Home Mushrooms Lesson "E. Moshkovskaya" No need to quarrel anymore! "; In Orlov" Who is the first. "Lilia Pushkova - about childhood trauma, domestic violence and adoptive parents.

Lesson "E. Moshkovskaya" No need to quarrel anymore! "; In Orlov" Who is the first. "Lilia Pushkova - about childhood trauma, domestic violence and adoptive parents.

The working program of the subject "Literary reading" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, the concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the requirements for the results of mastering the PLO LEO, taking into account the author's program for literary reading O.V. Kubasova. using UMK Kubasova O.V. "Literary reading", which is part of the educational system "Harmony" for grade 1

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"Working program of the academic subject" Literary reading "UMK O.V. Kubasov 1st grade "

Explanatory note

The working program of the subject "Literary reading" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, the concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the requirements for the results of mastering the PLO LEO, taking into account the author's program for literary reading O.V. Kubasova. using UMK Kubasova O.V. "Literary reading", which is part of the educational system "Harmony"

The program was developed in accordance with the PLO NOE and the Curriculum of the MAOU NOSH №53.

The course is designed for 375 hours. In grade 1, the subject "Literary reading" is given 32 hours.

    Planned results of the development of the program

Personal results

Formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture of other peoples.

The development of motives for learning activities and the personal meaning of learning.

Development of cooperation skills; the formation of the desire to master a positive, humanistic model of friendly communication; development of the ability to find ways out of controversial situations.

The presence of motivation for creative work, the formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle.

Metasubject results

Mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various types and genres, consciously build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks of communication and compose texts in oral and written form.

Active use of speech means for solving cognitive and communicative tasks.

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view, express your opinion and argue your point of view


By the end of grade 1, students will know:

By heart 3-4 works of poetry by the classics of Russian literature;

Names and surnames of 3-4 writers whose works were read in class.

Students will learn to:

Use the simplest formulas of speech etiquette when meeting, saying goodbye, addressing each other and adults;

Listen to the interlocutor, showing attention and respect to him, support the conversation with remarks and questions;

Reproduce the content of an episode or a situation from the text based on questions and illustrations to it;

Answer questions about the text read.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

Apply analysis, comparison, juxtaposition to determine the genre, characteristics of the hero; retell the text;

Express your attitude to what you read;

Orally conveying the content of the text according to the plan, compose small narrative texts with elements of reasoning and description.

In the field of communicative learning activities:

Work with a neighbor on a desk: distribute work between yourself and a neighbor, do your part of the work, carry out a mutual check of the work done;

Carry out work in a chain;

See the difference between two stated points of view, two positions and motivated to join one of them;

Build a project: determine its goal, plan, result, its connection with the solution of vital problems, present the results.

The main tasks of the implementation of the content of the subject: the formation of reading activity, interest in independent reading, awareness of its importance for self-development; propaedeutics of literary concepts; development of communication skills, moral and aesthetic feelings, abilities for creative activity.

The bell rings - the lesson begins (5 hours)

L. Dyakonov "First graders"; A. Barto “We became literate”; G. Novitskaya "Books" * (an asterisk marks the works recommended for memorization); R. Sef "Learn to read! .."; L. Panteleev "Ay"; S. Pogorelovsky "Oh, and disorder in Mishka's notebook"; V. Golyavkin "Talkers"; S. Marshak "Calm down"; V. Orlov "Justified"; E. Moshkovskaya "You can learn everything, everything ...".

"Hour of fun" (7 hours)

V. Smith "Fun hour" (translation by B. Zakhoder); fables; riddles; S. Marshak "Riddles" (excerpts); G. Tsyferov “On Wednesday they decided to play hide and seek ...”; V. Berestov "Iskalochka"; rhymes *; V. Berestov "Behind the Game"; Tongue Twisters; S. Marshak “I saw”; S. Mikhalkov “Laughter with us!”; I. Zhukov "Damn and Cake"; S. Marshak "Poodle".

"What is good and what is bad" (10 hours)

L. Tolstoy "Truth is more precious"; S. Prokofiev "The Tale of Honest Ears"; V. Orlov "Who is the first"; E. Moshkovskaya “No more quarreling! ..”; L. Tolstoy "Who is right?" V. Oseeva "All Together"; E. Permyak "What are hands for?" Aesop "The old man is going to die"; L. Tolstoy "Don't Die Twice"; L. Tolstoy "Two comrades"; V. Rosin "Friends are known in trouble"; S. Mikhalkov "Error", "Vaccination" *; L. Yakhnin "Strong Men"; M. Plyatskovsky "The Good Horse".

"There are miracles ..." (10 hours)

A. Shibaev "They ask for fairy tales ..."; Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Cancer"; Russian folk tale "Cockerel and a Bean Seed"; Ingush fairy tale "Hare and Turtle"; American fairy tale "Here he is, a thief!"; Armenian fairy tale "Customer and Master"; A. Pushkin "Near the Lukomorya" *, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious and mighty hero, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Swan Princess" (excerpts); H. K. Andersen "The Princess and the Pea"; V. Orlov "Apricot in the forest"; A. Kurlyandsky "The first of September of Kesha's parrot."

Types of speech activity

Listening (listening)

Perception by ear of sounding speech (statements of the interlocutor, literary texts). Adequate understanding of the content of the sounding speech, the ability to answer questions about the content of the heard work.

Reading aloud. Smooth syllabic reading in compliance with orthoepic reading standards (reading speed in accordance with the individual reading pace), a gradual increase in reading speed. Setting the reader to a normal fluency pace, allowing him to comprehend the text.

Understanding what you read by asking content questions.

The ability to formulate sentences of different types intonationally, to convey the main emotional tone of the work. Reading the roles of small pieces.

Reading "to yourself"

Understanding, when reading to oneself, the meaning of works available in terms of volume and genre. Ability to find the necessary information in the text (selective reading).

Working with different types of text

Awareness that a literary work was created by someone (the people, a specific person. Determination of the topic of the text, the main idea. Dividing the text into semantic parts, their title. Working with a picture plan.

Participation in the collective discussion of what is being read: the ability to answer questions, listen to the statements of classmates, supplement their answers using the text. Predicting the content of a book by its title and design. Orientation in the content (table of contents) of the book.

Working with the text of a work of art.

Understanding the title of the work, its adequate correlation with the content of the text. Determination of the main idea of ​​the text in which this idea is formulated and expressed at the end of the work.

Finding words and expressions in the text that characterize the hero and the event. An elementary characteristic of the hero of the work. Comparison of the actions of the characters by analogy or by contrast. Comparison of episodes from different works according to the generality of situations, the nature of the characters' actions. Titling the text by choosing the exact title from the proposed ones. Scheme, text model. Drawing up a picture plan. Key (supporting) words. Partial and detailed retelling of the text based on a diagram or picture plan using the expressive means of the language; story based on illustrations. Reading by roles, dramatization.

Bibliographic culture.

The book is educational, artistic. Book as a special kind of art and as a source of knowledge. Elements of the book: cover (binding), spine, pages, content (table of contents), illustrations. The ability to navigate the nature of the book by its cover. Book selection based on open access to children's books in the school library. Types of books (editions): book-work, book-collection.

Speaking (culture of verbal communication).

Mastering dialogue as a type of speech. Features of dialogical communication: answer questions about what you read; listen, without interrupting, the interlocutor. The use of the norms of speech etiquette in the conditions of both educational and extracurricular communication. Monologue: the transfer of impressions (from everyday life, literary and pictorial work). Oral essay as a continuation of the read work, essay by analogy (fiction, counting-out), story by illustration.

Reading circle

Reading circle in grade 1: works of Russian literature; works of small folklore forms: songs, riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters, fables, fables; folk and literary tales, stories, poems, thematically relevant for first graders: about school life, moral and moral problems (honesty and deceit, friendliness and ill will, greed and generosity, boastfulness and modesty, hard work and laziness), about the fun of children, about nature ...

    Thematic planning

Number of hours


4 quarter 32 hours

"The bell rings - the lesson begins" - 5 hours

Dyakonov L. "First graders"

Barto A. "Become literate"

Novitskaya G. "Books

Read aloud fluently in syllables or whole words. Establish a logical cause-and-effect relationship between the events and actions of the heroes of the work. Search and highlight the information you need. They master monologue and dialogical forms of speech. Learn poems by heart.

Panteleev L. "Ay"

Pogorelovsky S. "Oh, and disorder in Mishka's notebook."

Golyavkin V. "Talkers"

Marshak S. "Calm down"

Orlov V. "Justified"

E. Moshkovskaya "You can learn everything, everything ..."

"Hour of fun" - 7 hours

Smith W. "Hour of Fun"

Comparison of folklore works of small forms. Learn to read expressively, conveying the emotional nature of the text and respecting punctuation marks. They reveal the moral content of the work and the moral meaning of the characters' actions. Information retrieval methods are used. Participate in a collective conversation, act out dialogues, observing the rules of communication. They are included in the control and evaluation activities.

Marshak S. "Riddles". Fables

Tsyferov G. "On Wednesday they decided to play hide and seek ..."

Berestov V. "Iskalochka"


Berestov V. "Behind the Game"

Tongue Twisters

Marshak S. "I saw"

Mikhalkov S. "Laughter with us!"

Usachev A. "If you are going to visit"

Marshak S. "Poodle"

“What is good and what is bad” - 10 hours

Tolstoy L. "Truth is the most expensive"

Prokofieva S. "The Tale of Honest Ears"

They learn to fully and correctly answer questions about the content of the work, to imagine the image of the hero in their imagination, to read the text with intonation of punctuation marks, "to themselves", understanding the content of the text. They answer questions, ask their own, formulate thoughts, express judgments, listen to strangers. Learn to predict. They are included in the control and evaluation activities.

Orlov V. "Who is the first"

E. Moshkovskaya "No more quarreling!"

Tolstoy L. "Who is Right?"

Oseeva V. "All Together"

E. Permyak "And what are hands for?"

Mikhalkov S. "Error"

Aesop. "The old man is about to die ..."

L. Tolstoy "Don't Die Twice", "Two Comrades"

Rosin V. "Friends are known in trouble"

Mikhalkov S. "Vaccination"

Yakhnin V. "Strong men"

Plyatskovsky M. "Good horse"

"There are miracles" - 10 hours

Shibaev A. "Fairy tales are asking ..."

Russian folk tale "Fox and Cancer"

answer questions about the content of the text and requiring a preliminary search for the necessary information. Get acquainted with the distinctive features of the tale. The works are ranked according to their subject matter. They compose a story from an illustration based on their own impressions.

Illustrate the text in an elementary way. Search and highlight the information you need.

Information retrieval methods are used.

They learn to structure knowledge, engage in collaboration, exchange opinions with classmates about the works they read.

Russian folk tale "Cockerel and a bean seed"

Ingush fairy tale "Hare and Turtle"

American fairy tale "Here he is, a thief!"

Armenian fairy tale

"Customer and Master"

Pushkin A. "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (excerpts)

Andersen H. K. "The Princess and the Pea"

V. Orlov "Apricot in the forest"

Reserve lessons - 2 hours

Final monitoring of educational achievements. Work with text

Interim certification. Control of reading skills.

Total 32 hours

    Formsknowledge control

Incoming control

Current control - self-control, mutual control, observation, oral questioning, individual questioning, creative work, drawing

Final control - control of reading skills, work with text

    Educational and methodological support of the program

    O.V. Kubasova Literary reading class 1,2,3,4. Guidelines. Publishing house "Association XXΙ century"

    O.V. Kubasova Literary reading. 1 class. Workbook. Publishing house "Association XXΙ century"

    O.V. Kubasova Literary reading. 1 class. Textbook. Publishing house "Association XXΙ century"

    O.V. Kubasova Literary reading. Test tasks. Guidelines. Publishing house "Association XXΙ century"


1. Federal state educational standard of primary general education.
Publishing house "Education"

2. Sample programs in academic subjects. Primary School. In 2 parts.
Publishing house "Education

3. Collection of working programs. System of textbooks "Harmony". Publishing house "Education"

4. The main educational program of primary general education MAOU NOSH number 53

5. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education. FSES. Publishing house "Education"

6. Kovaleva G.S. Loginova O.B. Planned results of primary general education.

7. Kovaleva GS Assessment of the achievement of planned results in primary school. System of tasks. In 2 parts.

Technological lesson map

FULL NAME. teachers: Konova A.N.

Class: 1 in

Academic subject: Literary reading. UMK: Harmony

Lesson topic: E. Moshkovskaya "No need to quarrel anymore!"; In Orlov "Who is the first"

The purpose of the lesson:

Educational: to acquaint students with creativity; develop attention, memory; to form the skills of expressive reading, to instill a love for the native language; foster a sense of friendship.

Planned results:


    the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, a different point of view;

    the development of motives for educational activities and the formation of the personal meaning of teaching;

    development of independence and personal responsibility for their actions, decisions made;

    development of ethical feelings, benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness;

    development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations.


    developing the ability to work with information;

    developing the ability to combine theoretical material with practical activity (i.e., the formation of intellectual autonomy - the ability to construct new knowledge based on existing experience);

    development of the ability to use various methods of searching for information;

    development of thinking operations: comparisons, juxtapositions, highlighting excess, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, etc. (cognitive UUD);

    the formation of the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection (regulatory UUD)

    the formation of the ability to competently build speech utterances in accordance with the tasks of communication;

    the formation of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, express their point of view and argue for it.


    development of speech, thinking, imagination of schoolchildren, the ability to choose language means in accordance with the goals, objectives and conditions of communication;

    fostering a positive emotional-value attitude to creativity, awakening cognitive interest in works, the desire to improve their speech.

Lesson type: a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge

Forms of work: work in pairs, individual work, work with a textbook, work with proverbs, with pictures.

Leading technologies: technology of forming the type of correct reading activity, structural and logical technologies, game technologies, information and communication technologies

Basic concepts: E. Moshkovskaya. Friendship. Poetry. Author message. Title.


The main

Textbook "Literary reading", projector, presentation.


Handouts, pictures

Shaped universal learning activities


- Hello guys! Look at your desks to see if you are ready for the lesson.

The bell rang and fell silent

Lesson begins!

Greet teachers, check their readiness for the lesson


Targeting successful performance.


Express a positive attitude towards the learning process


Formation of the ability to listen and hear.

Knowledge update stage

You must listen friends

An excerpt from this song

And you can find out then

What the conversation will be about

(an excerpt from a song about friendship sounds)

Try to guess what we will talk about in the lesson?

Look at the blackboard. Read what is printed there.

These lines are familiar to you. In which section of the tutorial did we read them?

What is the easiest way to find a work in a textbook?

Assumes building associations based on listening to a piece of music

Children answer questions, remember a poem.

Look for a section in the tutorial.

"The bell rings - the lesson begins"

By content

E. Moshkovskaya


Anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;


Selection of the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;


Express a positive attitude towards the learning process; show attention, desire to learn more.


Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.


Goal setting

Opening a new

- Today we will get acquainted with the biography of E. Moshkovskaya, we will study expressivelyread, we will learn to identify the main ideaworks. Work with the tutorial.

She graduated from a music school in the class of vocal, worked at the Arkhangelsk Philharmonic (mezzo-soprano). At the beginning of her career, she received the approval of Samuil Marshak. At the age of 36, she released the first collection of poems for children "Uncle Shar", which was followed by more than 20 collections of poems and fairy tales for preschool and primary school age. Soviet composers wrote songs on the verses of Moshkovskaya.

There are many games, jokes, laughter in her poems. From her poems, a little person learns to feel sorry for, sympathize, to be a kind and reliable comrade.
E. Moshkovskaya was always surrounded by children, this is how her poems appeared.
- Look how many books this wonderful poet has written.

Formulate the topic and objective of the lesson

Get acquainted with biography and creativity

Acquaintance with the exhibition of books


Setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and assimilated by students and what is not yet known;


Problem statement and solution;


Development of cognitive interests of educational motives;


Ability to clearly and clearly state your opinion, build speech structures.

Primary anchoring

How does our school day begin?

So we will start reading with a reader's charge.

Cso + rit + sya = quarrelbe

Na + chi + na + em + sya = starttsya

How do we pronounce the parts of the word I have highlighted?

Now read the poem to yourself on p. 81

Did you like this poem?

What does this poem teach?

We read in chorus, observe intonation

What's your mood when it rains?

And what is the mood when you quarrel with someone?

This poem has no title. Which line from it can become its title?

From charging

Guys answer questions and express their opinion

Textbook work


Ability to control the process and the results of their activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in cooperation with the teacher and peers;


Search and selection of the necessary information, the use of information retrieval methods, including with the help of computer tools;


Willingness to cooperate, provide assistance, distribution of roles;

Assessment of assimilated content, providing personal moral choice;


Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.


We are boxers, we are weightlifters

Runners and skaters

Let's sail across the seas

We have friends everywhere

Perform a physical presentation on the presentation

Continued assimilation of new knowledge
and methods of action

In his youth, he managed to work as a locksmith and sailor, rubbing paints in an art workshop and tailoring ... At the same time, Volodya wrote poetry.
The first publications of his poems began to appear in the Crimean newspapers. He wrote
them constantly, even when sewing.
At the age of 28, his first book of children's poetry was published.
Samuil Marshak brought his first poems to Moscow.
only about fifty books published in the publishing houses "Malysh", "Children's Literature", as well as in the poet's homeland in the Crimea.
Many popular songs for children have been written on the verses of Vladimir Orlov.

Here are some of his books.


- we form the ability to express our assumptions on the basis of working with the material of the text;

- we form the ability to evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task;


- we form the ability to extract information from text,

- we form the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects


We form the ability to show our attitude towards heroes, to express our emotions;

We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity;

We form the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.


- we form the ability to listen and understand others;

- we form the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks set;

- we form the ability to formulate our thoughts orally;

Independent work

Reading by Role

Working in pairs

Reading "to yourself"

Repeated reading of the poem by students with an assignment: determine the number of characters and mark where whose words are

Now listen carefully to each other, and remember the rules of good speech!

Do you think it's important to be the first when you start a fight or when you end it?

What words would you use to make up with a friend?

Did I live, did you,

A dispute arose between us.

Who started it - they forgot

And we are still not friends.

Suddenly the game this time

Will be able to reconcile us?

To scold people, to be worthless.

A quarrel and stubbornness will not lead to good.

The guys work with the text on their own

The guys answer questions, read poems, express their opinions.

Several groups of children read by role

Appreciate the work of their comrades

Consult and combine proverbs


Ability to work with tests, in pairs, delegate authority, distribute roles.


Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.


Orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships;

Ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior;

Willingness to cooperate and friendship;


Ability to interact with peers in educational activities, the formation of an attitude towards finding ways to resolve difficulties.

Reflection stage

What poems have you read?

What did you like the most in the lesson?

They say new knowledge according to the plan, express their impressions of the lesson, make assumptions.
Get a positive attitude from the lesson


Assessment - awareness of the quality and level of development and mastery of certain educational activities;

Carry out final control


Assess your own educational activities: your achievements, the degree of independence, initiative, reasons for failure.


Ability to build productive interactions in collaboration with peers and adults.

Be active in activities.

Sasha Black


Poetry for children

Children (abbreviated)

Oh, how many children there are! Like stars on a heavenly brow ... Throughout the vast land They are spinning like flocks of siskins ...

Everyone loves sweets Games and fairy tales Everyone sculpts and builds - Think, buddy. Each one has clear children's eyes.

And everyone laughs And blows the whistle. Oh, when would I get everyone together, Two hundred versts The round dance would be stretched out ...

Spinning b, spinning, Stop at once for everyone, Catch their breath for a moment - And raise a merry cry.

Birds all flew off the branches, The sun b trembled above, The ants would run away into the cracks, The wind would hide in the moss.

Sasha Black


We come to kindergarten There are toys. Steam locomotive, Steamer The guys are waiting. There are pictures on the wall And flowers on the window. I want - I will jump On a toy horse! Everything in this house is for us - Fairy tales, song and story Noisy dance, Quiet hour, - Everything in this house is for us! What a nice house! We grow in it every day, And when we grow up, Let's go to school together.

O. Vysotskaya

Milk for trouble ...

Milk For trouble Given in kindergarten, And in a glass In full view of everyone Above, And below, And swam at the wall Terrible Penki! .. Give me my strainer Give me my drinker! Otherwise - I will not walk I won't, I won't play I'll stay here to sit And look at the foam. And all over - and worry ...

E. Moshkovskaya

No more quarreling

No more quarreling And then the ball is not caught, And the book is not readable And the rain begins. And we will envy To envy all people - Everyone will see a clear day And we will not be with you! I turned the bull pink Orange - the road Then clouds above them I painted on a little.

And these clouds I sweat Pierced with an arrow. This is how it should be So that thunder comes out in the picture And lightning over the garden.

I crossed out the black dots, And it meant it, As if the wind suddenly blew And there are no more apples. I also lengthened the rain He immediately burst into the garden, But I didn't have enough ink. And the pencil broke.

And I put a chair on the table Climbed as high as possible And there the drawing pinned, Although it came out badly.

E. Moshkovskaya

I want to go to the cloud

Swing, swing - Towards the pines, ate, And then ... where are they? The clouds are alone! And only heights, And only heights ... - Wait! - they shout. They shout: - Calm down! Stop, - they shout to me. - Hey! And I want even stronger, And I want, Where is the sky, Where I have never been! Where is the wind, where is the bird, I want to find myself ... I want to go to the cloud! And I'll get it! And I'll grab it !!!

E. Moshkovskaya

One hundred children - kindergarten!

One hundred children - kindergarten - We lived in the country. This means: Dabbled in the river Rollin 'in the sand Configured moves And sand towns Walked up to their heart's content Through the forest and field. Became strong, like a turnip, The body is white black! Mothers are looking: - Where are our Sasha, Masha and Natasha? Where are the legs and arms white? .. - Whose are these grandchildren? - Grandmothers ask. Grandfathers answer: - Tanned, tanned, Children got tanned !!!

E. Moshkovskaya

Technological lesson map

FULL NAME. teachers: Konova A.N.

Class: 1 in

Academic subject: Literary reading. UMK: Harmony

Lesson topic: E. Moshkovskaya "No need to quarrel anymore!"; In Orlov "Who is the first"

The purpose of the lesson:

Educational: to acquaint students with creativity; develop attention, memory; to form the skills of expressive reading, to instill a love for the native language; foster a sense of friendship.

Planned results:


    the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, a different point of view;

    the development of motives for educational activities and the formation of the personal meaning of teaching;

    development of independence and personal responsibility for their actions, decisions made;

    development of ethical feelings, benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness;

    development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations.


    developing the ability to work with information;

    developing the ability to combine theoretical material with practical activity (i.e., the formation of intellectual autonomy - the ability to construct new knowledge based on existing experience);

    development of the ability to use various methods of searching for information;

    development of thinking operations: comparisons, juxtapositions, highlighting excess, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, etc. (cognitive UUD);

    the formation of the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection (regulatory UUD)

    the formation of the ability to competently build speech utterances in accordance with the tasks of communication;

    the formation of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, express their point of view and argue for it.


    development of speech, thinking, imagination of schoolchildren, the ability to choose language means in accordance with the goals, objectives and conditions of communication;

    fostering a positive emotional-value attitude to creativity, awakening cognitive interest in works, the desire to improve their speech.

Lesson type: a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge

Forms of work: work in pairs, individual work, work with a textbook, work with proverbs, with pictures.

Leading technologies: technology of forming the type of correct reading activity, structural and logical technologies, game technologies, information and communication technologies

Basic concepts: E. Moshkovskaya. Friendship. Poetry. Author message. Title.


The main

Textbook "Literary reading", projector, presentation.


Handouts, pictures

Shaped universal learning activities


- Hello guys! Look at your desks to see if you are ready for the lesson.

The bell rang and fell silent

Lesson begins!

Greet teachers, check their readiness for the lesson


Targeting successful performance.


Express a positive attitude towards the learning process


Formation of the ability to listen and hear.

Knowledge update stage

You must listen friends

An excerpt from this song

And you can find out then

What the conversation will be about

(an excerpt from a song about friendship sounds)

Try to guess what we will talk about in the lesson?

Look at the blackboard. Read what is printed there.

These lines are familiar to you. In which section of the tutorial did we read them?

What is the easiest way to find a work in a textbook?

Assumes building associations based on listening to a piece of music

Children answer questions, remember a poem.

Look for a section in the tutorial.

"The bell rings - the lesson begins"

By content

E. Moshkovskaya


Anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;


Selection of the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;


Express a positive attitude towards the learning process; show attention, desire to learn more.


Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.


Goal setting

Opening a new

- Today we will get acquainted with the biography of E. Moshkovskaya, we will study expressivelyread, we will learn to identify the main ideaworks. Work with the tutorial.

She graduated from a music school in the class of vocal, worked at the Arkhangelsk Philharmonic (mezzo-soprano). At the beginning of her career, she received the approval of Samuil Marshak. At the age of 36, she released the first collection of poems for children "Uncle Shar", which was followed by more than 20 collections of poems and fairy tales for preschool and primary school age. Soviet composers wrote songs on the verses of Moshkovskaya.

There are many games, jokes, laughter in her poems. From her poems, a little person learns to feel sorry for, sympathize, to be a kind and reliable comrade.
E. Moshkovskaya was always surrounded by children, this is how her poems appeared.
- Look how many books this wonderful poet has written.

Formulate the topic and objective of the lesson

Get acquainted with biography and creativity

Acquaintance with the exhibition of books


Setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and assimilated by students and what is not yet known;


Problem statement and solution;


Development of cognitive interests of educational motives;


Ability to clearly and clearly state your opinion, build speech structures.

Primary anchoring

How does our school day begin?

So we will start reading with a reader's charge.

Cso + rit + sya = quarrelbe

Na + chi + na + em + sya = starttsya

How do we pronounce the parts of the word I have highlighted?

Now read the poem to yourself on p. 81

Did you like this poem?

What does this poem teach?

We read in chorus, observe intonation

What's your mood when it rains?

And what is the mood when you quarrel with someone?

This poem has no title. Which line from it can become its title?

From charging

Guys answer questions and express their opinion

Textbook work


Ability to control the process and the results of their activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in cooperation with the teacher and peers;


Search and selection of the necessary information, the use of information retrieval methods, including with the help of computer tools;


Willingness to cooperate, provide assistance, distribution of roles;

Assessment of assimilated content, providing personal moral choice;


Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.


We are boxers, we are weightlifters

Runners and skaters

Let's sail across the seas

We have friends everywhere

Perform a physical presentation on the presentation

Continued assimilation of new knowledge
and methods of action

In his youth, he managed to work as a locksmith and sailor, rubbing paints in an art workshop and tailoring ... At the same time, Volodya wrote poetry.
The first publications of his poems began to appear in the Crimean newspapers. He wrote
them constantly, even when sewing.
At the age of 28, his first book of children's poetry was published.
Samuil Marshak brought his first poems to Moscow.
only about fifty books published in the publishing houses "Malysh", "Children's Literature", as well as in the poet's homeland in the Crimea.
Many popular songs for children have been written on the verses of Vladimir Orlov.

Here are some of his books.


- we form the ability to express our assumptions on the basis of working with the material of the text;

- we form the ability to evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task;


- we form the ability to extract information from text,

- we form the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects


We form the ability to show our attitude towards heroes, to express our emotions;

We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity;

We form the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.


- we form the ability to listen and understand others;

- we form the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks set;

- we form the ability to formulate our thoughts orally;

Independent work

Reading by Role

Working in pairs

Reading "to yourself"

Repeated reading of the poem by students with an assignment: determine the number of characters and mark where whose words are

Now listen carefully to each other, and remember the rules of good speech!

Do you think it's important to be the first when you start a fight or when you end it?

What words would you use to make up with a friend?

Did I live, did you,

A dispute arose between us.

Who started it - they forgot

And we are still not friends.

Suddenly the game this time

Will be able to reconcile us?

To scold people, to be worthless.

A quarrel and stubbornness will not lead to good.

The guys work with the text on their own

The guys answer questions, read poems, express their opinions.

Several groups of children read by role

Appreciate the work of their comrades

Consult and combine proverbs


Ability to work with tests, in pairs, delegate authority, distribute roles.


Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.


Orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships;

Ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior;

Willingness to cooperate and friendship;


Ability to interact with peers in educational activities, the formation of an attitude towards finding ways to resolve difficulties.

Reflection stage

What poems have you read?

What did you like the most in the lesson?

They say new knowledge according to the plan, express their impressions of the lesson, make assumptions.
Get a positive attitude from the lesson


Assessment - awareness of the quality and level of development and mastery of certain educational activities;

Carry out final control


Assess your own educational activities: your achievements, the degree of independence, initiative, reasons for failure.


Ability to build productive interactions in collaboration with peers and adults.

Be active in activities.

N. Matveeva "Girl and Plasticine"

I sculpt from plasticine

(Plasticine is softer than clay)

I sculpt from plasticine

Dolls, clowns, dogs ...

If the doll comes out badly,

I will call her - Fool.

If the clown comes out badly

I will call him - Fool.

Two brothers came up to me,

They came up and said:

- Is the doll to blame?

Is the clown to blame?

You don't love them enough

You make them rude

You yourself are to blame

And no one is to blame.

I sculpt from plasticine

And I myself sigh heavily ...

I sculpt from plasticine

I say this:

- If the doll comes out badly,

I will call her - Poor thing,

If the clown comes out badly

I'll call him Poor Man.

Issues for discussion

Listen to the poem by N. Matveeva "Girl and Plasticine". Is it funny or sad? Why do you think so? What words from the poem helped you understand this? What did the two brothers explain to the girl? Who's to blame for the fact that she doesn't always make good figures? How has the girl changed? What helped you understand the poem? Do you think this is a poem or a story? What is in the poem? (Melodiousness, melodiousness, rhythm, rhyme, imagery.) What rhymes do you remember?

A. Kondratyev "At night"

They say in the big bushes

Fear lurks at night.

I went to the big bushes:

"Who is there and what is there?"

The bushes whispered to me:

“Only us and only you.

Only birds in their nests.

Only the sky is in the stars. "

Sasha Cherny "When no one is at home"

The red moon looks into the glass,

Everyone is gone - and I'm alone.

And great! And great!

Very clear:

I am braver than all men.

With the cat Moore, looking for a month,

We climbed onto the bed:

The month is our brother, the wind is our uncle,

That's how uncle!

The stars are sisters, the sky is mother ...

I will sing loudly!

I will sing loudly,

So that from the stove through the darkness

On the ribbon

The bear did not come down to us ...

I'm not afraid of rats or Buki, -

With a poker in his nose!

Not a lame devil Kluka

Not a viper -

Nobody and nothing!

There's a cloud in the sky like a lamb

In curls, curls.

I'm not, boy, I'm an elephant

I am a tiger

Dozing in the reeds ...

I wait and I wait, I wait in vain -

The bell is numb ...

The month, my brother, the month is red,

The month is clear

Why did you turn pale?

Issues for discussion

Listen to the poems of A. Kondratyev "At night" and Sasha Cherny "When no one is at home." How are the heroes of these poems similar? Why can we say that these are brave boys? What did the hero of Sasha Cherny's poem come up with so as not to be afraid?

Gaida Lagzdyn "Why is Yegorka alone?"

Yegorka shouts in the yard:

- My book! My slide!

My ball! Spatula! Watering can!

I won't let you in! My bench!

You don't need to take anything!

I want to play alone.

A bench in the yard is sad

Nearby is a ball, a spatula, a watering can.

The slide is missing in the yard

And there is one Yegorka.

V. Orlov "My car"

They bought me a dump truck.

I dreamed about it for a long time.

I started it up lightly -

He grunted softly.

I value the car:

I'm no longer friends with Petya,

And I will see Dima -

I drive by.

Only suddenly,

Only suddenly

There is a loud knock:

The spring burst -

The car shuddered.

I'm standing by the dump truck:

I felt sad for something -

Does not start,

And no one with me

Not found!

E. Moshkovskaya "Sour Poems"

The sour sun has risen,

looks - the sky is sour,

sour in the sour palate

the cloud hung ...

And the unfortunate hurry

sour passers-by

and eat badly

sour ice cream ...

Even the sugar is sour!

All the jam is sour!

Because sour

there was a mood.

Issues for discussion

Listen to the poem by G. Lagzdyn "Why is Yegorka alone?" Who is this poem about? Why was Egorka left alone? Does he have toys? Why doesn't he play? Is it good or bad to be alone? Do you blame Yegorka or do you feel sorry for him? What should be done in order not to be left alone?

Listen to the poem by E. Moshkovskaya "Sour Verses". What word is repeated many times in this poem? Tell us what was sour in the poem. How do you imagine sour sun, sour sky, sour cloud, sour passers-by, sour sugar and ice cream? Why was everything sour? What kind of mood do you think can be called sour? Now say the other way around: the mood was sour, but now ... Imagine which picture you would draw for a sour mood, and which one for a cheerful mood.

R. Sef "You"

Everything is allowed


In the kitchen stove

Have lunch

Upside down,

Melt the stove


You can swim

On an ax

And bathe an elephant in a bucket.

Permissions to find out:

Are you going to sleep in the oven?

Help mom

Dinner table

Upside down?

Make up your mind at dawn

Sail into the sea

On an ax?

And will he want to swim

African elephant

Issues for discussion

Why is R. Sefa's poem called "You"? Is it about you? Who is the author talking to? What did the poem teach you?

V. Prikhodko "That's when I'll become an adult"

That's when I grow up

And I want to swim,

I'll get in on my own

Into a big bath

Both taps

Rub my stomach and back myself

And freckles on my nose.

Wrap myself in a sheet

And into the crib

V. Lunin "When I become an adult"

When I'm an adult

I will let my son do everything:

Eating sour cream with my hands

And jump on my back

Lie on the couch

Draw on the wall

Keep the beetle in your pocket

Don't wash your faces

Run through the puddles

Cut the legs off the chair,

Do not sleep and do not dine,

Riding a cat

Spin the spring in the clock,

Drinking tap water ...

I'll let my son do everything

When I become an adult!

E. Moshkovskaya

Pick me up, maple, with your hand

Give a lift -

You are so tall!

If only I lean on your hands,

I'm right up to the top of your head

I'll get there.

I really need to get a star!

Before her there

Give it by hand ...

A. Barto "Conversation with my daughter"

- I do not have enough warmth, -

She told her daughter.

The daughter was surprised: - You are freezing

And on summer days?

- You won't understand, you are still small, -

The mother sighed wearily.

And the daughter shouts: - I understand! -

And drags the blanket.

A. Barto "Before bedtime"

The lanterns are lit

Outside the window.

Sit with me


Before bedtime.

Whole evening

Are you with me

You have everything

Over the soul

I'm still waiting

Ok, I'm quiet,

How big ...

Sit with me

Let's talk

Before bedtime,

Let's see

On the lanterns

Outside the window.

Issues for discussion

Did you like V. Prikhodko's poem "This is when I become an adult"? What is the dream of the child, the hero of the poem? What can he do when he grows up? And what can he never do?

What does the hero of V. Lunin's poem "When I become an adult" dream about? Did you like his wishes? Let's imagine what might happen if the boy's wishes come true. What can happen if you eat sour cream with your hands and never wash your face? What happens if all people start painting on the wall? Will you be able to sit on a chair if you saw off its legs? Can a person never sleep or dine? What would you allow your son when you become an adult?

Who did you like more: the hero of the poem by V. Prikhodko or the hero of V. Lunin? Why? What kind of boys are they?

What is the dream of the hero of E. Moshkovskaya's poem "Catch me, maple, with your hand ..."? Why do you think he needs to get the star? Do they play with the stars? What unusual thing did the boy want to do?

Listen to A. Barto's poem "A Conversation with Daughter". Is it funny or sad? Why do you think so? How do you understand the lines from the poem: "I do not have enough warmth ..."? When were you especially sad, funny?

Sasha Black "Wolf"

The whole village sleeps in the snow

The month disappeared for the night,

Snow is curling.

The kids are all on ice

On the pond.

Amicably the sleighs squeal -

Let's go in a row!

Who is in harness, who is rider,

Wind to the side.

Our wagon train stretched out.

Before the birches.

Suddenly the front line shouts:

"Damn it, stop!"

The sleds began, the laughter ceased,

"Brothers, wolf! .."

Wow, how they sprayed back!

Like hail.

Scatter everything from the pond -

Who is where.

Where is the wolf? Yes, it's a dog -

Our Watchdog!

Laughter, roar, laughter and sense:

"Oh yes wolf!"

S. Mikhalkov "Forest Academy"

(According to an old children's song)

One summer, on the lawn,

Very smart May Beetle

Founded for insects

Academy of Sciences.

The Academy is open!

From dawn to dawn

Forest insects

Studying ABCs:



- Bumblebee and Fly, don't buzz!

Calm down, Dragonfly!

Repeat, don't get confused:


Turn to the board, Grasshopper!

You sat backwards!


3 — FENCE or SNAKE ...

- Don't tell Bug, Komarik,

Change from the Ant!


L - Grub, Linden, Meadow ...

- Who have you set the nets to?

Get out, evil Spider!


N - BALIM, and O - DEER ...

- They don't go to the academy

Those who are too lazy to learn!




- Cockroach, don't make faces!

Don't tell me, Cricket!



- After the first change

We will continue our lesson!

Learn the alphabet of the insect

To become literate,

Because it is not enough -

Just crawl and fly!

V. Berestov "About the car"

Here is the girl Marina,

And here's her car.

- On, car, cup,

Eat, car, porridge!

Here's a crib

Sleep, car, sweet!

I cherish you

I don’t turn you on.

So that you don't get tired

So that you don't catch a cold

So that I do not run in the dust,

Sleep, car, don't be naughty!

Suddenly the car got sick.

She did not drink, did not eat,

I didn't sit on the bench,

I didn’t play, I didn’t sleep,

She was sad.

I visited the sick Mishka,

He treated me to candy "Mishka".

The doll Katya came

In a clean white robe.

A whole hour over the patient

Katya did not close her eyes.

The doctor knows everything.

First-class doctor - Petya.

(Petya finished first grade).

And the doctor saved the car.

The doctor listened to the patient,



Shook his head

And said:

- Why does the body hurt?

He cannot live without loads.

Because the motor has a cold

That the motor needs air.

To live idle -

And the car got sick.

She doesn't need silence

She needs movement.

How can we save the patient?

Take the key -

And start!

Gaida Lagzdyn "I ride"

A bold horse is racing,

Rushing with a fast arrow!

I'm on horseback!

I shout to the whole house!

I fly like a whirlwind, like a bird!

Do not blame me,

Do not remove from your horse.

I'll ride again!

I'll shout some more!

Gaida Lagzdyn "Building a House"

Building a house, a new house

Toys will heal in it!

Here is a brick. Here is the board.

Roof tiles, two pieces!

There are windows in the house, doors in the house!

Walls - blocks and panels.

We took white crayons

The ceilings were whitewashed.

The crane is leaving important-important.

The flag on the arrow is on.

The house is multi-storey.

Come on in! The entrance is open!

M. Boroditskaya "Shells"

My brother and I collect seashells all day.

"Look what I found!" - we shout to each other.

We don't sleep, we don't eat, we don't play,

We collect shells all day.

Shells like spoons, shells like bowls

Shells-palms, shells-flat cakes,

And thin as petals

And as thick as shards.

Seashells with stripes, and speckled too,

And those that look like a rainbow in color,

And pink as morning

Inside out of mother-of-pearl.

Simple shells, twisted shells,

Salt water poured to the brim,

Both smooth and ribbed

Transparent, silvery ...

Close your eyes, lean against the pillow

And immediately - seashells, seashells, seashells ...

We will not throw out a single one, -

We will bring everything home!

I. Pivovarova "My brave lion"

A lion lives in my apartment.

And this is not a cat for you,

Quite the opposite!

I left home in the morning

And the lion is not a tit,

Well, little eh, what will happen ?!

I rush home without feeling my legs

I fly into the doorway with an arrow ...

But who's crying there

Under the table,

And rubs his eyes with his tail?

- I'm not a mouse,

And not a tit!

And you left

You left the lion

And there is no home

Well, little eh, what will happen ?!

Issues for discussion

Listen to the poem "Wolf" by Sasha Cherny. Is it funny or sad? Why do you think so? What time of year does the poem refer to? How do you understand the expression: "The whole village sleeps in the snow ..."? What is the favorite game for the village kids in winter? Why does the author say that the sledges squeal when the kids ride? What did the guys do when they saw the wolf? Answer with lines from a poem. ("Wow, how they spurted back! ..") What words help the author convey the fear of children? Why did the kids laugh?

About whom is S. Mikhalkov's poem "Forest Akdemia"? For whom did Maisky Zhuk founded the Academy of Sciences? Who was sitting backwards to the board? Whom did Komarik laugh at? What did the insects do to become literate?

Have you ever seen shells? Where can you find them? Listen to the poem "Shells" by M. Boroditskaya. Why do children love to collect shells so much? With what does the author of the poem compare seashells, what do they look like? What color are shells? What color is their inner side? Draw how you imagine the shells. What color will your shells be? What will they be like? Did you like this piece? Do you think this is a fairy tale, story or poem? Why do you think so? What is in the poem? (Melody, melodiousness, rhythm, rhyme, imagery.) What rhymes do you remember?

M. Plyatskovsky "True friend"

A strong friendship will not break

Will not come apart from rains and blizzards.

A friend in trouble will not leave

He won’t ask too much -

That's what real means

True friend.

We will quarrel and make up

"Do not spill with water!" - everyone around jokes.

At noon or midnight

A friend will come to the rescue -

That's what real means

True friend.

A friend can always help me out

If something happens suddenly.

Needed to be someone

In difficult times -

That's what real means

True friend!

R. Sef "Friend"

Once upon a time there was a man

Good man.

He was happy

And the sound of fast rivers.

He sang songs

I ate potatoes

Was short in height.

And I built a boat for myself

Of hewn

He swam on it

Many years.

Around the Earth.

And the boat

Buzzed after

Large ships.

And he kept swimming

Doodle in the horn

And I thought about one thing:

“I’d have

We would sail

M. Yasnov "Sorrows-sorrows"


Something I can't sleep.

With whom would I, sorrow,

So much trouble

The pencil is broken

The beetle got out of the can

And I never got caught.

And in addition -

What a woe! -

The ball is pricked

On aloe leaf ...

That's what it turns for me,

That's why I can't sleep -

Maybe me with a bear

Into my bear

I'll bury my head:

Although he is plush,

But on the other hand - alive!

E. Moshkovskaya "Waiting"

How long friday drags on!

I do not play. I'm waiting.

A friend told me: - On Friday

I will certainly come.

And now it's too late

And my mother told me to sleep.

But he's quite an adult -

He could not tell a lie!

E. Moshkovskaya "No need to quarrel anymore!"

No more quarreling!

And then the ball is not caught,

And the book is not readable

And the rain begins ...

And we will envy

To envy all people -

Everyone will see a clear day

And we will not be with you!

V. Orlov "Who will win?"

- Who offended whom first?

- He me!

- No, he's me!

- Who hit whom first?

- He me!

- No, he's me!

- You were so friendly before!

- I was friends.

- And I was friends.

- What did you not share?

- I forgot.

- And I forgot.

Issues for discussion

Did you like M. Plyatskovsky's poem "A True Friend"? What words are repeated three times in the poem? What kind of friendship can be called strong? Who can be considered a true friend? If you want to become someone's true friend, what should you be? And when and in what way can you help your friend? Do you already have a friend? Tell us how you are friends.

Listen to the poem by R. Sefa. What do you think, what title could this poem have? Who is the hero of the poem - a little boy or an adult? What did you learn about him from the poem? What did the hero of this poem dream about? Why is the poem called "Friend", and not in some other way?

Listen to the poem "Waiting" by E. Moshkovskaya. Is this poem funny or sad? Why do you think so? When they say, "The day goes on for a long time"? Why is the day dragging on for the hero of this poem? What's his mood? Is he happy with his toys? What would make the boy happy the most? What did this poem teach you?

Can you call the heroes of V. Orlov's poem "Who will win?" Why do you think so? What Real Friends Shouldn't Do? How can these boys make up?

E. Moshkovskaya "I don't understand"

Why sighs heavily

cute pooch?

What's so catching on my word?

What did I say? What's wrong?

That her eyes shine?

What does she want to say?

Why is it coming after me

and goes to my house?

Why don't I drive

and I beckon her to me?

Why am I hugging?

I don’t understand anything!

V. Lunin "I would buy a puppy"

I would buy a puppy -

In white spots on the side

And a wagging tail.

I would buy a puppy -

And down on everyone

I would look

Though my height is low.

I would walk him

I spent the whole day -

Wouldn't keep him under lock and key.

I would have my secrets

I gave everything to him

And I would give him milk to drink.

And when to cry

I wanted a little bit

I would have pressed my face to him,

And looking at me

He would manage to lick

Sadness with its rough tongue.

V. Lunin "Joy"

Quiet, no sound

Meowka walks

Day-day by my side.

Walks lazily


With a slightly roguish mine

Gray fur

Thimble eyes,

Subtle shadows - mustache

Fluffy tail

And silver ...

Wondrous Meow of beauty!

Rubs against the hand

Delicate Meow,

Sings the song in silence.

And somehow

In these minutes

Joy comes to me.

S. Marshak "Clumsy bug"

Chopped a twig.

I cut it once.

I ran to the doctor as soon as possible.

- Treat me! - I shout.

The old doctor came out:

- What have you done, bug?

- I, a bug,

Chopped a twig.

I cut it once,

Yes, the bitch was cunning -

Didn't fall under my ax.

I fell under the ax myself.

Tyap - and a foot in half!

S. Marshak "Help!"

Ant in the thicket

Heavy oak drags.

Hey comrade friends

Help the ant out!

If there is no help for him,

The ant will stretch its legs.

S. Marshak "Snail"

Hey snail

Poke your horns out -

I'll give you a penny

For cakes.

Piglet -

For tobacco.

Poke your horns out

Just once!

S. Marshak "Fly"

A fly flew across the sky

I tumbled into the pipe.

Legs three weeks

She was in pain.

S. Marshak "Frog on the path"

Here is a frog on the path.

Her legs were cold.

So she needs

Warm pants



Issues for discussion

Did you like E. Moshkovskaya's poem “I don’t understand”? Who is this poem about? Why do you think the dog sighs so hard? Why is she following the boy? What does she want? And why does the boy beckon her to him and hug her? What is he dreaming about? Could this boy and dog be real friends? How would they please each other?

What does the hero of V. Lunin's poem "I would buy a puppy" dream about? How does he imagine a puppy? How would a boy take care of a puppy? How could a puppy help him in difficult times? How do you understand the words of the author of the poem: "He could lick the sadness with his rough tongue"? Did you like this piece? Do you think this is a fairy tale, story or poem? Why do you think so? What is in the poem? (Melodiousness, melodiousness, rhythm, rhyme, imagery.) What rhymes do you remember?

Who is V. Lunin's poem "Joy" about? What is the name of the kitten the author is talking about? With what does he compare the eyes of a kitten, and with what does he compare his mustache? What is Meauka's ponytail? What else does the author say about the kitten? Does he like the kitten? Why do you think so? Draw how you imagine a kitten.

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