composition and avoid buying goods with low-quality ingredients.

The harm of high-quality soy lecithin has not been proven. In addition, it should be remembered that the liver is half of it, and the brain is 30%. All organs and systems need useful lecithin.

Lecithin for children: good or bad?

Already the expectant mother should take care of a sufficient percentage of consumed lecithin, useful for her health and for the development of the unborn baby. Already in the womb, it is important for the child to receive all the components that make up the lecithin, which will ensure the correct and timely development of all systems of his body and the formation of organs.

In the first year of life, the baby develops motor-motor functions, reaction speed and immunity. During this period of his life, he receives lecithin with breast milk and formula.

Further, at the age of three years, soy lecithin, as well as the one that comes with food, plays an important role in the emotional stability of the child, in the development of speech and the ability to adequately respond to environmental stimuli.

The older the child becomes, the more stress he feels on himself. He has to assimilate huge volumes of information every day, perceive it correctly and identify the most important for himself, which he immediately applies in the future.

On the basis of phosphatidylcholine, found in lecithin, and vitamin B5, the amino acid acetylcholine appears in the body. It is the most important neurotransmitter that makes a person focus on specific tasks and find non-standard solutions.

You can question the lack of lecithin if the child:


Absent-minded and forgetful;


Sleeps poorly;

Often complains of headaches;

Has a poor appetite.

In this case, it will not be superfluous to visit a pediatrician in order to prescribe him to take lecithin useful for a growing body with the correct dosage.

The benefits of lecithin in cosmetology

Being a powerful agent that awakens their ability to regenerate in cells, lecithin prevents the appearance of wrinkles, smoothes existing fine wrinkles, relieves irritation. In combination with vitamins A and E, the use of lecithin for cosmetic purposes is especially beneficial.

A regenerating lecithin mask is usually used for aging skin. It does not have to be purchased from specialized stores. This lecithin mask is easy to make at home. This will require:

Egg yolk - 2 pcs;

Glycerin - 6 ml;

Castor oil - 25 ml;

Carbolic acid - 10 ml;

Ammonia alcohol - 5 ml;

Lemon with zest - 1 pc;

Pantokrin - 1 tsp;

Folliculin 5000 units - 1 ampoule.

All ingredients should be mixed gently. In this case, the last four should be introduced into the mixture in the given order at the very end. It is necessary to keep such a mask on the face from 30 to 60 minutes. Then it is removed with a damp warm sponge along the massage lines. The general course of such daily procedures is up to 25 days. At the same time, after two weeks, the result will be obvious. All sorts of age spots will be whitened, the skin will acquire a fresh, healthy look. Tissue cells will regain their natural ability to retain moisture. Excessive oily skin will also cease to be a problem. The mask will regulate the sebaceous glands. This will leave your skin matte and clear. When preparing a regenerating face mask with beneficial lecithin at home, you can be completely confident in the quality of all components.

Is soy lecithin harm or benefit for children?

All parents want their babies to receive only the best. They want the child to grow up strong, healthy and, of course, smart. That is why mothers give their children a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as buy multivitamins. In the modern world, GMO products are gaining more and more popularity, the usefulness of which for a growing body remains in question. Therefore, further we will talk about soy lecithin and about all aspects of its effect on children's health.

Our peripheral nervous system consists of about 15% of lecithin, and in the central - the proportion of this element is all 30%. It is the main component of the myelin layer, the sheath that protects nerve fibers and cells. From this we can conclude that this substance is simply necessary for the normal functional activity of the human central nervous system.

Even during the intrauterine development of the fetus, lecithin takes an active part in the formation of nerve tissues and the brain. The milk of a nursing mother contains about 100 times more of this substance than in all the cells of her body. Agree, this is a fairly weighty argument in its favor. The central nervous system, vitamin elements and lecithin are closely related to each other. This substance is responsible for memory, thinking and concentration, and it is these qualities that are very important for the development of every baby. Scientists emphasize the need for lecithin for the development of memory and memory mechanisms, it is also able to increase sensitivity, which is especially important for children who are difficult to learn.

Lecithin is actively used to restore nerve tissues, while, unlike other drugs, it does not give side effects. The recommended amount of this substance per day directly depends on the general condition of the body, as well as on the intensity of the load. So physical work or sports leads to the fact that lecithin enters the muscles, thereby increasing strength and endurance. Deficiency of this substance can cause thinning of the myelin sheath, irritability and malfunction of the nervous system.

In premature babies, this substance significantly increases the chances of survival. It prevents loss of vision due to retinopathy, in addition, it is the prevention of respiratory disorders.

Another important property of this substance, which proves its usefulness for a growing body, is that it promotes the absorption of vitamins such as K, E, A and D. In addition, lecithin ensures the correct metabolism of fats and stimulates the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

These properties are very important, since a deficiency of, for example, vitamin A causes a delay in development and growth, and a lack of vitamin E causes malnutrition (reduced body weight), vitamin D prevents rickets from developing, and vitamin K is simply necessary for connective and bone tissues.

In terms of chemistry, lecithin consists of 98% phospholipids, among them approximately equal proportions of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine, as well as slightly more linoleic and linolenic acids. Linolenic acid deficiency leads to growth retardation, and linoleic acid deficiency causes hair loss and deterioration of the epidermis.

Soy lecithin is very important for the normal functioning of the liver, as it is an integral part of this organ. This substance helps transport fats from liver cells and normalizes bile consistency.

A healthy person needs five to seven grams of lecithin per day.

Soy lecithin occupies an important place in biological membranes, and it also promotes energy production, which is very important in childhood. Pay attention to your child, it seems that he does not stay in one place for a second: he jumps, runs and learns the world around him. And soy lecithin will help energize the growing body.

Soy has been discussed for quite a long period of time, and it is already practically inseparable from the concept of GMO, but in fact this is not entirely true. Despite the fact that this particular plant is a frequent participant in various experiments on genetic modifications, it does not mean that lecithin based on it can carry any potential danger. For its manufacture, soybean oil is used, which undergoes thorough cleaning and filtration before this. At the same time, scientists have proved that plant-based lecithins are much more effective than those of animal origin.

It is also important to take into account the fact that soy lecithin has its drawbacks, as its excessive amount can depress the endocrine system of our body, and for children it can be fraught with very unpleasant consequences. In addition, it can cause allergic reactions and lead to thyroid disease. That is why doctors do not recommend giving it to babies under three years old.

In fact, lecithin is found not only in soy, but also in other foods: cereals, egg yolks, fish and brewer's yeast.

If you are thinking about introducing soy lecithin into your baby's diet, think again about the pros and cons of this technique. Be sure to consult with a qualified doctor and follow his recommendations. Buy drugs only in trusted pharmacies, choosing well-known manufacturers, check the characteristics of the selected product on the Internet or from a pharmacist.

There are many products that are used today as food additives in order to enhance flavor or reduce production costs. Some of the more commonly used names are soy lecithin and palm oil. On the basis of these two ingredients that make up many products on store shelves, many copies have long been broken. However, the question still remains open, which is more useful - soy lecithin or palm oil.

Biological food additives have varying degrees of importance. But for the most part, all of them are used in order to make the production of products cheaper. However, it is impossible to violate a number of requirements in the manufacture of certain food products, so manufacturers come up with ways to make its production more profitable without deteriorating the nutritional value of the product.

Soy lecithin

Soy lecithin is a food flavoring additive that is made from refined soybean oil through low temperature processing. Due to the fact that the oil is refined, ordinary people usually conclude that it is becoming unhealthy. However, experts assure that this opinion is wrong, and soybean oil perfectly preserves vitamins, and the oil itself, and phospholipids.

The benefit of soy lecithin is that it actively participates in the metabolism of fats and cholesterol, which means it neutralizes the harm of fatty foods. At the same time, it also inhibits the development of stones in the gallbladder.

Often soy lecithin is prescribed to people living in areas with an increased radioactive background. This is due to the fact that it perfectly removes heavy metal salts.

Soy lecithin is also good for those who suffer from animal fat intolerance and various allergic reactions. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. There are a number of situations where soy lecithin has a very negative effect on the human body.

So, for example, this product has a very negative effect on the action of the endocrine system. Lecithin depresses her. Its effect is especially strong on the children's nervous system. Therefore, the use of soy lecithin is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Pregnant women should also refrain from consuming soy lecithin. this has a rather negative effect on the development of the fetal brain. This can often even lead to a miscarriage.

To avoid problems, you should be very clear about where you can find soy lecithin. It is commonly added in baked goods, chocolate, sausage, dumplings, and fast food.

Palm oil

Palm oil, like lecithin, is used in confectionery. It is ideal for products that require long-term storage. However, nutritionists are increasingly talking about its harm to human health.

Palm oil is used today in the manufacture of popular food products such as condensed milk, candy, cookies, chocolate spread, instant noodles, chips, croutons, crackers, etc. Those with a particularly keen sense of smell argue that palm oil gives foods an interesting flavor.

It is worth remembering that palm oil is a product containing saturated fats, the main distinguishing feature of which is long-term storage. But this is precisely where the main danger of palm oil lies. Fats provoke an increase in blood cholesterol levels and lead to the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis, heart disease, etc.

At the same time, palm oil has the property of enhancing the taste of the product, as a result of which a person wants to eat it again and again.

At this moment, when you begin to develop dependence on a product to which palm oil is added, it is worth remembering that this oil is still used to lubricate metallurgical equipment, and your appetite will disappear.

Once in the human body, palm oil does not dissolve, but remains in the stomach in the form of a warm sticky mass that clogs everything around. When heat-treated, this product turns into a dangerous carcinogen. Scientists have proven that there are no nutrients in palm oil at all.

It turns out that neither one nor the other additive can be called useful. However, when compared, palm oil is significantly inferior to soy lecithin. But also try not to overdo it with its use. Let everything be in moderation.

Lecithin. Benefit and harm

Lecithin is a fat-like organic substance that is a complex of phospholipids. It is, without exaggeration, fuel for the human body. He is a building material for cell membranes. Strengthens the nervous system, is indispensable for the liver and brain. Lecithin also helps to improve lipid metabolism in the human body, to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. The indications for the use of this drug are very wide. It is necessary both for the development of a growing organism and for maintaining the health of people of mature age.

Lecithin for liver health

This drug is the liver's best friend. Most of the lecithin in our body is contained in this organ - 65% of the total. Therefore, the lecithin preparation is prescribed for any liver pathologies - hepatitis, liver obesity, intoxication, cirrhosis.

When intoxicated with alcohol, lecithin will also support liver health and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal symptoms (hangovers). It activates the body's ability to resist toxins and stimulates the production of bile, provokes active regeneration (restoration) of liver cells. Although drinkers need to treat not the liver, but the head.

In addition, lecithin is a powerful antioxidant that can remove toxins from the body.

Lecithin against cholesterol

Since cholesterol is found in the same foods as lecithin, the benefits and harms of consuming such foods seem to equalize. Lecithin keeps cholesterol in solution and, accordingly, prevents its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. Additionally, lecithin entering the body promotes the elimination of cholesterol that has already begun to be deposited, reducing its total level by 15–20 percent.

In addition, lecithin activates the work of enzymes to break down fats, stabilizes fat metabolism, promotes better absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K. Phospholipids activate blood microcirculation in the body. Therefore, lecithin, practically without side effects, is indispensable for the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. It is also prescribed for patients during the recovery period after heart attacks and strokes.

For little geniuses

Lecithin is necessary for a child from the first days of life - primarily for the formation and development of the central nervous system. When breastfeeding, the baby receives lecithin from the mother's milk. If, for some reason, natural feeding is impossible, the lecithin deficiency must be additionally eliminated.

It is especially important for the baby to receive his obligatory daily dose of lecithin in the first year of life. Recent studies at Columbia University have proved that the amount of lecithin obtained in the first 12 months of a baby's life determines the amount of his memory in the future, as well as the resistance of his memory to age-related changes. And this means successful studies at school, interesting projects at the university and a worthy career.

Also, the child's body is especially vulnerable to a lack of lecithin during stress. The first serious experiences begin during the adaptation period, first in kindergarten, then at school. There is a separate conversation about first-graders. During this period, lecithin is simply necessary. It stimulates brain activity, reduces fatigue. Improves memory, attention, increases stress resistance.

For schoolchildren, lecithin is best suited in the form of a gel. The child does not associate it with pills, on the contrary, manufacturers make it pleasant to the taste, with a fruity smell. Another option is lecithin in soluble capsules. Children rarely refuse a vitamin drink. Most often, children's lecithin also contains a complex of vitamins necessary for a growing body.

And for the lovely ladies

Lecithin is good for everyone, but women's health is particularly dependent on this unique complex of phospholipids. And the most important thing is the healing effect of lecithin on the nervous system.

17% of nerve fibers consists of lecithin - not comparable to the liver, but the percentage is serious. The slightest lecithin deficiency in the body - and now insomnia, tearfulness, irritability, up to full-fledged nervous breakdowns. And since stress is the most constant companion of women's life (a nagging boss, annoying colleagues, family affairs, growing children, worries about the budget), one cannot do without lecithin supplementation. It is great at helping to strengthen the nerves and successfully resist stress.

Lecithin is often prescribed to their patients and doctors, for the prevention and as part of the complex therapy of various female diseases: mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine fibroids - up to uterine cancer. Lecithin helps to align the menstrual cycle, relieves the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Therefore, its reception is a full-fledged prevention of diseases of the female genital area.

For female beauty, lecithin is also indispensable - it's not just that world cosmetic brands actively include it in cosmetic products. Phosphatidylcholine - the active substance in lecithin - smoothes the skin of the face, making it soft and tender. It also helps to relieve inflammation, allergic rashes, remove excess fat and restore freshness to the face.

And the best part: lecithin provides a full metabolism and helps to control weight.

Versatile, efficient, safe

Taking lecithin is effective for many diseases, as well as for their prevention. For example, with physical and psycho-emotional stress, constant stress, taking lecithin will help improve the general condition of the body and the nervous system.

Lecithin is able to protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from harmful effects. Therefore, its reception is indicated for people suffering from gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcer disease.

With psoriasis and dermatitis, taking lecithin will significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is often used in the complex treatment of skin diseases.

Another magical property of lecithin is the ability to normalize blood sugar levels. It strengthens the membranes of pancreatic cells, in particular beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin. Thus, in type 1 diabetes mellitus, lecithin reduces external insulin demand. In type 2 diabetes, it compensates for the lack of phospholipids and essential fatty acids.

Lecithin is indispensable for the brain. It has been proven that regular intake of lecithin can stop multiple sclerosis (breakdown of the myelin sheath of the brain), improve brain activity in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's syndrome.

Such varied and broad indications for the use of lecithin are explained very simply - it is contained in the cells of all body systems. However, it has no serious side effects.

How does the body react to a lack of lecithin?

The first to suffer from a lack of lecithin is the nervous system. Memory disorder, constant mood swings, decreased attention, insomnia - these are the main symptoms of lecithin deficiency in the body.

In addition, if the lecithin supplied with food is not enough for a person, digestive upset begins - aversion to fatty foods, frequent diarrhea and bloating. The work of the liver and kidneys is interrupted.

Blood pressure may increase, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, as well as joints, progress.

If the body regularly receives less of its vital lecithin, a person's risk of chronic diseases is seriously increased:

  • hypertension and coronary heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis (since there is no lecithin, there is no one to control harmful cholesterol);
  • ulcer - gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.

Early osteoporosis, constant irritability, nervous breakdowns are all consequences of a lack of lecithin. The skin also suffers from a deficiency of beneficial phospholipids. Psoriasis, allergic rashes, food dermatitis can also be triggered by improper diet without the required lecithin volume.

Natural sources of lecithin

The name of the substance comes from the Greek "lekithos", which means "egg yolk". Accordingly, there is a sufficient amount of lecithin in eggs, as well as in foods containing a large amount of fat - beef or chicken liver, seeds and nuts, fish, sunflower oil and meat.

One of the leaders in lecithin content is walnut flour. This "flour" delicacy is a real storehouse of healthy fats that energize us, help us withstand stress and keep a sharp mind. You can add nut flour to cottage cheese, morning porridge or vegetable salad (if you are on a diet), make cookies and muffins from it (for incorrigible sweet teeth).

Some vegetables and fruits also contain lecithin. So, there is a lot of lecithin in legumes, in particular in soybeans. The raw materials for the production of industrial lecithin are most often soybean oil, soybeans and products of its processing. Rich in lecithin phospholipids and fatty fruits - avocado and Asian durian. And in our beds, in addition to peas with beans, carrots, green lettuce and white cabbage will provide you with lecithin.

Lecithin as a food supplement

Nutritional supplements are an inevitable nightmare for everyone. We are constantly looking on the Web for tables with useful and harmful additives, we learn by heart the dangerous numbers under the E code, in stores we stubbornly read the contents of the packages, looking for insidious chemicals. And here's the irony of fate - one of the most popular nutritional supplements is soy lecithin, the beneficial properties of which have long been beyond question.

Soy lecithin can be found in a variety of manufactured products that have become an integral part of our lives:

  • margarines, butter, spreads;
  • almost all confectionery (sweets, cookies, waffles, gummies, etc.);
  • bread and bakery desserts (rolls, cakes, muffins, especially with cream);
  • formulas for baby food (from the first months of life).

So what is soy lecithin, a necessary and beneficial ingredient, or a potentially harmful preservative? To begin with, lecithin phospholipids are the very ingredient that makes common treats the way we love them. They prevent fats from crystallizing (this is very important for baking with soft cream), increase the shelf life of flour sweets, and also make muffins, cakes and cookies easily come off the mold during baking.

This additive is officially allowed in many countries, including those who are especially strict about the quality and benefits of products - in the USA, Australia, the European Union and Russia. Lecithin is considered not only harmless, but also a useful addition to products, and painstaking scientific research is still underway. Just in case, so as not to overlook potential danger.

The only question is about soy lecithin, which is often made from genetically modified soybeans. This is the next point.

Where to buy lecithin?

Lecithin is commercially produced from either soybean oil or sunflower seeds. Considering that soybeans are often genetically modified, we would recommend using lecithin, which is produced from sunflower seeds, which, in principle, has not been genetically modified.

Of the manufacturers known to us, we can recommend you the products of the company "Our Lecithin" - this is a domestic manufacturer, they have been operating since 2001, their products are available in many pharmacies and online stores, and, most importantly, their lecithin is 100% from sunflower seeds. If we are not mistaken, this is almost the only company that produces lecithin only from sunflower seeds, the rest use soy as well. Check out their website:

How to use?

Lecithin is included in various vitamin complexes, and is also produced as an independent preparation in the form of capsules, gels, granules, tablets, and liquids. In liquid form, lecithin can even be mixed with food before consumption.

The daily dose of lecithin is 5-6 grams for an adult and 1-4 grams for a child. This is not counting the lecithin that we can get from food. It is usually consumed before or during meals three times a day. The course of treatment (prophylaxis) is on average at least three months, but it can be continued even longer, up to several years.

The final dosage and duration of admission is determined by the doctor.

With all the variety of lecithin forms, the most popular and demanded among buyers is lecithin in granules. An important advantage of such healing phospholipids: in this case, it is very easy to trace the quality and suitability of lecithin.

If the medicinal supplement is not stored correctly (or it is expired), the taste of lecithin changes greatly, it becomes rancid, like real fat. If you swallow such a capsule, you will not feel a trick, and you will immediately feel the dubious taste of granulated lecithin.

In lecithin granules, it is also captivating that such a supplement can be taken in different ways (like liquid lecithin). You can simply eat it with spoons in the required dosage with water or juice, or you can add it to your favorite food. Almost any dish will do - it is allowed to mix lecithin into porridge, muesli, cottage cheese and yogurt, sprinkle on salads, and its benefits will not suffer a bit.

There are few contraindications, but they are

To whom is lecithin contraindicated? The instructions for use state that the drug should not be used only if there is an individual intolerance. The problem is that lecithin allergies are common. Therefore, if you are susceptible to allergic reactions, try not to miss the first signs and stop taking the drug.

Peanut halva benefits and harms

Manufacturers of bean-to-bar chocolates tend to have clear, categorical opinions on issues such as existence, use of a particular variety classification, or adherence to Fair trade standards. However, there is a question that even experts cannot answer unequivocally. It sounds like this: does chocolate need soy lecithin?

Opinions, as is often the case in the chocolate industry, are divided into diametrically opposed ones. Soy lecithin is called:

  1. a practical "tool" facilitating the process of making chocolate;
  2. unnecessary additive, allowing to reduce the cost of the final product.

Before deciding on the answer to this question, you should first figure out what this substance is.

Soy lecithin produced from refined soybean oil during low-temperature processing. It is the most common emulsifier in the modern food industry. It has the E322 code and belongs to a group of substances that are used for better mixing of substances of different density and chemical properties. In addition, it is used as a biologically active and flavoring food additive.

Soy lecithin is found in more foods than we might think. Manufacturers love it because it has two important properties:

  1. it emulsifier... Its purpose is to combine normally immiscible ingredients such as water and oil. This is why we often find lecithin in a variety of creamy dressings, mayonnaise, spreads, or other low-fat butter products.
  2. it surface-active substance(Surfactant). Its purpose is to reduce the surface tension of liquids, which allows them to spread and be absorbed faster. For this reason, soy lecithin is often added to muffins and other baked goods. Thanks to the surfactant, the water mixes more easily with other ingredients and there are fewer lumps in the dough.

Now that we have a better understanding of what soy lecithin is, we can move on to the next question.

HOW is lecithin used in chocolate making

Unlike other products containing oils, soy lecithin is not added to chocolate as an emulsifier. The main goal is to reduce the viscosity and improve the flowability of the chocolate. Thanks to soy lecithin, it acquires a consistency convenient for work, better tempering and shaping... The same result can be achieved by adding cocoa butter, which, however, significantly increases the cost of the final product.

If you look at the composition of a standard chocolate bar, you will notice that soy lecithin (if any) is among the very last ingredients. This suggests that it is used in extremely small quantities. For example, if 3-4% cocoa butter is required for a high-quality "dilution" of chocolate, then 0.5% lecithin will be enough to achieve a similar result. It is curious that if you add more than 0.5% of it, then the opposite effect will occur - it will cease to positively affect the viscosity and can contribute to the thickening of the product. However, manufacturers usually know when to stop.

The ideal time to add soy lecithin is the last stage of production, when the chocolate is in the melange or conching machine.

WHY Some Manufacturers Use Soy Lecithin While Others Avoid It

Let's start with undoubted advantages of this ingredient.

  1. As we mentioned, soy lecithin lowers the viscosity and improves the flowability of the chocolate... Thanks to this, it acquires a consistency that is convenient for work and lends itself well to tempering. This greatly simplifies manufacturing.
  2. One more the advantage of soy lecithin is its price... It is significantly cheaper than cocoa butter. In addition, a small amount of lecithin is sufficient for a high-quality "dilution" of the chocolate. This reduces the cost of the final product.
  3. Soy lecithin does not function as an emulsifier in chocolate, but it can be very beneficial in some cases. Due to the light roasting of the cocoa beans or the high moisture content of ingredients that absorb moisture easily (sugar, milk powder), water can still get into the chocolate. The addition of a small amount of lecithin prevents clotting and premature thickening of the chocolate.
  4. Soy lecithin increases shelf life products that increase profitability. In addition, it inhibits the crystallization of sugar, thereby preventing chocolate from blooming.

Now let's move on to negative properties lecithin.

  1. On the one hand, soy lecithin makes it easier to work with chocolate, on the other - changes its taste and texture... It is because of this ingredient that many complain about the "plasticine" consistency of chocolate. Such a plastic texture, similar to wax, is not always pleasant to the taste. Only cocoa butter is able to give chocolate a delicate, fluid structure that melts on the tongue and complement, if necessary, its aroma and taste. Soy lecithin, on the other hand, smoothes the flavor profile, making it standard and average.
  2. Soy lecithin is a natural substance, however get it using aggressive chemical solvents such as hexane and acetone. It is also bleached to change its color from an unattractive dirty brown to light yellow. Together with lecithin, albeit in small quantities, toxic residues of solvents enter the body, and this, as you know, has not benefited anyone yet.
  3. Currently almost all soybeans are genetically modified... An exception can be considered only when the label says "organic soy lecithin". Otherwise, the likelihood that this ingredient was derived from a genetically modified product is extremely high. Only organic lecithin is produced mechanically, avoiding the use of chemical solvents. This manufacturing method significantly increases the cost of the product, which means that its use as a substitute for cocoa butter ceases to be beneficial.

Surprisingly, unlike soy itself, soy lecithin practically does not cause allergies... This is due to the fact that during manufacture the overwhelming amount of protein is removed from it. Many medical studies confirm that the risk of an allergic reaction to soy lecithin and soy oils is low, although possible. However, those who are sensitive to this allergen should still refrain from chocolate containing soy lecithin.

To add or not to add?

The positive and negative aspects of using soy lecithin can be said to overlap. The addition of this ingredient simplifies production, but also negatively affects the taste of the chocolate. Lecithin is widely used by large manufacturers, because for them profit is in the first place. That is why all of their products taste so similar.

When creating, we adhere to the most laconic composition: refined cocoa beans, cane sugar, whole milk powder and cocoa butter. In principle, we do not use soy lecithin, as we strive to preserve the refinement of the taste and aroma of our products as much as possible.

Nevertheless, we will not give a definitive answer to the question of whether it is worth using soy lecithin in the manufacture of chocolate. We leave the right of choice for the manufacturer and, of course, for you, dear connoisseurs of chocolate.


  2. http://sportwiki.to/ Soy_lecithin

Phospholipids as micellar surfactants are widely used in the modern food industry to improve the quality of food products as a food additive. Lecithin, or natural food supplement E322, belongs to the group of natural phospholipids.

Lecithin from the company YUVIX-PHARM is a defatted sunflower lecithin with a high level of phospholipid concentration, having a low residual oil content, in powder form with a clean taste and odor profile. Sunflower lecithin powder has good flow characteristics, does not contain additives, carriers, impurities and agents that improve flow parameters.

Sunflower lecithin is widely used as an additive in the food industry. This helps to significantly improve the quality of finished products, facilitates the maintenance of the technological process, and reduces the amount of expensive ingredients (egg products, fatty products) in the composition of various flour confectionery and bakery products.

The main functions of a lecithin emulsifier in the food industry

  • Emulsifier - chocolate, milk powder, margarine.
  • Stabilizer - dry powder products.
  • Solubilizer - flavoring and aromatic additives, food colors.
  • Disperser - milk powder, cocoa powder.
  • Antioxidant - margarine, chocolate.
  • Lyophilizer - cream powder, milk powder, cocoa powder.
  • Antiadhesive - caramel masses, cheeses.
  • Defoamer - alcohol and yeast production.
  • The water binding agent is chewing gum.
  • Viscosity reducer - glazes, cream fillings.
  • Water crystallization inhibitor - dough for dumplings, frozen dough, ice cream.

Sunflower lecithin of YUVIX-PHARM LLC meets the special purity criteria established by Regulation (EU) 231/2012, all specifications and regulations established by FAO / WHO, EU, Food Chemical Code and TR CU 029/2012.
In any case, priority should be given to local legislation.

The composition of the product

  • Sunflower emulsifier lecithin (E322).

Physicochemical parameters
The appearance of the industrial sunflower lecithin of YUVIX-PHARM LLC is a fine powder.

Benefits of powdered lecithins for the food industry

  1. This is their state of aggregation - lecithin is a dispersed free-flowing powdery product with a particle size of 20 to 150 microns.
  2. This product contains 85 to 97% phospholipids (essentially phospholipid isolates).
  3. They are very convenient and easy to dose.
  4. Pre-mixing with dry ingredients.
  5. Better dispersibility.

Industrial emulsifier lecithin LLC "YUVIX-PHARM"

Our sunflower lecithin is produced by isolating the active components of lecithin obtained from sunflower oil in order to increase the concentration and content of phospholipids.

Fat free lecithin is widely recognized for its unsurpassed emulsifying power. The purity level of the product allows it to be recommended for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and dietary food products.

Due to the high concentration of highly effective active food substances, including choline, polyunsaturated fatty acids, inositol, etc., lecithin of YUVIX-PHARM LLC has a high nutritional value and is unambiguously recommended as an important biologically active food supplement for an ordinary end consumer, in particular indispensable in special diets in order to increase nutritional value, in particular, in order to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Storage of lecithin

Lecithin from YUVIX-PHARM LLC is distinguished by its increased hygroscopicity. Store the product tightly closed in its original packaging in a cool and dry place out of direct sunlight.

The total shelf life is 18 months, provided that the packaging is kept intact and the required storage conditions are met.


Cardboard boxes with polyethylene liner.

Attention: prices are indicated without shipping costs.

More and more information appears in print and on television about the benefits and dangers of soy lecithin. It is a flavoring and biologically active food additive produced at low temperatures from soybean oil in a purified form.

Lecithin is filled with phospholipids, vitamins and oil, participating in fat metabolism. Its beneficial properties are irreplaceable for people living in unfavorable ecological regions, removing radionuclides and heavy metals.

Soy Lecithin Benefits - 11 Health Benefits

Lecithin is found in all tissues of the human and animal body, including fish, birds and plants. But for humans, lecithin is most important because of its amount in the liver - 50 percent and the spinal cord - 30. The nervous system has 17 percent of this substance. Most of all lecithin is found in the human heart.

11 beneficial properties of soy lecithin for human health, participation in the processes:

  1. Active participation in cellular recovery.
  2. Ensuring the performance of the central nervous system and brain.
  3. Delivery of nutrients with vitamins to organs and tissues of the body.
  4. Powerful antioxidant effect, neutralizing toxic elements.
  5. Soy lecithin is good for the liver, protecting and supporting the organ, being the strongest hepatoprotector.
  6. By stimulating the reproductive function of the body. The positive influence also extends to the development of the baby in the womb, having a beneficial effect on labor activity. But to start using it, you need to consult a treating gynecologist.
  7. For women in menopause or menstrual irregularities, including heavy bleeding.
  8. In the presence of stones in the gallbladder, due to the elimination of salt deposits.
  9. Relief of joint pain in arthritis, normalizing the balance of minerals and fats in the body.
  10. Weight stabilization.
  11. A beneficial effect on nails and hair, which is widely used in the cosmetic field.

Its positive effects are especially important for elderly people and athletes who experience lack of it. This is reflected in the work of the nervous system, brain activity, decreased immunity and deterioration in the effectiveness of drugs taken.

For the normal functioning of the body, 5 grams of lecithin per day is enough. But in some cases, a deficiency may appear, which is replenished with food additives.

Indications for use

For medicinal purposes, when a lack of the drug is detected, soy lecithin is indicated for the following health problems:

  • Heart attacks and atherosclerosis;
  • Angina pectoris with hypertension;
  • Lesions of the central nervous system with peripheral;
  • Chronic pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus;
  • Any chronic disease of the digestive organs;
  • Skin lesions and allergies;
  • Psoriasis with atopic dermatitis;
  • Chronic liver disease;
  • Joint ailments and vertebrates;
  • Eye diseases and dental;
  • Respiratory problems;
  • Intoxication with obesity;
  • Fibroids related to the gynecological sphere.

Dosages depend on the level of physical activity and general condition. A lack of substance will lead to thinning of nerve cells with fibers, disrupting all the activity of the central nervous system. All this will "result" in chronic fatigue and excessive irritability, not allowing a person to live and work normally.

The stabilizer E476 is represented by fatty soy lecithin, which is found in common products. In many countries, the substance is approved for use, it is considered harmless. But in fact, this food supplement, also called polyglycerin, is still controversial about its benefits and harms to the human body.

Soy lecithin E476 is obtained from processed vegetable oils, presented as a fatty substance without color, taste and odor. The scope of application of the additive extends to foodstuffs, endowing them with certain properties. For example, it is added to chocolate to reduce costs and improve streamlining.

In addition to chocolate, nowadays it is often used in the manufacture of ketchups and sauces, mayonnaise and margarines, including liquid ready-made soups.

Food industry

Soy lecithin has been successfully used in food production. It is one of the constituents of confectionery fat, increasing its delamination and density with plasticity.

Low fat content with lecithin content is filled with oiliness. In the production of dairy products, lecithin is used to accelerate the dissolution of milk in dry form and to increase the shelf life. Frozen desserts and ice cream become homogeneous with lecithin.

Lecithin products

Soy lecithin is present in large quantities:

  1. In a chicken egg.
  2. Chicken and beef liver.
  3. Fatty fish and any vegetable oil.
  4. Sunflower seeds and nuts.
  5. In pork and beef.
  6. In white cabbage with broccoli.
  7. In legumes, including soy.

But even the most rational diet will not give the human body enough lecithin. The reason lies in the assimilation of food by the body is not in full. Soy lecithin supplements, available to everyone in pharmacy chains, help to fix this.

On the subject: -to be happy, and who better to abstain.

Baby food and soy lecithin

In the manufacture of baby food, the additive is also used, helping in the construction of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Intrauterine development cannot do without it, forming a brain with nerve tissue. In adolescence, soy lecithin is involved in the construction of organs and systems. The supplement has been shown to have a positive effect on children, who are often capricious and crying.

Vitamins with lecithin for children are shown at any age in certain dosages, which is prescribed by the local pediatrician. They are available as capsules, gels, granules and powders.

Adults take lecithin in capsule form - 1 piece twice a day, as an addition to the main diet. There is an option of adding to liquid warm dishes - 1 tsp each. three times during the day.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to use kefir, pouring lecithin into it to get rid of excitability and irritability. In some cases, it is allowed to increase the dosage up to 5 tbsp. l. during the day, but with permission from a doctor.

Important points

When opening the package, the granular additive must be consumed 2 months in advance. The presence of stones in the gallbladder requires caution in taking soy lecithin due to its ability to increase the secretion of bile.

During an exacerbation of pancreatitis with cholecystitis, it is recommended to start taking the supplement only after the permission of the attending physician and under his supervision.

When using increased doses of the drug, you need to combine it with the intake of vitamin C, which can protect against the negative effects of nitrosamine released through the exchange of calcium with choline.

Harm and contraindications of lecithin

Soy lecithin, in addition to benefits, can also harm the human body. The additive suppresses the work of the endocrine system and even provokes premature birth. Accordingly, lecithin is harmful to pregnant women and the elderly with thyroid problems.

Sensitization to this product can cause an allergic reaction. Excessive consumption of lecithin causes unpleasant symptoms from the digestive system in the form of increased salivation, dyspepsia and nausea.

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