Home Mushrooms A pig is a wild or domestic animal. How long does a domestic pig live. Main breeds of mini pigs

A pig is a wild or domestic animal. How long does a domestic pig live. Main breeds of mini pigs

A pig is an animal from the mammals class, the artiodactyl order, the non-ruminant suborder, the pig family (Suidae). Most likely, the pig got its name for its exceptional fertility. According to authoritative scientists, the basis of the Latin name goes back to the ancient word sunus - "son", acquiring the meaning of "birth", "fruiting".

Pig - description, characteristics and photos

The strong, slightly elongated body of a pig can reach a length of more than one and a half meters. The pig's skin is covered with sparse, rough, bristly hair. The elongated muzzle of a pig with a movable nose-proboscis ends in a cartilaginous disc “patch” that allows the animal to dig food out of the ground. The pig has 44 teeth, 4 of them have well-developed canines. The upper canines are curved.

The weight of a pig, depending on the species, ranges from 45 to 400 kg. The legs are short, four-toed, with well-developed lateral toes. The tail is curved in a corkscrew. The pig's ears are big, but the eyes are small. From their wild ancestor, the wild boar, the pigs inherited weak eyesight, but a very keen sense of smell and excellent hearing.

The impressive size and short legs do not prevent the pig from being a fairly agile animal. The running pig's speed reaches 17 km / h. If necessary, these seemingly clumsy animals swim well.

Contrary to popular belief, most often pigs are not pink, but gray. Less common are individuals of white, brown, spotted and absolutely black colors.

Under decent conditions in captivity, the life expectancy of a pig is 10-15 years. Among large breeds, there are long-lived individuals: a healthy animal with quality care can live up to 35 years.

In the wild, a pig lives on average 7-8 years. Females are more vulnerable due to the large number of offspring and the need to constantly be near the offspring. Warlike boars often live to be 12-15 years old.

Types of pigs. Where do pigs live?

There are more than 20 species of wild pigs in the world, from which more than 100 breeds have been bred by breeders. Moreover, pigs live everywhere except Antarctica.

From the point of view of scientists, the following are considered the most interesting and studied species:

  • babirussa ( Babyrousa babynissa)

a rare pig, listed in the Red Book. Single pigs with an atypical appearance for the family: long, thin legs, an arched back and an almost naked body, only sometimes covered with sparse nap. A specific difference is the powerful growths on the muzzle in the form of numerous fangs. Live in Indonesia, on the island of Sulawesi, forming 4 subspecies;

  • big forest pig ( Hylochoerus meinertzhageni)

the largest species with a body reaching 2 meters in length. Individuals are distinguished by long dark hair and large, pronounced warts covering the snout. Habitat - tropical forests of equatorial Africa;

  • African warthog ( Phacochoerus africanus)

A distinctive feature is the huge skin growths on the face. The neck is covered with a mane, the tail ends with a tassel. The warthog population includes 7 subspecies inhabiting the African savannah;

  • boar (Sus scrofa) , wild boar

a common species with over 25 subspecies. The ancestor of the domestic pig, but with rather long legs and developed fangs. They live in the forests of mainland Europe, the Mediterranean, North and Central America, in the mountains of Central Asia, in the Far East;

  • bearded pig ( Sus barbatus)

slightly smaller than a wild boar, but with rather long legs. The snout is covered with light, long hair. A feature of the species is the bifurcated tassel at the tip of the tail. There are 6 subspecies inhabiting Southeast Asia;

  • dwarf pig ( Sus salvanius, Porcula salvania Hodgson)

small, endangered species protected by Greenpeace. The height of an adult is not more than 35 cm, on the muzzle there are distinctive shreds of white wool. They live in Nepal, at the foot and on the slopes of the Himalayan massif;

  • brush-eared pig ( Potamochoerus porcus)

the most variegatedly colored look. Black muzzle with white circles around the eyes, a reddish brown body and a white stripe along the spine. This pig species has long sideburns and distinctive black and white ear hair.

How to feed the pigs? Pig diet

A pig is an omnivore, it eats absolutely everything. In the wild, the main food is what can be dug in the ground: plant roots, worms, insect larvae, as well as tree bark, young shoots of plants, grass. Acorns, nuts and mushrooms are considered a special delicacy. Food of animal origin, in addition to worms and larvae, can be fish, molluscs, birds, rodents, and carrion.

At home, pigs need high quality food:

  • a combination of beneficial herbs such as alfalfa;
  • vegetables (sugar beet, pumpkin,);
  • cereals and cereals (peas, barley, millet);
  • dairy products and meat waste;
  • feed concentrates;
  • nutritional supplements containing vitamins and minerals.

Hearing the phrase "pet", many of us immediately imagine fluffy cats, dogs or hamsters. But recently, the concept has become more extensive, such amazing animals as mini-pigs, mini-pigs, are included in the list of pets.

Initially, the breed was bred for various laboratory studies, but over time it has gained wide demand among pet lovers. The main advantages of such tiny creatures are dwarf size, amazing appearance, cleanliness and an excellent tendency to train.

Many commands can be taught to a pet, including the sit, lie down, and paw commands. And the incredibly funny dances of these animals are still a sight to behold.

The history of the origin of the decorative pig. Description of the breed

The first representatives of the miniature domestic pig appeared as a result of long-term work of breeders. To develop the breed, scientists crossed wild boars and a pot-bellied Vietnamese pig. Given the breed characteristics and climatic conditions of the area where the pet lives, the color of its coat is very different. Most often, there are such shades:

  • ginger;
  • black;
  • marble;
  • sand;
  • mixed.

The breed of a miniature pig does not have a clear standard. Occurs in nature about 30 varieties of mini pigs, in the weight category from 6 to 140 kilograms... The largest breeds are represented:

  • Siberian miniature pig;
  • Goettingen mini-pig;
  • Vietnamese pot-bellied pig;

Individuals weighing up to 25 kilograms include breeds:

Character features of home mini-pigs

Cute micro-pigs grow up to three years... If you compare them with cats and dogs, then they are much smarter than the first ones, since have pronounced conscious behavior... With proper training, the pet quickly learns different commands and performs them better than four-legged friends.

If you are going to buy a decorative house pig, do not forget that it can be a very emotional animal which can make many sounds. A happy pig will happily run around the territory and grunt softly. But try to offend him, and he will immediately turn into an angry pig that will scream at the top of his throat. Little pigs use sounds to convey important information to their owners and other animals. While feeding the baby, the sow grunts slightly.

It is important to note the fact that the hierarchy method must be applied to decorative domestic pigs. From the first days of its appearance in the house, show the animal who is in charge in the house, otherwise it will quickly "sit on your head" and dictate its own rules. Lack of proper upbringing will lead to disobedience and the manifestation of a stubborn character. To avoid such consequences, educate your animal in domestic ethics from an early age.

Tiny micro-pigs strongly resemble toddlers who cannot imagine their life without pranks. Mini pigs have superb intelligence that helps them find creative ways to manipulate. If you give them free rein, they will quickly grow into real naughty ones. These creatures need constant communication and attention... If you leave them without this pleasure, they will quickly begin to be offended and sad. Therefore, if you are rarely at home, consider purchasing two pets. In such a team it will be much more fun for them.

The little pig is surprisingly curious. She can run around the apartment all day and look for something tasty in your personal belongings. Due to their well-developed natural instincts and intuition, they boast many unique properties.

How to keep a decorative pig at home

Many people who are going to purchase decorative crumbs are wondering how long these cute creatures live. According to official figures, with proper care, the pet can live up to 15 years.

Caring for tiny pigs does not require much effort or financial investment. These animals clean and they won't shit anywhere. The main thing is to teach them how to go to the toilet in advance, using a tray from some box or other container, at the bottom of which there are small pieces of paper, shavings or sawdust. Cat litter should not be used because the pig often mistook it for food. The tray is installed in the place that the pig has chosen as a toilet.

Dwarf piglets need regular bathing in the shower or bath... They need to be bathed exclusively in warm water, otherwise the pets may develop various diseases. Little pigs are very fond of water procedures. In summer, you can put a small pool in the yard in the form of a basin of water, in which the animals will take warm baths on their own.

After purchasing a piglet, it must be shown to an experienced veterinarian who will prescribe all important vaccinations against common swine diseases. If there is no desire to breed the offspring of mini-pigs, you can castrate the boar.

Piglets need to be walked regularly. When walking on hot summer days, the body of the animals should be irrigated with water. Remember to take cool liquid every time you go outside. When walking in public places, you must use harnesses. The pig is accustomed to the harness at the age of two months.

How to feed dwarf pets?

The feeding of the tiny mini pigs is carried out according to a strictly set schedule. Individuals with the age of up to one year need 3-4 meals a day, and adult representatives of the breed need two meals a day. If the schedule is unbalanced, the pet will always beg for food and grunt all day.

The following foods can be used as food:

The plant diet of pigs should contain carrots, turnips, beets, pumpkin and Jerusalem artichoke. Such vegetables are carefully grated and served in the form of a kind of gruel. The fodder base should not contain spices, sugar and salt. The animal should not be fed with fatty or salty foods, as well as commercial foods for other pets, such as cats or dogs, as they contain a large amount of protein.

After being examined in a veterinary clinic, a specialist can prescribe a number of vitamins and special premixes for your fancy pig. These may include feed droshky, bone meal, and fish oil.

With the right attitude to the diet of ornamental pigs, you will be able to raise a truly healthy and beautiful pet that will conscientiously fulfill all your commands and delight the world around you with its amazing beauty.

How to breed mini pigs at home

Due to the amazing external features, ease of care and maintenance, breeding mini-pigs at home is becoming more and more popular. Many people buy two pigs solely for their home business. And this is a very smart investment that quickly justifies the money and time spent.

A sexually mature adult hog should be placed in the same closed room with the female and left there for 15 hours. It is important to take into account the fact that the mating procedure will be successful only in the territory well known to the female. Otherwise, she will simply avoid contact with the wild boar. According to experts, it is good to repeat the mating after five days. The gestation period lasts 118 days, after which the sow produces offspring of several amazingly beautiful pigs. Before giving birth, equip a special pen or nest in the house where the animals will develop normally near the mother.

In the diet of the crumbs, mother's milk should be present, which contains a lot of incredibly valuable micronutrients.

Curious facts about pygmy pigs

It is easy to guess that numerous facts and interesting stories are associated with such adorable animals.

Mini pigs or dwarf domestic pigs, in recent years, have been used not only in laboratory or medical research, but also as a very decorative and original, exotic pet.

History of origin

Miniature pigs were bred over half a century ago in Germany... Small wild boars and Vietnamese pot bellies were used as parental pairs. At the moment, there are no clear breed standards, and specialists from many countries, including Russia, are currently working on breeding the smallest specimens, which are conventionally called micro-pigs.

Appearance and description of the mini-pig

The coloration of mini pigs can be very varied. There are individuals with black, red, sand, marble, brindle and mixed colors. The relatively active growth of such a pet occurs only in the first one and a half to two years of life, after which the pet can "hog", gaining significant weight.

The average weight of an adult individual of a standard mini-pig can vary between 30-80 kg, and micro-pigs weigh significantly less - 10-30 kg. In most cases, the parameters of the weight and height of the miniature pig are determined by the regimen and quality of the diet, as well as the application of the diet.

It is interesting! There are cases when an adult mini- or micro-pig had a body weight of no more than 6-10 kg, but this weight feature is not a breed characteristic, therefore, it is very rare today.

Life span

Subject to absolutely all conditions of detention, systematic preventive veterinary examinations and vaccinations, as well as full and balanced feeding, the average life expectancy of a dwarf pig rarely exceeds 12-15 years, but long-lived pigs are known that have "stepped over" even twenty years.

Main breeds of mini pigs

Despite the seeming simplicity of such a pet, the question of choosing a breed of dwarf pig should be approached very responsibly. To date, the following main breeds are available for purchase for lovers of original pets:

  • a miniature variety of Bergstrasser Knirt, derived from popular Chinese breeds. The weight of an adult female, as a rule, does not exceed 9-10 kg, and that of an adult male does not exceed 13-15 kg. This very popular breed in most European countries is distinguished by a kind and cheerful disposition, as well as boundless devotion to its owner;
  • the smallest and relatively new variety of Mini-Mayyalino, regardless of gender, weighs no more than 9-10 kg. The color of the animal can be black or black and white with spots. Such dwarf pigs are characterized by intelligence and learning, and also have a kind and docile disposition, but in the absence of upbringing they can be very willful and vindictive;
  • The medium-sized variety of Wiesenau mini-pigs is distinguished by a very characteristic square-type body and the absence of folds on the skin of the muzzle. This is not the best option for keeping in an apartment, due to the impressive weight, which in adults can reach 20-25 kg. As practice shows, this variety is very smart, therefore it is able to get used to the toilet in a certain place;
  • the closest relative of the Vietnamese pigs is the original Göttingen mini-pigs. Such a dwarf pig has a very pronounced rounded tummy, and the weight of an adult often reaches 90-100 kg. The breed's peculiarity is incredible gluttony, as well as his inability to control his appetite;
  • the Siberian miniature or dwarf pig belongs to the average variety of mini-pigs, the weight of which varies between 45-50 kg. Such a pet has rather slender, long limbs, and is distinguished by the absence of a rounded tummy, and the peculiarities of the skin and the presence of subcutaneous fat allow the animals to withstand low-temperature regimes.

Until recently, only Vietnamese pot belly pigs were raised in our country as a dwarf breed. However, the significant weight of an adult animal, which often reached 100 kg, made it uncomfortable for housing.

It is interesting! The fact that domestic breeders also carried out a lot of work on breeding miniature pigs, only not for decorative, but for a purely practical purpose - for use in laboratory research, and the created dwarf breed was named "minisibs".

As a decorative pet, in an apartment environment, you can keep a mini-pig in the same way as a dog or a cat, without limiting the animal in space. Numerous studies have proven that the intelligence of an ordinary pig is almost completely equal to that of an average four-year-old child.

Behavior and lifestyle

Miniature pigs are considered to be very smart pets that are quite easy to educate and train, quickly learn commands and get used to the tray, and also practically do not emit unpleasant odors. At an early age, such pets are incredibly playful and inquisitive, but prone to severe obesity, so from the very first days, you need to pay special attention to a proper diet and regular walking.

A small pet who has just got into a new environment and an environment of strangers will take some time to adapt. To easily tame the acquired baby to the conditions of detention, it will take endurance and attention. In the early days, you should not take the pet in your arms or impose any activities on it. It is also advisable to schedule any complex hygiene measures at a time when the pet is fully adapted.

Care and hygiene

In an apartment for a mini-pig, it is imperative to allocate a personal place. Of course, it is ideal to assign a separate room for a dwarf pig, but this option is almost impossible when kept in an apartment. Miniature pigs belong to the category of clean pets, so they can be easily trained to relieve themselves in a place specially designated for this purpose.

Regardless of the breed, all miniature pigs love to swim. Despite the fact that dwarf pigs do not shed, and also practically do not have a pungent and unpleasant odor, water procedures give such a pet great pleasure, so you can bathe it quite often.

It is interesting! As a rule, a large tray with low sides is used as a toilet. But it is undesirable to use the filler, since it can not only be scattered by the pet throughout the room, but also eaten.

When using a bath for this purpose, it is necessary to lay a rubber anti-slip mat on the bottom.... After bathing, the pet's skin is treated with special lotions and oils to prevent drying out. About three or four times a year, after water treatment, you need to carefully trim the hooves of the domestic pig.

Walking mini-pig

Dwarf pigs respond well to sunbathing, and also prefer to lead a fairly mobile image, therefore, such a pet must be provided with, if not daily, then the most frequent walks, as well as optimal physical activity and games.

It is interesting! According to experts, the first walk with a mini-pig should be postponed until the moment when the animal will receive a full range of preventive vaccinations and the period of getting used to the new place of residence ends.

From about two months old, the mini-pig should be taught to wear a harness, which will further facilitate walking activities. It is also important to remember that for walking you need to choose not only green areas, but also asphalt areas, which will allow the pet's hooves to wear off in a completely natural way.

How to feed a mini-pig

The mini-pig is an omnivore with a fairly good appetite. It is also well known that the metabolic processes in mini-pigs are very close to the characteristics of the human body, therefore, a huge number of all kinds of diets for such a pet have now been developed.

For miniature breeds of miniature domestic pigs, the following diet is well suited:

  • in the morning - a fairly high-calorie, but very healthy buckwheat porridge with the addition of not too much milk;
  • in the daytime - fruits, represented by grapes, banana, pear, pomegranate, as well as fresh or boiled vegetables and herbs;
  • in the evening - a mixture based on cereals with the addition of fruits or a small amount of fermented milk products, represented by fermented baked milk, yogurt or kefir.

It is important to remember that in order to maintain a small weight and height, foods represented by animal protein should be almost completely excluded from the diet of a pygmy pig. It is also strictly forbidden to use rations intended for feeding farm pigs and products presented for feeding a pet:

  • bread, breadcrumbs and baked goods;
  • meat and fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • dairy products;
  • seasonings and marinades;
  • waste from the table;
  • raw and boiled potatoes;
  • white cabbage;
  • beetroot;
  • salt, sugar, chocolate and sweets;
  • tomato tops and green tomatoes;
  • onions.

High-calorie foods that can activate growth processes and adversely affect the health of a pet include packaged juices, sunflower seeds, apricot kernels and nuts, and corn. The pet should have access to clean drinking water at room temperature..

Diseases and breed defects

In the room allocated for the maintenance of a miniature domestic pig, there must be no drafts, which will minimize the risk of affecting the animal with pulmonary diseases. Also, dampness is very dangerous for a mini-pig, causing hoof rot. Among other things, the most common pathologies of miniature pigs include:

  • dyspepsia of newborns;
  • intestinal colibacillosis;
  • salmonellosis or "paratyphoid";
  • streptococcal infection;
  • rickets;
  • anemia.

It will be very difficult for the owner of the mini-pig to diagnose the disease on his own, as well as to determine the severity of the pathology, in the absence of sufficient experience. That is why, at the first sign of strange behavior or some unusual condition of the mumps, it is very important to immediately seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Breeding mini pigs

In order to breed dwarf pigs, it is necessary to purchase at least a couple of mini-pigs: a female and a male. To create conditions for mating, it is necessary to wait for the moment when the female comes to hunt.

The gestation period varies between 114-118 days. Usually, dwarf pig droppings are between five and twenty piglets, and puberty occurs closer to six months.

Childbirth, as a rule, goes without any complications, therefore, it does not require special intervention. Nevertheless, many owners of such unusual pets prefer to invite a veterinarian for farrowing. The body weight norms of newborns and the weight gain of piglets vary depending on breed characteristics:

  • a variety of Vietnamese pot belly: the weight of a newborn is 500-600 g, and a ten-day-old baby is about three kilograms;
  • a variety of Göttingen mini-pig: the weight of a newborn is 400-500 g, and a ten-day-old baby is about one and a half kilograms;
  • a variety of Mini-Mayyalino: the weight of a newborn is 150-200 g, and a ten-day-old baby is about one kilogram;
  • variety of Wiesenau: the weight of a newborn is 150-200 g, and a ten-day-old baby is just over a kilogram;
  • a kind of Bergstrasser knirt: a newborn's weight is 100-150 g, and a ten-day-old baby is about a kilogram.

During the first ten days, the piglets feed exclusively on breast milk. Further, it is necessary to very gradually introduce complementary foods, since by about one and a half months the female has a sharp decrease in milk production.

Pigs are raised mainly for the purpose of obtaining meat. Ornamental dwarf pigs ("minipigs") are also bred for home keeping. In France, pigs are specially trained to hunt for truffles.

The body length of the domestic pig is 0.9-1.8 m, the mass of adults is in the range from 50 to 150 kg. The domestic pig has a compact constitution, a long muzzle ends with a cartilaginous "patch", which is necessary for the animal to loosen the earth and search for food. The canines are well developed, they are sharp and curved upward. Paws are four-fingered, end with hooves. The coat is sparse and consists mainly of bristles.

Representatives of cultivated breeds, like wild pigs, have poorly developed vision, keen hearing, a keen sense of smell, and the ability to swim. They are distinguished by their increased fertility, they are able to grow rapidly and accumulate fat.

Interestingly, some anatomical and physiological parameters are common between pigs and humans, and therefore animals are used for medical and scientific purposes.

What eats

The domestic pig is an omnivorous animal that is absolutely picky about food, which makes it especially attractive for the household. With the help of his "patch" the pig loosens the soil and eats whatever edible it can find.

What do they eat


Eurasia and Africa are considered the natural habitat for pigs, but due to human economic activities, they spread to all continents, except Antarctica, and feral populations were formed everywhere.

The distribution of pigs in the world

Common types

There are about 100 pig breeds in the world. The most common and well-known on the territory of Eurasia are the following: large white, duroc, Lithuanian white, landrace, Mirgorodskaya, Urzhumskaya, Latvian white, Estonian bacon, North Caucasian, Belarusian black and motley, Kalininskaya, Lapshinskaya, Livenskaya, Breitovskaya.

Pig Belarusian black and white

Male and female: the main differences

Sexual dimorphism in pigs is often manifested in size, males (boars) are usually larger than females.

Male and female


Wild pigs began to be domesticated in the Middle East even before our era. They were initially kept in a semi-wild state, and it was from Asia that they were brought to Europe. In general, the process of domestication took place rather quickly, since this species is characterized by high adaptability and omnivorousness. Pigs were bred mainly for meat, but skins (for shields), bones (for tools and weapons) and bristles (for brushes) were also used. Pigs were brought to North America by Spanish pioneers from Europe. They often fled, began to lead a wild lifestyle, causing damage to the economy of the aborigines. Feral domestic pigs in general are generally a source of harm, an environmental threat and damage to agricultural crops. This happens especially often in South America.

Pig behavior


The high fertility and early maturity of pigs, along with the ability to give birth at a young age, makes it possible every year to painlessly sell 100-150% of the pigs for meat that were at the beginning of the year. The same biological characteristics of pigs in pig breeding create ample opportunities for rapid improvement of the herd, for which they replace less productive individuals with more productive ones.

Slaughter yield is determined by the breed of domestic pig, its age, sex, the degree of fatness of the animal, and also the amount of losses during cutting of the carcass. During the slaughter of a 90-100 kg pig, it is on average in the range of 72-75%, in an animal killed with a weight of 120-140 kg it is approximately 75-77%, and in a well-fed adult pig it reaches 80-85%.


Young sows start mating at the age of 8-9 months, after they have reached a weight of 130-150 kg, boars - upon reaching 1 year, weighing from 180 to 200 kg. Repetition of sexual activity occurs every 18-22 days.


The gestation period is relatively short (114-115 days), the suckling period is also short (26-60 days), therefore, two farrowings are obtained from one uterus, which makes it possible to grow more than 20 piglets per year. Adequate feeding and good keeping conditions for sows allow getting 10-12, and sometimes 14-16 piglets in one farrowing, the maximum brood can be 22-24 piglets.


Today, domestic pigs are bred everywhere, so nothing threatens the population. Moreover, domestic pigs run wild easily and adapt to any conditions. The population of pigs in the world constantly numbers about one billion individuals, it is one of the most numerous large mammals on our planet.

The question of how long a domestic pig lives is difficult to answer unequivocally. Each breeder has his own opinion on this matter. Domestic piglets are allotted by nature for 10-15 years of carefree existence, but their life usually ends at the age of 1.5 years, when adult animals are sent to slaughter.

The question of how long a domestic pig lives is difficult to answer unequivocally.

There are many known cases of pigs surviving to old age. Representatives of the pot-bellied breed celebrated their 15th birthday, and some of their relatives lived up to 35 years old. As you can see, the answer to the question of how long pigs live is not so easy to find. Weak animals can live for less than 1 year. Farmers solve this problem by inoculating against various quarantine diseases. Pets that live in normal conditions and receive various useful additives along with high-quality food will delight their owners with their existence for many years. But, as a rule, pigs are sent for slaughter at the age of 1.5 years, so it is difficult to understand how many years a pig lives in a household.

According to scientific research, the age of an adult female can reach 15-25 years. During this time, she is able to bring offspring 20 times. Males live longer - 35-45 years.

Wild pigs are more fortunate. They can live in the wild much longer than their counterparts. Their lifespan is dictated by reality. Wild pigs can fall prey to wolves or bears. In addition, they can be shot by hunters. An old wild boar or pig is rarely found in nature. But in zoos, animals live 2 times longer than in the wild. Under normal conditions of detention and a balanced diet, their average life expectancy is 25-30 years.

About feed and raising pigs for beginners (video)

Gallery: domestic pig (25 photos)

What determines the longevity of a pig?

The following factors influence the life span of a pig:

  • nutrition;
  • conditions of detention and hygiene;
  • the sex of the animal and its breed;

Any pig can live longer if it is provided with high-quality feed and normal living conditions are created. The animal needs to be fed with concentrated feed, high-quality grain meal, fresh succulent grass and vegetables. Don't forget about premixes and various vitamin supplements.

For animals that live in a home barn, you need to prepare hay from your favorite plants and chopped grain for the winter. In order to maintain healthy bones and joints, you need to add minerals and calcium to the feed. High-quality food for the pig should be combined with favorable conditions of detention.

Consider the basic requirements that a pigsty must meet:

  • good ventilation;
  • purity;
  • lack of dampness;
  • regular litter change.

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