Home Mushrooms Tablets with the inscription sv. Viagra pills are some other pills for potency. Description of individual side effects

Tablets with the inscription sv. Viagra pills are some other pills for potency. Description of individual side effects

Preparation Very Hard Hard and Strong for potency will allow you not to worry about a stable erection and will give you the opportunity to again spend sleepless nights full of bliss. Often, men are afraid of side effects in the form of headaches, indigestion, flushing to the face, nasal congestion, etc. Studies conducted by the Hong Kong-Tianlong Institute of Biological Pharmacology have shown that this remedy is devoid of such shortcomings. Moreover, it provides an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse, has a long (up to 180 hours) mild but powerful stimulating effect on the sexual function of a man, and also does not cause addiction and is safe for health.

Indications for use:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • impotence, weakening of sexual desire;
  • premature ejaculation (spermatorrhea);
  • signs of male diseases: weakness in the limbs, pain in the lower back and knees, tinnitus, frequent nighttime urination, sweating during sleep;
  • adenoma and prostatitis;
  • small size of the penis.

Compound: Chinese Cordyceps, Senecio, Tibetan saffron, seahorse, deer penis, Tibetan yak testicle, etc.

Cordyceps Chinese- this is an amazing, powerful super-antibiotic created by nature itself; having no side effects and harmful effects on the human body. Treats: respiratory organs, kidney diseases, heart vessels, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, blood diseases.
Senecio- is considered one of the effective medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases of the urogenital area in men.

Saffron due to its rich chemical composition, it has a diaphoretic, analgesic, antispasmodic effect and, when necessary, a stimulant. The essential oil contained in saffron has the property of cytotoxicity against cancer cells.
Sea Horse- is a powerful sexual biostimulator - eliminate sexual weakness in men and frigidity in women. It also has a positive effect on post-traumatic pain, swelling.

Very Hard Hard and Strong instructions for use:

  • for sex: take 1 tablet Very Hard Hard and Strong for potency 20-30 minutes before intercourse with warm water. To speed up and improve the action, you can chew. In case the erection does not go away, drink cold water to relieve the effect;
  • for the prevention of male diseases and penis growth, take 1 tablet 30 minutes before bedtime 1 time in three days.

Contraindications: do not use more than 1 piece per 24 hours, should not be taken by minors, with individual intolerance, do not combine with other means to increase potency.

Storage: in a dry, dark place out of the reach of children.

Release form: 10 black Teardrop-shaped tablets with embossed letters SV of 2000 mg. Packing weight 20 grams.

Production: Hong Kong Tianlong Institute of Biological Pharmacology, China.

Dietary supplement is not a medicine. Before use, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

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Potency stimulator Very Hard is called "eastern viagra" - its formula was created according to ancient Chinese recipes. This drug is produced by the Hong Kong-Tianlong Institute of Biopharmacolgy, for its production only natural ingredients are used - bioactive substances obtained from medicinal Tibetan herbs and the genitals of large animals.

Indications for use

The drug Solid and Strong is designed for men who want to improve their sexual performance and make intimate life more fulfilling. The tool is recommended to be taken when:

  • low libido;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • impotence;
  • early ejaculation;
  • qualitative and quantitative disorders of spermatogenesis;
  • underdevelopment of the penis.

The composition and action of the components

Each Very Hard tablet contains extracts of:

  • fungus Ophiocordyceps sinensis (cordyceps Tianshi) - its effect on the body is similar to ginseng;
  • saffron Gur-gum - the flowers of this Tibetan plant have tonic properties, promote blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis;
  • ragwort Senecio - the plant contains alkaloids that have a powerful sexually stimulating effect.

The composition of the bioadditive also includes extracts of animal tissues: the penis of the antler deer "Lubian", the testicle of the Tibetan bull Bos mutus, as well as seahorse powder. They serve as rich sources of testosterone, are powerful natural aphrodisiacs and have a positive effect on all organs of the male reproductive system.


If the dietary supplement Hard and Strong is used as a potency stimulant, take 1 tablet half an hour before sexual contact. You can drink water or another drink, low-alcohol drinks are also not prohibited. The effect of the drug can last up to a day, a stable erection will occur every time you are aroused.

For the prevention of tablets Hard and strong, it is recommended to take 1 tablet at bedtime 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. Judging by the reviews, this tool does not have side effects. In very rare cases, an allergy to any component of the drug may occur. It can be taken by men at any age, and those with diseases such as hypertension or diabetes. A direct contraindication to taking dietary supplements Hard and strong is considered only a minor age. It is not recommended to combine taking Bos mutus with other means of increasing potency.

Release form and storage conditions

Bos mutus is available in 2g tablets packed in blister packs of 10. Tablets are black, drop-shaped, on one side the inscription SV is squeezed out. Store the opened package in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children.

And also YOU ​​can purchase others to increase potency.

A modern man is in constant stress, lack of sleep, working 10-12 hours a day. The situation is aggravated by eternal traffic jams and many other reasons, which inevitably affects the state of health. Such a misfortune as erectile dysfunction has already added to the list of the most common chronic diseases.

If such sadness has befallen you, do not rush to tear your hair on your head and wring your hands catastrophically. We will tell you how to restore a potency that has fallen ill with the help of a dietary supplement in tablets Very Hard - “Hard and strong” to increase the potency of men, where to buy it and at what price, reviews about the drug, description and application.

In contact with

What is "Hard and Strong"

The drug Very Hard was invented for a complete recovery. Strictly speaking, it works to upgrade the two main pillars of male power: erection (capacity) and libido (desire).

The product belongs to the class of dietary supplements and is available in the form of oblong black tablets. Each pill is engraved with "SV". Let's admit course and one-time reception.

The composition of the drug

The bioadditive contains the strongest composition invented by Chinese healers.

The building blocks of the stimulating formula are as follows:

  • Tibetan saffron- a source of vitamins, minerals can equalize testosterone, improve the quality of seminal fluid. There is a rejuvenating effect and a positive effect on brain activity;

  • sea ​​Horse- gives strength for sexual marathons, gives brightness of sensations, has a general strengthening effect, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and the functioning of the organs of vision;

  • Tibetan yak testicles, deer penis- a very strong chip from Chinese medicine. Both components give the body a lot of amino acids, normalize testosterone, revitalize libido, sexual stamina;

  • senecio- the plant moves the erection off the ground, strengthens the defenses;

  • Chinese caterpillar mushroom Cordyceps works just as well as Viagra. It appeals to the bloodstream, serves in the treatment and prevention of any erectile disorders. There is a restoration of the quality of seminal fluid, improvement of the prostate gland.

Dietary supplement properties

The good news is that the composition is safe for the body, does not cause addiction, dependence. It provides gentle yet powerful stimulation to revive male sexual function.

A whole range of useful properties:

  • increased blood flow - there is a powerful stimulation of complete blood filling of the cavernous bodies. This is the key to a powerful erection and a visual increase in size;
  • strengthening immunity, general physical health;
  • removal of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;
  • improving the functioning of the liver, kidneys;
  • delayed premature ejaculation;
  • stabilization of the hormonal background;
  • improving the production and quality of seminal fluid.

The action of the pills lasts up to 72 hours, coitus is extended up to 180 minutes.

In what cases does it help?

The drug will help with various failures of male sexual health.

Iron reason for admission:

  • weakened sexual desire, asexuality;
  • erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction;
  • impotence;
  • spermatorrhea - a condition characterized by premature ejaculation;
  • symptoms of male diseases - sweating during sleep, frequent nighttime urination, tinnitus, pain in the knees, lower back, weakness in the arms and legs.

There is an excellent therapeutic effect in diseases of the prostate gland. This is an ideal solution for comrades at a respectable age. Dosage adjustment for men over 55 years of age is not required.

Instructions for use

In a Chinese drug like Viagra - Hard and strong - the instructions for use are extremely simple. For a rapid surge of male strength and a strong erection, eat 1 pill 20-30 minutes before intercourse. Drink warm, brackish water. Such a kunshtuk will help to retain the maximum of useful substances in the body. For convenience, the tablet can be crushed. The maximum daily dose - 1 piece.

The dietary supplement is calmly used against the background of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease.

To cure early ejaculation, prospermia, urogenital disorders, impotence, take 1 pill every 3 days. The main thing is not to despair, not to be sad, but to show firmness and perseverance! Keep the course intake for at least 3 months. Such a period will serve in the overall strengthening of the body, will start the motor of potency.

What results to expect

The latest results of the use of bioadditives are worthy of all praise. Without juggling and other tricks, the formula helps 91% of men. The return of the lost potency, the general strengthening of the state of health are achieved after a course of administration.

One-time use helps 85-87% of comrades. This approach stimulates libido, adjusts sensations to a new, bright level, adds endurance and strength.


One package contains 10 pills in a vacuum blister. The price of the box is from 990 rubles. A more modest cost should alert and suggest that you have a fake in front of you.


We've compiled some real life supplement reviews from living men and members of the medical community.

Doctors' opinion

Urologists reported that a joint European-American study revealed a sad picture: in the world, almost one in three comrades over the age of 30 suffers from erectile dysfunction. Of course, with age, the figure becomes even higher. Impotence today is a real disease of civilization.

The good news is that male sexual power can be restored. Doctors explain that herbal medicines help a lot in this. They stated that the specific preparation "Hard and Strong" is balanced in composition. With a course intake, it will eliminate the causes of erectile disorders. Potency will be restored naturally. But, in case of serious health problems, it is better to visit a doctor first.

Reviews of men - buyers of the drug

Oleg, 52 years old, Moscow

A busy schedule and emotional overload simply knocked me out of my strength. All this affected the sexual function. I decided to drink synthetics at the last moment, at first I thought to go through herbal preparations.

Among all dietary supplements, I liked “Hard and strong” more. I took the course, strictly according to the instructions, now I'm normal on all fronts.

Igor, 45 years old, Voronezh

"Hard and strong" is my longtime favorite. The bioadditive pleases with the absence of side effects, mild action, reasonable price and excellent quality.

The pills return a strong, firm erection, instilling confidence before each sexual intercourse. Recommend!

Where is it profitable to buy the original

To keep a stone erection even in retirement, you need to get the original. Only a real product from the manufacturer will give the body the declared complex of useful properties. This option can be found in an online pharmacy for adults. The trusted site can be visited here.

Contraindications, harm and side effects

Captain Evidence suggests that the main contraindication to use is individual intolerance to the components. We advise you to consult a urologist in the presence of inflammation, injuries below the waist. If there is insomnia, excessive nervous excitability, hypertension, atherosclerosis, you should consult with a therapist.

All the noted symptoms occur against the background of an overdose and disappear after the abolition of the pills and the use of the enterosorbent.

Dietary supplement Solid and strong has successfully passed clinical trials at the Hong Kong-Tyaluan Institute of Biotechnology for harm and contraindications. Experiments on living men have shown that it does not cause such common adverse reactions as indigestion, headache, nasal congestion, flushing of the face, heart palpitations.

Compatibility with other drugs and alcohol

We will tell you how to properly combine pills with everything else that enters the body of a true inhabitant of a modern metropolis.

Compatibility standards:

  • "Hard and strong" is friendly with a little alcohol. We recommend a glass of wine or a glass of vodka - these are the things that are useful for an erection (in a dosed form). Give up cognac, whiskey, brandy;
  • the drug can be taken with food - food should be light and low-fat. Give fast food, fried potatoes and pork knuckle to the enemy;
  • cannot be combined with others and for erection stimulants - you will run into a lot of side effects and an unpleasant long-term erection, which you will not get rid of for 3 hours. But there is an excellent interaction with other medications. The product does not provoke an increase in the concentration of active components in the blood and does not reduce their effectiveness.

If the pills cause multiple erections without finishing discharge, you should drink at least 3 liters of boiled water (not immediately).

Chinese drugs of a similar effect

We have found several competing comrades that can become a worthy alternative to the Hard and Strong dietary supplement.


In the fight against erectile dysfunction, you can not give up! "Hard and strong" is specially designed for men who consciously approach the solution of intimate problems. Take the drug to your asset, it will give you a readiness for intimacy and the same stable self-confidence.

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The drug to increase potency, 10 tablets. When ordering from 2 packs - the price of rubles per pack! When ordering from 3 packs, delivery is free! The drug "Hard and Strong" for potency will allow you not to worry about a stable erection and will give you the opportunity to spend sleepless nights full of bliss again. Presentation: 10 black Teardrop-shaped tablets with embossed letters SV per mg.

Packing weight 20 grams. Production: Hong Kong-Tianlong Institute of Biological Pharmacology, China. The dream of many men, stable potency can be easily achieved with VERY HARD Hard and Strong tablets. This comprehensive Hong Kong drug for the treatment of sexual disorders, the treatment of impotence, the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the treatment of prostate disorders.

This drug to increase potency is the result of many years of research work by specialists from the Hong Kong-Tianlong Institute of Biological Pharmacology.

The drug VERY HARD Hard and Strong appeared on the market in 2008 and is successfully used in clinical practice for the treatment of impotence and sexual distancing.

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