Home Mushrooms The appearance of Mary in Fatima. The appearance of the mother of God in Fatima. What to do during the pilgrimage

The appearance of Mary in Fatima. The appearance of the mother of God in Fatima. What to do during the pilgrimage

Dear friends and guests of the Music of the Soul blog!

Today I continue to share the memories of my friend Fr. With its emotionality, sincerity, Julia's story won over many. This post is about the impressions of visiting a holy place in Portugal. Before us is another Portuguese miracle - Fatima.

Fatima is a real miracle.

So, Fatima ... A place about which, probably, no one could calmly tell, no matter whether a believer or an atheist, a Christian or a representative of another religion. If a Man has a soul, then this place cannot leave you indifferent. I was fortunate enough to have been there twice. But before I tell you about my acquaintance with Fatima, a little about the history of this place on Earth, about the events (we can safely call them historical) associated with this spiritual place.

The beginning of the 20th century, or rather May 13, 1917. The Portuguese village of Fatima is an unremarkable place. Three rural shepherd children graze sheep. The children are named Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia. A day like any other. The children sat down to rest under an oak tree. Suddenly, they see two flashes in the sky, and above the oak tree appears “a lady, all in white, brighter than the sun” (according to Lucia). The “lady” predicts to children their fate and the fate of the world, she tells them about faith and prayer and promises to come to them every month on the 13th. According to the legend and according to the children, they have seen extraordinary phenomena at this very place before. But the Mother of God appeared to them for the first time.

In June, on the 13th, about 60 adult residents of Fatima also come to the place of this extraordinary phenomenon to check the story of the children. And again, the Mother of God miraculously appears before them, making new predictions, warning, calling for faith. The phenomenon repeats itself many times until October 13, 1917, when about 70,000 people gather in the clearing! It's raining, but after the Virgo disappears, everyone's clothes are dry. There are also several strange phenomena with the sky and the sun, which are not observed anywhere except Fatima.

An interesting fact is that one of the Fatima predictions concerns fate.
Basically, all events have been restored by historians and researchers from the words of eyewitnesses and, of course, three shepherds. Francisco and Jacinta soon died (in 1919 and 1920), and Lucia went to a monastery and lived there all her life until 2005.
The miracle of Fatima is recognized as authentic by the Catholic Church. The place itself is a place of pilgrimage for believers and those who hope for healing and miracles.

If you are lucky enough to visit Portugal, visit this holy place, and I will tell you how it happened to me ...
I was in Portuguese Toresh Noveche not on an excursion, but on a business trip, I participated in an international seminar on educational problems. After lunch, everyone was getting ready somewhere. The organizers said they had prepared a surprise for us. In general, no one knew where they were taking us. We drove merrily. An Italian, a very colorful lady, which is called "lit". They had fun and laughed heartily, trying to figure out where they were taking us. Already approaching Fatima, we were told that now we will visit a place of pilgrimage, which should not be missed once in Portugal.
When you are told about something that you have never heard of and you do not have any information about this, you somehow take it lightly, or something ... So I, not knowing anything about the place that awaited me, did not experienced no tourist thrill. I just enjoyed the moment.
Have arrived. We stopped. We got off the bus and went on foot. The town is small, nothing special in itself. The thought flashed: “And what have we forgotten here ...?”.
We walked along a rather long alley with century-old trees, and a majestic spectacle appeared before us, from which it takes our breath away and comes up to the throat with a lump.

Everything is white: a huge square, a grandiose temple, colonnades. An extraordinary spirit is really felt in this place, this feeling is just in the air. An amazing experience. I don't want to talk about anything here, just be silent and feel the spirituality of this place.
Paths have been made on the square, along which people crawl on their knees, reciting their prayers. The path glistens - so the stone is polished by the knees of believers. It is said that before, when there was neither a square nor a temple, believers walked on their knees to the top of the hill, washing their feet to the point of bleeding. True, I learned all this later, but when I got to Fatima for the first time, I was in a state of some kind of unreality. It's hard to describe.
The camera, then still with film, somehow did not find use for a long time, and then, as if waking up, photography began. You will not believe ... But what happened after, this is reality and again some strange miracle. When, returning home, I developed the film, all the frames from Fatima turned out to be empty ... The pictures were before, there were after, and from there nothing. Probably, it was a sign that I will get there at least one more time. Or maybe Fatima decided that she was in my mind and soul, and that is quite enough.

It was already evening. Everyone gathered on the bus, waited a long time for the departure: one of the colleagues from Romania was lost))). While the leaders of our group were looking for her, the bus was silent at first. This amazing feeling of something great overwhelmed everyone. And then the bus began to speak in multilingual polyphony, melodiously, in different languages, but in some amazing unity ...

Several years have passed. I got there again, already more prepared for this meeting. I also took photographs, looked at everything again, more calmly, not choking on the ocean of emotions. I also bought a souvenir. By the way, souvenirs are sold there only in one single place, far from the temple, which in our age of total commerce deserves praise and respect ...

The Miracle of Fatima is another Portuguese miracle, truly great and majestic. But for me the miracles in this country continued, and the most extraordinary of them was waiting for me, a few months later, when I came to Portugal for the second time. But I'll tell you about all this next time. The Portuguese miracle continues.

For those who are interested in this amazing phenomenon - the Miracle of Fatima in Portugal, I suggest watching a short video "Three Secrets of Fatima" It's interesting!


April - October 1915

Spring 1916

We had barely begun to play when a strong gust of wind suddenly shook the trees and a light appeared above them, whiter than the first snow. As he approached, he assumed the appearance of a young man, transparent and radiant. He spoke: “Do not be afraid, I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me "... He knelt on the ground, bent low and said three times: “Lord God, I believe, bow, hope and love you. I apologize from you for all those who do not believe, do not bow, do not hope and do not love you "... Then he got up and said: “Pray like this. The hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to your prayer "

After that, the vision disappeared. The children memorized this prayer, and did not tell anyone about what they saw:

We felt the divine presence so clearly, so close, that we did not even dare to speak to each other. The next day, we still felt the same way. And only gradually this feeling disappeared. None of us spoke about this phenomenon or agreed to keep it secret. It in itself stamped our lips. This experience was so personal that it was already difficult to just say at least a word.

Summer 1916

The children were playing under a fig tree when the same figure appeared again.

Pray more. There are plans in the hearts of Jesus and Mary for you. Continually turn to them your most earnest prayers and sacrifices.

But how can we perform sacrifices?

Offer everything you have as a sacrifice to our Lord, as a reparation for the sins with which he is so deeply offended, and as a supplication for the conversion of sinners. It will bring peace to your country. I am the guardian angel of Portugal. And more than that, accept and bear humbly all the sufferings that the Lord will send you.

“I don’t know what happened to me, - said after one of the girls. - I can neither speak, nor play, nor sing. I don’t have the strength to do anything ” .

Autumn 1916

Before disappearing, he once again lay down on the ground and repeated this prayer. The children decided that it was the angel who gave the sacrament to Lucia.

May 13, 1917

The children saw a flash in the sky twice. Above the oak tree under which they were, they seemed to see a 16-year-old-looking girl materialized in a long white dress with a gold star on the border. Hands folded across the chest held a rosary, a cross and a chain. "It was a lady, all in white, brighter than the sun, pouring out rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal bowl filled with sparkling water, through which the burning rays of the sun penetrate."(Lucia). The children were frightened, but the "lady" beckoned them with her hand with the words: "Do not be afraid, I will not harm you".

Where did you come from?

I came from heaven. - Why did you come down? “Because I want you children to come here on the thirteenth of every month. In October, I will tell you who I am and what I want from you. - Did you really come down from paradise? Can I go to heaven too? - You will be there. - And Jacinta? Will she be there too? - And Jacinta will go to heaven. - And Francisco?

Yes, Francisco will also go to heaven, but he will have to say many prayers first

Asked about two boys who died last year ( "One is already in heaven, and the other is in purgatory"), about the deceased 18-year-old girl Amelia ( "Amelia will be in purgatory until the end of the world."). Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco agreed to the proposal "Give yourself to the Lord and accept all the suffering that he sends down, for the atonement of sins and for the conversion of sinners". "You will suffer a lot, - the vision warned, - but the grace of God will strengthen you. My children, keep reading your prayers as you have done so far. "... It disappeared heading east. Of the three, only Francisco heard nothing.

Apparently June 13, 1917

On the appointed day, they appeared in Cova de Iria, where there were about 60 people, among whom was Lucia's father. The children knelt by the oak tree and began to read prayers along the rosary. Lucia said: “You ordered me to come today. What do you want me to do?"... Everyone saw Lucia get up, stretching out her hand to the east side with a shout: "There she is!"... In that place, as if there was a noticeable white cloud and movement in the branches bent to the east.

The children saw fire in the sky. Lucia was instructed to learn to read and write, and more:

I want you to come back here next month. Now say your prayer and after every ten add: “Oh, Lord, forgive us sinners. Save us from hellfire and bring our souls to paradise, especially those who need your mercy the most. "

August 13, 1917

Incomplete 18 thousand people gathered at the appointed place, but the children did not come. It turned out that the village headman had locked them up and kept them in his house. Lightning appeared in the clear sky, a luminous cloud appeared over the oak tree. A few minutes later the cloud disappeared, and the clouds turned crimson, red, pink, yellow, blue ... "Colored light like a rainbow on earth", "Clouds around the sun, casting light of different shades on people", "Falling flowers"... A certain Manuel Pedro Martu subsequently swore allegiance to the church commission that he noticed "In the clouds a glowing rotating ball" .

August 19, 1917

The children were released to graze the sheep near Aljushtrel, when they felt the cold, the sun turned yellowish, and everything lit up with rainbow colors. There was a radiance in the center of which something in white and gold appeared to the children and said that on October 13 they would be able to see the "lady" for the last time. Baby "Souls were filled with delight", the ghost commanded "Make sacrifices for sinners" and then flew east with a roar.

September 13, 1917

About 30 thousand people came to the place and read prayers from the rosary. At noon, the sun became less bright, and a luminous ball began to descend from the east, white "petals" fell down, disappearing as they approached the earth. Lucia asked for a miracle to convert unbelievers, but the "lady" said: "I will heal some of them, but not all of them, because the Lord does not believe them."... A miracle was promised in October.

October 13, 1917

Described by Professor Almeida Garrett of the University of Coimbra:

It was raining very hard ... Suddenly a ray of the sun broke through the dense clouds, and everyone began to look in that direction ... The object looked like a disk with very clear contours. It shone brightly, but did not dazzle. I didn't get the impression, like some others, that the object was a dull silver. Rather, its changing color can be compared to pearl ... The disc looked like a well-polished metal object ... I do not resort to poetic hyperboles at all, since I saw everything with my own eyes ... And this disc suddenly began to unfold, spinning faster and faster ... Suddenly the crowd issued a scream of horror. The continuously rotating "sun", changing its color to blood-red, rushed like a stone to the ground, threatening to crush everyone with its terrible weight ...

The children claimed that they saw the Mother of God (with a child in her arms, who said: "The war will end soon and the soldiers will return home") and Joseph, Lucia also appeared Christ in red, who blessed the crowd.


After the first meeting with the ghostly "lady", Jacinta let her mother know about her observations, and the children were ridiculed. Their parents did not believe them, Lucia was even beaten. On August 14-17, 1917, the village headman interrogated the children together and separately, but did not find any contradictions in their stories. "Either you tell the truth, - he got angry, - or I'll fry you alive in a red-hot frying pan "... This did not affect their testimony in any way. Lucia later said: "Of course, I thought that he would do what he said, and I would die in a frying pan, but I could not betray the secrets and surrendered myself into the hands of the Mother of God." .

The case was recognized by the Catholic Church after 13 years of investigation, which concluded in 1930:

The solar phenomenon on October 13, 1917, described in the press of that time, was an amazing event and made a huge impression on those who had the good fortune to observe it ... This phenomenon, which has not been recorded by any astronomical observatory and therefore has no natural origin, was observed by people categories and different social groups, believers and non-believers, journalists of the largest Portuguese newspapers and even people who were a few kilometers from this place. This rules out any explanation of the phenomenon as a fact of collective illusion.

The children did not tell all the details of their visions; some testimonies were assigned to them later. In particular, in 1960, the Bishop of Leiria reported that one day the children thought not to go because of the persecution from others, but changed their minds. The "lady" showed them, as it seemed to them, the underworld and said:

To save them, the Lord wants to establish in the world the worship of a new Immaculate Heart. If people do as I ask, many will convert and live in peace. This war will end, but if people do not finish offending the Lord, a little time will pass and in the time of Pius XI another war, more terrible, will begin. When you see how the night shines with a light unknown to you, then know that this is a sign of the Lord ... To prevent this, I will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to the sacrament of my Immaculate Heart and communion in atonement on the first Saturdays. If my request is heard, Russia will apply. If not, she will spread her sins throughout the world, causing wars and slaughter of the church.

Lucia Abobora later became a Carmelite, some of the prophecies she received were classified by the Vatican. In the spring of 1981, a terrorist hijacked and hijacked a British airliner to France, vainly demanding that the Vatican release them.

Other explanations


Dispersion of sunlight

In the book of V.A.Mezentsev "Encyclopedia of Miracles" there is a report on the observation of the sun from Kiev through the chimney with the help of a smoked glass, as a result of which it was possible to see how the sun shimmers with multi-colored rays. This observation explains, according to the author, the visions in Fatima.

see also

Notes (edit)


  • The Spirituality of Fatima

Many experts are sure that in 1917 in Fatima tens of thousands of people observed the phenomenon of not the Mother of God, but a UFO

Mikhail GERSHTEIN, Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society.
Komsomolskaya Pravda, May 30, 31, 2007

2007 marks the 90th anniversary of the so-called Fatima Miracle - events that the Catholic Church considers almost the most amazing in the entire twentieth century. According to their classical interpretation, the Holy Virgin Mary - starting from May 1917 - several times descended from heaven to Earth and talked with people (see "KP" dated February 14, 21, 2005, May 15 this year).

Nowadays, several thousand pilgrims come to the place of the appearance of "Our Lady" in the Portuguese village of Fatima, located 150 kilometers from Lisbon.

Three children - ten-year-old Lucia and her cousin 9-year-old Francisco and cousin 7-year-old Jacinta - were the first to witness the miracle. And later they assured that they saw exactly the Virgin Mary. They were echoed by other eyewitnesses, describing the "angels" as well. Researchers scrutinized their evidence. And they came to the conclusion that they are almost no different from the stories of those who have seen UFOs and aliens today.

First visit

Portuguese scholars have taken up the archives of local newspapers. And it turned out: two years before the well-known events of Fatima, in April 1915, Lucia told her parents that she saw "a man without a head and arms wrapped in a veil." Three other guys later specified that it was "a man without a head flying in the air, dressed in white." But the church does not in any way link this meeting with the miracle at Fatima.

Once they noticed a "transparent cloud" with a human figure inside. Another time they felt a strong gust of wind and saw a pale light streaming towards them. There was someone "handsome and young" inside the glow. This happened three times. Although the creature did not give any hints as to who it was, the children assumed it was an angel flying.

And here is "Maria"

On May 13, 1917, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta saw flashes of light coming from the Cova da Iria valley and ran to see what was there. Everything shone in the valley. There was a bright ball hanging there. And the beam from above seemed to be focused on a female figure standing on the branches of a tree.

She looked far from what the Virgin Mary is depicted on the statues that flooded Fatima today. In their first interviews, the guys told reporters that they saw a very beautiful woman with black eyes, height ... only about a meter. She was dressed in white. On the woman's head was something covering her ears and hair, on her neck - a necklace, and on her waist - a luminous ball. It appeared instantly, as if it had fallen from the sky, but it disappeared little by little, as if it had been erased. The woman's face was completely motionless, even her lips did not move as she spoke. The only part of her body that she moved a little was her arms.

According to Lucia, "she shone brighter than the sun, emitting a sparkling light that was purer and richer than the reflections of crystal filled with sparkling water, pierced by the rays of the brightest sun."

The woman spoke to the children, ordering them to return here on the 13th of the next month at 11 am. “In October, I’ll tell you who I am and what I want,” she added. When Lucia asked the woman where she was from, she "pointed to heaven, saying that she was from there."

The clouds are buzzing

On June 13, 50-60 people came with their children, hoping to see the stranger with their own eyes. No one doubted: if children tell the truth, it is none other than the Virgin Mary herself.

This time, although the woman, according to the children, appeared as promised, only they saw her. Only Lucia spoke to her. Most pilgrims heard something like the buzzing of bees or a working electric generator - characteristic sounds when a UFO hovers, ufologists emphasize.

Many saw a strange cloud or fog where the "Virgin" stood, felt a decrease in temperature and a decrease in light, as if something prevented the sun's rays from falling. The cloud flew away, moving against the wind.

“When it left the tree, there was a sound reminiscent of the roar of a car starting in the distance,” recalled the witness Maria da Capella. - Lucia instantly jumped up and shouted with outstretched hands: “Look, here she is leaving! Here she is leaving! " But we saw nothing but a small cloud that rose from the tree and retreated very slowly to the east until it was completely out of sight.

The number of eyewitnesses is growing

On July 13, 1917, about 5,000 people gathered in Cova da Iria. During the conversation between "Virgo" and Lucia, the phenomena of the last month were repeated: a cloud, and a buzzing, and a sharp cold snap. The latter, however, became more noticeable: some people froze.

The "Virgin" again instructed Lucia to come exactly one month later, reminding that in October she "will show a great miracle, and everyone will believe."

Few people know that, in addition to the three children who saw the "woman" and were recognized by the church, there were two more. Carolina Correira, who was 12 years old in 1917, was interviewed in time. She saw the "woman" after school hours - July 28, together with another boy.

The mother did not believe her daughter, thinking that Carolina was lying, although she trusted other eyewitness children. She told about the incident of Lucia. She explained: Carolina also saw a supernatural creature, but it was only an "angel", not a "woman" with whom she met.

Not knowing how to squeeze Carolina's account of the July 28 contact into the church version, the priests left only a brief mention of this story in the eyewitness reports.


On August 13, authorities banned children from coming to Cova da Iria, locking them up in a local prison just in case. Nevertheless, 20,000 people have already gathered in the vicinity of Fatima. It was assumed that there would be no phenomena without children, but they were mistaken.

There was a crash, a flash of light flashed in the sky. Then it changed color. Several clouds near the sun turned pink, blue and yellow, the earth lit up with all the colors of the rainbow. It became colder and darker, "like during an eclipse." A strange cloud appeared over the place where "Virgo" had appeared earlier. Hanging for about ten minutes, it rose into the sky, where "something like a luminous ball" was flying.

Then fell "falling flowers" - some whitish fibers that melted before reaching the ground. In ufology, this phenomenon is known as "angel hair": it sometimes falls from the sky after a UFO flyby.

On August 19, after the children were released from prison, the "Virgin" appeared to them on the branches of a tree in Valinhos, two kilometers from Cova da Iria. Once again she promised a miracle on October 13 and slowly withdrew eastward with a booming rumble.

The change in illumination at this time was seen in Fatima itself: the sun first turned yellow, then began to sparkle in different colors.

Believers and unbelievers

On September 13, a crowd of 30,000 gathered in Cova da Iria. There were many skeptics among them, including priests, who believed that mass hysteria gripped those susceptible to self-hypnosis. And children have hallucinations. Or they are deceiving everyone.

Skeptical observers stood at a distance, not wanting to mingle with the crowd of believers. But they saw the same thing: a fireball hovering over a tree, multi-colored clouds, cooling and darkening.

Seminarist Joel Magno saw “an oval object, like an egg, but wider”, pointed downward.

John Quarryman of England recalled: “To my surprise, I saw quite clearly and clearly how a dazzling ball of light moved from east to west, slowly sliding through the air. My friend also observed all this. Suddenly the ball disappeared from our field of vision. "

If we did not know that we are talking about the "fiery chariot of the Mother of God", then we can easily assume that this is an excerpt from the story about the next appearance of a UFO.

Priest João Quaresma, who later became the chief vicar of Leiria, the parish to which Fatima belongs, recalled: “With great amazement, distinctly and clearly I saw a luminous ball moving from east to west ... Suddenly it disappeared along with its unusual glow. Nearby was a girl dressed like Lucia and about the same age. She shouted joyfully: "I can still see him, I can still see! .. Here he goes down ..."

When the vision ended, large "petals" fell from the sky, which, contrary to the laws of perspective, became smaller and smaller as they approached.

Lucia again saw the creature in the ball. A dialogue took place between them again. Then the sparkling ball rose and disappeared into the Sun.

UFO dives into the crowd

On October 13, 70,000 people gathered to see the miracle. And everyone saw how the children-contactees were enveloped in a white cloud. Then it rose to a height of 5 - 6 meters and dispersed. This was repeated three times. But it was just a prelude.

Suddenly, the pouring rain stopped just as abruptly. The heavy clouds parted. And there was a "sun" - a sparkling disk, which rapidly rotated around its axis and "scattered multicolored rays in all directions."

The object was high in the sky, almost at the zenith, while the real sun at this time was below 45 degrees above the horizon in the southern side of the sky (azimuth 173 °).

Nearby in the car was a professor at the University of Coimbra, Almeida Garrett, who presented the phenomenon as follows:

“I turned and saw the 'sun' in the form of a clearly outlined disk that did not tire the eyes. I heard it described in Fatima itself as dull silver. No, the color was brighter, livelier, richer, with tints like a pearl. ... The "Sun" was not spherical like the Moon, it did not have any lunar shades or chiaroscuro. It looked like a flattened polished disc, as if carved from mother-of-pearl. This is not a cheap comparison in the poetic style: this is how my eyes saw it ... It was clearly outlined, with an edge that stood out like the edge of a checkerboard ... The mother-of-pearl disc seemed to go mad in motion. There were not only brilliant flashes: it spun around itself with unrestrained speed ... Suddenly the crowd began to scream painfully. The continuously revolving "sun", having become blood-red, rushed like a stone to the ground, threatening to crush everyone with its fiery mass. Experiences in these moments were indescribable ... "

12-year-old Albano Barros, who was in a field near Minde, 12 kilometers from Fatima, was stunned to death when he saw a luminous disk falling to the ground: “I can't even remember if I drove the sheep home, or ran away, or something- did anything else. "

Others, sobbing, went home. One woman, many years later, said: "Even today, whenever lightning flashes, I remember what I saw and I get scared."

Another witness, who was away from the scene, was the schoolboy Joachim Lorenzo. They were so shocked that the boy later became a priest. During the miracle, he and his brother were at a distance of 15 kilometers, in the village of Alburitel:

“I looked closely at the 'sun', which seemed pale and did not burn my eyes. Like a snowball, it rotated on its axis. Then suddenly it began to fall in zigzags. Frightened, I ran to the people who were sobbing in anticipation of the end of the world at any moment. It was the crowd gathered around our village school - we all left the classrooms and ran into the street, hearing the screams and surprised exclamations of women and men who were there when the miracle began ...

For long moments, objects around us shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. When people realized that the danger was over, they were overwhelmed with jubilation. "

With this "solar performance" the miracles in Fatima ended. The "Virgo" did not appear again. There are only numerous eyewitness interviews left. They are now being analyzed by experts in an attempt to interpret what thousands of people have observed from the point of view of modern knowledge about anomalous phenomena.

This is how eyewitnesses portrayed the appearance of "Our Lady of Fatima" on October 13, 1917. Only three children saw the Virgin Mary herself. The rest observed only a strange disk in the sky.

So, the first "meeting" took place on May 13, the last - on October 13. As she had promised in advance, on October 13 "Virgin Mary" performed a miracle. He was observed by about 70 thousand people who gathered in a valley near the Portuguese town of Fatima. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses - they were later published by Portuguese newspapers - a huge disk circled above the crowd, shining like the sun. By the way, there were also very educated people in the witnesses, for example, Professor of the University of Coimbra Almeida Garrett. He left a very detailed description of what happened, and there is no reason not to trust him.

It rained that day. But when the luminous disk appeared, people's clothes soaked through and through quickly dried up. Already in our time, analyzing all the surviving memories, Professor Fina d "Armada and ufologist Joachim Fernandez plotted the places where the eyewitnesses stood, and were shocked: all people who felt the thermal effect stood along a narrow curved strip 70 meters wide, passing across the field, outside of this strip, people remained wet.

But the impact on technology was felt much further. All cars near Fatima stalled, as is often the case in the presence of UFOs. Two teachers from a nearby university then were even more unlucky: when their car drove up to Cova da Iria, her engine caught fire. The men could not find the cause of the fire: everything was in order, there were no interruptions in the operation of the engine. Having somehow extinguished the flame, they drove on. But after a few kilometers, the windshield shattered into thousands of fragments, the hood was ripped off altogether. The shocked drivers did not manage to get into Cova da Iriya, deciding that this was God's punishment for doubting the reality of the "miracle".

Finá d'Armada and Fernández compare this story, published in the Liberdade newspaper on October 20, 1917, with more recent UFO sightings. For example, in November 1957, when a huge object flew over a car in Provence, its engine caught fire. when the windshields were destroyed in the presence of UFOs, but the ripped off hood remains something unique.

Another incident occurred with a "well-known mechanic" from Santarem. He had just left Fatima when “the car suddenly stopped, although its engine was running. For a moment I had the feeling that the front of the car started to lift off the ground, but then it started to go again. "

The next day, the mechanic disassembled the engine and found nothing suspicious. But the car wouldn't start. Only 15 days later the motor started working in the same strange way. The mechanic himself and his friends considered it to be a "warning from the Virgin Mary."

Investigation of Professor d "Armada

After examining one hundred eyewitness accounts, Fina d'Armada calculated that 78 percent of them considered what they saw as the sun or similar to the sun, while 13 percent claimed that the object was in the form of a disk. was “like a plate of dull silver.” It looks like there were other UFOs in the sky besides the disk (“sun”) on October 13. A letter sent to the Correio da Beira newspaper and published on November 10, 1917 describes the “silver ball” , which swirled in the clouds. “It happened three times,” wrote Mrs Jota, “at intervals of about 3-4 minutes.” She considered this phenomenon a “rehearsal or prelude” to the movements of the sun!

Some of the people gathered at Fatima saw human figures near or within the "sun". Lucia also stated during an official church poll that she saw Saint Joseph standing to the left of the sun. However, in an interview, which Lucia gave just a few days later, she said only that she saw "a human-like figure next to the sun." Then she told the editor of the newspaper O Messaggero: "I did not distinguish clearly, rather it seemed to me that I was seeing the face of a man and a child." Many years later, she went much further, saying that she was not entirely sure, but the figures gave her the impression that it was Joseph and the baby Jesus.

Republica also wrote that several viewers "saw the figure of a Virgo in the shining of the ball of the sun." Antonio Vieira Amado from Alquedo da Serra "said that he saw the sun very clearly, and inside it there are three figures."

The only surviving picture taken during the "solar miracle" is not of high quality. However, two luminous bodies are visible on it at once - apparently, a UFO and a real sun, hidden behind clouds and some kind of veil created in the atmosphere. What exactly was blocking the sun, lowering the temperature during the appearance of the "Virgin", we now hardly know.

"Secrets of Fatima"

Two children, Francisco and Jacinta, soon died from the "Spanish flu" - a flu epidemic that mowed down millions of people. Lucia escaped this fate, but you really cannot envy her: she spent a long life in a monastery. Over time, stories about what she saw in 1917 began to acquire more and more colorful features. By the time Lucia took up her memoirs, the discrepancies with her own stories in 1917 and 1923 had become enormous. The number of visions and "revelations" in memoirs has almost doubled. What belongs to her, and what belongs to the pious editors, is now no longer clear.

In a letter to the priest Gonçalves, Lucia mentioned the censorship through which all her letters go through: “I have long wanted to write to you, but many things prevented me from doing it. The main thing was censorship. It seemed to me a waste of your time to write, let alone what should be said, but it was impossible to write it under censorship. "

Sister Lucia died on February 13, 2005 at the age of 97, writing down new "revelations of the Virgin Mary" until her death. Even the Carmelite nuns no longer believed that she was communicating with someone other than her exorbitant self, who had grown up over the years of veneration and adoration.

Worship ... aliens?

Fatima is now visited by millions of pilgrims who have transformed the impoverished village into a magnificent complex of temples and palaces. This brings the local church an annual income of 55-60 million dollars from the sale of all kinds of relics. It is clear that the Vatican does not need research that could undermine the Catholic version of events, but the evidence, recorded in 1917, could no longer be hidden.

“The Virgin Mary can be dressed in golden clothes and dazzlingly smile at children, but the technology that“ she ”uses is indistinguishable from that used by the gods and goddesses of other peoples and dialects,” noted the ufologist Jacques Vallee. "It is indistinguishable from the technology that accompanies the UFO phenomenon."

“The Fatima incident should be regarded as ufological,” says Spanish ufologist Chris Obeck. - Most of the misunderstandings came from the later writings of the main eyewitnesses, who were heavily influenced by the Catholic Church, and she later edited them. When the children talked about their contact on May 13, 1917, they did not even say that they saw the Virgin Mary, and did not attach any religious significance to it at all ... and so it turns out that all sightings from June to October 1917 have typical characteristics of UFO sightings ".


What was it?

Catholics are convinced that the "miracle at Fatima" is a divine phenomenon. Orthodox clergy who studied these events, for example, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) and Hierodeacon Macarius (Petanov), author of the book "The Spiritual Fabric of Fatima Phenomena", consider them, on the contrary, to be the tricks of demons. The position of ufologists is also clear - aliens. But what about an atheist, who, moreover, has no evidence of aliens visiting the Earth? If we rely only on indisputable facts, then it turns out that in 1917 for six months in a row and every time on the 13th (!), Some atmospheric events took place in the sky near Fatima, for which there are no explanations to this day. There is only one version: in the report of the British Ministry of Defense on the study of the nature of UFOs, declassified last year, scientific experts put forward a version that plasma clots sometimes appear in the earth's atmosphere (see the weekly "KP" of July 20, 2006 and the website www.kp.ru ). The nature and reasons for their appearance are still unknown to scientists. But the modern public takes this plasma for a UFO. Perhaps something similar happened in Fatima. True, this version also has a weak point. How could it happen that these natural phenomena were repeated for six months on the 13th of every month?

On February 13, the nun Lucia de Jesus dos Santos, better known as the "Fatima prophetess", died in Portugal. She didn't live to see her 98th birthday in just over a month. However, the main events of her life took place almost 88 years ago.
On May 13, 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared near the city of Fatim in Portugal to 10-year-old Lucia and her cousin Francisco (7 years old) and sister Jacinte (9 years old). The Mother of God promised the children that for several months in a row, on the 13th, she would appear and say what she wants to tell the world.
There were six such "meetings". The unusual events were investigated by emissaries of the Vatican. Volumes of testimony have been collected. And everything that happened was recognized as a "wonderful reality."
In 1919, Lucia's cousin, Jacinta, fell ill and died, in 1920, her brother Francisco, and Lucia decided to devote herself to God. And she went to the monastery. In 1927, Sister Lucia revealed to her confessor two prophecies of the Mother of God. One of them directly concerned Russia. The last prophecy was revealed five years ago by Pope John Paul II.

Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima

All of them took place in 1917 in the Fatima suburb of Koi d'Orvo. Francisco only saw, but did not hear the words of the Mother of God. Jacinta saw and heard. Lucia saw, heard and could answer.

First - May 13, around noon
Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco graze sheep. The children's attention was attracted by two flashes of light like lightning. And on top of a young oak tree, they saw a glowing woman. From the memoirs of Lucia, written with his own hand: "Lady in all white, shining like the sun ... The expression of a beautiful face was neither sad nor joyful, but serious, with an expression of mild reproach. Hands turned up. In the right - a rosary." Later, on leading questions from the priests, Lucia said that she could not see either hair or facial features because of the bright light.

Virgin Mary: "Do not be afraid, I wish you no harm."
Lucia: "Where are you from, Lady?"
D. M .: "I am from Heaven. (And raised her finger up.)
L .: "What do you want?"
DM: "I have come to ask you to come here for six months in a row, on the 13th at the same hour."
L.: "Will I go to Heaven?"
D. M .: "Yes, you will."
L .: "And Jacinta?"
D. M .: "Too".
L.: "And Francisco?"
D. M .: "Same. But he must pray with a rosary" ...

Then, according to Lucia, the Virgin Mary began to rise smoothly and disappeared into the eastern side of the sky.

Second - June 13
The children again saw something that looked like lightning. Together with them came about fifty people who watched not lightning, but, on the contrary, a kind of clouding of the atmosphere. And the top of the oak bent as if under the weight. The Mother of God was seen only by children. The rest heard only strange sounds, similar to the buzzing of bees. Lucia asked for the healing of a woman in their village.

D. M .: "If she turns, she will recover within a year."
L .: "I would like to ask you to take us to Heaven."
DM: "Yes, I will bring Jacinta and Francesca there very soon. You will stay. Jesus wants you to help people recognize and love me."

Witnesses claimed that the branches of the oak tree bent eastward for several hours after the children announced that the Virgin Mary was gone.

The father of Jacinta and Francisco claimed that he clearly heard a sound like the buzzing of bees in an empty hive, and then a bright ray of light fell on the young oak tree.

L.: "I would like to ask you to perform a miracle so that everyone will believe."
DM: "Keep coming every month. In October I will work a miracle."

Then the Mother of God showed pictures of hell and told how to avoid getting there. It was at that time that she, according to Lucia, made her prophecies. If the Portuguese children Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia (left to right) invented their own story, then it must be recognized as the greatest hoax of the twentieth century.

Fourth - 13 - 19 August

The news of the Virgin Mary spread, and thousands of pilgrims rushed to Fatim. To avoid unrest, the authorities took the clairvoyant children to another city, to their relatives. However, at the appointed hour, numerous witnesses gathered near Fatim heard thunder, saw lightning, and a cloud hung over the tree. And Lucia and Jacinta later claimed that the Virgin Mary came to them about a week later. They could not remember the exact date. This time the Mother of God announced that a chapel should be built with the money that the pilgrims left under the commemorative oak tree.

About 20 thousand people gathered in the field. Witnesses noted a sharp cooling, the extinction of sunlight was so strong that for a moment it was possible to see the stars, and then, on the contrary, a strong flash and a luminous ball moving from east to west.

L.: "I was given a lot of things that should be asked of you. And also - people say that I am a liar and deserve a gallows or a fire. Do a miracle ..."
DM: "Yes, I will heal some, but others will not. In October I will perform a miracle so that everyone will believe."
L .: "People gave me two letters for you and a bottle of cologne."
DM: "It is completely useless for Heaven."

In anticipation of the announced miracle, from 50 to 70 thousand pilgrims gathered. At the appointed hour, a luminous cloud appeared over the tree. The Mother of God advised her to pray daily and identified herself. And then miracles began.
Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta claimed that they saw the Holy Family in heaven. The Mother of God was clothed in a white and blue veil. Saint Joseph was also in white, and the baby Jesus was in bright red. Joseph and Jesus blessed the crowd by tracing a cross three times in the sky.
The rest had a different vision. It was raining and the sky was covered with clouds. Suddenly the clouds parted and the sun came out. Extraordinarily bright, but not blind. The luminary began to move rapidly across the sky, describing a circle. Then it turned red so that everything on the ground turned crimson. The phenomenon lasted for about 10 minutes, and during this time many wet clothes dried out.

Three predictions

World War II

"The war (World War I - Ed.) Will end, but the insults of God will not stop, and under Pius XI another war will begin, much worse. When you see the night illuminated by an unknown radiance, know that this is a great sign that God sends to to proclaim that with this war, hunger, persecution, He will punish the world for crimes. "

The miracle at Fatima inspired many artists as much as classical biblical subjects.

An interpretation of the prophecy by the Catholic historian writer Antonio Borelli:

Pope Pius XI was the head of the Catholic Church from 1922 to 1939. The war officially began on September 1, 1939, after his death. But the first "sparks" flared up earlier - in 1938 Hitler annexed Austria to Germany, in 1935-1936 Mussolini captured Ethiopia, there was a civil war in Spain, and Soviet troops clashed with the Japanese at Khalkhin Gol. By "unknown aurora" Catholics mean the strong aurora visible throughout Europe on the night of January 26, 1938.

The fate of Russia

"... Another war will begin ... To prevent this, I will ask for the dedication of Russia to My Immaculate Heart ... If my requests are answered, Russia will turn and peace will come, if not, then it will spread its delusions throughout the world, sowing in it there are wars and persecutions against the Church; the righteous will become martyrs ... many nations will be destroyed. But in the end My Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, which will be converted, and peace will be given for a while. "

Dedication to "the heart of the Virgin Mary" is a special ceremony performed personally by the head of the Catholic Church. The people, family or group of people who were "dedicated" to this or that saint are obliged to especially honor him, - explains Antonio Borelli. - Until the beginning of the 1990s, the "delusions of Russia" were associated with the spread of communism across the planet, which entailed the oppression of priests. Therefore, after the nun Lucia addressed Pope Pius XII, he dedicated the peoples of Russia to the Most Pure Heart of Mary in a special apostolic letter in 1952. Another 12 years later, at the request of 510 bishops and archbishops from 78 countries, the next Pope, Paul VI, again dedicated the people of Russia and other countries of the "socialist bloc", as well as "the entire human race" to the Heart of Mary.

Assassination attempt on the Pope

The third prediction of the Mother of God remained for a long time known only to the chosen church hierarchs. And only in 2000, Pope John Paul II said that the "prophecy of Fatima" warned the highest hierarch of the Catholic Church about the impending assassination attempt. It really happened in 1981, when a Turkish terrorist shot at the Pope. It happened on May 13, on the anniversary of the first appearance of Our Lady of Fatima. And exactly a year later, the recovered Pope went to Fatim and put the bullet removed from his body on the altar of the temple built in the place of the appearance of the Virgin Mary back in 1917.

05/13/1917 (new Art.). - The first appearance of the Mother of God to three shepherdesses in the Portuguese village of Fatima

"The third secret" in Fatima

First, let us recall the history and meaning of the Fatima appearance of the Mother of God.

On May 13, 1917 (April 30, Old Style), the Mother of God appeared to three shepherdesses near the Portuguese village of Fatima; this phenomenon was repeated six times on the 13th day of each month (that is, on the last day of each previous month according to the old style) until October, with an increasing crowd of people. The latter phenomenon was accompanied by the "dance of the sun", witnessed by tens of thousands of people and reported by all Portuguese newspapers. (All these phenomena occur between the arrival in Russia in April and.)

First, the Mother of God showed the children the torment of sinners in hell as a warning and a call to repentance, which was later called the "first secret" of Fatima. The "second secret" was a prediction if people would not repent; to prevent war, She called for "dedicating Russia to the Mother of God." For this reason, some Orthodox Christians do not believe in the authenticity of the Fatima phenomenon, believing that the Mother of God would not entrust this matter to heretics-Catholics; However, Her words, transmitted by children according to their own understanding, can be understood in such a way that Catholics should give Russia to the Mother of God as Her lot and not claim our conversion to Catholicism. Further, the Mother of God informed the Western peoples through these children that only Russia's turning to the true path would bring salvation to the world, otherwise Russia would "spread its false teachings throughout the whole world, and this would cause wars and persecution of the Church."

In fact, it was an attempt to open the eyes of Western people to the unique role of Russia as a "retainer" (in the sense of the words of the Apostle Paul in 2 Thess. 2) with a call to help its restoration - for the whole world.

However, the Vatican interpreted the words of the Mother of God as the need to convert Russia to Catholicism. The Pope even tried to take advantage of the Bolshevik defeat of the Church to conclude an agreement with the Soviet government to establish Catholic structures on the ruins of Orthodoxy. Cardinal d'Erbigny showed particular zeal in this direction. And the Russian exarch of the Catholic Church of the Eastern Rite L. Fedorov in 1923 declared that “Catholics breathed freely when it happened ... Russian Catholics felt happy” (see: Protod. German Ivanov-Thirteenth. "The Russian Orthodox Church facing the West").

The Vatican took the fall of the communist regime in Russia in the same spirit, starting its expansion on Russian soil. In 1996-1997 Catholics carried the statue of the Mother of God of Fatima to their parishes in Russia - all with the same purpose of spreading Catholicism ...

And now a new stage has begun in the history of the Epistle of Fatima.

On June 26, 2000, the Vatican announced the publication of the "third secret" of the Mother of God, which was recorded in 1944 by the nun Lucia, the last surviving girl who was the Mother of God. For some reason, this secret was kept secret by the Vatican until recently.

Finally, the published text describes the ascent of bishops, priests and monks up the mountain with a rough cross installed on its top. At the same time, "The Holy Father passed through a large city, which was dilapidated, and trembling, with shaky steps, suppressed by pain and cares, prayed for the souls of people whose corpses he met along the way. Climbing the mountain, he knelt at the cross. Here he was. killed by a group of soldiers who shot at him with firearms and arrows. Similarly, other bishops, priests, monks and various secular persons, men and women of different classes and social positions died one after another ... "

In the interpretation of this picture, representatives of the Vatican rejected its eschatological significance; they attributed this vision to the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981 ("Fatima ruft", 2000, Nr. 166, 167), for which a special press conference was called. It is only incomprehensible why the Vatican kept this "secret" for so long under cover after its "implementation"? And where in Italy in the twentieth century could one see a dilapidated city with the corpses of Christians of different classes killed for their faith?

It is unlikely that this vision is generally suitable for any Western European country in the twentieth century. The main country that was discussed in the previous part of the Fatima message was Russia. And the described picture is quite consistent with what the Bolsheviks did with (most likely he was poisoned) and with the Russian clergy, nobility, officers, strong religious peasantry in the 1920s-1930s.

At the same time, of course, one must take into account that divine warnings and prophecies can be applied to different events at different times, being fulfilled incrementally. In Russia in the twentieth century there was a "dress rehearsal" of the Apocalypse. But we know that sooner or later the predicted events of the end of history will occur when humanity loses the possibility of replenishing the Kingdom of God with worthy people and thereby loses its right to exist in the eyes of God - then the continuation of history will become meaningless. The "third secret" of Fatima, undoubtedly, has to do with these last times, in which we are predicted once again fierce persecution of Christians.

Note also that many ordinary Catholics-laity do not share his proposed interpretation of the "third secret" of Fatima, believing that it may refer to future times ("Fatima ruft", Nr. 167, S. 5).

And the fact that the Vatican does not want to think about this, profaning the Fatima Epistle to please the ecumenical pope and his liberalizing entourage, who have already reached the "common messiah" with anti-Christian Jews, is another deviation of the Vatican from the spiritual meaning of the Fatima call.

"Let no one seduce you in any way"

In some Orthodox publications one could find sympathetic opinions about the so-called Fatima phenomena of 1915-1917, which were in Portugal in the town of Cova da Iria. This sympathy is based on the fact that in the context of the Fatima events Russia is mentioned, "Russia's appeal". But what is the context itself? Does he leave us grounds for sympathy with these references? How grounded are the hopes for any kind of "understanding" with Catholicism about Fatima, which have already had some public resonance (Fatima-Moscow teleconference October 13, 1991) What really happened? What are the signs of the Fatima phenomena? Let's try to figure it out. ...

people don’t believe it’s terrible don’t repent I judge by yourself Well you don’t judge by yourself

We are talking about the activities of the Vatican to transform Little Russia into Ukraine and split with Russia and expel the Russian Orthodox Church from the territory of Ukraine. Russia is the holy land, the House of the Mother of God, i.e. the property of the Son. To consecrate means to separate, to stop stealing from God, to split the country to propagandize brotherly hatred, for the sake of their own purposes, to blaspheme the Will of God and Himself. Who doubts, learn history and read the constitution of Ukraine 35 article

I think, in particular - on the basis of reading the sources indicated below - that the appearance in Fatima is a demonic delusion.

All these are purely demonic tricks.
A little later, something similar happened on the territory
Yugoslavia and elsewhere. But the papists did not promote it.
They decided that the Fatima phenomenon was enough.
MV Nazarov does not give any arguments in favor of the truth of this phenomenon.
It seems that his logic is as follows: among Catholics, and especially Old Catholics, there are "good people"
so the phenomenon may well be true,
and therefore it is true.
After all, to what obscuration can one reach if, despite the obvious documentary facts, continue
to venerate the heretic and apostate false patriarch Tikhon (Belavin) as "saints".
If Tikhon is "holy", then there is nothing to be surprised that the "Mother of God" also addresses the Anchikhrist, the Pope of Rome, who, of course, is not a simple erroneous, but a hardened heretic and enemy of Christ.

Careful so that you do not fall into delusion. Not the Fatima phenomenon of deception (the facts do not confirm this), deception is the Catholic interpretation of this phenomenon. Therefore, how would you, together with them, not fall into blasphemy against the Mother of God. Until the blasphemy against St. Patriarch Tikhon has already reached ...

I think that in connection with the signs of the last times and subsequent persecutions, the Roman Church may return to Orthodoxy (Orthodox communities of the Western Rite have already existed in some of our Local Churches for a long time), and the Pope may again take the place of the first among equals. Yes, then it will be too late, the time of great martyrdom will come ...

This is by no means a prediction, just such thoughts came to mind.

I think, on the basis of many read sources, that most of the above unsubscribed have already fallen into delight, into the delight of their own pride and infallibility in their beliefs. How have you become ossified, self-confident, self-confident PEOPLE. Not wanting to believe in anything but written on paper, I will notice I think the Fatima phenomena are worthy of the attention of believers of ANY confession, for they lead to universal peace and equality, you divide the world with such judgments. I agree only with the first comment, everything else is the ossified convictions of bigots and religious fanatics.

It really hurts to read the comments of the staunch followers of the Sergian heresy. But the dawn is near - Russia WILL BECOME a Catholic country, as the Blessed Virgin Mary desired. All that is needed is to properly dedicate Russia to her immaculate heart. This task, however, has already been failed by 5 Holy Fathers, not otherwise the intrigues of the evil one.

Pray and dedicate your hearts to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin!

Rome. 12 May. INTERFAX - Pope Francis and Catholic pilgrims from around the world will arrive on Friday in the Portuguese city of Fatima on the occasion of the centenary of the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to three shepherd children, Vatican Radio reports.

On Saturday, May 13, in front of the Fatima sanctuary, the Pope will celebrate Mass with the rite of canonization of two witnesses to the apparitions of the Mother of God - Francisco and Jacinta.

The essence of the History of Humanity is clearly and on the verge of genius expressed:
"... sooner or later the predicted events of the end of history will occur when mankind loses the possibility of replenishing the Kingdom of God with worthy people and thereby loses its right to exist in the eyes of God - then the continuation of history will become meaningless."

Note: the spelling of the word "meaningless" is APPLIED according to the rules of pre-revolutionary spelling - and not in the mocking form of BES ... (before voiceless consonants, the prefix (serves to form adj. And n.))

To Messrs. Commentators Nikolai (from 2014-01-24), DeusVult (from 2015-06-18) and anonymous * * * (from 2017-05-12) - Catholicism has long been plunged into the cesspool and you want the same for Orthodoxy.
Dear brother Artyom (from 2014-10-11), you got a little excited about the author of the article ... God save me!

Perhaps I am mistaken. But based on what is happening in the Catholic Church (I mean the legalization of same-sex marriage), a conclusion suggests itself. In the Catholic Church for a long time, even before the time of the Inquisition, in all divine services there was and is more politics than holiness and worship of God. Throughout their existence, they have tried to subordinate everything that moves to their will. In order to become the sovereign rulers of everything and everyone. If you pay close attention to their actions, then in everything you can see a program similar to the protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The third secret is 100% proven, but not everyone understands ... According to the Bible and Nostradamus, Russia will be chosen for 7 zodiac months - the leading one on the planet (consider that the Jews are no longer in business ...) If you open the secret, then the Catholic Church will be left without parishioners, income. Not everyone knows about the consecration of Russia to the Mother of God by some popes ... Persecution of Russia as well as of Jesus .... Crucify, crucify .... And disasters will increase constantly on the planet, no one will link events in advance, and some will refuse. But everything is not so simple as it seems to some ...

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