Home Mushrooms All types of petsilia are aquarium fish. Spotted pecilia, or plyatipecilia. Description of platies of various types

All types of petsilia are aquarium fish. Spotted pecilia, or plyatipecilia. Description of platies of various types

Making out a home aquarium, everyone chooses options for themselves that best suit their inner state and idea of ​​beauty. For some, these are light, almost airy veil-tails with romantically developing fins and tails. Someone enjoys watching the military battles of cockerels. And for the third, the naturalness of nature is manifested in the variegation of colors, freedom of movement and unpretentiousness.

The last option is an aquarium in which aquarium petsilia are inhabited, for example: red pecilia, mikkimaus or tricolor pecilia. They are unpretentious and relatively disease-resistant creatures, with a gentle character and a cheerful disposition. They will appeal to novice aquarists and experienced biologists. To populate them, it is easy to pick up green aquarium plantings and helpful orderlies such as snails.

Why should you choose them?

At first glance, the red black-tailed plague looks like the familiar swordtails. The body is slightly diamond-shaped, the head is small, the fins and tail are painted black, the further from the body, the darker. Average size is from 3.5 to 4.5 cm.

The slightly diamond shape contributes to ease of movement, and the beautiful fan-shaped tail quickly coordinates the direction of movement.

The character is cheerful and unlucky. Fish quickly get used to a new place of residence, react to the owner's voice addressed to them, develop reflexes for the hours of eating.

Nature has been generous in rewarding Xiphophorus maculatus with flowers. It is difficult to name a shade that is not present in any of the varieties. Red and yellow, bright orange and blue, gold and pure white. And what about a neon plague or a sunset placia! And an artificially bred mickey mouse platy with its one large and two small specks, reminiscent of the head of your favorite cartoon character!

There are plenty to choose from and how to create a harmonious combination.

For those who prefer an unusual shape, a disc pecilia is suitable. The curvature of the spine, which gives the shape a resemblance to a circle, makes the specimen unusual and original. A similar characteristic has a balloon.

It is characteristic that such fish are born with straight spines. And only later does he bend and change the shape of the whole calf. They are touching and gentle, attract attention with their mystery and originality.

What do they like to do?

Despite all its unpretentiousness, the petsilia is an aquarium fish, for which the habitat is important. She will be confident, cheerful and cheerful if:

  • one individual will have at least 10 liters of water;
  • cleanliness will be ensured by reliable mechanical filtration;
  • water temperature - within 24-27 o;
  • the pH is shifted to the alkaline side (above 7);
  • the illumination is average, the zoning of brightly lit areas and shady islands for recreation is provided.

Plants are needed varied and at all levels of the reservoir. They hide babies of plilies, among them adults like to travel. At the same time, against a green background, blue and yellow individuals look very harmonious, a chintz platzia with a small unlucky pattern and a rainbow spotted platzia.

They love to move in groups, dragging along not only their fellows. Various options can interbreed with each other, forming all new color schemes.

They are interested in castles and caves, grottoes and artificial shipwrecks, equipped on the aquarium bottom. Often they hide in the shells of rapanas, especially if they are of considerable size. But this does not symbolize their fear. Rather, it is an interest in the environment, a cognitive character trait.

What should the diet be rich in?

With regard to feeding, the platia is a grateful fish. Its content does not require much effort. The alternation of plant and animal feed, the presence of vitamins and microelements in synthetic versions - that's all that will ensure its health and full life.

If you stop on live food, then you need to grind them quite finely, practically cook gruel, since the mouth of Xiphophorus maculatus is quite small. Bloodworms and brine shrimp, small insects and mosquito larvae will do. They will be happy with meat, liver or fish mince, but not more than twice a week.

Pecilia disc loves plant food, but it is unlikely to feed on algae. You will need a cucumber, zucchini or spinach. Before "serving" they should be doused with boiling water and cut into small pieces.

Petsilia spotted and Pesilia variatus can change color depending on the quality of the feed. It is noticed that from animal components the colors become richer and brighter.

What are the features of reproduction?

The male pecilia differs from the female in the shape of the posterior pelvic fin and in its overall size. The fin seems to be rolled into a tube, and the size is slightly smaller than the female.

Reproduction is an interesting biological process. Similar to guppies and swordtails, this species is viviparous. The hatching of eggs and the formation of fry occurs in the body of the female, the content of which at the time of spawning does not differ from the general one.

Newborn babies do not immediately have a bright coloration. Iridescent or patterned coloration appears later, and the species of spotted plague appears after a fairly long period of time (up to 1 month).

Breeding platies is not difficult, given the desire to grow fry when the neighbors populate the aquarium. So, almost all domestic fish, large in size, can consider them as food. And such nimble ones as cockerels, plucking only the forming tails and fins, make them incapable of movement.

It is better to place the babies immediately in a separate aquarium, almost from the moment the female is pregnant.

In which team will the Pecilia be comfortable?

Catfish that live in the lower layers of the water and pick up the remains of food that has settled to the bottom will be good companions.

A merry company will be formed with molynesias, swordtails, guppies and neons. General biological features will play into the hands in matters of nutrition and microclimate formation.

Elegantly swimming calm gourami and romantic goldfish - veil-tails will not harm.

But for the scalar, fast streams of water from their movements will be unnecessary. And they do not accept a lot of confusion.

A team of turtles is unlikely to be a pleasure. Because, digging through the sandy soil, they create turbidity in the water and uproot the plants.

Unlucky content and rather extravagant appearance make the platias a welcome guest in any underwater home. If, from the moment of settling in, you surround them with care and love, do not create stressful situations and fully feed them, you can guaranteedly expect a full gamut of positive emotions from such joint communication.

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The brightly colored plats remain one of the most popular aquarium fish among aquarists today, and for good reason. Pecilia are found in a wide variety of colors, almost every color of the rainbow, as well as black and white, and are some of the toughest aquarium fish recommended for beginners. These are very peaceful fish, they get along well with their relatives in large groups.

Pecilia are some of the best aquarium fish for the beginner hobbyist and make a great addition to any aquarium community. They are active, very hardy and breed easily in the home aquarium. Males remain small and are therefore suitable for small aquariums. These aquarium fish are widely available and reasonably priced.


Pecilia belong to the family of peciliaceae (Xiphophorus genus), which includes about 28 species of fish. There are three species in the aquarium hobby: Southern Platy Xiphophorus maculatus, Variable Platyfish Xiphophorus variatus, and a close relative of the sword-bearer (Xiphophorus helleri) known as the green sword-bearer.

Petsilia very often crossed with swordtails, so now some species have become difficult to distinguish. At the moment, it is generally accepted that if a fish has a xiphoid process, then it belongs to the swordtails, otherwise it is a placia. Today, among the swordsmen there are almost all colors and mixtures of colors as in platies.

The southern plague was described in 1866 by Gunther, the spotted platis was described by Mecca in 1904, and the green sword-bearer was described in 1932 by Gordon.

All three species are members of the Peciliaceae family, and can interbreed with each other. All three species in the wild are native to Central America. They can be found in Mexico, Guatemala and northern Honduras.

The common or southern pecilia is the most common species and was first used in the aquarium hobby in 1907. It is in incredible demand due to its ease of maintenance and ease of maintenance. There are a huge variety of breeding forms of this species in a variety of colors.

Spotted pecilia is so named because of its wide variety of natural flowers. It was discovered in 1904, but appeared in the aquarium hobby only after 1932 and became one of the most popular viviparous fish.

The green swordsman remains a little known species, and was described later. Very gentle appearance, the male has a short xiphoid process, it is quite rare.

Since the introduction of platies into the aquarium hobby, they have only gained in popularity, and their new color patterns and fin shapes have appeared. Cross-breeding of platy with swordtails has produced a wide variety of fin forms.

In the wild, all three species inhabit canals, ditches, warm springs, and swamps. Pecilia southern is tolerant of small currents, while green swordtails cannot tolerate strong currents. All platies prefer warm, small bodies of water with a muddy bottom and dense vegetation. Although they are not gregarious species, they like to be in a large company of congeners. They feed on plant foods, worms, crustaceans and insects.


The plague has a laterally compressed body with compact fins and a fan-shaped tail (except for varieties with large fins). The southern and spotted petsilia are short, stocky fishes, although the spotted ones are thinner and more elongated, both do not have the "sword" of the swordsman. The green swordsman has a slight extension on the tail.

Just like molynesia, guppies and swordtails, platies belong to the family of Platyceae, the order of karptooths, characterized by the presence of teeth in the upper and lower jaw.

The females of the plague can grow up to 7 cm in length, the males up to 6 cm. The females of the spotted plague can grow up to 9 cm in length, the males are somewhat smaller. The size can vary greatly depending on the type of fish.

In all species and varieties, females are larger than males, and in general, males rarely grow more than 4 cm in length. As they mature, the anal fins of the male are transformed into a copulatory organ called the genopodium.

Pesilia are not demanding on the conditions of detention, and as long as the water is clean, problems rarely arise. They love aquariums planted with aquarium plants that mimic the natural habitat of this species.

The aquarium fish pecilia is an active swimmer, but at the same time peaceful, therefore it is suitable for keeping in a general aquarium. It is easy to care for and reproduces easily, making it a great starter fish. Choose healthy fish when buying, provide them with a good aquarium and a varied diet, and you won't have any problems with them. With good maintenance, platys can live up to 5 years in a home aquarium.

Pecilia are quite undemanding and will not have health problems until the pH in the aquarium drops due to the abundance of decaying organic waste and toxins. To avoid this, you need regular water changes of 25% every 2-4 weeks. The frequency of water changes depends on the density of the aquarium population (fish population density). Clean water is especially important for the green swordtail.

You can also add 2.5 - 2.75 teaspoons of aquarium salt per 10 liters of water. If the water in the aquarium is salted, do not forget to make changes to the same water.

Pecilia are small active aquarium fish, the minimum volume of the recommended aquarium for them is 35 liters. Despite the fact that these are not schooling fish, they like to keep in groups of their own kind, and the volume of the 35 liter aquarium is enough to keep a group of 5 fish. However, keep in mind that if you have fish of both sexes, then the population will certainly increase due to the frequent reproduction and rapid maturation of the offspring. Preferred ratio: one male to three females. This ratio will reduce the likelihood of quarrels among males.

Pecilia aquarium fish are tolerant of water conditions, but a good filtration system is desirable to help maintain a stable environment. The filtration system will remove most of the debris, excess food and waste, which will help keep your aquarium clean and keep your fish healthy.

Any kind of substrate is suitable for these fish, but since the platies love an aquarium planted with live plants, keep this in mind when choosing a substrate. Southern platies love free-flowing plants, while spotted platies love a densely planted aquarium with open swimming areas. Floating plants are also desirable to help the fry survive.

The best plilia colors will be demonstrated in a mature, cool aquarium. Like most viviparous fish from their region, they love slightly salted water. It is advisable to cover the aquarium to avoid jumping out.

Content options

Minimum aquarium volume: 35 l - this volume is designed for 5 fish, but as the population grows, the volume needs to be increased
Suitable for nano aquarium: Yes
Priming: any
Lighting: moderate - normal
Temperature: 21 - 25.0 ° C
pH: 6,8-8,0
Total hardness: 10 - 28 dGH
Water movement: weak
Swimming layers: all areas of the aquarium, but mainly in the middle and upper

These brightly colored fish require a smaller tank than swordsmen and are more peaceful, active and hardy. They also reproduce without problems. The aquarium should be well lit and contain live plants. Also, if you want to preserve the fry, it is advisable to have floating plants to create shelters - active parents can give the fry a chance to survive without reliable shelters. Like all viviparous fish, they like the presence of a small amount of salt in the water, although this is not necessary. Fish can jump out, so it is advisable to cover the aquarium.


Placids are calm but active and are excellent aquarium fish for the aquarium community. They do not look for trouble with neighbors, they like to swim freely or in groups. Males can quarrel with each other, but without harm to their health.

These fish can be lodged with other fish with a similar temperament and size and with the same requirements for the chemical composition of the water. Many keep them with close relatives - guppies and mollies, because they all come from the same environment. Also, bottom corridor catfish, tetras and other haracinous, any good-natured small fish are suitable for neighbors.

Feed and feeding

Pecilias are considered omnivores, but they have a high need for plant foods and should include a lot of algae and other vegetation in their diet. In the natural environment, the diet of a plilia consists of worms, crustaceans, insect and plant products. In the aquarium, they are happy to eat dry commercial products, as well as additional live and plant food. Artemia (live or frozen), tubifex, bloodworms - they will enjoy any protein food, but there should also be plant foods (blanched salad, zucchini, etc.). Any algae in the aquarium will also be eaten.

Pecilia do not seem to be picky about food, but it is nevertheless important to feed them varied to maintain health, longevity, and a diet rich in vitamins improves their color.

You need to feed several times a day, each serving should be eaten in 3 minutes.

Differences between a male and a female

It is difficult to determine sex in immature platies, but as the male matures, the anal fin transforms into a shaft (genopodium or genital organ). Females are generally larger than males and may be less colored.


This viviparous breed of aquarium fish reproduces in the home aquarium without much attention if you feed and take care of the fish. Pecilia reach sexual maturity at four months of age and can quickly overpopulate an aquarium. For breeding, you only need to acquire representatives of both sexes.

If you want to specifically breed, then you need a 35-70 liter aquarium with gentle filtration. The female is pregnant when she develops a dark mark on her belly. The gestation period lasts 24 to 30 days.

In the general aquarium, fry can be eaten, including by their own parents, if they are not removed in time or isolated using special containers. Alternatively, provide the aquarium with enough shelter: floating plants such as hornwort, riccia, elodea will do. A female petsilia can produce 20 to 80 fry, but is generally limited to 20-40 fry.

The fry appear large enough to feed chopped dry food and brine shrimp nauplii.

One of the most popular aquarium fish are the platis, which reproduce without creating special conditions. There are several types that differ in a variety of colors and shapes. In addition, they are unpretentious and beautiful, it is very easy to get offspring.

What does a pecilia look like?

Fish of this type are small, and their body length reaches 3.5-5 cm. When conditions are suitable, they live for 3-4 years. In nature, they are common in South America, Mexico and Guatemala. When keeping aquarium platies, a number of rules must be followed:

  1. They are unpretentious and stand out for their good survival rate. The minimum volume of a suitable vessel is 40-50 liters. Fish do not conflict with each other, unlike other viviparous species.
  2. Water parameters do not play a special role for the life of platies, reproduction and development of fry. An ideal liquid is considered to be of medium hardness (15-30 dGH), with an acidity of pH 7-8.3, and as for the temperature, a suitable value is 22-25 ° C. It is recommended to change up to 20% of the water every day. Filtration and aeration are desirable.
  3. If the aquarium is small, then during the day it can be placed on the sunny side, then it is better to hide it from the direct rays of the sun using different methods, for example, frosted glass.
  4. Pecilia get along well with other fish, but it is better not to settle them with predators, since they can become easy prey.
  5. For the safe life of platies, reproduction and rearing of fry, it is recommended to cover the aquarium with a lid, but it should be with holes for oxygen. This is explained by the fact that during the game and chasing each other, fish can jump out of the vessel.

Varieties of platies

This genus is popular because it includes 33 species and a huge number of hybrid forms. The variety is distinguished by color options and body shape. Among the common species of platies, there are multicolored, black, green, yellow, blue, gold and red individuals. When focusing on the shape of the body and fins, classic mollies, radishes and balloons are distinguished. Let's dwell on the description of the most popular options:

  1. Black Pecilia has a beautiful color with an original blue or green color. It was obtained by breeding. Reproduction and care does not require special conditions.
  2. The disc petsilia has a shortened and slightly flattened body. Breeders also bred it.
  3. Pecilia balloon is considered the most unusual because it has a rounded body with a curved spine. Such fish can be golden, marble, silver, black and red. It is worth saying that as a result of reproduction, fry are born with a straight spine, and it deforms with age.

How do plilies reproduce?

This species belongs to the viviparous types, that is, fertilization, and the bearing of fry occurs inside the female, like in humans. Platies can be breeding together with other fish, or separately. There are three approaches you can take:

  1. A pregnant individual is placed in a separate spawning grounds, and when the offspring are born and grow up a little, it is necessary to choose strong and strong individuals and transplant them into a common aquarium, and dispose of the weak representatives of the offspring.
  2. Pecilia, the reproduction of which does not require the creation of special conditions, can remain in a public aquarium and then the fry themselves will fight with other inhabitants of the reservoir and the fittest will survive. You can only use this option if the neighbors are not aggressive.
  3. If the owner wants to breed selected offspring of a certain color, then it is necessary to prepare several nurseries. Expectant parents should be in special tanks and each fertilized female is deposited in a separate spawning grounds. It is important to closely monitor the fry and sort them by color in time.

Pecilia - how to tell a male from a female?

Unlike other species, it will be easy to determine the sex of an individual in this case. For this purpose, you need to know the basic signs regarding how to determine the sex of the platy.

  1. The first thing that betrays a female representative is a large size, and the difference is significant. In addition, females have a fuller and more rounded abdomen.
  2. Platie fish, which reproduce without much effort, are distinguished by the presence of gonopodia (genital organ) in the male, which is located at the anus and is mobile. In females, the anal fin is wider.
  3. Some species have pronounced differences in color.

Pregnant placia

It is easy to breed such fish, since you do not need to create any special conditions. Many believe that the main symptom of a pregnant plilia is a large belly, but in reality this is not the case, since it can grow if the fish has eaten a large meal. Changes in color or behavior are observed. And if such petsilia have appeared, their further reproduction can be carried out in a public aquarium, taking care of a shelter.

How to tell if you are pregnant?

If an aquarium owner wants to ensure regular breeding, then three females and one male are required. Please note that this species is capable of producing offspring every month. When figuring out what a pregnant petsilia looks like, it is worth pointing out a rounded tummy, but in order to confirm this symptom, it is recommended not to feed the fish for a day and observe whether the belly disappears or not. In addition, there is a more obvious sign that the individual is ready for reproduction - the body color changes near the anal fin.

Pregnancy of Platia - term

It has already been mentioned that this species can often produce offspring. A pregnant platia bears fry for about 28 days, and a couple of days after birth, the female is ready for fertilization again. In aquarium fish, pecilia, spawning can occur up to several times a year. At the time of birth, between 30 and 80 fry can be produced.

Pecilia before childbirth

Before the individual is ready to give birth to fry, then her belly will become large and take on an angular shape. Petsilia fish will have a more prominent gestation spot, which is located at the anal fin. It will become brighter every day. In addition, before breeding, the female will begin to behave restlessly and she will have a desire to hide in a secluded place.

How do Plias give birth?

When all the signs indicating childbirth have appeared, if desired, the female can be transplanted into the spawning grounds. This can be a separate aquarium with a volume of 1.5-3 liters, for example, a glass jar or a plastic bottle. Reproduction of the platy fish involves marking the fry for several days. The female gives out fry one by one at intervals. After that, it is better to return her to the general aquarium, since there is a high risk that she will eat her offspring.

Pecilia fry - care

There are several recommendations that are important to adhere to in order for babies to develop well. If a person does not know how to raise petsilia fry, then there is a risk that they will die. It is recommended to create suitable living conditions and properly care for the younger generation. Platy fry have a wide body, which differs in shape from other viviparous species.

After birth, for the first time, the fry will keep in a flock, and be closer to the surface of the water. This is explained by the fact that they are fearful, therefore they react with lightning speed to any changes that take place behind the glass. Taking this into account, experts give a recommendation that it is not necessary to stand next to the aquarium, wave your hands and create other annoying phenomena. Do not place a container with babies near the TV.

How many petsilia fry grow?

If the right conditions are created, then babies will develop quickly and well. For those who are interested in how quickly the fry of the petsilia grow, it is worth noting that in most cases they become large in 1.5-2 months, and they will give their offspring in 3-4 months. To speed up the growth of babies, it is recommended to place them in a large vessel. In addition, it is worth making sure that the water is fresh and not cold, since it has been proven that if the temperature is 3-4 degrees colder than the above norm, then growth can slow down by half. It is best to choose live food.

How to care for your baby petsilia?

In the jig, where the kids will develop, it is recommended to put a small heating pad and. You can refuse the soil, since it will pollute the water faster, but plants are mandatory and it is better to give preference. Toddlers love different algae and bushes, which will serve as an excellent hiding place. Pecilia in the aquarium will develop well, the main thing is not to forget about proper feeding.

What to feed the baby petsilia with?

Babies are born fully formed, so they can be fed with adult food. Live food is best for correct and rapid growth. Pet shops have special food for the young. When figuring out how to feed the fry of petsilia in the early days, it is worth pointing out that it is better to give them food often. It is important to make sure that the portion is eaten at one time, otherwise the food will deteriorate, which will negatively affect the state of the water, and this is already a danger for babies. If it is not possible to purchase food, then temporarily you can feed the young, squeezed through gauze, with yolk.

All about the aquarium fish petsilia

Pecilia are one of the most popular and beautiful aquarium fish!

Unpretentious content, variability of color, ease of breeding made them so popular.

Despite the fact that these fish are easy to keep, you need to know the basic recommendations and tips for caring for pets in order for them to live and decorate your aquarium as long as possible.

Latin name: Xiphophorus maculatus;

Comfortable water temperature: 24-27 degrees;

"Acidity" pH: 7,5-8;

Rigidity: 8-25;

Aggressiveness: Non-aggressive;

Complexity of content: Lightweight;

Plates Compatibility: A very wide range, all,, medium-sized "peaceful" cichlids, for example,,,,, etc.

How many live: In good conditions, they can live up to four years. You can find out how long other fish live

Plat size reaches 4-5 cm in females, males are somewhat smaller. The body is diamond-shaped, with a rather wide caudal fin and a relatively small head.

Habitat: North and Central America. Also common in Florida, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Louisiana, Texas and Nevada.

Pecilia care and maintenance

Pecilia are considered to be very undemanding fish. They, as in everything else and all other fish, need clean water - the concentration of ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0 and nitrate is 20 permissible. Therefore, a good water filtration system is imperative! It is also necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature. And of course aeration is needed, this is not even discussed. It is advisable to change water once a week ~ 1/4 - 1/3 of the total volume of water.

Petsilia are very active - they like to swim very quickly. Therefore, despite the small size of the fish, the aquarium should have a volume of 70 liters or more, and better all 100 liters. It is desirable that the aquarium is wide and deep enough, these fish like to swerve here and there, preferring the middle and upper layers of the water.

When keeping platies, you should know and remember that these are "alkaline fish" - they prefer dH and pH above 7. It is not advisable to acidify the water with driftwood or other. It is also advisable to select "alkaline" neighbors for the platies, for example, scalars, gourami get along well enough with plats, but they are still not the best neighbors, since they like soft and slightly acidic water (dH pH below 7).

Feeding and diet of platies

Pecilia willingly eat any dry food, do not disdain any live food, for example, bloodworms. In nature, petsilia feed on insects and algae. Therefore, their diet should include plant foods. This is necessary for normal digestion. However, Tetra's balanced feeds do the job just fine.

Feeding aquarium fish must be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotuses. The article talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regime of fish.

In this article, we will note the most important thing - feeding the fish should not be monotonous, the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, you need to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include in its diet food either with the highest protein content or vice versa with plant ingredients.

Dry food is, of course, a popular and popular food for fish. For example, every hour and everywhere you can find food of the company "Tetra" - the leader of the Russian market on aquarium counters, in fact, the range of food of this company is amazing. In the "gastronomic arsenal" Tetra includes as individual food for a certain type of fish: for goldfish, for cichlids, for loricariids, guppies, labyrinths, aravan, discus, etc. Also, the Tetra company has developed specialized feeds, for example, for enhancing color, fortified or for feeding fry. Detailed information about all Tetra feeds, you can find on the official website of the company -

It should be noted that when buying any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy food by weight, and also keep the food closed - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.

Varieties of platies

It should be said right away that Xiphophorus maculatus is the species, "Spotted Pecilia". There is also Xiphophorus variatus - "Pecilia tricolor". Both have many breeds, most of which are even hybrids between these species, with the involvement of the original form of the species "Green Swordsman" - Xiphophorus helleri. For example, the breeds "Black Pecilia" and "Black Sword Bearer" are the selective result of hybridization of all 3 species. Wild - the original forms of the species "spotted petsilia" and "tricolor petsilia" are practically not found in aquariums at all.

Thanks to breeding work, more than 130 varieties of platies are now widespread in aquariums. There are reds, yellows, oranges, golds, and even whites! It is simply impossible to list everything.

It is simply impossible to list everything, therefore, below we will highlight the most popular types.

Pecilia balloon is a selection breed. Not found in nature, bred artificially. It looks very unusual due to the curved spine. During the selection, fish with a shortened curved spine were selected. A pecilia balloon looks like a shortened, bloated version of a regular pecilia. Due to the curvature and displaced internal organs, this morph often has problems with reproduction.

White pecilia is a selection breed. The body color is completely white, but not an albino with red eyes. There are various morphs of platys with an almost white color.

High fin pecilia is a selection breed. It is the child of two platies, Xiphophorus maculatus, Xiphophorus variatus, and the flag bearer. Body color is variable. It is necessary to distinguish the high fin morph of the platily from the flag morph. In the flag petsilia there is a haer in the corner, in the high-fins - in a fan.

Hawaiian pecilia is a breeding breed. It is the color morph of Petsilia variatus (Xiphophorus variatus). It appeared in 1962 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, from which it got its name. The fish has a wonderful color - a bright red tail and a black and yellow body. Fins can have yellow tints or be completely colorless, translucent.

The blue pecilia is a breeding breed. The color of the body is blue, steel. The color is due to the presence of special iridophore cells. This color of plats is inherent in various morphs.

Pecilia yellow is a selection breed. This is the colored morph of the common platy - Xiphophorus maculatus.

The red plague is a breed of Xiphophorus maculatus. Has a solid red color without blotches of other shades. The fins and tail can be translucent.

The Pecilia Mickey Mouse is a breeding breed. It got its name from the characteristic pattern at the base of the tail of one large and two small black dots, reminiscent of Mickey Mouse ears. The body color is variable, it can be very different from golden, orange and red colors to blue and green shades.

Pecilia radish is a breeding breed. The body color is red or orange, the tail and other fins are black.

The Sunset Pecilia is a breeding breed. The body color is red or orange, with a transition from one color to another. This morph is also called petsilia - solar or sunset.

Pecilia tricolor is, as you already understood, it is a species. But her morph and color variations are a whole kiloton. But again, remember that there are no pure Variatuses of a natural form in our aquariums, alas.

The flag pecilia is a selection breed. Body color is variable. The main difference is the upper fin with the corner. In contrast to the high-finned, which has a haer fan.

Black pecilia is a breeding breed. The main body color is black, the tail and other fins are of variable coloration.

Pesilia sex: male and female?

in the photo, the sex differences of the petsilia

Males and females of platias differ simply; in males, the anal fins are rolled up into a tube - gonopodia. Petsilia are viviparous, like guppies, swordtails and mollies, i.e. females carry eggs and fry inside the body. Plants are not difficult to breed, usually without the participation of the aquarist at all. In the aquarium, plants are needed in which the fry will take refuge until they grow up, otherwise other fish, and the parents themselves, will perceive the offspring as live food. A pregnant plague looks very characteristic, you can't confuse it with anything. Pregnancy can be identified by a rounded abdomen and a dark spot near the anal fin. Typically, a female petsilia gives birth every 28 days, the number of fry is about 20-40 pieces. The fry appear quite independent and are relatively easy to feed - with branded feed crushed into dust or special feed for fry.

It is interesting that the female petsilia, like all live-bearers, at some point change sex and become a male. This behavior of viviparous fish is explained by the evolutionary struggle for survival.

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A selection of beautiful photos with platies

The viviparous fish, the Platie, belongs to the Pecilia family, which already numbers more than 30 thousand species. Close relatives of the sword-bearers. The size of the aquarium fish platia is 4–10 cm. It differs from the swordtails by the absence or smaller size of the tail "sword". Fish live 3-4 years.

The number of breeds is constantly growing. In aquarism, selective species are represented, which differ in color and body shape.


Pecilia balloon has an unusual body shape due to a deformed spine. The size is up to 12 cm in length, 8-10 cm in height, the color is different. Selectively obtained.


The pecilia radish is recognizable due to the shape of the caudal fin, from the center of the tail is an outgrowth. The fish is reddish, the tail and fins are dark.


Popular view. The color of the body is bright red, the pelvic fins have a bluish tint, the size is 10–12 cm. To maintain the richness of the color, the fish are given live food. Pecilia red crosses with swordtails.


Pecilia disc is notable for its unusual body shape, achieved by selection. Due to the curvature of the spine, the fish sometimes deforms the organs. Small fish that needs supervision. The disc petsilia is born without curvature. Breeding problems are possible. The balloon differs from the type only in the shape of the body and in color: red or white.


Pecilia with greenish-black scales with a blue tint. There are color options with a light muzzle. Grows up to 10 cm.


A deep yellow fish up to 10 cm in length. Closer to the tail, the color of the males turns into red. The body shape is standard, the fins of the fish are transparent.


The species has color variations: combinations of black, orange-yellow, as well as a combination of green, blue and yellow.


Pecilia of this species are distinguished by a stripe of dark green and dark yellow.

It is not difficult to keep the petsilia comfortable. Evaluate the health of the fish during feeding, when all the charges gather at the surface of the water to absorb food. The color should be bright, the behavior should be active. Count the fish periodically.

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Pecilia are known to survive well in a variety of conditions. Fish will need:

  1. Deep aquarium with a lid. A couple of individuals do well in a 20 liter aquarium.
  2. Water with a pH value of 7–8 (neutral, slightly alkaline); 9-19 dH (medium hardness), temperature 22-26 degrees.
  3. Lighting for keeping plants and simulating changing times of day.
  4. Filtration and aeration. It is known that fish survive without additional equipment, but it is necessary for a full life.

Arrangement of the aquarium

Required for the reservoir:

  1. The soil is dark in color, on which the fish will look more advantageous.
  2. ... For beginners, elodea or floating riccia are suitable.
  3. Shelters and decorations. Pecilia are curious fish that love to hide and explore their habitat.


Plates care includes:

  1. water change weekly by 20-30%;
  2. observation of the behavior and appearance of fish;
  3. feeding 1-2 times a day;
  4. drawing up the composition and norms of nutrition;
  5. cleaning the soil with a siphon once a week.


Fish eat all kinds of food. Take care of a varied diet, a poor one is bad for fish. Suitable for feeding:

  1. lettuce leaves;
  2. dandelion;
  3. cucumber;
  4. bloodworm;
  5. daphnia;
  6. chopped shrimp.

Be careful when adding feed. Overfeeding fish does not go unnoticed; uneaten food particles rot in the water.


Not a gregarious species, but it is optimal to keep platies with representatives of their own species or family:

  1. guppy;
  2. mollies;
  3. swordsmen.

Get along well with other fish:

  1. tetras;
  2. catfish;
  3. zebrafish;
  4. scalars.

Predatory large cichlids will become bad neighbors.


The inhabitants of the aquarium are easy to breed. No special conditions are required. The appearance of offspring can occur unplanned in the general aquarium. Add three females to one male, such a ratio will not cause stress to the females.

Differences between a male and a female

Sex is determined in adults. The males are smaller, the color is brighter, the anal fin is transformed into a gonopodium.


The spawning period begins at 8–12 months. A rounded abdomen and a dark spot near the anal fin indicate pregnancy. Increase the female's feeding up to 3-5 times a day. The fish bear offspring for 28–30 days, giving birth to up to 50 fry. Before giving birth, transfer the pregnant female to another aquarium or jar, ensuring her peace of mind. Add plants from the community aquarium. Childbearing is repeated in a month.


In viviparous fish, fry appear mature and independent. Parents eat the offspring, so it is better to plant the fry or provide the aquarium with shelters. Juveniles require clean water. Feed your fish food pulverized into dust:

  1. egg yolk;
  2. dry food;
  3. special food for fry;
  4. pipe worker.

After a month, the fry are transferred to adult feed, and after three months they are seated in different aquariums by gender.


Fish are distinguished by strong immunity. If not kept properly, fish are susceptible to disease.

Fin rot

It affects the outer cover of fish and internal organs. Ulcers are visible on the body, it goes. The disease is caused by poor aquarium sanitation.

Ichthyophthiriosis (semolina)

White grains appear on the body of the petsilia, the fish loses its appetite and tries to scratch on the aquarium decorations. very common.


Cotton disease

Infection occurs due to several types of fungi. On the body of the fish, new growths appear, similar to cotton wool. Cause of the disease: decreased immunity from stress or poor quality water.

Living in nature

Fish live in the waters of North and Central America. The natural appearance has a yellow-brown color of the scales. In nature, they feed on insects and algae, do not like reservoirs with a large current.

  1. If overfeeding occurs, immediately remove the excess food with a net from the aquarium.
  2. When purchasing fish food, carefully study the shelf life and storage conditions. Avoid bulk feed.
  3. When breeding fish, select fish of the same species, so the offspring will be thoroughbred.
  4. When spawning, remember that there are many offspring. Make sure you have a large aquarium.
  5. When buying pets from the store, take a close look at the fish. She shouldn't show signs of illness.
  6. You need to gradually introduce new fish into the aquarium. Place the bag in the aquarium for half an hour first, then pour some aquarium water into the shipping bag. Top up the aquarium water gradually.

Pecilia is a beautiful and unpretentious fish that is perfect for beginners. An interesting feature: if the conditions of detention change dramatically, then the fish changes its sex. Thus, the female becomes a male.

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